HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960849 Ver 2_Triage Comments_20070404' . Dw ~ ~ Date `'/3/0 7 ' Who Revawai: ~ GJa ~ n w Yr~~ • ~ 1 ~ Plan Detall 7ncomplet® ~ ~ ~ ,~~~ O~ f ~, ~ a. Q e. ~1~~`,-. ^ Plbaseprovide a location map~for tho project. ~ l~ ~, S) ~ : v ~~~ Please show all stream impacts including aI1 SII slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on tho alto plan, 5~ ~~ J . ~ . Please show atl wetland impacts including SII slopes on the site plan. ~ ` a`~• °~ ~~ ~''~` °~ ^ Pleaso indicate a1I buffo impacts on the site plan. ~ ~/eQa.e, i h°,/~oP.e ~ ,.+~.c-~ ~ ~^~~ cam,„~ Please iadiaate proposed lot Iaycut as overlays oa the alto plea. ~'' ~"' ~°'~S ~° • ~•• ~ ~ Q s ~" ' ~~~ ~ e locati. n of therotected buffers as mvorlays oa the site plan. ^ . Ploaae iadicata th 9 P . Please Locate atI isolated. or son-isolated wotlanda, •atreams and othar waters of the State as overlays on the site plan• ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage ' ^ Please locate any planned•eewea lines on the life plan. ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practlc~e as required by QC . ^ Please provide detail far the atonnwater manageanent practices as required by C3C ^ Please specify the percent of projoat iinparviausneea arcs based on the estimated buil~out conditions: • ^ Please indicate all stortnwater~ot}tCslla on the site gtai3. . • ^ Ploaso'indioate the dii~so flow provision measiuos do the site plan. ^ Please indicate,whotha'•ar not theproposoii impaata a]roady boom oorlducted. ~ ' • Avoidance,and/or lhiinimlzatton i~fot Provided ~ ~ ~ ' ' . . ^ • The labeled as _,~ on the plena dons not appear to bo necessary. Please ~oliminate the . or provide additional information~ae to vahy it is necessary for this~project. ; • '[] This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved, or reoonfigurod to avoid the impacts to the ' .Please revise the plena to avoid thq impacts. .. .• [] T1iis'Offico boliev6s• that the . •labeled on the plans ss• can be moved or rocen~lgured to ;minimise flee impacts tp the . ~ . Please revise the plaits to minimize the impa.ots. . ^ The atormwatar discharges ai the location on the plans labeled will.not provide .dii~se flow through the buffer because ~ . • ~ ' . Please Fevise the plane and provide aelculstiona to show that diili~ae'i~ow v-911 be.achieved i~hrough the entirebuffar. If it • - is notpoasiblo to achiovadiflbae flow tiuough.the entire buffar'thea it may bo nooesaaryto' Provide atormwater maasgamrat ' practicce that ranovo ntitrlealta:bofore the atormwater can be discharged through the.b. ' . . Ottier ~ ~ , ~ •. ' • • ~ ^•. The application too was iiisuf8ei~t because over 1S0 feet of strosin and/or.ovor 1 sore of wetland'impa,cta wero requested. Please . . provide S .' This additional foe must be recxivec} beforo your application can be reviewed. . Please co Section(s) on the cation. ~'~ •' • ~ ^ Pleasoprovide a signal copy of the application.' ^ Pleaseprovide ~ .copipe of the application, . topics of~tho sitoplans and other supportuig irifomiatioa ~ . f _ ^ • Ploasasubmit electronic CAD Sloe showing ~ ;•via cmaid to isn.mcmiilan(t~no~iLn~ and CIk ' • Mitigation . • ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this proj6ct. ~ Please provide~a compensatory mitigation plan. The • plan must conform•to tharequireanents in IS A NCAC 2H :OSOO~and must be approprlato to the typo•of impacts proposed. ^ Please indicgto ~which~404 Permit the USAGE would use to authorize this project. ~ .