HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050345 Ver 2_Triage Comments_20070403~~ DWQ~a O°S.'~' y,5 ~/ ~ .Date ~~ - ~ - ° 7 Who Reviewed: ~~- ~ . . ~ Plan Detail 7ncomplete - ^ Ptbaseprovide a Location map for theproject. ' • ^ Please show all stream impacts including ali fill slopes, diasipatcrs, and bank stabilization on rho site plan. ^. Please show at1 wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. e indicate all buffer irn acts on the site plan. ~ ~r ~''• ~ O~ S '~ ~ ^ Pleas p n h ~ ^ Please indicate proposed Lot layout as overlays on the site plea. C ~` O. ~ s S Q ^ .Please indicate the locatign of the protected buffers ss mverlsys on the site plan. Sz~=~ ' U ^ Please locate a1I isolated ar non-isolated wetlaada, •stream8 and other waters of the State as overlays on the site aa. ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatio Life passage. ^ Please locate aay planned•sewea lines on the site plea. ' ^ Please provide tike location of any proposed stormwater management practices as required by t3C ^ Please provide detail for the stormwator managemeat practices as required by t3C . . • ^ Please specify iiio percent of project imperviousness stns based oa the esdmated 1rui1t-out conditions: ^ Pieces indicate all stormwater~,o~}tihlls on the site grail. • ^ Plesse~iadioato the dit~se Sow provisioa measures do the site plan. ^ Please indicate whotha'~or not the proposed impacts alrmsay bemn coriducted. • Avoidance,and/or iLFinimlzation irlot Provided ~ ~ ~ ' ' ^ • The labeled as ^~ on titio pleas dome not appear tD be necessary. Please •eliminate the . or provide additional infnrntadon•as to why it is n~acessary for this p%~oct. ; . • ~ • .'[] This Office belio~ves that the labeled ott the pleas as. can be moved, or roconfigurod to avoid the impacts to the ' . Ploage revise tiro plans to avoid thq impacts. .. • • •~ ^. This•OSice believbs•thet the . •lelielod on the pleas as~ cea bo moved or rec~gured to ;miaitnize the iri~pacts tp'the ' . Please revise the pleas to minimize the iaipaats. . ^ The etorn-wata discharges at the location on the pleas labeiod ~ will.not provide di~so flow through the buffer because • . Please revise the pleas cad provk3o oelculations to •show that di8ltse•ilow wiA be.achieved through the enttrebuffer. If it • - is sot possible to achimve•difi~se Sovo~ tisrough.the eQitlro bui~x+r'thon it may bs neoessaryto• provide stormwater management • practices that remove nutrtents:bofore the stormwater can be discharged through the,buifer. . Other • ~ .. .. ^•. The application fee was insui~eiont•because over' 1S0 feet of slreezn and/or.ova 1 acre oi`wetland'impacts wero rogneatod. Please provide ~ . ~ This additional fee must bo receivoc} boforo your application can be:•eviowod. ' • ~ ^ Please complete Section(s) on the appGlicatfon. - ' ^ Pleasepmvide a sued Dopy of the appHoation.' . . .. ~~ ~ ~ v~f ~.-:• . ~W~~r~ P~ M`es's=~~. Pleaseprovido 5 copies ofthi~ pp ication, . ~* ,, _ ^ • Pleasasubmit electronic CAD fibs showing :.vie: eins?l to ian.momillan~nomz;il.not and CD: •. • Mitigation ~ ~ . ' • • ~ ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. ~ Please provido'a compensatory mitigation plan, The plan must conform•to tharequiranents in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOO~and mush be appropr•Iato to the typo•of impacts proposed. • ' ' [~ Please indi atewhich 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ' . .