HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070560 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070403_ ,i DWQ~ ~~ .- 0 5 to p ~ Date ~- 3 - ©~. Wha Raviowed: GPc- / ~~ ~. ? Plan Detail7ncompleta ~ ~ - ^ Pibasa provldo a location map for the project. ' ~ Please show all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on tho alto plan, []. Please show aII wetland impacts including fill elopes on the site plan. Please indicato all buffer impacts on the site plan. ^ Please indiaate proposed lot layout as overlays on the site plea .Please indicate the location of the piotactad buffers as ovarlaays oa the sits plan. ~ S 1,.("-~,"~rj ~.p~~_ ~ ~~;.~ ~ 11• a .~ ^ Please Locate a1I isolated or non-isolated wetlands, •strearns and athar avatars of the State ae ovariays an the alto plan. ^ Ploase provide cross axtion details showing the provisions for aquatic life paesaga. ^ Please locate any planned•se~ Iinas on the wife plan. ^ Plesao provide the location of any proposed stormwaxer management practk~s as required by QC . ^ Flease provide detail for the soannwatar management practices as required by CiC • ^ Ploase specify tiio percent of project iinpemriausness aroa based on the eadmatad built•out oanditions: ~ . ^ Please indicate all atormwatoe~,o~}tfalle oa the site gh~, . ^ Ploa'so'indioato the difliase flow provision measures da tho site plan. ^ Please indicate,whothex'•cr not the liroposod impaata alroady bears oortductad. ' • Avoidauce•and/or A+Iinimlzatton i'~ot Provided ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ^ • Tho labalai as _,~ on tho plena doers not appear to bo necoaeary. Please eliminate the . or prbVido additional . information•ea to why it is necessary for this project: ; • '^ This Office believes tha# the labeled on the pleas as• can be moved. or racantigured to avoid the impacts to the . ' . Please revise tho plans to avoid that impaots. • • , • . •~ []. ~ This'(}il3ae beliovbs•that tho . •labolod oa the plans as• can be moved or rocbmfigured to ;minimize tho hiapacta tp tho . Pleaso ravine the pleas to minimize the impa:ots. • , Q The atormwater disahargeas at the location or; then plans labeled will. not provide dift~se flow through the buffer beoauae ~ . ' • . Please revise the plane and provldp aelculations t4 •show that di~se'flow vVill be achieved >fhrough the onttre buifor. If it • is not possible b achievadi$i~se flaHr through.the ea-tire buffea•'thea it may be noaessary'to provide atormwatar mansgemtat • ~ practices that ranove nutrients :bofore the stormwater can be discharged through• the. buffer. ° , . . Oilier ^•. Thd application fee was insuft3eient•becausoDva' 1S0 font of stream and/or.ovex~ 1 acre of wetleadlmpacta ware reigaested. Pleaso ~ ' . provide ffi ' .' Thia additional fee must be recedvoc} before your appHcati4+n can bo revIe>wod. ' ' • ~ • ^ Please completo Soction(a) on the apglicatioa - ,, .. • ~ ^ Pleaso provide a signed Dopy of the application,' ~ ~ , ^ PleaseprovIde~ copipa of the application, . copies of•the sitaplins and other supporting information: ,, _ ^ •. Ploasasubmit oleotronic CAD fibs showing :•via'einaid to isn.mcmillan®nomail,net and CD: • • . Mitigation ~ , . • ^ of comparsatory ~ mitigation is required far this proj6ct.'Pleasepmvide•a cpmpensatoiy mitigation plan, Tho . plan must conform•to tharequiranents in 15 A NCAC 2A :OSOO~and must be approprlato to tho typo•of impacts proposed. ' ^ Please indicatowhich 404 Permit tho USACE would use to suthorizo flue project, ' .