HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070559 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070403Dw~{~ 6 ~ •• ~ S S °I ~ .Date ~. ~ 3 ' s~
Plan Detail7n.complete ~ -
^ Plbasaprovide a location map for the project.
who Reviewed: ~ ~ .
• ~'] Please ¢how alI stroam impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan.
^. Please show e.tl wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan.
Pleaso indicate all buffer impacts on the site plan.
^ Please indicate proposed lot Iayout ea overlays an. the site plan.
. Please indicate the location of the protected buffers as mvorl'ays on the site plan. SLC-t ~p ' ~'.~- ' ~~~ ~
• ~}
^ Please lacata a1I isolated. or non-isolated wetlands, ~sireama and othar watar~s of the State as ovorlays on the alto plan,
^ PlaasO provid0 CY088 aecticn detall8 8howin$ the provision8 fOT aquatic life passage. .
^ Please locate any planned•sewer Lines on the site plan.
^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practkes ae roqulreci by CIC .
^ Please provide detail far the stonnwat~ management practices as roquf red by (3C '
^ Please specii~- iho paroeat of project iinpaorvlouanesa area based on the estimatedbuilt-out conditions: '
^ Please Indicate all atorniwat ~o~}tfalls on the site ptai~. ~ •
• ^ Ploaso'indioate the di1l{rse $ow provision measures do the site plan.
^ Ploaso indicate whetha~'•Qr not the propoeod impacts ahmady boon cor}ducted. .
Avoidance•aniUor Allnimiaation swot Provided ~ ~ ~ ~ ' '
• Tha labeled as _~_ on the pIana dons not appear m bo necessary. Please ~di~ninate the . or provide additional •
information~as to valiy it is necessary for this~projoc~t. ; ~ .
• .~^ This Office belloz~e~'s that the labeled on the plans ea can be moved. or reconfigured to avoid tho impacts to tho
' . Please revise the plans to avoid thq impeots. '
.• [] This'Oi~ce believos• that tho . .labeled on the plena 'as• cea be moved or rocan$gured to ;minimize the impacts tQ the
' . Ploaso roviso the plane to minimize the impacts. ~ ~ • .
The Btormweter discharges at the location on the plans labeled wilt.not provide diflltse flow through the buffer because ~ .
' ~ ~ . Ploase revfae the plena end provido aelculations to •show that diSl;ae'i~ow a9ri be achieved through the entirebuffar. If it
- is aoE j~oeaible to achievadif~se flow through.the entire bui~or'theri it may be necessaryto~ provide atormwatar management
• practices that remove nutrlanta:bei'ore the atormwater eau bo discharged through. the, buffer. ' .
Oilier ~ ~ • ~ .. ..
^•. The application fee wee Iiisuf6oiont~becauso ova 15`0 Poet of atroam and/or.ovrr i acre oi`wetlend'impacts wore requested. Pleaso
provide $ .' This additional fee must be receivoc~ bof+ore your application can be roviowed.
^ Please compheto Suction(s) on tho application. - ~ .. •' ,
• ^ Pleasoprovide a signed copy of tho implication,' • . •
^ Pleasoprovido;".copips of the appflcation, . copios ofthe siteplans and other supporting irifonua#fon: '
_ ^ • Pleasasubnut electronic CXD fibs showing ;,via: eitmai~l to ian.manu7lan~ncmdil,net and CD: •
. Mitigatlon ~ . ~ : .
• ~ ^ of compensatory ~ mitigation is requirod for this piojdct, ~ Please provide'a compensatory mitigation plan. The
plan must conform•to tharrrquiranants in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOO~end must be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. •
' ^ Please indicate ~whioh 404 Permit tho USACE would use m authorize this project. ' . ~ •