HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0300192_Complete File - Historical_20180205Water Resources Environmental Quality February 5, 2018 Calista E. Campbell, E.I. Project Manager ExxonMobil Environmental Services Company 1900E. Linden Avenue, Building 28a Linden, NJ 07036 Subject: Permit Rescission Permit No. WI0300192 In -Situ Groundwater Remediation Permit Mecklenburg County Dear Ms. Campbell: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Director Reference is made to your request for rescission of the subject permit located at Former ExxonMobil Retail Facility #42094 in Mecklenburg County NC. Staff from the Mooresville Regional Office has agreed that a permit is no longer required. Therefore, in accordance with your request, In -Situ Groundwater Remediation Permit WI0300192 is rescinded, effective immediately. If in the future, you wish to operate a IN -Situ Groundwater Remediation system, you must first apply for and receive anew permit. Operating an injection system without a valid permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties and/or the use of other enforcement mechanisms available to the state. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to call Shristi Shrestha at (919) 807-6406. Sincerely, Linda Culpepper, Interim Director Division of Water Resources Attachment(s) cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQROS Central Files - Permit No. WI0300191 Scott Bostian, Arcadis, 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27607 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 919-707-9129 - State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality -' r} Jll ' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T W aot DijkStion • Do not use this form for remediation systems that extract contaminated groundwater, treat it, and reinject the treated groundwater. • Submit TWO copies of the completed application and.all attachments to the address on the last page of this form. • Any changes made to this form will result in the application package being returned. A. Application Number (to be completed by DWO): I. GENERAL INFORMATION: V� 0 3 C-)o 1 C1 H. 1. Applicant's Name (generally the responsible party): Jewel Cox (ExxonMobil Environmental Services) 2. Signing Official's Name*: Title: * Signing Official must be in accordance with instructions in part VI on page 7. 3. Mailing address of applicant: 1016 W. Poplar Ave, Suite 106, Number 232 City: Collierville State: TN Zip: 38017 Telephone number: 901.850.9009 Fax number: 262.313.1830 4. Property Owner's Name (if different from Applicant): Robert Morris 5. Property Owner's mailing address: 5804 Sharon Road City: Charlotte State: NC Zip: 28226 6. Name and address of contact person who can answer questions about the proposed injection project: Name: Scott Bostian Title: Senior Environmental Engineer Company: ARCADIS Address: 801 Corporate Center Drive., Suite 300 City: Raleigh Staie: NC Zip: 27607 Telephone number: 919.854.1282 ext 222 Fax number: 919.854.5448 Email Address: Scott.Bostian &arcadis-us.com PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Project is: ew ( Modification of existing permit ( Renewal of existing permit without modification ( Renewal of existing permit with modification 2. If this application is being submitted for renewal or modification to an existing permit, provide: existing permit number and the issuance date For renewal without modifications, fill out sections I & II only, sign the certification on the last page of this form, and obtain the property owner's signature to indicate consent (if the applicant is not the owner). For all renewals, submit a status report including monitoring results of all injection activities to date. Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page 1 of 8 t --r APPLICATION FOR PERI.�� �.-' TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A wja.�L(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection M. INCIDENT & FACILITY DATA B. FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Facility name: Former ExxonMobil Retail Facility #42094 2. Complete physical address of the facility: 3721 Freedom Drive City: Charlotte County: Mecklenburg_ State: NC Zip: 28208 C. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION 1. Describe the source of the contamination: Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) onsite stored unleaded gasoline heating oil, and used motor oil at the above site. In 1990 the property was divested by Exxon and the USTs and ancillary components were removed. Petroleum impacted soil was discovered during UST removal activities at the base of the UST pit and beneath one dispenser island. Soil and groundwater samples collected in 1990 indicated that volatile hydrocarbon contamination present in the soil was in contact with groundwater at the site The amount and cause of the release is unknown. The site facilities were demolished and USTs closed by removal in 1990. The site is currently operating as a vehicle repair facility. 2. List all contaminants present in soils or groundwater at the site (contaminants may be listed in groups, e.g., gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil, chlorinated ethenes, chlorinated ethanes, metals, pesticides/herbicides, etc): Soil: volatile hydrocarbons Groundwater: volatile hydrocarbons 3. Has LNAPL or DNAPL ever been observed at the site (even if outside the injection zone)? ((Es If yes, list maximum measured separate phase thickness Historical maximum thickness of 0.53 feet in MW-1 on October 10, 2008. Last NAPL detection was on October 6, 2011 in MW-9 at a thickness of 0.73 feet. ( No If no, list maximum concentration of total VOCs observed at site: The most recent sampling event on October 6, 2011 indicated dissolved -phase concentrations of benzene (31.800 ppb), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,710 ppb), and EDB (136 ppb) which exceed the applicable North Carolina Gross Contamination Levels (GCLs) standards. Tetrachloroethylene, a constituent associated with dry cleaning releases was detected in MW-7 at a concentration of 2,300 ppb and exceeds the applicable North Carolina GCL standard. 4. Agency managing the contamination incident: (CT Secti ( Superfund Section (including REC Program and DSCA sites) ( DWQ Aquifer Protection Section ( Solid Waste Section ( Hazardous Waste Section ( Other: 5. Incident managers name: Daniel Bowser and phone number: 704.663.1699 6. Incident number or other site number assigned by the agency managing the contamination incident: Groundwater Incident #6867 Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page 2 of 8 - �- APPLICATION FOR PERT 11 lTO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A Vihj :L(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection D. PERMITS List all permits or construction approvals that have been issued for the facility or incident, including those not directly related to the proposed injection operation: 1. Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA: NA 2. DWQ Non -Discharge or NPDES permits: NA 3. County or DEH subsurface wastewater disposal permits: NA 4. Other environmental permits required by state or federal law: NA Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Page 3 of 8 APPLICATION FOR PERL... TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A ' r�z-,L(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection IV. INJECTION DATA A. INJECTION FLUID DATA 1. List all proposed injectants. NOTE. Any substance to be injected as a tracer or to promote in situ remediation must be reviewed by the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section (OEES) of the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Review the list of approved injectants or contact the UIC Program to determine if the injectants you are proposing have been reviewed by OEES. Injectant: Biosolve® Listed as an Approved Injectant by NCDENR Concentration at point of injection: maximum of 6% volume/volume (aqueous solution) Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: no other injectants Injectant: Concentration at point of injection: Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: Inj ectant: Concentration at point of injection: Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: Injectant: Concentration at point of injection: - Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: 2. Source of fluids used to dilute or chase the injectants listed above: ( 'cipal water su 1 ( Groundwater from private well or any well within % mile of injection site ( Air ( Other: if no access to fire hydrant, will have water delivered by private vendors 3. If any well within % mile of injection site, a private well, or surface water is to be used as the fluid source, supply the following information: a. Location/ID number of source: b. Depth of source: c. Formation: d. Rock/Sediment type: e. In Attachment C, provide a current, complete chemical analysis of the water from the source well, including analyses for all contaminants suspected or historically recognized in soil or groundwater on the site. NOTE. If contaminated groundwater is to be used as the dilution or chase fluid, this is not the proper permit application form. You must apply for a closed -loop groundwater remediation permit using application forin GWRS. Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page 4 of 8 1 APPLICATION FOR PER P,-,_C TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE Ams',L(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection C. PROPOSED OPERATING PARAMETERS 1. Duration of Injection: approximately 10 hours/event a. Maximum number of separate injection events: 2 b. Expected duration of each injection event: 1 day (injecting 4 wells simultaneously) c. Expected duration between events (if more than one event): approximately 6 months 2. Injection rate per well: 1.0 gallons per minute (gpm) 3. Total Injection volume: -2400 gallons per day (gpd); -2400 gallons per event (if separate events) 4. Injection pressure: rg avity feed preferred. If that's unsuccessful, low pressure (maximum of 5 psi) will be applied pounds/square inch (psi) 5. Temperature at point of injection: dependent upon water source (fire hydrant) and weather conditions: no heated water will be injected T 6. Briefly describe how the above parameters will be measured and controlled: pressure gauges, flow meters/totalizers, field groundwater parameter meters (YSI, Horiba or similar) 7. Estimated hydraulic capacity of the well: 1.0 gpm INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA 1. Injection will be via: xistin s) proposed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below to the best of your knowledge. ( o osed s) to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below as proposed construction specifications. 2. Well Drilling Contractor's Name: TBD (Geologic Exploration, Parratt Wolf or SAEDACCO) NC Well Contractor Certification number: TBD (NC#2401, #2489, or #2332, respectively) 3. Date to be constructed: Subsequently upon permit approval Number of borings: Two 2- inch injection wells) Approximate depth of each boring (feet):23 feet below rg ade (proposed), 35 ft bgs(MW-5), 32 ft bgs (MW-2) 4. Screened interval/Injection interval of injection wells: Depth: 13-23 (proposed), 15-35 (MW-5), 17-32 (MW-9) feet below ground surface (if multiple intervals, indicate shallowest and deepest depth). 5. Well casing (N/A if injection is through direct push rods): Type: <PVC ( Stainless steel( Other: Casing depth: 0 to 13 ft (23 ft proposed well), 0-15 (MW-5), 0-17 MW-9). 6. Grout (N/A if injection is through direct push rods): Type: Cement ( Bentonite ( Other: Bentonite depth: 0 to 3 feet below grade. Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page 5 of 8 I APPLICATION FOR PER_,.,. !` TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection V. ATTACHMENTS Provide the following items as separate attachments with the given headings: A. SITE HISTORY Provide a brief description of the site history including: (1) site usage historically and present, (2) origin of the contamination, (3) previous remedial action(s). NOTE: G.S. 89E-18 requires that any geologic plans, reports, or documents in which the performance is related to the public welfare or safeguarding of the environment be prepared by a licensed geologist or subordinate under their direction. G.S. 89E-13 requires that all drawings, reports, or documents involving geologic work prepared or approved by a licensed geologist, or a subordinate under their direction, be signed and sealed by the licensed geologist. B. HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION Provide a hydrogeologic description, soils description, and cross section of the subsurface to a depth that includes the known or projected depth of contamination. The hydrogeologic description shall include: (1) the regional geologic setting; (2) significant changes in lithology; (3) the hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection, including a description of the test(s) used to determine these parameters; and (4) the depth to the mean seasonal high water table. C. INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION Describe the chemical, physical, biological and radiological characteristics of each injectant. Attach the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each injectant. If a private well or a well within % mile of the injection site is used as the source well, include chemical analysis of source fluid here. D. INJECTION RATIONALE Attach a brief description of the rationale for selecting the injectants and concentrations proposed for injection, including: (1) goals of the injection project; (2) explanation and/or calculations of how the proposed injectant volume and concentration were determined; (3) a description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injection; and (4) summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. E. INJECTION PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Provide a detailed description of all planned activities related to the proposed injection including but not limited to: (1) construction plans and materials; (2) operation procedures; (3) a detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system; and (4) a planned injection schedule. Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page 6 of 8 APPLICATION FOR PER�.�c_,i' TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A' +-J&;,L(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection F. MONITORING PLAN Provide a plan for monitoring the results of the injection, including: (1) a list of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used; (2) a list of monitoring parameters and analytical methods to be used; and (3) a schedule for sampling to monitor the proposed injection. NOTE. The selected monitoring wells must be located so as to detect any movement of injection fluids, process by- products, or formation fluids outside the injection area or zone. The monitoring parameters should include the target contaminants as well as secondary or intermediate contaminants which may result from the injection and other parameters which may serve to indicate the progress of the intended reactions, such as pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, and other electron acceptors and donors. The monitoring schedule should be consistent with the pace of the anticipated reactions and rate of transport of the injectants and contaminants. G. WELL DATA Provide a tabulation of data on all existing or abandoned wells within 1/ mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Such data shall include a description of each well's use (water supply, monitoring, etc), total depth, screened or open borehole depth interval, and well construction or abandonment record, if available. H. MAPS Attach the following scaled, site -specific maps: (1) Area map based on the most recent USGS 7.5' topographic map of the area, at a scale of 1:24,000 and showing the location of the proposed injection site. (2) Site map including: a. all property boundaries; b. all buildings within the property boundary; c. existing and proposed injection wells or well field(s) d. any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within 1/a mile of the injection well or well system; e. all surface water bodies within % mile of the injection well or well system; and f. all existing or abandoned wells within 1/ mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) including: a. direction of groundwater movement b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (4) Contaminant plume map(s) including: a. the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (5) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination, including: a. horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. major changes in lithology c. existing and proposed monitoring wells d. existing and proposed injection wells Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page 7 of 8 APPLICATION 'FOR IIERMrrTOCONSTRUCT AND/og, -A- USE, WELT: OFOR IMEMOM Ty e -51 Wells -In On GiroundWatek. Rew6diation /TyvesTWCHS�Trrt - Q"aTIONI SEC, VL CERIMCATION(to be -signed as required below-nTby that persoWs authorized [�#flm Pt PM 3: 42 -N6W'l5_ X .6111(b)requires -drat all permit,applications shall tWsigned'as follows; 1, foracorporatiow by -a, respon'sible corporate -officer hi b -1. fora pjafti 11 proprietorship M respectively , M partnership k.ors p. . _ya.gene p t eror. q 3. other .by .either principal -:executive officer or- Tao0g,pqlilip;y elected official. 4. for all others: by the well own Itanauthorized 'ggerif:issia, - on, behalf of tilt 2D then signed by. thelooli6ant that 6" pliqa&4 s##ply a letter. names and. authorizes their agent. I. haOy certify under penalty of- law that I haVe petp6hafty- examined: and -a& ,farnilidr with the information gubxnitted in this. document and: all attachments therein and that;, -based onmyinquiry iy of indiiidtWs immediately responsible for :obtaining ihlwrftatio� 1 b"�o- that -the. said is, c'. accurate, and - cornpiqte. I'am-awa"w-e—that there are penalties; inchidirig the -possibility of fines and ihiprisomnent, forrniffin sub false information.. 1 agree to construct' operate;, rnaintan4, repair, abandon the injection well(i) -444 if 4pplidabje, and . iM mlaWd Appurte-ti' -d -�ions-na cdari widjth& bd a on :Ofthe Per!Wt' —_,c pe. approw. spM VIL CONSFIMOF'PROPERTYOWNER, (if the.propertyit not owned bythe applicant) "Owner'' Mettois an -who holds the or other property -rights in the well �eing. constru A well is ypoi*on cted. zealpropeny and its construction on land shall be deemed ownership _ the '..' "A qontrary_ag,*eemgj!tI# wridng) As owner;ofihe property on which the*jp& bu,wpIj(s)-.are t o be constructed -arid, operated,I hereby consent to allow the:applicant to. construct` cad each 6n­ li, fliAtd 11 . m. an, agree 'th - �WJ00-ti­-We a4pu inthi-, --"- si --app Ish9l be, e re-iponifbifity, of the. applicant to ensure'ha the injection wells) -cp :to 4e-Wejl Construction iandards. (Title 4 5 A 1 k AC' 2C 62':0 , Printed, Nameand Date; Z-30) t6tnIt:TW6 q* -_ Of completed _p application p4d. $6., ihcjudin$.,.4R Att#dhfftohts, t UIC Program Aquifer Protection Section. North:Carolina DENR'pWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699r.1636 Telephone - (019)- 731.3221. Revised 6100 UIC 1 w5I15T ?age 8bf,8 ARCADIS Infrastructure Water Environment Buildings ExxonMobil Environmental Services Corporation Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 3721 Freedom Drive Charlotte, North Carolina Groundwater Incident #6867 February 2012 Imagine the result 0 ARCADIS Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection Prepared for: ExxonMobil Corporation ExxonMobil Environmental Services Ms. Jewel Cox - Project Manager 1016 W. Poplar Avenue Suite 106 #232 Collierville, Tennessee 38017 Prepared by: ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive Suite 301 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Tel 919.854.1282 Fax 919.854.5448 www.arcadis-us.com Environmental Our Ref.: B0085851.0026 Date: February 22, 2012 This document is intended only for the use of the individual or entity for which it was prepared and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. ARCADIS LIST OF ACROYMS ARCADIS ARCADIS, Inc. bgs below ground surface BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (total) DCE Dichloroethene DO Dissolved Oxygen DRO diesel range organics ERD Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination GIS geological information system GRO gasoline range organics IDW Investigative Derived Waste ISCO In -Situ Chemical Oxidation MCLGs Maximum Contaminant Level Goals MCLs Maximum Contaminant Levels MDL Maximum Detection Limit Mg/kg milligrams per kilogram Mg/L milligrams per liter MNA Monitored Natural Attenuation MSCC Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration NAPL Non -Aqueous Phase Liquid NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources O&M Operations and Maintenance ORP Oxidation Reduction Potential PCE tetrachloroethene PID photo -ionization detector ppm parts per millions SVOC Semi -Volatile Organic Compound TCE trichloroethene TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons TOC Total Organic Carbon pg/kg micrograms per kilogram pg/L micrograms per liter USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection Va ARCADIS SITE INFORMATION SECTION Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection SITE INFORMATION Section 1: Site Identification Date of Report: February 22, 2012 Facility ID: Former ExxonMobil #42094 , UST Incident Number: 6867 Site Risk: Intermediate Site Rank: Not Available Land Use Classification: Unknown Site Name: Former ExxonMobil #42094 Site Street Address: �3721 Freedom Drive City/Town: — —�_ _ Charlotte Zip Code: ! 28208 _County: _ Mecklenburg Description of Geographical Data Point:__ ! Former UST and dispensers located under current property's asphalt parking lot. Location Method: I Map Latitude/Longitude _ 35° 14' 57" / 80° 53' 53" Section 2:- Information About Contacts Associated with the Leaking UST System UST Owner: ExxonMobil Corporation Phone: 901.850.9009 ExxonMobil Environmental Services Corporation, 1016 W. Poplar Avenue, Suite 106 #232, Collierville, TN 38017 UST Operator: Former ExxonMobil #42094 Phone: Unavailable Former ExxonMobil #42094, 3721 Freedom Drive, Charlotte_, NC 28208 Property Owner: Robert Morris — Phone: 704.399.2090 5804 Sharon Road, Unit J, Charlotte, NC 28210 Property Occupant: Retail Vehicle Repair Shop Phone: 3721 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28210 Consultant: ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina Phone: 919.854.1282 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 301, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Analytical Laboratory: Certification Number: Test America Laboratories, Inc. Phone: 800.765.0980 NC DWQ: 269, NC DHHS: 13701 Section 3: Information About Release Date Discovered: Quantity of Release: Cause of Release: Source of Release: November 1990 Unknown Unknown Former gasoline UST system Size/Content of UST: 1 6,000G Unleaded Gasoline, 2 4,000 Gallon Unleaded Gasoline, 1 4,000G used oil UST and 1 550G heating oil UST Criteria Used to Classify Release: Source Concentrations and Site conditions ARCADIS Table of Contents LIST OF ACRONYMS t SITE INFORMATION SECTION 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Site History 2 3.0 Hyrogeologic Description 3 3.1 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology 4 3.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology 4 4.0 Injection Fluid Composition 4 5.0 Injection Rational 5 6.0 Injection Procedures and Equipment 5 7.0 Monitoring Plan 6 8.0 References 8 Tables Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Data Table 2 Groundwater Gauging Data Table 3 Groundwater Analytical Data Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Potentiometric Surface Map - October 6, 2011 Figure 4 Groundwater Analytical Map - October 6, 2011 Figure 5 Proposed Surfactant Application Locations Figure 6 Proposed Injection Well Locations Figure 7 Typical Injection Well Construction Diagram Figure 8A Cross Section Location Map Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection Va ARCADIS Figure 8B Cross Section A - A' Figure 8C Cross Section B - B' Appendix A Biosolve® Surfactant MSDS B Biosolve® Surfactant Data Sheet Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection iv Q ARCADIS 1.0 Introduction ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina (ARCADIS) has prepared this Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection on ExxonMobil Environmental Services (EMES) for the former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The purpose of this attachment is to provide additional site data and remedial system details to facilitate evaluation of the proposed injection plan. This attachment is organized into the following sections: Section 1, Introduction — discusses the purpose and organization of the attachment; Section 2, Site History — discusses the information relevant to the site history in regards to site usage, origin of contamination, and previous remedial activities; Section 3, Hydrogeologic Description — discuses the regional geologic setting, lithology, and hydraulic conductivity; Section 4, Injection Fluid Composition — describes the chemical and physical characteristics of the injectant; Section 5, Injection Rational — discusses rational for selection the injectants; Section 6, Injection Procedure and Equipment — provides a detailed description of the all planned activities related to the proposed injection; Section 7, Monitoring Plan — describes the plan for monitoring t he results of the injection; Tables Section, Well data — provides tabulation of data on all existing or abandoned wells; and Figures Section — provides supporting figures. Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection V2 ARCADIS 2.0 Site History Former ExxonMobil (Exxon) facility #42094 located at 3721 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina operated as a gasoline retail store and service station between 1970 and October 1990. All underground storage tanks (USTs) and ancillary equipment was closed by removal in November 1990 prior to divestment of the site by Exxon. The UST system consisted of one 6,000-gallon gasoline UST, two 4,000-gallon gasoline USTs, one 4,000-gallon used oil UST and one 550-gallon heating oil UST. The site was re -developed as a vehicle repair facility between 1993 and 2001. Petroleum -affected soil was discovered during the November 1990 UST closure at the base of the gasoline UST field and below one dispenser island. The cause and quantity of the release is unknown. A soil -vapor extraction (SVE) system utilizing two extraction wells operated intermittently at the site between August 1992 and July 1996. Additional soil samples were collected by Environmental Resources Management Inc. (ERM) in the vicinity of the former gasoline UST field, eastern dispenser island and former used oil UST in 2001 and 2002. Petroleum affected soil has been documented beneath the former gasoline UST and dispenser island. Concentrations of 19 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) above soil -to -ground water Maximum Soil Concentrations (MSCCs), but below the applicable industrial/commercial MSCCs, were detected in 2001 and 2002 soil samples. Four VOCs (benzene, naphthalene, C5-C8 Aliphatics and C9-Cl2 Aromatics) were detected in concentrations above the residential MSCCs. The bulk of petroleum -affected soil is located between 11 and 15 feet below ground surface in the capillary fringe above the water table. The petroleum -affected soil within the capillary fringe, in areas away from the former UST field and dispenser island, is attributed to the migration of petroleum -affected ground water beneath the site. The smear zone left by the petroleum -affected ground water across the capillary fringe is suspected to be the source of the petroleum -affected soils at depths across much of the site. The site is owned by Mr. Robert Morris and currently operates as a vehicle repair facility. The area surrounding the site is composed of commercially developed properties, mixed -use properties and residential properties. The nearest single-family residence is located approximately 130 feet west of the source area. ERM conducted a water supply well survey for the site in February 2001. Five inactive water supply wells have been identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. All wells are located Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection Va ARCADIS northwest and topographically upgradient of the subject property. The nearest well is located approximately 1,350 feet from the source area. Municipal water service provided by the Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities Department is available to all properties in the surrounding area. No surface water bodies have been identified within 500 feet of the site. The site is located within the Charlotte geologic belt of the Piedmont physiographic province and is underlain by saprolite, a layer of weathered and variably decomposed bedrock. Soils at the site consist primarily of silt and clay based on soil boring logs for site monitoring wells and direct push soil borings. Saprolitic soil was encountered in all borings at depths greater than 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). Imported fill soil consisting of semi -plastic clay with gravels was observed over much of the site. Partially weathered bedrock was encountered in soil borings at 22 feet and 55 feet below ground surface. Depth to groundwater at the site, on average, ranges from 11 to 28 feet bgs. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Risk Classification for the site is "Intermediate" due to the presence of free product and exceedances of the groundwater Gross Contamination Levels (GCLs) for benzene, naphthalene, C5-C8 aliphatics and C9-Cl2 aromatics. A site location map is presented in Figure 1 and a site map is shown as Figure 2. 3.0 Hydrogeologic Description Site topography is relatively flat with minimal topographic relief. Drinking water in the area is provided by the Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utility Department (CMUD) which is located approximately 15 miles northeast of the site. The source of CMUD drinking water, Mountain Island Lake Reservoir, is not hydraulically connected to the site. Well construction data is presented in Table 1. Current and historical groundwater elevations measured in the site monitoring wells are presented on Table 2. A potentiometric surface map is provided as Figure 3. Historical groundwater elevation data obtained during previous groundwater gauging events indicate the shallow groundwater flows generally to the southeast with a horizontal gradient of approximately 0.01 feet per year (ERM, 2002). Cross section maps of the site are presented as Figures 8A — 8C. Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection Q ARCADIS Analytical data from groundwater collected in site monitoring wells from December 1990 to October 2011 is presented in Table 3. The data from the most recent sampling events is presented in Figure 4. Analytical data from groundwater collected in site monitoring wells from 1990 to February 2011 is presented in Table 3. A dissolved -phase analytical map from the most recent groundwater sampling event on May 17, 2011 is presented as Figure 4. 3.1 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology Former ExxonMobil facility #42094 in Charlotte is located in the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina. The site lies within the upland section of the Piedmont province which is characterized by rolling hills. The site lies at an elevation of about 790 feet above mean sea level. Saprolite, a zone of weathered and variably decomposed bedrock, commonly mantles bedrock in this region. Saprolite has the appearance of compact clayey to sandy soil with the original bedrock textures and features preserved. Saprolite is created through the chemical weathering of bedrock over a long period of time in areas of limited erosion. The city of Charlotte is underlain by granitic plutons and metamorphic volcanic sediments within the Charlotte geologic belt according to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985) and Goldsmith, et. al. (1988). 3.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology Native soils at the site consist primarily of silt and clay based on soil boring logs. Saprolitic soil was encountered at depths greater than 10 feet. Imported fill soils consisting of semi -plastic sandy clay with gravels were observed over much of the site. The sill soil did not extend greater than 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). Partially weathered bedrock was encountered in borings for wells MW-7 and DW-1 at depths of 18 and 47 feet bgs, respectively. Competent bedrock was encountered in these two borings at 22 feet bgs and 55 feet bgs, respectively. 4.0 Injection Fluid Composition The proposed injection fluid will be composed of potable water from the CMUD, mixed with Biosolve® Surfactant, a NCDENR approved injectant, to a maximum concentration of 6% volume of surfactant/volume of water. A Material Data Safety Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection 0 ARCADIS Sheet (MSDS) and Product Description for Biosolve® Surfactant are included as Appendices A and B. 5.0 Injection Rational The goal of the planned remediation injections is to eliminate periodic free product and concentrations of dissolved -phase chemicals of concern (COC) at monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-9 to below the applicable North Carolina Gross Contaminant Levels (GCLs). The surfactant application will not likely achieve all groundwater standards immediately, but the intent is to significantly reduce concentrations to levels that will allow natural attenuation to achieve groundwater standards in a reasonable timeframe. Under the proposed approach, active remediation would be conducted via in -situ injection of surfactant to the target monitoring and injection wells. A non-ionic or anionic surfactant reagent that is readily biodegradable in the subsurface will be applied directly to the target monitoring and proposed injection wells (MW-5, MW-9, INJ-1, and INJ-2). The surfactant will be applied as an aqueous solution not exceeding 6 percent (v/v). A potable water flush will then be applied to the target monitoring and injection wells. Injection volumes per well for the proposed events were estimated by multiplying the vertical height of the well screen or target interval by the radial surface area required to achieve complete distribution within the treatment area. This value was converted from cubic feet to gallons and then multiplied by the anticipated porosity of the subsurface that will accept fluid during the injection (the mobile porosity). Based on ARCADIS' experience, mobile porosities are less than 10% at sites with similar lithologies to that observed at former ExxonMobil Facility #42094. Therefore the anticipated injection volume per wells =10 ft X 3.14 (Tr) x (5 ft x 5 ft) x 10% x 7.481 gal.cg — maximum of 2,400 gallons. 6.0 Injection Procedure and Equipment The proposed surfactant application locations (MW-5, MW-9, INJA and INJ-2) are presented as Figure 5. Approximately 2,400 gallons of the surfactant solution will be delivered in total to the two existing monitoring wells (MW-5 and MW-9) and two proposed injection wells (INJA and INJ-2). During the surfactant application event, field crews will mobilize to the site to set up and stage the required above -ground equipment. Tanks, manifolds, and the pump will be configured to allow injection in all four wells simultaneously. Flow will be regulated by adjusting the noted valves and Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection 5 Attachment to the Application for Permit to ARCADIS Use Wells for Injection pumping rates and caution will be taken to ensure that wellhead pressures are kept below 5 psi. Based on the total estimated volume per well (600 gallons) and the anticipated injection rate (1.0 gpm), each injection event will take approximately one day to complete. The injection schedule will consist of an initial injection event which would occur within approximately one to two months of approval of the UIC permit. The initial injection event would occur over approximately one day and would be followed within 48 hours by a one -day aggressive fluid vapor recovery (AFVR) event. The AFVR event will take place over one day, and will operate for an estimated eight continuous hours. However, the duration of the AFVR event will be adjusted to achieve target recovery volumes. The one day AFVR will be conducted on monitoring and injection wells MW- 5, MW-9, [NJ-1, and INJ-2 to push/pull the surfactant/potable water mixture through the subsurface to degrade free product and recover dissolved -phase COC concentrations exceeding the applicable North Carolina GCL standards. Groundwater recovery will be monitored to ensure recovery of at least two times the injected volumes. Following each event, recovered petroleum impacted groundwater will be disposed of properly at the EMES-approved HAZ-MAT Environmental Services (HAZ-MAT) facility located at 210 Dalton Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Following the Biosolve® surfactant application and one day 8-hour AFVR event, ARCADIS will conduct a comprehensive groundwater sampling event of monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-9. Based on the evaluation of the data gathered during the groundwater monitoring event, a potential second injection event may be conducted. Timing of the potential second injection event would take place approximately six months after the completion of the first injection event. 7.0 Monitoring Plan Following the completion of the surfactant application and the one -day AFVR event, ARCADIS will gauge all monitoring wells associated with the site (MW-5, MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW-9, and DW-1) and sample monitoring wells MW-5, MW-7, and MW-9 to determine the effectiveness of the in -situ surfactant application and one -day AFVR event. All groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells MW-5 , MW-7, and MW-9 will be placed in laboratory -supplied containers and shipped to TestAmerica, Inc. in Nashville, Tennessee for laboratory analysis. In accordance with Table 5 - Approved Methods for Groundwater Analyses at Petroleum UST Release Investigations of the North Carolina Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action for Underground Storage Tank (UST) Releases, July 15, 2008 edition, groundwater 0 ARCADIS samples will be submitted for analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by Standard Method (SM) 6200B. If warranted based on evaluation of the monitoring data, an additional injection event may be conducted approximately six months after completion of the first injection event. The second injection and subsequent monitoring events would be conducted in a similar manner to the first injection. Pending evaluation of data from the second injection event, a third injection may be necessary. Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection 7 0 ARCADIS 8.0 References BBL, 2003. System Enhancement Recommendation Report. Brown, P.M. Geologic Map of North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. Raleigh, North Carolina ERM-Southeast (ERM). 2002. Comprehensive Site Assessment Report. Exxon Retail Location #4-2094. 3721 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina. November 7. ERM-Southeast (ERM). 2002. Limited Site Assessment Report. Exxon Retail Location #4-2094. 3721 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina. April 3. Goldsmith, R., et al. Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1 o x 2° Quadrangle, North and South Carolina. U.S.G.S 1-1251-E. NCDENR — Division of Waste Management, UST Section. Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action for UST Releases, July 15, 2008 version. December 1, 2008. Attachment to the Application for Permit to Use Wells for Injection 8 ARCADES TaNes Table 1: Monitoring WA -,,Construction Data Revision Date: 2/28/2012 Incident Number: 6867 Fa(,AGs;:1D #: Former ExxonMobil #42094 Well Designation Well Diameter (inches) Screen Interval (ft-bgs) Total Depth (ft-bgs) Top of Casing Elevation (ft-msl) Well Use MW-5 4 15-35 35 96.52 Monitorin /AFVR MW-6 2 15-40 40 105.17 Monitoring MW-7 2 15-30 30 91.33 Monitoring MW-8 2 14-24 24 92.59 Monitoring MW-9 2 17-32 32 98.47 Monitoring DW-1 2 tu-tju 80 96.32 Monitoring Notes: ft-bgs = Feet below ground surface. ft-btoc = Feet below top of casing. ft-msl = Feet above mean sea level. 1 of 1 Table 2: Groundwater Gauging Data Revision Date: 2/28/2012 Incident Number: 6867 Facility I.D. # Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 Monitoring WellI.D. Date Installed Gauging Date Total Casing Depth (ft bgs) Screened interval (ft bgs) Top of Casing Elevation (ft) Depth to Water (ft BTOC) Depth to Product (ft BTOC) Product Thickness (ft) Ground Water Elevation (ft ASQ Measured Depth to Bottom (ft) Well Diameter MW-1 1/7/1991 1/8/1991 10.00 10-25 94.14 14.42 - - 79.72 25.00 2" 1996 Well Abandoned / Destroyed MW-2 1/7/1991 1/8/1991 10.00 1 10-25 1 92.85 12.77 1 - I - 1 80.08 1 25.00 2" 1996 Well Abandoned / Destroyed MW-2R 2/13/2001 2/14/2001 6/6/2001 13.00 13-28 19.74 1" - 18.03 1" 10/12/2001 - 21.15 21.11 0.04 - - 1" 11/6/2001 12/4/2001 1/10/2002 21.40 21.37 0.03 1" 21.81 21.80 0.01 1" 21.62 21.59 0.03 1" Well abandoned and replaced by MW-5 in January 2002 MW-3 1/7/1991 1/8/1991 5 1 5-20 1 91.74 1 11.43 1 - 1-1 80.31 1 20.00 2" 1996 Well Abandoned / Destroyed MW-4 1/7/1991 1/8/1991 10 1 10-25 1 97.02 1 15.50 1 - I - 1 81.62 1 25.00 2" 1996 Well Abandoned / Destroyed MW-5 1/16/2002 1 /23/2002 2/5/2002 3/19/2002 4/13/2002 5/10/2002 6/27/2002 7/25/2002 8/15/2002 9/16/2002 10/4/2002 11 /25/2002 12/23/2002 15.00 15-35 96.52 21.10 20.75 0.35 75.68 4" 96.52 20.30 19.95 0.35 76.48 4" 96.52 19.50 19.35 0.15 77.13 - 4" 96.52 19.08 18.70 0.38 77.72 - 4" 96.52 19.13 19.12 0.01 77.40 - 4" 96.52 21.94 20.22 1.72 75.85 4" 96.52 22.79 21.11 1.68 74.97 - 4" 96.52 1 23.32 21.58 1.74 74.49 4" 96.52 23.26 21.55 1.71 74.53 - 4" 96.52 23.30 21.52 1.78 74.54 4" 96.52 21.16 19.05 2.11 76.92 - 4" 96.52 19.70 18.75 0.95 77.52 4" 1/16/2003 2/19/2003 3/19/2003 96.52 18.68 18.30 0.38 78.12 - 4" 96.52 17.91 17.85 0.06 78.65 4" 96.52 19.72 19.63 0.09 1 76.87 4" 4/22/2003 5/30/2003 6/27/2003 96.52 13.96 13.95 0.01 82.57 - 4" 96.52 12.64 12.63 0.01 83.89 4" 96.52 12.37 84.15 - 4" 7/15/2003 8/11/2003 9/2/2003 11/22/2004 11/4/2005 10/5/2006 6/12/2007 6/19/2008 96.52 12.36 12.35 0.01 84.17 4" 96.52 12.44 12.43 0.01 84.09 - 4" 96.52 12.39 12.38 0.01 84.14 4" 96.52 17.16 79.36 4" 96.52 20.99 75.53 4" 96.52 17.43 79.09 - 4" 96.52 16.35 - 80.17 4" 96.52 19.61 76.91 35.67 4" 4/28/2009 12/3/2009 3/28/2010 4/2/2010 4/28/2010 6/28/2010 96.52 17.21 16.91 0.30 79.53 35.67 4" 96.52 18.40 18.35 0.05 78.16 4" 96.52 14.81 - 81.71 4" 96.52 23.75 72.77 - 4" 96.52 15.57 - 80.95 4" 96.52 17.09 - 79.43 - 4" 7/2/2010 96.52 21.59 74.93 4" 10/21/2010 6/17/2011 6/9/2011 96.52 1 20.22 - 76.30 35.63 4" 96.52 18.29 18.03 0.26 78.42 4" 96.52 18.53 18.27 0.26 78.18 35.63 4" 8/24/2011 9/19/2011 10/6/2011 96.52 20.40 20.38 0.02 76.13 - 4" 96.52 21.16 21.11 0.05 75.40 4" 96.52 20.66 75.86 4" 10/12/2011 96.52 20.90 - 75.62 4" MW-6 1/16/2002 2/5/2002 10/5/2006 6/12/2007 15.00 15-40 105.17 28.24 76.93 2" 105.17 24.33 80.84 2" 105.17 22.94 - 82.23 2" 4/28/2009 105.17 25.52 79.65 40.00 2" 12/3/2009 105.17 25.64 - 79.53 40.00 2" 4/28/2010 10/21/2010 6/17/2011 105.17 22.63 82.54 2" 105.17 24.61 - 80.56 40.00 2" 1 105.17 26.22 78.95 40.03 2" 10/6/2011 1 105.17 27.97 - 77.20 2" Page 1 of 2 Incident Number: 6867 Facility I.D. # Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 Table 2: Groundwater Gauging Data Revision Date: 2/28/2012 Monitoring Well I.D. Date Installed Gauging Date Total Casing Depth (ftbgs) Screened interval (ft bgs) Top of Casing Elevation (ft) Depth to Water (ft BTOC) Depth to Product (ft BTOC) Product Thickness (ft) Ground Water Elevation (ftASL) Measured Depth to Bottom (ft) Well Diameter MW-7 1/17/2002 2/5/2002 11/22/2004 10/5/2006 6/12/2007 6/19/2008 4/28/2009 12/3/2009 15.00 15-30 91.33 16.41 74.92 2" 91.33 13.89 77.44 2" 91.33 13.77 77.56 2" 91.33 13.10 - 78.23 2" 91.33 15.33 76.00 29.88 2" 91.33 13.32 78.01 30.02 2" 91.33 14.44 76.89 30.00 2" 4/28/2010 10/21/2010 5/17/2011 91.33 12.13 79.20 2" 91.33 20.07 71.26 31.01 2" 91.33 14.57 - 76.76 30.01 2" 10/6/2011 91.33 16.18 75.15 - 2" MW-8 1/17/2002 2/5/2002 11/22/2004 10/5/2006 6/12/2007 14.00 14-24 92.59 16.98 - 75.61 2" 92.59 12.59 80.00 2" 92.59 13.86 78.73 - 2" 92.59 12.81 79.78 2" 6/19/2008 92.59 16.16 76.43 23.84 2" 4/28/2009 12/3/2009 92.59 13.52 79.07 23.97 2" 92.59 14.97 - 77.62 24.00 2" 4/28/2010 92.59 12.16 - 80.43 2" 10/21/2010 92.59 20.11 72.48 23.97 2" 5/17/2011 92.59 14.04 - 78.55 23.98 2" 10/6/2011 92.59 17.11 75.48 - 2" MW-9 6/12/2002 9/16/2002 17.00 17-32 98.47 23.91 23.62 0.29 74.77 32.00 2" 10/4/2002 11/25/2002 98.47 23.75 23.49 0.26 74.91 2" 98.47 21.19 - 77.28 2" 12/23/2002 98.47 20.60 77.87 - 2" 1/16/2003 2/19/2003 98.47 20.03 - 78.44 2" 98.47 19.46 79.01 2" 3/19/2003 4/22/2003 5/30/2003 6/27/2003 98.47 19.03 18.72 0.31 79.67 - 2" 98.47 15.73 15.71 0.02 82.75 2" 98.47 14.65 14.64 0.01 83.83 - 2" 98.47 14.18 - - 84.29 2" 7/15/2003 98.47 14.11 84.36 - 2" 8/11/2003 98.47 14.10 - 84.37 2" 9/2/2003 98.47 14.00 84.47 - 2" 11/22/2004 11/4/2005 10/5/2006 6/12/2007 6/19/2008 4/28/2009 98.47 18.88 - 79.59 2" 98.47 20.90 - 77.57 2" 98.47 19.19 79.28 - 2" 98.47 18.00 80.47 2" 98.47 21.24 - 77.23 31.81 2" 98.47 19.66 18.60 1.06 79.59 2" 12/3/2009 3/28/2010 4/2/2010 4/28/2010 98.47 20.22 20.20 0.02 78.26 2" 98.47 15.53 82.94 2" 21.10 77.37 2" 7 17.27 - 81.20 2" 6/28/2010 7 18.81 79.66 - 2" 7/2/2010 7 20.92 77.55 2" 10/21/2010 7 21.73 - 76.74 32.02 2" 5/17/2011 10/6/2611 7 19.88 - 78.59 31.95 2" 7 22.73 22.00 0.73 76.27 2" 10/12/2011 7 22.74 22.21 0.53 76.12 2" 1/18/2002 2/5/2002 65.00 70-79 2 20.60 - 75.72 2" 10/5/2006 6/12/2007 1477 2 17.49 78.83 - 2" 32 16.55 - - 79.77 2"6/19/2008 32 19.35 76.97 80.27 2"4/28/2009 12/3/2009 32 17.40 - - 78.92 81.60 2"DW-1 32 18.36 77.96 80.25 2"4/28/2010 32 15.62 80.70 2"10/21/2010 32 19.43 7689 80.495/17/2011 32 18.04 7828 803110/6/2011 32 20.48 75.84 2" Notes: BTOC = Below top of well casing - = Not measured or not available ft = feet ft ASL = feet below arbitrary site level bgs = below ground surface Groundwater elevation corrected for the presence of free product using the formula: Top of Casing Elevation - (Depth to Water - (Product Thickness x 0.73)) Page 2 of 2 Table 3: Groundwater Analytical 'i;aLa Revision Date: 2/28/2012 Incident Number. 6867 Facility ID #: Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 Methods-> MADEP VPH/EPH pg/L) Volatile Or anic Compounds by SM6200 B (historical data used 602/6230D) (Ng/L)) 504.1/6200z 3030C Contaminate of Concern-> N Co Il y U V C V) V E Q A V 9 a) N a) a) 7 p a) a X m o O C O W a) C O ° O a) c t a) O O U O a) c a) a) O p C 1a O N c ai C a) C O . C a) C N a) O CL N a) O i O N a a) L Z a a) C o H N a) c N C N 0 _ o c N C «a) CliL _ aN) O E CV a l UCSaC) O + m WU 'rnONa) J Well ID Date GCLs-> NE NE NE NE 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 70,000 70,000 400 7,000 70,000 100,000 600 6,900 8,500 30,000 25,000 NE 6,000 3,000 700 70,000 25,000 28,500 NE NE 30 50 15,000 12/1/1990 564 509 6 2 47 18 193 ND 13 ND ND - ND - 2/1/1991 1,654 1,500 36 ND 118 ND 1,800 ND 5/1/1991 649 590 16 ND 43 44 410 ND 8/1/1991 849 830 7 2 1 10 ND 300 ND MW-1 10/1/1991 702 630 25 8 39 4 180 ND 1/1/1992 - - - 492 440 16 7 29 55 200 - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 10/1/1992 - - - 106 86 9 2.7 8.2 11 170 - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 3/1/1993 - - - 236 170 16 13 37 16 190 - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - Well Abandoned/Destroyed 12/1/1990 13,720 6,355 2,083 1,206 4,076 757 1,377 ND 2/1/1991 71,500 29,000 30,000 2,000 10,500 ND 4,700 ND 5/1/1991 76,000 32,000 31,000 2,200 10,800 ND 4,700 ND 8/1/1991 - - - 66,700 28,000 27,000 1,800 9,900 ND 5,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 10/1/1991 - - - 69,300 28,000 29,000 2,000 10,300 ND 4,100 - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - MW-2` 3/1/1993 - - - 51,400 21,000 21,000 1,400 8,000 ND 3,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 3/1/1994 43,040 17,000 17,300 1,280 7,460 ND 3,680 ND 1/1/1995 114,800 53,40 3,2200 27100 18,300 - - 16200 ND ND ND 700 - 99602704 00 000 , 00 400 ND 880 ND2/6/1996 11/5/1997 - 20,150 2,950 2,480 1,690 13,030 5,000 ND ND ND ND ND ND Well Abandoned/Destroyed. MW-2R 2/14/2001 ND ND ND 101,900 45,400 37,900 2,000 16,600 ND 137800 - 1,550 - ND I - I - I - I - I - I - I - - I ND ND - - - - - - 550 1 3 Well abandoned and replaced by MW-5 in January 2002 12/1/1990 3 ND ND ND 3 ND ND ND 2/1/1991 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/1/1991 13 5 6 ND 2 ND ND ND 8/1/1991 - - - ND ND ND ND ND ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 1/1/1992 - - - ND ND ND ND ND ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 10/1/1992 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 3/1/1993 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MW-3 2/1/1991 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/1/1991 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 8/1/1991 - - - ND ND ND ND ND ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 10/1/1991 40 17 15 2 6 ND ND ND 1/1/1992 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 10/l/1992 - - - ND ND ND ND ND ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - - - 3/1/1993 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Well Abandoned/Destroyed MW 4 12/1/1990 - - - 3 ND ND ND 3 ND ND - - - - - - - - - - - - ND - - - - - - - Well Abandoned/Destroyed 1/23/2002 102,000 15,900 ND 60,940 33,200 18,700 1,240 7,800 680 8,910 ND 2,390 ND ND 1.7 2.2 5.8 2.1 260 122 6/19/2008 81,390 34,000 28,700 2,390 16,300 311 7,020 MW-5 4/28/2010 68,750 31,100 24,100 1,750 11,800 302 6,360 10/21/2010 64,610 25,800 25,100 1,610 12,100 210 5,400 10/6/2011 - - - 64,110 31,800 20,800 2,240 9,270 114 5,850 <0.500 1,710 <0.500 276 0.950 <0.500 55.0 8.23 185 61.9 6.66 947 8.96 6.33 402 490 1,750 <0.500 398 3.03 136 - 1/23/2002 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MW-6 12/3/2009 ND <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <3.00 <1.00 <1.00 5/17/2011 - - - ND <0.500 1 <0.500 <0.500 I <1.00 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <5.00 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 - - <0.500 - 1/23/2002 1,880 ND ND 42 40.3 1.7 ND. ND 12.4 114 8.7 3.3 170 5.5 ND 940 5,760 ND ND 7 MW-7 12/3/2009 - - - 37.96 31 <1.00 <1.00 6.96 3.34 <1.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5/17/2011 - - - 7.39 7.39 <0.500 <0.500 <1.00 0.72 19.0 0.84 3.5 0.5 204 3.44 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <5.00 571 2,290 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 10/6/2011 - - - 4.86 4.86 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 0.740 15.0 0.826 2.50 0.600 222 3.25 <0.500 <0.500 0.540 <0.500 <1.00 <0.500 <5.00 611 2,300 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 0.590 <0.500 - 1/23/2002 289 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.6 85.2 2.8 ND 78.2 ND ND 60.5 422 ND ND ND MW 8 12/3/2009 ND <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <3.00 4.84 <1.00 i 5/17/2011 - - - ND <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <1.00 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 11.8 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 1 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 1 <5.00 11.7 19.8 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 - - 1 <0.500 - Page 1 of 2 r� Table 3: Groundwater Analytical to Revision Date: 2/28/2012 Incident Number: 6867 Facility ID #: Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 Methods-> MADEP VPH/EPH pg/L) Volatile Organic Compounds by SM6200 B (historical data used 602/6230D) (pg/L)' 504.1/6200' 3030C Contaminate of Concern-> U ccL L^ D_ la O.� {0 E O X a) c a) N O C co t N Q L d Q ° N 20 O L U c m R t U O p O a) c N N N C N C C C C a) N y m C N j, O O a) c N �_ L N a) cc C a L N C a) L < c w U Z CliO . . .0 . O O (L) vva) V) C In m W C_V D1 O F W L ° N 3 N d Q O n "It N O ca° cc Well ID Date U_5 co W U _ U .9 _ c y a n Cal Z m W W J GCLs-> NE NE NE NE 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 70,000 70,000 400 7,000 70,000 100,000 1 600 6,900 8,500 30,000 25,000 NE 6,000 3,000 700 70,000 25,000 28,500 NE NE 30 50 15,000 6/19/2008 31,520 10,400 11,400 1,340 8,380 6,140 4,380 - - - MW-9 4/28/2010 - - - 31,390 5,420 15,300 1,470 9,200 1,020 1,790 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10/21/2010 38,720 10,300 15,800 1,520 11,100 9,060 5,500 - - 5/17/2011 50,710 12,100 20,200 2,510 15,900 4,700 3.810 <25.0 RL1 <25.0 RL1 <25.0 RL1 1 <25.0 RL1 <25.0 RL1 <25.0 RL1 1 99.5 <25.0 RL1 289 84.5 <25.0 RL1 1,030 <250 RL1 <250 RL1 525 740 2,760 - <2500 RL1 <25.0 RL1 <25.0 RL1 - 1/23/2002 1,070 ND ND 221 219 2.2 ND NO 44.3 464 1.8 167 2.2 NO NO 1.5 5.7 NO NO NO DW-1 12/3/2009 NO <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <3.00 30.7 161 - ND 0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <1.00 60.6 275 7.3 39.3 <0.500 1.43 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <5.00 0.59 2.84 <0.5 <0.500 -5/17/2011 Notes: GCLs = Gross Contamination Levels NE = Not Established <# = Non -Detect below laboratory reporting limits NO = Below Detection Limits BTEX = Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes MTBE = Methyl tert-butyl ether IPE = Diisopropyl Ether EDB = Ethylene Dibromide BOLD = Concentration exceeds GCL standard - = Not Analyzed for specific compound 1 = Prior to May 2011 event, samples were analyzed via Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 602 (historical data used 602/6230D), May 2011 samples were analyzed via SM6200 B. 2 = Prior to May 2011 event, samples were analyzed via EPA 504.1, May 2011 samples were analyzed via SM6200 B. - RL1 = Reporting limit raised due to sample matrix effects MADEP = Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection VPH/EPH = Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons / Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons pg/L = micrograms per liter Page 2 of 2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET THE BIOSOLVE® COMPANY 329 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 USA Phone: +1(781) 482-7900 Fax: +1(781) 482-7909 Emergency Phone-24 Hours: +1(800) 225-3909 Ref. No.: 2001 Date: 7/26/2010 E-Mail: info@biosolve.com Web Site: www.biosolve.com SECTION I - IDENTITY Name: BI O$Olve® CAS #: 138757-63-8 Formula: Proprietary Chemical Family: Water Based, Biodegradable, Wetting Agents & Surfactants HMIS Code: Health 1, Fire 0, Reactivity 0 HMIS Key: 4 = Extreme, 3 = High, 2 = Moderate, 1 = Slight, 0 = Insignificant SECTION H - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Massachusetts Right to Know Law or 29 C.F.R. (Code of Federal Regulations) 1910.1000 require listing of hazardous ingredients. This product does not contain any hazardous ingredients as defined by CERCLA, Massachusetts Right to Know Law and California's Prop. 65. DOT Class: Not Regulated/Non Hazardous SECTION III - PHYSICAL - CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point : 265°F Specific Gravity : 1.00 +/-.01 Melting Point : 32°F Vapor Pressure mm/Hg Not Applicable Surface Tension- 6% Solution : 29.1 Dyne/cm at 25°C Vapor Density Air = 1 : Not Applicable Reactivity with Water : No Viscosity - Concentrate : 490 Centipoise Evaporation Rate : >1 as compared to Water Viscosity - 6% Solution 15 Centi oise Appearance : Clear Liquid unless Dyed Solubility in Water : Complete Odor : Pleasant Fragrance pH : 9.1+/-.3 Pounds per Gallon : 8.38 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Special Fire Fighting Procedures : None Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards : None Solvent for Clean -Up : Water Flash Point : None Flammable Limit : None Auto Ignite Temperature : None Fire Extinguisher Media : Not Applicable PAGE IOF2 Date:7/1/2010 Ref. No. 2001 BloSolve® SECTION V - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be taken in Handling and Storage: Use good normal hygiene. Precautions to be taken in case of Spill or Leak - Small spills, in an undiluted form, contain. Soak up with absorbent materials. Large spills, in an undiluted form, dike and contain. Remove with vacuum truck or pump to storage/salvage vessel. Soak up residue with absorbent materials. Waste Disposal Procedures - Dispose in an approved disposal area or in a manner which complies with all local, provincial, and federal regulations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARDS Threshold Limit Values: Not applicable Signs and Symptoms of Over Exposure - Acute : Moderate eye irritation. Skin: Causes redness, edema, drying of skin. Chronic: Pre-existing skin and eye disorders may be aggravated by contact with this product. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Unknown Carcinogen: No Emergency First Aid Procedures - Eyes: Flush thoroughly with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Skin: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed areas with soap and water. Wash clothing before reuse. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Ingestion: Get medical attention. Inhalation: None considered necessary. SECTION VII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection : Not necessary Local Exhaust Required : No, except in confined space as required. Ventilation : Normal Protective Clothing : Neoprene or other chemical Required resistant gloves, safety goggles or chemical face shield. Wash clothing before reuse. WHEN UTILIZED IN CONFINED SPACE OPERATIONS, ADDITIONAL PPE MAYBE REQUIRED AS PER OSHA GUIDELINES. SECTION VIII - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Stability : Stable Incompatible Substances : None Known Polymerization : No Hazardous Decomposition Products : None Known ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION IX - TRANSPORT & STORAGE DOT Class : Not Regulated/Non Hazardous Freeze Temperature : 28°F Storage : 35°F-120°F Freeze Harm : None (thaw & stir) Shelf Life : Unlimited Unopened SECTION X - REGULATORY INFORMATION The Information on this Material Safety Data Sheet reflects the latest information and data that we have on hazards, properties, and handling of this product under the recommended conditions of use. Any use of this product or method of application, which is not described on the Product label or in this Material Safety Data Sheet, is the sole responsibility of the user. This Material Safety Data Sheet was prepared to comply with the OSHA Hazardous Communication Regulation and Massachusetts Right to Know Law. PAGE 2 OF 2 J �: 1'' At•�u��i��ciix� B BioSolve° Technical Bulletin BIOS VE The Product and How It Works HYDROCARBON MITIGATION TECHNOLOGY BioSolve is a proprietary, water -based blend of non-ionic and anionic surfactants, and other ingredients specifically formulated to provide unique benefits for the mitigation of hydrocarbons. When applied as a 3% - 6% solution, BioSolve works on a wide range of crude oil and hydrocarbon products to: • Reduce volatility, rendering spills non-flammable, reducing risk from hazardous vapors; • Enable extraction of contaminants from soil, sand and water; and, • Increase bioavailability, making hydrocarbons more readily biodegradable. Surfactants Surfactants (a contraction of "surface active agents") are compounds that lower the surface tension of liquids, allowing easier spreading or "wetting," and lower interfacial tension between two liquids (such as oil and water) or between a liquid and a solid. These functional characteristics are attributable to the structure of the surfactant molecule, which includes a hydrophilic "head" and a hydrophobic "tail." This means that a surfactant has both a water insoluble component (or oil soluble component) and a water soluble component. Ap• ...Hydrophilic head Aqueous solution • Hydrophobic tail Surfactant molecules forming a micelle — encapsulating an oil droplet Surfactant molecules will migrate to the water surface, where the insoluble hydrophobic group may extend out of the bulk water phase, either into the air or, if water is mixed with oil, into the oil phase, while the water soluble head remains in the water phase. This alignment and aggregation of surfactant molecules at the surface acts to alter the surface properties of water at the water/air, water/oil or water/solid interface. Under the right conditions, surfactant molecules will create micelles - spherical structures that can completely encapsulate an oil droplet so that it will be emulsified in an aqueous solution. The BioSolve formula has been optimized to achieve this encapsulation and emulsification for crude oil and hydrocarbons. BioSolve in Practice When applied to oils spills, BioSolve encapsulates hydrocarbons, reducing vapor pressure and, when properly agitated, will make the spill non-flammable. The same principle makes BioSolve an excellent treatment for controlling fugitive vapors at active remediation sites, for temporary storage piles of contaminated material and for reducing LEL readings in enclosed spaces, such as storage tanks. For in -situ and ex -situ remediation projects, BioSolve reduces interfacial tensions, mobilizing hydrocarbons trapped in the soil matrix and encapsulating them in an aqueous solution. This allows for efficient removal and treatment of hydrocarbons with less water than other remediation protocols. For aquifer remediation, BioSolve strips and desorbs NAPLs from the matrix and solubilizes them in a tension reduced spherical micellular emulsion. B101-3iQVE HVOROCAREKIN MIT1GAT10N TEC 4"X0ry Trapped Oil at Residual Saturation Solubilization >p:a. • �, 0 (microemulsions) x x s: ~ Surfactant ri;: ;a>:,r -� � � �• f Flushu.. �►.Y:> srs. • •' f:>a.' `'' Mobilization 111n>s4.;".. •: '; e%er>:r cs Waste collected from remediation projects can be treated in many activated sludge ponds or POTWs, subject to local regulations. Tests have shown that BioSolve will not harm aerobic or anaerobic bacteria in activated sludge operations. BioSolve also supports biodegradation by increasing bioavailability of hydrocarbons. This natural process is accelerated when hydrocarbons are microencapsulated - increasing the surface area available to bacteria. In fact, bacteria produce a surfactant to do much the same thing; so BioSolve is just helping the natural process along. Where soil nutrients are depleted, BioSolve has produced excellent results when used in conjunction with commercially available bacteria cultures and nutrients commonly used in bioremediation. The final products of biodegradation are mostly carbon dioxide, water and cell mass. BioSolve has been tested under laboratory and field conditions for over 30 years, providing consulting engineers, regulators and contractors with a high level of confidence in its performance. BioSolve Technical Data Freeze Temperature: 280F Odor: Pleasant Fragrance Freeze Harm: None (may require stirring) Flammability: None Boiling Point: 2650F Health: Minor Skin Irritant (NCIS Rated 1) Specific Gravity: 1.00 +/- .01 Density: 8.38 pounds per gallon Surface Tension: 29.1 dyne/cm @ 250F Viscosity (Concentrate): 490 centipoise pH: 9.1 +/- 0.3 (depending on dilution water) Viscosity (6% Solution): 15 centipoise Solvent for Cleanup: Water Color: Clear Liquid or Dyed Red Shelf Life: Unlimited - Unopened DOT Class: Not Regulated BioSolve is listed on the US EPA's NCP Product Schedule. This listing DOES NOT mean that EPA approves, recommends, licenses, certifies or authorizes the use of BioSolve on any oil discharge. This listing means only that data has been submitted to EPA as required by Subpart J of the National Contingency Plan, 300.915. This material is made available for use by professionals or persons having proper technical skills to be used at their own discretion. The statements made herein are guidelines only and may require modification to site specific conditions. Nothing contained herein is a warranty or is to be taken as a license to use without proper authority. BioSolve should always be used in accordance with all Federal, State and Local rules and regulations. The BioSolve Company 329 Massachusetts Avenue • Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 USA Telephone: +1 (781) 482-7900 • Fax: +1 (781) 482-7909 Email: info@biosolve.com • www.biosolve.com BioSolve The trusted solution for over 30 years TBC TB1001Rev0411 ARCADES Vol 0 '� • per``- :'.,: it t � '' Rik j,` • ,' - s REFERENCE: BASE MAP USGS 7.5. MIN. TOPO. QUAD., CHARLOTTE WEST, NC, 1993 AND MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE, NC, 1993. 0 2000' 4000' EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Approximate Scale: 1 in. = 2000 ft. EXXONMOBIL SERVICES STATION #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC SURFACTANT APPLICATION WORKPLAN - 21 a� a� w ■ SITE LOCATION MAP FI ;< ARCADIS NORTH CAROLINA I FORMER \ PROPERTY \ / BOUNDARY / \ MW-(UNKNOWN \ Mwe \ \ FORMER DISPENSER ISLANDS \ \ 1 wws\ \ \ \ \ \ MW-1 \ I FORMER TANK HEATING \ \ 0 I FORMER WASTE \ \ \ OIL TANK \ \ \ \ MN6 r FORMFIELD Ai1 �k"MW-zR 9. spw1 \ ra\ \ I I -----& UNKNOWN I Im \ --� 1 10 \ FORMER CHARLIE I I $ \ BROWN'S DRY j" \ CLEANERS 440 MAJOR 1 STREET I I I I I I 1 I IIW7 \ d1 I \ MAJOR STREET q q� LEGEND 6 MONITORING WELL IQI ABANDONED MONITORING WELL 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE \ �.' / \ FORMER \ PROPERTY i \ BOUNDARY 77.00 MW-(UNKNO / (77.20)\ 6r \ / � FORMER \\ ISLANDS \ mwg\\ \\ \ \ ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ FORMEROIL Tµ TING \ \ I FORM�`R 42p94 %7.00 \ d I FORMER WASTE \ \ \ OIL TANK `\ \ \ �` / Ip WW5(75. �86) FO I I / mu (- ll MW-2R FliLD 000 �((W7s.84) \ \ ,QI MW-3 _ _ I I _ _ I� \ FORMER CHARLIE BROWN'S DRY j \ CLEANERS 440 MAJOR STREET I I I I I I Mw7 j_ 75.00 �(75.48) (75.15y \\. 0010 MAJOR q q~ �C) �q LEGEND s MONITORING WELL IQI ABANDONED MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (DASHED 77.00----� WHERE INFERRED) (76 27) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FEET BELOW ARBITRARY SITE LEVEL) GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION NOTE: BASEMAP PREPARED FROM DRAWING FILE PREPARED BY "GROUNDWATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC." (GES), TITLED: SITE MAP, AT A SCALE OF 1 "=50', DATED: NOVEMBER 21, 2008. 0 40' 80, GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC SURFACTANT APPLICATION WORK PLAN - 2012 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP OCTOBER 6, 2011 FIGURE ARCADIS 1 3 / \ \ FORMER \ PROPERTr \ BOUNDARY � Mw-(uNKNowN LEGEND (NS)` IQI \ \ \ � MONITORING WELL IQI ABANDONED MONITORING WELL \ t�FORMERDISPENSER `ISLANDS COC GCLS \\\ `\ B 5,000 BENZENE \NIINq\ ,,�c \\ C►+`� ��\ �\ \S \\ MW_5 T 260.000 TOLUENE \ \ \ \ \\J \\ `.\ \�`. B 5-17-11 10-6-11 E 84,500 ETHYLBENZENE X 85,500 TOTAL XYLENES FP* 31 d00 \\ `. M 85,500 METHYL TERT—BUTYL ETHER \I �� � \ \ ` \ T 20,800 IPE 70.000 DIISOPROPYL ETHER E X = 2,240 EDB 50 ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE 9,270 �QI \ \ CHL 70,000 CHLOROFORM FORMER HEATING o TANK \ \ M IPE5,850 - 114 12DE 400 1,2—DICHLOROETHANE _ EDB - 136 C12D 70,000 cis-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE TCE 3,000 TRICHLOROETHENE 00 TETR 700 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 120E - 1,700 \ C12D - \ \ O \\ TCE - 8.96 IOLO EXCEEDS GCLS FORMER WASTE OIL TANK ` \ TETR - 6.33 GCLS : GROSS CONTAMINATION LEVELS \ NS NOT SAMPLED I \ I d NOT ANALYZED MWS \ I 4 \ f roRMge TA�gt, MW-2R \ \ G F--Rpp li .5`MW-2 DWI 11 11 11 4 MW-3 I UNKNOWN I 14 I FORMER CHARLIE I I$ BROWN'S DRY CLEANERS 440 MAJOR I I STREET MAJOR STREET I MW7 I I I 1 \ I \` M iv - 5-17-11 10-6-11 B 7.39 4.86 T <O.500 <0.500 E <O.500 <O.500 X <1.00 <O.500 M 0.72 0.740 PE 1 19.0 15.0 EDB <0.500 <O.500 CHL 0.84 0.820 12DE 3.5 2.50 C12D 204 222 TCE 571 611 TETR 2,290 2,300 NOTE: MW-5 NOT SAMPLED ON MAY 17, 2011 DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF FREE PRODUCT 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE I EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES q FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC SURFACTANT APPLICATION WORK PLAN - 2012 DISSOLVED -PHASE q CONCENTRATION MAP q OCTOBER 6, 2011 - OCTOBER 6, 2012 FIGURE ARCADIS 4 /\ \ FORMER PROPERTY BOUNDARY Vl MT -(UNKNOWN\ 0O% FORMER DISPENSER \\\ \\ 01 10- 1 \ \ \ I ON MW-1 \ A I FO O'ER HEATING \ \ \ `\ •\ I FORMER RAWKASTE I INJ=2 FORMER_T ®W-2R r FIELD \ i I .iMW-2 sDW1 n - - - ----l9UNKNOWN I Im \\ IN FORMER CHARLIE I 19 BROWN'S DRY j m I CLEANERS 440 MAJOR ..STREET I I I I I I 1 1 I NW7 \ I \ MAJOR STREET LEGEND 6 MONITORING WELL `Qi ABANDONED MONITORING WELL ® INJECTION WELL LOCATION ®TARGETED SURFACTANT LOCATION 0 40' 80' TnTl GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC SURFACTANT APPLICATION WORK PLAN - 2012 PROPOSED SURFACTANT APPLICATION LOCATIONS (�ARCADIS � Fs \ \ FORMER PROPERTY eouNOARr MW—(UNKNOWN \ 9 FORMER DISPENSER pEi�\lFF`�Py \ISLANDS\ \ \ \\ �dE aF r IN 1 \\ \\ \ \ I - \ FORMER HEATING \ \ \ I OIL TANK I XO \ I FORMER WASTE \ \ \ OIL TANK ` \ \ -2111 I INJ-2 \ \\ I d \ I MW ®pper FORMER TAj11LY]�-2R \ \ F — -F ELo 1 I SAW-2 \ �\ II ii ii II Ispw \ \ Q II �L I I MW-3 NKNOWN I 110 \\ FORMER CHARLIE I I \ BROWN'S DRY j \ CLEANERS 440 MAJOR I j STREET I I I I I 1 I MW7 \ I \ MAJOR STREET q q� LEGEND MONITORING WELL ABANDONED MONITORING WELL ® INJECTION WELL LOCATION 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC SURFACTANT APPLICATION WORK PLAN - 2012 PROPOSED INJECTION WELL LOCATIONS V2 ARCADISGU 6 GROUND SURFACE: 50 TOP OF RISER PIPE: 49 TOP OF SEAL: BOTTOM OF SEAL: TOP OF SCREEN: BOTTOM OF SCREEN: BOTTOM OF WELL SUMP: BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE: FLUSH MOUNTED COVER LOCKING CAP RISER PIPE: 2" Diameter Sch. 40 PVC GROUT: Cement—Bentonite Mixture WELL SEAL: BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 4.25" GRADED SAND PACK: SCREEN PIPE: 2" Diameter Sch. 40 PVC SCREEN SLOT SIZE: 0.02" a FORMER PROPERTY ^/\ , BOUNDARY MW-4 `FORMER \.. DISPENSER°Ir- \ \ 11 GP - <OE . GP-411A,1 \. \ \ .MW-1/9P-3 FORMER HEATING o \ 1 ' OIL TANK GP-1641130 GP-10 Gp y�GP 11 I FORMER WASTE OIL TANK A GP-8 GP-17 GP-6 \ I �q \ �✓ AGP-16 r- n&D� �� 1ww-2+\ C� I i I 1\ `QI I ,i'1 ji it \ _ GP-12 I \ I MW-3 GP-14 A GP-7 AGP-15 A GP-13- _ �!!DUNKNOWN 1 18 \ FORMER CHARLIE I I v \ 1 BROWN'S DRY m \ CLEANERS 440 MAJOR STREET I I I I I 1 1 l A �Mws I v , \ MAJOR STREET q O � q� �q Qq LEGEND: B MONITORING WELL IQI ABANDONED MONITORING WELL + PROPOSED INJECTION WELL 1 ` 10' RADIUS OF INFLUENCE A ACROSS SECTION LINE SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION A ADVANCED IN 2002 (LOCATION IS APPROXIMATED) 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CHEMICAL INJECTION CROSS SECTION LOCATION MAP � ARCADISFIGURE I aA MW-9(GP--. NORTH (ABANDONED) gj VIA 90 85 70 65 MW-4 12 1 1990 B 1 ND T ND E ND X 3 / / i MW-9 5 17 2011 B '12,000 T 1 20,200 E 2,510 X 15,900 B—B' CROSSES A —A M W-1/GP-3 ABANDONED) MW-1 3 1 1993 B 1 170 T 16 E 13 X 37 MW-5 GP-5* IW 2* I DW-1 GP-12* IMP W lip 10 MW-7 5 17 2011 B 7.39 T <0.5 E <0.5 X <1 A' SOUTH 95 90 85 80 V) WJ J 75 z Q w w 0 m Q 70 I— w w \\ \ \ \\\\\\ \ 65 60 60 BROWN CLA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\ \ BROWN SILTY GRA A 25 COMPOUND B = BENZENE T = TOULENE E = ETHYLBENZENE X = TOTAL XYLENES 15 MW-5 10/21 /2010 B 25 800 T 25,100 E 1,610 X 12,100 DW-1 5/17/2011 B <0.5 T <0.5 E <0.5 X <1 25 15 LEGEND ®RED TO BROWN CLAY, SILTY CLAY, SILTY SAND, CLAYEY SILT, DRY TO MOIST WHITE, GRAY, TAN TO LIGHT BROWN, i OLIVE GREEN SAND, SILTY CLAY, SILTY SAND, CLAY, CLAYEY SILT, MOIST TO WET PARTIALLY WEATHERED —ROCK, GRAY TO WHITE, PRESENTED AS SAND, SANDY SILT, CLAYEY SILT, SILTY SAND ® BEDROCK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (COLLECTED 5/17/11)IN FEET. COORDINATE SYSTEM IS AN ARBITRARY SYSTEM WHERE THE ELEVATION OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE FORMER EXXON STATION = 100 FEET. INFERRED LITHOLOGIC CONTACT SCREENED INTERVAL NOTES: 1. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS NOT AVAILABLE, THERE FORE USING TOP OF CASING ELEVATION`. AS GROUND SURFACE FOR CROSS SECTIONS. 2. IW-1 AND IW-2 ARE PROPOSED INJECTION WELLS TO BE INSTALLED. DEPTHS/LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. * — ESTIMATES GROUND ELEVATION. 4. PWR — PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK. 5. MW-4, MW-1, MW-5, AND DW-1 WERE LOGGED EVERY FIVE FEET. 6. < : NOT DETECTED AT THE REPORTING LIMIT SHOWN 7. CONCENTRATIONS IN MICROGRAMS PER LITER 8. ND = NONDETECT 9. GROUNDWATER CONCENTRATIONS IN BOLD EXCEED THE NORTH CAROLINA GROSS CONTAMINATION LEVELS 0 25' 50' HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE 0 5' 10' VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CHEMICAL INJECTION CROSS SECTION A -A' ARCADIS I FIGOUORE B A —A' CROSSES B—B' B, WEST k.W—s EAST 95 95 LEGEND ®RED TO BROWN CLAY, SILTY CLAY, SILTY SAND, CLAYEY SILT, DRY TO MOIST / WHITE, GRAY, TAN TO LIGHT BROWN, OLIVE GREEN SAND, SILTY CLAY, SILTY SAND, CLAY, CLAYEY SILT, MOIST TO WET PARTIALLY WEATHERED —ROCK, GRAY TO WHITE, PRESENTED 3 AS SAND, SANDY SILT, CLAYEY 90 90 SILT, SILTY SAND Z % eRowri SILTt (COLLECTED GROUNDWATER5/17/ 1)TI INN FEET. 5 / INFERRED LITHOLOGIC CONTACT 85 85 SCREENED INTERVAL V) // / // / NOTES: < i I i W 80 / // / / / // // 80 1. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS NOT / / / // // / AVAILABLE, TOP OF CASING ELEVATIONS USED AS GROUND SURFACE FOR CROSS LLI/ / / �/ // / // / — / SECTIONS. w /► /� / / / // / / 2. IW-2 IS A PROPOSED INJECTION WELL TO 3 > / / / / BE INSTALLED. DEPTH/LOCATION ARE m / // / / // / / // / / APPROXIMATE. Q 75 // / // // / // // / 3. * — ESTIMATED GROUND ELEVATION. e w / // / / / / �� / // 75 4. PWR — PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK. vr 5. COORDINATE SYSTEM IS AN ARBITRARY SYSTEM WHERE THE ELEVATION OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE FORMER EXXON STATION = 100 FEET. / / \ 6. MW-5 WAS LOGGED EVERY FIVE FEET. \ \ \ 7. GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED 70 \\\\\I ¢ 70 10/21 /2010 8. CONCENTRATIONS IN MILLIGRAMS PER i \ LITER 9. CONCENTRATIONS IN BOLD EXCEED THE s NORTH CAROLINA GROSS CONTAMINATION \ LEVELS. 65 .e LL X COMPOUND B = BENZENE T = TOULENE E = ETHYLBENZENE X = TOTAL XYLENES 65 0 20' 40' HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE 0 5' 10' 60 VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CHEMICAL INJECTION CROSS SECTION B-B' ARCADIS I F$CE Shrestha, Shristi R From: Watson, Edward M Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 20181:31 PM To: Shrestha, Shristi R Cc: Pitner, Andrew; Bowser, Daniel P Subject: RE: [External] RE: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094, 3721 Freedom Dr. Charlotte NC Shristi, MRO has reviewed the final report and additional information regarding WSW location data. Therefore, MRO is in agreement to rescind this permit. Regards, Ed From: Shrestha, Shristi R \ Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:42 PM To: Watson, Edward M <edward.watson@ncdenr.gov> - Subject: FW: [External] RE: W10300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094, 3721 Freedom Dr. Charlotte NC From: Shrestha, Shristi R Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 10:39 AM To: 'Goodell, Paul' <Paul.Goodell@arcadis.com> ;subject: RE: [External] RE: W10300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094, 3721 Freedom Dr. Charlotte -.0 Yes email asking for rescission should be sufficient. Thank you, Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.gov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Lave and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Goodell, Paul[mailto:Paul.Goodell(a7arcadis.com] Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 7:55 AM To: Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094, 3721 Freedom Dr. Charlotte NC CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to renort.spam(iDnc. og_v. Good morning Shristi, _Just to confirm, you need a formal statement from Exxon requesting that this permit be rescinded? If so, would an email from the EM Project Manager be sufficient? Thanks Paul From: Goodell, Hillary Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2617 3:40 PM To: Goodell, Paul <Paul.Goodellgarcadis.com> Subject: FW: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094, 3721 Freedom Dr. Charlotte NC Looks like the permit for 42094 is still open. Scott was copied on the email from NCDEQ today. Can you guys work to get this officially closed out so it doesn't pop up again? Thanks! - Hillary From: Mattingly, Michael Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 3:32 PM To: Cutshall, Greg <Greg.Cutshall&arcadis.com>; Goodell, Hillary <Hi11ary.Goodellna,arcadis.com> Subject: FW: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094, 3721 Freedom Dr. -Charlotte NC Hillary / Greg? See below and please respond to Jewel. I think this is Mid -Atlantic From: Cox, Jewel G rmailto:jewel.g.cox@exxonmobil.co Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 3:30 PM To: Mattingly, Michael <Michael.Mattingly@arcadis.com> Cc: Dugan, Doug /C <doug.dugan(a),exxonmobil.com> Subject: FW: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094, 3721 Freedom Dr. Charlotte NC Mike, Is this one of you sites and should the permit be closed or renewed. Thanks, Jewel Cox US North Execution Project Manager ExxonMobil Environmental Services 901-233-4112 From: Shrestha, Shristi R fmailto:shristi.shrestha a,ncdenr.govl Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 2:18 PM To: Cox. Jewel G <iewel.a.cox(a,exxonmobil.com> Shrestha, Shristi R From: Goodell, Paul <Paul.Goodell@arcadis.com> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 1:22 PM To: Shrestha, Shristi R; Campbell, Calista Cc: Goodell, Hillary; Corella, Francisco Subject: Re: [External] EM #42094 in Charlotte, NC CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov. Hi Ms. Shrestha, This is Permit #WI0300192. If you need anything else please let us know. Thanks Paul Get Outlook for iOS From: Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 1:18:55 PM To: Campbell, Calista Cc: Goodell, Paul; Goodell, Hillary; Corella, Francisco Subject: RE: [External] EM #42094 in Charlotte, NC Please send me the permit number. Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.gov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Campbell, Calista[mailto:calista.campbelll@exxonmobil.com] Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 11:00 AM To: Shrestha_ Shristi R <shristi_shresthannedenr_gov> Cc: Goodell, Paul <Paul.Goodell@arcadis.com>; Goodell, Hillary <Hillary.Goodell La"rcadis.com>; Corella, . Francisco <Francisco.Corella@arcadis.com> Subject: [External] EM 442094 in Charlotte, NC CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Hello Ms. Shrestha, I'm the current ExxonMobil PM for the subject site. Can you please rescind the UIC Permit? Please let me know. Happy New Year! Calista E. Campbell, E.I. Project Manager ExxonMobil Environmental Services Company Cell (201) 341-4687 Skype (908) 335-1219 calista.campbell l p_exxonmobil.com 1900 E. Linden Avenue, Building 28a Linden, NJ 07036 This email and any files transmitted with it are the property of Arcadis and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. This email contains information that may be confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please return it to the sender and then delete the email and destroy any copies of it. While reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that no software or viruses are present in our emails, we cannot guarantee that this email or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted or changed. Any opinions or other information in this email that do not relate to the official business of Arcadis are neither given nor endorsed by it. <doug. duganAexxonmobil. c om> Subject: RE: [External] FW: W10300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Jewel, The address is 3721 Freedom Dr. Charlotte NC 28208. I.have cc'd Mr. Doug in this email. Thank you, Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha(a)-ncdenr.gov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Cox, Jewel G rmailto:jewel.g.cox@exxomnobil.coml Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 3:14 PM To:. Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Dugan; Doug /C <doug.dugan(&exxonmobil.com>; scott.bostian&arcadis-us.com Subject: [External] FW: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report:spamOnc.gov. Shristi, Please provide the address of the subject site. Also, my former North Carolina sites are now managed by Mr. Doug Duncan. His email address is listed below: • Doug.dugankexxonmobil.com Thanks, Jewel Cox US North Execution Project Manager ExxonMobil Environmental Services 901-233-4112 From: Shrestha, Shristi R [mailto:shristi.shrestha(a7ncdenr.g_ov] Sent: Thursday,.December 21, 2017 1:58 PM To: Cox, Jewel G <jewel..cox@exxonmobil.com> Cc: scott.bostian(a,arcadis-us.com Subject: FW: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Jewel, Please find the email chain that started the beginning of this year. It looks like this is one of the expired permits too and needs to be closed out if there are no future injections planned. Please let me know within 30 days what the intent of the permittee is as we will start closing out the expired permits soon. Thank you, Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha(a�ncdenngov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the !North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Shrestha, Shristi R Sent: Thursday; January 12, 2017 10:56 AM To: 'Bostian, Scott' <Curtis.Bostian@arcadis.com> Cc: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers(c ncdenr.gov>; Goodell, Paul <Paul.Goodell@arcadis.com> Subject: RE: WI0300.192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Good morning, Please submit formal rescission request if you want to rescind the permit. It can be a an email too but it needs to be submitted by the permittee. Thanks, Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha@ncdenr.gov 512N. Salisbury Street 16313 Mail Service Center r:r• -7"''-Nothing Compares---,,,, - Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bostian, Scott [mailto:Curtis.Bostian(a,arcadis.coml Sent: Friday, January 06, 2017 2:03 PM To: Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha(&ncdenr.gov> Cc: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers(o)ncdenr.gov>; Goodell, Paul <Paul.Goodell(abarcadis.com> Subject: RE: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Attached is the most recent report (2016 Annual) for this site. We can send reports for previous years (2012-2015) if you need those. (It'll take multiple emails due to file size.) Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks Scott C. Scott Bostian, PE I Senior Engineer I curtis.bostian(a)_arcadis.com Arcadis I Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh NC 127607 1 USA T. +1 919 415 2291 1 M. +1 919 417 2643 Professional Engineer / PE- GA, FL, NC, SC, VA From: Shrestha, Shristi R [mailto:shristi.shrestha(CDncdenr.govl Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 9:11 AM To: Bostian, Scott <Curtis.Bostian(&arcadis.com> Cc: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers(&ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Yes if you want to rescind the permit. We will have to look at the latest groundwater sampling results to verify that no impact of injection is seen. Per 15A NCAC 02L.0202, injectants must attenuate to pre -injection concentration levels or groundwater standards whichever is greater in order for the permit to be closed out. Otherwise a corrective action is required. Thank you for your cooperation. Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feedinq Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha(a)-ncdenr.gov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center ,Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 K,, � - ' --'Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bostian, Scott [mailto: Curtis. Bostian(&arcadis.com] Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2017 1:33 PM To: Shrestha, Shristi R <shristi.shrestha(&ncdenr.gov> Cc: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Shristi, The September 2012 injection event was the only one conducted. The results weren't sufficient to continue. The wells are being used as monitoring wells so they haven't been abandoned. I'll find copies of the reports and send them to you. I thought we were sending hard copies of the reports to the UIC group but I'll verify. Do we need to submit a formal request to rescind the permit? Thanks. Scott C. Scott Bostian, PE I Senior Engineer I curtis.bostian(a)_arcadis.com Arcadis I Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh NC 127607 1 USA T. +1 919 415 2291 1 M. +1 919 417 2643 Professional Engineer / PE- GA, FL, INC, SC, VA �AARCADISx From: Shrestha, Shristi R [mailto:shristi.shrestha(cncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2017 11:39 AM Cc: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers(&ncdenrgov> Subject: WI0300192 Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Good afternoon, I am writing to you about Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 site with the permit number WI0300192. Our records show that the permit expired 05/31/2014. While going through our records I only found a post injection monitoring report which was submitted in March 2013. If there were any other reports submitted at a later date please send me electronic copies. Also, I only found injection records for 09/17/2012. Please also send me all the injection records. The form can be found in the following link. http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water- resources-permits/wastewater-branch/ground-water-_protection/ground-water-reportin -fg, orms Please contact me at the number below if you have any questions or concerns regarding this. Thank you for your cooperation. Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shresthaCcD-ncdenr.gov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 K_ Z1. >^Nothin Com ares_,_.,_. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the (North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of Arcadis. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error please return it to the sender and then delete the e-mail and destroy any copies of it. Whilst reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no software viruses are present in our emails we cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachment is virus -free or has not been intercepted or changed. Any opinions or other information in this e-mail that do not relate to the official business of Arcadis are neither given nor endorsed by it. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of Arcadis. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error please return it to the sender and then delete the e-mail and destroy any copies of it. Whilst reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no software viruses are present in our emails we cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachment is virus -free or has not been intercepted or changed. Any opinions or other information in this e-mail that do not relate to the official business of Arcadis are neither given nor endorsed by it. This email and any files transmitted with it are the property of Arcadis and its affiliates. All rights, including ::,.,:.ut limitation copyright, are reserved. This email contains information that may be confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please return it to the sender and then delete the email and destroy any copies of it. While reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that no software or viruses are present in our emails, we cannot guarantee that this email or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted or changed. Any opinions or other information in this email that do not relate to. the official business of Arcadis are neither given nor endorsed by it. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Governor Director June 27, 2012 Jewel Cox — Project Manager Exxon Mobil Environmental Services 1016 Poplar Avenue, Suite 106 —Number 232 Collierville, TN 38017 Ref: Issuance of Injection Permit W10300192 Former ExxonMobil Retail Facility # 42094 Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Dear Mr. Cox: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application received on March 2, 2012, and the supporting data received May 14, 2012 and June 19, 2012, we are forwarding permit number WI0300192. This permit is to inject BioSolve for the mobilization, dispersal, and bioenhanced remediation of free -phase and dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil and ground water at the facility referenced above. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 31, 2014, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to submit a final project evaluation as stated in PART VII — MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Please read the entire permit to ensure that you are aware of all compliance requirements of the permit. Please note that the sampling program has been modified. You will need to notify this office by telephone 48 hours prior to initiation of operation of the facility. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the injection facility for the stated purpose, you must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration date. Please contact me at 919-807-6352 or at david.goodrich@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions about your permit. Best Regards, David Goodrich, L.G. Hydrogeologist cc: Andrew Pitner, Mooresville Regional Office Daniel Bowser, Division of Waste Management -UST Section Scott Bostian, ARCADIS, 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27607 WI0300192 Permit Fill AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-807-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 NorthCarollna Internet: www.ncwateroualb.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer ) AI(rall'ry/ Goodrich, David From: Bostian, Scott [Curtis. Bostian@arcadis-us.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:03 PM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Permit W10300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 Attachments: 42094 - Figure 3 LAM.pdf; 42094 - Figure 3 LAM with Aerial.pdf David, Sorry for the delay, we're getting slow turnaround on figures lately. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Scott From: Goodrich, David [mailto:david.goodrich(a)ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 10:26 AM To: Bostian; Scott Subject: RE: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 Scott, The permit is nearing completion. Please send (or electronically transmit) us the revised map at your earliest convenience. Thank you! David Goodrich Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 From: Bostian, Scott [mailto:Curtis.Bostian(�arcadis-us.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:39 PM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 David, We're revising the map now. Do you want us to mail a copy or send by e-mail or both? I apologize for the omission. Thanks, Scott From: Goodrich, David [ma ilto:david.goodrich Cabncdenr.gov] --- Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 12:13 PM To: Bostian, Scott 1 Cc: Schutte, Maria Subject: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 Scott, There are reportedly waterbodies to the west/southwest of the site, and southwest of the site, that are within % mile of the site, but are not included on the "Local Area Map". Please transmit a version of the Local Area Map that includes those features. Thank you. Regards, David Goodrich Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. The proprietary information contained in this e-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, is intended for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this, e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and that any review, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message and any files transmitted. The unauthorized use of this e- mail or any files transmitted with it is prohibited and disclaimed by ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates. Nothing herein is intended to constitute the offering or performance of services where otherwise restricted by law. to Legend Site Location Creek 1,320 ft. Radius Pond Parcel Outline Parcel Outlines based on March 2008 tax data. Data was provided by Mecklenburgh County GIS V1 4a SITE I a� VA o,. Qa 0 500 1,000 SCALE IN FEET EXXONMOBIL, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC RESPONSE TO COMMENTS LOCAL AREA MAP FIGURE ARCAwL')k]S €N, A 3 % • 2 a U a 0 J Legend EXXONMOBIL, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 ® Site Location 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC Creek RESPONSE TO COMMENTS 1,320 ft. Radius Pond Parcel Outline Parcel Outlines based on March 2008 tax data. Data was provided by Mecklenburgh County GIS LOCAL AREA MAP Ot, ARCADIS � a5E Goodrich, David From: Goodrich, David Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 12:13 PM To: 'Scott. Bostian@arcadis-us.com' Cc: Schutte, Maria Subject: Permit W10300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 Scott, There are reportedly waterbodies to the west/southwest of the site, and southwest of the site, that are within % mile of the site, but are not included on the "Local Area Map". Please transmit a version of the Local Area Map that includes those features. Thank you. Regards, David Goodrich Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 Wi0300,112 ARCADIS Infrastructure • Water Environment - Buildings Mr. David Goodrich North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699 Subject: Additional Information Request Former Exxon Facility #42094 3721 Freedom Drive Charlotte, North Carolina Groundwater Incident #6867 Dear Mr. Goodrich: Are, / rfk /IRa-AP5 On behalf of ExxonMobil Environmental Services (EMES), ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina (ARCADIS), is submitting this Response to an Additional Information Request from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) requesting additional information for an injection permit at the above referenced site for your review. Inquiries from correspondence dated March 13, 2012 are included as Attachment 1 and their respective responses are listed below. 1. "Sections B (3) and B (4) of the UIC-5115T Application Form require the submission of a hydrogeologic description that includes the hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection, including a description of the test(s) used to determine these parameters, and the depth to the mean seasonal high water table. Please submit this information for each of the four sites. " Soils at the site consist primarily of silt and clay based on soil boring logs for the site monitoring wells and soil borings. Saprolitic soil was encountered in all the borings at depths greater than 10 feet. Imported fill soils consisting of semi -plastic sandy clay with gravels were observed over much of the site. The fill soil did not extend greater than 10 feet bgs. Partially weathered bedrock was intersected in monitoring well borings for MW-7 and DW-1 at depths of 18 feet and 47 feet bgs, respectively. Competent bedrock was encountered in these two monitoring well borings at 22 feet Imagine the result \\arcadis-us\officedata\raleigh-nc\env\exxonmobil\north carolina injection sitesA2094\response to comments\text\em 42094 - response to nc uic comments.docx ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive Suite 300 Raleigh North Carolina 27607 Tel 919 854 1282 Fax 919 854 5448 www.arcadis-us.com Environment Date: May 10, 2012 Contact: Scott Bostian Phone: 919.854.1282 x 52291 Email: Scott. Bostian@arcadis- us.com Our ref: B0085851.0045 ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. NC Engineering License # C-1869 NC Surveying License # C-1869 RECEIVEDIDENR/CWQ MAY r 4 2012 Aquifer Protection Section ARCADIS and 55 feet bgs, respectively (ERM, Comprehensive Site Assessment Report, November 2002). The depth -to -groundwater at the site is approximately 14 to 26 feet bgs at present (Table 1). However, the historic depth -to -groundwater data indicate that the water table elevation across the site has decreased by nearly ten feet since 1991. Groundwater elevation data indicate that ground water flows to the southeast as shown on Figure 1 (ERM, Comprehensive Site Assessment Report, November 2002). The hydraulic conductivity of the water table saprolite aquifer was calculated using slug test data collected from monitoring wells MW-7, MW-8 and MW-9 and the Bouwer-Rice method (1976). The hydraulic conductivity of MW-7 is 6.59 x 10-4 centimeters per second (cm/sec), MW-8 is 1.54 x 10-3 cm/sec and MW-9 is 9.88 x 10- 4 cm/sec for a geometric mean of 1.00 x 10-3. Hydraulic conductivity in the range of the calculated geometric mean is typical of a silt aquifer matrix. Slug test data and calculations are provided in Attachment 2. The groundwater velocity, assuming an effective porosity of 40%, is calculated to be approximately 0.07 feet/day (25.9 ft/year) (ERM, Comprehensive Site. Assessment Report, November 2002). Transmissivity is calculated by multiplying the hydraulic conductivity (K) and the saturated thickness of the aquifer. The hydraulic conductivity value was previously calculated from monitoring wells MW-7 as 6.59 x 10-4 cm/sec, MW-8 as 1.54 x 10"3 cm/sec and MW-9 as 9.88 x 10-4 cm/sec. The saturated thickness of the aquifer was calculated by subtracting the assumed soil bedrock interface at 47 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) from the most recent depth to water in monitoring well MW-7 of 14.75 feet below top of casing (ft btoc). The transmissivity for MW -7 is 60.24 square feet per day (ft2/day), MW-8 is 140.78 ft2/day and MW-9 is 90.32 ft2/day. The average transmissivity is 97.11 ft2/day. Calculations are included in Attachment 2. A potentiometric surface map from the most recent gauging event on March 14, 2012 is included as Figure 1. Monitoring well MW-5 was selected for the depth to the seasonal high water table calculations because it is considered representative of the aquifer. The depth to the seasonal high water table was calculated by averaging the gauging data in monitoring well MW-5 from the months of March through May from 2002 to the present. The depth to the mean seasonal high water table was calculated as 17.70 feet below ground surface (ft bgs). The calculations are presented in Attachment 2. Mr. David Goodrich May 10, 2012 Page: lt6r dsuslofficedatalRaleigh-NCIEN%AExxonMobllNorthCarolinainjectionsiteN20941ResponsetoCommentslTeAEM42094-ResponsetoNCUICCarnments.dom 2/5 I ARCADIS 2. "Sections D (3) and D (4) of the UIC-5115T Application Form require the submission of a description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injections, and summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. Please submit this information for Retail Facility 42094 (Permit Application W10300192) and Retail Facility. 46477 (Permit Application W10400243)." BioSolve® is a proprietary formulation of surfactants and other specialty chemicals developed specifically as a water -based hydrocarbon mitigation agent. BioSolve® does not have any chemical reaction with the contaminants. BioSolve® will 1) mobilize contaminants by reducing interfacial tension and 2) solubilize. contaminants, creating a microemulsion, both with the intention of hydraulically removing contaminants from the soil. Under the application scenario proposed, most BioSolve® solution injected into the subsurface will be recovered and disposed of off -site. At least two times the volume of injected solution will be recovered. A small volume of Biosolve® may remain in the subsurface and aquifer groundwater. If so, residual Biosolve® would continue to be diluted and degraded over time. Most constituents in BioSolve® are readily degraded in -situ. The most recalcitrant ingredient in BioSolve® is the nonionic surfactant nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE). Biodegradation of NPEs is accomplished by a stepwise shortening of the ethoxylate chain. This produces a complex mixture of nonylphenol (NP) compounds that can be divided into three main groups: short -chain nonylphenol ethoxylates, nonylphenol carboxylic acids and nonylphenol. This initial degradation typically takes place in a matter of 5 to 10 days as the hydrophilic chain is readily degraded. Subsequent degradation of NP compounds proceeds relatively rapidly under aerobic conditions with degradation of approximately 80% of NP in 30 days (Chang, 2006). Under anaerobic conditions, half-lives for NP range from 23.9 to 69.3 days (Mao, 2012). 3. ' "Section E (3) of the UIC-5115T Application Form requires the submission of a detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system. Please submit this diagram for each of the four injection systems." An injection diagram is included as Figure 2. Mr. David Goodrich May 10, 2012 Page: k*v c6s-usloKcedataVRaleigh-NCIEN\AEuonMobil\North Carolina injection sites142094&2 ponce to C=rnenlslTe>11E1Vl 42094- Response to NC UIC Comments.dom 3/5 ARCADIS 4. "Sections H (2) (d), (e) and (0 of the UIC-5115T Application Form requires the submission of a site map that includes any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within X mile of the injection well or well system; all surface water bodies within '4 mile of the injection well or well system; and all existing or abandoned wells within mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Please submit a map for each of the four sites." A local area map is included as Figure 3. 5. "Section H (4) (a) of the UIC-5115T Application Form requires the submission of a contaminant plume map that includes the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines. Please submit a map for each of the four sites. " A benzene plume map is included as Figures 4. 6. "Section H (5) (a) of the UIC-5115T Application Form requires the submission of a cross-section to the known or projected depth of contamination that includes the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines. Please submit a cross-section for each of the four sites." Cross -Sections are included as Figures 5 through 7. If you any questions regarding the injection permit response to the request for additional information or the proposed environmental investigation please contact me at 919.854.1282, extension 52291. ""SSW c,r� • p? 5J Aott Bgs i P ntal Engineer S. BOS 1ha41111% �a Attachments: Table 1 — Grourn /4Ad ��L� 1WrcacBs-usbfficedalaVRaleigli-NC1EN W Mr. David Goodrich May 10, 2012 Jon Farley, EIT Certified Project Manager I RECEIVEDIDENR/M MAY 14 2012 Aquifer Protection Section Page: N 42094 - ResMw to NC UIC Ca nts.dom 4/5 ARCADIS Figure 1 — Potentiometric Surface Map — March 1, 2012 Figure 2 — Injection Diagram Figure 3 — Local Area Map Figure 4 — Benzene Isoconcentration Map Figure 5 — Cross -Section Location Map Figure 6 — Cross -Section A -A' Figure 7 — Cross -Section B-B' Attachment 1 —Additional Information Request Attachment 2 — Hydrogeological Calculations Attachment 3 — Boring Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Diagrams Copies: Ms. Jewel Cox - EMES File — EM 42094 Mr. David Goodrich May 10, 2012 Page: 1*v d"sloKcedatalRaleigh-NC1ENN5omnMobil\North CanNim injection sites1420941Response to CommenIATeAEM 42094 - Response to NC UIC Cor ments.doc 5/5 ARCADIS Figures \ FORMER PROPERTY )* BOUNDARY I \ MW�(UNKNOWN p / (78,75)\ I� ` ^� `FORMER ISLANDS CIF \ \ \ \ MW- FORMER HEATING I OIL TANK 1 w\ I FORMER WASTE OIL TANK (77.19) I FORMW-lW ,, lM'W-2) FIELD_ i I MW-2 I r___- -- i ji I I i i it � 4 0 I MW-3 - - - TSUNKNOWN FORMER' CHARLIE BROWN'S DRY CVANERS 440 MAJOR I I \ I / STREET I I MAJOR \` STREET �. q q� 04 LEGEND 49 MONITORING WELL `QI ABANDONED MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (DASHED 77.50 WHERE INFERRED) (76 58) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FEET BELOW ARBITRARY SITE LEVEL) <:�=7 GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION NOTE: BASEMAP PREPARED FROM DRAWING FILE PREPARED BY "GROUNDWATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC." (GES), TITLED: SITE MAP, AT A SCALE OF 1 "=50', DATED: NOVEMBER 21, 2008. 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC RESPONSE TO COMMENTS POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP MARCH 1, 2012 (9 ARCADISGU LEGEND BALL VALVE —♦ FLOW DIRECTION —{ CAMLOCK CONNECTION P� PRESSURE INDICATOR FQI TOTALIZING FLOW METER �J 1- CHEMICAL HOSE MIXING I TANK INJECTION PUMP rlf BV-1 ► BV-2 — INJECTION PUMP 1 i EXXONMOBIL REFINING & SUPPLY COMPANY w EXXON SERVICE STATION #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC RESPONSE TO COMMENTS W a a W PROPOSED INJECTION DIAGRAM W X FIGURE ARCADIS 2 Z 0 Ld o e R D� m Sq a a } Q 3 N F Q cr a o z w z o K 0 a W p 0 � x E 0 �OMgSBORO DR ,320' RADIUS off. o �O o �O w pa z 0 0� � I-85 Ld a � � W w w a o a x U SPN(E NG �O N � J Q C� a SITE NOTE: w v BASE MAP PREPARED FROM A COMBINATION OF a Z' AERIAL VIEWS FROM POLARIS.MECKLENBURG000NTRYNC.GOV AND N GOOGLE MAPS. SCALE IS APPROXIMATE BASED UPON PARCEL DIMENSIONS. 0 O7 5 TR/AN 0 E DR. ��F 0 400' 800' s O �loo TUCkgSEEG APPROXIMATE GRAPHIC SCALE "g EE RD. !zc' EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES w FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 0 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC w � O RESPONSE TO COMMENTS N U a O 1-85 OLOCAL AREA MAP >o � O x ARCADIS FIGURE Ix � /\ \ FORMER \ PROPERTY BOUNDARY MW-(UNKNOWN \ �N ,, S> `FORMER \ DISPENSER \ \ ISLANDS \ \ YW9\\ \\ \\\ \\\�(12, qo)\�; \\ \ FORMER HEATING C I \ \ I \ jOIL TANK FORMER C FORMER pj ER WA FL \ r - -FIELD -2 \ Q I ; I I Ili 11 1it ' (NS) L-= ----vUNKNOWN I I I I 1IjI I l 0 FORMER CHARLIE BROWNS DRY CLEANERS 440 MAJOR STREET IW7I �S)) \$m \ \ \\ \ \ (5.7�8) \. MAJOR STREET LEGEND • MONITORING WELL IQI ABANDONED MONITORING WELL DISSOLVED -PHASE BENZENE CONCENTRATION 5,000 - CONTOUR (GCL STANDARD - DASHED WHERE INFERRED) (22,000) DISSOLVED -PHASE BENZENE CONCENTRATION (ug/L) (ug/L) MICROGRAMS PER LITER (NS) NOT SAMPLED NOTES: NORTH CAROLINA GROSS CONTAMINAT LEVEL STANDARD FOR BENZENE (5,000 ug/L) BASEMAP PREPARED FROM DRAWING FILE PREPARED BY "GROUNDWATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC." (GES), TITLED: SITE MAP, AT A SCALE OF 1 "=50', DATED: NOVEMBER 21, 2008. 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC RESPONSE TO COMMENTS BENZENE ISOCONCENTRATION MAP MARCH 1, 2012 � ARCADISGU 4� i,' / \ FORMER \ PROPERTY \ � BOUNDARY FORMER DISPENSER ISLANDS Mw- 1 PA3 MW-4 \ \ R \ \ \ FORMER HEATING \ I OIL TANK F0001 GP-18 GP-10 GP EaS � d I FORMER WASTE OIL TANK GP-8 \ B1 \ I \dam\ I 7 FORMgt�Mi�_ GP-6 GP-16 C F �M FIELDl A ELD 1 1, !AW-2 B' n GP-12 \I \ GP-14 GP-13 + GP-15 A _ - - UNKNOWN I Im \ Im \ FORMER CHARLIE I I$ \ BROWNS DRY jm \ CLEANERS 440 MAJOR I j I STREET I j I I I 1 I I \ MAJOR STREET LEGEND: 0 MONITORING WELL iQl ABANDONED MONITORING WELL PROPOSED INJECTION WELL 1 1 10' RADIUS OF INFLUENCE A A' CROSS SECTION LINE SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION A ADVANCED IN 2002 (LOCATION IS APPROXIMATED) 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA RESPONSE TO COMMENTS CROSS-SECTION LOCATION MAP (� ARCADISGU 5� J N a J > w J Q w (N z a w w 0 m Q w w w m 85 MW-5 GP 5* IW-2* i MW-9 TYPE GROUNDWATER DATE 3-1-12 B 12 500 T 16,800 E 1,650 X 7,720 M 5,320 Aw LEGEND SOUTH RED TO BROWN CLAY, SILTY CLAY, SILTY DW-1 ® SAND, CLAYEY SILT, DRY TO MOIST GP-12* WHITE, GRAY, TAN TO LIGHT BROWN, OLIVE GREEN SAND, SILTY CLAY, SILTY SAND, 95 / / CLAY, CLAYEY SILT, MOIST TO WET / PARTIALLY WEATHERED -ROCK, GRAY TO MW-7 WHITE, PRESENTED AS SAND, SANDY SILT, �\ CLAYEY SILT, SILTY SAND BEDROCK / FY A 80 75 70 65 MW-5 TYPE GROUNDWATER DATE 3-1-12 B 22,2 T 13,000 E 1,760 X 6,850 M 59.8 lo QRA AN lbT 90 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (COLLECTED ® 5/17/11) IN FEET. COORDINATE SYSTEM IS AN ARBITRARY SYSTEM WHERE THE ELEVATION OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE FORMER EXXON STATION = 100 FEET. — INFERRED LITHOLOGIC CONTACT 85 SCREENED INTERVAL t V) m v NOTES: —1 > 1. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS NOT AVAILABLE, 80 i THERE FORE USING TOP OF CASING ELEVATIONS Q AS GROUND SURFACE FOR CROSS SECTIONS. N 2. IW-1 AND IW-2 ARE PROPOSED INJECTION WELLS TO BE INSTALLED. DEPTHS/LOCATIONS z Q ARE APPROXIMATE. w 3. * - ESTIMATES GROUND ELEVATION. 4. PWR - PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK. 75 0 5. MW-4, MW-1, MW-5, AND DW-1 WERE LOGGED m EVERY FIVE FEET. a 6. BENZENE CONCENTRATIONS ARE SHOWN IN w MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM (mg/kg) — — — — DISSOLVED -PHASE BENZENE CONCENTRATION ISOCONTOUR (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) 70 ESTIMATED GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR GCLs 8 5,000 T 260,000 65 E 84,500 0 25' 50' X 85,500 M 20,000 HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE 0 5' 10' 60 VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA RESPONSE TO COMMENTS CROSS SECTION A -A' (1 ARCADIS 6� WEST T A —A' CROSSES B—B' EASB,T MW-s LEGEND GP-8* 1VV-2* GP-6* RED TO BROWN CLAY, SILTY CLAY, SILTY SAND, CLAYEY SILT, DRY TO MOIST 95 Y 95 WHITE, GRAY, TAN TO LIGHT BROWN, OLIVE GREEN SAND, SILTY CLAY, SILTY SAND, CLAY, CLAYEY SILT, MOIST TO WET MW_5 SI PARTIALLY WEATHERED —ROCK, c GRAY TO WHITE, PRESENTED TYPE GROUNDWATER DATE GROUNDWATER 90 AS SAND, SANDY SILT, CLAYEY 90 B 22 200 SILT, SILTY SAND T 13,000 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION E 1,760sz a X 6,850 / (COLLECTED 5/17/11) IN FEET. M 59.8 / INFERRED LITHOLOGIC CONTACT N 85 /{ / 85 SCREENED INTERVAL NOTES: / 1. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS NOT AVAILABLE, TOP OF CASING ELEVATIONS USED AS GROUND SURFACE FOR CROSS 80 �`' 80 / / / / / / ,/ SECTIONS. N / // / // 2. IW-2 IS A PROPOSED INJECTION WELL TO / // BE INSTALLED. DEPTH/LOCATION ARE APPROXIMATE. 3 ESTIMATED GROUND ELEVATION. 4. PWR — PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK. 0 // / / , / , ,/ / , / 5. COORDINATE SYSTEM IS AN ARBITRARY z ma SYSTEM WHERE THE ELEVATION OF THE 75 75 NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE FORMER w / / // ,/ / // Alr // EXXON STATION = 100 FEET. 6. MW-5 WAS LOGGED EVERY FIVE FEET. DISSOLVED -PHASE BENZENE CONCENTRATION ISOCONTOUR GRAY WHITb\, (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) = 70 \�t SAND G 1�. 70 00\� \ - ESTIMATED GROUNDWATER \. \ ELEVATION CONTOUR GCLs B 5,000 00000 K 65 �Ro 2v�\\ E 84,500 p 20' 40' \\ \\\\\ X 85,500 M 20,000 HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE p 5' 10' 60 60 VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE NOTES B BENZENE T TOLUENE E ETHYLBENZENE X TOTAL XYLENES M METHYL TERTIARY —BUTYL ETHER BOLD CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED GCL EXXONMOBIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FORMER EXXONMOBIL FACILITY #42094 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA RESPONSE TO COMMENTS CROSS SECTION B-B' 0 ARCADIS FIGURE 7 ARCADIS Attachment 1 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Governor Director March 13, 2012. Mr. Jewel Cox — Project Manager Exxon Mobil Environmental Services 1016 W. Poplar Avenue Suite 106 — Number 232 Collierville, TN 38017 Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Additional Information Request W10300192, WI0300193, WI0400242 & WI0400243 Permit Applications ExxonMobil Retail Facilities 42094, 46475, 42650 & 46477 Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (5I) Systems Mecklenburg, Gaston, Alamance & Forsyth Counties Dear Mr. Cox: The Non -Discharge Permitting Unit is reviewing the subject permit application packages received February 28, 2012 and March 2, 2012. Additional information is required before we may continue our review. Please address the following items no later than April:13., 2012: 1) Sections B (3) and B (4) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form require the submission of a hydrogeologic description that includes the hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection, including a description of the test(s) used to determine these parameters, and the depth to the mean seasonal high water table. Please submit this information for each of the four sites. 2) Sections D (3) and D (4) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form require the submission of a description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injections, and summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. Please submit this information for Retail Facility 42094 (Permit Application W10300192) and Retail Facility 46477 (Permit Application WI0400243). 3) Section E (3) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form requires the submission of a detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system. Please submit this diagram for each of the four injection systems. 4) Sections H (2) (d), (e) and (f) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form requires the submission of a site map that includes any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within'/4 mile of the injection well or well system; all AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-807-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 No rthCar©ling Internet: www.ncwateroualiiv.org � lltl�lYx��l�' An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer � Jewel Cox March 13, 2012 Page 2 of 2 surface water bodies within'/4 mile of the injection well or well system; and all existing or abandoned wells within 11/4 mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Please submit a map for each of the four sites. 5) Section H (4) (a) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form requires the submission of a contaminant plume map that includes the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines. Please submit a map for each of the four sites. 6) Section H (5) (a) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form requires the submission of a cross-section to the known or projected depth of contamination that includes the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines. Please submit a cross-section for each of the four sites. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the responsibility of the applicant. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. Three copies of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to my attention at the address at the bottom of the cover page of this letter. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. If additional time is necessary, the application may be withdrawn to avoid being returned as incomplete. Either the applicant or the applicant's consultant may request withdrawal by email message or letter if this is desired. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 807-6352 or at david.goodrich@ncdenr.gov. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section cc; Scott Bostian, ARCADIS, 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27607 Andrew Pitner, Mooresville Regional Office; Aquifer Protection Section Sherri Knight, Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files W10300192, WI0300193, WI0400242, and WI0400243 ARCADIS Attachment 2 F- v.+ C m E m 8 cv a r. 1. 0.1 0.01 L 0. °Op ❑ p ❑ p p ❑ ❑ ❑ ° p ❑ ❑ p 40. 80. 120. 160. 200. Time (sec) WELL TEST ANALYSIS Data Set: Date: 10/31/02 Time: 09:25:21 PROJrCT INFORMATION Company: ERM Client: ExxonMobil Project: 5941 Test Location: Exxon 4-2094 Test Well: MW-7 Test Date: 8/15/02 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 22. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1. WELL DATA Initial Displacement: 0.65 ft Water Column Height: 12. ft Casing Radius: 0.083 ft Wellbore Radius: 0.333 ft Screen Length: 15. ft Gravel Pack Porosity: 0.25 SOLUTION % �"�f Aquifer Model: Unconfined K = 2.162E-05 ft/sec Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice y0 = 0.6904 ft .1 0.01 4 0. 100. 200. 300. 400. 500 Time (sec) WELL TEST ANALYSIS Data Set: Date: 10/31 /02 Time: 10:57:43 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: ERM Client: ExxonMobil Project: 5941 Test Location: Exxon 4-2094 Test Well: MW-8 Test Date: 8/15/02 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 23. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1. WELL DATA Initial Displacement: 0.82 ft Water Column Height: 5.3 ft Casing Radius: 0.083 ft Wellbore Radius: 0.333 ft Screen Length: 10. ft Gravel Pack Porosity: 0.25 SOLUTION K � 3� Aquifer Model: Unconfined K = 5.067E-05 ft/sec -. Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice y0 = 0.8673 ft 1. 0.1 0.01 L 0. 40, 80. 120. 160. 200. Time (sec) WELL TEST ANALYSIS Data Set: T:\EXXON-1\4-2094kCSA\MW-g.AQT Date: 10/31/02 Time: 09:11:54 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: ERM Client: ExxonMobil Project: 5941 Test Location: Exxon 4-2094 Test Well: MW-9 Test Date: 8/15/02 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 23. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1. WELL DATA Initial Displacement: 0.74 ft Water Column Height: 8. ft Casing Radius: 0.083 ft Wellbore Radius: 0.333 ft Screen Length: 15. ft Gravel Pack Porosity: 0.25 Aquifer Model: Unconfined SOLUTION q K = 3.239E-05 ft/sec I -� �' x/V Solution Method: Bouwer-Rice y0 = 0.7943 ft ERM-Southeast, Inc. e Charlotte, NC 28226 a (704) 541-8345 File ERM Project Project No. Sheet of Subject 4,e,!�—aA ,,C-�Ki_ MOCA!, By -Date —Chkd by Date Jv It 0 I A 14�4 Apq + A C t L _7 T------- - --- J _3 —I It .L.I. JLAI T : I . . I I I I I i I Transmissivity Calculations T=Kxd Where: T = transmissivity K = hydraulic conductivity d = saturated thickness of the aquifer x 10-4 cm 60 sec 60 min 24 hrs 1 f t 1 __ C6.59 T 1 sec x 1 minx 1 hr x 1 day x 30.48 cm) x 32.25 ft T = 60.24 f t2/day 1.54 x 10-3 cm 60 sec 60 min 24 hrs 1 f t _ T—( 1 sec x 1 minx 1 hr x 1 day x 30.48 cm) x 32.25 f t T = 140.78 f t2/day (9.88 x 10-4 cm 60 sec 60 min 24 hrs 1 f t _ T 1 sec x 1 minx 1 hr x 1 day x 30.48 cm)x 32.25 f t T = 90.32 f t2/day 60.24 + 140.78 + 90.32 Average T = 3 Average = 97.11 ft2/day Mean Seasonal High Water Table Calculations Revision Date: 4/25/2012 Incident Number: 6B67 Facility I.D. # Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 Monitoring Well I.D. Date Installed Gauging Date Total Casing Depth (ft bgs) Screened interval (ft bgs) g Top of Casing Elevation (ft) Depth to Water (ft BTOC) Depth to Product (ft BTOC) Product Thickness (ft) Ground Water Elevation (ft ASL) Measured Depth to Bottom (ft) Well Diameter MW-5 1/16/2002 3/19/2002 4/13/2002 5/10/2002 3/19/2003 4/22/2003 5/30/2003 4/28/2009 3/28/2010 4/2/2010 4/28/2010 1 15.00 15-35 96.52 19.50 19.35 0.15 77.13 4" 96.52 19.08 18.70 0.38 77.72 4" 96.52 19.13 19.12 0.01 77.40 4" 96.52 19.72 19.63 0.09 76.87 4" 96.52 13.96 13.95 0.01 82.57 4" 96.52 12.64 12.63 0.01 83.89 - 4" 96.52 17.21 16.91 0.30 79.53 35.67 4" 96.52 14.81 81.71 4" 96.52 23.75 72.77 4" 96.52 15.57 80.95 4" 5/17/2011 96.52 18.29 18.03 0.26 78.42 4- All 96.52 18.73 77.79 4" uepm to mean seasonal nigh water taole:f i i. ru f Average eievahon: f ro.au Notes: BTOC = Below top of well casing - = Not measured or not available ft = feet ft ASL = feet below arbitrary site level bgs = below ground surface Groundwater elevation corrected for the presence of free product using the formula: (Top of Casing Elevation - Depth to Water) + (Product Thickness x 0.73) Page IofI ARCADIS Attachment 3 EA ENGMERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, INC. (704) 521--8713 Charlotte, North Carolina SOIL BORING LOG 3E 1 OF 2 BORING NO. EA-1 ordinates: NIA Project No. 80005.16 Client: Exxon Company, U.S.A. rfaae Elevation: Location: Freedom Drive ing Below Surface: Charlotte, NC .ere Elevation: (4-2094) ference Description: xt Date: 11-29--90 `mp. Date: 11-29-90 gather. Sample: inch Inch Blowsl6` OVA Surface Conditions: Paved Lot Downgradient from Pump.island 4o. Type 1 Dpth Drvn Rcvd porn SOIL DESCRIPTION: 0 Y V'{x% 18 18 9-10-12 100 Red Silty Clay with Some Weathered Feldspar 1 SS �} nesium Fill Limonite Staining and Magnesium 2 SS 18 18 4-5-7 180 Same as Above 3 SS 4 SS ..M�M1 U r �' • 5 1SS 18 18 5-5-7 1 40 JSame as. Above, Except More Magnesium Fill and Weathered Feldspar 181 18 j 6-8-10 181 16 17-9-13 Sampler Type SS - Driven Split Spoon SH - Pressed Shelby Tube OST - Ostenburg Piston Sampler DEN - Denison Core Barrel Sampler SPT - Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586-84) 40 Same as Above to 19.0 Feet, Then Turning to Saprolite White Tan Sand with Fine to Coarse Sand Small Mica Flakes, Weathered Feldspar, Very Strong Ether Odor. 3o Same as Above Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sampling Method: Split Spoon EA Geologist: Stewart Williford Driller: Lake Norman Well Drilling EA ENGRqEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, INC. (704) 521-8713 Charlotte, North Carolina SOIL BORING LOG 3E 2 OF 2 BORING NO. ordinates: NIA Project No. irface Elevation: Client Ong Below Surface: Location. .ference Elevation: .ference Description: ut Date: 11-29-90 Jmp. Date. 11-29-90 'eather. �1 25 30 35 40 45 50 EA-1 80005.16 Exxon Company, U.S.A. Freedom Drive Charlotte, NC (4-2094) Inch I610wrs/V OVA Isurface Conditions Revd ppm Paved Lot Downgradient from Sampler Type SS - Driven Split Spoon SH - Pressed Shelby Tube OST - Ostenburg Piston Sampler DEN - Denison Core Barrel Sampler SPT - Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586-84) Boring Terminated at 28 Feet Screen 28 to 13 Ft Riser 13 to 0 R Sand Pack 28 to 11 Ft IBentonite 11 to 9 Ft (Grout 10 to 0 Ft Drilling Method: Sampling Method: EA Geologist: Driller: island Hollow Stem Auger Split Spoon Stewart Williford Lake Norman Well Drilling EA ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, INC. (704) 521-8713 Charlotte, North Carolina SOIL BORING LOG E 1 OF 2 cdinates: NIA face Elevation: mg Below Surface: Bence Elevation: Terence Description: t Date: 11-29-90 1p. Date: 11-29-90 gather: Inch Inch Blows16" OVA JSurface Conditions: r run Rrurt I I DOm Paved Lot Downgra BORING NO. EA-2 Project No. 80005.16 Client: Exxon Company, U.S.A. Location: Freedom Drive Charlotte, INC (4-2094) from Tank 0 18 5-10-13 300 Red Silty Clay with Some Weathered Feldspar Limonite Staining and Magnesium Ftl 18 18 6--10-12 11000+ JSame as Above, Except Relic Foliation Present and More Weathered Feldspar Strong Hydrocarbon Odor 18 1 18 8-6-6 1000+ Same as Above, More Magnesium Fill Strong Hydrocarbon Odor 18 18 5-6-7 600 Tan to Olive Green Silty Clay with Weathered Feldspar, Limonite Staining and an Abundance of Magnesium Fill 18 1 18 ;ampler Type 3S - Driven Split Spoon 3H - Pressed Shelby Tube DST - Ostenburg Piston Sampler BEN - Denison Core Barrel Sampler SPT - Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586-84) 250 Jolive Green Silty Clay with Limonite Staining Magnesium Fill, Weathered Olivine and Very Fine Sand Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sampling Method: Split Spoon EA Geologist: Stewart Williford Driller• Lake Norman Well Drilling EA ENGINEBRING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, INC. (704} 521-8713 Charlotte, North Carolina SOIL BORING LOG ';E 2 OF 2 BORING NO. ardinates: NIA Project No. irface Elevation: Client: Ong Below Surface: Location: Terence Elevation: -ference Description: `art Date: 11-29-90 mp. Date: 11-29-90 'eather: Sampler Type SS - Driven Split Spoon SH - Pressed Shelby Tube OST - Ostenburg Piston Sampler DEN - Denison Core Barrel Sampler SPT - Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586-84) EA-2 80005.16 Exxon Company, U.S.A. Freedom Drive Charlotte, NC (4-2094) Drilling Method: Sampling Method: EA Geologist: Driller: Hollow Stem Auger Split Spoon Stewart Williford Lake Norman Well Drilling EA ENGEN ERIING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, INC. (704) 521-8713 Charlotte, North Carolina. SOIL BORING LOG 1.12 1 OF 1 BORING NO. EA-3 itdinates: N/A Project No. 80005.16 face Elevation: Client: Exxon Company, U.S.A. ling Below Surface: Location: Freedom Drive &ence Elevation: Charlotte, NO `erence Description: (4-2094) it Date: 11-29-90 yip. Date: 11-29-90 ather. Sample Inch Drvn Inch Rcvd Blows/6" OVA ppm Surface Conditions: Grass Area Behind Station, Downgradient Waste Oil Tanks a. Type Dpth SOIL DESCRIPTION: 0 1 SS A=°° °r 18 18 7-12-15 2 Red Silty Clay with Some Weathered Feldspar Limonite Staining and Magnesium Fill 2 SS " h±` Y..,? 18 18 5-8-10 4 Reddish Tan Silty Clay with Weathered Feldspar ti�i_S:vn1 F: Limonite Staining and Magnesfum.Fiff 3 SS >$\Sl']< ������< 18 18 7-4-4 8 Same as Above 4 SS 18 18 5-8-10 5 Olive Green Silty Clay with Very Fine Sand Magnesium Fill and Limonite Staining - Stringers Boring Terminated at 20 Ft. - Screen 20 to 5 Ft Bentonite 3 to 2 Ft 25 Sand 20 to 3 Ft Grout 2 to 0 Ft impler Type 3 - Driven Split Spoon j - Pressed ShelbyTube ST - Ostenburg Piston Sampler :N - Denison Core Barrel Sampler DT - Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586-84) Drilling Method: Sampling Method: EA Geologist: Driller. Hollow Stem Auger, Split Spoon Stewart Williford Lake Norman Well Drilling I EA ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, INC. (,04) 521--8713 Charlotte, North Carolina SOIL BORING LOG E 1 OF 2 BORING NO. EA-4 rdinates: WA Project No. 80005.16 dace Elevation: Client: Exxon Company, U.S.A. ang Below Surface: Location: Freedom Olive Charlotte, NC .erence Elevation; ,ference Description: 'rt Date: 11-29-90 mp. Date: 11-29-90 eathec Inch Inch Blowsf6' OVA Surface Conditions: Drvn Rcvd ppm paved Lot, U radien SOIL DESCRIPTION: 18 I 18 J8_11_1S 1 1 JRed Silty Clay with Some Weathered Feldspar Limonite Staining and Magnesium Fill 18 18 4-4-6 0 Same as Above 18 18 4-3-4 0 Same as Above, Saprolite 18 18 3-4-5 1 Same as Above, Except Relic Foliation, More Magnesium Fill in Weathered Feldspar; Saprolite 18 1 18 14 7-8 Sampler Type SS - Driven Split Spoon SH - Pressed Shelby Tube OST - Ostenburg Piston Sampler DEN - Denison Core -Barrel Sampler SPT - Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586-84) 0 Olive Green Silty Clay with Very Fine Sand Magnesium Fill and Umonite Staining Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Sampling Method: Split Spoon EA Geologist: Steward Williford Dritler: Lake Norman Well Drilling EA ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, INC. (704) 521--8713 Charlotte, North Carolina SOIL BORING LOG xE 2 OF, 2 ordinates: N/A ;rface Elevation: sing Below Surface: iference Elevation: .ference Description: n Date: 11-29-90 mp. Date: 11-29-90 eather. Inch Inch Dgth Drvn 1Rcvd 25 30 35 40 45 50 BORING NO. EA-4 Project No. 80005.16 Client: Exxon Company. U.S.A. Location: Freedom Drive Charlotte, NC Blows/G" OVA Surface Conditions: ppm Paved Lot, Upgradient SOIL DESCRIPTION: Sorina Terminated at 25 Ft Sampler Type SS - Driven Split Spoon SH - Pressed Shelby Tube OST - Ostenburg Piston Sampler DEN - Denison Core Barrel -Sampler SPT - Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586-84) Drilling Method: Sampling Method: EA Geologist: Driller. Hollow Stem Auger Split Spoon Steward Williford Lake Norman Well Drilling 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD --� 7 NEAT CEMENT GROUT - TOP OF BENTONITE (Fr.)� BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (Fr.) 16 _VDIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 20 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT.) 2i.101 SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED — FLUSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SL6TTED WELL SCREEN WASHED SANG PACK I BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 35 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (Fr.) 35 BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) 5 7X8 I r EXXON 4,2M 3721 FREEDOM DRM CHARIMM NORTR CAROL i S DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE WELL CAP . PVC END CAP MW-5 Interval Type/ feet Number VOCs m Sample Description Red silty CLAY, with some weathered feldspar 5 MW _limonite staining and maneslum fill. 10 MW Same as above 15 MW Same as above strogg odor Tan to Light Brown clayey SILT, moderate plasticity, 20 Mw soft no staining, moderate odor, moist Tan to light gray CLAY, high plasticity, soft, no 25 MW 380 stainin mild odor, moist. Gray white silty SAND, low plasticity, no staining 30 MW 200 moderate odor,moist, rtz feld-sgar, PWR-granite. Brawn fine grained sandy SILT, law plasticity, slight 35 MW 120 odor no staining, moist. DATE 1-16-02 DRILLING CO. SAEDACCO DRILLER ROBERT MILLER MW.S DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM DRILLING METHOD __ ROLLER CONE TOP OF CASING ELEVATION (ft.) 96.52 LOG 13Y iHOMAS_HEDRICK Environmental Resources EtM Management r W ' S WELL CONSTRUCTION. RECORD North Carolina - Department of Envirotunent and N esatlrcas - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (nQ1YMUAL) NAME (print)_ 4&O,.�'.! L., I �? ALL ' CERMCA=N # _ r WELL CoNTR kcrOR COMPANY NAME 617� iDA `-W/ -PHONE # � � -' ���• STATE WELL CONS TRUMON PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMrr# 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public i0 Industrial ❑ Agricultural 13 Monitoring ®,'Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection © Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Topographic/Laud setting NearestTa . R County /�2c��C�'^'�`'2'U E3Ridge ❑Slope ❑Valley Wraat. &;re wm Ne. U (check appcaout box) (Stteet Name, Numbers, Community, Sub4lvislan. Lot No, Zip Code) . Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: � �.r Am e,•. (degreeslmioutes/seconds) Address /2,. 0—C, Ladiude/longitude source:EIGPS❑Topographic map �SS-treet or Route No) (check box) EP DRILLING LOG CityorTown state zip Code Fib To,, FormationDesc on Area code- Phone number. , SM� a. DATE DRILLED S. TOTAL DEPTH: � -- 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO iY 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. (Use"+" ifAbove.Top ofCating) 8. TOP OF CASING IS n - FT. Above Land Surface& `Top of casing terminated atfor below land surface requires a vartance in accordance with I5A NCAC 2C .011L 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST I0. WATER ZONES (depth):_51 LOCATION SKETCI� 11. DISINFECTION• Type Amount Show two St tirection and distance in miles from at least ite Roads or County Roads. Include the road 12. CASING: Wall Thiclotess 'eri Dep Diemeter or WeighilFL to 'at /r numb and common names. From 0 Tot Ft. Lit ./ 1r•{( �fQ From To Ft— . From— TO Ft. ��,�t+•n�'. Fo�P Depth ate w_--Method 13, GROUT: From To Z Ft oX'%aA0 '� From To Ft� 14. SCREEN: Dep Di •peter SlotS& _.Matal-- Fro.L _. To FL win. 1� Q. 0) in. 4✓ From ._ To Ft.in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACKep Fro0. Ft.--- Fiom—To Ft 16. REMARKS- ' Reld 0 t C .1'S tl' a 1� N I DO HEREBY CER T WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1SANCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION AND THAT A OPY OF THIS REC RD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER i SIGNATURE F PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL. DATE Submlt the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section,1636 Mail Service Center - Ralelgh, NC 27699r1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. OW-1 REV. 07/2001 5941 MW-&DWG 2/15/02 1-1 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD -� NEAT CEMENT GROUT TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) . 21 BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 23 2 "DIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 25 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT,) 29.04 SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREA ED - FLVSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND, PACK BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 40 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 40 1I BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) -b-j8 i EXXON 4-M4 3721 FR ICIWOM DRM CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLD, 8" DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE �-- WELL CAP f ►Tj 1TITO Sample Interval Type/ VOCs feet Number m Sample Descri tion Brown silty SAND, no plasticity, soft, no staining, no QP 42 odor. drv. Red CLAY, mottled, manganese, dense, no staining, 10 GP 0 no odor, dry. Red silty CLAY, moderate plastic, no odor no 15 GP 1 10 staining, manganese, dry 20 QP 20 Same as above Brown orange clayey SILT, moderate plastic, manganese, no odor, no staining, moist soft, 25 GP 10 feldspar. 30 GP 20 Same as above 35 GP 20 Same as above Brown silty CLAY, moist manganese, no odor, no 40 OP 22 staining. soft highly as is PVC END CAP DATE 1-16-02 DRILLING CO. SAEDACCO DRILLER ROBERT MILLER MW-6 DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM DRILLING METHOD ROLLER CONE TOP OF CASING ELEVATION (ft.) 105.17 LOG BY THOMAS HEDRICK Environmental Resources MM Management ML,Jr� WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural, a ources - Division of Water -,Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR MDTMUAL) NArAE (print) � G '11 L AC" CmTmcAT1oN x�fo� o� WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME _,..,) a�+CIC10 PHONE R , 7 SLATE WELL CONSTRt7C1710N PERMIT#______ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Cyck Applicable Box): Residential D Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial 0 Agricultural 13 Monitoring 21' Recovery 13 Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other 13 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATIO L Topograpiic/Land setting Nd.earest own:. '7 Countyt�'O+,ORidge ope []Valley []Flat :.Tf f . (check appropriate box) (St vatName, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, LotNo., MP Code) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: Address ts,t or Route No-) CityorTown Stara Zip Coda Area a. Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH* 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO M"- 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Tap of Casing: FT - (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS C) FT, Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated attor below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (g?m): METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness DeP Diameter er Weight/Ft. Material Fro rn_ ) To Ft -�� �G_. From To Ft From To Ft 13. GROUT': Depth J Material Math From"Q To �` Ft. From. To Ft 14 Material SCREEN: roC m Tep O FtDiataeter 310� � t�" ' �.� From To Ft- in. in- 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ----------_ -_...-------- -0ep --.. _.�........siye-_....__..—.Material Frotn _To 40 Ft. r L i e" 14A0 From —To Ft. 16. REMARKS: at NxfoNrfe, Gl 2X 7-4 (degtses/minuteslaeconds) Latitude/longitude source:C3GPSI3Tbpographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING OG From o a Forte do " L on LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers d co.:.�-aon ro names. � r 0A j, W I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS N1,1191LIWAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF P ON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Q,:e?iv. Groundwater Section,16361yia11 Service Center -Raleigh, NC 276994636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GVV-1 REV. 07/2001 }xxau><a0IIeUMIK Fm MHOVIamou3naLsMoo vmnouv3 $axom%Uo7RV$3 smnosag MZAM HOMNOM GMV 001 JaMTHRO RAM PIOCMM TUV As 001 a MIA .11138011 8311R10 ££'!5 ('11) NDIIVA313 ONISVO 30 d0i o00VQ3vs '03 ONMI?JQ M1108 OOHM 9NM180 Zo-L l-i, 31VQ enoge S13 OWES AMAW OE nogE se OWES MW S 9 splel 21jun w % w 6 OZ wog} ezls'jedded pue;les'1SIHOS POulOJO euld )Poa IIH s � ,ls!ouj X114011S,3l3sei MW 5 ;ou '15*48W ou 'Iop0 ou 'aNVS 4's UBI umOJ8 014s 8£ 0 4 AJ4614 'BUIUM}s ou '.Iopo ou 'AY13 All!s a6uEJo peel P agsel 4 MW 5 Ala;Esapow '6ululels ou 'jopo ou IAVIO 11411s peU o l josea el mus w egwnN }Oa; S30A /adA.L Ienuel,ul eldweS L" MIN 137T-9- ('NI) 'VIQ 31OH3808 dV0 ON3 DAd pg (-.U) 0141808 J0 H.Ld3Q 1Vi01 0£ ('iA) N3383S 30 V401108 — NOVd ONVS 03HSVM N3380S 113M 031101S MOO o L0'0 LNIOr HSn-U 030V3mi oAd of 31f103H3S B6'9l (.iJ) NIMM CIM085 Ol H1d3Q 5L C.U) N33HOS d0 dOl H10N31 '3dld N3sM oAd o* 'HoS dV0 113M 318VA001 '1HOLL 2131VM 83AOO 113M NMOQ 1108 8313114V10 .9 - MINO1N38 d0 W01108 11 ('Li) 311NO1N38 d0 dOl - 1( o8D M31N33 1V3N OVd 313N3NOO .Z X .Z Mw--7 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Eavirontnent and NatttmHk burces - Divisiio/ 'onn of WaterQuality- Groundwater Sectio���jjJn��- WELL coNTRACroR (WDmMUAL) NAME (Qriet) % l L-LUIC CERruicAmoN 0 ;.�yU� CCP WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANYNAME PHONE # (" STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if aoplicabie) _ (if eyolicable) 'I. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial Q Agricultural ❑ Monitoring lij--Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Topogmphic/l.and setting Near Town, County %ii'P1y.G�'f— ❑Ridge ❑Slope ❑'Valley tat :X-- t? A,-eel�? re. V (Check appropriate box) (Street Nam*, Numbers, Community, Subdivision. Lat No., Zip Code) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: ryYG.�/ _ _�'c�r►� e Address w ~ ll--n e i�5m-O-' ✓r � -- � Gute No.) City or Town State Zap Code Ana code- Phone cumber P� ©�� 4. DATE D U LLED; _ 5. TOTAL DEPTH: "S©' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? . YES ❑ NO 19 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing. FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface* `Top of easing terntinat*d at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 1SA NCAC 2C .011L 9. YIELD Wm)-, _ METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount I2. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth , Diameter 0 W '� t. t From 0 To%S __ FL� !1 From - To Ft, From To OUT; Dth FL— ------ From Front To — SCREW. ` Depth . FTo fecal Diameter Slot Size � From To FL in. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Fro To� Siu` Material From_ To (&FCeslatinuteslseconds) Latitude/longitude source:13GPS❑Topographic map (Check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From .1 Foynatiit Des n a ATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers J moron road n es. y 7 REMARKS. ' l��n►7a r G t S I r ra 13 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I SA NCAC 2C. WELL. CONSTRUCTION S, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNA7W OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the ariginaI to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section,1636 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699.1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. CAW-1 REV. 07/2001 NA 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD NEAT CEMENT GROUT - TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) 10 1307TOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 12 -2:0IA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) . 14 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT.) 17.96 SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED - FLUSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND PACK BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 24 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 24 BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) : 5 7/8 S" DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE r-- WELL CAP lJ 1 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs feet Number m Sample Description Red. silty CLAY, dence, no odor, no staining, 5 GP 40 moderatly plastic,d man anese Light brown silty CLAY, no odor, no staining, moist, 10 1 GP 24 moderately plastic. Light brown clayey SILT, moist no odor, no staining, 15 QP 22 slightly las is Light brown silty CLAY, no odor, no staining, moist, 20I GP 40 1 moderatelyplastic. 25 GP 40 Same as above PVC END CAP DATE 1-17-02 DRILLING METHOD ROLLER CONE DRILLING CO. SAEDACCO TOP OF CASING ELEVATION (ft.) 92.59 DRILLER ROBERT MILLER LOG BY THOMAS HEDRICK EXXON 4-U% MW-S Bnvimnmentd 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL Resources CHARLOr1% NORTHCAROLINA CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM ERM Management r �, M W WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and NatyraH�esources - Division of Water Quality -(groundwater Section , We.I,L CONTRACTOR (mrViDUAL) NAME (print) -d L ' �'� -r _ CERTIFICATIONS WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME sw PHONE # OR OY 7 J STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if a Iicable) Of livable 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential O Municipal/Public E3 Industrial C1 Agricultural ❑ Monitoring dp"Recovery [3 Heat Pump Water Injection O Other O If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATIO�i:�� Topographic/Land setting Nearest wn: [[ County%��'t�'v� pRidge C]SIope ❑valley LKc rE'2 �i';''• (checkappropriatcbox) (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., rap Code) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: .y G r �x - e (degreestrainutestsecon6) Address Latitude/longitude source:0GPSOTopographic map t (Street or Route No.) (chi box) V. G. DEPTH DRILLING LO_Ct City or Town State Zip Code From ZTo�! r Forinatia Description Ater coda• Phone number 4. DATE D ULLED �'� / �� 0-2- 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES Q NO L✓ 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing. FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS .^ FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated atfor below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): .METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): CH 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thicth Dimnctcr or kness Frotn To a��•.- From—To Ft. From _ To Ft 13. GROUT' -- Depth �1 ethod From To JO / Ft. ,�VIAa� From To Ft. 1�. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot S`� Material From�� To Ay, Ft r � in. d-'O r# . From To Ft in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: m- g, ep „ , , , Ft. ,Size Material Fro gTo et-`F . �G From To Ft. � 16. RnAAPXS: LOCATION SKET Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County 1?4ds. include the road numbers common roa.3 U �7 k k fe, C� Vt'7S /0, iG /s-, P. i DO KMBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I SA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF PERSOR CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Salbmit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mai! Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 ............. 5`J41 li 1 1 _ . C;H I 3 DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE WELL CAP p • 0, tl p• p NEAT CEMENT GROUT TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) 13 II BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 15 — --�+�— I ? "DIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH v t 3 TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 17. l DEPTH TO r GROUND WATER (FT.) 23.75 SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED FLUSH JOINT 0.01- MILL SLOT7ED WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND ACK BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 32 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 32 PVC END CAP BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) 8.25 MW-9/GP-1 Interval YeaQ Sample Type/ Number VOCs m Sample Desai GP 0 Red -Brown silty CLAY. dry, dense, some mica, no odor 4 GP 0 Same as above 8 GP 20 Same as above mild odor a GP 225 9me as a a str odor 10 GP 100 Same as above strong odor 12 GP 200 Same as above strop odor 14 GP 4,000 Some as above strong odor 16 GP 10 000' Same as above motet 18 GP 2.000 Brown CLAY with mica and strolig odor 20 GP 10 000 Ton silty CLAY moist dna odor 24 GP Same as above wet 28 GP Same as above wet 32 GP Same as above wet El DATE 6 12 02 DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER ORILLING CO. SAEOACCO TOP OF CASING ELEVATION (ft.) 98.47 { DRILLER STEVE POLONIEWICZ LOG 8Y R. RAGGETT I FORMER E%%ON 4-U% MW-9 Envi w=entd 3721 FREEDOM DRIVE DRIMING LOG AND MONITOR WELL Resources CHARLOTi'E, NORTH CAROLIN CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM EW Management mW-1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section I WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) . S i7C--'A - PCY-QYy 1134-'16 CERTIF{CAT10N #224-`4 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME S6 R091,- ['.0 PHONE # (7rxxil .Sd t/—V-5.S STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# %U C— ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential O Municipal/Public O Industrial ❑ Agricultural O Monitoring W-Recovery O Heat Pump Water Injection D Other ❑ If Other, List Use 2. • WELL LOCATION: Topographic/Land setting Nearest Town: CHgJaLg 17 County Ml Ve— !]Ridge OSlope OValley ❑Flat .3�b 5 F20-rP/�,y) Qa (tJ► = (check appropriate box) (Surat Name. Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: _T NO-Ory & I F) i (D►'V Address 3205 Fn12f:•DGY►� O -/CA- (Street or Route No.) C14AfT foil N� City or Town State Zip Code Area coda Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED 6-A-0 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 32, ' 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO 00"' 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. (Use "t if Above Top of Casing) _ & TOP OF CASING I.S Q - J FT-, Above Land Surface* *Top of cspsiog terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in aetordance with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth I Diameter. or Weight/Ft. Material From,. ,�6-- ToJ 7_ Ft. ::.'t igqt-tP From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: I Depth % Material Method Fromm _ To_J,3_ _ Ft. r N zt O-r-+11'�t From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth t Diameter t Slot Size . Material From I'i To .3J- Ft.-A.L-in. -9240 in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: 1 Depth i Size , Material - .. From To Ft. 16, REMARKS: (degmes/minuteslseconds) Latitude/longitude source: CIGPSOTopographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description Ca — t0 2O 3� �� ,S rGTx Lac �i-J .l t t i LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. rl1 0 d EA I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT T141S WELL WAS CONSTRU D IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAa AtCOPY OF T M RECORD HAS SEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF P THE WELL %A DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section,1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733.3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 594TOW-1.OYVG 2/15/02 1-1 2" WATER TIGHT LOCKABLE 8" DIAMETER BOLT WELL CAP DOWN WELL COVER •. 2' X 2' CONCRETE-' PAD NEAT CEMENT GROUT UPPER WELL BORE DIA. (IN.) 6" PVC SURFACE CASING TO (FT.) 65 DEPTH TO 21 A5 GROUNDWATER (FT.) SCHEDULE 40 PVC RISER DIAMETER (IN.) 2 LOWER WELL BORE DIAMETER (IN,) 5 7 8 TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) 66 BOTTOM OF BENTOHITE (FT.) 68 WASHED SAND TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 70 PACK SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED FLUSH JOINT .010" MILL SLOTTED WELL SCREEN BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 80 BORING DEPTH OF (Fr,) 80 E%%ON 4-20% 3721 N' 11 ' OM DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DW-1 Interval feet Sample Type/ Number VOCs m Sample Description 5 SS Red siity CLAY, with some weathered feldspar limonite stainina and manesium fill. 0 SS Same as above 15 SS Same as above strong odor 20 SS Tan to Light Brown claygy SILT moderate glasticity, 25 SS 380 Tan to light gray CLAY, high plasticity, soft, no staining mild odor, moist. 30 SS 200 Gray white silty SAND; low plasticity, no staining moderate odor, moist, guartz, feldspar,PWR aranite. 35 SS 1 120 Brown fine grained sandy SILT, low plasticity, slight odor, no staining, moist. 40 SS 200 Brown Clayey SILT, saturated no odor, no staining, medium plactich. 45 SS 180 Brown Silty SAND, saturated, slightly plastic, no odor no stainina. 47 Hit Rock 0 BS Fie grained salt and pewer SCHIST 55 BS Same as above 60 BS Same as above 65 BS Same as above 70. BS Some as above guartz 30% 80 BS Same bov uartz 0° PVC END CAP 1-18/1-19-02 ROLLER CONE DATE/DRILLED DRILLING METHOD DRILLING COMPANY SAEDACCO TOP OF CASING ELEV. (FT.) 96.32 DRILLER STEVE POLONIEWICZ LOG BY THOMAS HEDRICK DW-1 Environmental DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL Resources CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM ERM Mana$eatent WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRICTOR(INDIVIDUAL)NAME (print) 4S"r�tz > a t>zwlcz CERTIFICATION#'la�rt-I WELL CONTIUCTOR COMPAINY NAME S _�19GCy PHONE # ix�l--tat1-5I S.$ STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ouc__ ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (C�ck Applicable Box). Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring 0Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List.Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town:_ GI ,A ✓t-Ld t i r— County (Street Name. Numbers. Community. Subdivision, Lot No.. Zip Code) 3. OWNER: P0JteA►t=/T P -- ro..> a7AT/0►u/ Address T & S t=- [Street or Route No.) C HA/G!c• t7, � � � City or Town State Zip Code Area code- Phone number A. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO ❑ 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 6-0 FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance In aceordanee with 15A NCAC 21Q.0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST 10. WATER ZONES (depth): 11. DISINFECTION: Type Amount I2. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth / Diamgter or Weight/Ft. Material From O. 6 To 70 Ft. 1' C From To Ft. From _ To Ft. 13. GROUT: / Depth 4' Material Method From_ To61, Ft., btJr7c4m) I #I-^. 6e From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth t Diameler Slot Size Material From 70 t Tom FL -A _in. -Gt0 in. �—X/ C_ _From To Ft. in. in. 15. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: j Depth / Size Material From R e _To 6d Ft. &Q 4 _ !!;,c 64 5�1• From To Ft. Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge. ❑Slope ❑Valley ❑Flat (gheck appropriate boa) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/lon�_itude source:❑GPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH . DRILLINg LOG From To Formation Description d - 2 _ 9Zr3D 5:c rY C�'r av - a(2 I Lao - LI-S �� n LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road. numbers and common road names. 16. REMARKS: ' 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE- WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL SIGNATURE t3�RSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section,1636 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Plione No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 07/2001 MW-9/G P-1 Interval (feet) Sample Type/ Number VOCs m Sample Description 2 GP 0 Red -Brown silty CLAY, dry, dense, some mica, no odor 4 GP 0 Same as above 6 GP 20 Same as above, mild odor 8 P 225 Same as above, strong odor 10 GP 100 Same as above, strong odor 12 GP 200 Same as above, strong odor 14 GP 4,000 Same as above, strong odor 16 GP 10,000 Same as above, moist 18 GP 2,000 Brown CLAY with mica, moist, strong odor 20 GP 10,000 Tan silty CLAY, moist, dense, strong odor 24 GP — Same as above, wet 28 GP Same as above, wet 32 GP — Same as above, wet GP-2 Interval (feet) Sample Type/ Number VOCs ( m) Sample Description 2 GP 0 Red -brown CLAY, dry, dense, no odor 4 GP 0 Same as above 6 GP 0 Same as above 8 GP 0 Same as above, soft 10 GP 0 Same as above 12 GP 250 Brown silty CLAY, dry, medium hardness, no odor 14 GP 20 Same as above 16 GP 100 Same as above, moist, mild odor 18 GP 0 Gray CLAY, wet, dense, no odor 20 GP 0 Same as above GP-3 Interval (feet) Sample Type/ Number VOCs (ppm) Sample Description 2 GP 0 Red -brown silty CLAY, dry, dense, no odor 4 GP 0 Same as above 6 GP 20 Same as above 8 GP 80 Same as above 1 �,dium hardnessa_no_odo 12 GP 400 Same as above, soft, mild odor 14 GP 30 Brown CLAY, dry, dense, mild odor 16 GP 10 Gray tan CLAY, moist, dense, some odor 18 GP 0 Gray silty SAND, wet, soft, no odor 20 GP 0 Same as above 4-2094 Boring Logs.xis I GP-4 Interval feet Sample Type/ Number VOCs (pm) Sample Description 2 GP 0 Red -brown CLAY, dry, dense, no odor 4 GP 40 Same as above 6 GP 70 Same as above 8 GP 100 Same as above 10 GP 150 Same as above, medium hardness 12 GP 200 Same as above, moist, 14 GP 130 Gray silty CLAY, moist, dense, no odor 16 GP 120 Same as above 18 GP 120 Tan CLAY, wet, dense, no odor 20 GP 110 Same as above GP-5 Interval (feet) Sample Type/ Number VOCs (ppm) Sample Description 2 GP 0 Red -brown silty SAND, dry, soft, strong odor 4 GP 100 Same as above 6 GP 250 Same as above 8 GP 350 Same as above 10 GP 10,000 Tan -brown silty SAND, dry, soft, strong odor 12 GP 10,000 Same as above 14 GP 10,000 Red -brown silty CLAY with sand, dry, soft, strong odor 16 GP 10,000 Gray white silty SAND, dry, soft, strong odor 18 GP 10,000 Same as above, moist 20 GP 1 10,000 ISame as above GP-6 Interval (feet) Sample Type/ Number VOCs (ppm) Sample Description 2 GP 0 Red -brown CLAY, dry, dense, no odor 4 GP 0 Same as above 6 GP 100 Same as above '8 GP 100Red-brown silty CLAY, dry, softer, no odor 10 P 100 -8 Brown si , dry, medium hardness, no odor 12 GP 5 Tan silty CLAY, moist, medium hardness, no odor 14 GP 30 Same as above 16 GP 0 Same as above, soft, mild odor 18 GP 120 Gray -tan silty CLAY, moist, medium hardness, mild odor 20 GP 120 Same as above 4-2094 Boring Logs.xls J GP-7 Interval feet Sample Type/ Number VOCs (ppm) Sample Description 2 GP' 0 Red -brown CLAY, dry, hard, no odor 4 GP 0 Same as above 6 GP 0 Same as above 8 GP 30 Same as above 10 GP 40 Red silty CLAY, dry, hard, no odor 12 GP 2,000 Same as above 14 GP 8,000 Same as above, strong odor 16 GP 10,000_ Same as above, strong odor 18 GP 9,000 Gray -tan silty CLAY, soft, moist, moderate odor 20 GP 100 Gray -tan silty CLAY, soft, moist, moderate odor Interval feet Sample Type/ Number VOCs (ppm) Sample Description 2 GP 0 Red -brown CLAY, dense, dry, no odor 4 GP 200 Same as above 6 GP 350 Same as above 8 GP 0 Same as above, mild odor 10 GP 200 Same as above, strong odor 12 GP 10,000 Same as above 14 GP 10,000 Same as above, strong odor, moist 16 GP 10,000 Same as above 18 GP 10,000 Tan silty ISAND with clay, moist, strong odor 20 GP 10,000 Brown silty CLAY, dense, moist, strong odor GP-9 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs (feet) Number (pm) Sample Description Brown -red silty CLAY, slightly dense, moderately 5 GP 64 plastic, fill, mild odor Orange -tan clayey SAND, slightly dense, non -plastic, 10 GP 41 sa rolite, mild odor 15 GP >10.000 Same as above Sample Interval Type/ VOCs (feet) Number ( m) Sample Description Red -brown sandy CLAY, moist, plastic, soft, fill 5 GP 55 material, intermixed with gravels, mild odor, 10 GP 880 Same as above Tan -red clayey SILT, soft, moist to wet, mottled, mild 15 GP 410 odor 4 2094 Boring Logs.xls 1 GP-11 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs feet Number m) Sample Description Red -brown sandy CLAY, dense, dry, non -plastic, fill 5 GP 68 material, mild odor Tan -red clayey SILT, dry, dense, mottled, saprolite, non 10 GP 610 plastic, mild odor Tan silty SAND, loose, soft, dry, weathered rock, mild 15 GP 925 odor GP-12 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs (feet) Number (ppm Sample Description Red -brown sandy CLAY, dry, dense, slightly plastic, fill 5 GP 3.5 material; Intermixed with gravels, no odor Tan -red clayey SILT, dense, dry, non -plastic, mottled, 10 GP 3.1 saprolite, no odor Orange -tan silty CLAY, slightly dense, moist, plastic, 15 GP 12. mottled, no odor GP-13 Sample Interval. Type/ VOCs (feet) Number (pm) Sample Description Red -brown clayey SILT, dense, dry, fill, intermixed with 5 GP 12.0 gravels mild odor Tan -orange silty CLAY, dry, slight to moderately plastic, 10 GP 91.0 mild odor 15 GP 9,200 Same as above, moderate odor at 15' GP-14 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs (feet) Number (ppm) Sample Description Red -brown sandy CLAY, dense, dry, moderately 5 GP 21 plastic, few organics, fifl, no odor Tan -orange silty CLAY, dry, slight to moderately plastic, 10 GP 144 mild odor t5 --GP ..17t00 ame as above, 4-2094 Boring Logs.xls GP-15 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs (feet) Number (pm Sample Description Brown -red sandy CLAY, dense, dry, slightly plastic, fill 5 GP 57 material, few organics, no odor Orange -tan clayey SAND, moist, moderately dense, 10 GP 34 saprolite, slightly plastic, mottled, no odor 15 GP 48 Tan silty CLAY, soft, very plastic, moist, no odor GP-16 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs (feet) Number pm) Sample Description Red -brown sandy CLAY, dense, dry, slightly plastic, 5 GP 26 intermixed with.gravels, fill material, no odor Orange -tan clayey SILT, moist, moderately dense, 10 GP 18 slightly plastic, mottled, saprolite, no odor 15 GP 43 Same as above GP-17 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs feet Number (ppm) Sample Description Red -brown sandy CLAY, dense, dry, moderately 5 GP 16 plastic, intermixed with gravels, fill material, no odor Tan -orange sandy SILT, loose, slightly moist, dense, 10 GP 22 mottled, saprolite, no odor White -tan clayey SILT, plastic, moist, heavily mottled, 15 GP 31 plastic, mild odor GP-18 Sample Interval Type/ VOCs (feet) Number (ppm) Sample Description Red -brown sandy CLAY, dense, dry, intermixed with 5 GP 45 gravels, slightly lastic, fill, no odor Red -orange clayey SILT, moderately dense, slightly 10 GP 77 moist, slightly plastic, saprolite, mild odor 15 GP 120 Same as above 4-2094 Boring Logs.xis Goodrich, David From: Bostian, Scott [Curtis. Bostian@arcadis-us.com] Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 4:25 PM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Additional Information Requested for Permit Applications W10300192, W10300193, W10400242 & W10400243 David, The additional information that you requested for ExxonMobil Retail Facility #42650 was sent today. You should receive it Monday. The information and revised figures for the other sites are in process and should be finished next week. I apologize for the delay. These have definitely taken longer than it should have. Thanks, Scott ARCADIS Scott Bostian, PE Senior Engineer 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel 919.415.2291 Fax 919.854.5448 Mobile 919.417.2643 scott. bostianCc)arcadis-us.com www.arcadis-us.com ARCADIS, Imagine the result From: Goodrich, David Finailto:david.goodrich(@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:43 AM To: Bostian, Scott Cc: Pitner, Andrew; Knight, Sherri Subject: Additional Information Requested for Permit Applications WI0300192, WI0300193, WI0400242 & WI0400243 Mr. Bostian: The Aquifer Protection Section is in receipt of the permit application packages for remedial injection activities at four former ExxonMobil Facilities in Mecklenburg, Gaston, Alamance, and Forsyth Counties. In order to continue our review of these applications, more information is required. Please see the attached letter requesting this information on these four facilities, which is also being sent out in hard copy form. If you have any questions, please contact me by email; or at (919) 807-6352. Thank you. Regards, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office Goodrich, David From: Bostian, Scott [Curtis. Bostian@arcadis-us.com] Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 11:00 AM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Additional Information Requested for Permit Applications W10300192, W10300193, W10400242 & W10400243 Hello, As we discussed, we're making the changes and adding the information that you requested. We'll have the revisions to you next week. We can e-mail copies as they are completed if that is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Scott ARCADIS Scott Bostian, PE Senior Engineer 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel 919.415.2291 Fax 919.854.5448 Mobile 919.417.2643 scott.bostian aa..arcadis-us.com www.arcadis-us.com ARCADIS, Imagine the result From: Goodrich, David[mailto:david.goodrichCcbncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:43 AM To: Bostian, Scott Cc: Pitner, Andrew; Knight, Sherri Subject: Additional Information Requested for Permit Applications WI0300192, WI0300193, WI0400242 & WI0400243 Mr. Bostian: The Aquifer Protection Section is in receipt of the permit application packages for remedial injection activities at four former ExxonMobil Facilities in Mecklenburg, Gaston, Alamance, and Forsyth Counties. In order to continue our review of these applications, more information is required. Please see the attached letter requesting this information'on these four facilities, which is also being sent out in hard copy form. If you have any questions, please contact me by email, or at (919) 807-6352. Thank you. Regards, David Goodrich Goodrich, David From: Goodrich, David Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:43 AM To: 'Scott.Bostian@arcadis-us.com' Cc: Pitner, Andrew; Knight, Sherri Subject: Additional Information Requested for Permit Applications W10300192, W10300193, W10400242 & W10400243 Attachments: Four SitesAddlnfo.docx Mr. Bostian: The Aquifer Protection Section is in receipt of the permit application packages for remedial injection activities at four former ExxonMobil Facilities in Mecklenburg, Gaston, Alamance, and Forsyth Counties._ In order to continue our review of these applications, more information is required. Please see the attached letter requesting this information on these four facilities, which is also being sent out in hard copy form. If you have any questions, please contact me by email, or at (919) 807-6352. Thank you. Regards, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 y 1 I I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mr. Jewel Cox — Project Manager Exxon Mobil Environmental Services 1016 W. Poplar Avenue Suite 106 —Number 232 Collierville, TN 38017 Dear. Mr. Cox: Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P.E. Director March 13, 2012 Resources Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Additional Information Request WI0300192, WI0300193, WI0400242 & WI0400243 Permit Applications ExxonMobil Retail Facilities 42694, 46475, 42650 & 46477 Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (51) Systems, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Alamance & Forsyth Counties The Non -Discharge Permitting Unit is reviewing the subject permit application packages received February 28, 2012 and March 2, 2012. Additional information is required before we may continue our review. Please address the following items no later than April 13, 2012: 1) Sections B (3) and B (4) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form require the submission of a hydrogeologic description that includes the hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection, including a description of the test(s) used to determine these . . parameters, and the depth to the mean seasonal high water table. Please submit this information for each of the four sites. 2) Sections D (3) and D (4) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form require the submission of a description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injections, and summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. Please submit this information for Retail Facility 42094 (Permit Application WI0300192) and Retail Facility 46477 (Permit'Application WI0400243). 3) Section E (3) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form requires the submission of a detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system. Please submit this diagram for each of the four injection systems. 4) Sections H (2) (d), (e) and (f) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form requires the submission of a site map that includes any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within'/4 mile of the injection well or well system; all AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 one Phone: 919-807-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 NOPtil�c`lY Ohrid Internet: www.ncwaterauality.orq An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Natulmliff 4 Jewel Cox - March 13, 2012 Page 2 of 2 surface water bodies within 1/4 mile of the injection well or well system; and all existing or abandoned wells within 1/4 mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Please submit a map for each of the four sites. 5) Section H (4) (a) of the UIC-51/5T Application Form requires the submission of a contaminant plume map that includes the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines. Please submit a map for each of the four sites. 6) Section H (5) (a) of the UIC-5U5T Application Form requires the submission of a cross-section to the known or projected depth of contamination that includes the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines. Please submit a cross-section for each of the four sites. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the responsibility of the applicant. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. Three copies of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to my attention at the address at the bottom of the cover page of this letter. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. If additional time is necessary, the application may be withdrawn to avoid being returned as incomplete. Either the applicant or the applicant's consultant may request withdrawal by email message or letter if this is desired. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 807-6352 or at david.goodrich@ncdenr.gov. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section cc: Scott Bostian, ARCADIS, 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27607 Andrew Pitner, Mooresville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Sherri Knight, Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files WI0300192, WI0300193, WI0400242, and WI0400243 A.a C®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Governor Director March 12, 2012 Jewel Cox — Project Manager Exxon Mobil Environmental Services 1016 W. Poplar Avenue Suite 106 - Number 232 Collierville, TN 38017 Dear Ms. Cox: Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WI0300192 Former ExxonMobil Retail Facility #42094 Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (51) System Mecklenburg County The Aquifer Protection Section acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting documentation received on March 2, 2012. Your application package has been assigned the number listed above, and the primary reviewer is David Goodrich. Central and Mooresville Regional Office staff will perform a detailed review of the provided application, and may contact you with a request for additional information. To ensure maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Aquifer Protection Section requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please note that processing standard review permit applications may take as long as 60 to 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 807-6352 or david.goodrich@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, 0 for Debra J. Watts Groundwater Protection Unit Supervisor cc: Mooresville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Scott Bostian — ARCADIS Per=trait Ei_e I03-001-92_ AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-807-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 NorthCarolina Internet: www.ncwaterauality.orq An Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer 4 V D'''t `ally t ,I L Goodrich, David From: Schutte, Maria Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:21 AM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Permit W10300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 David, That's fine! Maria From: Goodrich, David Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:26 PM To: Schutte, Maria Subject: FW: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 Maria, Here their revised Local Area Map which includes the streams to the west. Please let me know if this is satisfactory. Thank you! David Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 From: Bostian, Scott [ma ! Ito: Curtis. Bostian(abarcadis-us.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:03 PM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 David, Sorry for the delay, we're getting slow turnaround on figures lately. Please let me know if you need anything else Thanks, Scott From: Goodrich, David[mailto:david.goodrichCabncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 10:26 AM To: Bostian, Scott Subject: RE: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 Scott, The permit is nearing completion. Please send (or electronically transmit) us the revised map at your earliest convenience. r Thank you! David Goodrich Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 From: Bostian, Scott [mailto:Curtis.BostianCabarcadis-us.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:39 PM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 David, We're revising the map now. Do you want us to mail a copy or send by e-mail or both? I apologize for the omission. Thanks, Scott From: Goodrich, David [mailto:david.goodrich(ancdenr.govI Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 12:13 PM To: Bostian, Scott Cc: Schulte, Maria Subject: Permit WI0300192: Waterbodies on Local Area Map for Exxon Mobil #42094 Scott, There are reportedly waterbodies to the west/southwest of the site, and southwest of the site, that are within % mile of the site, but are not included on the "Local Area Map". Please transmit a version of the Local Area Map that includes those features. Thank you. Regards, David Goodrich Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. The proprietary information contained in this e-mail message. and any files transmitted with it, is intended for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and that any review, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message and any files transmitted. The unauthorized use of this e- mail or any files transmitted with it is prohibited and disclaimed by ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates. Nothing herein is intended to constitute the offering or performance of services where otherwise restricted by law. Goodrich, David From: Pitner, Andrew Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 9:54 AM To: Goodrich, David Cc: Schutte, Maria Subject: RE: W10300192 Freedom Drive Site Attachments: W10300192 staff report ExxonMobile Facility #42094 - Meck June 2012ahpsigned.pdf Hey David, Here's the next Exxon staff report. I think we owe you one more. Andrew From: Schutte, Maria Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 6:27 PM To: Pitner, Andrew Subject: WI0300192 Freedom Drive Site A, Staff Report available for review. I& Maria Schutte, Environmental Senior Technician - Maria.Schutte@ncdenr.gov Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Office Phone: (704) 235-2184 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 APS website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/agw.htmI ords Law and may be disclosed AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Date: June 12, 2012 County: Mecklenburg To: Aquifer Protection Central Office Permittee: Exxon Mobile Corporation Central Office Reviewer: David Goodrich Project Name: Former ExxonMobile — Retail Facility #42094 Regional Login No: Application No.: WI0300192 L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): ® New ❑ Renewal ❑ Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon ❑ Land Application of Residuals ❑ Attachment B included ❑ 503 regulated ❑ 503 exempt ❑ Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ® Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? ® Yes or ❑ No. a. Date of site visit: 6/05/2012. Scott Bostian (919-854-1282 ext 222) with Arcadis is the contact for this site, but the MRO met with Paul Goodell from Raleigh office as a local contact. b. Site visit conducted by: Maria Schutte c. Inspection Report Attached: ❑ Yes or ® No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? N Yes or ❑ No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: a. Location: b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: Longitude: e. Regulated Activities / Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): For Disposal and Iniection Sites: (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information applies to, copy and paste a new section into the document for each site, or attach additional pages for each site) a. Location(s): b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: Longitude: IL & III. - deleted IV. INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injection wells.) FORM: WI0300192 staff report ExxonMobile Facility #42094 - Meck June 2012 AQUIFER PROTECTION. REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Description Of Well(S) and Facilities — New, Renewal, and Modification 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Heating/cooling water return flow (5A7) ❑ Closed -loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) ® In situ remediation (5I) ❑ Closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (5L/'Non-Discharge") ❑ Other (Specify:_ 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ® No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ® Yes ❑ No What is/are the pollution source(s)? A former UST and Dispenser Island. What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? 0 ft. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? —10 ft. and Oft.(former Dispenser Island is now off -property in Freedom Drive ROW) 5. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ® Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding .potential of site: ® Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High 7. For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ® No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: The monitoring plan as proposed only tracks the COC progress in the wells of interest. The MRO recommends: The installation of a deep well near MW-2R, using both as down -gradient wells for the INJ2/MW-5 event and the installation of a down gradient monitoring well pair near injection area INJ-1 /MW-9. Since the injection is a surfactant, the MRO is okay with the proposed parameter list, but recommends the field parameters (Conductivity pH, ORP) serve as an indicator... any significant change should reflect a need to analyze for inorganic parameters (metals sulfates etc). The MRO recommends continued quarterly sampling for a full year after the last injection event. 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. The add info maps do a better job of depicting GW flow across the site. But the "Local Area Map" misses the point of the11/4 mile survey. WSWs and SW bodies are mentioned in the literature, but not shown on the map. Infection Well Permit Renewal and Modification Only: 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: FORM: WI0300192 staff report ExxonMobile Facility #42094 - Meck June 2012 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 2. For closed -loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of any type), will continued/additional/modified injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 4. Drilling contractor: Name: Geologic Exploration, Parratt Wolf or Saedacco (TBD) Address: Certification number: 2401, 2489 or 2332 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. V. EVALUATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application: This site now houses a vehicle repair facility, but was an ExxonMobile station. Soil and groundwater contamination were discovered in the early 1990's. NAPL was detected in MW-9 during Oct 2011 sampling. This application proposes the use of "Biosolve" to treat dissolved phase chemicals of concern (COC) in two localized areas: One near the former dispenser Island at MW-9 and Proposed INJ--1; The second is near the former UST field at MW-5 and proposed INJ-2; All four of these wells will be used for Injection/Recovery in this proposed Push/Pullprocess. (The MRO will not issue a separate Recovery Well permit if this permit is approved.) The injection(s) will use a municipal water source and will consist of a 2400 gal maximum volume per injection event. There will be a maximum of two events spaced 6 months apart. The surfactant will be introduced as 6% solution via the four wells (600 gals. each in MW- 5, MW-9, INJ-1 and INJ-2). Following the surfactant application (within 48 hrs) a one day aggressive fluid vapor recovery (AFVR) event will ensue and is proposed to remove twice the injected volume. The monitoring plan as proposed only tracks the COC progress in the wells of interest. The MRO recommends: 1) The installation of a deep well near MW-2R... using both as down -gradient wells for the INJ2/MW-5 event. 2) The installation of a down gradient monitoring well pair, near injection area INJ-1/11W--9. Since the injection is a surfactant, the MRO is okay with the proposed parameter list, but recommends the field parameters (Conductivity, pH, ORP) serve as an indicator... any significant change should reflect a need to analyze FORM: W10300192 staff report ExxonMobile Facility #42094 - Meck June 2012 3 AQUIFER PROTECTION_REGIONAL STAFF REPORT for inorganic parameters (metals, sulfates, etc.). The MRO recommends continued quarterly sampling for a full year after the last injection event. This site appears to be free of drilling obstacles, some overhead wires but not directly above areas of concern... will need to move a few vehicles around in the parking lot. The map reflects a change in the property lines, so the consultant will require an access agreement to wells within the Freedom Drive ROW Note: All MWs require maintenance — bolts missine from covers (this was a common occurrence at all ExxonMobile Sites visited WI0300192. WI0300193 and WI0300194). The quarter mile survey revealed five inactive water supply wells all NE and up -gradient of the site, with the closest being 1350 feet from the source area. (The MRO looked at a couple of the residential properties adjacent to the site... did not see any wells.) Groundwater flow is Southeast across site. The closest surface water feature is unlikely to be impacted, as it is 500 hundred feet away. Consultant noted that off -site MW-7 shows Tetrachloroethylene, suspected from former Dry Cleaners on this property... consultant should follow-up with Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch. Plume delineation is not very clear from any maps provided, consultant expressed concern -about limited'vertical assessment. The-MRO recommends -. approval ofpermit, with monitoring/sampling changes as noted. Reminder --to obtain any required MW construction permits from Mecklenburg County Groundwater and Wastewater Services. 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet - if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with.issuance/renewal.of this permit? E] Yes ® No.. If yes, please explain briefly. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason Known WSWs and SW features are not displayed on Local Area Map. This map was part of add info requested and misses the point.. 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason FORM: WI0300192 staff report ExxonMoblle Facility #42094 - Meck June 2012 r � i AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason Sample wells quarterly for the I" year after final Basic requirement of UIC permit injection. Based on results of field analyses - add Basic requirement of UIC permit inorganic parameters to sampling schedule as needed. Construct down -gradient wells (shallow and Basic requirement of UIC permit deep) — to track injectant and better assess vertical extent. 7. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons: 8. Signature of report preparer(s): Maria Schutte Signature of APS regional supervisor: Andrew H. Pitnerp�r;�"' Date: June 12, 2012 ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: W10300192 staff report ExxonMobile Facility #42094 - Meck June 2012 5 Goodrich, David From: Goodrich, David Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:22 AM To: Schutte, Maria Subject: RE: W10300192 & W10300193 (Exxon projects) Hello Maria, Yes, I am sending you a hard copy of their additional information response package which we received on Monday. The response package is going out today, so it should be arriving at your office pretty shortly. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist! Thank you. David Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 From: Schutte, Maria Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:12 AM To, Goodrich, David Subject: WI0300192 & WI0300193 (Exxon projects) Hello David, I received additional info for W10300193. Just checking to see if there was more coming on W10300192, before I schedule site visits. Thank You! Maria Maria Schutte, Environmental Senior Technician - Maria.Schutte@ncdenr.gov Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Office Phone: (704) 235-2184 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 APS website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/agw.htmI NOTICE: Emails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: March 12, 2012 To: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ -David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS X Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich, Land Application Unit Telephone: (919) 807-6352 Fax: (919) 807-6496 E-Mail: david.go6drich@ncdenr.gov A. Permit Number: WI0300192 B. Owner: Exxonmobil Environmental Services C. Facility/Operation: Former Exxonmobile Retail Facility No. 42094 X Proposed ❑ Existing X Facility X Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon X GW Remediation (ND) 5I Inj. wells ❑ UIC - (5A7) open loop geothermal For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: X New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within'30 calendar days, please take the following actions: X Return a Completed APSARR Form. - Please comment ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: Date: FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 Central Files: APS; ' SWP 03/12/12 Permit Number W10300192 Permit Tracking, Slip Program Category Status Project Type Ground Water In review New Project Permit Type Version Permit Classification Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (51) Individual Primary Reviewer Permit Contact Affiliation david.goodrich Scott Bostian Engineer Environmental Sr Coastal SW Rule 801 Corporate Center Dr Raleigh NC 27607 Permitted Flow Facili Facility Name Major/Minor Region Former ExxonMobil Retail Facility #42094 Minor Mooresville Location Address County 3721 Freedom Dr Mecklenburg Charlotte NC 28208 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Owner Name Owner Type Exxonmobil Environmental Services Non -Government Owner Affiliation Jewel Cox 1016 W Poplar Ave Dates/Events Collierville TN 38017 Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 03/02/12 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events RO staff report requested RO staff report received Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin suTF North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health • Epidemiology Section 1912 Mail Service Center v Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1912 Tel 919-733-3410 • Fax 919-733-9555 N ichael F. Easley, Governor February 26, 2002 MEMORANDUNi TO:, Mark Pritzl Groundwater Section FROM: Luanne K. Williams, Pharm.D., Toxicologist Medical Evaluation and Risk Assessment Unit Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Carmen Hooker Odom, Secretary SUBJECT: Use of 5% BioSolve and 95% Water to Enhance Biodegradation of Groundwater Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbon Constituents at the Valero Marketing & Supply Company in Selma, North Carolina. I ant writing in response to a request for a health risk evaluation regarding the use of 5% BioSolve and 95% water to enhance biodegradation of groundwater contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbon constituents at the Valero Marketing & Supply Company in Selma, North Carolina. Based upon my review of the information submitted, I offer the following health risk evaluation: WORKER PRECAUTIONS DURING APPLICATION 1. The specific chemicals present in the product BioSolve are not provided for proprietary reasons at the request of the manufacturer, The Westford Chemical Corporation. However, some effects reported to be associated with the chemicals present in the product following short-term exposure are as follows: Exposure can cause irritation of skin, eyes, nose and throat (Chemical Hazard Response Information System by Micromedex TOMEs Plus System CD- ROM Database, Volume 51, 2002; Meditext — Medical Management by Micromedex TOMEs Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 51, 2002). Significant inhalation exposure can cause central nervous system depression and lung, liver, and kidney injury (Meditext — Medical Management by Micromedex TOMEs Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 51, 2002). Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard 9 Parker L'uicoln Building 9 Raleigh, N.C. 27604 An Equal Opportunity Employer o Mark Pritzl Memo February 27, 2002 Page Two • Possible interaction with oxidizing materials and acids with generation of heat (Meditext — Medical Management by Micromedex TOMES Plus System CD- ROM Database, Volume 51, 2002) If the -products are released into the environment in a way that could result in a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles (e.g., grinding, blending, vigorous shaking or mixing), then it is imperative that proper personal protective equipment be used. The application process should be reviewed by an industrial hygienist to ensure that the most appropriate personal protective equipment is used. 2. Persons working with this product should at least wear goggles or a face shield, gloves, and protective clothing. Face and body protection should be used for anticipated splashes or sprays. Again, consult with an industrial hygienist to ensure proper protection. 3. Eating, drinking., smoking, handling contact lenses, and applying cosmetics should never be permitted in the application area during or immediately following application. 4. Safety controls should be in place to ensure that the check valve and the pressure delivery systems are working properly. The Material Safety Data Sheets should be followed to prevent adverse reactions and injuries. OTHER PRECAUTIONS 1. Access to the area of application should be limited to the workers applying the product. In order to minimize exposure to unprotected individuals, measures should be taken to prevent access to the area of application. 2. According to the information submitted by Handex, the area is served by public water. However, there are five residential properties and one commercial property located within 400 to 950 feet that use wells for non -potable activities. According to the information submitted by Handex, the BioSolve product will be removed during the extraction process, and the likelihood of impact to these receptors is minimal. Because of the potential risks associated with the use of this product, efforts should be made to prevent contamination of existing or future wells that may be located near the application area. x h •,fit < 2 of c} fs ? ar h Mark Pritzl Memo February 27, 2002 Page Three 3. According to the information submitted by Handex, there is an unnamed creek located approximately 350 to 400 feet south of the facility. Because of the proximity to these waterbodies and the potential risks associated with this product, it is recommended that you consult with the Raleigh Regional Office Water Quality Section to determine if this product could impact this surface water body. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions at (919) 715-6429. cc: Mr. Jim Roush, Groundwater Section, Raleigh Regional Office Mr. Dwight Oliver, Valero Marketing & Supply Company, P.O. Box 218, Selma, NC 27576 Mr. George Flores, Handex of the Carolinas, Inc., 3600-G Woodpark Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28206 Mr. Ronald LaRoche, The Westford Chemical Corporation, P.O. Box 798, Westford, MA 01886 .Z 63oo1�2 From: Frizzell, Joshua [mailto:Joshua.Frizzell(a arcadis-us.com] Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:51 AM To: Goodrich, David Subject: Monitoring well locations for Permit W10300192 Mr. Goodrich, Thank you for discussing our permit (W10300192) with me today. As we discussed, we plan to install one shallow monitoring well and one deep monitoring well approximately 30 feet downgradient of IW-1 plus one deep monitoring well approximately 30 feet downgradient of IW-2. Note that installing a deep well in the vicinity of MW-2R (abandoned but adjacent to MW-5) would put the new deep well only about 10 feet away from IW-2. I have attached a sketch depicting my understanding of the monitoring well installation plan as well as a potentiometric map for your reference (groundwater generally flowing to the southeast). The shallow well be installed to bracket the water table and the deep wells would be installed such that the screened interval is deeper than the new shallow well but does not penetrate bedrock. Please reply and indicate if my understanding of the monitoring well installation plan is correct. Thanks again and have a great weekend! Joshua Frizzell, L.G. I Geologist I ioshua.frizzell(cDarcadis-us.com ARCADIS U.S., Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 Cell 770.713.7236 1 Direct Dial 919.415.2282 1 Main 919.854.1282 1 Fax 919.854.5448 www.arcadis-us.com ARCADIS, Imagine the result Please consider the environment before printing this email. NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. The proprietary information contained in this e-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, is intended for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and that any review, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message and any files transmitted. The unauthorized use of this e- mail or any files transmitted with it is prohibited and disclaimed by ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates. Nothing herein is intended to constitute the offering or performance of services where otherwise restricted by law. Goodrich, David From: Frizzell, Joshua [Joshua. Frizzell@arcadis-us.com] Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 1:11 PM To: Goodrich, David Subject: RE: Monitoring well locations for Permit W10300192 Mr. Goodrich, Thank you for discussing with me and for taking another look. The additional info is very helpful. Thanks again! Joshua Frizzell, L.G. I Geologist I joshua.frizzellearcadis-us.com ARCADIS U.S., Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 ( Raleigh, NC 27607 Cell 770.713.7236 1 Direct Dial 919.415.2282 1 Main 919.854.1282 1 Fax 919.854.5448 www.arcadis-us.com ARCADIS, Imagine the result Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Goodrich, David[ma ilto:david.goodrich 0)ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 12:27 PM To: Frizzell, Joshua Subject: RE: Monitoring well locations for Permit WI0300192 Mr. Frizzell, Thank you for your email and accompanying diagram regarding the placement of the new monitor wells. I have taken another look at the site detail map and the recommendations which were made: at the time the permit.was. issued, and have concluded that the one deep monitoring well and one shallow monitoring well that are going to be installed in association with IW-1 should be placed 13 feet downgradient (roughly southeast) of IW-1. I have also concluded that the one deep monitoring well that is going to be installed in association with IW-2 should be placed 13 feet downgradient (roughly southeast) of IW-2. Part of my reasoning for these placements is that they should be just far enough from their respective injection wells to be slightly beyond on the edge of the injection area, and may or may not show significant concentrations of injectant. Thank you for contacting me regarding this issue, and please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any other concerns. Regards, David Goodrich, P.G. Aquifer Protection Section Central Office Office Telphone Number: (919) 807-6352 Aquifer Protection Section Main Number: (919) 807-6464 Fax Number: (919) 807-6496 MW�(UNKNO p (78.75)\ \ \•\ \ ^C I fU XTa Asm h \ \ o ♦I �p (77•19) I� \ - - -- FORMF;Y CHARLI CI,9RNERS 440 MAJOR JI 1 I STREET i wnI \ I / t \ MAJOR STREET \\. Q A � � A LEGEND MONTORING WELL `el ABANDONED MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (DASHED 77.5O WHERE INFERRED) (76.58) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FEET BELOW ARBITRARY SITE LEVEL) GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION NOTE: WEMAP PREPARED FROM DRAWING FILE PREPARED BY 'GROUNDWATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. INC.' (CES). TITLED: SITE MAP, AT A SCALE OF DRIED: NOVID 21, 2008. 0 40' 80, GRAPHIC SCALE is f , rawutt MW6 \ _loaurn � leg CP-41 , roRaiMna�a'Iao Rti4E� \ ` \ f��j�e-L1 fC.+*+cL� �OCA'1i da 47 5 A4110 w ll!Weep L+re q r' / cve,0r + FO GP-16 = �� AOP-10 GP ::.GP-11 ` d 0 GP-B IY \ I IeNN-� i:_�L•; -�_1 *i ".�._ i �Y♦VpA$: (41 Ca-4,0w Q� G'-15 0-73 OUNKNOWNcp 8 FURRUE BROWOWN'SS DRY CLEANERS MAJOR STREET i i i, J•cZ / C�V$ r/ 'ri +7 1 1 ` \ MAJOR STRF,FT q � LEGEND: ® MONITORING WELL IQ�yI ABANDONED MONITORING 'WELL .7 PROPOSED INJECTION WELL l y TO- RADIUS OF INFLUENCE A AI CROSS SECTION LINE A SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION IS APPROX1IMATEO)2 ?LOCATION Pry ra x� c>'Qe�p Well 0-f walr ad 1Ta m ` .�a�, �t beclroc�C� 0 40' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE RECEIVEDIDENRIDWQ ARCADIS OCT 16 2G�2 Aquifer Protection Section ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Infrastructure • Water Environment Buildings Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive Suite 300 Raleigh Attn: Ms. Sherri Knight North Carolina 27607 C/O: Mr. David Goodrich Tel 919 854 1282 NCDENR — Division of Water Quality Fax 919 854 5448 www.arcadis-us.com Aquifer Protection Section — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Environment Subject: Injection Performance Record Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 Date: 3721 Freedom Drive October 12, 2012 Charlotte, NC 28208 UIC Permit W10300192 Contact: Incident Number: 6867 Scott Bostian Phone: Dear Ms. Knight: 919.415.2291 On behalf of ExxonMobil Environmental Services (EMES), ARCADIS G&M of North Email: Carolina, Inc. (ARCADIS) is submitting an Injection Performance Record to the North Scott. Bostian@arcadis- Carolina Department of Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality — Aquifer us.com Protection Section for Former ExxonMobil Facility #42094 located in Charlotte, Our ref: Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. 130085851.0026 On August 27 — August 29, 2012, ARCADIS provided oversight of Geologic Exploration Inc. (GEX) to install two injection wells (INJ-1 and INJ-2), one shallow ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, monitoring well (MW-10), and two deep monitoring wells (DW-2 and DW-3), as Inc. required by the underground injection control (UIC) Permit approved for the site. NC Engineering License # C-1869 NC Surveying License # C-1869 On September 17 — September 19, 2012, ARCADIS personnel completed a BioSolve® Surfactant injection at the site. Approximately 1,150 gallons of BioSolve® Surfactant mixture was injected in monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-9 and injection wells INJ-1 and INJ-2. Post -injection Aggressive Fluid Vapor Recovery (AFVR) events were conducted on September 20, 2012, September 21, 2012, September 28, 2012, October 2, 2012, and October 3, 2012. Approximately 1,374 gallons of liquids have been recovered from the post chemical injection AFVR events to date. An injection event record is included as Appendix A. Well construction records for Imagine the result RECEIVEDIDENRIDWO ARCADIS ACT 6 L,y;ly Aquiter Protection Section shallow monitoring well MW-10, deep monitoring wells DW-2 and DW-3, and injection wells INJ-1 and INJ-2, are included as Appendix B. ARCADIS will conduct quarterly post -injection groundwater monitoring and sampling events as indicated in the approved UIC Permit to evaluate the effectiveness of the BioSolve® surfactant injection. A comprehensive groundwater monitoring and sampling event is scheduled for November 2012. A groundwater monitoring report further detailing the BioSolve® surfactant injection and the results of the comprehensive groundwater monitoring and sampling event will be submitted to the NCDENR for review and approval in the fourth quarter 2012. Sincerely, Pave��I .•�®a� C��'�4 ARCADI ]toi Nort�lt?.l?' Inc. vy Scott Bo di Senior Copies: Ms. Jewel Cox — EMES Mr. Daniel Bowser — NCDENR UST Section File — EM 42094 Jon Farley, P.E. Certified Project Manager I Ms. Sherri Knight October 12, 2012 Page: G:IEWE—MohihNorth Carolina iriection sites142094. Chedode, NC - APPROVEDIIryection Event RecordOeptwbw 20121njection Record�EM 42094. Ir i Lion Recall Cover Leiter - Finel.doc 2/2 i INJECTION EVENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Division of Water Quality Permit Number WI0300192 1. Permit Information Exxon Mobil Corporation Permittee Former Exxon Mobil Retail Facility #42094 Facility Name 3721 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina Facility Address 2. Injection Contractor Information ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Injection Contractor / Company Name Street Address 801 Corporate Center Dr. #300 Raleigh NC 27607 City State Zip Code ( 9 99 854-1282 Area code — Phone number 3. Well Information Number of wells used for injection 4 Well names Mw-5, Mw-9, INJ-1, and INJ-2 Were any new wells installed during this injection event? © Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells I Number of Injection Wells 2 Type of Well Installed (Check applicable type): ❑ Bored ❑x Drilled ❑ Direct -Push ❑ Hand -Augured ❑ Other (specify) Please include two copies of form GW-I b for each well installed. Were any wells abandoned during this injection event? ❑ Yes x❑ No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells Please include two copies of the GW-30 for each well abandoned. 4. Injectant Information BioSolve surfactant Injectant Type Concentration 6 o by volume If the injectant is diluted please indicate the source dilution fluid. Fire hydrant (municipal) Total Volume Injected 1,150 gallons Volume Injected per well 50 to 550 gallons 5. Injection History Injection date(s) 9/17/2012 - 9/19/2012 Injection number (e.g. 3 of 5) 1 of 2 (estimated) Is this the last injection at this site? ❑ Yes x❑ No I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJECTION WAS PERFORMED WITHIN THE STANDARDS LAID OUT IN THE PERMIT. �J / O X5 t'1), SIGNATURE OF INJECTION CO TRACTOR DATE Ryan Habersang and Jared Fino PRINT NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING THE INJECTION Submit the original of this form to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of injection. Form UIC-IER Attn: UIC Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636, Phone No. 919-733-3221 Rev. 07/09 s NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION #1 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176. COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 7( 04- ) 872-7686 Area code. Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(irapplicable) SITE WELL ID "f applicable) INJ71 3.. WELL USE.(Chec k One Box) Monitoring ❑ Municipal/Pubtic O Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08128/-12. 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM.DRIVE 28208 (Streef:Name; Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, 7jp.Code) &,Y CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley &(Flat DRidge. ❑Other LATITUDE 35 ' 14 56.5000 " DMS OR DO LONGITUDE80 53 - 61.9800 - DMS OR DO Latitudenongiitude source: V3PS propographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located_) - EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address. CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City :orTown State Zip Code EXXONMOSIL Contact Name 2709-FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code .Am.cade Phone number_ 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 23.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO G/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 21.0 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING 1S 0.0 . FT. Above Land Surface* 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (pm): N/A METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount N/A g: WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom - Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material : Top 0.0 Bottom 13.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom) Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method = Top 0.0 Bottom 9.0 Ft. P-M-EwrONIrm SLURRY Top Bottom Ft, Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 13.0 Bottom 23.0 FL 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. : Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top .19.0 Bottom 23.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA:SAND Top Bottom Ft, Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top. Bottom Formation Description 0.0 1 6.0 BACK FILL 8.0 / 16.0. ORANGE SANDY CLAY 18.0 / 23.0 TAN SANDY CLAY _ I J 12: REMARKS: aFntTnwTF GFnr FROM 9=0 TO 11 _D FEET _ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL W NSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • .15A NCA CONST CTION STA OS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS : RECOR- B DTOTH 09/05/12 SIVKTURE OP -CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL rterQDa1fty °fnformaf3onProcessing. Remy 9-1b NONRESIDENTM WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality �;, ;�• + WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNYBURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town 'State Zip Code 7( 04 ) 872-7686 Area code Phone number '2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#' OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) . SITE WELL 1D #(if applicable) INJ-2 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ Nlunicipal/Pubhc ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection Ig( irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08128/12 - 06/2911.2 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208 (Street Name; Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot`No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) []Slope []Valley Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE ;35 a 14 55.8700 ° DMS OR, DD LONGITUDE'8t). 53 * 51.6200 " DMS OR . OD Latitude/longitude source: BPS propograptuc map . #ocaSon of ivell must be shown on a "USGS tope map andattached to this ioma if not using .GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the wall is located.) EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A facility Name FacilityID# (it applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL Contact Name 3709`FREE60M DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code U Aiea Wode ,Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 23.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO Q� c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 21.0 FT. (Use "+° if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0: Fr. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated at/or belowiand surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.,0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF.TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount NIA j g. WATER ZONES (depth): ' Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top' _ Bottom Thickness/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 13.0 Ft. 2INCH SCH46 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Et. 8. GROUT:, Depth Material Method Top -0.0 BottorrL 9.0 Ft PO ANOBE"rT°""E SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material 'Top 13.0 . Bottom 23.0 Ft. 2:0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft in. in. Top Bottom Ft in. in. =10: SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 9'1.0 Bottom 23:0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft 11. DRILLING. LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0:0 1 8.0 BACK FILL 6.0 / 18.0 TAN SILTY CLAY 18:0 J 22.0 WHITE ROCK 22`.0. l 23.0 TAN SILTY CLAY 1 1 / 12. REMARKS: ;I I.DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL W NSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 16A NCA LL CO _ CTION ST ROS, AND_THAT A COPY OF THIS .AECORE PR DTOTH VVI,R. 09/05/12 SI URESI URE O�RTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR CONTRA. TOR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1b SS1R9� Rev: 2/09 i a.w sWFc ' NONRESIDENTIAL wuL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality �. •�,*M WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town -State Zip Code 70! 4 f 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL. INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER.ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(Wapplieabie) SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) DW-3 S. WELL USE -(Check One Box) Monitoring 5( MunirapaVPublic.p. Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural D Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation[] Other ❑ (fist use) DATE DRILLED 08/29/12. 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208. (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY= CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check appropriate boxj ❑Slope []Valley, Flat ❑Ridge 00ther LATITUDE 35 - 14 ' 55 8300 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 80 ° 53, 51.5400 " DMS OR DD Latihtde/long tudesource: MPS Oropographic map gocafibn,ofwell must be shown on a USGS topo map andattachedto this form rfnot using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located:) EXXONMOBIL-:42094 N/A - Facility Name Facility l0#(if`applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL Contact Name 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City.. or Town State. Zip Code U Area code Phone number " 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 44.0 FEET It. DOES WELL.REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 0/ c. WATER LEVEL.Below Top of Casing: 21.0 FT. (Use'W if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 . FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated aUorbelow land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, e. YIELD (glim): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top_ Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom :. Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ :7. CASING:. Depth Diameter Weight Material _.-Top 0.0 -.Bottom 34.0 Ft: 2INCH SCH40 PVC Top Bottom . Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. ---rm SLURRY Top- Bottom Ft. a Top Bottom Ft. : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top -34.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 2.0 in. 010 in. PVC Top Bottom :Ft in. in. = Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth size Material Top 32.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND. Top Bottom Ft .Top Bottom Ft 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 8.0 / 25.0 25._0 J 34.0 34.0 ! .44.0 J 5 12. REMARKS: BACK FILL ORANGE SILTY CLAY TAN SILTYCLAY GRAY SILTY CLAY I.DO.HE_ R Y CERTIFY -THAT THIS, WELL WbiTCONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A N LL CON UCTION ST RDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS : RECO A EDTO7 09/05/12 '90MATURE O CERTIFIED: WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GWAb Rev. 2109 �`u STArk'ry w NON-RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD M. North Carolina De pat bnent of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTII+ICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 70( 4 ) 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(ir applicable) SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) MW-10 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring V Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation[] Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08/27/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope []Valley VFW ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 35 ° 14 56.5100 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 80 ° 53 , 52.0400 " DMS OR DD Latiludellongitude source: WPS ❑topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL Contact Name 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code U Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 27.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO G/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 20.0 FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' "Top of casing terminated atfor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount N/A g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 12.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom 8.0 Ft. PORTIANDBENTONUE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 9. SCREEN. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 12.0 Bottom 27.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 10.0 Bottom 27.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom . Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 / 8.0 BACK FILL 8.0 / 18.0 ORANGE SANDY CLAY 18.0 1 27.0 TAN SANDY CLAY 12. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 8.0 TO 10.0 FEET ............... I DO HEREBYWELONSTRuq CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS C STRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCAC ION STAND AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORDO THE W L ER &4Ar--11`09/05/12 SIGN RE OF CEATIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1 b Rev. 2/09 1 Y ONRESIDENTL4L WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality ^F�h.�...e.v*• WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 70( 4 ) 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(Inapplicable) SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) DW-2 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring W Municipal/Public ❑ industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation[] Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08/27/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley Q(Flat ❑Ridge []Other LATITUDE 35 ° 14 56.5100 "DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 80 ° 53 - 52.0400 " DMS OR DD Latitude/longitude source: 03PS pfopographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL Contact Name 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code U Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 44.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO q/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 20.0 FT, (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface" 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount N/A g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 34.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. PORTIAND aENTONITE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 34.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 In. PVC Top Bottom Ft, in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. • 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 32.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 / 8.0 BACK FILL 8.0 / 18.0 ORANGE SANDY CLAY 18.0 / 23.0 TAN SANDY CLAY 23.0 / 44.0 TAN/GRAY SANDY CLAY 12. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 29.0 TO 32 0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WA CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCA C, W LL CONSTF UCTION STA RDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECOR I S B EN PROM D TO THEOWNER, 09/05l12 : SI URE OVERTIRED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1b Rev. 2/09 i NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD o ; North Carolina Department of Environment:and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality •vk"" "°" • WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individuao Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176.COMMERCE BLVD - 8tneetAddress STATESVILLE NC 90625 City or Town State Zip Code (.704 ) 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(i(applimble) SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) INJ-1 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ MunicipaI Public Ej Indusbiat(Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery O Injection 5 Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08/28/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208 (Street Name; Numbers, Community,.Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriatebox) OSlope ❑Valley ItFlat E3Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 35 ° 14 .:56.5900 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE•-80 ° 53 ' 51.9800 ° DMS OR DD Latitudenongitude source: WPS ❑topographic map flocalion of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andatteched:to this fo if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A Facility Name Facility ID. # Cd applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 CityorTown State Zip Code EXXONMOBILk Contact Name 2709.FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code U .Aie.a:cade Phone nutnber._. 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 23.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO a/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 21.0 FT. (Use 'W if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface 'Top of casing terminated at/or below tend surface may require a variance in accordance with I SA NCAC"2C .0118. . e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount N/A g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 13.0 FL 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft Top Bottom R. : S. GROUT: Depth Material Method = Top 0.0 Bottom :9.0 Ft:, PoRrkNDeENTCfre SLURRY Top Bottom - Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material. Top 13.0 Bottom 23.0 Ft 2.0 in. .010 In. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top i 1.0 . Bottom 23.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA.SAND Top Bottom Ft, Top Bottom Ft 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0.0 8.0 / 18.0 18.0 / no If Formation Description BACK FILL ORANGE SANDY CLAY TAN SANDY CLAY 12, REMARKS:. BFNMNITE SEAL FROM 9.0 TO 11.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT -THIS WELL WAPfONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • .15A NCW=00NST CTION STA DS, jA�NDTHATACOPY OF THISRECORITOTH 1M1rt* - 09/05/12 SI TURE OPICERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1 b II(ty °;Information Processing;. Rev. 2109 A0 %gyp I j� . -. s 1 �' ONRESIDENTL4L WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Iy;, -1 r i North Carolina Department of Environment -and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality ,•o,�,dfi WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION #/ 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor(Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town - State Zip Code 70c 4 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#' OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#('fiapplicable) SITE WELL ID *if applicable) INJ-2 3. WELL USE.(Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ Municipal/Public❑ Industrial/Commercial.[] Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ lnjection fi( Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08/28/12 - 08/29/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOMDRIVE 28208 (Street Name; Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKL.ENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley Q(EIat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE .35' ^ 14- 55.8700 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 80. ° 53 51.6200 " DMS OR DD LatitudeAongitude source: BPS []topographic map (location of well must be shoivn on a "USGS topo map-andatfached to this foirn if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY.(Name of the'business where the well is located.) EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A Facility Name Facility I D# (if applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Sheet Address CHARLOTTE. NC 28208. City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL Contact Name 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address- CHARLOTTE NC 2820E City or Town State Zip Code Area GAde: P(tplle number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 23.0 FEET b: DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO p� c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 21.0 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' *Top- of casing terminated at/or belowland surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST . N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount N/A g. WATER ZONES (depth): ' Top _ Bottom Top. Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom . Thickness! : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 BottoffL. 13.0 Ft. 21NCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method :Top 0.0 Bottom 9.0 FL P6Rr1AN&BENrorrrtE SLURRY Top . Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material "Top 13. Bottom. 23.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft in. in. Top Bottom FL in. in. :' 10: SAND/GRAVELPACK: Depth Size Material Top .11.0 :Bottom 23.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND i Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft 11. DRILLING LOG Top 8oltom Formation Description 0.0 / &0 8.0 1 18.0 18.0 / 22.0 22.0 / 23.0 / 1 12. REMARKS: BACK FILL TAN SILTY CLAY WHITE ROCK. TAN SILTY CLAY I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS wELL wyfONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15ANCA LLCON CTION,ST ,S,'ANDTHAT'ACOPY OFTHIS' •, RE _ PR DTOTH IC 09/05/12 SI RE OP69ERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GWAIJ Rev. 2/09 .�sTAho a NONRESIDENTIAL ONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD t North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural. Resources- Division of Water. Quality '� •cti; °,�•s-rf WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176.COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 70( 4 ) 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION:` WELL.CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface" `Top of casing terminated atlor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0:0 Bottom 34.0 Ft: 21NCH scH ao PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) DW-3 : Top Bottom Ft. 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring a(Municipal/Public-❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural'p Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08129112, 4.. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208 (Street Name; Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY' CHARLOTTE - . COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (dwrk appmpriate.box) ❑Slope pValley Flat ORidge pother LATITUDE 35 -14 - 55.8300 " DMS OR DID LONGITUDE 80 ^ 53, 51.5400 " DMS OR DE Latihidefiongrtude source: MPS Oropographic map (location of web must'be shown on a USGS topo map andaffached to this fonn if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) EXXONMOBIL -. 42094 NIA Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3709 FREEDOM "DRIVE Street -Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL- Contact Name 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City. or Town. State Zip Code Area code Phonenumber 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 44.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO U/ C. WATER LEVEL Below Top` of Casing: 21.0 FT (Use "+^ if Above Top of Casing) 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom .29.0 Ft PORiIAND-T'*- SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. = Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 34.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. -10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth size Material Top 32.0 Bottom 44.0 .Ft 2o4o FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft Top Bottom 'Ft: 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 1 8.0 BACK FILL 8.0 / 25.0 ORANGE SILTY CLAY . 25.0 J 34.0 TAN SILTY CLAY X0 / 44.0 GRAY SILTY CLAY 7 12. REMARKS: I,DO HFA Y CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL�W07CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I bA NC LL CON UCTION STIRDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECO TO7 i 09/05/12 SIINATURE O CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR" DATE JOHNNY BURR. : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1 b Rev. 2109 $TATE' ;ys NONRESIDENTIAL ONRESIDENTIAL r ; F o) WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality s WELL CONTRACTOR CERTII+ICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 70( 4 1 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(ir applicable) SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) MW-10 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring d Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08/27/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope []Valley JiFlat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 35 ^ 14 56.5100 " DMS OR DO LONGITUDE 80 ^ 53 , 52.0400 " DMS OR DID Latitude/longitude source: 03PS aopographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL Contact Name 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code U Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 27.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO G/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 20.0 FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' *Top of casing terminated atfor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount N/A g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ :7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material : Top 0.0 Bottom 12.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom 8.0 Ft. PORTLANDBENTONRE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 12.0 Bottom 27.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. In. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 10.0 Bottom 27.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 / 8.0 BACK FILL 8.0 / 18.0 ORANGE SANDY CLAY 18.0 / 27.0 TAN SANDY CLAY / 12. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 8.0 TO 10.0 FEET I DO HEREBYW,EL CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS C STRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCACONSTRUC ION STAND ,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD0 0 THEW L ER L�09/05/12 SIGN RE OF CEIATIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1 b Rev. 2/09 _ t ,.1 0 STATFry'�.� V „wvTIM, h NONRESIDENTIAL ONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD a . w? � North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 70( 4 ) 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERM OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(Ir applicable) SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) DW-2 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring W Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 08/27/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE 28208 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY.. CHARLOTTE COUNTY MECKLENBURG TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope []Valley JjFlat ❑Ridge []Other LATITUDE 35 114 156.5100 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 80 ^ 53 , 52.0400 " DMS OR DD Latitude/longitude source: WPS ❑ropographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) EXXONMOBIL - 42094 N/A Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Street Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code EXXONMOBIL Contact Name 3709 FREEDOM DRIVE Mailing Address CHARLOTTE NC 28208 City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 44.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO q� c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 20.0 FT. (Use "+" If Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface - *Top of casing terminated atlor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount N/A g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 34.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method : Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. PDRTIANDaENTONITE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 34.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 2.0 In. .010 In. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 32.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND : Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 / 8.0 BACK FILL 8.0 i 18.0 ORANGE SANDY CLAY 18.0 / 23.0 TAN SANDY CLAY 23.0 / 44.0 TAN/GRAY SANDY CLAY 12. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 29.0 TO 32.0 FEET : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WA CONSTRUCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCAC C, W LL CONSTRUCTION STA RDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECOR i S B IN PROVI D TO THE WNER. 09/05/12 SI URE OLOERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1b Rev. 2/09 Aoplication Reviewer: Pre -Review: Conducted? Yes ❑ No O.K. to Process? ® Yes ❑ No If No, What Action Is Needed? ❑ Pre -Review Return ❑ Hold, Pending Receipt of Addinfo.: Name/Affiliation of Person Contacted: Assign- __.Fit Date:Zol 2— Date to Processing: 3 � Z p 3bd P? 2 Date(s) of Contact: ❑ By Phone ❑ By E-Mail ❑ By Letter Owner: 10 Existing ❑ Unknown Owner Type Al Non -Gov't (❑ Ind. or ® Org) ❑ Gov. -Municipal ❑ Gov. -County ❑ Gov. -State ❑ Gov. -Federal Facility/Operation: ❑ Proposed ❑ Existing Regulated Activities: Anolication/Permit: Permit Type: ❑ Injection Water.Only GSHP Well System (5QW) ❑ Injection Mixed Fluid GSHP Well System (5QM) ❑ Injection Tracer Well (5T) ❑ Injection Experimental Technology (5X25) Project Type: New ❑ Major Mod. Notes: ❑ Facility ❑ Operation Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (51) ❑ Injection Heating/Cooling Water Return Well (5A7) ❑ Injection Other Wells (5Z) ❑ Injection Aquifer Recharge (5R21) Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. FOPJ\�: BII S 10/04!200 7