HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170175 Ver 1_Appendix C_Clear Run Final EA_20201029Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Presented to: City of Wilmington September 23, 2020 Version 3.1 Prepared by: hdhq rnoffati & nichol Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project nrnft Fnvirnnmantal Accaccmant Table of Contents 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Alternatives................................................................................................................................................... 5 3. Environmental Setting and Potential Impacts............................................................................................. 9 4. Cumulative Impacts................................................................................................................................... 27 5. Compliance with Environmental Requirements......................................................................................... 27 6. Agency and Public Involvement.................................................................................................................. 27 7. Point of Contact......................................................................................................................................... 28 8. Draft Finding of No Significant Impact........................................................................................................ 28 9. Bibliography................................................................................................................................................ 28 10. Appendices............................................................................................................................................... 29 Moffatt & Nichol TOC Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose and Need The project's overall purpose and need is to design and install a stable stream channel that can safely accommodate high flows from upstream development and alleviate flooding along the channel. The project intends to address a number of factors through implementation. First, the stream channel is very unstable and actively eroding. This both contributes sediment to downstream reaches of Bradley Creek and threatens adjacent property and existing structures. The actively erodding and unstable stream channel has been the subject of numerous complains from adjacent landowners. Second, flooding is common at locations in the upper watershed, notably along College Avenue and New Center Drive. A planned subsequent project will enlarge the stormwater pipes in this area to carry more stormwater to alleviate the flooding, but the channel in this reach will need to be designed to accommodate these higher flows. Third, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysies indicate that road flooding is likley to occur at College Acres Drive and Mallard Drive during large storms. Some anedotal accounts of such flooding has been reported in the course of the community outreach process for the project. This project will address this flooding by providing larger culverts under these roads. Proposed improvements from this project include installation of a more stable stream channel with a restored floodplain to accommodate high storm flows and improved road crossings at College Acres Drive and Mallard Drive. 1.2. Project History This project largely originated from citizen/landowner complaints coming from residents in the 5000 block of Clear Run Drive, at the upstream end of the proposed project near the intersection with College Acres Drive, where increasing channel erosion and instability is resulting in rapid lateral migration of the existing channel. In this vicinity, where the width of the riparian corridor is constrained by numerous anthropogenic structures, channel migration had begun to immediately threaten the integrity of swimming pools and out- buildings. The project vicinity, location, and extent are illustarted in Figure 1 (following page). At the project outset, a detailed geomorphic assessment was performed (discussed below in section 1.3) that confirmed that the stream was badly incised with rapidly eroding stream banks. Anecdotal accounts from long-term residents living along the unstable upstream portion of Clear Run (Keir, personal communication, 2014) (Seidel, personal communication, 2014) have indicated that a low -head dam had been present in Clear Run near the property of Dan Keir at 5114 Clear Run Drive. The accounts indicated that the dam was removed, but the specific timeframe for removal was unknown. As discussed below, the geomorphic assessment data confirmed the presence of a transition zone in the vicinity of the potential historic dam location where the stream changed from an incised and unstable channel to one with much lower bank heights, improved floodplain connectivity, and lateral stability. The current geomorphic conditions in upper Clear Run are consistent with those of a stream that may have experienced a vertical disturbance of the stream bed, such as dam removal, which subsequently resulted in a head cut migrating up through the headwater section, resulting in sudden incision and active stream erosion. Moffatt & Nichol Page 1 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Figure t Clear Run Branch Stream Project Gdmr�/Location, and Extent _ i0l : Rd - '_ w 10' o % / ƒ0001?0 � 4 k3 a / �% 4� Wilmington % § / $ } / , » camƒQ c� .� n r� « ent arwA m ©^ ' Randall Of § � ¥� .Or ( t / 10.1 � % pq. y 4 ! aa:ef'001 Dr n_er �w % 0 / ¥ •#� � e {EIWS « •_ CH lb-t * $ o, ®� � � » . «�h0 % CLEAR RUN RES TORAOON QmTYMAP Wilmington. North c_wa Moffatt & Nichol I Page 2 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Driven by chronic flooding problems in the upper portion of the watershed in the vicinity of College Road and New Center Drive, and the resident complaints in regard to the instability of Clear Run Branch near College Acres Drive, the City of Wilmington engaged Moffatt & Nichol in 2011 to perform a study of hydrologic and hydraulic conditions within the watershed and develop a watershed plan to address the issues. The resulting report (Moffatt & Nichol, 2012) identified the need to increase the hydraulic capacity of the predominantly closed -pipe drainage system in numerous locations in the upper portion of the watershed and the need to perform stream stabilization and restoration in the open -channel portion of Clear Run Branch downstream of College Acres Drive. The study gave rise to the current project. 1.3. Design Objectives As much or more than any other priority, the primary design objective for Clear Run Branch is to address and alleviate drainage problems within the watershed. The design is intended to result in channel and floodplain dimensions that will accommodate not just the existing storm flows, but the future storm flows that will result from the drainage improvements planned for the portion for the watershed upstream. Wherever possible, the design should also seek to alleviate existing problems with nuisance flooding along stream reaches directly impacted by the project, as proposed. These objectives are being achieved with no increase in current predicted flood elevations or exacerbation of any existing flooding problems. Over and above addressing drainage issues in the watershed, the project objectives include design and implementation of a stable channel that will effectively transport the sediment load supplied by its watershed while maintaining its pattern and profile, and neither aggrading or degrading. Given the intensity of the flows that will continue to emanate from upstream during storm events, and the physically constrained nature of the stream corridor, and to maintain stability, the channel design presented herein relies on the use of some bio-engineered structures, and even more intensively engineered approaches in the immediate project headwater area. Further down from College Acres Drive, in the lower portions of the upper reach, more emphasis has been placed on the use of woody materials for instream structures where they are necessary. To the extent possible, the design relies on performance criteria set forth by natural channel design principles to maintain stability. Habitat and water quality improvement are also project goals. Habitat and water quality will be significantly improved through the simple act of giving the channel stability and reducing the load of fine sediment moving through the system. Introduction of woody structures and variable channel bed form will also improve physical habitat. Opportunities for riparian habitat improvement will also be realized though the replanting of disturbed sections of the buffer and through removal of invasive plant species throughout the corridor. A planting plan for the restoration reach is included as Appendix C. Significant downstream water quality improvement will be realized through the reduction of the large sediment loads that have been historically transported down to Bradley Creek from active channel erosion in Clear Run Branch. Citizen complaints from prior to project initiation and comments received in the first community meeting held for the project have highlighted the problem of sediment being delivered downstream. Moffatt & Nichol Page 3 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 1.4. Site Description The H&H modeling performed and geomorphic assessment data collected thus far have clearly illustrated that there are four distinct reaches of Clear Run Branch, each of which warrant different treatment in terms of the engineering and restoration approach utilized. For purposes of this document, four reaches are discussed to make the very headwater portion of the project distinct, in light of the intensive constrains and design challenges in that reach. The distinct reaches and the associated recommendations described below and illustrated in Figure 2. 1.4.1. Headwater Reach The Headwater Reach consists of the 200 feet of stream above College Acres Drive and the 200 to 300 feet of stream immediately below it. This reach is characterized by high flows from the commercial area across College Drive as well as the constraints from existing development. A narrow wooded buffer is present along most of this section. As described below, this reach has overall low quality (NC SAM) with impaired stream chemistry and impaired stream biology. 1.4.2. Upper Reach The Upper Reach consists of approximately 1,500 to 2,000 feet of stream from the Headwater Reach to just upstream of Myna Circle. This is the severely incised, actively unstable reach of Clear Run Branch discussed in the previous sections. However, it does have an intact wooded buffer although normal overbank flooding is restricted by the incised banks. As described below, this reach also has overall low quality (NC SAM) with impaired stream chemistry and impaired stream biology with high levels of bank erosion (Figure 2, following page). 1.4.3. Middle Reach The Middle Reach consists of the next 1,000 to 1,500 feet of stream from just upstream of Myna Circle to just below it. This is the stream reach where, under existing conditions, Clear Run Branch begins to become reconnected to its floodplain. This reach is characterized by reduced stream bed slopes and lower velocities than the upper reach. This reach has improved water quality (as noted below), higher NC SAM ratings, and moderate bank erosion indices (Figure 2). 1.4.4. Lower Reach The Lower Reach consists of the remaining 3,000 to 3,500 feet of stream from just downstream of Myna Circle to the footbridge at Teal Street, the downstream terminus of the project area. In this reach stream slopes are very low (0.2% or less) and banks are consistently in the range of two feet or less in height. Clear Run Branch is also well connected to an expansive floodplain within this reach, and the channel appears to be stable with low to moderate bank erosion indices (Figure 2). Moffatt & Nichol I Page 4 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 2. Alternatives 2.1. Upper Watershed Detention Alternative Given that restoration and floodplain expansion along upper Clear Run results in significant impacts to the adjacent landowners, the potential alternative was examined to create enough stormwater detention in the upper watershed to reduce the flows to a point that would render downstream floodplain expansion unnecessary. In order to investigate the detention alternative, a flow analysis was performed with the SWMM model developed for the Clear Run project. The analysis showed that reducing the peak flow from a 25-year storm event by 25% (from 500 cfs to 375 cfs) would require 30 acre-feet of pond storage upstream in the watershed. Assuming this hypothetical pond (or ponds) has an average vertical storage capacity of 4 feet, the pond(s) would be 7.5 acres in size. In reality, the actual vertical storage capacity for ponds in this vicinity is likely closer to 3 feet or less. All of the 15 existing wet ponds and dry detention/infiltration basins currently existing in the upstream watershed have a total surface area of 4.5 acres. Given that the 4 detention basins would have lesser vertical capacity, reducing the 25-year peak flow by 25% would require an approximate doubling of the sizes of all the existing stormwater BMPs within the built out and highly impervious upper watershed. Without exception, all of the existing BMPs are surrounded by high -value commercial and high -density, multi -family housing (apartments and condos). The 15 properties that include stormwater BMPs have a combined acreage of 122 acres, with a total appraised land value of $27.3M or approximately $224,000/acre Moffatt & Nichol I Page 5 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment (not including buildings). Evaluation of the map of the upper watershed shows clearly that expansion of half or more of the existing BMPs would require the acquisition and removal of numerous privately -owned buildings on these properties. With buildings included, the appraised value of the 15 properties in question approaches $90M. While expansion of the BMPs would not require acquisition of the entire properties (or removal of all the buildings), it is not difficult to understand that the costs of property acquisition alone for this endeavor would be in the millions of dollars, before we even consider the cost of design and construction associated with the expansion of the existing BMPs. As an example of what this would change downstream, in the lower portion of the section targeted for full restoration the base width of the proposed floodplain is 75 feet. If one assumes that the 25% reduction in peak flow, and the resulting reduction in the necessary cross -sectional area of the stream could be realized solely as a reduction of that base width from north to south, it would reduce the stream cross section and width of the easement requested from the landowners on the north side of the stream corridor in that vicinity by a maximum of 19 feet. To put that reduction in perspective, with side cuts to get up to the existing grade and the 5 feet of buffer space built in, the distance of the easement request for Mr. Kerr would be approximately 70 to 75 feet from his back property line under the currently proposed condition. In reality, the 25% flow reduction would not be realized soley as a reduction of the north boundary of the easement. In the real -world outcome of stable stream geometry, modeling predictions, and engineering, the potential cross section reduction would not likely be distributed completely along that one side. It is more likely that some of the reduction in the necessary cross section area would be used to raise the bed of the stream slightly to accommodate structures in the channel, or it may be necessary to reduce the width of the floodplain on the south side for sake of stability. Determining the exact reduction in the easement request on the north side would require a full rework of the grading plan, and in the end it is far more likely to be in the range of a 12-15 feet reduction on the north side Even if this amount of storage or more could be realized in the upper watershed portion, the reduction of the peak flow alone would not be sufficient to address the current channel instability that is a driving factor behind the project, nor would spot -wise channel repair and armoring (which would only serve to shift the location of the most unstable and erosive stream reaches further downstream into what are currently more stable reaches). The only way to truly address the current problem of stream instability is with the comprehensive adjustment of the floodplain and stream channel geomorphology currently proposed. The core source of the problem is that the upper watershed, taken in total, is approximately 70 to 80% impervious. There is no way to accommodate the storm flows from that intensity of imperviousness without significantly enlarging the floodplain and realigning the base -flow channel to a stable form. 2.2. Spot -Wise Stabilization Alternative Given that the initial primary driver for this project was the active erosion and instability of the upper reach of Clear Run, which was actively eroding surrounding properties and threatening several anthropogenic structures, another alternative that was considered was that of implementing the minimum measures necessary to render the channel stable in the most problematic areas. This approach would consist of simply regrading steep and actively eroding stream banks, to lay them back to much gentler slopes (2:1 or 3:1, where possible), which would be Moffatt & Nichol I Page 6 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment far less subject to erosion. When lateral space permits, bank regrading of this nature will occasionally allow for re-establishment of intermittently occupied floodplain benches that can increase channel storage and dissipate erosive stream energy. However, an initial analysis of this approach revealed that this method could not effectively dissipate stream energies and streambanks would still be exposed to damaging velocities. The extent of floodplain that is needed to provide long-term stability cannot be created with a minimal approach. Even in locations where some lateral expansion could be achieved, a minimal approach would require armoring regraded banks at the toe of the slope, typically with gabions or rip -rap. In laterally confined areas, more extensive armoring, potentially to the full height of the bank, would be required to withstand the adverse impacts of hydraulic energy. Our analysis indicated that without sufficient floodplain connection, due to the current severely incised condition of the upper reach, high stream energies would simply propagate downstream, transferring the highly erosive channel conditions from upstream to new, currently more stable reaches. In addition, spot repairs of this type would require complex grading transitions that would be difficult to stabilize. The limitations of this approach are further magnified when combined with the potential future conditions for this watershed. The measures that will be required to address chronic flooding problems upstream in the watershed will only increase pressures on the project reach. While the spot -wise stabilization alternative would alleviate the short-term problems presenting by the actively eroding and unstable channel, it would do little to prepare the channel and floodplain for the increase in future stormflows. Overall, this alternative was viewed unfavorably as a long-term solution in a complex watershed. The potential adverse stream and riparian habitat impacts resulting from the necessary armoring and the permitting challenges for those measures also contributed to this conclusion. The alternative was also viewed unfavorably as such approaches often tend to be more temporary in nature, often requiring significant maintenance, even reconstruction of some elements, after large storm events. 2.3. No Action Alternative The no action alternative would be to not conduct the stream restoration and flooding management project on this reach of Clear Run. This would not alleviate the periodic flooding at College Acres Drive and Mallard Drive crossings and not address the unstable and eroding streambanks along the reach. Therefore, periodic flooding across these roads would continue and the streambank would continue to erode, threatening adjacent property and structures as well as continuing to supply excessive sediment to downstream waters. In addition, when the stormwater management project in the upstream developed area is installed, additional flow would enter the channel and result in more flooding and streambank erosion. Therefore, without the stream restoration and flooding management project, the existing channel will experience additional degradation. Clear Run drains to Bradley Creek proper below the Lower Reach. Bradley Creek is classified as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA). The sediment that enters Bradley Creek from streambank erosion in the Clear Run Moffatt & Nichol I Page 7 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment watershed has a negative environmental effect on the functioning of this PNA. Stabliization of the banks of Clear Run will improve the functioning of the downstream Bradley Creek PNA. 2.4. Preferred Alternative - Stream Restoration and Floodplain Modification Headwater Reach — This reach is above College Acres Drive to about 200 feet below the road. The design requirements in this section are driven by the need to receive storm flows coming from the upper watershed to the stormwater outfall at the project area's headwater end. The stream must be designed to withstand the high energy of those flows and is challenged by significant lateral constraints imposed by residential structures on either side of the stream, as well as the large sanitary sewer line located to the immediate right of the stream. The design in this area will also be driven by the replacement of the culvert under College Acres Drive and the introduction of improved stormwater conveyances along College Acres Drive from both sides of the stream project. Given the very narrow corridor available for the stream between the residential structures and the sewer line in this reach, and the active threat that the unstable channel presents to that infrastructure, it is likely that it will be necessary to extend the length of the culvert downstream to enclose the channel for the 200 feet segment upstream of College Acres Drive and for the first 210 feet downstream of College Acres Drive. The culvert will transition to a heavily confined channel utilizing block wall or gabion structures to contain the high energy flows leaving the enclosed structure, which could be followed by a series of boulder step -pools that would reduce erosive stream power. Upper Reach — This reach is about 1,500 to 2,000 feet long from the lower end of the headwater section to just upstream of Myna Circle. Given the peak flows and high energy gradients coming from upstream, the first 300-500 feet of this reach may require implementation of step -pool sequencing using substantial rock structures. The step -pools will allow for energy dissipation and the more rapid descent of the stream bed elevation that will be necessary in this section of the stream. In this section, the design will transition as quickly as possible from step -pools of gradually decreasing frequency to a stream with new dimension, pattern, and profile, as well as an active floodplain at or near the existing stream grade (Priority 2 Restoration). Once the transition to an active floodplain system occurs and stream bed slopes lessen, the next 1,000 to 1,200 feet will rely less on rock vanes and more on woody structures to control hydraulic energy and maintain a stable channel. Implementation of an active floodplain throughout this reach will directly impact adjacent landowners and require numerous easements. A planting plan is included as Appendix C. Middle Reach — This section is the next 1,000 to 1,500 feet of stream, which starts to become connected to the adjacent floodplain/wetland since it is less deeply incised. In this reach, full channel restoration to achieve a new dimension, pattern, and profile is unwarranted. However, within this reach, many remnant spoil piles deposited along the riparian corridor act to restrict the stream access to portions of the floodplain and reduce floodplain storage. Within this reach, design recommendations include removal of the spoil piles and construction of a new floodplain bench along portions of the stream to increase floodplain connectivity and storage capacity. Recommendations also include localized bank stabilization where necessary and removal of invasive plant species. All areas disturbed as a result of these improvements would be revegetated with targeted native plant species. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 8 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Lower Reach —This section is the lower 3,000 to 3,500 feet of the reach where the channel is less incised, more stable, and well connected to the adjacent wetlands. Within this reach, the most significant design change planned is the replacement of the aging culvert at Mallard Drive. Increasing the culvert capacity will reduce tailwater impacts within this reach, which should reduce the flood risk to surrounding structures. We also recommend removing invasive species and replanting the riparian buffers with targeted native species in disturbed areas. Clear Run drains to Bradley Creek proper below the Lower Reach. Bradley Creek is classified as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA). The sediment that enters Bradley Creek from streambank erosion in the Clear Run watershed has a negative environmental effect on the functioning of this PNA. Stabliization of the banks of Clear Run will improve the functioning of the downstream Bradley Creek PNA. 3. Environmental Setting and Potential Impacts 3.1. Geomorphology, Sediment, and Erosion 3.1.1. Regional Curve Data Comparison Stream channel dimensions for Clear Run Branch were compared to the regional curves developed by the NCSU Stream Restoration Program (Doll, et al 2002). The curves provide stream flow and geometry information from a database of many NC streams. While the curves were generated primarily for rural streams, and urban streams typically have larger cross sections, these numbers can provide a meaningful baseline for depicting the degree to which the channel dimensions within the project reach might be a departure from a more natural condition. From the curve data, the bank -full flow rate of a coastal plain stream with a drainage area of 2 to 3 square miles, similar to Clear Run Branch, would be between 30 to 40 cfs. This is the flow rate where natural flooding would begin to occur. Based on the regional curve data, the depth of a natural Coastal Plain stream would range from 1 to 2 feet, and the width from 15-20 feet. Based on that reference data, some sections of the stream, particularly in the upper reach are incised far deeper than a natural stream would be with a less disturbed watershed. When compared to the entire database of data collected for the curve study, only a few streams had depths greater than 3 feet or slopes greater than 0.3%. This comparison is an indicator of the departure throughout much of the project length from a natural system. The dimensions and capacity found currently are much closer to rural piedmont streams than coastal stream sites, which points to the need to manage channel capacities and provide suitable floodplain areas to restore stability to this system. 3.1.2. Cross Section Analysis A more detailed analysis of individual cross sections along the project reach has also been completed. A total of 20 cross sections were set up and surveyed to determine dimensions and geomorphic properties. The measurements made from these cross sections provide additional detail to guide design decisions. The data provides depths and widths of features such as point bars, inner berms, and bank -full indicators that help inform design dimensions. Table 1 shows a summary of the initial cross section results. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 9 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Table 1: Geomorphic Survey Summary Top of Bank Top of Bank Bank -full XS Depth (feet) Width (feet) Area (square feet) Bank -full Bank -full Depth Width (feet) (feet) MIAMI' noted in the original observations, the depth to the top of bank in the upper project reach is substantial. The depth ranges from 9.4 feet leaving the culvert and lowers to 5.6 feet near the middle reach. The depth drops rapidly until it levels out around 2 feet in depth in the lowest reach. A corresponding decrease in the top of bank width is also seen from the project's upstream to downstream portions. Upper reaches with unstable banks are sloughing and widening to widths of 26 feet and up to 43 feet. Channel dimensions in the lower project reaches tighten up as bank heights decrease and floodplain access increases. Lower reaches also have consistently vertical banks that are held stable by dense vegetation. Average channel dimensions across all reaches of the project area show cross sectional areas of 23 to 27 square feet, bank -full widths of 17 feet, and bank -full depths of 1.25 to 2.3 feet. These numbers compare very well to the coastal regional curves (mentioned previously). Using the database and a drainage area of 2 to 3 square miles, cross sectional area is between 20 to 30 square feet, widths are between 15 to 20 feet, and depths are 1 to 2 feet. Based on the results of this portion of the geomorphic survey, there is substantial evidence that the unstable portions of Clear Run Branch are attempting to evolve towards dimensions that are commonly found in coastal plain streams. One goal of the final restoration plan will be to speed up this process of evolution by re -designing stretches that need the most change to mimic a more natural and stable form. 3.1.3. Bank Erosion Hazard Index Assessments To fully evaluate the change in bank erosion conditions across the project area, 27 sites were assessed utilizing the Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) method (Rosgen, 2001). The results of the BEHI assessment are shown geographically in Figure 3 (following page). The BEHI scores remained consistent with the findings of the other analyses utilized in the initial assessment of Clear Run Branch. BEHI ratings in the upper reach were all in the High to Very High range, primarily due to the stream not being able to access its floodplain and dissipate erosive stream energy in this reach. In the middle reach, almost all BEHI sites yielded Moderate ratings and in the lowest reach rating were a mix of Moderate to Low risk for stream erosion. As mentioned previously, the low erosion risk levels in the bottom reach can be attributed to the combined factors of low stream banks, dense bank vegetation, and reduced stream velocities. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 10 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 3.2. Water Resources 3.2.1. Hydrology The project consists of the reach of Clear Run from just above College Acres Drive, under College Acres Drive, and downstream to Mallard Drive. The upper section of the channel is much steeper than natural coastal plain streams. The slope in this reach is over 3 times as steep as the lower, more stable reaches. Slopes transition from 0.007 ft/ft in the upper reach to 0.003 ft/ft in the middle reach to 0.002 ft/ft at the lower end. The flattening slope improves connections with existing floodplains. The floodplain in this gentler slope along the channel's middle reach is broader and characterized by Bottomland Hardwood Forest wetlands. There are 0.16 acres of remnant upland spoil piles in this wetland from past dredging. The lower reach of the channel below Mallard Drive shows little sign of disturbance from past dredging and is bordered by more extensive Riverine Swamp Forest wetlands. Channel and floodplain improvements are planned mostly for the middle section of the channel. As described in the preferred alternative above, the uppermost reach (above College Acres Drive) is planned to be culverted to alleviate local residential and street flooding in the neighborhood. 3.2.2. Water Quality Water quality data were collected on August 8, 2016 using a YSI 556 MPS multi -parameter probe (YSI. 2016). Measurements were taken at the same four sites where aquatic insect samples were taken (Table 2, following page). In general, there was a clear trend of increasing water quality downstream, especially with respect to Dissolved Oxygen, where the upper three sites all were not in compliance with the Dissolved Moffatt & Nichol Page 11 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Oxygen water quality standard since they were all less than 5 ppm. Conductivity levels were also generally high, as is typical in urban streams. Table 2: Water Quality and Aquatic Insect Data (aquatic insects sampled on August 3, 2016; Water quality sampled on August 9 2016) µs/c m (temp. °C corrected) Plat Ppm 1 27.74 174 0.08 3.39 43.2 6.91 8 1 1 6.52 Poor 2 28.56 174 0.08 4.01 52.0 6.90 6 1 5 7.87 Poor 3 23.61 184 0.09 5.76 68.9 6.89 8 1 22 6.86 Poor 4 23.07 180 0.08 6.21 72.4 6.92 13 2 17 6.14 Poor Water Less n/a n/a 6.0 n/a 6.0 to Quality than 9.0 Standard 32 Note: Italics indicate value less than standard EPT = Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Plecoptera taxa Clear Run has been sampled at College Acres Drive by researchers from UNC-Wilmington (Mallin, et al. 2014- 2011) for a variety of parameters. Some of these data are summarized below. The most common problem at this location has been coliform bacteria, but dissolved oxygen levels and turbidity levels are routinely low (Table 3). No samples were taken from the middle stream restoration reach by the UNC-W researchers. Table 3: UNC-W Sam fin at College Acres Drive Road 2014 �•Turbidity 6.9 4 Fecal Coliform 4004 Mallin, et.al. 2014 4.8-8.0 0-14 240-60,000 2013 6.8 3 1,397 Mallin, et.al. 2013 5.3-8.6 0-9 154-13,000 2012 5.8 6 3,746 Mallin, et.al. 2012 4.6-7.3 1-11 440-66,000 2011 6.5 2 1,477 Mallin, et.al. 2011 4.0-8.0 1-3 172-5,300 2010 7.6 3 507 Mallin, et.al. 2010 7.2-7.9 1-7 136-1,637 Moffatt & Nichol I Page 12 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment In addition, in 2012 researchers determined that the level of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in sediment at the College Acres Drive crossing were very high while sediment levels of metals were below detection (except for zinc at 16.3 mg/kg and mercury at 0.003 mg/kg). These data reinforce the water chemistry data and the aquatic insect data (described below) that Clear Run is an urban stream that exhibits all the characteristics of a typical urban stream in terms of degraded water quality and streambank instability. Bradley Creek is part of the City of Wilmington's "Heal Our Watersheds" Program and "Grey to Blue Stormwater Planning Initiative" adopted by City Council in 2012 (Carey, 2013). A comprehensive watershed management plan was prepared for Bradley Creek in 2011 using Section 319 funding. The City and other stakeholders have worked and continue to work to implement various parts of this plan since it was adopted. The work to restore the floodplain and stream channel on Clear Run is part of this larger effort and the provision of additional floodplain along Clear Run is viewed favorably in the Bradley Creek restoration plan 3.2.3. Flooding In the course of the project's design effort thus far, two community meetings have been held to make the surrounding landowners aware of the project and to give them opportunity to comment on the emerging design. One of the additional purposes of the first meeting was to obtain anecdotal accounts of flooding in and around the project area to use in the verification of the hydrologic and hydraulic models used to support the design. Anecdotal accounts indicated that the only time that Mallard Drive, toward the downstream end of the project, ever overtopped was during Hurricane Fran, and that flooding incidence was driven by the tidal surge from Bradley Creek downstream. It should be noted that the HEC-RAS modeling analysis perfomred for the project indicates that the Mallard Drive culvert will overtop during a 25-year storm as a result of excessive flows from upstream. Anecdotal accounts from landowners along the stream indicated that in the middle and lower reach, the stream occasionally rises up out of its banks and inundates portions of the floodplain, but no property damage has been reported as there are few to no anthropogenic structures in the active floodplain in those reaches. Surrounding landowners also reported that since the stream became noticeably incised, it no longer comes out onto the floodplain in the upper reach. While the project modeling analysis indicated that the College Acres Drive crossing would overtop during the 25-year and 100-year storm event, there has not been any anecdotal account of it ever having done so. As previously noted however, this project is, in part, driven by the need to address flooding in the watershed upstream of the immediate project area presented herein. Flooding along New Centre Drive from the vicinity of the intersection with South College Road to where it crosses Racine Drive is a fairly regular occurrence. Print and television news stories detailing damage to automobiles and the surrounding structures, many of which are large apartment complexes, are numerous. Examples of such news accounts can be found here: htto://www.wect.com/storv/13227164/racine-and-new-centre-flooding htto://www.wwavtv3.com/2015/10/04/caught-on-camera-driver-learns-hard-lesson-about-high-water/ http://www.starnewsonline.com/news/20160903/hermines-rains-cause-part-of-14th-street-to-collapse http://www.starnewsonIine.com/news/20110812/fridays-flooding-closed-roads-in-wiImington Moffatt & Nichol Page 13 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment http://www.starnewsonIine.com/news/20110630/wednesdays-storms-wreaked-havoc-on-power-and-traffic The previous drainage study performed on the Clear Run watershed by Moffatt & Nichol (M&N, 2012) that lead to this project included the following assessment of flooding in the upper watershed under existing conditions based on an EPA SWMM modeling analysis: "For the Clear Run drainage system, the existing model demonstrates multiple areas with surcharged pipes and flooded storm junctions under the 10- and 25- and 50-yr return events. Most of the critical issues are along New Centre Drive, South College Road, and Racine Drive. A run of undersized piping along New Centre Drive (west of College Road) and along South College Road (north of main line junction) appears to be the cause of flooding at the most upstream points in the network. This undersized run of pipe is causing flooding along the aforementioned section of New Centre Dr. and at inlets along the West side of College Road. High tailwater in the dual pipes crossing South College Road (at a point on South College Road, approximately 1500 feet southwest of the intersection with New Centre Drive) appears to worsen the flooding adjacent to this area of the network. High tailwater in the dual pipes crossing South College Road also appears to be a cause for flooding and pipe surcharging along College Road in areas immediately north and south of the crossing. Undersized piping along College Road at the southwest corner of the network appears to be causing flooding, and is heightened by the high tailwater at the aforementioned dual pipe crossing." The drainage study went further to add: "In the interest of assessing the accuracy of the model, a simulation was performed for an actual storm event for which anecdotal accounts of the magnitude of flooding in the study area exist. On July 6, 2009 NOAA rainfall records from the Wilmington Airport show a storm with 6.51 inches of rain in the event, and the Wilmington Star reported that as much as 10 inches of rain fell in the vicinity of Racine and New Centre Drive. City Stormwater staff were at that intersection immediately following the rainfall event and reported ponding at that location to depths of 3-4 feet (Personal Communication, Dave Mayes). "The XPSWMM model of the Clear Run watershed was run with 10 inches of rain to simulate the July 6 event and the model resulted in ponded depths of up to 2 feet at the intersection of Racine and New Centre Drive. While the model did not project the same depths reflected in the anecdotal account, it is important to note that this model does not project the extents or boundaries of flooding/ponding on a physical surface, but rather, relies on the hypothetical uniform surface generated by XPSWMM in the absence of actual surface data. In addition, overland flow was not simulated in this model, so real -world ponding at the actual trough of the valley is slightly underestimated. More importantly, the results did show the intersection to be one of the worst surcharging and ponding nodes in the model." Based on the drainage study results, the City's overall plan for the watershed is to begin with restoration and improvement of the lower open -stream segment of Clear Run (the project represented in this document as the headwater and upper reaches) in Phase I, and then to replace the undersized storm drains in the upper watershed in Phase II. As mentioned in the Purpose and Need section above, the restoration and stabilization Moffatt & Nichol I Page 14 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment of Clear Run, along with the enlargement of the floodplain, is required to prepare the stream for the increased stormflows that will result from the necessary upstream improvements. It should be noted that a formal Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) will be filed with FEMA in conjunction with this project. The LOMR is required because the HEC-RAS/HEC-HMS model analysis indicates that the project is predicted to lower water surface elevation during all storm events under the proposed condition relative to existing conditions. 3.2.4. Stream Condition Five NC SAM forms were completed on separate reaches of the channel with different conditions (Table 4, Figure 4). The three uppermost reaches were all rated as Overall Low quality reflecting the relatively straight, incised channel with degraded buffers in the upper two reaches and riprap that has been installed in the middle reach. The lower reaches of the channel rate as Overall High quality, which reflects the less incised channel and adjacent wetlands. The Overall High quality channel (site 5) will not be impacted. The uppermost Low quality reach (down to College Acres Road — site 1) will be culverted, as will the middle Low quality reach (site 2) (which is currently riprapped) while the lowermost Low quality reach (site 3) will be relocated into a more natural pattern with an adjacent graded floodplain. In the reach represented by site 4, the channel will not be affected but relict spoil piles will be removed from the floodplain. Table 4: NC SAM and NC WAM Evaluations of Stream and Wetland Quality Method/Site HydrologyNumber Quality Habitat Overall NC SAM Site 1 Low Medium Low Low Site 2 Low Medium Low Low Site 3 Low Low Medium Low Site 4 Medium High High High Site 5 High High High High NC WAM Site 1 High Medium Low Medium Moffatt & Nichol Page 15 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Figure 4: NC SAM and NC WAM Evaluations of Stream and Wetland Quality 3.3. Air Quality and Noise Based on EPA's Air Quality Index (AQI) data from the past 3 years, Wilmington generally experiences AQI values in the "Good" range with a smaller percentage of days in the "Moderate" range (ranging from 5% to 34% of the year since 2013). The surrounding land use is primarily suburban, with a large area of commercial development (retail business) to the west of the Clear Run restoration reach along College Drive and the UNC-W campus to the south. Air quality and noise issues in the area surrounding the Clear Run restoration reach are driven by nearby traffic, parking lot use, and activities on the campus of UNC-W and are typical of a moderate to densely developed suburban area. The Clear Run restoration is anticipated to have a minimal effect on both air quality and noise, and will only have a negligible effect during temporary construction activities associated with the project. 3.4. Aquatic Resources A site visit was made on August 3, 2016 to conduct a Qual 4 investigation (NC Division of Water Resources. 2013) of the stream in order to characterize the aquatic insect community and observe any fish present on the site. During the sampling, a kick net sample was taken at each site, along with multiple sweeps with a "D" net, examination of several leaf packs, and visual examination of rocks, logs, sticks, and roots in the channel. Results are summarized on Table 2 above. Appendix A lists all the aquatic insects found during this investigation. Four sites were sampled as shown in the table. In general, there is a clear trend of improving water quality from the uppermost location (above College Acres Road) to the lower reach, although all four sites have a probable bioclassification of Poor, which reflects the highly impervious surface in the uppermost watershed. The restoration reach is represented by Site 2. Site 3 had the best aquatic insect community with Moffatt & Nichol I Page 16 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 2 (two) taxa of EPT1 and the highest taxa richness with 13 taxa. As described before, no channel work will be done in this section while the relict spoil piles will be removed from the floodplain. Sites 1 and 2 had lower taxa richness and fewer EPA taxa. These data coincide with the NC SAM evaluations and the BEHI evaluations discussed earlier. Fish were noted throughout the reach. Mosquito fish (Gambusia) were common and various small Centrachids (such as bream) were also noted throughout the reach. One small eel (Anguilla rostrata) was captured in the uppermost reach. What was probably a small redfin, grass, or chain pickerel (Esox americanus) was observed in the lowermost reach. In general, fish taxa observed are typical of small, urban streams in the coastal plain. A review of the NOAA Essential Fish Habitat Mapper on February 3, 2017 indicated that there are no EFH issues identified by NOAA within the Clear Run Study Area. 3.5. Terrestrial Resources The project lies in North Carolina's coastal plain physiographic region. Topography is comprised of nearly level and gently sloping land that drains to Bradley Creek and eventually to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). The Bradley Creek watershed is approximately 4,631 acres in size and includes most of the UNC-Wilmington campus. Elevations in the Clear Run restoration area range from 7 to 32 feet above sea level. Surrounding land use consists primarily of commercial development, residential development, college campus, and small areas of forestland, mostly along stream and wetland corridors. The New Hanover County Soil Survey identifies six soil types adjacent to the Clear Run floodplain within the project area (Table 5). Table 5: Soils Found in the Clear Run Project Series Baymeade fine sand, 1-6% slopes MappingSoil � Be Well Drained Hydric Johnston soils Jo Very Poorly Drained Hydric Kureb sand, 1-8% slopes Kr Very Well Drained Hydric Lynn Haven fine sand Ly Poorly Drained Hydric Murville fine sand Mu Very Poorly Drained Hydric Rimini sand, 1-6% slopes Rm Very Well Drained Hydric Terrestrial communities adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach are comprised of both natural and disturbed habitats that may support a diversity of wildlife species (those species actually observed are indicated with *). Mammal species that commonly exploit forested habitats and stream corridors include species such as the eastern cottontail, raccoon*, Virginia opossum, fox squirrel*, and white-tailed deer. Birds that commonly use forest and forest edge habitats include the American crow*, blue jay*, tufted titmouse*, yellow-rumped warbler, and Carolina wren*. Birds that may use the open habitat or water bodies within the Clear Run restoration reach include American kestrel, eastern bluebird, green heron, and turkey vulture*. 1 EPT = Ephemoptera, Plecoptera, and Tricoptera, which generally represent the most sensitive aquatic insects to pollution. Moffatt & Nichol Page 17 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Reptile and amphibian species that may use terrestrial communities adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach include the corn snake, eastern box turtle*, eastern fence lizard, and southeastern five -lined skink. Four terrestrial communities were identified adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach: maintained/ disturbed, coastal plain stream, small stream swamp, blackwater bottomland hardwoods (low subtype), and mesic pine savanna (coastal plain subtype). Two species from the NCDOT Invasive Exotic Plant List for North Carolina were found to occur adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach. The species identified were Chinese privet (Threat) and golden bamboo (Moderate Threat). Scientific names are included in Appendix B. 3.5.1. Maintained/Disturbed Maintained/disturbed areas are scattered throughout the project area in places where the vegetation is periodically mowed, such as roadside shoulders, areas of commercial development, and residential lawns. The vegetation in this community is comprised of low growing grasses and herbs, including fescue, clover, wild onion, and broomsedge. 3.5.2. Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp This community is located in the Clear Run floodplain primarily in the lower reach of the site where the adjacent wetlands are more indicative of a riverine swamp system. The community is distinguished from the Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods (High Subtype) based on species more tolerant of wetter conditions, an increased hydroperiod, and a broadening of the floodplain. Dominant vegetation within this community includes swamp tupelo, water ash, laurel oak, sweetgum, and ironwood. This community corresponds to the NCWAM Riverine Swamp Forest wetland type. 3.5.3. Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods (Low Subtype) This community is located within the mostly narrow floodplain in the upper reaches of the Clear Run restoration reach and is generally drier and with a greater slope than the lower reach of Clear Run. This community also includes non -wetland areas. Dominant vegetation in this community includes red maple, sweetgum, water oak, laurel oak, and American holly. This community corresponds to the NCWAM Bottomland Hardwood Forest wetland type. 3.5.4. Mesic Pine Savanna (Coastal Plain Subtype) This community is located outside of the Clear Run floodplain and consist of upland pine -dominated habitat. The pine savanna to the south of the Clear Run floodplain is managed to limit undergrowth vegetation and is dominated by longleaf pine and loblolly pine. Understory species are generally sparse and include saplings such as post oak, southern red oak, and water oak. 3.6. Wetlands and Floodplains The uppermost section of the reach is characterized by a fairly deeply incised channel and no adjacent wetlands and only a very narrow floodplain. However, around the beginning of Section 4 (Figure 3), the channel (although still unstable) is not as incised and the adjacent floodplain and the site is characterized on both sides by Bottomland Hardwood Forest. There are a few locations where spoil piles have been placed in the wetland from past dredging which has created high ground. This wetland was evaluated using Version 5.1 Moffatt & Nichol I Page 18 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment of NC WAM (NC Wetland Assessment Method), which resulted in an Overall score of Medium for the site (Table 4) with Hydrology being rated as High, Water Quality as Medium, and Habitat as Low. 3.7. Threatened and Endangered Species As of April 2, 2015, there are no Endangered Species Act Candidate Species listed by the USFWS in New Hanover County. The United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries lists 15 federally -protected species for New Hanover County (Table 6). A brief description of each species' habitat requirements follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on survey results in the project area. Habitat requirements for each species are based on the current best available information from referenced literature and/or USFWS. Table 6: Federally Protected Species Listed for New Hanover County Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle BGPA No No Effect Glyptemys muhlenbergii American alligator T(S/A) No Not Required Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle E No No Effect Eretmochelys imbricate Hawksbill sea turtle E No No Effect Lepidochelys kempii Kemp's ridley sea turtle E No No Effect Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback sea turtle E No No Effect Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle E No No Effect Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat T No No Effect Charadrius melodus Piping plover T No No Effect Picoides borealis Red -cockaded woodpecker E No No Effect Calidris canutus rufa Red knot T No No Effect Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee E No No Effect Thalictrum cooleyi Cooley's meadowrue E Yes No Effect Carex lutea Golden sedge E Yes No Effect Lysimachia asperulaefolia Rough -leaf loosestrife E Yes No Effect Amaranthus pumilus Seabeach amaranth T No No Effect E - Endangered T - Threatened T(S/A) - Threatened due to similarity of appearance MA-NLAA — May Affect -Not Likely to Adversely Affect 3.7.1. Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within one mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the Clear Run restoration project area, as well as the area within a 1.13 mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the project limits, was performed on August 25, 2016 using 2014 and 2015 color aerials. Bradley Creek opens up into a large area of open water and surrounding marsh in the southeast corner of the 1.13-mile radius. This area is potential foraging habitat, so a survey of the Clear Run restoration area and the area within 660 feet of the project limits was conducted. A review of the NCNHP database, Moffatt & Nichol Page 19 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment updated June 2016 revealed no known occurrences of this species within one mile of the project area. Due to the lack of habitat within the immediate vicinity of the Clear Run restoration reach, known occurrences, and minimal impact anticipated for this project, it has been determined that this project will not affect this species. 3.7.2. American Alligator USFWS Optimal Survey Window: Year-round (only warm days in winter) Habitat Description: In North Carolina, alligators have been recorded in nearly every coastal county, and many inland counties to the fall line. The alligator is found in rivers, streams, canals, lakes, swamps, and coastal marshes. Biological Conclusion: Not required since alligators are listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance (T S/A). A taxon that is threatened due to similarity of appearance with another listed species and is listed for its protection. Taxa listed as T(S/A) are not biologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to Section 7 consultation 3.7.3. Green Sea Turtle USFWS Optimal Survey Window: April — August Habitat Description: The green sea turtle is found in temperate and tropical oceans and seas. Nesting in North America is limited to small communities on the east coast of Florida requiring beaches with minimal disturbances and a sloping platform for nesting (they do not nest in North Carolina). The green sea turtle can be found in shallow waters. They are attracted to lagoons, reefs, bays, mangrove swamps, and inlets where an abundance of marine grasses can be found, as this is the principle food source for the green turtle. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The waters within the project area do not provide suitable habitat for the green sea turtle as they are located approximately 3.5 miles from the nearest shoreline. 3.7.4. Hawksbill Sea Turtle USFWS Optimal Survey Window: April — August Habitat Description: Hawksbill sea turtles are found in tropical and subtropical oceans. Sightings have been reported on the east coast of the U.S. as far north as Massachusetts, although rarely north of Florida. Sightings have been recorded from a handful of counties in North Carolina, but the turtle is not known to breed here. Adult hawksbills are found in coastal waters, especially around coral reefs, rocky outcrops, shoals, mangrove bays, and estuaries. Juveniles are often seen offshore, in floating mats of seaweed. This species nests on a wide range of beach types and substrates, using both low- and high-energy beaches on islands and mainland sites. The nest is typically placed near or under some vegetation. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The waters within the project area do not provide suitable habitat for the Hawksbill sea turtle as they are located approximately 3.5 miles from the nearest shoreline. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 20 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 3.7.5. Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle USFWS Optimal Survey Window: April — August Habitat Description: Kemp's ridley sea turtle is the smallest of the sea turtles that visit North Carolina's coast, and has been sighted in most coastal counties. While the majority of this sea turtle's nesting occurs in Mexico, the species is known to nest on North Carolina beaches infrequently. Sightings of the species exist for most coastal counties. Kemp's ridley sea turtle can lay eggs as many as three times during the April to June breeding season. Kemp's ridley sea turtles prefer beach sections that are backed up by extensive swamps or large bodies of open water having seasonal narrow ocean connections and a well-defined elevated dune area. The species prefers neritic areas with sandy or muddy bottoms. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The waters within the project area do not provide suitable habitat for the Kemp's ridley sea turtle as they are located approximately 3.5 miles from the nearest shoreline. 3.7.6. Leatherback Sea Turtle USFWS Optimal Survey Window: April — August Habitat Description: Leatherbacks are distributed worldwide in tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They are generally an open ocean species, and may be common off the North Carolina coast during certain times of the year. However, in northern waters leatherbacks are reported to enter into bays, estuaries, and other inland bodies of water. Major nesting areas occur mainly in tropical regions. In the United States, primary nesting areas are in Florida, however nests are known from Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina as well. Nesting occurs from April to August. Leatherbacks need sandy beaches backed with vegetation in the proximity of deep water and generally with rough seas. Beaches with a relatively steep slope are usually preferred. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The waters within the project area do not provide suitable habitat for the leatherback sea turtle as they are located approximately 3.5 miles from the nearest shoreline. 3.7.7. Loggerhead Sea Turtle USFWS Optimal Survey Window: April — August Habitat Description: The loggerhead is widely distributed within its range, and is found in three distinct habitats during their lives. These turtles may be found hundreds of miles out in the open ocean, in neritic areas, or on coastal beaches. In North Carolina, this species has been observed in every coastal county. Loggerheads occasionally nest on North Carolina beaches, and are the most common of all the sea turtles that visit the North Carolina coast. They nest nocturnally, at two to three year intervals, between May and September, on isolated beaches that are characterized by fine-grained sediments. In nearshore areas, loggerheads have been observed in bays, lagoons, salt marshes, creeks, ship channels, and the mouths of large rivers. Coral reefs, rocky places, and shipwrecks are often used as foraging areas. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 21 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The waters within the project area do not provide suitable habitat for the Loggerhead sea turtle as they are located approximately 15 miles from the nearest shoreline. 3.7.8. Northern Long-eared Bat USFWS Optimal Survey Window: June 1— August 15 Habitat Description: In North Carolina, the Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) occurs in the mountains with scattered records in the Piedmont and coastal plain. In eastern North Carolina, caves and subterranean mines are extremely rare, so it is uncertain whether or not NLEB hibernate in this area. During the summer, NLEB roost singly or in colonies underneath bark, in cavities, or in crevices of both live and dead trees (typically >_3 inches dbh). Males and non -reproductive females may also roost in cooler places, like caves and mines. This bat also has been rarely found roosting in structures like barns, in bridges, and in bat houses. Foraging occurs on forested hillsides and ridges, and occasionally over forest clearings, over water, and along tree -lined corridors. Mature forests may be an important habitat type for foraging. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The forested habitats within the project area do not provide suitable habitat for the NLEB and the project will not impact any possible roosting structures, such as bridges or barns. 3.7.9. Piping Plover USFWS Optimal Survey Window: July 15 — May 1 Habitat Description: Primary constituent elements of wintering piping plover habitat include sand and/or mud flats with no or very sparse emergent vegetation. In some cases, these flats may be covered or partially covered by a mat of blue-green algae. Adjacent unvegetated or sparsely vegetated sand, mud, or algal flats above high tide are also essential, especially for roosting piping plovers. Such sites may have debris, detritus (decaying organic matter), or micro -topographic relief (less than 20 inches above substrate surface) offering refuge from high winds and cold weather. Essential components of the beach/dune ecosystem include surf -cast algae for feeding of prey, sparsely vegetated back beach (beach area above mean high tide seaward of the dune line, or in cases where no dunes exist, seaward of a delineating feature such as a vegetation line, structure, or road) for roosting and refuge during storms, spits (a small point of land, especially sand, running into water) for feeding and roosting, salterns (bare sand flats in the center of mangrove ecosystems that are found above mean high water and are only irregularly flushed with sea water) and washover areas for feeding and roosting. Washover areas are broad, unvegetated zones with little or no topographic relief that are formed and maintained by the action of hurricanes, storm surge, or other extreme wave action. Several of these components (sparse vegetation, little or no topographic relief) are mimicked in artificial habitat types used less commonly by piping plovers, but that are considered critical habitat (e.g., dredge spoil sites). Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The project area does not provide suitable habitat for the piping plover, since it is located inland and approximately 3.5 miles from the beach. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 22 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 3.7.10. Red -cockaded Woodpecker USFWS Optimal Survey Window: Year round; November — Early March (optimal) Habitat Description: The red -cockaded woodpecker (RCW) typically occupies open, mature stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older, which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age to provide foraging habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than 0.5 miles. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. Suitable foraging habitat for the red -cockaded woodpecker does exist within the project area. A section of forest south of the Clear Run restoration reach is pine savanna, but the forest is composed of relatively young trees. A half -mile survey was conducted on several dates late winter and early spring 2016. No individuals or evidence of RCWs were observed. The project is anticipated to have a minimal impact on this forested area. A review of NCNHP records, updated June 2016, indicates no known RCW occurrence within 1.0 mile of the project area. 3.7.11. Red Knot USFWS Optimal Survey Window: To Be Determined Habitat Description: The rufa red knot is one of the six recognized subspecies of red knots, and is the only subspecies that routinely travels along the Atlantic coast of the United States during spring and fall migrations. It is known to winter in North Carolina and to stop over during migration. Habitats used by red knots in migration and wintering areas are similar in character: coastal marine and estuarine habitats with large areas of exposed intertidal sediments. In North America, red knots are commonly found along sandy, gravel, or cobble beaches, tidal mudflats, salt marshes, shallow coastal impoundments and lagoons, and peat banks. Ephemeral features such as sand spits, islets, shoals, and sandbars, often associated with inlets can be important habitat for roosting. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The project area does not provide suitable habitat for the red knot as it is located inland and approximately 3.5 miles from the nearest shoreline and there is generally a lack of exposed sediments within the project area. 3.7.12. West Indian Manatee USFWS Optimal Survey Window: May 15 — October 15 Habitat Description: Manatees have been observed in all the North Carolina coastal counties. Manatees are found in canals, sluggish rivers, estuarine habitats, salt water bays, and as far off shore as 3.7 miles. They utilize freshwater and marine habitats at shallow depths of 5 to 20 feet. In the winter, between October and April, manatees concentrate in areas with warm water. During other times of the year, habitats appropriate for the manatee are those with sufficient water depth, an adequate food supply, and in proximity to freshwater. Manatees require a source of freshwater to drink. Manatees are primarily herbivorous, feeding on any aquatic vegetation present, but they may occasionally feed on fish. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 23 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The project area does not provide suitable habitat for the West Indian manatee. The study area is approximately 3.5 miles from the nearest shoreline and bays and is generally too shallow for the West Indian manatee. A review of NCNHP records, updated June 2016, indicates no known occurrences within one mile of the project area. Cooley's Meadowrue 3.7.13 Cooley's Meadowrue USFWS Optimal Survey Window: Mid -June — Early -July Habitat Description: Cooley's meadowrue, documented in the Pine Savanna natural community, occurs in circumneutral soils in sunny, moist to wet grass -sedge bogs, wet -pine savannas over calcareous clays, and savannah -like areas, often at the ecotones of intermittent drainages or non- riverine swamp forests. This rhizomatous perennial herb is also found along plowed firebreaks, roadside ditches and rights -of -way, forest clearings dominated by grass or sedge, and power line or utility rights -of -way. The species requires some type of disturbance (e.g., mowing, clearing, periodic fire) to maintain its open habitat. The plant typically occurs on slightly acidic (pH 5.8-6.6) soils that are loamy fine sand, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam; at least seasonally moist or saturated; and mapped as Foreston, Grifton, Muckalee, Torhunta, or Woodington series. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. Suitable habitat for Cooley's meadowrue is present adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach along utility easements and clearings. Surveys for Cooley's meadowrue were conducted during the appropriate survey window in June of 2015. Surveys were conducted using overlapping transects across suitable habitat adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach. No individuals of Cooley's meadowrue were observed adjacent to the project area. A review of NCNHP records, updated June 2016, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project area. 3.7.13. Golden Sedge USFWS Optimal Survey Window: Mid -April — Mid -June Habitat Description: Golden sedge, a very rare endemic of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, grows in sandy soils overlying calcareous deposits of coquina limestone, where the soil pH, typically between 5.5 and 7.2, is unusually high for this region. This perennial prefers the ecotone between the pine savanna and adjacent wet hardwood or hardwood/conifer forest. Most plants occur in the partially shaded savanna/swamp where occasional to frequent fires favor an herbaceous ground layer and suppress shrub dominance. Soils supporting the species are very wet to periodically shallowly inundated. Other occurrences may occur on disturbed areas such as roadside and drainage ditches or power line rights -of -way, where mowing and/or very wet conditions suppress woody plants. Poorly viable occurrences may occur in significantly disturbed areas where ditching activities that lower the water table and/or some evidence of fire suppression threatens the species. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. Suitable habitat for Golden Sedge is present adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach along utility easements and clearings. Surveys for Golden sedge were conducted during the appropriate survey window in June of 2015. Surveys were conducted using overlapping transects across suitable habitat adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach. No Moffatt & Nichol Page 24 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment individuals of Golden sedge were observed adjacent to the project area. A review of NCNHP records, updated June 2016, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project area. 3.7.14. Rough -leaf Loosestrife USFWS Optimal Survey Window: Mid -May — Mid -June Habitat Description: Rough -leaved loosestrife, endemic to the Coastal Plain and Sandhills of North and South Carolina, generally occurs in the ecotones or edges between longleaf pine uplands and pond pine pocosins in dense shrub and vine growth on moist to seasonally saturated sands and on shallow organic soils overlaying sand (spodosolic soils). Occurrences are found in such disturbed habitats as roadside depressions, maintained power and utility line rights -of -way, firebreaks, and trails. The species prefers full sunlight, is shade intolerant, and requires areas of disturbance (e.g., clearing, mowing, periodic burning) where the overstory is minimal. It can, however, persist vegetatively for many years in overgrown, fire -suppressed areas. Blaney, Gilead, Johnston, Kalmia, Leon, Mandarin, Murville, Torhunta, and Vaucluse are some of the soil series that the plant prefers. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. Suitable habitat for rough -leaf loosestrife is present adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach along utility easements and clearings. Surveys for rough -leaf loosestrife were conducted during the appropriate survey window in June 2015. Surveys were conducted using overlapping transects across suitable habitat adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach. No individuals of Rough -leaf loosestrife were observed adjacent to the project area. A review of NCNHP records, updated June 2016, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project area. 3.7.15. Seabeach Amaranth USFWS Optimal Survey Window: July - October Habitat Description: Seabeach amaranth occurs on barrier island beaches where its primary habitat consists of overwash flats at accreting ends of islands, lower foredunes, and upper strands of noneroding beaches (landward of the wrack line). In rare situations, this annual is found on sand spits 160 feet or more from the base of the nearest foredune. It occasionally establishes small temporary populations in other habitats, including sound -side beaches, blowouts in foredunes, interdunal areas, and on sand and shell material deposited for beach replenishment or as dredge spoil. The plant's habitat is sparsely vegetated with annual herbs (forbs) and, less commonly, perennial herbs (mostly grasses) and scattered shrubs. It is, however, intolerant of vegetative competition and does not occur on well -vegetated sites. The species usually is found growing on a nearly pure silica sand substrate, occasionally with shell fragments mixed in. Seabeach amaranth appears to require extensive areas of barrier island beaches and inlets that function in a relatively natural and dynamic manner. These characteristics allow it to move around in the landscape, occupying suitable habitat as it becomes available. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. The project area does not provide suitable habitat for seabeach amaranth. The project area is approximately 3.5 miles from the nearest shoreline and does not contain the proper beach and dune habitat. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 25 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 3.8. Cultural Resources A review of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (NCHPO) GIS Service Online Mapper (Accessed August 25, 2016) indicated that there are no resources adjacent to the Clear Run restoration reach that could be impacted by this project. 3.9. Socio-Economic Resources The residential neighborhood adjacent to Clear Run is a mix of single family homes (some owner occupied and some rental for UNC-Wilmington students) and apartment/townhome complexes for both students and professionals who work in the Wilmington area. Most of the single family homes were built in the 1950s and 1960s with the apartment/townhome complexes built more recently. In addition, UNC-Wilmington has a large tract of undeveloped land adjacent to the stream to the south mostly below the restoration reach. The headwaters of Clear Run (above College Drive) is mainly commercial development and is entirely built out. From above College Acres Road, the watershed is reported as 50.52% impervious, while from Mallard Street it is reported as 31.72% impervious (United States Geological Survey. 2016). This analysis probably underestimates the actual percent impervious cover in the upper watershed above College Road. The lower percent impervious cover at Mallard Street reflects the large undeveloped UNC-Wilmington tract along the south side of the creek in the study reach. The floodplain and stream restoration project will reduce periodic flooding on College Acres Drive and Mallard Drive and thereby benefit the local community. In addition, numerous lots are experiencing severe streambank erosion and threats to existing structures which will also be alleviated by this project. Therefore, in general this project will provide positive socio-economic benefits to the local community. 3.10. Safety Including Flooding While anecdotal accounts reported only rare overtopping of the roadways at either end of the immediate project (College Acres Drive and Mallard Road), flooding in the upper portion of the watershed along New Centre Drive from the vicinity of the intersection with South College Road to where it crosses Racine Drive is a fairly regular occurrence. Print and television news stories detailing damage to automobiles and the surrounding structures, many of which are large apartment complexes are numerous, and several examples are provided in Section 3.2.3. Beyond the damage to private property, these flooding events are highly detrimental to public safety, as they typically result in rerouting of traffic and emergency vehicle in particular. The rerouting of traffic is of signifcant concern to saftey as both College Road and New Centre Drive are major urban thoroughfares, such that heavy traffice volumes are rerouted to neighborhood level streets with limited capacity. Additionally, South College Road is a primary emergency route to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center southwest of the project area. In addition, localized flooding in response to severe thunderstorms in July of 2009, flooded several bottom floors of several apartment complexes which then restricted access to those apartments by their renters. 3.11. Summary of Environmental Impacts of Alternatives Table 7 summarizes the environmental impacts of the four alternatives that were discussed —1) Upper watershed detention, 2) Selected stabilization and road culvert replacement, 3) No action, and 4) Stream and Floodplain Restoration (Applicant preferred). Overall, the applicant preferred alternative (stream and Moffatt & Nichol I Page 26 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment floodplain restoration) has the least negative and most positive environmental impacts since it addresses holistically the existing condition of the channel as well as accommodates future flows from anticipated upstream drainage improvements. In general, the cost of the four alternatives can be ranked as follows: Upper Watershed Detention > Stream and Floodplain Restoration > Selected Stabilization and Culvert Replacement> No Action. Table 7: Comparison of Environmental Impacts of Alternatives — Clear Run Project T O H C ^ c d E N L V Gl O r_ L a C 'O E 'L Alternative Q ~ C R +. > C O C. L -O C. O `� -o h 41 Gl L W V L M1. tw En. O = w O c0 w s 3 a y u O CA a+ w f0 E E N GJ W > N W > V O d O 3 7 E L M C. -O N C. O �- '^ Q 3 StabilizationSelected •... Culvert Replacement Stream and Floodplain Restoration (Applicant Preferred) SOMEONE= 4. Cumulative Impacts This project will not result in additional development since the FEMA floodplain regulations and 404 permitting program will continue to prevent impacts to the stream channel or floodplain. Therefore, cumulative impacts are not a concern with this project except that downstream water quality in Bradley Creek should be improved due to the reduced streambank erosion and greater floodplain access (and resulting reduction in transport that will be achieved by this project. S. Compliance with Environmental Requirements This project will require an Individual Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers and an accompanying Individual Certification from the NC Division of Water Resources. A Coastal Zone Consistency determination will be required from the NC Division of Coastal Management to accompany the 404 Permit. This Environmental Assessment is intended to address the need for an environmental document by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the NC Clearinghouse for the 404/401 Permit. The applicant intends to apply for the 404 Permit once the Corps of Engineers completes their review of this draft Environmental Assessment. 6. Agency and Public Involvement 6.1. Agency and Public Coordination Section to be completed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Moffatt & Nichol I Page 27 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment 6.2. Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and Coastal Zone Consistency The applicant intends to apply for the 404 Permit, 401 Certification, and Coastal Zone Consistency determination once the Corps of Engineers and the agencies complete their review of this draft Environmental Assessment. 7. Point of Contact Applicant — Sterling Cheatham, City Manager, City of Wilmington, 102 N. 3rd Street, Wilmington, NC 28401; P.O. Box 1810; Wilmington, NC 28402. Registered Agent —Jason Doll, Moffatt & Nichol, 4700 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27609 8. Draft Finding of No Significant Impact Section to be completed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. 9. Bibliography Carey, E. 2013. Heal Our Waterways — Restoring Bradley and Hewletts Creek through Community Partnerships and Voluntary Participation. Presentation at NC American Public Works Association Meeting. Available at: http://northcarolina.apwa.net/content/chapters/northcarolina.apwa.net/file/Divisions/Stormwater- Management-Division/Conference/2013/20-Carey-Heal-Our-Waterways.pdf. Accessed on August 9, 2016. Doll, B.A. et al. 2002. Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Urban Streams Throughout the Piedmont of North Carolina. J. American Water Resources Association. Vol.38, No. 3. Pp. 641-651. Mallin, et al. 2014. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County watersheds, 2014. CMS Report 15-01. Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina Wilmington. 92 pgs. Wilmington, N.C. 28409. Available at: http://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/home/showdocument?ld=2240. Accessed on August 9, 2016. Mallin, et al. 2013. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County watersheds, 2013. CMS Report 14-01. Center for Marine Science. University of North Carolina Wilmington. Wilmington, N.C. 28409. 78 pgs. Available at: http://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/home/showdocument?ld=2238. Accessed on August 9, 2016. Mallin, et al. 2012. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County watersheds, 2012. 85 pgs. CMS Report 13-01. Center for Marine Science. University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C. 28409. Available at: http://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/home/showdocument?ld=2236. Accessed on August 9, 2016. Mallin, et al. 2011. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County watersheds, 2011. 84 pgs. CMS Report 12-01. Center for Marine Science. University of North Carolina Wilmington. Wilmington, N.C. 28409. Available at: http://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/home/showdocument?id=2236. Accessed on August 9, 2016. Moffatt & Nichol Page 28 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Mallin, et al. 2010. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County watersheds, 2010. 81 pgs. CMS Report 11-01. Center for Marine Science. University of North Carolina Wilmington. Wilmington, N.C. 28409. Available at: http://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/home/showdocument?ld=2232. Accessed on August 9, 2016. NC Division of Water Resources. 2013. Standard Operating Procedures for Collection and Analysis of Benthic Macroinvertebrates , Version 4.0. Chapter on the Qual 4 sampling method, page 7. Raleigh, NC. N.C. Stream Functional Assessment Team. 2015. N.C. Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM) User Manual, Version 2.1. Raleigh, NC. N.C. Wetland Functional Assessment Team. 2016. N.C. Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) User Manual. Version 5 (Calculator version 5.1). Raleigh, NC. Rosgen, D. L. 2001. A Stream Channel Assessment Methodology. Proceedings of 7th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Rosgen, D. L. 2001 Mar 25-29, Reno, NV, 26 (2001). United States Geological Survey. 2016. StreamStats website. Beta Version 4. Available at: http://water.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/siteStatusProd/index.htm?viewerStart=true. Accessed on August 10, 2016. YSI, Inc. 2016. 556 Handheld Multi Parameter Instrument. 2016 Available at: https://www.ysi.com/556. Accessed August 9, 2016. 10. Appendices Appendix A - Aquatic Macroinvertebrates collected at Clear Run Date Clear Run 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 Taxa Name (Biotic Index value) Trichoptera Family Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche spp (6.6) 1 5 22 16 Family Leptoceridae Nyctiophylax spp (5.9) 1 Diptera: Miscellaneous families Family Simuliidae Simulium spp (4.9) 1 Family Tipulidae Pseudolimnophilia spp (6.2) 1 Tipula spp (7.5) 1 1 Chironomidae Moffatt & Nichol I Page 29 Polypedilum illinoense (8.7) 1 Rheocricotopus spp (4.7) 1 2 Rheotanytarsus spp (6.5) 1 1 Coleoptera Family Haliplidae Haliplus spp (8.7) 4 Odonata Family Aeshnidae Boyeria vinosa (5.8) 2 1 Family Calopterygidae Calopteryx spp (7.5) 6 8 Family Coenagrionidae Enallagma spp (8.5) 2 1 Ischnura spp (9.5) 2 Oligochaeta Family Cambarinicolidae (6.0) 28 Family Tubificidae Immature tubificidae w/o capriliform setae (7.1) 1 Crustacea Family Cambaridae (7.5) 2 Family Gammaridae Crangonyx spp (7.2) 2 1 Family Talitridae Hyalella spp (7.2) 6 2 1 3 Mollusca Family Physidae Physella spp (8.7) 1 1 Othertaxa Family Erpobdellidae Erpobdella/Mooreobdella spp (8.6) 5 Family Glossiphoniidae Placobdella multilineata (na) 1 Total Taxa Richness 8 6 8 13 EPT Taxa Richness 1 1 1 2 EPT Abundance 1 5 22 17 Biotic Index 6.52 7.87 6.86 6.14 Moffatt & Nichol Page 30 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment -nendix B - Scientific Names of Species Identified in Report WME Plants American holly Ilex opaca Broomsedge Andropogon virginicus Chinese privet Ligustrum sinense Clover Trifolium sp. Fescue Festuca sp. Golden bamboo Phyllostachys aurea Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana Laurel oak Quercus laurifolia Loblolly pine Pinus taeda Longleaf pine Pinus palustris Post oak Quercus stellata Red maple Acer rubrum Southern red oak Quercus falcata Swamp tupelo Nysso biflora Sweetgum Liquidambar styrociflua Water ash Froxinus caroliniana Water oak Quercus nigra Wild onion Allium sp. American holly Ilex opaca "UN. MR Animals American crow Corvus brachyrhynchos American kestrel Falco sparverius Blue jay Cyanocitto cristata Carolina wren Thryothorus ludovicianus Corn snake Elaphe guttata Eastern bluebird Sialia sialis Eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina Eastern cottontail Sylvilogus floridonus Eastern fence lizard Sceloporus undulatus Fox squirrel Sciurus niger Green heron Butorides virescens Raccoon Procyon lotor Southeastern five -lined skink Eumeces anthracinus Tufted titmouse Baeolophus bicolor Turkey vulture Cathartes aura Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus Yellow-rumped warbler Dendroica coronata Moffatt & Nichol Page 31 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Appendix C - Planting Plan The goal of this planting plan is to establish stable wooded ecosystems in appropriate locations along the reconstructed stream channel. Since the project does not propose wetland impacts, the plan does not seek compensatory wetland credit except for the area (0.16 acres) of the existing relict spoil piles that will be removed as described below. The site planting will consist of four basic zones as shown on Figure 6 below which depicts a typical site cross-section. The break between the riverine swamp forest and bottomland hardwood forest is shown as a plan view on Figure 7 and is based on differences in soil as well as relative relief with the riverine swamp forest being flatter and wetter than the bottomland hardwood forest. Species selected for planting reflect those listed in the Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Fourth Approximation from the NC Natural Heritage Program (Schafale 2012). Trees should be planted on 8- foot centers, which will yield about 680 trees per acre, which then should readily meet the 5-year requirement of survival of 260 stems/acre. It is expected that natural regeneration will supplement the planted species, especially in the relatively undisturbed riverine swamp forest. With respect to planting timing, it is suggested that later winter or early spring would be the best planting time, followed by the fall. Summer planting should be avoided due to lower survival of planted trees as well as the possibility of thunderstorms/tropical storms that could cause severe erosion on the recently -graded landscape. Figure 6: Typical Planting Section � s 3 I 2 UPLAND RIVERINE RIVE RINE UPLAND SLOPE SWAMP FOREST SWAMP FOREST SLOPE FOREST FOREST 10' 10, STREAIASIDE--, STREAMSIDE CORRIDOR CORRIDOR STREAM CHANNEL TYPICAL PLANTING SECTION 1dg11 m ffaft & n1ch.1 FIGURE 1 Moffatt & Nichol Page 32 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Figure 7: Federally Protected Species Listed for New Hanover County 1. Riverine Swamp Forest — This community will be on the lower end of the site (below station 1+81) where the landscape is flatter. It is expected that this community will eventually replicate the Cypress -Black Gum Swamp (Blackwater subtype) as described by Schafale (2012). A mix of herbaceous grasses and forbs will also be used to encourage rapid vegetation cover. Most of this area will be undisturbed. A total of 7,000 square feet (0.16 acres) of existing spoil mounds are present in the riverine swamp forest that will be removed and replanted as riverine swamp forest. 2. Bottomland Hardwood Forest —This non -wetland community makes up the majority of the site to be graded and is located on the higher elevations of the site from station 1+56 to station 1 + 81, beyond which the landscape naturally begins to flatten out. A total of 3.16 acres of presently non -wetland will be graded and then planted as bottomland hardwood forest. Some of this area may become wetlands and some will probably remain non -wetland (depending on local water table elevation). It is expected that this community will eventually replicate the Blackwater Bottomland Hardwood Forest (Low Subtype) (Schafale 2012). A mix of herbaceous grasses and forbs will be used to encourage rapid vegetation cover. 3. Streamside Corridor — A corridor of approximately 10 feet wide perpendicular to the Ordinary High Water mark of the stream channel will be planted with live stakes of dogwood and buttonbush to encourage rapid revegetation and subsequent stabilization of this area. A wetland seed mix should also be used in this area with potentially some plugs of herbaceous wetland species such as Juncus Moffatt & Nichol I Page 33 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment and sedges to rapidly establish ground cover. This area is 10 feet wide on both sides of the channel and covers 0.11 acres of the site immediately adjacent to the stream and therefore subject to the potentially erosive velocities within the stream. This community is expected to eventually replicate the Blackwater Levee/Bar Forest with the addition of sycamore that is present on the site (Schafale. 2012). A mix of herbaceous grasses and forbs will be used to encourage rapid vegetation cover. In addition, decomposable matting (such as coconut fiber) will be installed at the bends of the restored channel to help stabilize these locations until the vegetation is established, as well as beyond the stream corridor as warranted. It is anticipated that this area will be maintained in a shrub -dominated community to reduce the effects on flooding that would occur if the area was allowed to succeed into mature forest. 4. Upland Slope Forest —These areas cover 1.71 acres of land outside the floodplain and are not expected to become jurisdictional wetlands due to their elevation above the stream, but are expected to eventually replicate the Mesic Pine Savanna (Coastal Plain Subtype) (Schafale. 2012). These areas will be seeded with a mix of herbaceous grasses and forbs to stabilize the areas. The locations adjacent to the UNC-W property is proposed to be planted with a mix of long leaf pine (75%) and native oaks (25%) as shown on Table 1. The areas on private property are proposed to be planted mainly with native oaks (75%) and long leaf pine (25%). However, we recommend that all of these landowners be directly contacted with the list of potential planting species in order to allow them to adjust the plantings on locations adjacent to their property. It is also possible that some of the private landowners may want shrubs such as azaleas or holly to be planted to provide a screen between the restored stream valley and their backyards. Table 8: Planting Plan for Clear Run Project Planting Zone Riverine Swamp Forest Species — Common Name Swamp Tupelo Species — Scientific Name Nyssa biflora Planting Mix I(%) 40% Riverine Swamp Forest Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 40% Riverine Swamp Forest Water Ash Fraxinus caroliniana 20% Blackwater Bottomland Hardwood Forest (HF) Laurel oak Quercus laurifolia 35% Blackwater Bottomland HF Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata 35% Blackwater Bottomland HF Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana 20% Blackwater Bottomland HF Swamp red bay Persea palustris 10% Streamside Corridor Dogwood Cornus amomum 50% Streamside Corridor Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis 50% Upland Slope Forest Long leaf pine Pinus palustris 75 % Upland Slope Forest Water oak Quercus nigra 10 % Upland Slope Forest Southern red oak Quercus falcata, 10 % Upland Slope Forest Post oak Quercus stellata 5 % Moffatt & Nichol Page 34 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment Seed Mixtures for Ground Cover — Mixtures of a variety of seeds will be needed on graded areas to establish ground cover to reduce erosion. All graded areas will be seeded and mulched with temporary erosion control seed according to NC standard rates. A riparian seed mix shall be applied to the bottomland hardwood forest and riverine swam forest. The mix shall meet the specifications of Ernst Seeds NC Coastal Plain Riparian Mix and be applied at a rate of 20 pounds per acre. A wetland seed mix shall be applied to the streamside corridor area. The mix shall meet the specification of Ernst Seeds NC Coastal Plain FACW Mix and be applied at a rate of 20 Ibs per acre. A permanent seeding shall be applied to the upland slope forest to establish and dense cover of grass while the surrounding forest grows. This permanent mix shall be based on current standard for NC Erosion Control Protection. Management of Existing Nuisance Vegetation — Privet (Ligustrum sp.) is present throughout the floodplain and in adjacent private yards. Privet is a highly invasive nuisance shrub or small tree that can prevent or severely inhibit the more desirable native vegetation. Therefore, we propose to cut and remove all privet on the right-of-way and, where stumps remain, they should be cut and sprayed with RoundUp to inhibit privet regeneration. During the annual vegetation monitoring and maintenance, any areas of dense privet that become established should receive similar management to encourage the healthy growth of desired species. Removal of Existing Relict Spoil Piles — There are approximately 10 existing spoil piles in the lower floodplain of the project that have been placed in wetlands (riverine swamp forest) downstream of the portion of the channel that will be relocated. We propose to remove these spoil piles and take the historic fill to high ground using small, low impact equipment. These areas total 7,000 square feet (0.16 acres) and will be planted with riverine swamp forest species. Since these areas will then be at the elevation of the surrounding riverine swamp forest, we propose to monitor vegetation survival at two locations (see discussion of vegetation monitoring below) in order to ensure the Corps of Engineers that restoration has been successful. However, since these areas are small and completely surrounded by riverine swamp wetland with regular overbank flooding, we do not propose to conduct hydrologic monitoring for these areas. If these areas meet the vegetation success criteria of 260 stems per acre survival for planted stems after 5 years of monitoring, then we propose that the Corps of Engineers credit the City of Wilmington for this amount of riverine swamp forest restoration credit (0.16 acres). Installation of Dead Trees to Serve as Perches for Birds — To accelerate the restoration of the stream and floodplain on the site, numerous trees will need to be removed. It proposed that some of these trees be stockpiled at the edge of the site and then erected on -site in the regraded floodplain to serve as bird perches. It is expected that birds will then bring in seeds of native herbs, shrubs, and trees and deposited them naturally across the site to help ensure a diverse vegetation community. It is expected that these tree snags would be installed (and anchored appropriately) at approximately 400 foot intervals mostly at the edge of the floodplain where overbank velocities will be less. Soils Management — Topsoil from the site is a valuable resource that will be stripped, stockpiled nearby on - site, and then replaced on the graded sites before planting of trees and shrubs. Based on a field investigation done in January 2016, there are at least 6 inches of organic -rich topsoil in the relict and active floodplain on the site. In contrast, the existing sewer easement has little to no organic soil layer. This organic layer overlies fine or medium sandy loam soils in the floodplain. Removal and stockpiling this topsoil will be done in all locations where soil thicker than one foot will need to be removed to restore the functioning floodplain. At Moffatt & Nichol I Page 35 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment other locations, the soil will be shallowly ripped before planting of trees and shrubs in order to reduce compaction. Floodplain Depressions — Small depressions (approximately 100 square feet each) will be created randomly throughout the site during the final site grading and topsoil replacement. The purpose of these depressions is to simulate tree tip -up mounds that provide critical wetland habitat for amphibian reproduction. It is expected that several dozen of these depressions will be created throughout the site. Vegetation Management Adjacent to UNC-W Property — It is not clear whether the UNC-W property is being actively managed with fire. If so, these fires will be allowed to periodically burn the planted sloped area adjacent to the UNC-W property. The exiting access road along the sewer line can serve as a firebreak to prevent any fires from entering the planted floodplain. Vegetation Monitoring —To have this project be self -mitigating, the US Army Corps of Engineers will require annual monitoring of vegetation as well as stream stability. Representative plots will be at semi -permanent (fixed) locations. Vegetation data will be collected using the Carolina Vegetation Survey Level 2 Protocol (Lee, et. al. 2008) with regard to percent survival and coverage for planted stems plus volunteer woody vegetation at permanent locations throughout the site. This protocol recommends that for project with less than 4,000 linear feet of stream work, the sample plots account for 5% of the area of the project. Since each CVS plot is 10 m by 10 m, for our planted project area (of 208,008 m2 or 5.14 acres), a total of 10.4 plots would be needed. Proposed sample plots should be distributed according to the percent of the site to be planted in each of the four communities and the number of plots was then adjusted to result in at least two sample plots per vegetation type in order to capture any variability in plant survival. Therefore, we suggest a total of 13 sample plots distributed as follows which will meet the 5% sampling standard: • Bottomland hardwood forest (6 plots) • Riverine swamp forest (2 plots) • Slopes (3 plots) • Streamside area (2 plots) Species composition, density, and survival rates will be provided on an annual basis by plot and the entire site. Individual plot data will be provided and will include diameter, height, density, vigor, damage, and percent survival. Planted woody stems will be marked annually as needed to facilitate location of the stems in subsequent years. In addition, the annual vegetation survey will involve a walk through the entire site and identification of any locations that have problems with respect to vegetation such as invasive vegetation or plant mortality. An annual, written report will be prepared and submitted to the Corps of Engineers for five years and any problems found during monitoring addressed promptly. The Corps requirement of 260 stems per acre survival for planted stems will be met after five years of monitoring. Results of the annual monitoring provides will be used as part of the adaptive management approach listed below to meet this standard. Wetland and Stream Credits — Based on the vegetation planting and monitoring as well as the monitoring of the structures in addition to the increase in stream length (from the higher sinuosity), we anticipate that this project will be sufficiently self -mitigating to adequately offset the projected stream impacts. We also propose Moffatt & Nichol I Page 36 Clear Run Stream Restoration and Flooding Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment (as described earlier), that there will be about 0.16 acres of riverine swamp forest credit that should be available after vegetation monitoring. If the City is interested in determining the availability of other wetland credits, a more intensive hydrologic monitoring plan will probably be required by the permitting agencies for the portion of the site to be replanted as bottomland hardwood forest (potential of 3.16 acres of mitigation — either restoration or creation credit). Adaptive Management — In the event the mitigation site or a specific component of the mitigation site fails to achieve the necessary performance standards as specified in the mitigation plan, the City of Wilmington will notify the Corps of Engineers and work with the Corps and other interested agencies to develop contingency plans and remedial actions. Long-term Management —The City of Wilmington will hold the easement for the corridor where vegetation will be planted and will be responsible for the long-term management of the site. It is expected that once vegetation on the site has been successfully restored, annual management activities will be limited to periodic inspections in response to complaints from local citizens for events such as removal of debris dams from the channel. Any required management will be funded by the City of Wilmington from existing maintenance budgets. References: Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Available at: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1-2.pdf Schafale, M.P. 2012. GUIDE TO THE NATURAL COMMUNITIES OF NORTH CAROLINA: FOURTH APPROXIMATION. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, NC. Moffatt & Nichol Page 37