HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031035 Ver 1_Mitigation Information_20100218Environmental Bane & Exchange Capital • Experience 0 Expertise D?--1035 February 15, 2010 kO [Bow F-4 Mr. William Wescott i Department of the Army FEB I C Mg Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 100 ??' WATER QUAIITy WETIJINDS AND STORMWAM BRANCH Washington, NC 27889-1000 Subject: Neu-Con Wetland Stream Umbrella Mitigation Bank Marston Stream and Wetland Site Request for Final Wetland Closeout Dear Mr. Wescott: 10055 Red Run Boulevard Suite 130 Owings Milt, MD 21117 p 410.356.5159 p 888.781.7075 f 410.356.5822 909 Capability Drive Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 p 919.829.9909 f 919.829.9913 604 Greene Street Suite 100 Camden, SC 29020 p 803.427.7877 f 410.356.5822 On January 28, 2009 EBX met with the IRT to review the site for closeout of the streams www.ebxuso.com and wetland restoration. The purpose of the site visit was to determine the final release of credits for the stream and wetland restoration. During the site visit closeout discussion, EPA, DWQ and the Corps expressed concern for the vegetation height and survival of the planted trees in two areas. In addition, NCDWQ requested a map showing the existing easement area with the wetland restoration area. At the conclusion of the site visit, it was our understanding that the site had met its mitigation objectives and 100% of the final credits would be released. On June 17, 2009, I received an e-mail from you expressing concern for the site almost six months after the site visit. We scheduled an office meeting on August 10, 2009 with you and Mr. David Lexson. EBX was informed at the office meeting that the Corps intended to withhold the final 25% of the wetland credit release for the site. Based on your January 28th site visit, the site was not meeting its full functional restoration. Following the June office meeting, EBX engaged WK Dickson, Inc. to evaluate the areas of concern. The attached report was completed in September 2009 documenting the existing conditions of the areas of concern. Included in the report is a map of the areas of concern as well as the easement boundary with the wetland restoration boundary. The total easement area is 67.3 acres with 37.7 acres of wetland restoration. The two areas of concern represent 0.89 acres or less than 2.4% of the total wetland restoration area. In addition, there are 21 acres of upland buffer providing important ecological function as well as perpetual protection from future development. Credit should be given for this upland buffer based on information from the Wilmington District's mitigation website. The 21 acres of buffer meets the Wilmington's District criteria for credit for an upland buffer. Given the above facts and the WK Dickson report, EBX requests a final site visit to discuss and closeout the site. If you have any questions, please call me at (919) 608-9688. Please provide written comments to EBX at Nortonnebxusa.com within 30 days of receipt. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ;4? Norton Webster Project Manager cc: Thomas Rinker Ely Perry Beth Harmon - NC EEP Guy Pearce - NC" EEP Kathy Mathew - US EPA Gary Jordan - US Fish and Wildlife Service Ron Sechler - National Marine Fisheries Service Cyndi Karoly - NC DWQ Travis Wilson - NC Wildlife Resources Commission • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Marston Mitigation Project Jones County, North Carolina Tree Height Assessment Technical Memorandum Prepared for Environmental Banc and Exchange, LLC 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 Prepared by WK Dickson and Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 782-0495 December 2009 03-Io3S FEB 2010 NIF14MDiS i ITY MR em%,C8 Project Description • The Marston Mitigation Site is located in Jones County and is a part of the Neu-Con Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The site was constructed in 2004 and 2008 was the fifth and final year of monitoring. Due to Interagency Review Team (IRT) comments regarding the vigor of planted trees the extent and severity of below optimal tree growth on the Marston mitigation site was investigated. Two study areas were delineated by EBX and • WK Dickson staff (Figure 1). In September 2009 WK Dickson conducted a planted tree height assessment of the primary study area and representative sampling locations across the site to determine height and vigor distribution across the site and by species. A general site assessment and soil sampling was also conducted. This Technical • Memorandum presents the results of the Marston Tree Height Assessment. Methodology The tree height assessment was conducted in the following five sub-tasks: • 1. Study Area Delineation Two study areas were delineated by EBX and WK Dickson staff based on features such as tree height, surface soil characteristics, and herbaceous vegetation density. The study area boundaries were marked with flagging tape and mapped with sub-meter GPS (Figure 1). 2. Study Area Tree Assessment Within the study areas WK Dickson identified planted living trees by species (Table 1) and recorded height, vigor, and damage. Representative photos of the study areas were recorded. Tree height was measured in 5-inch increments at the top of the highest living bud. Within Study Area 1 a 100 percent sample was attempted but some small trees may have been obscured by herbaceous vegetation • and not measured. WK Dickson performed an approximate five percent sub- sample of Study Area 2. All measured trees in the study areas were marked with flagging tape. General notes on herbaceous and volunteer woody vegetation, drainage, and soils were also recorded in the study areas. Select volunteer species • were measured in SA 1. 3. Vegetation Plot Tree Assessment As a control for the study area assessments WK Dickson conducted a tree assessment in the eight established vegetation plots (VPs) outside of the study • areas. The VP assessment followed the study area methodology. 4. Soil Sampling WK Dickson collected three composite soil samples in SA I, one composite • sample from SA2, and from each vegetation plot. The soil samples were submitted to the NCDA Agronomic Division for fertility testing and recommendations. The soil test results are included in this Memorandum. 2 5. Data Analysis The tree data were entered into a spreadsheet and a cursory analysis was conducted to determine standard vigor classes. Five vigor classes were defined based on tree height (Table 2). If any damage or extreme competition by volunteer vegetation was observed a tree's vigor was reduced by one class. Following the vigor class assignment several comparisons were conducted between SA1 and the vegetation plot data. The data analysis was conducted based upon species and vigor class. Results EBX staff identified two areas of apparent below average tree growth. These were labeled Study Area 1 (SA 1) and Study Area 2 (SA2). Figure 2 shows SA 1 and SA2 in detail. After delineation and mapping of these areas they were determined to be 0.92 acres and 1.02 acres in size, respectively. The primary delineation parameters were herbaceous vegetation density and adjacent tree height. In general, the study areas had either somewhat sparse herbaceous vegetation or dense lespedeza cover. The planted trees in the study areas were visibly smaller than the adjacent planted areas and volunteer trees. A photo log of SA1, SA2, and vegetation plots is included with this Memorandum. SA1 is an irregular shaped area generally oriented north-south between the restored channel and the western easement boundary. The limits of restoration bisect SA1 and 0.70 acres are located inside the restoration area boundary and 0.22 acres are outside the restoration area boundary (Table 3). Surface soil in SAl consisted of areas of thin or absent topsoil and areas of dark brown sandy loam. Where topsoil was absent the herbaceous vegetion was low and sparse and consisted primarily of Panicum sp., dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), groundsel (Baccharis halimifolia), and sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata). Woody volunteers included willow (Salix nigra), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). In areas with intact topsoil dense shrubs and lespedeza were present. Typical species included groundsel, wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), lespedeza, and dog fennel. Near the easement boundary many volunteer trees were present. These ranged from seedlings to trees over 120 inches tall. Species include green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), and sycamore (Platanus accidentalis). The species and height data for the volunteer trees in SA 1 is included with this memorandum. Three composite soil samples were collected from SA 1 to document the range of conditions present. SA2 is an oblong shaped area generally oriented north-south between the restored channel and the eastern easement boundary. SA2 is bounded by the gas line easement on the north. The limits of restoration bisect SA2 and 0.35 acres are located inside the restoration area boundary and 0.67 acres are outside the restoration area boundary (Table 3). Due to its more centralized location within the easement, SA2 had few volunteer woody species. Only two volunteer sycamore trees were observed in the SA2 subsample (80 inches and 15 inches tall). The SA2 soil appeared disturbed and a large excavated depression was present. Herbaceous species included soft rush (Juncus effusus), Panicum sp., dog fennel, broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), wool grass (Scirpus cyperinus), and groundsel. Soils across SA2 were more uniform than SA 1 and only one composite soil sample was collected. The eight semi-permanent VPs were located randomly across the mitigation site and are 0.1 acre in size. The VP size and location were established in 2004 at the baseline post- construction monitoring. A variety of conditions exist ranging from dense planted and volunteers saplings to somewhat open between planted stems. Dominant herbaceous vegetation included Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis), sericea lespedeza, and java-bean (sickle pod) (Senna obtusifolia). These dominant species often were dense and compete strongly with the smaller woody stems. Locally significant herbaceous species included common rush, dog fennel, and broomsedge. Woody vegetation included groundsel, loblolly pine, sycamore, and persimmon. Composite soil samples were collected from each plot. • The study area tree assessment included 172 planted trees in SAI, 33 planted trees in SA2 (6.3 percent sub sample), and 368 planted trees in the vegetation plots. The raw data for SA I, SA2, and VP are included with this memorandum. Based on IRT comments and the scope of work for this assessment, SAI was the primary study area and focus of this • memorandum. Table 4 is a summary of planted tree statistics in SAI and VP. Due to the • limited sample size in SA2 the raw data are included in this memorandum but are not discussed in detail. SA 1 contained an assemblage of tree species and heights. However, blackgum and bald • cypress were present in low numbers as compared to the vegetation plots and were significantly less vigorous. Willow oak was the most common planted tree in SA 1. The dominant SA1 vigor class was Low (<40 inches) with 47 percent of total trees. The least dominant SA 1 vigor class was High (>I 10 inches) with 2 percent of total trees. The VPs contained a balanced assemblage of tree species and heights. Bald cypress was the most common species followed closely by black gum and willow oak. The dominant vegetation plot vigor classes were Low (<40 inches) and Medium (60-90 inches), each with 28 percent of total trees. The least dominant vegetation plot vigor class was High (>120 inches) with 12 percent of total trees. A comparison of SAI and VPs shows that the swamp chestnut oaks and overcup oaks had similar distributions of vigor classes. Willow oak appears to be somewhat less • vigorous in SAI than the VPs. However, the primary differentiator between planted tree density and vigor in SAI and VPs was the near absence and significantly decreased vigor of black gum and bald cypress in SA I. Figures 3-7 detail and compare the SAI and VP data based on species and vigor. The composite soil samples were collected from the upper eight inches of soil in SA 1, SA2, and the VPs. The samples were submitted to the NC Department of Agriculture Agronomics Division for soil testing. The soil tests include 17 factors relating to acidity • and nutrient/fertility measurements. The soil test report also gives fertilizer • recommendations for the desired crop (hardwood trees). Topsoil in the two study areas 4 appears to be partially or completely absent. This typically results in decreased organic matter, decreased CEC, and lower levels of key nutrients (Phosphorous, Potassium, Manganese, and Copper). SA2 is located adjacent to a maintained power line easement and it appears as if herbicide applications may have affected the levels of Zinc and Phosphorous. Nitrogen fertilizer is recommended for SA1 and SA2. Potash and Phosphate fertilizer applications are recommended for SA 1. Table 5 summarizes the soil test results and recommendations. The complete soil test report is included with this Memorandum. 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tables and Figures Table 1. Planted Tree Snecies Common Name Scientific Name Notes Overcu Oak Quercus l rata Swam Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii Willow Oak Quercus phellos May also include laurel oak (Quercus lauri olia) Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica May also include swamp black gum (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora) Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Table 2. Planted Tree Vigor Classes Vigor Class* Height Range Low <40 inches Med-Low 41-60 inches Medium 61-90 inches Med-Hi h 91-110 inches High > 110 inches * trees with damage or dominant competition were lowered one vigor class Table 3. Studv Area AcreaLye Breakdown Study Area Acres Inside Restoration Boundary Percent of Restoration Area Acres Outside Restoration Boundary Total Acres Percent of Easement Area SA1 0.70 1.9% 0.22 0.92 1.4% SA2 0.35 0.9% 0.67 1.02 1.5% Total: 1.05 2.8% 0.89 1.94 2.9% Table 4. Summarv of Studv Area 1 and Vegetation Plot Planted Tree Data Vigor Class Low Med-Low Medium Med-Hi h High All Trees Location SAl VP SA1 VP SAl VP SAl VP SAl VP SAl VP Total Trees 80 102 38 64 42 103 9 55 3 44 172 368 Trees per Acre 87 128 41 80 46 129 10 69 3 55 187 460 Percent of Total 47 28 22 17 24 28 5 15 2 12 100 100 Min Height (in.) 10 10 45 45 65 65 95 95 130 115 10 10 Max Height (in.) 55 55 75 85 95 95 115 170 130 165 130 165 Avg. Height (in.) 26 33 53 55 76 77 104 107 130 129 50 72 Median Height (in.) 25 35 53 53 75 80 105 105 130 130 50 70 • t R N N 0 0 0 0 0 4 O O C O O O C O _ O V O c^i O - O - G O O R + + o u ? a- O ? O O .. 0 0 0 u a ? o (`! 0 (`l 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 (`I o N C N C (`I O N c ?'I - O L - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z c C C C C o C 7 C 7 C C c ?"? r V', ? N V] r 00 01 r 0 '? ?O K, d V 00 r /'. C N V M ? tail a V ? C o - rr ? r , D ? 0 C 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " r? D` 7 N ? :h O? 00 r O? D ('I S O O O O O O O O O C O O R! U o .. c ? x oo iD c (`! m V r O oc C 1 oo r r 00 ? C 1 oo D .c r? ad ? '? i!, `G = - V O 0 o 7 V ?D 00 V - K. K, - K, tv r r? 00 r? y a o '?y D r N r - O? N K; O v', O x u Q .J r I V N 7 -- O ?i ? - ?O - K, - - r O V1 - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O r r ',T 00 00 00 O? ',T OG r T 'Y_ U ?o cv r'? - N - v a, o - W _ C ? o m, _ ... o .o rn m ? W CD C) U - u cs 0 h 0 v v a, v v v ti v v Q - N K ? V1 ?D r 00 z ri . c 0 E e z 9 J a? vl F 'o F s o M, E _T V ? V V VV. V U X yU ? R N 7 v L? N X 1 _' t' X T W Rt 'O y b `'? ua .? ? n. a N ? v? y ur c0 ? o,'v00 ??Q `v` X '? N 0 W X CS W W ?J CC. R. w '? ?S3UUm aaa..C.UU?NNUv n c =3U¢ niYV L ¢ ?? z ? N c U N ✓\ M a 7. Tiq.Y Y., 4x+ i VP8� . '. rLZ ,K ?^ _ SA1_ F lve � y r _ 'VP3� y, 4 r wars tt ��:i' J • h.�e;yr VP 4 All VP 2 r' r SA 2 I Z �• ML P i { YF.f♦ , p y ".7 R r d Z Legend 9 Q Easement Boundary = 67.3 ac Restoration Area = 37.7 ac. Vegetation Plots Restored Streams — Roads Total Study Area = 1.94 ac. 2008 Aerial Photography Source: NCOnemap.com N Figure 1 0 250 500 1,000 Marston Overview Map Feet Tree Height Assessment 1 inch = 500 feet A"1;=W - V.YO Al:. SA 2 0.35 ac. 4, 21 ac 0 . . Legend ] Easement Boundary = 67.3 ac. _, Restoration Area = 37.7 ac. Vegetation Plots - Restored Streams - Roads , UP4 Zoomed Area Study Areas Inside Restoration Boundary = 1.05 ac. 1 Outside Restoration Boundary = 0.89 ac. . Total Study Area = 1.94 ac. 2008 Aerial Photography Source: NCOnemap.com N Figure 2 0 50 100 200 A Marston Study Area Map Feet Tree Height Assessment 1 inch = 100 feet Figure 3. Marston SA1 Vigor Classes ¦ ¦ Low ¦ Med-Low i i Med Med-High i High Figure 4. Marston VP Vigor Classes 120 100 80 m m H ° 60 m a E Z 40 20 0 W v n R, O c 3 ¦ Low ¦ Med-Low i Med Med-High High m w 0 p W m 7 - < 0 Q. N c m o G) 0 S d c a 5i 3 O a CD Oa m p m x x Figure 5. Marston SA1 Planted Tree Species • 90 • 80 _ ta y'� ✓ ✓✓ o ''�{ f a� ✓ 70 x ✓ a/� ,70 ✓� a✓ G y 60 ✓ i ✓ d ✓.✓✓� ✓✓0✓ ✓AN. qva d ✓✓ ✓�/ /� x �" '�� a ISO,50 � ✓ �✓ r 3 ' �, � r "„�� ✓ ✓ a 40 — E z 30 20 10 ✓;✓ 0 o • f a a 0. 0 _ • f Vigor Class • m Black Gum ■ Bald Cypress Swamp Chestnut Oak i Willow Oak i Overcup Oak • • • Figure 6. Marston VP Planted Tree Species • 120 100 • w 80 i m 60 E • Z 40 • 20 I 0 0 o C C ( 2 • f a a a o = Vigor Class n • s • ■ Black Gum ■ Bald Cypress a Swamp Chestnut Oak i Willow Oak -.i Overcup Oak • Figure 7. SA1 vs. VP Vigor Class Distribution N m d a 0 c m U U a p= Study Area 1 Vegetation Plots ¦ Low n Med-Low Med Med-High i High Figure 8. SM vs. VP Species Distribution 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% N F v d c M FL `o c m U N CL Study Area 1 Vegetation Plots ¦ Black Gum ¦ Bald Cypress i Swamp Chestnut Oak Willow Oak i Overcup Oak • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Photo Lo • g • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • VPl VP2 r r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Per ? F ?y ?Y ? jfn 111 ?? g ti • • • • • 40 • • 44Z • {( Ld f VP3 V P4 • • • • VP5 VP6 V P7 VP8 ? Y q i, {P ` ,14?i tf j 1???.?i ?1 ?.._ _? }} ? ?y°.? £ S ri r?F ?• f' ."k s. 4 7 r PA 1 view to east in low herbaceous growth irl. I..; c» } ir? d 7 ;t r ' ,w fiir, a^ : 1}e is y. ,+ r $5 PA 1 view to the north in dense shrub growth V' p 001. jj! a t PA2 typical conditions Collected Tree Data Marston Studv Area 1 Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes SA1 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 45 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 115 Med-Hi h Insect damage SA1 willow oak p 25 Low SA1 willow oak p 40 Low SA1 willow oak p 40 Low SA1 willow oak p 15 Low SA1 willow oak P 50 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 15 Low SA1 willow oak p 15 Low SA1 willow oak p 45 Med-Low SA1 overcu oak p 20 Low SA1 willow oak p 55 Low Browse SA1 willow oak p 35 Low SA1 willow oak p 35 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 30 Low SA1 willow oak p 60 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 80 Med SA1 willow oak p 60 Med-Low SA1 black um p 25 Low SA1 overcu oak p 50 Med-Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 20 Low SA1 overcu oak p 15 Low SA1 willow oak p 75 Med SA1 willow oak p 130 High SA1 willow oak p 130 High SA1 willow oak p 110 Med-Hi h SA1 overcu oak p 45 Med-Low SA1 overcu oak p 35 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA1 overcu oak p 30 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med SA1 overcu oak p 75 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 45 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 55 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 55 Med-Low SA1 overcu oak p 50 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 35 Low SA1 willow oak P 35 Low SA1 overcu oak p 25 Low SA1 overcu oak p 35 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 30 Low SA1 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h SA1 black um p 30 Low SA1 swamp chestnut oak p 25 Low SA1 black um p 15 Low Marston Studv Area 1 Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes SA1 swam chestnut oak p 20 Low SA1 overcu oak p 45 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 20 Low SA1 willow oak p 20 Low SA1 willow oak p 15 Low SA1 willow oak p 55 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 35 Low SA1 willow oak p 25 Low SA1 overcu oak p 35 Low SA1 black um p 20 Low SA1 overcu oak p 20 Low SA1 overcu oak p 35 Low SA1 black um p 15 Low SA1 overcu oak p 35 Low SA1 black um P 10 Low SA1 overcup oak p 15 Low SA1 willow oak p 10 Low SA1 willow oak p 80 Med SA1 black um P 10 Low SA1 willow oak P 35 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 75 Med SA1 bald cypress p 75 Med SA1 willow oak p 25 Low SA1 willow oak p 75 Med SA1 bald cypress p 65 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low SA1 black um P 25 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 60 Med-Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med SA1 overcu oak p 30 Low SA1 black um P 25 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 75 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 55 Med-Low SA1 overcu oak p 50 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 75 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 100 Med-Hi h SA1 swam chestnut oak p 55 Low Insect damage SA1 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 75 Med-Low Insect damage SA1 swamp chestnut oak p 95 Med Insect damage SA1 overcu oak p 75 Med SA1 black um p 30 Low SA1 willow oak p 50 Med-Low SA1 willow oak p 55 Med-Low SA1 black um p 10 Low SA1 black um p 10 Low SA1 black um p 10 Low Marston Studv Area 1 Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes SA1 black um P 20 Low SA1 overcu oak p 55 Med-Low SA1 overcu oak p 80 Med SA1 overcu oak p 65 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 10 Low SA1 overcu oak p 65 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low SA1 black um p 20 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 60 Med-Low SA1 overcup oak p 105 Med-Hi h SA1 swam chestnut oak p 60 Med-Low SA1 overcu oak p 75 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 35 Low SA1 overcu oak p 55 Low Insect damage SA1 willow oak p 55 Med-Low Fix GPS point SA1 overcu oak p 55 Med-Low SA1 overcu oak p 80 Med SA1 swamp chestnut oak p 75 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 80 Med SA1 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA1 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h SA1 overcu oak p 30 Low SA1 overcu oak p 105 Med-Hi h SA1 willow oak p 85 Med SA1 willow oak p 75 Med SA1 willow oak p 100 Med-Hi h SA1 willow oak P 130 High SA1 overcu oak p 45 Med-Low SA1 swam chestnut oak p 60 Med-Low Marston Studv Area 1 Volunteer Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Notes SA1 sycamore v 15 SA1 sycamore v 20 SA1 sycamore v 40 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 sycamore v 70 SA1 sycamore v 30 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 sycamore v 65 SA1 ersimmon v 45 SA1 sycamore v 20 SA1 sycamore v 10 SA1 green ash v 10 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 sycamore v 15 SA1 sycamore v 30 SA1 sycamore v 40 SA1 sycamore v 15 SA1 persimmon v 30 SA1 sycamore v 55 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 green ash v 50 SA1 sycamore v 10 SA1 sycamore v 30 SA1 sycamore v 20 SA1 sycamore v 25 SA1 sycamore v 30 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 sycamore v 25 SA1 sycamore v 30, SA1 sycamore v 20 SA1 sycamore v 25 SA1 sycamore v 20 SA1 sycamore v 40 SA1 sycamore v 20 SA1 green ash v 15 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 green ash v 40 SA1 green ash v 10 SA1 persimmon v 35 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 sycamore v 120 SA1 sycamore v 120 SA1 persimmon v 85 SA1 sycamore v 100 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 s camore v 45 Marston Studv Area 1 Volunteer Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Notes SA1 sycamore v 75 SA1 sycamore v 55 SA1 sycamore v 50 SA1 sycamore v 90 SA1 sycamore v 95 SA1 sycamore v 60 SA1 sycamore v 50 SA1 sycamore v 70 SA1 sycamore v 60 SA1 sycamore v 45 SA1 sycamore v 50 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 sycamore v 75 SA1 persimmon v 90 SA1 sycamore v 75 SA1 sycamore v 110 SA1 green ash v 30 SA1 persimmon v 25 SA1 sycamore v 105 SA1 sycamore v 105 SA1 sycamore v 80 SA1 persimmon v 60 SA1 persimmon v 95 SA1 persimmon v 120 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 persimmon v 85 SA1 sycamore v 120 SA1 persimmon v 75 SA1 sycamore v 80 SA1 sycamore v 110 SA1 sycamore v 40 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 persimmon v 65 SA1 sycamore v 60 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 persimmon v 80 SA1 persimmon v 95 SA1 green ash v 75 SA1 green ash v 35 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 green ash v 50 SA1 persimmon v 60 SA1 green ash v 30 SA1 persimmon v 80 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 ersimmon v 45 Marston Studv Area 1 Volunteer Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Notes SA1 green ash v 40 SA1 green ash v 40 SA1 sycamore v 110 SA1 persimmon v 100 SA1 persimmon v 95 SA1 persimmon v 120 SA1 persimmon v 85 SA1 persimmon v 100 SA1 ersimmon v 80 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 green ash v 120 SA1 persimmon v 100 SA1 green ash v 70 SA1 persimmon v 100 SA1 green ash v 70 SA1 persimmon v 75 SA1 green ash v 105 SA1 persimmon v 90 SA1 persimmon v 50 SA1 persimmon v 105 SA1 persimmon v 105 SA1 persimmon v 115 SA1 sycamore v 120 SA1 persimmon v 130 SA1 persimmon v 130 SA1 persimmon v 100 SA1 green ash v 40 SA1 green ash v 35 SA1 persimmon v 50 SA1 persimmon v 45 SA1 sycamore v 70 SA1 persimmon v 65 SA1 persimmon v 35 SA1 green ash v 85 SA1 green ash v 60 SA1 green ash v 35 SA1 sycamore v 120 SA1 sycamore v 80 SA1 persimmon v 55 SA1 sycamore v 60 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 sycamore v 60 SA1 green ash v 30 SA1 sycamore v 80 SA1 sycamore v 110 SA1 persimmon v 40 SA1 sycamore v 95 SA1 sycamore v 90 Marston Studv Area 1 Volunteer Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Notes SA1 sycamore v 110 SA1 persimmon v 35 SA1 sycamore v 120 SA1 green ash v 30 SA1 persimmon v 80 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 sycamore v 65 SA1 sycamore v 130 SA1 persimmon v 30 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 persimmon v 75 SA1 sycamore v 30 SA1 persimmon v 65 SA1 sycamore v 90 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 green ash v 45 SA1 sycamore v 70 SA1 sycamore v 30 SA1 sycamore v 40 SA1 sycamore v 20 SA1 sycamore v 15 SA1 green ash v 60 SA1 sycamore v 35 SA1 green ash v 95 SA1 green ash v 65 SA1 sycamore v 70 SA1 green ash v 40 SA1 green ash v 40 SA1 green ash v 105 SA1 green ash v 90 SA1 green ash v 115 SA1 green ash v 95 SA1 green ash v 110 SA1 green ash v 70 SA1 persimmon v 90 SA1 green ash v 65 SA1 green ash v 65 SA1 green ash v 65 SA1 green ash v 45 SA1 green ash v 60 SA1 reen ash v 30 SA1 green ash v 35 SA1 persimmon v 50 SA1 green ash v 75 SA1 persimmon v 55 SA1 persimmon v 100 SA1 green ash v 80 Marston Studv Area 1 Volunteer Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Notes SA1 persimmon v 75 SA1 persimmon v 105 SA1 green ash v 80 SA1 green ash v 25 SA1 green ash v 25 SA1 green ash v 75 SA1 sycamore v 45 SA1 persimmon v 30 SA1 persimmon v 35 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 green ash v 50 SA1 persimmon v 70 SA1 persimmon v 80 SA1 persimmon v 75 SA1 sycamore v 45 SA1 persimmon v 130 SA1 persimmon v 105 SA1 green ash v 20 SA1 sycamore v 60 SA1 sycamore v 100 SA1 sycamore v 70 SA1 sycamore v 45 SA1 green ash v 115 SA1 green ash v 95 SA1 persimmon v 95 SA1 green ash v 65 SA1 green ash v 55 SA1 green ash v 60 SA1 green ash v 70 SA1 green ash v 55 SA1 tulip poplar v 35 SA1 tulip poplar v 20 SA1 green ash v 30 SA1 green ash v 25 SA1 sycamore v 75 SA1 green ash v 35 SA1 green ash v 45 SA1 green ash v 45 SA1 green ash v 35 SA1 green ash v 70 SA1 green ash v 45 SA1 green ash v 40 SA1 green ash v 90 SA1 green ash v 25 SA1 sycamore v 60 SA1 green ash v 50 SA1 reen ash v 30 SA1 sycamore v 100 Marston Studv Area 1 Volunteer Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Notes SA1 green ash v 45 SA1 green ash v 25 SA1 sycamore v 80 SA1 green ash v 30 SA1 reen ash v 50 SA1 sycamore v 20 Marston Studv Area 2 - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes SA2 overcu oak p 40 Low SA2 willow oak p 30 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 65 Med SA2 bald cypress p 55 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 80 Med SA2 bald cypress p 60 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 35 Low SA2 bald cypress p 50 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 55 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 45 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 60 Med-Low SA2 overcu oak P 55 Med-Low SA2 overcu oak p 90 Med-Hi h SA2 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low SA2 swamp chestnut oak p 55 Med-Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low SA2 willow oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 20 Low SA2 willow oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 35 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low SA2 willow oak p 65 Med SA2 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low SA2 black um p 15 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA2 overcu oak p 55 Med-Low SA2 willow oak p 80 Med SA2 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h SA2 willow oak p 60 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 90 Med-Hi h Marston Stud Area 2 - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes SA2 overcu oak p 40 Low SA2 willow oak p 30 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 65 Med SA2 bald cypress p 55 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 80 Med SA2 bald cypress p 60 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 35 Low SA2 bald cypress p 50 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 55 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 45 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 60 Med-Low SA2 overcu oak p 55 Med-Low SA2 overcu oak p 90 Med-Hi h SA2 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 55 Med-Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low SA2 willow oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 20 Low SA2 willow oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 35 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low SA2 willow oak p 65 Med SA2 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low SA2 black um p 15 Low SA2 swam chestnut oak p 25 Low SA2 overcu oak p 55 Med-Low SA2 willow oak p 80 Med SA2 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h SA2 willow oak p 60 Med-Low SA2 bald cypress p 90 Med-Hi h Marston Vegetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP1 bald cypress p 95 Med Shaded VP1 bald cypress p 45 Low Shaded VP1 bald cypress p 70 Med VP1 bald cypress p 135 High VP1 bald cypress p 110 Med-Hi h VP1 bald cypress p 160 Med-Hi h Wood competition VP1 willow oak p 90 Med VP1 willow oak p 145 High VP1 willow oak p 170 Med-Hi h Insect damage-worms VP1 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low VP1 bald cypress p 70 Med VP1 bald cypress p 110 Med-Hi h VP1 willow oak p 140 High VP1 swamp chestnut oak p 35 Low VP1 black um p 35 Low Browse damage VP1 bald cypress p 70 Med-Low Part shade VP1 bald cypress p 75 Med-Low Lespecleza competition VP1 bald cypress p 74 Med VP1 bald cypress p 105 Med-Hi h VP1 bald cypress p 110 Med-Hi h VP1 black um p 65 Med-Low Browse damage VP1 bald cypress p 115 High VP1 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP1 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low Browse damage and shaded VP1 willow oak p 100 Med-Hi h VP1 bald cypress p 70 Med VP1 willow oak p 115 Hi h VP1 swam chestnut oak p 45 Med-Low VP1 willow oak p 65 Med VP1 willow oak p 75 Med VP1 willow oak p 40 Low Browse damage VP1 willow oak p 50 Med-Low VP1 willow oak p 115 High VP1 willow oak p 120 High VP1 willow oak p 125 High VP1 willow oak p 65 Med VP1 black um p 45 Med-Low VP1 bald cypress p 105 Med-Hi h VP1 willow oak p 75 Med VP1 swam chestnut oak p 95 Med-Hi h VP1 willow oak p 80 Med VP1 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med-Low Leaf blight VP1 bald cypress p 65 Med VP1 willow oak p 80 Med VP1 willow oak p 85 Med VP1 willow oak p 80 Med VP1 willow oak p 80 Med Marston Vegetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP1 swam chestnut oak p 110 Med-Hi h VP1 swam chestnut oak p 90 Med VP1 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low VP1 swam chestnut oak p 45 Med-Low VP1 swam chestnut oak p 75 Med-Low Browse damage VP1 bald cypress p 75 Med VP1 bald cypress p 50 Med-Low VP1 bald cypress p 80 Med VP1 willow oak p 120 High VP1 willow oak p 85 Med VP1 bald cypress p 85 Med-Low Leaf all VP1 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h VP1 bald cypress p 60 Med-Low VP1 bald cypress p 80 Med VP1 bald cypress p 85 Med VP1 bald cypress p 100 Med-Hi h VP1 bald cypress p 140 High VP1 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med-Low Shaded VP1 swam chestnut oak p 90 Med VP1 willow oak p 85 Med VP1 willow oak P 110 Med-Hi h VP1 willow oak p 130 High VP1 willow oak p 145 High VP2 black um p 45 Med-Low VP2 black um p 30 Low VP2 black um p 25 Low VP2 black um p 55 Med-Low VP2 black um p 50 Med-Low VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 black um p 40 Low VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 black um p 30 Low VP2 black um p 45 Med-Low VP2 black um p 30 Low VP2 black um p 25 Low VP2 black um p 70 Med VP2 black um p 25 Low VP2 black um p 40 Low VP2 bald cypress p 90 Med VP2 black um p 65 Med VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 black um p 15 Low VP2 black um p 45 Med-Low VP2 black um p 45 Med-Low VP2 black um p 25 Low VP2 black um p 60 Med-Low VP2 black um P 50 Med-Low Marston Veaetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP2 black um p 45 Med-Low VP2 bald cypress P 65 Med VP2 swam chestnut oak p 125 High VP2 bald cypress p 55 Med-Low VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 bald cypress p 85 Med VP2 black um p 30 Low VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 willow oak p 130 High VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 willow oak p 35 Low VP2 black um p 30 Low VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 black um P 40 Low VP2 black um p 30 Low VP2 black um p 50 Med-Low VP2 black um p 35 Low VP2 black um P 30 Low VP2 black um p 25 Low VP2 swam chestnut oak p 65 Med VP2 willow oak p 10 Low VP2 black um p 40 Low VP2 black um p 30 Low VP2 black um p 40 Low VP2 black um p 40 Low VP2 willow oak p 55 Med-Low VP2 black um p 30 Low VP3 willow oak p 80 Med VP3 black um p 30 Low Browse damage VP3 willow oak p 50 Med-Low VP3 willow oak p 80 Med VP3 bald cypress p 115 High VP3 willow oak p 45 Med-Low VP3 willow oak p 30 Low Browse damage VP3 bald cypress p 70 Med VP3 willow oak p 70 Med VP3 willow oak p 50 Med-Low VP3 willow oak p 80 Med VP3 willow oak p 55 Med-Low VP3 willow oak p 85 Med VP3 willow oak p 80 Med VP3 bald cypress p 75 Med VP3 willow oak p 15 Low Weeds competition VP3 willow oak p 90 Med VP3 willow oak p 65 Med VP3 willow oak p 70 Med VP3 willow oak p 75 Med Marston Vegetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP3 bald cypress p 75 Med VP3 willow oak p 75 Med VP3 willow oak p 75 Med VP3 willow oak p 80 Med-Low Browse damage VP3 black um p 30 Low VP3 willow oak p 100 Med-Hi h VP3 black um p 25 Low VP3 black um p 25 Low Browse damage and shaded VP3 bald cypress p 70 Med VP3 bald cypress p 100 Med-Hi h VP3 willow oak p 80 Med VP3 willow oak p 40 Low VP3 willow oak p 45 Med-Low VP3 bald cypress p 75 Med VP3 willow oak p 25 Low VP3 black um p 25 Low Browse damage VP3 willow oak p 55 Low Shaded VP3 black um p 45 Low Browse damage VP3 bald cypress p 80 Med VP3 willow oak p 60 Med-Low VP3 willow oak p 95 Med Partial) shaded VP3 black um p 30 Low Browse dama e VP3 bald cypress p 75 Med VP4 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP4 black um p 35 Low VP4 bald cypress p 110 Med-Hi h VP4 bald cypress P 105 Med-Hi h VP4 bald cypress p 75 Med VP4 black um p 20 Low VP4 bald cypress p 55 Med-Low VP4 bald cypress p 80 Med VP4 bald cypress p 30 Low VP4 bald cypress p 80 Med VP4 bald cypress p 115 High VP4 black um p 25 Low Browse damage VP4 bald cypress p 130 High VP4 bald cypress p 80 Med VP4 bald cypress p 100 Med-Hi h VP4 black um p 40 Low VP4 black um p 70 Med VP4 black um p 40 Low VP4 bald cypress p 110 Med-Hi h VP4 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP4 bald cypress p 105 Med-Hi h VP4 black um p 45 Med-Low VP4 bald cypress p 115 High VP4 black um p 35 Low Marston Veaetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP4 willow oak p 90 Med VP4 black um p 30 Low VP4 black um p 65 Med-Low Browse damage VP4 willow oak p 70 Med VP4 willow oak p 75 Med VP4 black um p 40 Low VP4 black um P 25 Low VP4 bald cypress p 135 High VP4 black um p 35 Low VP4 bald cypress p 110 Med-Hi h VP4 bald cypress p 130 High VP4 bald cypress p 80 Med VP4 black um p 40 Low VP4 bald cypress p 90 Med VP4 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low VP4 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP4 willow oak p 80 Med VP4 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP4 bald cypress P 105 Med-Hi h VP4 black um p 50 Med-Low VP4 bald cypress p 140 High VP4 bald cypress p 105 Med-Hi h VP4 black um P 35 Low VP4 bald cypress p 40 Low VP4 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP4 black um p 25 Low VP4 bald cypress P 55 Low Browse damage VP4 bald cypress p 80 Med VP4 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP4 black um p 35 Low Browse damage VP4 willow oak p 65 Med VP5 swam chestnut oak p 65 Med VP5 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low VP5 swam chestnut oak p 30 Low VP5 swamp chestnut oak p 60 Med-Low VP5 black um p 45 Med-Low VP5 black um p 30 Low VP5 black um p 20 Low VP5 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low VP5 overcu oak p 65 Med VP5 overcu oak p 120 Med-Hi h Insect damage VP5 black um p 25 Low Browse damage VP5 willow oak p 155 Med-Hi h Insect damage VP5 willow oak p 100 Med-Hi h VP5 black um p 40 Low Browse damage VP5 swam chestnut oak p 55 Med-Low VP5 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h Marston Vegetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP5 overcu oak p 140 High VP5 overcu oak p 60 Med-Low VP5 overcu oak p 110 Med-Hi h VP5 overcu oak p 40 Low Insect damage VP5 overcu oak p 35 Low Insect damage VP5 willow oak p 95 Med Insect damage VP5 overcup oak p 85 Med VP5 overcup oak P 160 Med-Hi h Insect damage VP5 overcu oak p 85 Med VP6 overcu oak p 90 Med VP6 willow oak p 80 Med VP6 black um p 50 Med-Low VP6 swam chestnut oak p 75 Med VP6 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med VP6 willow oak p 75 Med VP6 overcu oak p 140 High VP6 swam chestnut oak p 30 Low VP6 swam chestnut oak p 85 Med VP6 swam chestnut oak p 65 Med VP6 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h VP6 willow oak p 90 Med VP6 bald cypress p 90 Med VP6 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low VP6 bald cypress p 95 Med-Hi h VP6 willow oak p 65 Med VP6 willow oak p 100 Med-Hi h VP6 willow oak p 115 High VP6 willow oak p 105 Med-Hi h VP6 overcu oak p 50 Med-Low VP6 willow oak p 65 Med VP6 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low VP6 swam chestnut oak p 35 Low VP6 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h VP6 black um p 55 Med-Low VP6 willow oak p 65 Med VP6 willow oak p 130 High VP6 willow oak p 120 High VP6 swam chestnut oak p 75 Med-Low Insect damage VP6 swam chestnut oak p 45 Med-Low VP6 swam chestnut oak p 55 Med-Low VP6 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h VP6 bald cypress p 90 Med VP6 willow oak p 110 Med-Hi h VP6 bald cypress p 65 Med VP6 bald cypress p 90 Med VP6 bald cypress p 75 Med VP6 bald cypress p 80 Med Marston Vegetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP6 bald cypress p 85 Med VP6 willow oak p 75 Med VP6 willow oak p 90 Med VP6 willow oak p 90 Med VP7 swam chestnut oak p 30 Low VP7 overcu oak p 70 Med VP7 overcup oak p 65 Med VP7 overcu oak p 80 Med VP7 overcu oak p 60 Med-Low VP7 overcu oak p 45 Med-Low VP7 overcu oak p 35 Low VP7 overcu oak p 40 Low VP7 overcu oak p 80 Med VP7 overcup oak p 55 Med-Low VP7 swamp chestnut oak p 40 Low VP7 overcu oak p 30 Low VP7 overcu oak p 75 Med VP7 swam chestnut oak p 65 Med VP7 overcu oak p 55 Med-Low VP7 overcu oak p 140 High VP7 overcu oak p 80 Med VP7 swam chestnut oak p 55 Med-Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 10 Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 60 Med-Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 55 Med-Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 50 Med-Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 80 Med VP7 swam chestnut oak p 15 Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 70 Med VP7 black um p 25 Low VP7 willow oak p 150 High VP7 willow oak p 120 High VP7 willow oak p 95 Med-Hi h VP7 willow oak p 165 High VP7 swam chestnut oak p 40 Low VP7 overcu oak p 125 High VP7 black um p 40 Low VP7 swam chestnut oak p 85 Med VP7 willow oak p 120 High VP7 overcu oak p 100 Med-Hi h VP7 overcu oak P 130 Hi h VP7 overcup oak p 35 Low VP7 overcu oak p 105 Med-Hi h VP7 bald cypress p 100 Med-Hi h VP8 bald cypress p 130 High W Marston Veaetation Plot - Planted Tree Data Plot ID Common Name Volunteer or Planted Height Revised Planted Vigor Notes VP8 bald cypress P 130 High VP8 bald cypress P 110 Med-Hi h VP8 black um P 30 Low VP8 black um P 35 Low VP8 bald cypress P 65 Med VP8 bald cypress P 95 Med-Hi h VP8 bald cypress P 65 Med VP8 black um P 35 Low VP8 bald cypress P 100 Med-Hi h VP8 bald cypress P 130 High VP8 bald cypress P 120 High VP8 black um P 50 Med-Low VP8 bald cypress P 150 High VP8 bald cypress P 155 High VP8 bald cypress P 115 High VP8 bald cypress P 110 Med-Hi h VP8 bald cypress P 120 High VP8 bald cypress P 120 High VP8 bald cypress P 110 Med-Hi h VP8 bald cypress P 110 Med-Hi h VP8 bald cypress P 130 High VP8 bald cypress P 95 Med-Hi h VP8 bald cypress P 60 Med-Low VP8 bald cypress P 55 Med-Low VP8 willow oak P 15 Low VP8 black um P 25 Low VP8 black um P 35 Low VP8 black um P 35 Low Browse damage VP8 bald cypress P 50 Med-Low VP8 black um P 25 Low VP8 black um P 40 Low VP8 overcu oak P 60 Med-Low VP8 swam chestnut oak P 105 Med-Hi h VP8 overcu oak P 115 High VP8 swam chestnut oak P 35 Low VP8 willow oak P 85 Med VP8 swam chestnut oak P 45 Med-Low V108 swam chestnut oak P 35 Low VP8 black um P 40 Low NCDA Soil Test O TY `''.saw ' / l ? 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