HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0009772_Monitoring - 09-2020_20201030FORM: NDMR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORWG REPORT (NDMR) Page _of Permit No.: W00009772 1 Facility Name: Monterey Shores WWfP County: CuRRuck Month: September Year: 2020 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point ❑rnmea QL19mm ❑Nofb ,,e rei Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑lawK 21rmoem ❑GmundwaurW no ❑sunamwafa Parameter Cole 60050 00310 DOW 31616 00610 00626 WIM 00600 D040D 00665 703W ON30 OOD76 O O Fy d O ° O S ato m= w Ye O r 02 n c€ Q. ago'_ D ev H g s 2441r hea GPD mg& mg/L M/100 mL mg& mglL mg& mg/L su mglL mg/L mg& NTU 1 05.00 9 2W,000 0.811 2 04:00 9 W7,OW <2 <1 0.9 2.1 5.38 7.5 7.13 0.53 Q.5 0.789 3 05:OD 9 381,000 0.987 4 05:W 14 264,0W F I 0.491 6 13:10 1.25 279,OW 0.417 8 W:DD 9 2]6,000 0.342 7 06:00 12 293,000 0.337 8 05:00 9 261,OW 2 <7 0.2 1.3 126 2.7 724 0,17 2.5 0.161 9 05:00 9 241,DW 0.171 10 09:10 5 241,000 0.188 11 05:W 5 219,OW 0.191 12 O6W 11 164,OW 0.166 13 08:W 9 g6,OW 0.171 14 06:30 9 256,OW 0.188 16 OBW 9 240,OW <2 <1 W.2 1.2 0.25 1.5 7.06 0,13 <2.5 0.171 16 09:00 8 235,000 O.1D3 17 05:W 9 221,OW 0.121 18 05:30 7 2]1,OW 0.178 19 08W 2.5 284,000 0.141 20 07:40 4 243,000 0.185 21 05:W 9 234,001) 12 <1 <02 1.1 3.64 4.8 7.16 0.19 <2.5 0.175 22 0500 9 210,000 0.188 23 W:W 9 - 276,OW 0.192 24 05.00 9 238,OW 0.198 25 08:00 4 261,000 1 D.178 26 08:30 2 280,0W 0.177 27 WA5 2 2t10,0D0 0.18 28 05:W 9 258,OW 0.179 29 05:00 9 237,000 <2 <1 <0.2 1.4 0.09 1.5 7.16 0.58 <2s 0.18 90 09:W 1 9 199,OW 0.177 91 Average: 250.567 0.40 1.00 022 1,42 2.12 3.60 0.32 D.W 0.27 DarlY Maximum: 387,W0 2.00 1.W 0.90 2.10 5.38 7.50 7.24 0.58 2.50 0.0 Deity Minimum: 96,OW 2.W I 0.20 /.10 0.09 1.50 7.06 0.13 2.50 0.10 Sampling Type: Recorder Cmnpoeaa Compmye Grab Cmnpoaie Compoede Compm6e Compoate Conpos0a CompmN CompaSite Composite Recoder Monthly Avg. Limit: 580,320 10 14 4 10 4 2 5 Daily Limit: 15 25 8 6-9 10 10 Sample Frequency: Cmlinuwa w W 3x Year Weekly WBaNy WeekN WmkN Weekly WeelcN W«kN 3XYeer Weekly Camimwrm FORM: NDMR 1D13 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page —of Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Gary Schwartz Name: Environmental Chemists, Oc. #3779/DWQ Cart #94 Name: Travis Tucker Name: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina/Eastern Rgn Cert# 5162 Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? O mm amt ❑ Non-ruaelbd If the facility is non<ompllant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the bellity v rot in compliance. Provide In your explanation the date(s) of the rsv c nhplwnce and describe the corrective action(.) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Ce tifioation Permitiee Certification ORC: Travis Tucker permutes: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina Certification No.: 1002180 Signing Official: Dana HIII Grade: 4 Phone Number: 252-256-1190 Signing Official's Title: Regional Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ra Q+na Phone Number. 252-269-2W - - PermRErrylrmon� 4t302021 Signature Date By Nis slQrsWre. I ceNry she Ns report's exrate and.0. M the me d I knolknW, Mall Original and Tiro Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 276994617 Signature Nis tW WR I my knoal 1aa aM Wiser, tme ac .*. and compHe I am (else mtormatwr. veWdlne tdepamld9lq ormez aM Imprhanmarcror wxlm hwdiars. FORM: NDMR 10A3 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _ or_ Permlt No.: WO0009772 Facility Name: Montemy Shores WWTP county: Culrituck Month: September Year: 2020 PPI: 002 Flow Measuring Point: ❑bNuent DeNumt 014olbwgenemm4 Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑bMuml ❑Murat [] Gusnuwamr laaadr, ❑GwlsewaW Parameter Cade - WOW W310 00880 WSW 31616 00610 W620 00800 W400 Gum 703W NMOC awls O a K O o Y �0 of o F 3 .2 pE &g 5 Q & oe n o afr 12 a u oUs ho ~ M O 244ir hre GPD mg/L mglL mg& #100m1. MG& mg/L mg/L su MWI. mg/L Yes/No m 1 05:00 9 252,0W 0.811 2 04:00 9 337,O100 <2 <1 0.6 0.24 1.4 6.W 0.61 0.789 3 05:00 9 381,OW 0.987 4 05:00 14 264,OW 0.491 5 13:10 1.25 279,OW 0.417 8 13:10 9 275,000 0.342 7 06:00 12 293,0W 0.337 8 05:w 9 261,000 <2 <i 0.7 0.13 1.5 6.93 018 0.161 9 05:00 9 241,00 0.171 1a 09:10 5 241,00 0.188 11 05:00 5 219,OW 0.191 12 W:W 11 184,000 0.166 13 08:00 9 96,000 0.171 14 W:30 9 256,W0 0.188 16 06:00 9 240,O1V <2 <1 0.6 <0.02 1 6.87 1 0.79 1 0.171 Is 09:00 8 2W.W0 0.1W 17 05:00 9 221,000 0,121 19 05:30 7 "271,00 0.118 19 08:w 2.5 284,0W 0A41 20 07:40 4 243,01M) 0.185 21 05:00 9 234,000 <2 <i 0.6 0.23 1.4 6.88 0.63 0.175 22 05:00 9 210,00 0.188 23 05:W 9 276,000 0,192 24 05:00 9 236,000 0.198 26 08:00 4 2W,OW 0.176 i W:30 2 2W.000 0.177 27 W:45 2 280,000 0.18 28 05:W 9 258,O00 0.179 29 05:00 9 230.W0 12 <7 0.6 <0.02 1.2 6.92 0.91 0.18 30 09:00 9 199,000 0.177 31 Average: 250,567 O.W 1.1m G62 0.12 1.30 0.78 0.27 Dairy Maximum: 381,0w 2.W 1.W 070 0.24 1.50 6.93 0.91 0.99 DaBy Minimum: 96,w0 2.W 1.00 0.60 0.02 i.w 6.87 0.61 0.10 9emp6ng Type: Re ., Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab grab Grab Remr4ar Mm ly AW.Limit. 2W 1.5 10 SW Dairy Limit: 6.".5 10 Sample Frequency: C huouaj Weeltly 3x Veer 3xYear Weeky Wedrry W wy Weekly Weekly Weeky 3x Veet Mnualry Commugus FORM: NOMR 1413 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _of_ Sampling Penitents) Certified Laboratorles Name: Gary Schwartz Name: Environmental Chemists, Ibc. #3779/DWQ Cart#94 Name: Travis Tucker Name: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina/Eastern Rgn Carl# 5162 Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? El tomrllaa ❑ Boteunla m If the facility is nonoompllant, please explain in the space bekwthe reason(s) the facility was not In compliance. Provide In your explanation the date(s) of the non-comdlande and readable the corrective acdon(s) taken. AaaM additional sheets if nece haarv. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Travis Tucker Permittee: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina Certification No.: 1002180 signing Official: Dana Hill Grade: 4 Phone Number: 252-256-1190 Signing Official's Title: Regional Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ve; C;� Phone Number 252-269-2540 Permk Expiration: 4/30/2021 l Oz SiBrainre Date Signature Date By Mls agrome, I cmAfy Nat me repertka¢urnateand crmares b tie tlrst N tin 1.1se, Idonry, underpely uftrx, that Nis dodumentand all attazlmen5vxve prepared unuermy dreclionorsurrervKronM eccoMercev.Yllra eyAem nraigneltoassum Nalell quash] persmnel pmpaly �[Mretl endewlwted Na Infumetlgn eubrithad Based on mynquoyethe pars.,or permnsy manwa Ne ayshm, orrosepelsms dneplly reepmaae for m �Nirg the IrdormeYon, the Mormalion submitetl is, tithe ded M my knd.lad a am hehof, true, armed. and complate.I am ene NA there are siorho M parades for eWmlMg hlaa information, imuWast the pueblo m Mes am imprtunment rm knowo Waiatinrs, Mall Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 77699-1617 FORM: NDAR-210-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Page _of P.MNO.: W00009772 Fxility Name: Monterey Shore WWTP County: Currituck Month: September Year. 2020 Did infiltration occur at Site Name: 1A Site Name: 1B Site Name: Site Name: this facility? Area (acres): 1.23 (acres): 1 Area laerea): Am(acres): tts NO Rafe(GPDMtr): 7.42 Rate(GPD/Nt): 7.42 Rate(GPIOffI): Rate (GPDM): Weather FreebmaN Sitelnfilhale? E]m ❑NO Site lnignatetl? (wjm NO Sitalnfillmted? ❑YES ❑NO Siteinfiltmtetl? ❑m ❑NO m E n c n m on m4 n E.94'EO �g 2 E.S 3n m� E- 2£ pS aG 7i K E- DF S mOc Jg E.� 7i m E ap S �O 1 In N fi gal min GPDAtr fi gal min GPD/flr N gal min GPow R gal min GPDtfe It i PC 80 0 34 102,OOD 1.9D 102,000 2.34 2 PC 80 0 34 102,000 1.90 102,OW 23 3 PC 83 0 34 101,570 1.89 101,50D 2.33 4 PC 83 0 34 101,500 1.89 101,500 2.33 6 C 79 0 34 101,500 1.89 101,500 2.33 6 C 74 0 34 101,5M 1.89 101,500 2.33 7 C 75 0 34 101,500 1.89 101,500 2.33 8 C 75 0 34 1015M 1.W >4 MOOD 2.32 >4 9 PC 77 1.4 34 101,0OD 1.89 101,000 2.32 10 R 77 0.6 34 100,ODO 1.87 100,000 2.30 11 PC 78 0 34 99,W0 1.86 99,500 2.28 12 CL 75 0 34 94,5DD 1.76 94,500 2.17 13 R 75 0 34 49,000 0.91 49,000 1.12 14 CL 74 0 34 99,W0 1.85 99,000 2.27 16 CL 73 0 34 98,5W 1.84 >4 96,500 2.26 >4 10 CL 75 0 34 98,500 1.84 %,500 2.26 17 R 76 2 34 96,000 1.83 ge'M 2.25 18 R 77 0.2 34 98,OW 1.83 98,000 2.25 16 CL 68 0 34 97,5DO 1.82 97,500 2.24 20 PC 67 0 34 97,500 1.82 97,500 2.24 21 CL 66 0 34 97,500 1.82 >4 97,500 2.24 >4 22 CL W 0 34 96,OW 1.79 W,000 2.20 23 PC 62 0 34 95,500 1.78 95,500 2.19 24 PC Bd 0 34 95,1%p 1.]] 85,000 2.18 0 PC 72 0.1 34 85,000 1,77 0,000 2.18 28 CL 68 0.6 34 95,000 1.77 95,000 2.18 27 C 89 0 34 95,000 1.77 95,DD0 2.18 28 C 70 0 34 94,000 1.75 94,000 2.16 29 C 73 0.5 34 84,000 1.75 >4 94,000 2.16 >4 30 C SB 0 34 84,000 1,75 W,000 2.16 31 34 Monihl Load GPD/ Yeartu qte Loa,in (GPD/flr: 1.80 15.99 221 10.94 #DNNI #DIV/0! FORM: NDAR-210-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) page_ of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? If not a basin, were there any instances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? If a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? Was the onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operational? IE rumpliart ❑ Nan.C.Pleat O consent ❑ Nancaapaea pp wnptant ❑ Nammmpher Q mmplNrc ❑ N.C.Pleat I] Compliant ❑ Nan-mmoant If the facility is norvcompllam, please explain In the apace below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. provide In your explanation the datea) of the noncompliance and describe the corrective Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification to rmithee Certification ORC: Travis Tucker Fermihee: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC Certification No.: 10021M Signing Official: Dana Hill Grade: 4 Phone Number. 252-256-1190 Signing Oftiars This: Regional Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-2? ❑ vas 2 No Phone Number: 252-269-2540 Permh Exp.: 4130/21 Signature Date Signature Dale By Masgreture,Iced"ItNa repone saaamseM cwnpefetic to wad myMwAetlge. canny, antler pemMy Mlew.N,alnlls tlocuneM antlat attachmme rare pe{ared afar mydeection wsupereNon Ina¢oMerse toassumthel qualdetle.yanael po{eM9alM1er J aM ¢vaWabi Me IMannAbn suhnitt�. Besetl on my vit air vWiryarthe{ersm m pvawc vfiomeneretta sycandlans,tru, rs a, nd dthdpeacan n iManneem auMMeduiotabests mpen, larnaetsrin9themana aga ca rnnato incanduth,asc"¢arrasantlecmpmonamavnretlatterearesgntiwn[ pereXles farwhmitlFg h6a idonretbn, incluBnpte pwsidlltyafrnes and ImpiemmeMfw k,rovirylvidamns Mall Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617