HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-3330 (4)Elizabeth Brady Road Extension Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Welcome to the interactive CD ROM of the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). An exact replica of DEIS document is provided-in its entirety-on this CD ROM. If you are unfamiliar with CD ROM technology, please review "How to Use this Document" information below. The public often finds the size and amount of information contained in an Environmental Impact Statement overwhelming. The contents of the document are, however, required to provide information of interest to the general public, and also that required by law, desired by federal and state resource agencies, and of concern to special interest groups. When reviewing the DEIS, begin with the Summary. It is presented first and contains the overview of the contents and key issues. The Summary is followed by a detailed table of contents, which can help direct you to sections of particular interest to you. At the end of the document, an index can help you locate discussions of specific topics. Chapter 1 presents the purpose and need for the project. Chapter 2 provides a broad discussion of the corridors including a detailed history on the development of the alternatives. Within this chapter, each of the detailed study alternatives is described as well as their ability to serve the project's purpose. Chapter 3 discusses the existing conditions in the project area. Topics include neighborhood and community issues, historic resources, ecological resources, air quality and noise. Chapter 4 contains a discussion of the project environmental impacts including community impacts, visual and aesthetics quality, historic resources, noise, ecological impacts, and construction impacts. Finally, Chapter 5 presents the Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation and the three section 4(f) resources within the vicinity of the project. Draft Environmental Impact Statement Cover Summary Project Commitments Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Purpose of and Need for Action Chapter 2 - Alternatives Considered Chapter 3 - Affected Environment Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences Chapter 5 - Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation Chapter 6 - List of Preparers Chapter 7 - List of Recipients Chapter 8 - Comments and Coordination Chapter 9 - References Appendix A - Agency Correspondence Appendix B - Notice of Intent Appendix C - Relocation Report Appendix D - Farmland Rating Sheet Index How to Use This Document The Draft EIS document is presented on this CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat format which offers: enhanced navigation options, text searching, zooming, printing, and saving. If your system doesn't currently have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, you can install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader at no cost from the internet. If your system does have Acrobat Reader, you can proceed directly to the Draft EIS report.