HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201196 Ver 1_AR17-12-0007NoSitesPresent_20201028 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 34 17-12-0007 NO NATIONAL REGISTE R O F HISTORIC PLACES ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: R-5737 County: Davidson WBS No: 50195.1.1 Document: MCC F.A. No: na Funding: State Federal Federal Permit Required? Yes No Permit Type: NWP Project Description: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division 9 intends to convert the at-grade intersection at Business I-85/US 29/US 70 and SR 1798, Old Greensboro Road, into an interchange. The proposed APE encompasses an approximate 107.5-acre (43.5-hectare) area. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the project’s area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Prior to commencement of the field survey, Environmental Corporation of America (ECA) conducted a background literature review to identify previously recorded cultural resources, including archaeological sites, features, or historic structures within the APE of the proposed undertaking. Sources reviewed included the files at the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA), the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the North Carolina Historic Preservation Office (NC SHPO) GIS service, the 1950, revised 1994, Lexington East, NC topographic map, and aerial photographs. This review revealed that the archaeological site 31DV91 lies within the proposed APE and site 31DV420 is recorded immediately outside the APE. Site 31DV91 was reported by an amateur archaeology enthusiast in 1977 and was recorded at the Research Laboratories of Archaeology (RLA) of the University of North Carolina at Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 34 17-12-0007 Chapel Hill as site 31DV24. The site form for that resource reveals little information beyond its status as unassessed for the NRHP. Archival information maintained by RLA reveals that the site is reported as representing Early Archaic (Palmer), Middle Archaic, and Late Woodland cultural phases. One artifact is recorded in the collection at RLA: a ground stone atlatl weight that was recovered from the surface of the site. Site 31DV420 is recorded on the state site form as a site exhibiting projectile points and debitage. The site form reports that the site was also recorded by an amateur with the RLA (as site 31DV46), but no record in the site catalogue or specimen catalogue was relocated. A 349-acre archaeological survey for Davidson Landfill identified 16 archaeological sites (primarily prehistoric) across landforms south of the project’s APE that compare favorably with those found in the current APE. None of these sites, however, were considered archaeologically significant (Hargrove 1990). ECA does note that several historic properties [Pilgram Parsonage (DV0352), the Study-listed Alexander Caldeleugh House (DV0389), the Henry J Conrad House (DV0390), the Sugar Grove One-Room Schoolhouse site (DV0855), and the Mathias Sink House (DV0391)] are located within a .5-mile radius of the undertaking but outside the APE. No archaeological components associated with these historic properties were encountered during the course of this survey. On March 12th through March 16th, 2018, ECA completed an intensive archaeological survey within the APE, located along the at-grade intersection at Business I-85/US 29/US 70 and SR 1798, Old Greensboro Road, Davidson County. A pedestrian survey was conducted by visual inspection of exposed ground surfaces throughout the project APE in conjunction with systematic shovel testing. Ground surface visibility was less than 10% throughout the majority of the project area. Shovel testing was completed at 100-foot (30-meter) intervals to survey for potential archaeological resources within the project APE. The proposed project area is oriented in a general northeast/southwest direction. A total of 28 transects were surveyed. All shovel tests measured approximately 16 inches by 16 inches (41 cm by 41 cm) and were excavated into known sterile subsoils for the project area. All soils were screened through a six - millimeter wire mesh archaeology screen to isolate any cultural artifacts. All shovel tests were backfilled. Through ECA’s archaeological investigations, one previously unrecorded archaeological site (31DV761**) was identified (Table 1, Figure 20 and 25). Site 31DV761** consisted of one positive shovel test, shovel test 34 located within Transect 7 (STP7-34), which contained one round wire-cut nail and one shard of colorless windowpane glass. STP 7-34 was located near a standing structure identified on the 1950 Lexington East, NC USGS topographic map, confirming the structure as over 45 years old. Therefore, ECA believed that the shovel test could represent a potential historic site, and delineated STP7-34 at 50-foot (15-meter) intervals. All delineated shovel test pits were negative for cultural materials. Additionally, the only positive shovel test in the project area was at least 200 feet (61 meters) away from the standing structure, while shovel test in closer proximity were negative. STP7-34 was located next to a push-pile and soils appeared to be disturbed in profile. Therefore, ECA is of the opinion that the previously unrecorded archaeological site, 31DV761** does not retain sufficient integrity to demonstrate their potential significance to important research questions concerning the history or prehistory of the area, as required by criterion D of the NHPA (Table1). Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 34 17-12-0007 Table 1. Summary of Archaeological Findings SHPO ID Site Type ECA Recommendations 31DV761** 20th century historic homestead Not Eligible Physical Setting Geologically, the project area is located within the Piedmont physiographic region of North Carolina. The APE is characterized by wooded areas, maintained grass-covered ROW, residential and commercial development, and maintained grass -covered residential lawn. According to the USDA Web Soil Survey, soils located within the APE (see Table 2) consist of Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded (ChA), Enon fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (EnB), Enon fine sandy loam 8 to 15 percent slopes (EnD), Enon-Urban land complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes (EuB), Mecklenburg loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (MeB), Mecklenburg loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes (MeD), Poindexter-Wynott complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes (PnB), Poindexter-Wynott complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes (PnD), Poindexter-Wynott compex, 15 to 25 percent slopes (PnE), and Sedgefield sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (SfB). Landforms exhibiting slope may have eroded and/or deflated soils, and alluvial soils may be frequently flooded (USDA Soil Survey 2017). Table 2: Soil Series Information Mapped Soil Type Soil Series Symbol Soil Series Description Typical Subsoil Depth Below Surface Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded ChA The Chewacla series consists of very deep, somewhat poorly drained, very shallow to moderately deep soils 4-14 inches (10-36 cm) Enon-Urban land complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes EuB The Enon series consists of very deep, well drained, slowly permeable soils on ridgetops and side slopes in the Piedmont 11-21 inches (28-53 cm) Enon fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes EnB The Enon series consists of very deep, well drained, slowly permeable soils on ridgetops and side slopes in the Piedmont 11-21 inches (28-53 cm) Enon fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes EnD Sedgefield sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes SfB The Sedgefield series consists of very deep, somewhat poorly drained, slowly permeable soils 13-23 inches (33-58 cm) Mecklenburg loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes MeB The Mecklenburg series consists of very deep, well drained, slowly permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered from intermediate and mafic crystalline rocks of the Piedmont uplands 8-17 inches (20-43 cm) Mecklenburg loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes MeD Poindexter-Wynott complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes PnB The Poindexter series are moderately deep to weathered 12-18 inches (30-46 cm) Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4 of 34 17-12-0007 Mapped Soil Type Soil Series Symbol Soil Series Description Typical Subsoil Depth Below Surface Poindexter-Wynott complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes PnD bedrock and are well drained. They formed in residuum from basic rocks or a mixture of basic and acidic rocks The Wynott series consists of moderately deep, well drained soils with slow permeability. They formed in residuum from gabbro, diorite, and other dark colored mafic rocks. These soils are on uplands in the Piedmont 14-24 inches (36-61 cm) Poindexter-Wynott complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes PnE Results The project area was organized into 28 transects (see Figures 21-24). Transects 3-9 and 13-18 were conducted parallel to the southeast side of Business I-85/US 29/US 70 (Figure 22 and 24). Transect 7 was conducted the entire length of the project area, immediately adjacent to Business I-85/US 29/US 70 (Figure 23). Transects 19-23 roughly paralleled South Old Greensboro Road, extending southward from Business I-85/US 29/US 70 (Figure 23). Transect 1 paralleled the northwest side of Business I-85/US 29/US 70, extending northwest and north, parallel to the west of North Old Greensboro Road (Figures 21-24). Transect 2 paralleled a smaller section of Business I-85/US 29/US 70 and North Old Greensboro Road to the west of Transect 1 (Figures 21-23). Transects 10-12 paralleled the east side of North Old Greensboro Road (Figures 21 and 22). Transects 24-28 extended from the eastern side of Transect 10 (which was used as a baseline) to the northeastern edge of the project area, traversing parallel to the northern side of Business I-85/US 29/US 70 (Figures 21 and 22). Four additional shovel test pits were conducted to delineate the positive shovel test pit 34 on Transect 7 (STP 7 -34). No other artifacts were uncovered for the duration of the survey. During the initial planning phase, ECA estimated excavating 460 shovel tests based on the project acreage. However, upon mapping the shovel test pits in GIS we determined 418 shovel tests would be an adequate sampling of the project area. During our field work, 154 of those shovel test pits were omitted due to the presence of standing water, streams, highly saturated soils, buried utilities, slopes greater than twenty percent, disturbed soils, property owner refusal, and impenetrable gravel or asphalt drives. In addition, 64 shovel turns were substituted for shovel tests due to disturbed ROW, commercial development, and disturbed or non-native soils (see Figure 5). One hundred and ninety-nine shovel tests were negative. One shovel test was positive for historic artifacts (see Tables 3 and 4) and was delineated as site 31DV761**. During our delineations for 31DV761**, we excavated three additional shovel tests that were negative and omitted three shovel tests because of slopes greater than 20 percent and the presence of Business I-85/US 29/US 70. Due to the inundated nature of soils near Abbots Creek, ECA also performed one auger test towards the southwestern end of Transect 7 to probe for buried A or E soil horizons. No buried A or E soil horizons were detected and soil layers matched the general Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 5 of 34 17-12-0007 characteristics for soils mapped within the area. No additional auger tests were performed (see Table 6). 31DV761** Site Number: 31DV761** Temporary Number: LTD-01 UTM (WGS84 Zone 18): Easting 573276 Northing 3968592 Site Size: 707 square-meters Components: late-19th to mid-20th century historic Landform: Upland flats Elevation: 748 ft amsl Types of Disturbances: Partial demolition Extent of Disturbances: Unknown NRHP Recommendation: Not eligible During the course of excavations within the project area, one shovel test (STP7-34) was positive for historic cultural materials during subsurface excavations along Transect 7 (see figure 25). An additional three shovel tests were conducted during the delineation of the site. One delineation shovel test (400N/500E) was omitted due to slope. Two shovel tests pits were omitted to the north of STP7-34 due to the presence of Business I-85/US 29 /US 70. Ground surface visibility was near zero percent throughout the site and no additional artifacts were identified through a surface pedestrian survey. The site is located in a wooded area towards the top of a ridge overlooking Business I-85/US 29/US 70 to the north (Figures 11 through 14). A push pile is located to the southwest of STP 7- 34 (Figure 11). A collapsing residential structure is located approximately 200 feet northwest of the positive shovel test, with four outbuildings in the vicinity: three sheds and a partially collapsed trailer (Figures 15-18). The structures are located within the project APE, but none of the shovel test pits excavated adjacent to the standing structures were positive for artifacts or features (Figure 22). A total of one wire cut nail and one colorless glass fragment were recovered from one shovel test (STP7-34) (Table 4 and Figure 19). All artifacts were recovered from a soil horizon characterized as a 2.5Y 4/6 (olive brown) mottled with a 10YR 5/4 (yellowish brown) sandy clay loam with artifacts encountered at a depth ranging from 3 to 21 inches (8-53 cm). The first two soil levels uncovered in this area appeared to match mottled soils for the Poindexter and Wynott series that have been disturbed by erosion and land clearing activities, which created the push- pile to the west of STP7-34 (500N/500E). The shovel test was terminated after reaching known subsoils. No additional artifacts or features were encountered. Artifacts indicate a late-19th to mid-20th century occupation at the site (Table 4). The Lexington East, NC USGS Topographic Map (1950) (Figure 20) shows a structure located approximately 200 feet northeast of the site in the approximate location of the aforementioned existing residence. During the site visit we encountered several outbuildings in addition to the residence, including three wooden sheds and a trailer. All buildings were in poor condition. On site observations revealed the presence of numerous glass shards, metal fragments, and pieces of plastic modern trash on the ground surface near the buildings, as well as farm equipment Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 6 of 34 17-12-0007 adjacent to the north side of the primary residential structure. Shovel tests conducted near the location of the existing residence and the location of the outbuildings were negative for historic artifacts. The one positive shovel test was located approximately 200 feet (61 meters) southwest of the structures and was located next to a push-pile at the top of a rise overlooking a drainage. Due to the presence of the nearby push pile and the disturbed nature of the soils in the one positive shovel test, ECA believes that the few uncovered cultural remains are not in-situ. Site 31DV761** exhibits a low artifact density and diversity with a site size limited to less than 700 square meters. Given this lack of significance and integrity, ECA believes the site is not eligible for inclusion to the NRHP and no further work is recommended. Table 3. Shovel Test Pit Results for 31DV761** Shovel Test Pit (STP) STP Width/Length Munsell Color/Texture Average Depths Between Inches cm STP7-34 (500N/500E) 16"x16" (41cm x 41cm) 10YR 4/3 (brown) loam 0-3 0-8 2.5Y 4/6 (olive brown) mottled with 10YR 5/4 (yellowish brown) sandy clay loam* *artifacts found in this level 3-21 8-53 7.5YR 5/8 (strong brown) clay 21-26 53-66 500N/450E 16"x16" (41cm x 41cm) 10YR 4/3 (brown) loam 0-2 0-5 2.5Y 5/6 (light olive brown) sandy loam 2-10 5-25 7.5YR 5/6 (strong brown) clay 10-15 25-38 Shovel Test Pit (STP) STP Width/Length Munsell Color/Texture Average Depths Between Inches cm 450N/500E 16"x16" (41cm x 41cm) 10YR 4/3 (brown) loam 0-3 0-8 2.5Y 5/6 (light olive brown) sandy loam 3-17 8-43 10YR 5/8 (yellowish brown) clay 17-20 43-51 400N/500E 16"x16" (41cm x 41cm) No dig due to slopes >20% 500N/550E 16"x16" (41cm x 41cm) 10YR 4/3 (brown) sandy loam 0-11 0-28 2.5Y 5/6 (light olive brown) sandy loam 11-19 28-48 10YR 6/8 (brownish yellow) sandy clay 19-25 48-64 550N/500E and 600N/500E 16"x16" (41cm x 41cm) No dig due to the presence of Business I-85/US 29 /US 70 Table 4: Artifacts Recovered During Subsurface Investigations of 31DV761** Artifact Location Artifact Type Artifact Amount Date Range Depth of Recovery STP7-34 Colorless window pane glass 1 ~1915-present 3-21” (8-53cm) STP7-34 Round, wire-cut nail 1 ~1900-present 3-21” (8-53cm) The intensive archaeological survey revealed both disturbed and intact soils throughout the APE. Intact soils matched the general characteristics for soils mapped within the APE. No artifacts or Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 7 of 34 17-12-0007 cultural features were observed within the APE during the surface survey outside of 31DV761**, which ECA above determined to be ineligible. All other shovel tests were negative (see Table 5). Autumn DuBois, MA, RPA Principal Investigator with ECA, recommends no further archaeological investigations for the proposed interchange located at the current at-grade intersection at Business I-85/US 29/US 70 and SR 1798, Old Greensboro Road in Davidson County. Mrs. DuBois concludes that the proposed improvements will not impact any significant archaeological resources. References Cited: Hargrove, T. H. 1990 An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of the Davidson County Landfill, Lexington Vicinity, Davidson County, North Carolina. Ms. on file, Office of State Archaeology, North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Raleigh. USDA Soil Survey 2017 Web Soil Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm. Accessed March, 2018. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Map(s) Previous Survey Info Photos Correspondence Signed: May 7, 2018 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Date Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 8 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 1: Southerly View of Business I-85/US 29/US 70 Bridge over Abbots Creek from Transect 1. Figure 2: Northwesterly View of APE from Old US Highway 20 towards the intersection of Old US Highway 29 and Business I-85/US 29/US 70. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 9 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 3: Northeasterly View of Transect 1 towards Old Greensboro Road. Figure 4: Southwesterly View of Transect 12 towards the intersection of Old Greensboro Road and Business I-85/US 29/US 70. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 10 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 5: Southwesterly View of Transect 26. Figure 6: Northeasterly View of Transect 7. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 11 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 7: Northeasterly View of Transect 7 and the intersection of Business I-85/US 29/US 70 and South Old Greensboro Road. Figure 8: Northeasterly View of Transect 22 along South Old Greensboro Road. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 12 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 9: Southwesterly View of Transect 18. Figure 10: Southwesterly View of Transect 16 and Old Highway 29. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 13 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 11: Northeasterly View of 31DV761** and nearby push pile. Figure 12: Southwesterly View from 31DV761**. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 14 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 13: Southeasterly View from 31DV761**. Figure 14: Northeasterly View from 31DV761** of outbuilding related to residential structure to the northeast. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 15 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 15: Westerly View of Abandoned Residential Structure located approximately 200 feet (61 meters) from 31DV761**. Figure 16: Southeasterly View of Collapsed Trailer adjacent to Abandoned Residential Structure. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 16 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 17: Northwesterly View of Two Outbuildings related to Abandoned Residential Structure. Figure 18: Southwesterly View of Outbuilding related to Abandoned Residential Structure. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 17 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 19: Artifacts Uncovered from Shovel Test Pit 7-34, Site 31DV761**. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 18 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 20: Topographic Map of Project Area. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 19 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 21: Site 31DV761** Topographic Map Detail. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 20 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 22: Northeastern Section Shovel Test Pit Map. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 21 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 23: North Central Section Shovel Test Pit Map. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 22 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 24: South Central Section Shovel Test Pit Map. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 23 of 34 17-12-0007 Figure 25: Southwestern Section Shovel Test Pit Map. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 24 of 46 17-12-0007 Figure 26: Site 31DV761** Map. Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 25 of 46 17-12-0007 Table 5: Shovel Test Pit Table Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 1 1 Negative 35.8536 -80.1975 STP 1-1 1 2 No Test Possible 35.8537 -80.1973 STP 1-2 disturbed 1 3 Negative 35.8538 -80.1972 STP 1-3 1 4 No Test Possible 35.8538 -80.1971 STP 1-4 surface water 1 5 No Test Possible 35.8540 -80.1968 STP 1-5 utilities 1 6 No Test Possible 35.8542 -80.1966 STP 1-6 utilities 1 7 No Test Possible 35.8543 -80.1963 STP 1-7 utilities 1 8 No Test Possible 35.8545 -80.1960 STP 1-8 utilities 1 9 No Test Possible 35.8546 -80.1958 STP 1-9 pavement 1 10 Shovel Turn 35.8548 -80.1955 STP 1-10 disturbed non-native soils 1 11 Negative 35.8550 -80.1952 STP 1-11 1 12 No Test Possible 35.8552 -80.1949 STP 1-12 gravel under grass 1 13 Shovel Turn 35.8553 -80.1947 STP 1-13 disturbed soils 1 14 Shovel Turn 35.8555 -80.1944 STP 1-14 disturbed non-native soils 1 15 No Test Possible 35.8557 -80.1941 STP 1-15 slope 1 16 No Test Possible 35.8559 -80.1939 STP 1-16 gravel 1 17 Negative 35.8560 -80.1936 STP 1-17 1 18 Negative 35.8562 -80.1933 STP 1-18 1 19 No Test Possible 35.8564 -80.1931 STP 1-19 slope 1 20 Negative 35.8565 -80.1928 STP 1-20 1 21 Shovel Turn 35.8567 -80.1925 STP 1-21 disturbed non-native soils 1 22 Negative 35.8569 -80.1923 STP 1-22 1 23 Shovel Turn 35.8571 -80.1920 STP 1-23 disturbed non-native soils 1 24 Negative 35.8572 -80.1917 STP 1-24 1 25 Shovel Turn 35.8574 -80.1915 STP 1-25 disturbed non-native soils 1 26 Shovel Turn 35.8576 -80.1912 STP 1-26 disturbed non-native soils 1 27 Negative 35.8578 -80.1910 STP 1-27 1 28 Shovel Turn 35.8580 -80.1907 STP 1-28 disturbed non-native soils 1 29 Negative 35.8581 -80.1905 STP 1-29 1 30 Shovel Turn 35.8583 -80.1901 STP 1-30 disturbed non-native soils 1 31 Negative 35.8585 -80.1898 STP 1-31 1 32 Shovel Turn 35.8587 -80.1896 STP 1-32 disturbed non-native soils 1 33 Shovel Turn 35.8588 -80.1893 STP 1-33 disturbed non-native soils 1 34 Shovel Turn 35.8590 -80.1890 STP 1-34 disturbed non-native soils 1 35 Negative 35.8592 -80.1888 STP 1-35 1 36 Shovel Turn 35.8594 -80.1885 STP 1-36 disturbed non-native soils 1 37 Negative 35.8597 -80.1881 STP 1-37 1 38 Shovel Turn 35.8599 -80.1878 STP 1-38 disturbed non-native soils 1 39 Shovel Turn 35.8601 -80.1875 STP 1-39 disturbed non-native soils 1 40 Shovel Turn 35.8603 -80.1872 STP 1-40 disturbed non-native soils 1 41 Shovel Turn 35.8605 -80.1868 STP 1-41 disturbed non-native soils 1 42 No Test Possible 35.8607 -80.1866 STP 1-42 slope 1 43 No Test Possible 35.8609 -80.1863 STP 1-43 slope 1 44 Negative 35.8611 -80.1861 STP 1-44 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 26 of 46 17-12-0007 Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 1 45 No Test Possible 35.8613 -80.1857 STP 1-45 utilities 1 46 Negative 35.8615 -80.1856 STP 1-46 1 47 Negative 35.8619 -80.1855 STP 1-47 1 48 Negative 35.8622 -80.1853 STP 1-48 1 49 Negative 35.8625 -80.1852 STP 1-49 1 50 Negative 35.8627 -80.1851 STP 1-50 1 51 No Test Possible 35.8630 -80.1850 STP 1-51 Gravel 1 52 Shovel Turn 35.8632 -80.1849 STP 1-52 disturbed non-native soils 1 53 No Test Possible 35.8635 -80.1848 STP 1-53 pavement 1 54 Shovel Turn 35.8636 -80.1848 STP 1-54 utilities 1 55 No Test Possible 35.8639 -80.1846 STP 1-55 utilities 1 56 Shovel Turn 35.8642 -80.1846 STP 1-56 disturbed non-native soils 1 57 No Test Possible 35.8644 -80.1845 STP 1-57 Utilities 1 58 Negative 35.8647 -80.1845 STP 1-58 1 59 No Test Possible 35.8649 -80.1844 STP 1-59 utilities 1 60 No Test Possible 35.8652 -80.1843 STP 1-60 Utilities 1 61 No Test Possible 35.8655 -80.1843 STP 1-61 pavement 2 1 Negative 35.8654 -80.1846 STP 2-1 2 2 Negative 35.8651 -80.1847 STP 2-2 2 3 Negative 35.8648 -80.1847 STP 2-3 2 4 No Test Possible 35.8646 -80.1848 STP 2-4 slope 2 5 Negative 35.8643 -80.1849 STP 2-5 2 6 No Test Possible 35.8640 -80.1850 STP 2-6 pavement 2 7 No Test Possible 35.8638 -80.1851 STP 2-7 pavement 2 8 No Test Possible 35.8635 -80.1851 STP 2-8 utilities 2 9 No Test Possible 35.8632 -80.1852 STP 2-9 utilities 2 10 No Test Possible 35.8630 -80.1854 STP 2-10 graveled 2 11 Shovel Turn 35.8627 -80.1854 STP 2-11 Non-native soils/gravel 2 12 Shovel Turn 35.8624 -80.1855 STP 2-12 Non-native soils 2 13 Shovel Turn 35.8621 -80.1856 STP 2-13 Non-native soils/gravel 2 14 No Test Possible 35.8618 -80.1858 STP 2-14 utilities 2 15 No Test Possible 35.8615 -80.1859 STP 2-15 utilities 2 16 No Test Possible 35.8613 -80.1863 STP 2-16 graveled 2 17 Negative 35.8611 -80.1866 STP 2-17 2 18 Shovel Turn 35.8609 -80.1868 STP 2-18 disturbed non-native soils 2 19 Negative 35.8607 -80.1871 STP 2-19 3 1 Negative 35.8600 -80.1831 STP 3-1 3 2 Negative 35.8601 -80.1828 STP 3-2 3 3 Negative 35.8603 -80.1826 STP 3-3 4 1 Negative 35.8612 -80.1829 STP 4-1 4 2 No Test Possible 35.8611 -80.1831 STP 4-2 slope 4 3 Negative 35.8609 -80.1834 STP 4-3 4 4 Negative 35.8607 -80.1836 STP 4-4 4 5 Negative 35.8606 -80.1839 STP 4-5 Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 4 6 Negative 35.8604 -80.1842 STP 4-6 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 27 of 46 17-12-0007 4 7 Negative 35.8602 -80.1844 STP 4-7 4 8 No Test Possible 35.8601 -80.1847 STP 4-8 slope 4 9 Negative 35.8599 -80.1850 STP 4-9 4 10 No Test Possible 35.8597 -80.1853 STP 4-10 slope 4 11 Negative 35.8596 -80.1855 STP 4-11 4 12 Negative 35.8594 -80.1858 STP 4-12 4 13 Negative 35.8592 -80.1860 STP 4-13 4 14 Negative 35.8591 -80.1863 STP 4-14 4 15 Negative 35.8589 -80.1866 STP 4-15 5 1 Negative 35.8592 -80.1867 STP 5-1 5 2 Negative 35.8593 -80.1865 STP 5-2 5 3 Negative 35.8595 -80.1862 STP 5-3 5 4 Negative 35.8597 -80.1859 STP 5-4 5 5 Negative 35.8599 -80.1857 STP 5-5 5 6 No Test Possible 35.8600 -80.1854 STP 5-6 slope 5 7 Negative 35.8602 -80.1851 STP 5-7 5 8 No Test Possible 35.8604 -80.1849 STP 5-8 slope 5 9 Negative 35.8605 -80.1846 STP 5-9 5 10 Negative 35.8607 -80.1844 STP 5-10 5 11 Negative 35.8609 -80.1841 STP 5-11 5 12 Negative 35.8610 -80.1838 STP 5-12 5 13 Negative 35.8612 -80.1836 STP 5-13 5 14 No Test Possible 35.8614 -80.1833 STP 5-14 slope 5 15 Negative 35.8616 -80.1830 STP 5-15 6 1 No Test Possible 35.8595 -80.1868 STP 6-1 pavement 6 2 Negative 35.8596 -80.1866 STP 6-2 6 3 Negative 35.8598 -80.1863 STP 6-3 6 4 Negative 35.8600 -80.1860 STP 6-4 6 5 Negative 35.8601 -80.1858 STP 6-5 6 6 No Test Possible 35.8603 -80.1855 STP 6-6 slope 6 7 No Test Possible 35.8605 -80.1853 STP 6-7 surface water 6 8 No Test Possible 35.8606 -80.1850 STP 6-8 slope 6 9 Negative 35.8608 -80.1847 STP 6-9 6 10 Negative 35.8610 -80.1845 STP 6-10 6 11 Negative 35.8611 -80.1842 STP 6-11 6 12 Negative 35.8613 -80.1840 STP 6-12 6 13 Negative 35.8615 -80.1837 STP 6-13 6 14 Negative 35.8617 -80.1834 STP 6-14 6 15 No Test Possible 35.8618 -80.1832 STP 6-15 slope 6 16 No Test Possible 35.8620 -80.1829 STP 6-16 slope 6 17 No Test Possible 35.8622 -80.1826 STP 6-17 surface water 6 18 No Test Possible 35.8623 -80.1824 STP 6-18 slope 6 19 No Test Possible 35.8625 -80.1821 STP 6-19 slope Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 7 1 No Test Possible 35.8533 -80.1971 STP 7-1 surface water 7 2 Negative 35.8534 -80.1969 STP 7-2 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 28 of 46 17-12-0007 7 3 Negative 35.8536 -80.1966 STP 7-3 7 4 No Test Possible 35.8537 -80.1963 STP 7-4 surface water 7 5 No Test Possible 35.8539 -80.1961 STP 7-5 surface water 7 6 Negative 35.8541 -80.1958 STP 7-6 7 7 No Test Possible 35.8543 -80.1956 STP 7-7 pavement 7 8 Negative 35.8544 -80.1953 STP 7-8 7 9 Negative 35.8546 -80.1950 STP 7-9 7 10 Negative 35.8548 -80.1948 STP 7-10 7 11 Shovel Turn 35.8549 -80.1945 STP 7-11 Subsoil under grass 7 12 Negative 35.8551 -80.1942 STP 7-12 7 13 Shovel Turn 35.8553 -80.1939 STP 7-13 Subsoil under grass 7 14 Negative 35.8554 -80.1937 STP 7-14 7 15 Shovel Turn 35.8556 -80.1934 STP 7-15 Subsoil under grass 7 16 Negative 35.8558 -80.1932 STP 7-16 7 17 Negative 35.8560 -80.1929 STP 7-17 7 18 Negative 35.8561 -80.1926 STP 7-18 7 19 Negative 35.8563 -80.1923 STP 7-19 7 20 Negative 35.8565 -80.1921 STP 7-20 7 21 No Test Possible 35.8566 -80.1918 STP 7-21 slope 7 22 No Test Possible 35.8568 -80.1915 STP 7-22 slope 7 23 Negative 35.8570 -80.1913 STP 7-23 7 24 Negative 35.8572 -80.1910 STP 7-24 7 25 Negative 35.8573 -80.1907 STP -25 7 26 No Test Possible 35.8575 -80.1905 STP 7-26 slope 7 27 Negative 35.8577 -80.1902 STP 7-27 7 28 Negative 35.8578 -80.1899 STP 7-28 7 29 Negative 35.8580 -80.1897 STP 7-29 7 30 Negative 35.8582 -80.1894 STP 7-30 7 31 No Test Possible 35.8583 -80.1892 STP 7-31 slope 7 32 No Test Possible 35.8585 -80.1889 STP 7-32 slope 7 33 No Test Possible 35.8586 -80.1887 STP 7-33 slope 7 34 Positive 35.8588 -80.1884 STP 7-34 7 35 Negative 35.8590 -80.1882 STP 7-35 7 36 Negative 35.8591 -80.1880 STP 7-36 7 37 Negative 35.8592 -80.1878 STP 7-37 7 38 No Test Possible 35.8594 -80.1875 STP 7-38 slope 7 39 No Test Possible 35.8596 -80.1872 STP 7-39 slope 7 40 Negative 35.8597 -80.1870 STP 7-40 7 41 Negative 35.8599 -80.1869 STP 7-41 7 42 No Test Possible 35.8601 -80.1866 STP 7-42 surface water 7 43 Negative 35.8603 -80.1864 STP 7-43 7 44 Negative 35.8604 -80.1860 STP 7-44 Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 7 45 Negative 35.8606 -80.1858 STP 7-45 7 46 Negative 35.8608 -80.1856 STP 7-46 7 47 Negative 35.8609 -80.1854 STP 7-47 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 29 of 46 17-12-0007 7 48 No Test Possible 35.8610 -80.1852 STP 7-48 Pavement 7 49 Negative 35.8612 -80.1849 STP 7-49 7 50 Negative 35.8615 -80.1845 STP 7-50 7 51 Negative 35.8617 -80.1840 STP 7-51 7 52 Negative 35.8619 -80.1836 STP 7-52 7 53 Negative 35.8620 -80.1834 STP 7-53 7 54 Negative 35.8622 -80.1831 STP 7-54 7 55 Negative 35.8624 -80.1828 SPT 7-55 7 56 Negative 35.8626 -80.1825 STP 7-56 7 57 Negative 35.8627 -80.1822 STP 7-57 7 58 No Test Possible 35.8629 -80.1819 STP 7-58 slope 7 59 Negative 35.8631 -80.1817 STP 7-59 7 60 Negative 35.8633 -80.1814 STP 7-60 7 61 Negative 35.8634 -80.1811 STP 7-61 7 62 Negative 35.8635 -80.1808 STP 7-62 7 63 Negative 35.8636 -80.1805 STP 7-63 7 64 Negative 35.8637 -80.1802 STP 7-64 7 65 No Test Possible 35.8639 -80.1799 STP 7-65 slope 7 66 No Test Possible 35.8640 -80.1796 STP 7-66 slope 7 67 Negative 35.8641 -80.1792 STP 7-67 7 68 No Test Possible 35.8642 -80.1789 STP 7-68 slope 7 69 No Test Possible 35.8643 -80.1786 STP 7-69 slope 7 70 No Test Possible 35.8644 -80.1783 STP 7-70 surface water 7 71 Negative 35.8645 -80.1780 STP 7-71 7 72 Negative 35.8646 -80.1777 STP 7-72 7 73 Negative 35.8647 -80.1774 STP 7-73 7 74 No Test Possible 35.8648 -80.1770 STP 7-74 surface water 7 75 No Test Possible 35.8649 -80.1767 STP 7-75 surface water 7 76 Negative 35.8650 -80.1764 STP 7-76 8 1 Negative 35.8605 -80.1828 STP 8-1 8 2 Negative 35.8604 -80.1830 STP 8-2 8 3 Negative 35.8602 -80.1833 STP 8-3 8 4 Negative 35.8601 -80.1836 STP 8-4 8 5 Negative 35.8599 -80.1838 STP 8-5 8 6 No Test Possible 35.8597 -80.1841 STP 8-6 slope 8 7 Negative 35.8595 -80.1844 STP 8-7 8 8 Negative 35.8594 -80.1846 STP 8-8 9 1 No Test Possible 35.8609 -80.1828 STP 9-1 slope 9 2 No Test Possible 35.8608 -80.1830 STP 9-2 slope 9 3 Negative 35.8606 -80.1833 STP 9-3 9 4 No Test Possible 35.8604 -80.1836 STP 9-4 slope Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 9 5 No Test Possible 35.8603 -80.1839 STP 9-5 slope 9 6 No Test Possible 35.8601 -80.1841 STP 9-6 slope 9 7 Negative 35.8599 -80.1844 STP 9-7 9 8 Negative 35.8598 -80.1846 STP 9-8 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 30 of 46 17-12-0007 9 9 Negative 35.8596 -80.1849 STP 9-9 9 10 Negative 35.8594 -80.1852 STP 9-10 9 11 Negative 35.8592 -80.1854 STP 9-11 9 12 No Test Possible 35.8591 -80.1857 STP 9-12 slope 9 13 No Test Possible 35.8589 -80.1860 STP 9-13 slope 10 1 Negative 35.8620 -80.1844 STP 10-1 10 2 No Test Possible 35.8623 -80.1843 STP 10-2 slope 10 3 Negative 35.8625 -80.1842 STP 10-3 10 4 Negative 35.8628 -80.1840 STP 10-4 10 5 Negative 35.8630 -80.1839 STP 10-5 10 6 No Test Possible 35.8632 -80.1839 STP 10-6 pavement 10 7 Negative 35.8635 -80.1838 STP 10-7 10 8 No Test Possible 35.8637 -80.1837 STP 10-8 pavement 10 9 No Test Possible 35.8640 -80.1837 STP 10-9 pavement 10 10 No Test Possible 35.8644 -80.1836 STP 10-10 building 10 11 No Test Possible 35.8646 -80.1835 STP 10-11 building 10 12 No Test Possible 35.8649 -80.1835 STP 10-12 building 11 1 No Test Possible 35.8651 -80.1838 STP 11-1 pavement 11 2 Negative 35.8649 -80.1838 STP 11-2 11 3 Negative 35.8645 -80.1839 STP 11-3 11 4 No Test Possible 35.8642 -80.1839 STP 11-4 pavement 11 5 No Test Possible 35.8638 -80.1840 STP 11-5 pavement 11 6 Shovel Turn 35.8635 -80.1841 STP 11-6 Non-native soils 11 7 No Test Possible 35.8632 -80.1842 STP 11-7 slope 11 8 No Test Possible 35.8630 -80.1842 STP 11-8 slope 11 9 Shovel Turn 35.8628 -80.1843 STP 11-9 disturbed/non-native soils 11 10 Shovel Turn 35.8625 -80.1845 STP 11-10 Non-native soils 11 11 Shovel Turn 35.8623 -80.1846 STP 11-11 Non-native soils 11 12 No Test Possible 35.8620 -80.1847 STP 11-12 Gravel 11 13 Shovel Turn 35.8617 -80.1849 STP 11-13 disturbed/non-native soils 12 1 No Test Possible 35.8652 -80.1840 STP 12-1 utilities 12 2 No Test Possible 35.8650 -80.1841 STP 12-2 utilities 12 3 No Test Possible 35.8647 -80.1842 STP 12-3 utilities 12 4 No Test Possible 35.8644 -80.1842 STP 12-4 utilities 12 5 No Test Possible 35.8641 -80.1843 STP 12-5 utilities 12 6 Negative 35.8638 -80.1843 STP 12-6 12 7 No Test Possible 35.8634 -80.1844 STP 12-7 pavement 12 8 Negative 35.8631 -80.1845 STP 12-8 12 9 Negative 35.8629 -80.1846 STP 12-9 12 10 Negative 35.8626 -80.1847 STP 12-10 Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 12 11 Negative 35.8623 -80.1848 STP 12-11 12 12 No Test Possible 35.8621 -80.1850 STP 12-12 graveled 12 13 Negative 35.8618 -80.1851 STP 12-13 12 14 Negative 35.8616 -80.1852 STP 12-14 13 1 Negative 35.8536 -80.1934 STP 13-1 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 31 of 46 17-12-0007 14 1 Negative 35.8537 -80.1939 STP 14-1 14 2 No Test Possible 35.8535 -80.1941 STP 14-2 surface water 14 3 Negative 35.8538 -80.1936 STP 14-3 14 4 Negative 35.8540 -80.1933 STP 14-4 15 1 No Test Possible 35.8534 -80.1948 STP 15-1 slope 15 2 No Test Possible 35.8536 -80.1945 STP 15-2 slope 15 3 Negative 35.8537 -80.1942 STP 15-3 15 4 Negative 35.8539 -80.1939 STP 15-4 15 5 Negative 35.8541 -80.1937 STP 15-5 15 6 No Test Possible 35.8543 -80.1934 STP 15-6 pavement 15 7 Negative 35.8544 -80.1931 STP 15-7 16 1 Negative 35.8534 -80.1954 STP 16-1 16 2 Negative 35.8536 -80.1951 STP 16-2 16 3 Negative 35.8537 -80.1948 STP 16-1 16 4 No Test Possible 35.8539 -80.1946 STP 16-4 slope 16 5 No Test Possible 35.8541 -80.1943 STP 16-5 pavement 16 6 Negative 35.8542 -80.1940 STP 16-6 16 7 Negative 35.8544 -80.1938 STP 16-7 16 8 Negative 35.8546 -80.1935 STP 16-8 16 9 Negative 35.8547 -80.1933 STP 16-9 16 10 Negative 35.8549 -80.1930 STP 16-10 17 1 Negative 35.8532 -80.1962 STP 17-1 17 2 Negative 35.8534 -80.1959 STP 17-2 17 3 Negative 35.8535 -80.1957 STP 17-3 17 4 Negative 35.8537 -80.1954 STP 17-4 17 5 Negative 35.8539 -80.1951 STP 17-5 17 6 Negative 35.8540 -80.1949 STP 17-6 17 7 No Test Possible 35.8541 -80.1947 STP 17-7 pavement 17 8 Negative 35.8544 -80.1944 STP 17-8 17 9 Negative 35.8545 -80.1941 STP 17-9 17 10 Negative 35.8547 -80.1938 STP 17-10 17 11 Negative 35.8549 -80.1935 STP 17-11 17 12 Negative 35.8550 -80.1932 STP 17-12 17 13 Negative 35.8552 -80.1930 STP 17-13 18 1 Negative 35.8532 -80.1967 STP 18-1 18 2 No Test Possible 35.8534 -80.1965 STP 18-2 surface water 18 3 No Test Possible 35.8535 -80.1962 STP 18-3 slope 18 4 Negative 35.8537 -80.1959 STP 18-4 18 5 Negative 35.8539 -80.1956 STP 18-5 Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 18 6 No Test Possible 35.8541 -80.1954 STP 18-6 slope 18 7 No Test Possible 35.8542 -80.1952 STP 18-7 pavement 18 8 Negative 35.8543 -80.1949 STP 18-8 18 9 Negative 35.8545 -80.1946 STP 18-9 18 10 Negative 35.8547 -80.1944 STP 18-10 18 11 Negative 35.8549 -80.1941 STP 18-11 Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 32 of 46 17-12-0007 18 12 Negative 35.8550 -80.1938 STP 18-12 18 13 Negative 35.8552 -80.1936 STP 18-13 18 14 Negative 35.8554 -80.1933 STP 18-14 18 15 No Test Possible 35.8555 -80.1931 STP 18-15 drainage 18 16 No Test Possible 35.8557 -80.1928 STP 18-16 drainage 19 1 Negative 35.8592 -80.1875 STP 19-1 19 2 Negative 35.8589 -80.1877 STP 19-2 19 3 No Test Possible 35.8587 -80.1878 STP 19-3 slope 19 4 No Test Possible 35.8584 -80.1879 STP 19-4 slope 19 5 Negative 35.8581 -80.1880 STP 19-5 19 6 Negative 35.8579 -80.1881 STP 19-6 19 7 No Test Possible 35.8576 -80.1882 STP 19-7 slope 19 8 Negative 35.8573 -80.1883 STP 19-8 20 1 Negative 35.8589 -80.1880 STP 20-1 20 2 Negative 35.8587 -80.1881 STP 20-2 20 3 No Test Possible 35.8584 -80.1882 STP 20-3 slope 21 1 Negative 35.8572 -80.1880 STP 21-1 21 2 Negative 35.8574 -80.1879 STP 21-2 21 3 No Test Possible 35.8577 -80.1878 STP 21-3 Refusal 21 4 No Test Possible 35.8580 -80.1876 STP 21-4 Refusal 21 5 No Test Possible 35.8582 -80.1875 STP 21-5 Refusal 21 6 No Test Possible 35.8585 -80.1874 STP 21-6 Refusal 21 7 No Test Possible 35.8587 -80.1873 STP 21-7 Refusal 21 8 No Test Possible 35.8590 -80.1872 STP 21-8 Refusal 21 9 Negative 35.8593 -80.1871 STP 21-9 22 1 Negative 35.8571 -80.1876 STP 22-1 22 2 No Test Possible 35.8574 -80.1875 STP 22-2 pavement 22 3 No Test Possible 35.8577 -80.1874 STP 22-3 pavement 22 4 No Test Possible 35.8579 -80.1873 STP 22-4 pavement 22 5 No Test Possible 35.8582 -80.1872 STP 22-5 pavement 22 6 No Test Possible 35.8585 -80.1871 STP 22-6 pavement 22 7 No Test Possible 35.8587 -80.1870 STP 22-7 pavement 22 8 No Test Possible 35.8590 -80.1869 STP 22-8 pavement 23 1 Negative 35.8587 -80.1867 STP 23-1 23 2 Negative 35.8584 -80.1869 STP 23-2 23 3 Negative 35.8581 -80.1869 STP 23-3 23 4 No Test Possible 35.8576 -80.1871 STP 23-4 gravel 23 5 Negative 35.8573 -80.1872 STP 23-5 Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 23 6 Negative 35.8571 -80.1873 STP 23-6 24 1 No Test Possible 35.8639 -80.1837 STP 24-1 pavement 24 2 Shovel Turn 35.8640 -80.1835 STP 24-2 disturbed/non-native soils 25 1 Negative 35.8636 -80.1838 STP 25-1 25 2 No Test Possible 35.8637 -80.1835 STP 25-2 pavement 25 3 Negative 35.8639 -80.1832 STP 25-3 25 4 No Test Possible 35.8640 -80.1829 STP 25-4 pavement Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 33 of 46 17-12-0007 26 1 No Test Possible 35.8633 -80.1837 STP 26-1 pavement 26 2 Negative 35.8634 -80.1834 STP 26-2 26 3 No Test Possible 35.8636 -80.1832 STP 26-3 pavement 26 4 Negative 35.8638 -80.1830 STP 26-4 26 5 No Test Possible 35.8638 -80.1827 STP 26-5 pavement 26 6 No Test Possible 35.8640 -80.1824 STP 26-6 pavement 27 1 No Test Possible 35.8659 -80.1765 STP 27-1 surface water 27 2 No Test Possible 35.8658 -80.1768 STP 27-2 utilities 27 3 No Test Possible 35.8657 -80.1771 STP 27-3 pavement 27 4 No Test Possible 35.8656 -80.1774 STP 27-4 utilities 27 5 Shovel Turn 35.8655 -80.1777 STP 27-5 non-native soils 27 6 No Test Possible 35.8654 -80.1781 STP 27-6 pavement 27 7 No Test Possible 35.8653 -80.1784 STP 27-7 pavement 27 8 No Test Possible 35.8652 -80.1787 STP 27-8 pavement 27 9 No Test Possible 35.8650 -80.1790 STP 27-9 pavement 27 10 No Test Possible 35.8649 -80.1793 STP 27-10 pavement 27 11 Shovel Turn 35.8648 -80.1796 STP 27-11 non-native soils 27 12 Shovel Turn 35.8647 -80.1799 STP 27-12 non-native soils 27 13 Shovel Turn 35.8646 -80.1802 STP 27-13 non-native soils 27 14 No Test Possible 35.8644 -80.1805 STP 27-14 pavement 27 15 Shovel Turn 35.8643 -80.1808 STP 27-15 non-native soils/gravel 27 16 Shovel Turn 35.8641 -80.1811 STP 27-16 non-native soils 27 17 Shovel Turn 35.8640 -80.1814 STP 27-17 non-native soils 27 18 No Test Possible 35.8638 -80.1817 STP 27-18 utilities 27 19 No Test Possible 35.8638 -80.1820 STP 28-19 utilities 27 20 No Test Possible 35.8636 -80.1824 STP 27-20 pavement 27 21 Shovel Turn 35.8635 -80.1826 STP 27-21 non-native soils 27 22 Shovel Turn 35.8633 -80.1829 STP 27-22 non-native soils 27 23 Shovel Turn 35.8632 -80.1832 STP 27-23 non-native soils 27 24 No Test Possible 35.8630 -80.1835 STP 27-24 slope 27 25 Shovel Turn 35.8629 -80.1837 STP 27-25 non-native soils 27 26 No Test Possible 35.8627 -80.1840 STP 27-26 slope 28 1 Shovel Turn 35.8623 -80.1841 STP 28-1 non-native soils 28 2 Shovel Turn 35.8624 -80.1839 STP 28-2 non-native soils 28 3 Shovel Turn 35.8626 -80.1836 STP 28-3 non-native soils 28 4 Shovel Turn 35.8628 -80.1834 STP 28-4 non-native soils 28 5 Shovel Turn 35.8629 -80.1831 STP 28-5 non-native soils Transect STP # Finding Latitude Longitude Name Reason for Omission 28 6 Shovel Turn 35.8631 -80.1829 STP 28-6 non-native soils/gravel 28 7 No Test Possible 35.8632 -80.1826 STP 28-7 pavement 28 8 Shovel Turn 35.8634 -80.1823 STP 28-8 non-native soils 28 9 Shovel Turn 35.8636 -80.1820 STP 28-9 non-native soils/gravel 28 10 Shovel Turn 35.8637 -80.1817 STP 28-10 non-native soils/gravel 28 11 Shovel Turn 35.8638 -80.1814 STP 28-11 non-native soils/gravel 28 12 Shovel Turn 35.8639 -80.1811 STP 28-12 non-native soils 28 13 Shovel Turn 35.8640 -80.1808 STP 28-13 non-native soils Project Tracking No.: “NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 34 of 46 17-12-0007 28 14 Shovel Turn 35.8641 -80.1805 STP 28-14 non-native soils 28 15 Shovel Turn 35.8642 -80.1802 STP 28-15 non-native soils 28 16 Shovel Turn 35.8644 -80.1799 STP 28-16 non-native soils 28 17 Shovel Turn 35.8645 -80.1796 STP 28-17 non-native soils 28 18 Shovel Turn 35.8646 -80.1792 STP 28-18 non-native soils 28 19 Shovel Turn 35.8647 -80.1789 STP 28-19 non-native soils 28 20 Shovel Turn 35.8648 -80.1786 STP 28-20 non-native soils 28 21 Shovel Turn 35.8649 -80.1783 STP 28-21 non-native soils 28 22 No Test Possible 35.8650 -80.1780 STP 28-22 slope 28 23 No Test Possible 35.8651 -80.1777 STP 28-23 slope 28 24 No Test Possible 35.8652 -80.1774 STP 28-24 surface water 28 25 No Test Possible 35.8654 -80.1770 STP 28-25 utilities 28 26 No Test Possible 35.8655 -80.1767 STP 28-26 surface water 28 27 No Test Possible 35.8656 -80.1764 STP 28-27 surface water 31DV761 400N, 500E No Test Possible 35.8586 -80.1882 400N, 500E slope 31DV761 450N, 500E Negative 35.8587 -80.1883 450N, 500E 31DV761 500N, 450E Negative 35.8587 -80.1886 500N, 450E 31DV761 500N, 550E Negative 35.8589 -80.1883 500N, 550E 31DV761 550N, 500E No Test Possible 35.8589 -80.1885 550N, 500E Business I-85/US 29/US 70 31DV761 600N, 500E No Test Possible 35.8590 -80.1887 600N, 500E Business I-85/US 29/US 70 Table 6. Auger Test Results Auger Test Munsell Color/Texture Average Depths Between Inches cm Auger Test 1 10YR 4/3 (brown) sandy loam 0-5 0-13 7.5YR 4/6 (strong brown) sandy clay loam 5-21 13-53 10YR 5/8 (yellowish brown) sandy clay loam 21-36 53-91