HomeMy WebLinkAboutwqc 3819Water Quality Cet-tification N'. 3819
Y+, aer Q 1 1Ay C:_lteation Numb_'r 3810 is esued .n con annl[ dldl thc: rucllilrcnicntj of Seca;cn
0 1, Pubic Lraw 300 rind 95-217 of tiac, UnLcd St ann and sul),r;ct t(; the Nonhl Cxdina
Divlsior of Water Qu ai+_ty (DNA,/0) Regulation in 15A PNCJ\C 211. 0:>O0 J .5A NCAC 2,3
VOO O t1w d ,ci,arc of A _ywral to waters and %votlaix! areas _,5 Oescrl cd in 33 CFR 330
/v1 pJrl?'?}: A (B3 (12) and N atr,nwide Pernik No. 47 o" trC Corps of Eni_l.i eers zl'C;i! ??l°I i ,S
inc,ludiract any fiiI <;caivl?y for util_ty line. hacr._fill 'child huddhi 1_ cafall for the Rip_ahan Area Protcchon
Ruts (Buffer Rules) in 15A f',ICAC 213 .0200.
The Suite of North Cal-ollla_a curtlfles that the sI:;c;C bed cat(_.go"y of odl`dly .VIII not violate
pplicab por(ions o l Scctior 301, 302, 303, :306 Ord 307 of thu Publ c Laws 01 5M ad J5-217
if cone§ur1ed in cecard?arice vJkii tllc ("orlditions 1w.-Cir1L1tc'i set fort!!.
Pf rtinauT_;lt i!-w)acts to aryN, '_and: =ale l or v! f Incllldiii rcar1lL w'dcrf-i" General
C ortificptlori I"CCIUir_"_> ap.''Acptioll to and rlpproval frGin, it t Division ref W'wcr QUdl!ty (till;
„DIVons )_
'I err?por,ary iinp ,ts ,c vend [."y this C,r'nlle[ l C'ertilic.,o ion do r" t require wriiien approval frolil tlic
li&tinn as long as they cort,pfy wOh the C nditiom IistFad bdo% . I°ritten afaprovM is recfuirerl
if the maithe?nance corridor is grcatcr than 75 feet wide. Gas pipefines may have a
rnaddenance corridor wider than fifteen foot if mitigation is provided for these additional
weHand fWs.
If any of these Conditions cannot be met, or if the activities are associated with, or ill
response to a Notice of Wolation or an enforcement action initiated by the EAvision of
Water Quality or the Division of Larx! Resources, then written approval from the Division is
rm wirer! to use this C:e"Tcation. Activities tKH am located within river basins with
Riparian Area Pa4action FAhes (Buffer Rules) require whHen apWDval unless listed in Me
`fatale of Uses as "EXEMPT
In accol fiance with N(.)it Carolina General 50'liite S('Caun 143015.3Q£,y dr'y rC't_t!1!rerilentK-
'wr!i.f(-'n ;?pprnv al for ,3 40Certihc( :lfion nillsi. Inc;lnde the Tapp.,-oprliati fec fa
pmjf-! [ ;3 5(1 fegli!"t-i`; £' ('."AMA hc`:IY11I th,")fi i nci p lyrlYiont. lc. I>-)Ili 1':'.raf.,;lf=`; shai, t. c' S!.il:gTliitC:C: acid'
v'! 11 h;e fhe 11 ig1-1-r _)f fire Iwo fee"
C on(l litions of C;drrtif c:at orl:
1. No Inipacts Beyond IIIreshol'ds thl ?t Qilia!Ify for tll!s C er tiflcatic"n
No wcaWn spwC wilds or fill A any load shadll occur Iin wetlands, v,,,aters, or riparian areas
beyond die ikarCsholds Mab Nhed for use of tills Cu tlriccatiwi w5dlnq IncICiE;MN Aspat;ts.
All coristrUCt on ambles, :ncludog the c1cmgm Vstcalic)tioin; opcr,at o-). Bnd is-.aiaicr ante A
sedmed and crosio"1 control Best NUncagemern Practices, shall he perforiTied SAO that no
l'IGI<itlOnS UI stcatewat(_'.r d!'&.ty standard-,;, :;t2,tl_ItC?, o- rules OCCIIr.
2. Standard Lro,s Jn and SedirTieut Col trot Practac ;`,
Lro5iori and sediment cont(ol t)` lctl e'; 1?11wSt')(In iill? C I`Ia(?lirlilCZ' :Mtn r!11 pecilic ations
CIC)V(?rnlilq °, e prope` &S Q, filot<lli_at_orl and opelatloi': and n~ oirilononc(" of SliCh I?C"A
141 rl''I ;elnent 1?roctices:
Water Quality Cetlification N°. 3819
] D''`ign, I'1 stallation: cjp('i?,tion. and r;l kt`.Jil'aime of Me se`j!i11E'rl+and Emson COHIFD1
(Ic?us!J('_°; f7?USt t); s;ich tl ar til(-.y equal, or ex(.;(;cd, the, regjiren-ient;5 -,pecified i'1 tke
most (t:CFI-Itvr'.I'S1t71f W die „O fl; CcIYUJt,ri JJCfi.1- d and _
d(. ones AN he alaint.,ined on all sorwoucthn Wt: t , burr'-)'.)sites and ArS[t,'. pile (spoil)
pfO,(;(' Ili!'ilJd 1'O'• Cil'traCt,)r-O'.^JI1C:(a or !C:a <:'d bD;f0'N (? t° ;S .C C1 t8G V'ilt.'1 t e prL.J('i;
;. FOr bo,ro,,v pit s!te,s, tile, erosion and sCdI'1'.'nt coOr trol rti_a.si_!res nrnL, t ?e CfE'.sl')'1NC1,
ws'-:ll(-(I, O;)("•l?H?), and Bit's t k,fe 1 A accor(idnce vvith the riiOSt re--ent -version f)'tP.c
surface" Pof?)xng P?? wlr-"'i`.
C. RE (jk:)ni?dion licin: nvs and I mplerm;lhcl on :nlUSt C mpiy v:, th the rE C ?3:fl itl0:"1 I!1
x.roi£.i.sii[:?t'^nt-, f'.e require -,(;nts of the cdirr?cnt?t iori Po lution Control Act and thc=
Mining Ai.1 o- 1971.
d, Suffl_a(:`.Ilt n1ionals required for shlod zatiai ar!d/o` repair of efC)Rloi,: CGntriol f11E'. }Sll:"t'S
pod str.1?rT:buder Wing and tre;]'n-ent stti'-li F'c On site at all tin-les.
e. if iil(_ p:Oir'Ct OC('Urs Ili watl'r or `e"at(r'rsi eds classitbed as Priar'y Nwsery ARP-,.
FNA'gb Trout (I r). SA, VVS-1, VVS-I1, HV;h (>?,t:ality i;1 6 Q".nl? or OuNtand:ng Rc;..a-!rc(.?
(:tCW .'rr3?'I?s, ten ,i e se W??it and oro_: un COntro r@g[.I.rei-nenN CGnt_3lned within
t'-'! 'da ols ,it) n"5ai'le (15A N[CAC NIB .01.2-1) ti;up(,r(,,,e.J all f,' tlwr.
nfa.>IIl1£'',fll and emNan Cl7lltr'o rcgAmmogN.
and Erosion COatroi P:1 .asures in V'VetlanGs or Viote s
Sedmel[ and eras on control nwa`l cs shawl not be placed in vwdapds or ratus l:`.lfl(')l![
?ipprow l by DrOsion. . If plocoment of sP.dirrient and eresio l control Irl "Afelklm:s
'r1C1 <<;ir°rs Is .;n?Voi tc£lalt design and plat ',rent of tt-:17 poraW eros on _orTu rr "iums
sh H not he co wkui w A a mariner that nl<:iy result in dis-equilir)rimn L)t v, etlan(]s or ?trE= 1r'Y?
reeds or bant;s, rdi<cunt to or ups, am and do.n.f str( -iin of t w strut( dire?s . All
s".6niul and r',folon Control dowel shall be removed and he rl;.ih wl CJr<7de restorod ae'Ith n
f(,vo (2) mon',ns W tt dote that Me Division W -and Resc1_,< f s nr .molly i1(-Ic,gi?.Nd pmc7-aw
has rdoased dw proled.
fit. l_ on5trluct:on Slurrno,vofcr Permit NCG 110000
Upon ?f1C apprOVai of an 1roslon and jf'.C11rnE.'.Ilation Oln[rol P:an Issuod b the Divion of
WO Resources (DLit) Or a DLR clclc_ -,; ]ted 1oc(]l P3msiun clr? sedllllent%lt,cl: cont'01 prC<;row,
an Ni'DhS Ckner,oi stormov,, (:r perrrtii. t:J(,(:t)10000) i-,rr rtiriistered by the Division is
7Uto'nctt,caliy ISSUed to the project Thr CieIlf al Per[7lit c1110`.b:i sto;-I'w'vc:dcr to b(-!
Wwwrg and daturlAng Cry"W;:tion c'(:t lrs as stlj Mated by nrldltlJns in 'he pC'1r'(t• it )%om-
projer,t is c(v e ed b Hus tenth ( gA We to cowt:uclion ljrq"ct!, that one (1) or
ft101-' acfc;S], f[ (Orljplit,In :( 1%jil tiF;rlril[ cCirilf.t ors k daddy the sed nle)Wtim; control Man,
self-EliOnltf.,',rl'l J r'?co--d kf,Fepin(j and rt;F7rlnmg rC1quiruH arts am roWked. A copy of thi
perron and monining :qmr! forms nwq he Rand at
.?riStr._iCtiC?f !'%ICN?iIOr JrnS <)nC1 LOOi'ClinatlOl
AH m.,) _ltorh_arns on ;,antiuctior antivid eshoh."'hed :)V the Nc VV Ir1iife Resources,
Cori miissi()n ('A/RCY US E and vY6ldlife Servi e (USEWSy rJC C) noon of 'N:rmeFish
lDMFY or N lofty Mainne, Filial,'-i S 'rvlce (,?'?lilli 5] to pmiec'.t tout af'%rrlrwiior s flsil,
1.3'`;?,I?t)C?st -:ilvcfl fi I--s and crostnuaw or other ('i(1J:.?JC slpcz ,e : of ("'onc'.-ml Silr3 hc(
imporne tied.
V'U(`)rk `Jlith it thu, t'.vent`/ ke (25) desltil" m- ted trout l"'ollr h c)r Idi'°ntW stet (: or fE:t f l
f',i?d 311CJ1s'rE,? or th[(.atCnc .hail 'J6' CU4r(', ')r d lwitf[ tile,
t1Sl-WS. NMFS, a. it DMF pcmorw l_
N wx Qiwky a uG: h i i`rn. 3819 2
Water Quality Cerh ication N"' 3819
) Work in he [)'y
All vvor{ in or _id.jacent to stre2m wAe, s `>rla ?C cOilC._ic'(,d li'• a iry v.iork c rGt:. !'pprUvt d
F)''_st ClllilC?(.i?:iiE'rlt :'C)CaIf.;F)8 °.rU.'1'I t?':P Il1JSt Ci;rr< n' `Ji,'rS!011 Ul tile'. ?dC.:'?E?(llr }frlt and t_rU jUl1
CUrrrol f:'l;.lrli_Ia1, or the H(_ Dpi i C,nmAm.-At on arid fb1 3intC'.il2iil:?E: ;vcAivit!es, Manumit. `:uc h as
rock, bermcS, cottei"chills, ?-InC' Other C ver; ton stru t 1io, , h 11 ho us,,'d to nn:mn-1,ve
f.'X";=.1/BCICIn In flclvvincl vvafer.
,%. r!parl, h: \.'c?3 Irotecuon (Buffer), Puie
.s IOrated n the protect_-d ` l foct V?ICte rlr) Irian arCCI? ?b';'hC'.ttlErr tJri diouO[I'-d 'Jvotldnds
o Clot), %, ithin t-?e fV( use, I <_r-Pi,nllico. C< ta,,vhri, Rand Icm<)n. c_fid JO"J?lil (or <,ny other b:3sirl
With -il:ffer sh2A to IImifed t0 ' 1jses: icentified vJth!n and constructed in a(.coraa ice
„with 15,E N"'A 2f3 .0233', 0"-"-19, .02 !O, .02- 43. c:nd 02G7, arld sh<l I )c loca'.ed, de,,Igr,cd,
c,nstru ed, 3nr; ill !l1t IIiP.C t) .'la`dF "?11nIIr< di°:t Irt7anC,C t(,. `J`:at:;r tliJl .)' io thI,
m,,xI ;-ln,l F xient .>r1?.iIC 3i)IE' throw-.h the us(- . of be,ct )mct'cos. ;t11 b: fter rJl'
r('.t' II: "li:)nt5 IncILKIM,'J diffuse i c da' rr:CfUi enlent , moist be n ii
8._ n.' )tier Sup?ly ` Yate., sf.e=d Bi-iffers
The 30-mot vvid v ocs.ettat.„e. bl:ffer {lovl-ciensity development, of ti-?e 100 foot vv.de thifjh-
d ?risily dc./Eslc?t?)rrir,nta m st t ni,? Main"'( Cady E.ent fn )!I purerlnlA waters r xr-eat for 23
d lUvv,)'1L'; as GrCb1:..1:_'.d ill try-`_' /'?r3tF'i Sll':p',r 1)VltC'.I" f1PCt f `riite:alcili Rules [1 A NCA
.0212 tflro-ugh 02151.
a. A.ny pit) r?:p rC'.quirCd fOF nJMv--il pipe buriA r-rd ho buried such thiM the
?f;. Ce)^ll)??ns??lory fvili:(tiltiE7rl
In c;.cccrdrw c. `•,?iitl! I5A NC/; C 2.11 W--06, (h). E.r,?rtrn:?r}.-,?:itE>ry r iE.ia?iiir.)n rrir?); t)E? rE?;t._iircd for
osse of IM hle ,: f.,.,r of 'ill?re of titre -I ns r71 l:iOr onc' 0, or li?!e. of Lve[1'1,,id,. FUr
F.)t.Jblic trarisporfc:.tlm n pfoic'-'A i, irnp3ctS rtCijal to O' eX(.eeCing t.?0 linl,':r ff,,E;t p:;" `?trF'c:(1?
Shci 1 _CIIIIrC' If1![lij%ltl?'1-
-oiiipci,, ,atory }n} n i()-at c l? ;hall bc, acct red at Li 1: r?,Lc ford ll I:)c?rc,r71
intr-'rmitteiO,strccini imp_cts.
ti?_Jff :r ITlEti,gr?tior: nl?;y hC req._med for Lm,/ proj:-,d vv!tli Bli'i;'r rRulc's III offer:. al, thc, tai"o of
for fxiff"r in?ip,i(Js re?ularri front oc Lr,/Itjes dos` ihcl ,ic• "AllC;sPair' `vith Mltiut)tion'
S%/Itlml thl-t i at) e ,-if of ti:F1 Buffer or r cClUl(C £1 v?cl? .-wcc, under the Buffer
. ,,.
de_em ii?:it}oll Clf h.11i r vpll?lrwl i`rd Stre311 (711'ICJ t On `O.1L1"c I""}E'rit_?, >il?:_ tic' rlriadcc I)Y th!'
Dvi=,ion for any apf,'f-,itmn for this Certi'1c;)tio.-i. Ues_cn :i,ld nlonitonny pr)tccofs s,hail fvl?otiv
US rirm Culp,-, of Erlpim,rs V,!dr(? nc;ton D strict Jti 21'rl I'r;i'!g53tr0f! ?7(( UB?ICI F (i'\prII
or its bsequent llL?rlatE i,.Grl f r1Sltc,r5/ i"Iti(itlOr' plans St?r'!1 h JhflIiIted for
L"Will ,•'1 `riliO''OV;3 ';; roo.ulred in those Alton,, tiVEly, the t)ivi ::on w if ?r1;;C.Uf)t
p,'1yn-ent into J a I'?_i f c., pro(]i im o" crcdit pl h 3 f Dill a w, 'l,q,it!on t-r?n
FlnAly, the ri`III(.iC3,t(an phm ri)-ist bi,, !IM) "irv-1,/or curi-'rlictcd hefore, ,.inv peirmmnent
builk!h1{, ,_)r -stnichi;{, 0 1 `Ic i` S)i'C.I.UICd. fir' t!?i sC o i0,-.id prC iec:s iriE Illliiil3t!;?I
pl_ n ini_ist t) ? !nikrlc:iiir_;:Ilr, c? t)r?:`:arc:: the ro;:d is r);)r rii?:E-1 t,) v, p_ihh(-". Prcot of pa=y er}t to t}n
-II{_ ICE: U'Ci;?rcli i Clr witiq,,_ iior' lJCiilr: rTlusl b(,'. (JrU'vi?_ii?'.C; to the Divi`, on to saljl i}/ tltis
'?t i i :vnlity Certification No. 3819
Water Quality Certification N". 3319
For all ai.t! liras r ?clulri y rm 3tl,tn,i!4'm of str{ .amv. a sirearn o cophan p lair must he
frc.fuded for wrltton D vabn stymK Rdo( ,ated stream r.(.Qns :.mould include• the a!ri(
d I11ension p Ott{ rns and profiles as tfiu E'.xhhn(,j''fl i?'l i1 C'. ;i?r l stal)le reference reach if
the ex!shng ch nral 0 L!°ititc NC) to Rw I ll:virmur extent poickal. 1 iir r'C',w channel
&hould b l.onstwc," " I nl 111C., tiro clil{' v.", , r sh,hil not t,,e i xwd Into UO new c hmnd LMt;l
the banks ?I C, staibi ze Vi'gf_'t;_lt o n li -d lot bank Rh Al i.,'-at on shaH he hr1dkd to notlve
woody species, and s'li_ulcl Ir d?_I(_fo , Ad) sham F',r ll of a 1) `ocit Vd i.c WUod,'-,d EIndl %im
adjacent 201not Idp va gFeW tee buf fIn on h(ilt) `:klus of We relocated ch annex to the
iria:,imum extent pr c'i al. .A UunsM!}ind pr1=?se lri arylrniUng cot Aber and sua 'a!;
:.a,l!)lls!!n iellt is ailclvLiI)l(o. Rip-rap! ' ,Ja3C ks, concrete, gallb oll? or other had s. r !dares
nmy be alh ed if It !s f t_;Easclly to tilt; phy' ii gal i-iu-, Jrlt'y W 11w jtreann, hut the
iipp!icaiit mil t provide wrltb-.!) t!_lS1.1 icatlorl sand any (;:a!Clii tif)n5 usc-d to detenni'1@ the
Meal . of rip-rap Co`?emga PIo; y_ nc)te Not If the str e?hnh re l,,)catlorl i;i conduckd as -1
stream reotk?r"a tine as ddknd Ir) the US fwmy Corps of i _r gi ICC',r5 1d'AInnigton DAtw1L
/Qgd 2003 Stteam ??±f!!1,_ltiiifi .C10f:r!6!-;es (or its snhsequFi'lt updc)tcs), tfhe rnsto•`e,? en Jth
can he used as c oRyne n 'al_Lry for t:le in-1pract:, ?'C:;nitlnCi from lfic Ce .ar„<"3tli)11,
For sewer I ne', tie ('dge, of the con.'Irilction corridor ail 111 not "r)c i ?stallud 1)ara!1el to ar,(
Ch:,) sec than 10 feet frow top of !,ic `.fk to a Sunni-i omept for the fol!oWlriC 1?5!flC.ltionS; 'NJ
feet to ?,6;arcrs 1assife:r_i as. VVV (excc-,p1 UJS-lv or ldvS-V), B, SA., OR'b°v', ! QVV, car S'3 f min
nor'll,,?i !--dgil v,,ate.r for JCIi_' ?_'Ic.`?al of I) a ld vvetand s oir fc?ot to p I',%ote or puNic swats (
supply s J! rms or wpor, : L15Ked as VVS l w,itcr,,,> or Cia?:,S 1 or Class 11 impo-!r ided
`esewoqs used as a :s(.1lir( ' Cr GrIrIkhg waor iii actor ia!1 ce L/ith ?'f1 NCA(? 02T .030,5ji).
t!:iHy Was SiYM riot cizws a stream churn` l at other Alan a near peTenloular dwectinn
(ke, stream (tnnn'_i cr(aSF;!ngs shall not be at "ctrl clr'.C; c of :G`)IS Ulan r i de-q're's or 11l'JrC
Vian 105 dcyr(os??, is: the ntre.-mi bank). -
11 PWY wa l ownwr 11I1e cot cros,s,cs any ?trC< n.: ho`n`e on Wire 1!o`?t rc c_ ..'1'l . -(,siUrl of Ih(.!
1:24100 1_.i; GS rnr,ograplJo map or (`ARCS (SCO (Ounty So Srlrvry as, pemynwO i%!
ilitr:?rrnitt(::ni ;!i:hll the instr<Iled either a) w;f i no joints con:-iected within1 the ft utpr int of "'i
;_ lrr_>.arrl r;h hnnc;l or "Mi.hin tv,!o (2) feat of the stream banks a i.ho, case of pl ashct or %T,
,,.peg, or h; With piopcriy bedded and $uppor ed !ducti:c Iron. 00: iv,i: ,, Wfittrll cj.i7%r all
ft-na; DVVO is rcquirod.
14. If Conueh is used dOng Or, cCrl OK;tlolh, Mon a dry work -up :;hiilalCl be iTiclinl 'shed to
prevent Orect. co Y.act prevent direct contact t E3tdv' ;inri(, and stl"e?,mwater.
VV ater that 1?1adalrtently cont cts lIr e,ji"eC! sliol..!d ne iii! to sur1=!CC
watts due to thr_o pot iTal for elevated Q nd ;) vAln]( n aqw6c Il fe/fish ME.
15. 1 9;;ru cAes can be gat? ied a, cr oNicr wn ite"s only vv`lerl a;-)pled by ci Curtifie"I
"ct tphcaior, and in `stnct Sacco.rdailce `,%'ifl) produc.." Lihellrici.
??. Piao-ru 'lt of np-rap shdi be rostrit twit I.O the Sheanl tti:):o-Glll and baf i:; Li rcctly (rllprwt°G
by to placayes of to !_ 1qy line Fay rap shah only bo used below ty nornud !agh
vvwter level. I he stream hami mint 1, rPl81 omd to do or iC!'nd corltmw at s C:Gn ?rllCtiOrl.
I,la! cellleni of rip ro", or colic's inilterolo ; .?rl;ill not resuil, ,r' d.: Stabilization of the lfre-h-m I! ad
or banks tipStream or do-\vnsir`..ann Of the c:ios-si'1Ci.
7. /'1nr'ual native .:p:.' ;I:`_ S _Able by oat lowA Oils shall be pl Ae and e hhished vvi m!'1
k4 s A a nn er yon cm*ol. Non no be perennials sroh fosaie
(ire: prop hrf..ed.
18. A or'wh r e C_ipr iuvion of fer.llirer to rl -c .tah di v C,Oatic. h huh ?S reZtri :tc d to
no r l:Jn.t Hai Iii fat i.! miners? from top of b?:nl, of stre,, lms. 01ny fer`ilia-r ?,pp icafior•
mu`,,t comply tillii all other Federal, State and L.oca! rer(ul,,.htlons.
?; . .
!l L_:'i? t)L'L•lily {- ?CilaC?!l?, s_1 L1 No. ?:? f
Water Quality Certification No. 3819
19, T e corstruchen condor Onf l Irt ng awess ro:ics anc StJ(;I lllii°(i of Ill tC"Ia SJ is limited to
4t) feet (12 2 meten Ir: 1wld:h in t'detlands and auass Man cll anilC s =6 rEHM be
rl ?lil?ll? d to the nlaxiri,una extent oractica hle.
20 Permanent, al"„ fined access corl Iors A be restricMd to th pin r nrn r•,`atith
;)r :c,ricr l;Ir <rri shall no.t exceed V5 feet m vdidth excc,pt a ni;anliUc, loco iuu?;, A i `_4cot
,t'i"I'cle irriarcund must ti E'. spaced at MY 500 Met {,02.4
211 Al i'.ritl ,-r.Hjy I O.ar sha!f be laced at the dov iisire.ani (utility line Cy,radierit) tivei_and
t nmid?-ary ar'A ever" 150 feet 45 7 nimersj up Ne gradient W the My e'xlts the wetland'
fc)' Wed ,at Ay I I les. AnTseep Mao nny be caistructcc' .%'ith class B con:;rete,
ck,'Y' PVC pipe, or metal collars. Vllcid and Cressrigjs that riru dirertnimlly
(Tile and erpend cul,a wetiand crossVigs that we opc n cut Eon! less ihw 150 feet Q, r
rriNers) Kncl do nM reMdrre anWeep collar`z l he compcwtcd day shall h"-we a spec-I`IC
Inh tr;-ail(?rI of 'I X. '10- `) cnVsec or kiss. A scctlorl End plan %Acvv d1C9Cmon t£? ;-Mached fo- 0'r,
and-seep collars. ..
fhe. follo'Ari Spec, lfic.ftkons shall apply tca (-,i:ss . con""relc
a', N1 ninnuir"i cenlcnt content, sacks pcr cukc yaW with. rc.)cinded cour3e -ate ,,,r egate 5.0,
b) M ninnu lr) i:eia aq corituk socks per cubc yard ^JAh angi-flail co se Rg )regah, ?.':>
e) Maximuiv t°Jatcr-cenlcnt ratio q llonl 3 poor sack 00
ci) Slumip i-angc 2" to 4"
e) Idiniinura: stroncith - 23 d_ y psi 2, 5riO
22. The app l Curt shall havc a oTucKc phn for restonng wetland Any
rn aten al %vi 1 OU r iriuved !o .a hicjh yror:ild disposal i-tr( a.
3. Ii, c;lvl-on-lcnt_i' doumenr is re.ctrJir,_:d under N EP/',. or SEPA. thud ;fir, G?n(:rr;l
Certiflcc:ltion is not V. -did until a I Indmg of No S, QnMcart lllpc'c FONS1} or R'EJC(;M of
Dc:ci ;ion (l-;OD') is ,sued by the St,:lte
24, In the N?e-ity (20) r,ount,os• th(: if.);?r?) iri stE: DAIVQ) must be
contact wl tci drtcrmwo if Co sal S;t(_ nnw;-at i F,,:,,q ll.3tiOr x:411 ')e regffiied.
2`-,- I hip; General C ertli cati?)ri does riot rF l fav(:? th(O iip.':)lw.;int of the r_ s{).?a?> IJi'ity to obtain
otla%r n_,?quire•i Fcdel il, Slate. c>r '(;oral ??ap;arr;v?als.
26. vNt1C:n \'vnttC'.fa %iiJtil(i!li;afli)it is fe(llllfe•;l for l,Sc; of t.hl-? Cf:r;flCcl.Uil, Upon CCrllfAtiC)!l of '111
prailllt.t; ilfha(:?`a I )(.: ud'ud vvithirl the rljiroval aird any S?-t13??C.lU ;rli fn'_ if1G"clt.ons, th",
a');)lir:.=3 i£srlr; be ,e(a,tirral f£i reLairl the CM UM Of .:,ui,n(_J.ton MAY to ;llc tlppR'rv[il.
One vopy of 1 c,omid ite .>h I be sent to the D'v"10. Co, it ?:l Office in Raleigh at 16,50 rvlail
SerVli.;e t,.,ilt£',r, f:aleigh. NC, 27(599-1650.:
27, -this tc:rit?r?.i Certrl:,;;Kwi shall expire Wcc (3) years horn the UP of mor:ce of Hie
£1[),.)i n` al le--ter or on the seineday as tnc expiratiiw date of the co`responcling
N;l'ion,,mde Penllit 12 or Nationwide Pcrnot 17, _Thc? c<'anditions in affect ctrl tine sate a`
I:, .ladr,i:H of Ccrtificat:orl for ci oj3C;G11 C pro;cc` sll;l remaln rl effect for ti'( i1e, Of the
p oj(xc'. rep gordI;;S ; of the exp I catkni AN of this Certification. if the (ions trUCtio y) of-,oss
for ?tOproVC)Ci 2.ctivlcs %v 11 ovedap do exp r[Ahn and mnewal dak of he cowsprlrl Aig
+04 P :rmlt and the p M oil ors for c on`intaed ! I:;e of the 40-,`• Per:nit, tf Ec-n th( Ge.,ierJ
C .rtlficybor shD also rurliuln ri et± _ ct v i-,[Knt reThr.r:g re applic aturi UaLl re-tea[ prOVal to
use ,n s l,crafic a_an forme pe(; h liilpacts already afipmved.
?t?`,11?."!J:.Il1l1L`, ? _fIItIC£illi);] No. ?1`' 5.
Water Quality Certification N'. 3819
7. The a pphcvnt?pemKHuu and their authorized agerts shall conduct a!i :rtivJies in a --runner
con ?lStent with State; `,J iter gi.iality standards (I'ldudog wy regrnrerr nts r e >I,ilfing front
wi."I'l ',"'303(d) of the Clean Wate, Act), and any other approp-Ote. reg.,iirerllents
of i t'Ae <7nd Federal Lwv. If the Div pion determines that such standards or Ia;"ls are not
l.,E'"ing nwK irC:li.ICiI, `ahwe t4) suMmn a chsigi ated or :;Chit ved ilse, or that State or
Fed4: FLfl I'-ivv is, beirj) VIOIrIo or that further %Ondltl; rS are necess, ry to asFmr e
cunil )!i;-lrl.cc, then the Ennsion rn, reevaluate and modify this General V.,'afer 0:1ality{
Ci,.riiii ca tio,i.
Nola-.v.'i!h or viol,:i:ion of the, conditions herein set forth by a s pmMc fill xNect n-iny
result lit r2Vocatlori of this Generll Certbratlon for We taract and may also woult in cmvinal
i,9,•'or ;;ivii f)crl lir_s.
T lEi I1irC'Cti_;r of tn( Nortli Carolina Division Of Water Quality may requile Sli)rnlssion of ;3 forma:
i.if)t):D alion f(_)r Irl4ardiCM celficadon for any nro;em in this ca`:eQor y Cif activjty, if it i cit;Nrminet
IhAI. Uhu l) O1idf.'l -; W!"cly to i.<PIF; S gni-I'l'nt Averse) offe;rt upon ti')iter quality including state of
or thr`_'._! l nvd .3C uadc S-cedes or degade the waters so Vat e :Isting
115t-: 5 (.>l th£ t'`i%)? ;3'1C] or C.oV'vnstrC'.cmi 1?.lter? k,re t rt.c,ll-ided.
t}iil?l;r; ilf:i2 llr;) play be hCl d fur spucEY!C r1t?t71 f.;,yhonS or group o apoicatlons phor to a
(;(;M£,-lim WHAM if dwyncd in Une t)ubh s rest traeres: by &(-:. Director of the North Carelin:a
Division of V'v?af?ar Qi;?aity.
Effective i mc: Anil 3. 2010
Colccn H. Sullins
D ector
01,1? ltct !!oajii yy G nfji) Lr',•f TIC ? ;:; 11 f vl'lQ M, ll he? . U i 9 jsso cl u!) A pi! (;, 2010
/Cipi.:ices WOC NU1Yl e 699 !'Hued on P ove to 1 20W'7 Wl ?1 ei M,25 `;Z ;eJ ? on ?.?`"317
l?. ,Vlili lf. ;;1
Vv.7_ Number 3.>57 rs l?:c, c)?; Ur_ 18, 200,_, WCJC Mi?,bei- 3288 ,sscied or Jor;e 1,
"1600. t''?OC !Vir(Ilbuf 3101 ISSi!!'r£1 U;l FC'WUw-3 11 199T lqQ NUf1"bw 3022 A,_! ;; on
6. -199=. rlfiLi :?Ol ?i? . iter c , 992 This ,?(rl?_ 2;E=! ?: o!1,Izlr(,,ural r Gy 27. .?;_
?Hf i ,n`tiLiP1
i(;._ '?'(" i1- CJs
r' f a:'Ir .'on ;1)B ,( ]!S ofCl. ,;!1?tiue,'S I ! f NcitiC7llCUILJ'P 12 or when
tfF ,'fI?;:;li ('iF?t;1•::)7il7;.;£i:' by lru:% oi!ec or of TU TiVMM of Vl-'.IW o%"" QuA;th ; , rw`,-,ltinr No, 3819' 6