HomeMy WebLinkAboutwqc 3821Water C utility Certification No. 3821
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._4.4...(Ml'NI'NG AC;TIV'ITIES), AND 46 (DISCHARGES ...IN..D.oT_C_H_E.S)
?A.1c3ter Quality itIJrl NC:I a _
v__1 GCtlr iGe.a1hCr "18121 r? I SSI:Cd n conformity V?1I1 tl`C (CCjUIr 'illCrltti Oi -':?CCtI'Jr
401. Puhlir Laws 92-500 and J5 217 of the United States and sub:cct to the Norih Carolirw
Division cfVvatcr Qurllity (DVVC') Rcguiatiorls !n 15A. NCA.--? 21H, Section .0500 arld 1:5A NCAC; '?H
0200 for the d:SCI"larC_;c o' iill IllatCflal to ;vat rS and c GIa.CCllt v4`et!_Sr1Ct arcL1,` Or t0 l'dCtla!'ld diE dS
that are 1-ot a part of the "'urfacC' tr6utar v System to Inbe,.'state Lvaters o-'Iemcabk, ,vcAcr,a of lh,,
United Siatc i (} as cicscri:_?cr? in 33 CFR 330 Appcnc i> A (E) (18, 2f?. 30. 41 42, 43, 44; mid 46)
Of the Ccrps of En,.pm,'ers rCe,pdcltrorl S (i.C., E:u_tIO IVV1d,' Pcrrrllt No. 30) and for file Ripxiarl Area
PI"OtCC'tion Rules (Bu fcr Rides) k1 k"A NCAC 2i3 .0200.
The State oT Norih Cz rolirYa certrflcs that the spDuificd c'?itc, arv o0vito- ? 1l wt v,'io t
_ of ct; vJ i ni? f _
- l(? and " 500 r
l_arvs ,,1 _and 95 '17
a;)plica.)lz, p•?)rtir?1s of 'M, '?,?ctiora , 3 ,?01, 303, 3and 3,,di of the Publlc C
It c0!"lGtlCtC(1 In cl_ccorskmcc vvi ih the condit;oris hcrC:indtcr set forto
one (1) of the following criteria require written approvalfrom the
Activities moetinrJ any
Division of Water Quality (the "Division"):
St-e'vi and/Or Matter ir(ll) CfS:
a3. Any l:llpactS to perer-im"Al vvaters depicted on the n-, )St recent t SGS 1:2,. 0 }0
top,"-)( raphi;; nlrap or as othervv;"'o determined !.)y the Icc-,l s;;overnrnent,) and their
?.SSO•';iateC r;l)ftrl3irl hllffr'"'S in Water lf)piti, ('vb°S), 1 IIgI1 I.1;; Ity `VV _:ter (I l(xVJ), or
()./tsLi,-Airg1 -Ze:,ource V ater (ORVV) w:.-relsheds. Only w-.l.r.r-deperident
projects, and stri!cb_Ires with do mirlirnus inue,sE's Ir: wv)E-,rvious surElces w:il be ;-111ovred
as outlined sn those rules (1 :)A tdCA((-- 213 .0212 throl_igtl .02151. All other actly ti:_s -c;,_luire _1
vlirlal-CO from th(-? dt-d(-:g_ ited luccil Uoverr mu It c7.11:I or lht' NC Fnvlr(nr?ie iLil tvt_m;Pzjf_snY ie.lit
ccmrlllssiC)rl (before t•')f:' ?ipp!Ii; rtiori for the 4511 blv"-fl '. r' l_ i.l?ahty !_C('{t!lii;a'.iorl trao he-
k). . r:".
A,l';' zlrt(J i)l: r'.:? in tilt', cliSE., nr-dnlo?::(;C;, fem. rf ,.1119i1, :i gib+J,. - ra!"1(i
Jor(.1ali basins (ur ?. y (Alwr I)<lsin ?m4lh Rip;ln;ll; Area Pmtt,(-Ain;- Rues [Rllt:r'r Rl:1 :,1 irl
(:off( cd ?-11 time cf ;-Ipplir:,ition [ rI racc;??I{l?snc lvith 15A NCAC 2B 0200]), unle.,s the
a- 'ivitirs are li;t d as °f.::XC:_Mt'"' `:;nl these Rules.
A'l,? liilli< CtS to Sire-im5 I!lv;)I;'!n 1 BXC Va ilon or 1r2Clglllg.
d. (,teal ,tle am imjp,act.s equal to or rlre.3ter than 150 linear fer;r of intermittent and/or perennial
to he t;lied, CUly ;rted, rip rapped or rr located Inclll.d."Wi7 temporary und(e)r
p°f r(l?anE'nt Iraq;?cis.
IalpuCrS fGf7lliClrai j' c'rad/G)r [?%lrrll`canCllt) tC'JVa'•.Cl'[i:
a. Equal to or greater titan onc-tfllyd (1!3) of m r;C;r Eta;; of 1;::crstclto 95 (1-05)..
i). Egl_l?:ll to or greater tl:an o:;c-torah (i?1Gj nacre VVcst E)t Irltcrsta.fe tai; (I-05j.
1I1. w?Vcfla!"1C Iirlpc.Ctii ?tCn}pDrJr'?/ r3ri{)?Ur i?Cri`lancni):
?,l. Equal to or, greater tt:<an Or1c third ( ./3) ac re nrt of lnt'crst<l'e 95.
J. t--glJa lJ or grC`?:tC'r tt <an Jnc !f?ntYl (1 ?10j :acre; ?L/Fgt Ot h °i3rSt?3iEJ ??:?.
Ally to ..otia.?r t-Wja"torlt io water c:E; canated ns_ ON'': 1, SA ;NS 1, ViS It, or
-1 rout, or v-"etland"s conficjuoml to de:; coated os ra North "aro•.ina or N<?tiona' VV: 1d
<znd Sconic Hivor_
cl. Any ir_r,pa 's ? to co<a Gal we:fl:,rj<; .
NAG 711 .0205)1, or Uri q1_!e VV ?. E'ti??nC ,
,.? (UG'UL) [15A
NCA"' 211 .0506)
\Vrvr ! :,jil5ilt'dt crrilic;ilii)1 ii N,i. 'ti ).I
Water Wahty edification W". 3821
lay= If the J3cIIV it y is as- ('J ;iated ".Ath Or if I response to r Notice of Viol ati )!1 or an enfcrcenent
gar ion 'r lltt''d by the DIVIs!oi <:{n(1/C)Ithe Divisioi of Land
Ir -l c(.on-icir r;e wifh North. Carolina Gcii ,ral Statute Section 143 2 15.31)(e), >>vrilte.') vlpp-ovol for r
,101 b'V;lli;r s"jilaWy ,'=?efl(?,rll CF;i°ificrlticn must irc. udci thr- aj propnate fue. It a ; rojec;t also
re(1i,Ire!! C'i1MA Peffnil, thei one p"A'yrneilL to lac)"ri agencics shad: he suhlnitted and vml be the
t'iF.Ih(2r clf the two1
,activities that are below the threshodcds, or otherwise do not rnoet the criteria L ited above
in this General Certification do not require written approval from the Division of bVater
C2tsality as long as they congAy witli the Conc9 %ns of Certification listed below, inclrtddng
the Stormwater Management Flan con€iitiom df the project requires a Stormwater
Management Plan, but is otherwise below the varitten approval threshodcls, the appRant
may provide a courtesy copy of the Pre-Conssuctign Notification along with a c•)py of the
Stormwater Management Plan (and approval letter from the appropriate locally delegated
state program where apl kable). df any of d se Conditions cannot be rnet, then written
approval frorn the Division is required.
Conditions of C( rtific_it on:
1. No nipi c'.s Beyond d lose Authorized in fide v''Alten Approv,.d or Beyo-ld the Threshold of Use
of this ccrtiticahon
No ti mm , spc:l, solids. or All of any k4d ;rlA ci'.cur ill `inter`;, or rip,-man Amos
bcyorld the foo`pr!nt of Jie iilip;-lcls deputed in the Pre-Cow;trf cl-icrl Noh'1:Cclticr1 ;lied
authorized in dh( written ?lpprov<,l trorn 'he Division, Inc"Llding Ir;CICIC'nl.'?ll liilti;a _;LS, 1?
c•on,srroction ocJi i eT iroludinq Ha deoW ?nstnl'a ion, opr? ar.(_ln, ,and r;irl!n ( ?:rlt; of
soOrorA aid ems Gil caltrol Best Management PrIctlF'E'F 11 b.e p(_rfurf' ? tiliad no
violations of state writ(r it Polit'y' c rtai r?"ds statutE s, or ri l;" :ur?.
2. St?,ni:l,:ard Erosion ;and Sedirr,ent C? ntrol Pmct.icf s
hros!`)n and selmerd control practices rr u,t be in fill cornpliarlCe ,vith all si)ecifrcations
C ovHrnirl( tli? ')r( ier oesgn, IrISEEiII.runq opc','<at.Inn, and 1i1ame iance o such Best
M,, rogernerlt Pr,a.,ctlces:
a. installction U?1 '.rr3ti(_lli, and mainienarw--.i of the sedinierlt and cros on corA l
rl?E_:;lSUri? r ust U(_' S(KM On! Ways equal, or exc<?e? the rc;g:Emn uRs spedfied in the
most .'ui, !ion of Me %M) C;aiulba s{:d?r;;c&;wd C(U`On C-01) mlMammk I he
CF'ViL:CYs shall he fiwl(iM1'w(: on all ct?n=trlllai{.'n sltL:?. bolrovV r,n(_I 1?'rlcitC pi(' ('-'poll)
projo._ts, in_,II_u.linr) r;clrltr:ar;irlr ??.?,?!IecJ o !easy d boram pit:: assr)ualsid w:th the project.
h. F(u 'IC!r(7'v'J (lit Mks, the erosion :and sediment control i 1C r? rrust be des!Ofne 1,
r': t_l! (;[.l Cli)F',r tECi, and maintained in accordance %vir l the most rece),,t':emio l of the
F:Ci arrli?tlClil messwes and Anycmcntabon "Rj,,j! cFJriI ily with the reclawSon in
<'aCCUrd;-ii1 m with tllP, rP',M11 ements of rile Suchir,aAwion l'ol utlon CoNrol Ad and Me
Mire ng imt of 1971
i, SUttiC;iF nt i?antUl a regl_rfrcd for s"Miih/L-Itlcl? '-Inc/or repa:r of ero5io I control ill i?lL r`s
and st(ir?nil.+,, lte` rtiutkq and t uMmenr Mi all be on ski A aH 6mos.
e If the pro;eci C.)CClar s ?il 'vVdters or v,,C)tursr Cid., (lc3 s s'fic'dl P in iary Nurscr l?.fE.'.r 4': (Pl'JAs),
TrOLIt 01-), SA, tiNS-I, VJS-ll, high C, nMity (.l or Clats'?,ndinC fzF::<<?I.1-c F, (ORV'v )
`.c.Itcrs, ;Lien the SCcli=1wm n rd erosion c.O Wol re'duirE mci's (`onta ned v"W:itl
st'mdord"-' ii] survmliv (15A NOT53 0113 ,1 1 ) super a'(k S (llJor sndiolE l
and emsion control rcc,uire?lae! its.
1'VawrOffdli ('..Frtlhkk ftioi) _%o. y1
Water Quality ertific a ion N 3821
3, N'o Setiimient and Gos% Control Measures 0 WeHam! or Waters
Serbme`It and ems On co!ltrol measures should not Eye p'a,cnrl in Wetl%_nds G[ Nl at =1s vviP"ior t
p`r•or'mprovd-Jl by the CtIVISIGp. If oiacement of Seditnent and ernc;ion control devico- in
v)(tL ":nds and v atem is unavAda` t then CE?S.yn and p4we[1 erl of bl'l pwa emu on Corwol
McYSLYM sh is not be concuded in manner Rot may re?.(rit it dis egrnlibriurr, of v,?el,?andw w
svev irll beds or Jarll;S. z3r1'a,t? 'rlt t of 1 uStretlr) ?lnd CiC.^/rl stream of the <<"ibOb'8 structures. Ni
suci lent and erosion c rtw1 cev ces shall be removed and the notu`al grade restored `.Athlfl
too (2) months of the crate that the Uivi an of Land Hesource s or I ra ly d uegated [mograrn
has rdea sed the proieit
4. Co:rstructinn Stornrvv !ter Permit N(-,GO1000t
Upon th _ approva Y an F wan Cana Sr. iitlentation Gorltrol Mai is suet' by the D son of
Lars' Flescu`ces (DLH) or <a ULI dFiegNed 10£;31 erosrc[n and s:. d;,- ent_ltion contrel .proCjrti1T1,
an NPDLS GFner:a_ s,ormwater pernrit(NC(_;010000) ??Ialin F?re?' hytht= Div:siorl is,
Worllahcally issued to the prjeN. I ho General Perritit allo. vs ston,)-:vial r to ii ...I', CC-J
during land disturbing Cantruct on a0whes as ti,??_iitied by £ memov "i the sumit. Ii yot:r
proi£:ct is covered by this perrl a [japlicable to con struction projects tIhot i!sturb ore (1 ) or
[TIOrE 'CreS], t.Jll t; _ l1? I<?!r?Ge. vJth :-lone t condmons r'id C'mg the sedssnIE'M t )n control pan,
self monitor inn, record keeping and repot ng rcc AremeMs an rNyhrew A cclpy nA Tis
penrd and rnonkorinn report forms n- lay be found at
?rtL+ ,!1<?O.E7) S<<if_ r1'; fl_; u/Forms Lh?x,t1T1lC'l ?? r;ilrl,
5. Co!ls:ructio!l Nlr_oratorimns and Ci:ordnatloi-,
if ?Oivimes niu t o(--;cur during periods of h oi bulcyi d x".iivlly (iy; sw We or kid orn iny,
th r) t,lulo£;ICrll rn _)n of iru, r_;.ay h r£:r.;( ed ti £: r£ qufr sl of other JIB>ir! or
an"] ?w,th ,.ir?f.i'?I ?;; t lli?a (-)Ildiho n be ,hrcr[;t;l"i wyri!IF;r:
c:onci.rrrerli.;c on „r.;asE' by c;rrse ?.rltiis r.r:r£:>rl r<r?;.on,ii"ile iustifir„a:iori.
/; I nlurr-dorl jnis, cl!l cc;nstruraioa activitles esta:olished by the NC 'v'v I(lifc Re ouiccis
?',(!fTrr111tiS1i)i (i !F j, US Fish and VVHdVe Service aJE; jS), NC Dlision of rJari'le Lishorius
(E)KAF), or National Marine 'Wheri }s Sawice (NMFY to lesscri mpacts on trout, anal-omous
fish I, rva'%pu_,t-larv'r.l fl,~Iies an(! cri,:,:,c"a.as, or <>.hcr aquatic sp,cics of c<anccnn sbail he
This conC.`lon can be waived Wrough wi Itter) C.uiCL''nwe on a case by cwc
brasi" upon reiaso!l hle justific-at c n.
V,jork bvitil!n the tvvcnt'v-fivc (25) dc'signt3t:; C1 trout countlc or i ielltitiCd stato or fcx1E'r;d
c'! ldH i9cl-cd or thy" s oned Spec. us t:aUh; Shrill be coordinated wit the apprc pnAY WC,
U SF'WS, NMFS, and/or DMF perscrum
6. v,Vork In th.e Pry
AH vdCxk i'1 or a :crap to stream waters shall be Cori,d ic,ted Irl a dry work :,,re,o Appmvec'
b">t r7i a'la (.iT)Ant pr?:(A ces front the most (Yrretlt "versioo of the NC Sedwl ertt :?,ld Lro sloth
G01'N M alll_Iral, or file NG LC) I . on structlon and M arntenarve Ac kites Mantwn such as
sarv b 1gs. `o`:I' be r w, "off i-cams, and Wer d ers Or sm -t a shall he I-Sed to nonmoze
OXC3vatlon 117 flo vin<) 'writer. Lxcephons to this condiLio 1 rr_`gi_!Ir c St_!I_}r'lltt(rl to, circa appr:_),val
I the D:visiun of'Nate l ri liif'(.
T1 rrtt r (u:?I!" ('o[drr;ui£nI ids,. ;? 7 3'
Water Quality Cerlificat on N'. 3821
!f. )rl )t1 A"1'_9 r'i U!. 'C!i?`Cl yB)! lii(_r) f?. IIC`
Actly' i s located in tht_ pmtec:t(_d 50-foot wide: riparian -)reas ?w'll£?i_ E'r?iIrI?;C!ICt(t??1?1 %,ve'rlan S
r [111), ilLilin ['Ie N'eu-. Ee, Tar-Paiul•c;_1, Randlcfn in- rind .)uvd! n (ol ,lny l?the': l?as!n
dJ:th i) '.II,'u( fulr_s). shall be l!aVed tU wsus ldc:nSed'Ee'Ityu and consVided in accordance,
vE?lth 15A NCAC 2B .023 0251 .0751:1, 1243, and M2671 a rd MA h W alrril, dengwd(
construct( d, a !id nlairltwheo to have t nl coral diswxbL ince to prcll :a water ;lua iiy io the
ri"Ixin)u".) cx'v ('nt j'i'rl^J ri,, tilr(ou(jh the U Of i USI. rlUlrlc:(7(.QWHt p l!'ijues AH hiifter -ule
ruquir±-aments, includli g dlltu e Hc.+,., rc(fju1f- n),.3 its, CCiLlSt be rout.
C. VV-Aer Sl_It)piy V'=atershecl Eil ffors
i11C - 1 E ve
`)?-fC!1i'?".'id V alL:_c)tlw -;l:_i.'.iCl ;lo+ l,CrlSlty C(.?-I?llrilLnt) C C too otoo )41 ON bVl(!P'dO Ftllti.
buffer o iglE cir_nsity develoament) tha' be nl_).rl Aned Pl.weril to ?i!i peruiiniail w oerr; ex;;ept
for al!onvanc.es as prroviced ir, the',Nker Supply V^ YKt r_<lhc 1 P:oti_!ctic;n [15A td(: AC 2B
,02'12 through .02'.51.
0. If concrete Ic, used Wig Hie curntru la), Wei a dry vdCq, r ,wj shoIdd In rlinMn d to
prevent direct C-ofl _lct f"el=1PJf_'!-w cUr?-riq cu'I:croltu i-)r':C! vV?i; e!?. VV;?'fler that ?rl"Idverte9ltly
cont r(__lrcr,_ 1 cr, 1r,;:_;ret t # r; l
r-. _?_S u .?l?? :.; `uox.lc? nc}t be ?fi l:;r;})a:t?:(, I Wile ? ?,il?E?r)Is due ie tc. the f- ,nt?:nt.:rl Or
clevah d l)f-I ?rlr, ;lco ,iLl Llc1uatic if( lfis?! l,if!s.
lt!_ Cclulp(_ns=i.ory lblitiu) ition
In ckf?C: 11!.lu(iCE_ wlt.h 5A NICA G 2H 0506 (11 nompensam y mlti(IAnn may be r ciu ind for
kosus of 150 ll:1v I eF,;t, or Puye C): strt`'ams (mtEi mr ttent i7erennif.,!) cardlor one, t1; acre,
or nwoe of ,.'ntli ads For linear, public wansportcation pi-Acs, 'raVMs C:gml fo or emwedinU
150 War No iler sbeam sf-A resl.i e miti_;rltien.
Ei)rtf r nli`:c} -lt!r;rl ninay he re,;Ii red for ally project w1h Buffcr Rule; in Acct at We time of
«pph ,<ltlon f;):- huffer tinp<ach resU tI g fInnn ca%flOUcs cl,ssibed r:s "%'\llowolwo NO Millp iorl
.. rein the "TablE-, o Use e sedioll of the Bully Ruts or '"C;1 irC? ca Varian"i! Under the Butter
A dCtcrrlli'l;otlon of bUitLr, vvcUanc; and s??G nj [111tICtatiOn rc)CillirPlllP,nt M be made for mny
General Water c ualky Curtibcation for this l? itlOn'.'Jld i Permit. Design ,wld rr)o!l torlnq
prcandn `f c if Wiol ,v the t)S fmn-.y (,:?!-p-; of 1..ngineers Tlllri'1' pWn Wrict Want MOWN)
Cri?IGi'?'?C i (April 2003), o` Ita sl_ )Sheq .lent updates. (ICaniper_ato g mi'y0on plans shall h(:,
Suhmi',,`cd for ,^.'rltten Division apyond as recll.ili d &I .close prMoco,s. A.lteinaNc;!y, Me
Ulnsion will iwceW i aym nt Pito an in l ?.ti fOe (Jmgnim or Cri'dK purduse ton a lt (`::alJ(7il
€-m:,lly. Me illii"r -Jt!nn :)inn m ISt be Ina'71eiri'.: rated rand/or 4,:onsl,, -l .ted bofor'.' cirq l)( rr)l'car!E: rat
h.whing or : trinhue on ski Is occuplf-d. in the (rise of pul. c r(?2irt ihI9 rnilq-Jh on
plzin must In implernenod be`om the road 4 c)pE_rwd to Te pul;M Mr of p )yrnem to an
?]F.Di?) or rr:ibf_,;_)tion bcinl-, must be pf-uvidc (d to Hie, 1 vi5,o)n I(-)'s li fy this
feF nrrw
rt gl_lir ,merit.
11. For eel chat; s requiing regUiOf aunt of skmirns, -l . rQ;?r1 c.(,).;Flf;(}rl p:2rl -inifst ) lcludod
for,,vnlten dis!oi ipp) ov2fl R('lu). ,'.tcd !,art'rjrn designs should I'1clud(J the :pct i'iC dllYlUilsons,
l;r(!ilks as Jw exiting ch.) nal (or a s ;alp; r,fe.t,we we h if To :•xi,Sr,
chl? rlrle! 1,.) 11'11i3 in<. 'rurl (?Xlent pf ctical. Thca re'vv clan l(,l should use
crl' I' c".] in l`l dry ?nd v.'fl ;l shl 'Ill I (;t he Lar?l? c? i lira tlv" row ct _anrel until the marks arc
!.'cC1. ??(-r1H);1tli)'I I.S. Cl 1(;r l nn Siva!?I ::7r1.) 1 shall be l(1'iNd to nat, e woody specks,
rIp..'.l ti;huuld Ilcll)de t WI ,o IlY(,`!1l of a 30 kmt Me wooded and an adjacent 20-foot vJdc.
l,Uffer on NO skies of Hie relocated f_.{'ianincl o the fwLixitn..inl nxtcrit practical. A
?\?i l+.'I 01.! 116, f_?'tiltri'?(t I!1!l ?rU. i"01 4.
Water Quality Ceilification N'. 3821
tmnsit:on-)d phase Ij orpor; mg aplaq iab umsion cm&ol rlClttini j n-laterllals and seedimg
Rip-rap, r`-_;'aks, ?:Cll:i.•r( ie, Cj2NurI_; or other hard ?tructi_res way
est ?;?;?f?. ? _
?.b'ISl,nl_.a-l: is ? ;?I?r„v
be allowed if a is necessary to mami_:in the f.0gskal iraeiaray of To stream; howeveq ttl-?
Cap)!icant nnust prov.do vv.'ilter,- nstific"Jion -- d ?-311Y to determine. the
of dp `ap cove!"Clr_je Plc:aSC'. 'lo Out It Uw i;.rc'?JIl1 relnuatiOn is C{%_' du(,ted a,-; <a steam
mstomhon 2s defined in the US Army CAmps K f ngIneerS `^Hllington LISVNK Aplll 2003
Shnam !"?iliOW!? GL('t:)'i ho.:.'S (or its !iIu hs?it;ent i.j)CidtF1,:1. the rc!Ao od ien t h used LIS
colfilt?: ;lsr+tory mitig,Uon for thc, ilrlp; cts resrlllir}g on-i the relocation
12, Srnrl;"e'JLite° Man-, 1,genlent pl m R(_'.(.tlilrr. mzil ,nlS
,• i? I1 [, ?- t0 irCiai rlJllofi
{?. Ll,lerar piJ?i ;IC'. tr?an?1 C)rtcltlC)I1 t Cl;F'.f.';. 16'1,?' required rl .??2tel to
tile, Wiximum. Ex-li'nt i=r wticable in :1(:c;C)rcl:arlc:t:'.vlth To pr acke`; descnhed !i1 We
- LJCt)CYT Best Manc.,,,gcment p-a(Ai :er, (I3ml) A.1.=anrla.'.
B. Ad other projeds STICill U0110',% 4wltn No. r l{UI1?'fllGfl'S set. forth below. In c!Cfi,,io I,
be appllc m skM f(.ill(lo the pmcedures CX{;l'emu t in the vembn of Yrc)buol G
?fU(7?7's'? _; Ii" 1??tilr7 lijE.;fll`!?7' F'Ln? (SiVP) ?Sfif?!?JJcif 0 (i ?!7)?)%r;!?7 r?8f ?:!!7 that IS in pl.1(;F:
on the date of he snub lliUN .)t Me Sfv1P.
L Project Density: FoHnect with SMPs tim! rewdre 401 Ovemslab Cr,lp , Wit
agn owl Noll be c:iamUnd as Wher Lori or Ath Density amoMuq to e,
criteria des(-;rib ed tleloty.
a, Low Density: A demlopment ;hail '.)e considered Lo,'v Der!<ity if Ai L of
thy; follf abg WON are shown to have been nin
the overall site plan, ex0nding ponds, 1.:3kcs' rivcm(2 speClfied ill
Nor[h Carolina's cKdule of Classifiai[ik r151 and saitwate:- .ve l_,nds
(SVVL). must corm), f sF, thi3l Ir ,pert/ ou's S1.1 ''
r;orl_.Idor:ncj loth Curmot and future devdoplliE i-
Al storniv•.'r.ter from the ontile SiLe rni_l:t be t.r.-Insncirtecf ??rlr;lcir!I'? Vl;l
vcqut,,:(ed conveyances desgrlod i racxcotdarice, with the most recent
vcrsion o! the NC DWO ;;c;rrrive-alt ?r ?Pv1i' marm9l.
ThC' projec, ninst no' InCI•_IClo ti 5t{.ir(llwVa?er Collection systCnl ( l1C'fl as
piped coriveymcey as WOc'i.{ :la 15A NCAC 2B .0202(60 .
4. H a portion of prIe=t.;l_ I as a density equal to or ctrl atm than 24%,
't: jFill thr: rli(jtiE-'r C f'n5l ?t'n 1111151, he, ocatcd in an upland C3 r(?<1 %md
away from Wpm woos and drainage%,vays to tke r)laxlrl.nm eX13n:
W HWh Density: i'rn;erN that dry not n owl. all of the Low Denny cnterwi
c1e9crcDc:d above, gait' ronsidered to be High Density; regi.llnng too,
nctailcat on o` ppprOprl:ite, r{MPs as dmcr &d below.
All storrl:w?raier runoff Run talc s•tc n;...st be trey ,ter by 14JF's thrlt ,:ire
(t{ 51,p)ed, a3.. ?: n-li !,mill n to rumove U, percent of T m,,-,,I
Solids (TSS).
Z Projects located in mte reds th:.:;t ka n dl, _.ctiy to m:lt?-,
CCIrit2i111Ii1C) he fOl o\4 iil,j Supplenie'1ta[ Cl rii; atlOrlS .31101 I (11t' 3t
11hese additii,nai rCC;rilrC'aaC ntS:
iN?) 2',21. 5
Water Quality Certification Nc". 3821
Wale!" Qaaf'fi ?tJl"rr?Jv???? r BM'F) f eiallr enleHt
Sc,:l7 Am'eota)'
§303(4) prUiect-specific con&Ucn-, may be added
by the Division o target 0 e cause of the
?,?,atcr quality !nipairnnent.
S0i n "'roil?'.Jm of >O percent total
phosphroinis and 30 percent tctal nitrogen
iew,oval ar othe' applicable; rutrlent
reduction goal for- the wateished as
codified in t!:eI5A NCAC 23 .0200 rule;.
Trout (Tr) A ni nirr-t ri of 30 percent total
ph(--,sph:)rus :anti 30 percent tcta! nitrogen
ren,.evLd1 BVIPs shio.ald also be designed
to minimise hefm l l7CHUtlOn,
3 tall BMPs must be designed in acco darme wAh he vembn of the NC
Dw slol7 of lilac or C.i[awy St_ rrllwatel Best A"la 7agen7ent Pl"act'Ges
Wru al that is in place on the data of the :subrAK of the SIVI a Use
of st:7n71wa,,er BMW ather Afin Muse iiste d in the tv'Ic)noal n'iay be
approved on a case-by-case basis if the applicant (-.an cerncnstra to
that these B%Ws provide equivalent or li3gher pollutant r nnoval anti
water gual;tea protection.
ii. Vegetated Setback: In ;areas that an no subject to a state: Riparian Ama
Awecticn Rut, a 30 wt We vegetated setback rnwt he roaW7ined
adjacent to si maamz rivers and deal waters as speaked bel:a'N
ra. The vvidth of the setback shall be measured Inrizon,r_ j iron-:
I.The normal pCol elevaticn of impouiideCl Sli;) ,ti)Ic`r
2 The st:ear')bank of s°reams; and ivers, and
3 !Me paean t ign L° aterlm of Ma: VvaferS, pe:`penoicular tC shcrel ne.
b he vegetated se:b .cK may be cleared or graded, but ml.ist be pbnod with
and main` med in grass or other appropriat , pla- t cover
1 :`?e D'vlIG rnay., On a cas= -hy-(-,ase basis, 'mart a mi for varonce koni the.
vegetated set:}ack lecl!iernenfs pursuant to No procedures set forth in
AINICAC 0213 d, Vegetated setbacks and filters required b%, statc, ru•.es or local governments
i.ay tie me, clncurrvntly with the r 'quirCnlent and rray contain coas`al,
isoiated Jr 1',)4 jurisdictinnal v.etlards.
in Wrrnwater Rowing to Streams and YMHands: Stor:-n,,vate' -onveyar ices
tat aisc arge to streams and w.--, grids nnust disc'i-arge at a rcn-erosive
v^='1auty print to entennt the stream or wetlanc dunng the peak flow trmn the
tenjear smi-m.
iv Projects Below Written Authorization Thresholds. t'r<i:ects Not we belcva
whUen auawr2ation ehresho!( s trust campy wail Me venicn of F' uMcol for
b\';31?:i'l,)UriIIY i, ill?luu)i(>CI I'?.1, _?'t 6
Mater Quality Certification N"). 3821
>t<?If???/?<3(t' 1"::3r"?i? ?t 17i°!"1? MM (SMP) a<';G'Vlc non iJAC%piova!that is n IN ace or%
±hc cia(,of the certification for the projeca.
v. Phased Rojects: -i% €)'JVQ YA aliovi MP 1) be phased on a casMy-case
JrlSls. YMh a Anal Si,/1P r,- ruircd 'or th.e c`Jrre)nt please ind a concepiuA SN1P
fo` the fu[ur c, ,)hasQs) If the cu! mn phase meet be Low DenAy cO ria, but
future phnse(sj co Mot rricot the t..o,,v Dcn :ity criteria, then the entire project
_lhzill be con,,idcrcd to be HiJi D:1r),?ity.
13, Ply cerwi tof C!-.lverts and CJthtlr Structures Ili Mom and "Y°.VUwws
Culoy s rcquA:d for lit project shall he des gned and iilstailec in such ?) manner that the
original stream profiles are rat altered and allo'v, for ??qu.'-Itic lite ;:???'.erner?t curing Ir?. flows-
Existing struDn- difl ensbis Ogcluciing the cross section, dinlensr.` :lc, :x.Merrl, ard long!tudir
prcE cl mum be r,bove anr_i hcfo',d locations of c ;cl cl,Jvert. Plac,.ernert of c.ulvei
2110 oil'cr °stnucturCS In 'A'aI[ - af1C] &tl"? '1lS rnu t he )l iced helerv tile, elevation of the
5:!'l;;lri'IIJCd h'.J wee fo.)t for £il cki Iv.,, rh w1h n dAmetc.-r cr' iter ;il2fl 4ii Inc!ies, and 2.0 pef'ce
of the cuILlc lirima ter for calve! is ha'?Ifu a dometr r lesc, lh:?i i or Ea_.al to ncnes, to a'lo
lov ilov,1 t!r) of %',-CfLC r and Cuf;,a ,c: II:. .
lllstalkAio l of culverts A S^.ellr'nds n nst (i1Si1cE? c.ontirinity of v ter rnlove -':cni: and be
designed to adeguddy at;CO'rl;i•Ci{late high ',eater or floor? Co-r?dit;ons. Additionally, L,vheri.
C`1u` ev' :,y`1 or other till "projects am r;iirlS acted across I EMA-designated
floodways or'dd`cS`il3i1C1=>, openings such as culverts or badges "'oust Le proviced to main ain
the, nc,[ural riyc;rology of tine S,ystell' as vleli as prevent constrl'_ticn of tf:e flood-,lay that may
r;:''Jit it d"St-lhrivatloil of strearwl o•" wetlands.
A SI°- Pecncc toiX .J 8L1:'il Corstrants Preclude 1_['e ability to the -I; Vf l t`_; 1?. ljHr?(1'll7£;(.I
sooo e and/or the apiNicant can (fi` ;irirstrate'. UK l.Jl_ oirig Ul!_ t,;l_;lvert Woolen Houk K
eMbduation of til_'. Cf,:-1 `1 r1 C?I and he-td cuttir!:; up'sifearn tile` Divi` uit vvill cuiis.dei
ralternst ve desyn prvaosMs.
i ir_': i -',,-
_4ily ril_ri ?,f_ rf-?;c1I, for i,or!n:ai l..r.]C1a1 and >ir?l,°Ii??tlcJnshrll he buried siat;l^I tllatthe
cnaiI i,A strewn ek,v, itiori is ri=st;7rE',O ?:nf' f?lf?ilf'a?If?18C!.
Ile est_3I)Iishf"flllt d! anon woody vagetation a'1("1 other soft sire'rrn tan,; ,,.',blll7_atl; ll
teclin c,u _? Inust h used Wh tis p <owNe nw ad of r ipr p o!- other halO?
14, I"1(. (.11'I('a1A sqe( pe^cific '"i!ldghns may he added to Clio wr Ittop appfo'val lethal' fc' in,Qu is
nroonsed Me- tho `J",rr,te: Wlity' l;e?;rtifir.;tlt!C)!l in orCx,r te.F cnsufC GOraipliZlrlCC -with z0
va'.er quality ?Irl;l ?ffl!le;ilt st?ai,eir;re .?.
1 f). l1 an i emVI.-on111Li)rY docim-nont is reculred undm file tvahona l or Srate Eiwlonrtlantal FUi cy
Ad (NEPA or SEPA U n tlll:_. Gcncral Certinec-tion. is rot v,11id until a F !"'ing o No
Significant lrlq act (FOIvSi) or Rccorcl of L)emior, ([-'OD) Is by the St."'Ae
16. 4 this Wour Uu hty C;crt f :ration! is used to ,-ic ess building s;t" > then ail lot, c''JVfied by the
(Ippllc lnt !l`lu,J h",, ')r Ild ahlc' VJ hont Elrfi ltlo lc3l :rnp,- i;;s to str ?oils or b^?C tlrlrlf,.t.'? The
is rcgi.lircd to prc,vAo ovd arve Tat the lot:. are huildahle, vAt.lor!t re r_!li"ing additional I:!lp:_l('Js
to "._,il lllc te?i or hnflors :f required to do so in wrltrlg by the Divisinn. For ror-:d
um trI_ dion purpons t'i_r; Certl`i ,cation shalt only he r t,ili7e,,J tro-n r, tA.,!r.ll higl l ,r,>)i_Ir:r.1 to
natural ;round.
Wald Q Aiv(_ In!I. yi a1\'i.?, 3821 7
Water Quality Certification No. 3821
17. Deed ?I(+tlf { shi s or Kolar I"i1C:Ct!ttKi3 s s`3,i i be. pl<(-,ed on iII i':'.t??I'1 'd )f In(:li;ti(Jnc}!
etl,,indS. ami f)rokuti',e SHers in order to ,sure compl( ;1 ice for flltllrr' I)C'tIOnd,
l afl.or aru_i f.liff£ Impact. These inC.dwinisms sKH 5e pl"it in p aIcc iii' Me 6111e, c?f of
th ' ?)ropE.'lily, or of individual IotS, wh!IGhCVGr is appropriate. A ti?lrrli..`•iE deed notifiCc.tio'n can
he (1ow}Icr_ikd fromn the 4;:)1/'VVctE 3i)cis Unit v?;b site at
hlitp ? n(ir(:_1 I{ ;{:'ii! ufi7"JJtJh?VyllS??`Jnh•.`, ? ?).,?_i(' { ?? )CI Fif1131i?? _.?I-y% -?!
The t(-xi of £ i(. s;i nple (feed nc}tlflcahon !"!lay be mnAf ed as a(7pr "kle: to Lllt to £, speck,
'" VI'I en 4^lritt::.'. i (?ulhouz1 3tlO 3 is i'C-.quirC.d fOr U::>F of [fli;: c rtificat;un, I-:j;{)il C01-1-ple'Lion Of Al
per niwt('.( !rill?=iCtS Imdildud Flit l n th-: Llpprova' and any S Ii SC't_{Ui_r}t I"n"odifi('ations, tho
cant nr) I CtLI: Fit ) ! C'furn 'lit C:"tlf.`.;ato of CCIY'plet'+'r` att 9C''r't1 f(i °Eit= apifo'.'(.E.
On copy Of t l ' r , c r I i f i { , a t F '?Imill ho S r I t to thr D1,"vC) C2[1„aI Of lin ??<alr??c;i! at 16 50 !JI
Servicu C'entor, R,;sleigh, NC, 27690-15-50.
1 ?1. Th.is l_ en(9ri' t?'(;?f II,;(itli?n :;I!-all expwo U rl',P. (I years Imn tilt :_i,i:it(' of IS:riJomm of to `d`ik0r)
le.Ue'r'.r(_)fTI the.'" DiV6 On o, on tale some day as the expiration of tr?Ie corre spoindin")
ht:3tir)rlbb'i_fi3 f'::'"'rill1 I hf-. Coriflikiis in E.Nal on the dab of satyr m V C,txkkatl m for d
spe l IC f)r(ljecl. .h.3li rern?,in in effe(A for To life of thi: f roiC(_t of the, ox.p rr;tioli
(!ate ( th,i-? t,f lliir ;t147'1. I that conAudiori pRyess for !'?€?lr{1;E_'(f :iCtivit es gill oV r c p fic..
ey,p rafi(.)rl d,ind r(4i1Rw)iil date of Me Col'r@^.r}f)nlry 01 Peri M drl!_: Me f oMs Alovs for
f_orltlfli.led !ise of the 404 Pmt, then the General cc-tlhCc bon `,hF1 also rolr,.cIin in effe'(A
vvithoii[ ie(Iuirinct re-c ppllCc3 hn and re.--appro`Ja! to Iiso M is (; lifit:adon for the spedn
.Hup ds already approvod.
CO. The aololkw t pert ike and the ai tl arked ;1g!'.`1s:_. Oak Co!r,dw-t all Fctivitics -n it r-c(,nnnr
v.ilh S'at,? r,/,?ter gnality star c?_Ir;_It 0nclndi! ?; piny regq i -, incnis r :?l!tii?r fronn
i;(7.mpllr:11('e wit!) ?'-303(d) of the Clean VVd; tc!f1{ l.), any (-&ie r app ; ri(:fl"' r ,il,IrementS f3f
Si,-Ite cir'(f f GCi(:r?i 1 ,l?'J. 1- the Urvision, detcnmifi' ; that such st(an aak or laws are not bar g
rr!k li1(;.ad-r C SAC to ` H ,t( In c clesigralm or ache4`e( use, or qat Shle or hedeml i(3\^; is
Inmg viola ed, that Wr hoer ConOI ons rim n{ ce s..oy to assurc. (nmpiianco Men the
Livision t'idy rCO'J%iiUi3k and modify [his t_ enf:;ra' VV'-Iter £?iicl ity C'Jitifl at Gn.
Non-compliance "Nltt'. or violation of the (-. {.; (IcflFl.;!l5 hercin Set fofi;.) by a specific fill p'(_ljo'C`, [11"-?/
le's ilt in roVoG_7tion Cf this Ge:ier_;t Cf'rt hcathon for the prolcut ?,md may also result, in cmi!Inc)1
raivt or civil p 'f1:31ties.
'Fhc Dirc_acr of the Noah Carobw Dabion of W ator QuAity may -equire:, si-:brass ion cif 'i fnrn3al
Ei IICt.ili')for InId `.'idu 1 Uertlf c a t I o I I li?r i sy proloct ! 1 thI - Category of act `.' ty If it is (t?-ieriIil i u;
thol the project is Ir<dy to %v a Qi K (;art adverse effect upon aster ,(r h y In{;1! King Bute o
fC. (1 C'.r 1 y `.itr;(i t:nd!-n?i(irc'Ct of 1 !'E'ats, lC;ll (iQUatlC pc:C-e8 or deyrad:; t}ii;^(;l i('.rS 5?) tilai ex uses of ;he wetiarui vV'.ters are ple(Juded.
Public heamys ro} ,y he he d f.,! p""CifiC lpplic ,tie 3s or Croup Of f,rior to ra
C3er tificaabon d'ur.-ISAn o emed in Me publi c bE',st lilemst by the E P_=ait (f Te Noah Ca: otN
[>ivisbu of 1,1a _3tUl nU::31ii`{.
\1'?,I?.! Q) I;31w -45.)1 8
Water LIality Certification ". 3821
DIVISION OF li'ar`. ti 11.E R r-)U:npI 1Y
Colc.:n H.
Hrstl)r`y" "'Vatev Qtr%-J!it' (ccer"i "c' `on (W'OC) NombCr 352-i C, 20 JI9 repli- ccs
h'OI-' Niitnlr, r a'7?5 i:.4crc i! Iv'rw;rt;!) r i 20, 07, W-C Nr!rr7r r 3631 issue,,) tb9,rch 19, 2007, Vl{ rte'
3 ,,-, r .,,r,d 20035. I'VQC Nurnh%:'r 336,. issr;c:c, I'.forrft 18 Cam, ?t'.DC Nrrnbc'r
?)lr7i1 V/0C iw`[/iT1bers 3106 awl 3 M8 r wd on h°bowy s 1 1997,
This `vvaiti,f 0oal ty rllik;c?t1C17 JS 1C sciiW d .4hai Me lh;yp :' of ?f1?7'l7??1? +? ?iClpF?Of.r1c`S
; F,•o711ts f . 2z>, :9. 41, 42; 43 or 44 or when N.117Pd r1),Dl"Wf'. ).8 by Mu D1F iF?Awl
the Division of bVater C uo"ity
?'d?,t r(;u:?lii.?+::rliti•:?afi•:-n tir;.:•!?:'.I 9