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wqc 3820
Water OUality Certification No. 3320 G_ -INE N C RTIFJCATION FOR PRCJEC_TS_E_LIGIBLE FOR_U.._S,.._A_RMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIQNVVIDF PERP,1IT N1. MBEf (LINEAR TRANSI QR:1ATIGN €'ROJECI AND REGIONAL GENERAL PERMIT 1913200031 (WORK ?tSSC)CIATED WITH BRIDGE QNSTRU_CTION, MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR CONDUCTED B'f NCD©T OR OTHER GOVERNMENT AC3ENCI(SI AND RIPARIAN AREA F'ROTEGPON RULES IBUFFER RULES) ,dVclte[ 011aiity Cc,rlaI oiI Nu Inher 3820 iq asucd in confornnity with the req( renni'nu, of Sei_fc 401. %W c Was 92000 and 9421 f of the United States and subject to the I(rtl'i C.aroli m Drosio-) of'VJoer Q[Jr.114 (DV V(.),) Requlahons in 15A NCAC 2H, Section 1501) ;end 15A NCAC 0200 fc'r tl-!E7 ul ?f }1::i"t;F' !)I fill ll?:lter 3; to S"JUtt?!s an.] acj,JI cent "'Vetlind c'rea: (x to 1N('.i_l vli_3 are,), thai 2iru' not a t),-ai'L of the sl_irf ce trlbut ary system to interstate waters or mvigahlt wak s o Ac United States (as deschb.;il in 33 CF R 31) Appendix A (D) (14) of he Corns of Fn,:i wer-. regulations (N It on,nJ„c, Pcrilla No. 14 and kediorwl General Penn t 198201031) tmi for LK, Riparian Are„ Fholodion Rules (Buffer hules1 in '. `)A N,,AC 2E3 .02_)O. The Stag, of Norili C. iiolirlr3 cortlfiff, that tile, sp.cltle) Catogory Ot :Cfiilty lhii l ii(?t VICt12.3t(? gar pli+, Ilblu po[ nor, of S chons 3011, 301 :30 i, W5 and 30 of the PuNic Laws 9T5N rind 05017 if conducted in riMx)rd; HY1 WAh the ConditaOrl 1-ercirlakc'r so-, foal;. Any propoiwd fill nr m adifir.,._Mon of wet anda aol'or 5. amrs, including stream,, undo this General Ccri flcatlcrl ;rr1 ! i6:5 ap(iliiir.!LIO'i :o. -1rld ',vntten approval from the Divisiorl_of `%iater f?li: fly (1.I:t; ,Divisioni except for Te sings f_ir ri/ lot exemption des.cnbed below. App c'tiorl rind b;vrltt8n r:lMyowd 4 IX7t lt: quireat for Constr[ ctron o; a drrdovay to a s:ndle: farnil'y lot as long as We ckwo1"ray :noNes loss Win 25, tL'C't of temporary on,, or pernian )nt streann. C:hrillflf l impacts, including any in-sVp rn 1;llabadon needed Nr Te crossing. 1_lais activi'y inust meet rill f ` the Cond [Ions of Certificabon WWI o„ii)n i any of t1L"`3 (3 t,!?:??11tIGr1s Cannol, bc, frict, or If the activAy is associated vvitll or in response to a Notice of Violation from the Division of Water Quality or the NC Division of Land Rosources, Men varitten app oval from the Division is required. In accordance YAh North Camhna Gene r-A Shone SNt ion 1 !3-21 `).:3U(c), ',Nr ttten approval for a 401 Water Quality Genera! Cenficl- wi nunt Incl.ide tiff.' ripjirOprl?ItF, fee. If d3 projcct also reCl,lms c CAMA Permit, on payment A bob 7t":E'rP, ks 5'1;311 b suf)iY11tt' d and', t be Me higher cf the two fees. Condition,, of Cerfirtw.atiow Impacts Deyofld t"fos ; Authorized in irlc ?A, rI ten A. iprc)Vr3 or Reyo-iu the l i1rFc_.hOlCi fo` Us(.? oll' Wiis Certification No 1wa°:k, spun so id% or i'li of my kind AwA ocu r in wetlands, e".'t tfJr>> o rlt`,_ir an beynHd lilt' NWAp`I'1[ of the i)YIp:3';ts auth )ri,,ed in the wrlttcn c iJpi C)V?al m he)yi)i d t.tiC kres ,olds fs use o :Ns Cr rt hcahon, Inciudwig inddenud imp?icls. liI( lul:ing the l ;til'?,r1, insta-A-at:earl, operation, .1nd rnaill,Cr`:lrlccc of 9i.:i11r?ClC'trlr and e osior Contral Best ''ll<71 l<`;C e rns.'i ii P ac"Ices.. shall Je pe0ormed so trldA no viol a;Ir)iis of sI 3t., ,,Litcr qmr ..,iity str;ill?lards sl .tl.itf_!.,. or rules, occur. 2. StcuxNrd E: ro-sJon grid Suclhiict,t Cow.rol P.actlce; Erosion and sediment ai? iku! pr i tlces rimst sae in lull cc)rrtpl ancc "vith fall Jove •`nl,'ig tll pIfs )e :lti"y ,l n Allci'hon ;Inc.? operation and ci rikionce of suds Best , ;rt:min<igr;litC'.rlt Praclic;es; \1 :IrC) Q i,11ll,:' Cci li( c,lI ,?,n "," ???O f Water Quality Certification W. 3820 n. DnFigi' Inst-lAbon, opei- tion, arid maintemnce of the <+rr,e.'.II( arw e. e siorl (,ontro e _su, must be such Unt they equa' or exc-e e the ?grlir(-^niwk pe,dfial ir1 the ,'.ost recent version of the ,'':4rir3 Wrclrr;a Se[1Nnwd and hasiC?I! G;rl(ln r`'il,arl mh The devves hall be n mi-it ined on call r t,tatrd5on slit s, borrow rus, and waste .11'('- (Spok) Projects, cllidirig cortrarm awned Wowed borrov pits rr ` o ate l v.d(h b. 1 or I)orro,w pA sit s be erosion and _;e d!ment cr ntrol rl F?rsl_rret, ninst In t?-lied, operc,t d, and maintained in acccrdancevm`(ti the most rCf.;i,r`.f. vei?I(-)ii of J-(t"Iru l t? co? ohna Sorfaco rV w"iorf (??i(111l.1< !. c. Ped"Ainat:on r11eaSUre and Inlplelfle.ll Rion nillst con-:ply ,& th thu rCC:I;_lli a iou in i_cco;e_iance MW the rec;nirc;iie;nts of they S dvi-in t tion Pollution Conlrol A(,I ;anti the Mining A01 of 19 A. dI S: if s requxed for stahllr &nn;.-,ind;o r'pcjlr c) crosYm cx_nfrOl IiICI ISUFCQ; and stomlWater ronting and 'Teain-ent Shall be of, site at all tifnes, cxc,c pl. fl)' funded Year transportation pi-Neck vAen mate.rik, can rw _-ac.cc-., sc(' ofk-il-c.' Ina tir e<1'y; Illcinner. e, If the propt ,,-t crews in W em or w at` `Ind. clas lied as nrllary Wsurv Arem WNA sy Rout (-!-I) SA, High Olrrali-y (HQOV), o (DWI-anrfly Re3C;Oi1W! WHW) ',`dlsters, tgen the sedll„ernt and ems On contr( I rC CIIJ10'r?i('n1.5 CO1 l all if d a/,tf1111 D( s?crr) in See s,i`;v< Nti[(zrstrct?r:, ( 15A KJCAG 0.11 R .101>4) sijp,f rcede all ol1-ir-r semme.nt and erosion control rect(_unemer.ts No Sedinlc?iltand E_>i?z:ki CoMr-ol Nicisixes Ir'r"de(;.l & O' Vjwhw;,' Sec' ment and eiros n control measures s,iux.ild not be 1)Imer1 6 vai-tlar:ci-s or watem oOside of the '>u(r tted im)_ d (w4 Wit. mit.:)'lerr _ pi,r(?K by Me Whom If Na(;an nt of see rent r , _ 2,_nCi F?`::}_>!(.)h colltrr;l dFVlCf?S Ire ?V?i(_'tc£Il!.Jl+ iP,1(.J Ni=:3tt:;r';i li>, ;.lr`I(1Vf? lI .f'S1(lh ?lh(": f?UI;'.,,??,?G?nt of _y eroSlClrl C:untrCinIC':.a?nrF ? ;;.!NH 11i1i he (:fi!IUUf;tE:eJ I I is rnarll r.:r t 1-l, t may rl's!..I t in tC:rllflO ;r Chs-(,(jUiilt)rll-irli Of V°UFAVIAdS Or sk ';7rrl he s or banns, !jacaq to OI up strewn c` id down s."rcarn of the "wove stru it . "kll :>,i.ilrnww and err i r1 (,ontrol devne,s shell he removoci '-and tflr_r natural (Jr ido t%.vo (2) months of to doe that to D ision ref onci ResO ,r_(.: or Ii?C;s ;' raele-yaiex?I l?)r?(?scai.ml h??s rcit.??ae?el the; ,)rotc,-t. 4. Cimsrriict cw: Ston-nwalter Permit NC 6010000 Upon the at provA of an Er ,sioh and Scchmentation God ml Pon lslwd by Me E)rvisan of Land R(nS cur-(;eS (DLR) or a DLR dologaVd WA e;m icn and sedirnF nt:,tion co-)tr-CI progra r.. an NPD3ES General stormwater pcrrlit (NCW0000) _adiniaistered by the [)ivi ion is (? ?Ch:?r BCI ?iLjtoirn citic'FJly .,.,Lied to tho prefect This Gurloml Pe-, nllt stOrlYlwvater to be dwing fared distrrbinq construction acti' hes as ShpW ted by cond tions in trle pernlr.. If your Project is covered by thi permit -appl cat, H to c:onstruc ion projects tlK disturb one 0 ) or nice asivy, full cCr1 Niar'ce with pe' mit cor;whon including the seNmer;tal on Contrul pl lri, SC;If rnonitorini,J, r COrtl f f pIr1C) alid reel?) tlrl{ regtllre.,ne= an reef ilre? A cWy of this ennit and n-fo itwinc report torrns may be hwmd at c?nas L)v(.u,riE:rits.rtni. The NoNh Garoliria I epat ne nt of l ranspfJrtahoii (N(_1)0 t) s( _iil be fi_cuircd tU .;c flli r11 :)51. rt?C;?'('t Vt'rSi;:;rl tcon,oliance b,vith 'the condition related to construction au,,i itie- within 'hc of their lndiv1 dua P PL)LS (NGS0002-A ) sto, tw1 )jeer pcrr.11t. VV;Ie'l Qu lhi v (.?.ri7lie:(:lluuf'iI' 2 Water Quality Certification No 3820 5. Work!-, the fury All vlork lip or .a(fJ?it;: ; i[ [( , r`i_'.clr" Vv'1?f'r Sl"a''i ! ?" . .?e co'1rit,cted ,•1 1•?ry °ork ?re?a. l\,. prC vod >>f??. t)BSt iliaf';i(jc'meri( rb'=.1Wins Qum tht_ most current version Cif the NC Semmelm and Mao!) l,OMO P;1amml or the NC DOT Construction ? m1 M9 iinten.,nce Activcies su h ,is S21r1 1(!?)(i? ro(.k t.:Pfl)1?> co ;'.1`_lcims, .in d other divemion Strln Tres ;;haH be Uwed to nunlru/c, C zViiUOf Iri til(] MJtC.'. Exceptions to NO condRion regjire sUbrilAMI 41 and ._1ppr!_wa hy, tnc: @,ivi: ion of''vr,??itt_r Guality. l?il?ill;ill.;r;tll.?flIvIor,alf?riums uidr.!lUrCl,'Y_ltiorl if ac'!iVilieS rr u"A Occur c.i:_imq penods of `sigh bbbec,al activity k v ea Me or bird rw ;tine), titan hlf)kClcal nlilr)lf;rmg ' i<,,y ti required at file req,Ie ;t of other st.,)te or fe(h,:rad c,-gerlcius and i-ourdim'---It.i_',i_1 ?.villi LIU`_e lcti`dmes. This condition can be waived °,ilrough abTltton Cc;rl(;•.li fE'rtCf O 'l a Case-by-case bysis i:pon rc asorei;le justification. AI[ rillrr;atC;rllli'!`; oil C'Un till ;ti(_ln activities es'ablished by [lie f'JC 10h1cl f FiC oan.;e ; Co nri?lSson ONRCy U FIK and Mckife Service (JSFVV,'_,), C. Divlslo., of Marine FohJn IC'._; DI"J[-). or tV?al.li.iil;ll Id Mine F",iv-, ies Service (NNIFS) to ,es:,en on tro!.t, In%)drorYl l15 fish, l -i V?atl.lnSr l%irad :ishus and crustdcearis, or Owl- aquatic Species of concern sh all tb ,' Iinl;lr"'n-!ented TNs condidon can be waived trL"f_lui_M :'.`rat.en core uumce on a case by rw;e bmsis upon re<l .nnal)'t j.r ;tif;c::atiori. JVGrf; "vithlr. the Nventphve (25) rjeSl p tee Vout counlies or IJcnt{f'ecl state or feder,7[ endangered or thy,tatened spejes haalJlrili. 5haq be coorfJlrlci!i.'.Cf'wit!I the rapprL)turate VVRC;, USFvr:S, NMFS, andOr DMF pErsC?wal. T Rip man Arc;a Protection (Buffer) R.-.ales Actlvilics o:utcd in. the. Protected 50-fcot *ide rip=a:-lan sari=fis (whether fur or f,ct), lvl[hl"1 the Nouse?, 1 ar-P arnlico, Catawba, RfarlCl2:?1,?Ii, ;arld .j()fdl:i l (( fiin`y' otll.`_r f7a:;i 1 vMP1 :buffer ruiC's) sh ll b hnnited to -uses" henhhe•d w:thl!, and constrl.med in accordan -. YO 15A NGAC 2B .0231 1250, .0251 1243, and W67, anr: shalt he !crc atc i9, 1;;?idr({::r',, Constructed: c rd Illa!ntalned to nave minimal distUrl')anc to proiect %A Batt r g,ualil f tf) thr, max-i ?llalll extent practic=able t[lrO,4 Hit use of best management pract cev All hij r rl.l!e requirements, irua(OVIq diflusc Low requirerncrits:'Must be mot., t'. V4ia_er S!;11v???J?atexsLErd 1ufiers The 100foot `41wde veyetative NMI- { I) gh Venslty d 'V(,1opnlC.nQ or ,:i0-fW Me vc _l ,at!Vl.' bul'te>.r now density devolo irrent) h afl 6o r oil ltair,('Q ;ldpcent to all pci cnn:cif c-.-, opt icr Aicvva'" ces as provide-c" m _he VV-ik., Proicct!on Rules [15A NCA(- 2B .02 throng'"i .('721,51. t.;^rlf;rE'tt.` Is i,i: ed Tv NY an co,,istructlC)n, n!ei" c% dry,.vor( are<7, should be ,nair'.tai cd to (died cc->r t :cl. ;)eta^,een urinq r f ,orate <anr3 stre'om vmter. ?Aa`ei 'khait Ir rdvertcn[1y ctrl Urli,llrS-_i (1 t C1r?Gr('ti, s-[iDUl (U not he dlsOwrCt .,_: to Sr-:rrt?CO rl<3tE'..`S f:lJEa tQ. tt,.E' potCY't4al f.)". el+_,.?)tr:;:J pH ;.)rd pos,,ible aqu.Aic lifrailisl, l,il!s 1t). Cc.nn;lens?ltclr?% P,li!i;,a! f:rl in tit t,ordalic'e wilh 1,";A i1H 0506 (111, (;i)f:il ni?; 5diory dtiClr.lt C:ri may bE) re(jl,A E it Or losses o- 150 hnear two or m a H of !;11 ' I111.., (irdtrrmitf°tii[ and f.wrerlllIn 0 ranri;or one 0) aue or nic)re of Wl OOK. PM mex, )nm lir. 0a rlSt;c,r'Wit in n prc.ljM, irn pacts equal to or exceechnj- 50 lne hot pcar strew r y n f,r ke vNigaboi:. Vl'.ftcr Q.)u:lliiv (:'criilw:aliiill Af?. > ?:.•j Water Quality Certification No. 3820 Buifcr nlltiga itinn rria be required for any pi-Oject wide BuRer Ruts in effect to the hmo of pon ation Or buffer It'inpa_ds resulting frorn ac:tivides chssibed as "N1OVVaNe with fb7!tlgabon'' Pilt?li?l fhe 'for P+ lms Or require a vananCE', undei the F..>t:ffef Ru! es. A detC'r!ni!IatOr) Of buffcf, %,%,c and =lnCt s eaw mitigate ;Ii rc"q!;;f'E Flees NIGH be wiade by the DW :; On 'Or aN y a aicat,ion to use Uns C o; thcnilai Design am! moniM liig protocol i shall tollovJ tho Uf rolly GoMs of En )hecrs Mmirigtori District Sfioam ?'irfrL"i•:atf0li Guidei1i"cs (April 2003), or its °suhsequen, i,.p atos. C[)nlpnisak yr ri:itlgation plans shr. l he sJ:Jrr,l nail ror itten vision 'c" Piprc)vai as rCc"Ul rt,d in th(-r"e Prnt;xc:' s yt ter nm ely, tale Division vJlll aC'CCP' payil ent Into an In-tlou fee program or credt purcluse fmm a n igady-i bank. Finally, the f111LC W n plat. must be Inlt)IErtTlr;iltrid <ir)-J/or GOrlstr u:eted I-xJo(e any ;Je nl il' unt boil ding or -striucture Orr site is os.cuoo d. in the case of iiiulAic mad Pi-l),eM dw rnhigaho i plan riiu! -t he implemented before `tile rrKod is opened to the piJ-iris .,hi ;riE ver piractical or at die ar.lust reel; Onahle We dl!bg the, coustrl'tctio'n of the proL e::ct. Proof of pJ iyIlient to 6,ri in- lieu i'-?e prcgrain3 or fllitl`-(c;tlo(1 hang nlust be prOVic;OCI to the Division to satisfy Mils requirei lent. 11. For Lict!i,It?eS requi: irgj re :ali-giniM of st't _ rns, a treani felo::ation piaii must he ir'iJl,lded for 4vrltti__'.n Division c7>>yow 1. Relocated streann deigns shodd induce he same (Imenshrs, pat:crn; and Profiles as the existing channel (or a stah!c rcfcrc:ncu rcrrc;h if the existing rlnnel is iJnStclf) E'?, tCl he maxinikirn E:xa{ (J piractlCdl. Tf1C nuw chw!ne: s lcu!d C)e CCn`;tructed in the dry and Yvate' shall not be turned Alto the new s:hannel Until the banks arC7 Wt)!II1.ed. VegeWbon used fa perm neat bank `. tcabiikNion shall he hrf ikd to native moLld specks, and should w5de estaNi sr'mnit of a 30 loot ,"JICjC , voodu)d and xi ?,,djacC'nt 20-foot Wde vegntvite'd butter an hoth Weis of the relocated channel to the illaximuril extr-rnt pr:actlcK A WinsitlOasil pase incur?omtinU ,[)proprnte eros on control r11C),finq, f Jtf:'.:'I??S and seedling establishment is <:allonmNe. ltp-rap, /`dada, CCilCrr tF, fr 3ia.onS Or Other hard stmctr, m s may be allowN if It is nec;esslrry W r oiW-,in he f i iy SIi;2 I (rlt?;' of the nowever, the appWri must provide YWHen justlfl ahnn and any cn:c:llf bons used to e Aernlf'le he ekeni of r!-rap coveinage. Please note that if th2 stream relocation is cC6lCt oWd as a stream restoration as denned Ir' the US My Laps of _ngineers Filar hongtoil Disslci, Ap I 200 SUr wo P?1;(li,,Won G.r0r_,l, iu , On ri_sloorud I£_. qUi cmi be used as C'I(Jt' itf:?f?. COrll; UH _=:tory niiLi{`jaticw for ths: impacts resultinU fr :n the 12 St.%'?f;;??"datCl fc?Clnfir.tOliiE nt Flan Rccl_ilrC`m -'L; i pt_;t;lii,; !. ra!r;.?pc??rt_i:ion ;Jrs?ii.?c;ts will t.)u rcqu:r?-?d to I_rccit storiwvaler runoff to the fvLixirrium Fxk; n1 in ,ri Vie I?C;I. CSI [per., "•?ian;l?t:?r ?r?ilt Pa;:ti(;es (Bf, II'I W"iiu:li. B. /W Wier Kgeds i,;iil romp y with to rwpimmeris set, fcalh hd;rw. M ;ii.lMor•, the apWtams shall fo hw the procedures exp: iaecl in the versi'oii Of f r:1I Jr, n1 f;r flat? (S,A*J ApImoval:_i17,) 7l17,!'l('i77(i'I?icat'!1(? Um t IS hi ream:; on tt:c date of the suhrrAUM of Te SMP. L Project Density: Projects v?itt) SIMPs :h,)f require 40-1 Ove-sight! Express Unit cippi t`L',-al shall t;C c;ia8 ?f C. i clthei Lo`vv cr High Dunsify according to the cr!tCr!<i CjCSCriJCC: hcio v. Law [den Ky A 0, v!'; npnne"t Mull be cmvOared [_ow D n ity I' ALL of ,he fol o1'vkq C.:'IlE'r are shown to have been ma. 1 ovz m ! site Peril. excl,id!ag pone,, lak( r : er6 (c s ?•pr ified in NmV--, GaroLi',a's Schedule of Class!f!Cat!ons) and saiNvater v,,eti,nds cr l?u.)lir, r cr!i?,,.;irr?ua "') ..,'(1 4 Water QUahty Certification N'. 3820 (SVVL) must contain I ss than 241' °i pervious s.irface rea considering Moth current and future dwcbpwent. 2, All stom,T -Water Run Me e,nke site must be transported primarily via vegetated conveyances designed in accordance with th.,71C5? recent per un of he NC DVV0 Storinvvater TENW Manu?:i. t he project n1Ust not VAN a stonnv.,,ater collection system (Such as ;)Ipced co?)veyanceQ as defined in 15A NCAC 2B 130210). 4 I° a portion of rJi oiea has a density equal to or g,,eatef than 'hen the higher density area must be located in arl upland area and away nl surface waters and drawageways to the nlaxlmur'n extent practicable. b. High Density: Project, that do not rneet all of tt',c-; Low 'Density ritF i is descr,bed above are considered to be lfigh Density, iequifing the installation of approp,, ate 13MPs as described Belo::,. All star ovate runcif fry rn the sire must be tie ated by BMP:s Uot we (l£'sy ned, at a 'TJ1f11/;t)wn, to remove 85 percent C) Tofal &')us fended Solids (TSS) 2. " affects locates in v.,aters reds that dram d rectly to graters c )nM ning the f_}Ilowing supplernenta' c'assrfi,P,tlons shall nieet these addrJonal requNswents lister AWY AlwPorr enk! SWnnwaMr BMP FRequ ren7ont Coss;trcahwl §3030) Project-specific condit cns may be added by the Dies sine to target .he cause of te water q l I ty impairment. NSVP/ /i ;':11Yllrl'iJ^l of 30 percent total phosphor-is 30 percent total nltr(:)Gen renloval, or other applicable F.Litrient reductic.) g0a for the vvato?shcd as codif cd n t'!lc, 15A NC AC 20 0200 rules. ? Trout (To A r iinlmur i al 313 t ??c ilt for >l phosph:on.,,s ar'.d 30 per e-it total nitrogen reniov'al: f.3MPs houdd also be desig ,ed to cininin ize tl.errinal coll-utlon. 3, All EiMf" s mu l L :. ayned in acco`; ance wqh Me Verson of the.; NC n ?. LJwasi) Of ?Ir'i7 k/ Q1,•'ci rl py i?Oi771 !"'d lB'1 FF'Cit MaimCIc11J F.'!J` 1 "!a%iICt,'i fti!lanuaf that is in piece on the ;.late of the s.;biilittal of Me SMP Use of stor'il:v?ter 8mps other tha.,i ll`iose 115tFd in the Mcs( ua, may ')e approved on a case-by-case basis if the applicai it car, denionsfrate that these BNIPs provde eCl dvalent or i'I( her pCii'i= r;'m(;•'val and ? ater quality prote(Jur). %egrv aWd MbacW In areas that me not aubjed to a state Rite dan Area Prote(Ai;.)n Rule: a 30-toot .ririe vegetated 'ck must be mair:ta= ed adjacent to streams, rivers and Wlal titialers as sr)E>clfied hielow a. The ,,idt . of the selack shall be measured horizontally from: ?,1';_ii•,:r C E.•.Ilil (%:Eiiac?£Iicxi No. 3820 5 Water QUE11ity Certif cation No. 3 320 The normal pool elevation of inipuunde.0 ,truc?ures, 2. The streanib mk of strean-is ar:E nvers" The inean high 4"2at dine of T dai ?.",' rc.'r S (!(' (JU`11'_ll -: ?I-l t( shoreline I The vege kted sctlback I) Icy !"e cleF Iro j or ;p<lucd, t)Lrt r`ill'=.t be Planted v, and mairiMmed A rtws n- (1`.i ,'i P.i(iI p4ml. (;over. C. Erie FAAJf 1 inlij, on a casob !`;-bs gum[ a War vananc:e from VI ,wGeta: d Seti ack requkE3inents Inirsuanl to On I_'roCE)! LK01, Set 1C);`.il I1 1 5A N',UAC 02B .0233(9)(b). d. Vcof ted setb?:Cs and flitFr:s rP„Iuired by ,! 1es )J - _ _ or l_o1c A Flo` ,.erilrli L'r rfl?-.y ho Inet Concl:rrun-1.1y with the I"?='i{Ilir t an.,_1 ril?_1v CUi'.tam coa ta.i. r) ,'3ti'C or 404 f IJr:`;C?i( tii)rl8l ',vetlar-As. it WrmwaWr Rowit)g to Streams and V'Jetl3rldy Wrnlwa E_ona:ryNmes that (ilsch <rge t0 ;tr211ni5 rind v."(Aarids 1-il11st nC)1)-0MS1Ve vel'xl?y mior to oriten:-ig the's,.roam or %?ve-tlai d d .rir) tile.; j7.'II' fiov%' from t?le u..,n-ycar storin, iv: ProjeOs Below Written ALIthorizition Thresholdo Frc., co thy): am l_iQmy vvi-I:trrl ciuii.r nzatinri UyeshoW s insist Cornpiy w4h the vershn of mCilr)';s G iir;ri7t6Ni1fr'i r,4llf4gjomen Wan (J``' i'') RevicS ? .J A!-)j; I tt r ; J 7_i iC;v l :il 1 .Jici- otl the daiE; E:a the (- .rtification for the projc'ct. v. Phased Projecis: iie CiWC) ?'vl!I albs" Sr;713S :o he ahascd On a D ais. ?illi 1 fin ;::I SrvtP required for the currcn! phase acid a concel)tl):ll Srv"P for th( khirf' ph;1sr.!(s) If the Currei-'•t phase nl 'cts thu, Low Den ;i ..rikE rI<i, belt futury 1lhas=) do not meet the Low Density Cr!iay Umn be entire r7rl Nct shall be considefed 'o he Hk1h Density. ` 11 it N WaOr C:-lallty i,,Crl {ICclt on is ised to clf_ ce-,s t'ulldino Llil lots ovPo'ncd by -,he al;N cent rein:,. W; buildaL)Ie vrithout ,-)ddiiio il,.:l loll. For ro< { Cr;nr?trurt-on purposes, this General Water ChYlAy Co ltnA r;n WA nnQ bu unlined Wnl l,nhw l high gawnd to rat;ral nigh gmaW. 14. t_:I '1[ rat or ulve.rtS on.d. Otlici' ill V Vi ate'ti ;:Ir)r.) -nw al"or:_) nn n 1M A dude constructor) pl< ri5'. ilrl detallk 111 one cr to RAW & 11101 Me W17810 .`la.tl&w of W .kC'.0 1' id h( l ;r1t:r11r"'?? Or enrkaliC'o( (iLo., riot r J? II1 he )d cuts). ?.!li`.'(.lrf'.Cllllri:.',(_' for this project `.full b dcs'irnod 21nd IrlsL-l k"d in slich - niani'mr that the nr gln).-II slri_ram prc file, nre not :WI e.red and Abw b a t in.i : h N I::Ewooak during iow how,v . XiSli q sk n AnienslorS (!iiC;!!dl i?7 the cro:. section dIr?'e )- inns 8-id Iongl[udinal pmh .9) ri Iuo ou maIr'tnned above and blow lJi;c;t. no o enS uAvel r'! lC;:;'ly t of culverts -'I is (:till; S1nI c[Lnus in wat s stet mu and '. etl :ids must he paced f;E' my Me C;kwat on of the s`remnhed by we loot for all culvels i."Jlth a dia'nNer greater tt rii 48 I9)Ciwr and 2l) pOrC A Of the C11IVE'rt d afilt'ar f,7r CHIVel't i°llV&q a d „Illetor Ass tl' n ni F'1'l.wl to 48 mchm, to z Ilo"%' iUw flolpr' I:"1 ,5Fil,E'. of water wid nquato ;1: uWss oth ;I 4^ he YUSlliod aim! , p yoved by the Division \\,ilci (?kl:;hly i'cr?ihcarl?-'n No '? 20 Water Quality Certification N 3820 lr'fall aI. ufl of ci;Ivc,(, Inv t.. "! ,Acts rn1.ISt eI)$i_lru (;i)rltirIuity of L^:r,r nio,veiii ei?t and t'; ,`gnc,'d lt.) adequatcdy accornrr odat! hitfh water or flood c and tinn Ar ai',.>n AN, when r08(_?b?,?:y.?, ('??1liJf'4vdys or o her `ill proju [s are. con,,trUr'tf_,.j 211 ;;i;; pt. f:i!'ti (r !Clil'riteCl llc7c)dw ly o wCAlaw15, ,,peoln"ys Sl. NI „ l!!`?r-as of ')ndl j.e? ll-wl,t e provided to i! r,,ntan the rl:l ,_:ral hydr(_ilculy of list YSIUnl as '"ll as pwwclf r.;c, SI-i <:lum of the flooCJ"My that M, resr_ift in dest::bilvrll un of Means c)r Wlarxls. Any rip rr7) required or r r)r:nal p pry .,i_Iricl) ar:c1 st?lt>iii.:.tir)t, ,I .)li l>e. hilri. rl , ui;la tliat C. Origill<ll StrC:;)r'1 el?s'?M r'n is 'Cstorucl and in'- 'lt lni i.l. The e ,r=lt:lirllninnref n .a vmody veg tahori ;.and c>t`(:r sr.'. : t.a;lrn lh?alk st-lhi ization tF:cf!rnetur_`c, rnr_ist h r_iscd whue plat,ii(: Ku IrsWad of rip rap ni r;thear hank Kardenvg rl ethnd;,. Ark.litional s te:° spe? j ; ConC,nS rCt'jy he "s-1&fu( t(_) itiF' 4.dr;lt(,n Ill orFer tc ensurE ;Dint i_incr with oll applir "Obika qi < h(y :In (::fflu >nt st?ln;? rcl:>. C+ o- "(Ei. If ;=irl urv,rcilnlcrlt:_:I I_toc:_Ir ('nt is rcr.l.iire?(.i inld:,l LI(> N tiari<-1 or ?ii?.e ?rrl:r(?i?in,!<• I Policy ?. h Ar_:t (NEPA or ` EF'AY then l:lis Ger,(.!fal i5 not v ;-,lid !.;iitii a r-ir!??lir.g of No `,igni n"I Ir;,ict. (FONSn t;` Rou,, +'. of f)o(:J:;Jon is =s, ed by --he state 7 f)r?ed notiiir:c:t mis or Similar I,Fr,h;fl:iS!llc; shall he fry cwt on d rommod juri1iC:ICtli1w-l I ?f; and 1irOtei:ll1 .e. f!t,tf=;r: in CJr ie; t: `r]_?' _IfC C,)Ii?anrC for UtrlrC: •v IC `Ic)nC a ,,v.._ i :n[. ? ice, v?a<n ? ..?? & i:: r wJ=ate I :r! l)nfk rl qvA. 1 he,s:e !T,almn .:Ills shall he Jl.t If 1 Nate at he We of r[:cudnq of ; ep)Frt'y', li! of ! dividij it Iots.diiCi e v r 0 a(. gq.-,,riat: A sample deed cch,flc?!Aor: Cnh t)e l"jii'Plllll?<el(;?t fruir! 4 lA',Jetlan•:1S Unit wCh Site gat d I (iaHlil Flu'b'.( ) dvq 0W f] •.^d:>!A ;C0 rtS-irlL P C'I";Tlli.` aPtJN; or _ I he t;'Xt of the ,amp c deed I:Ot.fluatlon may be n odlfled as appr(-ypriato to Jt to a "per; Project. 18" . C"-rtliicate of Cornpictio l V""hen "b ittCn cauthori7_ation is reclii!r'.d for tv;e o.'` this certihcC,,ti)n Ijpon co ip!letion of all pcnn:tt+'d lillp lets i:lOuded `.Nit in the approval 2nd 'any sulbsegijerlt rnC)C'itl(':=itlJriS, t`) applin A shall be rC{ll ked to rehl-n the ceWhcate of compleUan cl aci-.ed ko the approval. Orlc copy of the. (.ertl`w at e sNA he gent to the Uw'VC t:entrr.ll Office in t;?il??!ft;{ o 16,30 fvtail Service t:eMve RNeigN NC, 25M Y162). (3. ff h(JcnrPiCatlOn ShL!i expire tl.ri_'-£= (3) yens rfU'!1 i(lt ';_it_C Ot li;l 3r1;'f' of t.1ir' Vv!'ItfP; approvx from We DAM An or on Un some coy as tsl£'. (;;tlr!rNtl<_)n Cl;atE! ;)' Jo C:C?rrc'`;pnnning Nr3tWrlwHe Pern-ii!. 1,1 Cr N?erjion a. t_7f_'-`if_ ri- 1 Pc'rmit c:( .- xd(ilce l'V!th Cene[,al ,tr:°ute 1:fi 44.!i Certific ;bons iss!_le d tc thci iJC r ;T s?i)li E. r l irra C i!ly !I;ion t xl;ir,)t (,ri C `the- fedr;rral ?''N Poini!t The cond tons m cf1 o an • e di it of i ,nce ;-)` Cel'i=c?,tion for a speAc prc) ect shall rClrl;=i.in in (:Yuct for the; KQ of We projecl, i egai dlhass of the e,xpir a iori date of this l_a_'riIf coon. If to aorisiJr.iCa aii f)r(.`•CeS,S fnr approved ;a(-J;Vlfies vVill overleap the f'.Xl) a!_ion ar?d renev;al fiend) o the. Ci';rli">Plti)'1Cli3ft 404 Pern!It sir-d the Comps ?-Tc v, for cerdmue_:_1 use of the 404 PUMA, ttifjr?i We Ge!`e? l Ce,rti*ii;«tiull ;hr I rrna:n in e:ffuct witilo'd rcqulr;'I?j re-cipl;;H.;;,iir n _wr rr' ;q)prov,al to :Ise this fci thy' spuc;It:C rlp_r.ts dr(.?ady o;:pfovfrd 20. Thu appInn" lF;umiilee and ff-leir nP hO! iced a ; nts AM Conduc' ;-.li activi Je,?; k'i ?P inan7lcr w:it:.r 1ur:litJ -,ta d, rus (i -cludinct ally ?.,'(pdicwents is !_iltir:C front Ulrlp '.'Mfl 5.3i1.)(Cjt of the Clean Water Ad), and any olor approgiate' re,hrCil1C'.nk W `>t?a?e s'ld f rile-,l„ l <<l?l. 1` the Clvlsbi c.Cte;!'rnln s lot suds st<r:dank Cr laws %1r not t)E)!qi Ine;t. InclljdmCl f(alflHe to .SUSMW1 rd (iCalQl"l?rtCCt or achi-veG w e. C1, th?3t ?:,- or 1 : cerill ii IS Water QUality Certificafio n N'. 3820 bAn g VIWtf:C?, cm Umt Mahn condltlons are nF c. _snvy to assi (Amnoi.3nce. Men the D e nbn may reevaluate and rr aAfy this General VN.rIE;r Quality Ceri nc,ai.ion- Non cnmpl <ance with (;r W:ation of the ,condidarin hE.' ein sl..'., UK by a s;)n'l is `III pled ai,-,iy result in revo) at!on ?)f this C eO ricntlO1; for the p")j'c,,,; cIrld rr•?iy ciIko 'H;ult in (:-(I')11r'1<1 and/or civ V penDlt%'e s. The Directo; of i North Division ,)r `YVJ itor (?u. :flit.y rn 1y rE q!.lire suhrrlis=•ioll of ?1 ro rin! d at)pllc,-Aio l for Irldl'did-jA ce.,lliiQ;atlOri for i.inj Vr(?jt'Ct in tr1!`; c itegnry cf elt-tivity , It 't is det!_rii!ined . r?1<?t the iV u,ect :7 lil?:e.y try have ,? siC3ni( c 111 aWne e(rFw ut)cxl water Q why awI :din,) 5r_,tF: or fC,r erciib Aied E:IIdi-`li e F;d n t'1'ca" ed aq 1=11.Ir; swedes or (lE'.(;'rii?e the v'!ws Wit: TaL E.'mskn() uses of the wetl a' ror Vatcrs ;ire [)Fe Ul1E'd. Public iir?arirlgs in2y he held NN :gip (Jfk.; ??3r) :?li(;atic)ns c:r E1rr)up c?t? ?1t.? 11iE.:;afJc)ns ,1ric)r to =. t?eltl?ir;<?1fiEin dF.chiorl it _feen-wd in Me pWA he irluest by Diu .,Irer)t(?. 0 We Firth _,roim-, Division of V,/<:i er Quality. Fffecliv(E (Icik!: ! r:l l 6. 20'10 DIVISION O1 '4VAJ-FR Ql.li11_I FY By Colcen H. sullen Dircckir Hislo,yNote: 'H'ater Quality CertificMion t', OC) Number 3820 issued April 6; 2:110 replaces WQC rhimber 3104 issued November 1, 2007, V'JO(,, Nh.mher 362 :s?:ue tlmrch 2007;',%'O ; Number L0104 isimed March 200A VVQC Plumber 3115 issued 1,hrib 13, 2004 OVOC; Nuxih i 3289 lss,-icC June 1, 2000, ), 10C. Nlijmber 3103 Knue1 { on Fr ?.?r, Nua i 1 1 1a9Y, V'V?" E r Number K&I . issuer_ May 1, 19OZ `vVC,1C >` urr:Lcr 2(306 Issued kirr-r,i 21, 162: c-'nd'OPDC Nr.mber 211i' titl_Cli_j t[iVEirll )Cr .], 198: f YdQC r':5DI,(-1eC %"JhESr [ilf'. Cor})s of f-'1C]Ir1+E''s ."e-a..I`IIOr`IZi-S N.1' f;"lv"! I fi P':;rVllit 14 or Regi rwl Ge vol Per!nq 198200031 or when downed apl) o iak by Ujo DirE_cor of thu L_)!',:,IUIi of VV_ ter Qjl?.1!ty. li fir'.9tion No. 3820 8