HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100050_GEO THERMAL_20070717• Permit Number W10100050 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (50W) Primary Reviewer jesse.wiseman Permitted Flow Faciiit Central Files- APS SWP 07/17/07 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type Active New Project Version Permit Classification 1.00 Individual Permit Contact Affiliation William Lovins PO Box S370 Mars Hill NC 28754 Facility Name Major/Minor Region Mars Hill College 5QW Minor Asheville Location Address County 100 Athletic St Madison Mars Hill NC 28754 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Name Owner Type Mars Hill College Non -Government Owner Affiliation .James Roberts P o 398 Mars Hill NC 28754 Dates/Events Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 07/17/07 07/09/07 07/17/07 07/17/07 Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection School Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin W Art Q Michael FEasley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secnstary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins Director Division of Water Quality July 17, 2007 William Lovins Mars Hill College P.O. Box 370 Mars Hill, NC 28754 Subject_ Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type SQW Injection Well System Permit No. WIO 100050 Mars Hill College 5QW System Madison County Dear Mr. Lovins: In accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on July 9, 2007, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed -loop geothermal water -only injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump. This system is located at Mars Hill College in Mars Hill, North Carolina. This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .021 l(u)(2)), However, it is recommended that you contact the Madison County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of systern. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. Please ;.all Qu Qi at (919) 715-6935, or email him at gu. i ancmail,net if you have any questions regarding geothcrmal heating or injection well rules and regulations. Sincerely, Jesse Wiseman Aquifer Protection Section Enclosures cc: Asheville Regional office - APS APS Central Files - Permit No, W10100050 Aquifer Protection section I636 Mail Service Cenrer Internet: www.ncwaterclualiq ors Location: 2729 Capital Boulevard An Equal opportunhylAffim2llve Adlon Employer- 50% Recydedll D% Post Consumer Paper l�s` C am inaa Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 %deigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: (919) 715.0588 Fax 2: (9l9) 715-6048 Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 06-06--' 07 15:59 FROM-NCDENR 828-299-7043 T-158 P002/005 F-170 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED -LOOP GE01110UMAi WATER -ONLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEM (GROUM COUPLED MEAT PUMP) - Type 5QW wens In Aoaordsnoc with the provisions of NCAC INtle 15A: 92C.0200 Cothplepe application and maii to address on the back page. Tbis is xos the proper forces to be used for injection wells. in an oven -loon geothermtal system. Do a9ime this form for systems that t[rculate any subaftaces other than water. TO: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLrNA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY DATE: -A u rtr 'I . 24 D r A_ SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION Dons the proposed system circulate potable water in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid ftm the environment? YES --� If yes, then continue completing tWa form. NO If no, do not compiete this form. Forth GW-57 R11, Application For Farmtt To Co rsrrucr And/Dr Use A Well(s) For [Nectton With A Heat PwV Sysrem, should be completed. tfverbe inttoducvd to the system's oiroulating heat transfer fluid? This includes, but is not limited to corrosion inhibitors and/or antifteoxes. YES If yea, do not complete this farm Form OW-57 HP, Application For Permit To Cows ct AndlOr Uses! Well(a) For I'njecrion Wirh A Neat Pump S�urem, should be cample:ted. NO If no, these continue oompieting this form. C. PROPERTY OWNER Nam: IN Xc%,e % K, Address: d . a ntic 3 City: MA rc al Ij County: mBAL k rt State: NC- Zip Code: Telephone: A Z 8 - G $9rt D. STATUS OF PROPERTY OWNER Prfvete: Faders!: Slate• Municipal.• Cmarnercial: Native American Lands: 94vlsod 7106 GWIUIC-57 CL Page 1 of 4 06-06-' 07 15 ; 59 FROM-NCDENR 828-299-7043 T-15R P003/005 F-170 E. FACHM (SnrE) DATA (Fill ota ONLY If the Status of Owner is Federal, State, Municipal or Commercial). Name of1lusiness or Facility: A4dnu: City, State; 73p Code: County: TelaPb=m ' Contact Person: Standard Induabial Code(s), SIC, which describes oommercial fheiiity: F. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR DATA Name: Esr -40, G rat !C a n.! r it' -A 10 R r Z ne Addrm 1 D - So - city: Stab -VA zip Coda: Z4ZA� County: Tolephone: 3 Contact Parson: 0. CONSTRUCTION DATA (check one) FXIST1NG WBU(S) being pmposod for use as a ground-ooupled heat pump weU(s). Provide the Inforoution in (1) through (3) below to the beet of your knowledge. Attach a copy of Form GW-I (Well Construction Record) if in►silable. — _ PROPOSED WiEIL(S) to be constmated fbr use as a ground -coupled heat pump well(s). Provide the irrfowmtion in (1) through (3) below as PROPOSED construction spwHicatiionys. Submit Form OW-1 aftor oonstruotion. (1) Well Dr+ilYir+g cont aator's Name: 11 e-CLS W Q ( ( i..SQ l r NC cow Certification number. 211,11 � to be adnt[rumd: m&Ap v -- Number of borings: ApprwdmWe depth of each boring (feat): 3 C9 (a) Well casing: Is tiro walks) cased? (a) YES If yes, then provide the oesing information below. Type: Galvaelaed steel Black steel Plastic Other (specify) Casing depth: From to ft, (reference to laid suriieca) Casing mdands above ground inriws (b) NO ` Gant%-k"'aWN Cattry-ke Crtrnaye.� w e•tss�l (3) Graut (grout the vertical length of the borehole to a minimum depth of 20 feet bla,): (a) (trout type: Cement seritonho 1� Other (specify) (b) Orouted sw tm and grout depth (refenco to land sur&ce): around Closed loppiping;nb� SCr sand (1 � P from to (feet). W i-L k bQ n { ■ n r� r n `�' P around well casing; ftm to Net). Zac N'0' ' THE WELL n UNG L'C'INT AClC2 CAN 9Ui'i'[.Y THE DATA FOR. Mn= siasrrxa OR ftOPOM wEL.e EF Tras WotbrATtoN Is UKAVArraat.s BY OTiiR WMANs. Revised 71D6 GWMIG37 CL Page 2 of 4 06-06-' 07 15:59 FFOM-NGDENR 828-299-7043 T-158 P004/005 F-170 H. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diWarn snowing the e4nearin4 layout of the Waction equipment and Exterior pipirwwbing associated with the looaction operation. The manufbdurar's brochure may provide supplementary Information. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two maps. (1) IncIude a site map (on be drawn) showing: bulldings, property lines surface water bodies, potential source of groundwater corttaminaeon and the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any eadsting well(s) or waste dieposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain Holds located vrldit 2100 That of the ground -coupled heat pump well system. Label all feats clearly and Include a north arrow. (2) location map referencing the site to two nearby parmanent refereaoe points (such as roads, streams and highway intermwtions). - - PERMIT LIST: Attach a list of all permits or construction approvals that at related to the site. Examples include: (1) Harardous Waste Managernmzt program parmlts under RCRA (2) NC Division of Weser Quality Non-Disobarge perni to (3) Sewage Treatment and Disposal Permits IC. CERTIFICATION "I hereby ee tify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this docusncnt and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible tor obtaining Wckinfounation, I believe that the information Is true, aoourate and complete. I era aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of f:nca and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the ground sour o host; pump syst m and all related appartanames in accordance with tiro approved specifications and conditions fuze Permit." (ftmturc of Well Owner or Authorized Agent) 47 V atrthorlaed went Is acting on behalf of the well owner, please .supply a lacier signed by the owner authorizing the above agent. Revised 7106 OW/UIC-57 CL Pape 3 of Wb-bb-' b7 1b ; WW rhUM-1VCDENH T-15b FM/may r-270 L. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (Owner mesas any person who holds the fee or other property rights In ft well being om atrueted.-A well is reel property and eta eonatruadon on lend rests Ownership in the landuwner in the shame of contrary agreement in writing.) IftM prnpcdy is owned by somec a other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to ronstnre:t each lnjecidon well as outlined In this applioation aril that it shall be the nopcwUn'lity of the applicant to moure that the grouted -source host pwnp system's Weil(s) coafbm to the Well Coasttuction Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) (Signature Of Property Owner If Different From Applicant) Please rchp two copies ofthe completed Application package To: UIC Program , - Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DENY-DWQ 16336 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 715-6935 R&hW 7106 OW/WC-57 CL Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF PLAN APPROVAL The pasting of this certificate certifies that an erasion and sedimentation control plan has been approved for this project by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources in accordance with_ North Carolina General Statute 113A - 57 (4) and 113A - 54. (d) (4) and North Carolina Administrative Cade, Title 15A, Chapter 4B.0107 (c). This certificate must be pasted at the primary entrance of the job site before construction begins and until establishment of permanent groundcover as rewired by North Carolina Administrative Cade, Title 15A, Chapter 4B.0127 (b). MACC,7 141 WLo-LCQC In- -DGO -.f;xMwG" Project Name and Location MAP1CJP11Z00G-M10Z3 614 1 Dr S . Date of Plan Approval Regional Engineer NDENR 1 ❑Ivisiorl of avlronmenud Health DARHYL BOONE Town Of Mars Hill 28 N. Maim St P O Box 368 Mars Hill, NC 28754 Dear Applicant. Division of Environmental Health Terry L. Pierce, Director Public Water Supply Section Jessica G. Miles, Section Chief June 26, 2096 Re: Authorization to Construct MARS HILL COLLEGE MARS HILL, TOWN OF MADISON County 0158010 State or North cafalina Michael F Easley, Governor Departmant of Envlrcnmeat and Natural Rescutcas WIIIlam G. Roos, Secretary This letter is to confirm that a complete Engineer's Report and a Water System Management Plan have been received, and that engirt Bring plans and specifications have been approved by the Department for MARS HILL COLLEGE, ❑EH Serial No. 0600657. The Authorization to Construct is valid for 24 months from the date of this letter, Authorization to Construct maybe extended if the Rules Governing Public Water Supplies and site conditions have not changed. The Authorization to Construqt and the engineering plans and specifications approval letter, shall be posted at the primary entrance of the job site before and during construction. Approval must be secured from the Department before any construction or installation if: • Deviation from the approved engineering plans and specifications is necessary; or There are changes in site conditions affecting capacity, Hydraulic conditions, operating Units, the function of water treatmdnt processes, the quality of water to be delivered, or conditions imposed by the Department in ahy approval letters. Upon completion of the construction or modification and in accordance with Rule .0303, the applicant shall submit a certification statement directly to Siraj M. Chohan of this office. This statement must be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer stating that construction was completed in accordance with approved engineering plans and specifications, including any provisions stipulated in the Department's engineering plan and specification approval letter. Prior to Final Approval, the applicant shall submit a signed certification stating that the requirements in 15A NCAC 18C .0307 (d) and (e) have been satisfied and if applicable, a compieted application for an Operating Permit and fee, Once the certification statements and operating permit application and fee, if applicable, are ireceived and determined adequate, the Department will grant Final Approval in accordance with Rule .0309 (a). Therefore, no construction, alteration, or expansion of a water system shall be placed into service until Final Approval -has peen issued by the Department. If we can be of further assistance, please call (919) 733-2321. Sincerely, Tony C. Chen, P.E, Technical Services Branch Public Water Supply Section TCC:SMC cc: JAMES P. ADAMS, Regional Engineer Charles C Day, Pe 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1634 �v°nehCarolina Telephone 919-733-2321 .A Fax 919-715-4374 ■ Lab Form Fax 919-715-6637 http:lincdrinkingwater.state.ne.usl lVatimally An Egjai Gpporlunlry 1 Affirmative Acilon Employer tdCDENR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Public Water System Authorization to Construct Public Water System Name and PWSID No. (lf available): Project Name: Serial No. Issue Date: Expiration Date: MARS HILL, TOWN OF 0158010 MARS HILL COLLEGE r 0600657 24 months after Issue Date In accordance with NCAC 1 BC .0305, this Authorization to Construct must be posted for inspection at the primary entrance to the job site during construction. North Carolina won �"m r -r surru M63W -r ws d-a wolww � a e4 r rare 16 t 1[ Ill[ 19� Y[ MPI4 Alll A C�I�i 1� n..re, mot" WPI wm. o,zw SITEpu Oar FA LU $. m &mm M2l1 z Q Q y� i ❑ W CJ rA a� tLu. w a a 8 k z � � x oc _ rA m pmofflame ow by mmamFLAII pawLm M2. 1 06-06-' 07 15:59 F134M-NCDENR 828-299-7043 T-158 P002/005 F-170 J NORTH CAROLINA DEPARThffXr OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED -LOOP GEOTHERMAL WATER -ONLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEM '(GROtM COUPLED BEAT PY.]MP) , Type SQW Wells In A000nknot with the pror Wons of NCAC Title I5A: 02C.0200 Complem applloatlan snd mail to address on the beck psgo. This Is lot the proper Corm to hawed for tnjectlpa welb.in an gpaa-loop geothermal system. Do iopt fir• this /farm i'br systems that a realate any substances other thae water, TO: DIRECTOR. NORTH CAROLINA DrMION OF WATER QUALITY DATE: .:I u r%,t I 200"1 A. SYSTEM C A.SSiFICATTON Does the proposed system circulate potable water in continuous piping that ootmplawly isolates the fluid tiom the anvirotuaent7 YES '� If yea. then continue completing this form. NO If no, do not complete. this form. Form aW-57 HP, Applkatlon For PomIf ro Co Vmet A"iOr Use A We!r(s) For I►ijecrim Wfth A Neal Pwnp 5jmm, should be oampiated. ftbe IiAnkl load to the system's airoUlating heat transfer tivid7 This includo% but is net limited to corrosion inhibitors and/or antifroores. YES if yes, do not complete this form Form O W-57 HP, Application For Pamit To Constant A dlor Usa A Widl(a) For Injection With A Heat Pkmp S)9tsvn, should be completed NO �If no, rhea onetime completing this form. C. PROPERTY OWNER Name: t d l Addms: F. d & o.Yt 3 '1 City: U;sL,, i Stara: A1� Zip Coda: -3A-T County: Ma' & 0 n _Telephone: R?- R- 6 a9. I"A!3 17. STATUS OF PROPERTY OWNER Private: Fedwal: Carnrr:rrolal: 8tete: Municipal: Nativc American Lands: Revised 7106 OWIUIC-57 CL Paget of4 06-06-' 07 15:59 FROM-NCDENB 828-299--7043 T-158 P003I005 F--170 B, FACil.1'I'Y (SM DATA (Fall out ONLY if the Sum of Owner is Fladwal, Swte, Municipal or Commeralal). Name of Bualness or Facility: Address: Ctq; Suft., Zip Code; County: Teleph w C.aBtaot Person: Swndatid IndmWei Code(a). SIC, which describes commercial ficift: F. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR DATA Name: i` 4P AA, t see P"v 6 P Zip Code: ?-4 13 Couanty: Contort Person: . 1 Q, CONSTRUCTION DATA (alasok am) LXIS '! G WEI.I.(S) being proposed for use ea a ground -coupled heat pump well(a). Provide the intihrmation In (L) through (3) below to the beat of your leeowledge. Attach ' a copy of Farm QW-1 ( Well Construction Record) if J PItOPCSM WELL(S) to be cornsbuaWd for use as a ground -coupled heat pump well(a). Pravlde the irlfbrmafm in (1) Through (3) below w PROPOSED Iona ructhm specilladona. Submit Farnn OW-1 afto+r construction. (1) Wall Drilling C aw's Name: I l e Ck.s w 4L L 1, W4L L NC C.anbcbar CmMumion.n unbar: ?� to be oor Rvafdd: ■titer o `"('— Number of boritngs: Appmr3mate depth of each baring (feat): 3 OD (2) well casing: h dw well(s) caned? (a) YES Ifyea, then provide the casing lrnfhrmstlon below. Type: Oaivanlnod steel Black arm] Fludc Other (epoch]+) codas 401h: From to A. (relbrenoe to land senrfaeo) Cuff extends above ground moires 0) NO , CanVkrVCtWrV" 6'r, f tnlvuej w e•tcn6l (3) Ormd (grout the vordW longth of the borehole to a minimum depth of 20 fast b1a.): (a) orwat lype: COMBt Bargm" r Odw (speak F) (b) Gwated sm&ce and grotot depth (mferenw to land surface): around ckmad loop plping; from to (feet). w r{ k b¢ n{ ■ n�� t r A '� a P wound well oaslav from to (feet). �+ NOTE: 'lam w= nuLlm owuc= cAW SIIIRt y mm DATA FOR mnm munma OR PsdTt7W VIEM IF TM WFOMArAg 18 UKAVARAMa BY arMUL MRAW. Rurlsed 71t16 OWMG47 CL Page 2 of 4 e6-06-'07 15,59 FROM-NCDENR 828-E59-7043 T-158 P0041005 F-170 H. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Artaoh a diagram showing the engineering layout of the irgection equipment and warrior piping/tubing associated with the boactiot operation. The manufhcturar's brochure may provide supplementary information. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two maps. (1) Include a site reap (can be drawn) showing: buildings, property lines surface water bodies, potetWeLl sources of groundwamr contarminauon end the orientation of and distanm bcrwcen the proposad woii(s) and any existing well(s) or waste disposal f6cilitles such as septic tanks or drain Salda located within 200 That of the ground-ooupled heat pump well system. Label all features clearly and Include a north arrow. (2) Iocation map refermaing the site to two -nearby permanent refeream points (such as roads. streams and highway intersections). PERMIT LIST. Attach it list of all permits or eonstructlon approvals that are related to the silo. Exsmplea include: (1) H&mrdous Waste Management program permits under RCRA (2) NC Division of Weser Quality Non•Disobarge permits (3) Sewage Treatrnent and Disposal Permits K. CEkTIi7ICATION kI hereby certify; under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am Familiar with the information submined in this document and all attaahrruenu thereto and than, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining saiid_infornmtion, I believe that the information Is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there arc slgnlf cant penalties, including the possibility of flnea and Imprisonment, for submitting fhlse Information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the ground -source heat pump systern and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit," zz.-� (Signature of Well Owner or Authorized Agent) Ijartthorked agent Is acting on behuljaf the well owner, please =pply a kner signed by the owner authorizing the above agent. Revised 7/06 OV/"C-57 CI. paps 3 of 4 ab-bb-'WY lh: de HUM-NOD1.NH M-ny [- IMJ T-1bg rep b/Mb r-179 L COMENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (Owner means any parson who holds the flee or other property rlSW in fba well being ooz%ructcd.•A well 1e real property and its cowauatlon on land rears owamhip in the kndoww in the &be=* of conewy agreement in writing.) 1fthe W+op aV Is owned by sonume other than the appliasa; the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to eor twt esab injecdon well as outlined is this applioation and tha It aball be the respooibi by of the appliond to ensure that tha $round -solace beat pump system's Well(a) mft= to the Well C.oaabWion Steadards ('Tftle 15A NCAC ZC MM) (Slgnstere OfProperty Owner If Different From Applicant) Flom return two copies of am cmph tad Application pukage to: UIC Program Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DIM-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Rol J&w NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 71"935 Revised 7106 GWNXC-57 CL Pago 4 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF PLAN APPROVAL The posting of this certificate certifies that an erosion and sedimentation control plan has been approved for this project by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources in -accordance with North Carolina General Statute 113A - 57 (4) and 113A - 54. (d) (4) and North Carolina Administrative Code, 'Tale 15A, Chapter 4B.0107 (c). This certificate must be posted at the primary entrance of the job site before construction beginis and until establishment of permanent groundcover a's r'egaired by North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Chapter 4B.0127 (b). WtL-CQE:MAC��111L_ Project Name and Location Date of Plan Approval Regional Engineer RCDENk r0 171vlafon of Etvunnr=W Health DARHYLBOONE Town Of Mars Hill 28 N. Main St P O Box 368 Mars HIII,NC 28754 Dear Applicant: Divisiorr of Environmental Health Ter L. Pierce, Director Stale afNorrh Carolina ry Michael F. Easley, Govemor Cepartment ofEnWronment and Public Water Supply Section Natural ► osourWs Jessica G. Miles, Section Chief William G. Rosa, Secretary June 26, 2006 Re; Authorization to Construct MARS HILL. COLLEGE MARS HILL, TOWN OF MADISON County 0158010 This letter is to confirm that a. complete Engineer's Repert and a Water System Management Plan have been received, and that engin sting plans and specifications have been approved by the Department for MARS HILL COLLEGE, DEH Serial to. 0600667. The Authorization to Construct Is vaild for 24 months from the date of this letter. Authorization to Construct may be extended if the Rules Governing Public Water Supplies and siteConditlons have not changed. The Authorization to Construgt and the engineering plans and specifications approval letter, shall be posted at the primary entrance of the jab site before and during construction. Approval must be secured from the Department before any construction or installation if: ■ Deviation from.the approved engineering plans and specifications is necessary; or • There are changes in site conditions affecting capacity, hydraulic conditions, operating units, the function of water treatment processes, the quality of water to be delivered, or conditions imposed -by the Department in any approval letters. Upon completion of the construction or modification and in accordance with Rule .0303, the applicant shall submit a certification stat�mentdfrectly to Siraj M. Chohan of this office. This statement must be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer stating that construction wag completed in accordance with approved engineering plans and specifications, including any provisions stipulated in the Department's engineering plan and specification approval sett' r. Prior to Final Approval, the applicant shall.submit a signed certification stating that the requirements in 15A NCAC 18C .0307 (d) and (e) have been satisfied and if applicable, a completed application for an Operati g Permit and fee. Once the certification statements and operating permit application and fee, if applicable, are eceived and determined adequate, the Department will grant Final Approval in accordance with Rule .03 9 (a). Therefore, no construction, alteration, or expansion of a water system shall be placed into service until F al Approval .has been issued by the Department. if we can be of further. assistance, please call (919) 733-2321. Sincerely, �V� Tony C. Chen, P.E. Technical Services Branch Public Water Supply Section TCC:SMC cc: TAMES P. ADAMS, regional Engineer Charles C Day, Pe 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1634 � e Caz,O • 3 Telephone 919-733-2321 J Fax 919-7154374 J Lab Form Fax 919-715-6637 http:ilncdrinkingwater.state.nc.usl aturlal U An Equal opponuntty 1 Aftlrmative Action Emclover is f State of North Carolina Dspartment,of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Public Water Systems Authorization to Construct Public Water System Name and PWSID No. (if available): Project Name: Serial No. Issue Date: Expiration Date: MARS HILL, TOWN OF 0158010 MARS HILL COLLEGE r 0600657 Q6Q3/2DQ6 24 months after Issue Date In accordance with NCAC 18C .03K this Authorization to Construct must be posted for inspection at the primary entrance: to the jab site during construction. North Carolina r1a rr--1 o 7.o. � oM, vcv.c.,.� ngya o■�rrcax 4Y 3 TYPICAL GEDTHERMAL WELL DETAIL T❑ S"'LE ow J ■ m■c"aa"'rr c""ro'�r'�"r�m�+�r""ir c.�s w wee .m�"i+.up 1 -- 4 od m F�e.r r ■crc ron r nn . xc .vTM jt i,�i'�'"'a r� ! -� eJ 8R1Cr Burt WMG I . .��f. 11aa�ff�T s, cavmro a<� s r a � :leas �imum k 0 1 Z uj —.ara.oe SSptE• �Rl a Z La LU r■a ..■a �.� w — 1 r 'J Q' � U MARS HILL 1 / lL Q a uj ? 1 J i L LU o z I U w - _ 1 W o C � z -f s Z Z i gGEOTHERMAL SU PLAN - HVAC PIPING M21 1'a0P-0' a c R&,%b, i p 2B,'M o�by wa, wm. G�Eo6"- ?L� wAc�,ram„, W.", _ ;� .. r �r € r r r r r ,-,,.• ywar�rra* � ,� c r.wo r r r r r r r a• :r r aon �v uv..rw:stt. s r r r r r r r r r r r i-� r �• � - Y e �•a m avrs Luc .,- -- • art a-�� o�vaw.: �"� € r �-err r � r r r Fr r frf r r r r r s A s;' I• • I � '%�• raa �r' v`wr. r�J6Drcnory.crnc, r _ r r y r r r Y r r r ,-�+• r r r r r r r r r r r r �/ �� L/ •� a "^•y"T r r r r r r r -vr s( I' � °� .�i�r�us• �� r +-,n' r r r r r r r ' r r r r r r i-vr �- -�N Y r r -rr r r r Y r r a ATYPICAL GE�7FIERMRL INcI L DETAIL rT r ' r r r r r r r r r r r 'rr -� HOT TO SCfiL� r •-+r• r r r r' r r r r r r r „ 1E :, ,�;:: • ,�, � ,�, ( EQTHERI4IAL BARE FIELD36 M¢ . 4Tn� •n r f� / I f 411 E1, 'TUDENi _ vIll "..DING . 1 - • � �� I� .�e4i _�l rrnraooaun� ,• kaf t > Igo ua -�^ 1 Y--v wr reran .,. rnu., vo } �� -•_ � .Y -. OU r� A_ GEOTHERWI SITE PLAN - WAC PIPING I r�a� 'I 'p C 0. WHO 1 � z 0 ¢o xz w L� z U 0 z w Iw- Q w J w Qw -j C] °z x law � N � ran m I . RMbr, Q,YX►6T 1S im1 cam awn er N� AU= t. w Sham =���• M2.1