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NC0034860_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (9)
SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: To: Western NPDES Unit Surface Water Protection Section Attention: Charles Weaver Date: February 17, 2010 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS County: Alexander NPDES Permit No.: NCO034860 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and address: Schneider Mills WWTP 1170 Hwy 16 N Taylorsville, NC 28681 2. Date of investigation: January 29, 2010 3. Report prepared by: B. Dee Browder, Environmental Engineer 4. Person contacted and telephone number: Darren Webb, ORC, (828)632-8181 5. Directions to site: Merge onto I-77 N toward Statesville (15.3 miles). Merge onto I-40 W via Exit 51B toward Hickory ( 4.5 miles). Take the US-64/NC-90 exit, Exit 148, toward W Statesville/Taylorsville (0.3 mile). Turn right onto US-64/NC-90/W Front St. Continue to follow US-64 (16.8 miles). Turn left onto NC Highway 16 S/NC-16 (0.1 mile). The site is located at 1170 NC Highway 16 N. 6. Discharge point(s): Outfall 001: Latitude: 35° 56' 11" Longitude: 81° 11' 29" Outfa11002: Latitude: 35° 56' 11". Longitude: 810 11' 29" USGS Quad No.: D 14 NW 7. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Muddy Fork Creek a. Classification: C b. River Basin.: Catawba 03-08-32 PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of wastewater: 0.78 MGD b. What is the current permitted capacity: 0.78 MGD c. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous ATCs issued -in the previous two years: N/A C d.. Description of existing or substantially constructed WWT facilities: The existing facility consists of a bar screen, aeration basin with mechanical aerations, final clarifier, an aerated sludge digestion tank, four (4) sludge drying beds, and cascade post aeration. C. Description of proposed WWT facilities: N/A f. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: g. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): Not Needed. 2. Residual handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Periodically removed on an as -needed basis and transferred to Lenoir to be land filled. a. If residuals are being land applied specify DWQ Permit No. . PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None at this time. 2. Important SOC/JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: N/A 3. Alternative analysis evaluation a. Spray Irrigation: N/A b. Connect to regional sewer system: The Town of Taylorsville collection system is in the .area. C. Subsurface: N/A d. Other disposal options: N/A PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The press discharge that was originally discharged into the stormwater system will be rerouted to the WWTP in the next two week. The facility has some issues associated with discarded equipment and materials on the plant site. They are working on addressing this issue. The WWTP and processes are well operated and maintained. It is reco7ndedS rmit be renewed as requested. Signature of Report Preparer Date . 7��� 7-11-71-11,110 Water Quality Regional Supervisor Date h:\dsr\dsr08\.dsr SCHNEIDER MILLS, INC. a. November 16, 2009 P.O. BOX 519.- TAYLORSVILLE, N.C. 28681 TELEPHONE 828-632-8181 Mrs.Dina Sprinkle NC DENR/DWQ/Point Source Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6304 Subject: Permit Renewal NPDES NCO034860 Schneider Mills WWTP Alexander County Dear Mrs.Dina Sprinkle, Schneider mills is requesting permit renewal .For WWTP Permit # NCO034860 in Alexander County.There have been no changes since the last permit renewaLlf you have any questions please contact me Darren Webb ORC (828)632-8181 Sincerely, /J G� Darren Webb ORC RECEIVED DEC 1 0 2009 DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 1430 Broadway, Th Floor, New York, NY 10018 4 ease print or type in the unshaded areas oniv EPA FORM 3510-1 (8-90) CONTINUED ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT EPA FORM 3510-1(8-90) , vi 01 j l �� G9 LU OSE'a�soN J ad 9pro© D/ a �� ► ��a04- s L4 �s �aP�a�y�c PA I.D. NUMBER Copy .►n Itern 1 o orm 1 " Dlweo nrGnt m turn In t6� une6nrlorl tarnne nwl.. Obim MB No.2040 0088. ADDroval avnirac 011 "'FORMrAas 2 NPDES f. OUTFALL U.S. CNVIROMMKNTALPRCTZCTION AGENCY APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER EPA EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING AND SILVICULTURAL OPERATIONS I Consolidated Permits Program LOCATION For each outfall, list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water. A. OUTFALL. NUMBER bit Is. LATITUDE C. LONGITUDE D. RECEIVING WATER (name) 1. One. 2. YIM. S. sac. 1. One. 2. MIn. S. SVC. o roe or. Creek 11. FLOWS, SOURCES OF POLLUTION, AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES A. Attach a line drawing showing the vlatar flow through the iaoility. Indicate sources of intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the affluent, and treatment unite labeled to cgrrasrpond to. the more detailed descriptions in Item B. Construct a Water balance on the line drawing by showing average ffows,bitWM _Intakes; opera tioe tf iNilt_lsnfta, and outfalis. If a water balance cannot be determined fag, for cwWn min)nyacdv)das), provide a pictorial description of the netura and arnount.of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. B. For each outfall, provide a dowlpdon off. 1 All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling voter, and storm weteriv:0-f; (2):The we", flow contributed by each operation; and (3) The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets if necessary.:' ;:' 1. OUT- 2. Ors;RATION(a(.'CONTRIMUTING FLOW 3. TREATMENT PALLNC (list). e. ORRAT.tON;(Uet).,,' ..flv .AVERAGE FLOW (Include units) a. DESCRIPTION . LIST CODES FROM TAaLt 2C.1 (AA S 1i refer c 5o iS freafe —t' ,ft i2-ef vqf S1& e - o �-Am. t ,'c Se Its S 4 c, — A 5- e &+e Ir 'rC44 wa S )a-fr- Ir ce Ctf e C fa cJfi Pon OP'F_ C AL U i ONL � sy COS C.. se�n_wi. •. w __ __ - ___._ --._ % 1"MV2: 1 Vr /i wo....vc vn nEvcnan LONTINItEn CRAM T14F FRAAIT C. Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any of the discharges described in Items II -A or B intew3ittent or semonel? YES (complete the following table) &AO (so to Section III) 3. FREQUENCY 4. FLOW i. OUTFALL 2. OPERATION(s) a. DAYS b. MONTHs a• FLOW RATE (in mgd) b. TOTAL VOLUME (specify with units) NUMBER CONTRIBUTING FLOW PER WEEK PER YEAR G Dupe - LONG TURN 2. MAXIMUM t. LONG TURN 2. MAXIMUM �j(1i(list) ) i(dI) (very y ATION overage) average) uerage) AvuRAos DAILY AveRAQU DAILY (in days) III. PRODUCTION A. Does an effluent guideline limitation promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water et apply to your facility? YES (complete Item III -BY 07No (to to Section IV) B. Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline.expressed.in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? YES. (complete Item IL-C) NO (go to Section IV) C. If you answered "yes" to Item III-B, list the quantitywhich represents an actual measurement of your level of production, expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline, and indicate the affected'outfalis. 1. AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION s. AFFECTED DuwNTlrr yew ewr b, uNITs or MeweueX C. OPXRATION. PRooucr, MATeRIAL. XTc. .' (specify) OUTFALLS (list out/all numbers) IV. IMPROVEMENTS A. Are you'now required by any Federal, State or local`autfiority. 46'meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operation of waste- water treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes, but is not limited. to, permit conditions, administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement com liance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions. [] Xas (egniplete the following table) NO (go to Item IV-B) /. IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, _. AFFECTED OUTP'ALLS ' 4. PIMA AGREEMENT;.ETC. ]. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT E a.No. � `OF g• I r: b louReB eeNAR4 eVlwio J�eTeo r I { B. OPTIONAL You may attach additional sheets describiliv any additional water pollution control programs for other environmental projects which may affect ,Your dtshary s.sj you now have underway or whldtybu ;plan lhdicate whether each program is now underway or planned, and indicate your actual or ,:;: planned sc)iedules fo( constructionIDRSCIIIPTION,O/ ADDITIONAL. CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED CDA m_ -......v.r�I- WIMV. A -Dot I-ALia Z' OF 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 JEPA I.D. NUM.DER (copy from Item I of Form I) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 V 1NITAyCE�Ahlp;.EFFII.04T.C1•IARACTERISTICS ee in�trttetions before proceeding — Complete one set of tables for each outfall — Annotate the outfall number in the space provided. N.OTEbbles V-A, V-8, and V-C are included on separate sheets numbered V-1 through V-9. `-D.'UIe the space below'to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2c-3 of the instructions, which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall. For every pollutant you list, briefly describe the reasons you believe it to be present and report any analytical data In your possession. t.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE (.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE 1 VI. POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is anypollutant listed in Item V-C a substance Ora component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as en intermediate orfinal product or byproduct? ❑YES (list all such pollutants below) VN I (go to Item V7--B) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 3 OF 4' CONTINUE ON REVERSI nnklTlftl 1Cn COMA TUC CDr11UT VII. BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA .Do you heve:eny.knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for al ite;or;chronlctoxicity Ftm:been.made;;.94A.,y'of.youF;di�charps or.on a . receiving water in relation t your discharge within the lest 3 years?.°. Yes (identify the test(s) and describe theirpurposes below) No (go. to sec Hon Vill) O e arr- rle jukgre J f-o rGL r% Crolti' c Tp�- 'Cc 7 S'+� Lei/er yr III.CONTRACTANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the.analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? YES (list the name, address, and telephone number of and pollutants analyzed by, each such laboratory or firm below) No (go to Section IX) A. NAME B. ADDRESS NE area code & no. TANTS ANALYZED list P.o. pjeX �0 .�6 5j A6113C B 6rczwltc' �a��5�At. C. oCd� /TS Y�jrd;';.�V, C.o';ju - eHe(1W So�l�s • � /'!'�LSS LvSS e Stu rC h /`tn PA 3�orafa C4 ro to o c.0�o-x�f f r 5C a 0/1gT IX. CERTIFICATION I certify undarpenahy oflaw that this document and allattachments were prepared undermy direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel properlygother and evaluate the information submitted. Besed on myinquiryoftheperson orpersons who manage the system or those persons directlyresponsible forgathering the information, the informetionsubmitted is, to thebestolmyknowledge andbelief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penaRies for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. A. NAME 4 OFFICIAL TITLE (type or print) tie'.• 0 C S. PHONE NO. (area code & no.) � �)63�-�►gl ��r�� ,� C. SION RE D. DATE SIGNED i 30 6? rn, At PAGE 4 OF 4 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item I of FOrm IJ PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY. You may report some or all of this information on separate sheets fuse the same format)- instead of completing these pages. • SEE INSTRUCTIONS.. u- OUTFALL NO. V. INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (continued from page 3 of Form 2 t:) 00, PART. A -You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant inthis table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details. Z. EFFLUENT ' 3. UNITS (specify if blank) 4. INTAKE (optlonalJ a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE . MAXI M 3 1I Ifavai9Qg�e p Y VALUE C.L N I auailQ A RR .VALU le d. NO. OF aTRATCION b• a- LONG TERM b. NO. OF ANALYSES t.POLLUTANT II) 2 ( ) Mwsjs/ ill CowcewTNwrlon (�I wwfs ill eowcEnTwwTwn ( i wwss (1) cowCONCENTRATION ceNTwwrloN iEN- ) = Mwff • ANALYSES . MASS Oa. xygenDemand 1 M 1j� •57 v5 i%; l++_ lDs1j a (BOD)n b. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ��/ l►1 J I ✓ 55 16 ��,J� 11 �I� ��� � 4IR �� %r r l e. Total Organic Carbon (TOC)d. Total Solids (TSSj ended »` { // 1Le �i1I % Q 3 / r �+'I /%Q �/ r l a/ Q JY �/ l m l ( IL�I J Ab d e e. Ammonia (as N! 6 �(p�� l bs Dr�05 �� I. (Od f �S �r �1 V, is (bs its tr (VALU; J' rya f. Flow � VALUE ��►,/ (x/ ,/Jj VALUE ` �7o, �r. V r N VALUE . - q. Temperature VALUE ; VALUE ' ^ VALUE— ` t_IrL 'C VALUE - (winter) `!J� h. Temperature (summer) VALUE w ^ (.-/1�,J"( VALUE 93 VALUE 0C VALUE , 1.pH M NIMUM r0 MAXIMUM !` MINIMUM O MAXIMUM STANDARD UNITS PART B'-. . Mark "X" in column 2-a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark "X" in column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be absent. If you mark column 2a for any pollutant results at least one analysis for that pollutant., For other pollutants for which you mark which is limited either directly, or indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline, you must provide the of column 2a, you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge. Complete one table for each outfall. Seethe instructions for additional details and requirements. t, POLLUT- ANT AND x 2. MwRK) a. ■�. b. ■e 3 . EFFLUENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXI L�QO DAY VALUE c.LONG TRM AYEt�. VALUE t1a01¢ /sea a e dN0.0 ANAL- 4. UNITS a.CONCEN- b• M/►SS 5. INTAKE (optional a. L NG TERM No. OF AVERAGE VALUE ANAL - CAS NO. (if-allable) IaVa LIEVa feNT LINT TRATION CONCENTRATION lsl MASS USE$ 1 CONCENTRATION (2) MASS 1 CONCENTRATION (3) MASS 1 CONCENTRATION (>) MAff USE$ s. Bromide (24959-67-9) ix b. Chlorine, Total Residual c. Color d. Fecal Colif irm e.;Fluorlde 116984.45.8 ) f. Hftrat•-- NltrlO.(as N) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON REVERSE EPAForm 3510-2C (8.90) ITEM V.Ft cimi flftul9b Faelul aarlwT nLLUT T AND swhtc �x� a: ■.- b..a- 3. E.FFLQENT. 4. UNITS 5; INTAKE (optioaall' ,!i�iA$ NO . it IAw{o . MAxI mat%bltY VALUE c, o aibDle A• tr i. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE aV d. NO.O LLppNt�GG TE NO.OF :'((/iu0(iO6If) {iZ scar ooNC■NITRATION 121 .. A{{ / CONCENTRATION (i) MAff 1 ccNcz NTRATION (:) MA{{ ANAL- YSES ®CONCEN- TRATION b. MAS$ AVCHAGE VALUE , (_) I.IwA{ YSES- (l0rpanie L f V CONCENTRATION . .h:iQ1f and OcNii . L P.1loaphoruI ((-772 ,Tosi1 (J723.14.0) 5 3 //� %%���� l.�P�t7�J� / //,/1�" / V ! 1 /�� /Y i { f ' 11 t ICJiI/c/ I.*aidl34etivity' i •Ttitil' 0). Bata; Total.: (a Radium, .Total' ' (4) Radium 226. Total it. Sulfate (a+ SO4) (14806-79-8 I. Sulfide m.Sulfka fas 103) (14265-45.3) n. Surfactants Y_. O. Aluminum, Total (7429-90.5) p. Barium, Total (7440.39-3) q. Boron. Total (7440.42.8) r. Cobalt, Total ' (7440.48.4) a Iron, Total 47439.89.6) L Magnesium. Total (7439.95-4) . Molybdenum, Total (7439.98.7) v. Manganasa, Total (7439.96.6) w. Tin, Total x. Tits lum, . Total ' (7440 32-6) rFA I-cfM 3510-2C (8.90) CONTINUE ON PAGE V -3 ' EPA I.D. NUMBER (Copy from Item I of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER ' CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 OF FORM 2-C PART C - If you are a primary industryand this outfall contains process wastewater, refer toTable 2c-2.in the instructions to determine which of the GC/MS fractions you must test for. Mark "X" in column 2-a for all such GC/MS fractions that apply to your industry and for ALL toxic metals, cyanides, and total phenols. If you are not required to mark column 2-a /secondary industries, nonproeess wastewater outfalls, end nonrequired GC/MS fractions), mark "X" in column 2-b fqr each pollutant you know or hays reason to believe.is present. Mark'W' in column 2-c for each pollutant you believe is absent. If you mark column 2a for any pollutant, you must provide the resul;s of at least one.analysis for that pollutant. If you mark column 2b for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant If you know or have reason to believe it Htill be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater. If you mark column 2b for acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4 dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl-4, 6 dinitrophenol, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for each of these pollutants which you know or have reason to believe that you discharge in concentrations of 100 ppb orgreater. Otherwise, for pollutants for which you mark column 2b, you musteither submit at least one analysis or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. Note that there are 7 pages to this part; please review each carefully. Complete one table (all7 pages) for each outfall. See instructions for additional details and requirements. 1. POLLUTANT • AND CAS 2. MARK •X 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS- 5. INTAKE (optional) NUMBER TifT tl aa- a ■c- a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXI M 3 aualia p Y+yALUE pp 6>" ,;• a C.LONG T M avol ,yALUE ��� ¢ d NO.OF a. LONG ERA TERM E b. NO. OF (IJaUallallle) �Na Re- OUIR- �cvc •R c- iQNT Llcvc AD- fCMT ANAL- YSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS ANAL- Y$E$` CONC CN'TRATION II ` 12) MASS - CONC QNTRATIOn I=) MASS II CONCCNTR ATION (2) MASS _ I,TRATIONN (2J MASS METALS, CYANIDE, AND TOTAL PHENOLS 1 M.. Antimony. Total (7440-36-0) 2M. Arsenic, Total. (7440.38-2) Beryllium, Total, 7440-41.7) W. Cadmium, \� Total (7440-43-9) 'x` - SM. Chromium, - Total (7440.47.3) SM. c*a►' Taal ns�o•so-a) • 7LI. UvA ToW f 7431}s2-1) 8M Mercury, Total (743a-97.6) W Nlekal, Total:, iOm. seleelum, . Totala7782-49-2) i2W. Theillum, . Tciai 47440-28.-oi . x 13M.,Zlne; Total. (744t1.66.6) 14M'Cyanide, Total I67-12-6) `:16I�1:�Phanols, Total •;p1AXIN • . Z,3;j1(rat-,' DESCRIBE RESULTS - chlododa»rao P- EPA Forst 3510-2C (3-90) PAGE V-3 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT 1. POLLUTANT 2.;MARK •x• 3. EFFLUENT AND CAS 4. UNITS r 5. INTAKE (optional) rt�T L� et- e.t- Mwxl M s Y VALUE c LONG T M . vw1.uE NUMBER a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALui D pA AYR INa Itvt utvt ouaUObrB auaj{ap{t d NO.OF e. LONG TERM b. NO.Of (ift Suable) oulft- Spam & eiMT U) ANAL- GONCCNTNAT/ON I=) 1/Af1 .c=CK"T.ATI0. If) YAff CONCCNTNATION (1) MAff YSES a. CONCEN- tI. MASS TR ATION ANAL- (11 CONCLN- (:) NAGS YSES OC/MS FRACTION —VOLATILE CONWOUNDS TNATION IV. Acroleln (1o7-oz-B) 2V. Acrylonitrlle (107-13.1) 3V.Benzene (71-43-2) Xi — 4V. Bis methyl) Ether (542.88.1) 5V. Bromoform (75-25-2) . Carbon Tet Tetrachloride (56-23-6) 7V. Chlorobenzene (108-90-7) �X\ SV.Chloro bro bromomathane (124 48.1) 9V. Chloroathene (75-00.3) 10V. 2-Chloro- ethyNlnyl Ether (110-76$) 11V, Chloroform (87.86-3) 12V. Dlchloro- bromomethene (75-27-4) 13V. Olchloro- dlfluoromethane (75.71.8) 14V. 1,1-Dlchloro- athaM (75-34-3) . 18V.1,1-Dichloro- ethylene (75.35-4) 17V. 1,2-Dichloro- propane (78-87-5) 18V. 1.3-DkhWo- pmpylens M2.75.8) 19V. Ethylbenzena (100.41-4) 20V. Methyl Bromide (74-83-9) 21 V. Mathyl Chloride (74 87.3) EPA Form 351Y-ZV W-1 PAGE V-4 CONTINUE ON AGE V CONTINtJFn FROM POPF V.d 1POLLUTANT 2.;MARK •x• 3. EFFLUENT:. 4. UNITS' '"CINTAKE /opiionaJj:= D CAS • h: NUMBER TEfT b, ie- ¢ eE- a, MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE ,MAXI M atla Y V#LUE �agr - a c.LONG T M 617a1 .,VALUE �� d NO.OF a. LONGTERM - VAUANAL- b. NO.OF ,(U/Uiaable) INo we- oulw- ... rwE- ■ENT IE.. ww- eeNr ANAL- USES a. CONCEN- TRATION MASS YSES 111. (a) aawss CONCENTwAT1ON (/) CONCENTRATION (a) rlwss (1) CONCENTwAT10N .(a) Niwas (�) cowean-::. TwAT1ON WJW FRACTION — VOLATILE COMPOUNDS (continued) 22 Methylene CMww.175.09.2) 23V:i1;1,2,2-Tetra• / chloroathane . /X\ 34V::Tetrachloro �ttlylww:(127-18-4 26V. Toluene 4!-�) X 26V:'7;2-Trans- Dkhloroethyhme (15640.5) 1- 27Vchloro f chloroethana thane 28V. 1,1,2-Trl- chloroethane (79.0045) r' 29V. Trichlcio- athylene (7"1-6) 30V. TrIcAlo►o- fluoromathane (75.69.4) 31 V. Yinyy1 Chloride (75-01.4) GC/A. FRACTION — ACID COMPOUNDS YA: 2-Chloropheno 2A.:2;4-Dichloro- :"2.4�Dlmethyl• • Dhinal, (f 06.67-e1 `<4.4,8•Dinitro-O• Crnol (534.52-1) 1 x tiA:'2;"Initro-' 0.t"1 .51-28.5) 6A.;2-Nitrophanol Zi44•Nitroph.nol A .R-Chloro-M- Ciao! 159 6D 7) 9q��Piitaehloro•: 4 T7$6-6) � tO�Ptiianol<". - :t� t32)Y EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-5 WIY I INUt UN HtVtNJt CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT UTANT z. MAR14 •X 3. EFFLUENT CAS 4. UNITS S. INTAKE (uptinnalJ ` BER srcar h ow- G ��• e. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE p. MAXIM M 3Q Y VALUE c.LONG TEpM Ayp�a VALUE TZ acvc 'A.vc aUailO Ae •. S` d NO. e. LONG TERM b. FAONL (IJ aeaRa6)e) ia6te) ov R• iinr chT (�) ANAL• CONCcwrwwr�oN (a)'•wc• (�) (a1 .awss 1�I (a) rw�c YSES CONC \NTN wr10N CONCa NTN wT10N �• CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS tjg NO.OF ANAL- YSES (.I coa.ceN- (al ..wac ACTION — BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS TwwTWN phthene (83.32.9) x1 28. Acenaphtylene (208.96-8 ) 3B. Anthracene (120.12.7) 4B. Senzidina (92.87-6 ) 68. Benzo (a) Anthrocane 5E66-3) 60. Benzo (a) Pyrene (50.32-8) 78. 3,4•Senzo- fluoranthene (205.-99=2) 8B. Benzo Perylone- (19144.2) Bono (k) F..ld6iinthane . '(207-08-9) 10B! Big (2-Chloro- ethoxy) Methane 110. Big (2-Chloro- ethyl) Ether (111.44.4) 128:114 f2-akroito- prgvy0 EtMt (102-88-1) 138-.81a (2-Ethyl- ;hoxyl); PhthaigteX1 ,tt1Z$1-7) eromo-. '. 41"yl:' ., 101-66-3) Mi��F. , BotYl B.riiyl :PMNal�. (85 88-7 1D0 Z�1}toro [ a IoCo;. _x �lill�r(g"l-fhony tlaM i300b=72=31. ,,12. 8`ywla =. AB;t4iWrizc (a ) :ZOB. �1,2rDlchloro- 2/B. 1,3 Dichloro- i.b.gazo. (541-73-1 EPA Form 3510.2C (8-90) PAGE V-6 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-6 1.;�ND C SNT 2. MARK 'x' 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional). NUMBER e.rE Si b ■E- ■E- �• MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MA7t1 M 3 Y VALUE C.LONG T M /�y Rya VALUE 4 gre 17 ej J 1� NO. IAO ucv Ea ucvc aual 0 1 aua a e e. LONG ,A TERM b, NO wc- �wc- ww- (►ruuullable) oulw- Sant SEAT 111 (_) MASS 111 .Iwss (1) ANAL- CONC CATw ATIaN CONCENTRATION t ) CONCENTRATION I+J Mwia Y$E$ a. CONCEN• TRATION MA55 -OF _ Y$E$ ( , conccA• (11 ywas GC/MS FRACTION — BASEINEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (continued ) TRAYS. N ?I&Dlchloro- ' '4ni. (1106-46-7 _3'=D.kh f or _Rlhyl P - '� oil, �s►►vl; - Buril. 4=Dinitro- ;;14g1 0112144.2) ''tolu!M (sob-20-2) '23lB.:.PFN-0etyl Phthalate,. (11784-0) - 301Lr1,2-Dlphanyl_x )iydRa=lni..(as Azow banaarlij:(1Z2 66 7 311kFiuoranthene :($06-44-0) 328 Ftuoranr tom, Bi' . X1 348..Haxa- • ofiloroblitad tone Y, (8788 3) 368. Hexachloro- cyelopentadlene (77.47-4) 368. Hexachloro- rthane (67-72-11 378. Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyrene - (193-39-5 ) 38B. Isophorone (78,59-1) 39B. Naphthalene (91.20.3) 408. Nitrobenzene 198.95-3) Y-1 410. N-Nltro- s odlmethylamine e(62-76-9) ' 428. N-Nitrosodl- N-Propylemine e 64 7 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-80) - PAGE V-7 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT POLLUTANT 2. MARK 'X' AND CAS 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS S. INTAKE o tional (P � 1 NUMBER *!1T b �!' G �!- a MAXHNUM DAILY VALUE iNc . �iAn. MAXI M 3J%�p/�Y 1 aua•"'b•` VALVE C.LONG TERM (tT aUaila6/B�- AY[Z VALUE 4 NO.OF a. LONG TERM E E b. NO.OF SAW. ((Janailoblc) o� R- fiNT SK.T ICJ CONCCNTR wT10N (ZI MAff [GICAN ANAL- YSES 8 CONCEN- TR ATION b. I ANAL- �YSES CONCl NTN wT10N (il •'w1f (al wwsc (�iN (tl FRACTION — BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (continued) CONCl NTgw T10N wTtoNN MASS B. N-Nitro- aodlphenylamina (86-30-6) "B.Phinanihrana v (86-0141) 468. Pyrtni . gh(orabinz na.. •1 i; OC7 Wf. RACTION - PESTICIDES 1�`lHC. C sP. _=BHC. (ae9 9) 6P.'$-BKC (319S6-e) . 6P. Chlordane (67-74-.9) 7P. 4,4'-DDT (60.29-3)- 8P, 4,4'-DOE (72-66'-9) - (72-54-8) 10P. Dleldrin (6"7-1) 11P. Q-Endowlfen (115.29-7) 12P. P-E ndosulfen (115-29-7 ) 13P. Endowlfan Sulfate ' (1031-07.8) W. Endrin (72-20.8) 16P. Endrin Aldehyde (7421.93-4) 16P. FlQpteCAlor (76-44-8) 'EPA Form .3S10-2C (8.90) rAC•itt V_a CONTINUE ON PAGE V-9 EPA 1.0. NUMBER (Copy from Item ! of Form !) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAnI: v.a I.POLLUTANT AND CAS 2. MARK •X' 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS S. INTAKE (option!) NUMBER TEST INc b ■c- C ■L- a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE LiEVL uavL b. MAXIMj[M 3 ppY VALUE -(1/pU0 CD/2I C.LONG TERM AYRG. VALUE (11 CUOtlGOIe1 d NO.OF S. LONG TERM (lfawilabte) wE- QUM' •A E- Aa- aLnr •LNT 111 (al aawss CONCENTNATION YSESANAL- a CONCEN- TRATION b. MA55 b, NO.OF ANAL- _ 111 Ifl MAa! 1 (�) aaAsa I c..cN (1) eonca N- QCNS FRACTION — PESTICIDES (continued) CONC!'.nTNAT10N CONCLNTw ATIOn lal MAaf Y$ES 17P. Heptachlor Epoxide' (102447-3) 181'. PCB-1242 153469-21-9) 191'. PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) 20P. PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) 21P. PCB-1232 (11141-16.5) 22P. PCB-1248 (12672-29.6) 23P. PCB-1260 _ -- (11096-82-5 ) 24P.. PC B-1016 (12674-11-2) 25P. Toxaphane (8001-35.2)' :PA Form .3510-2C (8-90)