HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025135_INSTREAM ASSESSMENT_19881122WDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SKEET NPDES Permit: NC0025135 Huffman Finishing WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Compliance Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) ,. Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: November 22, 1988 This document is printed on reuse paper -ignore any content on the reverse side DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT November 22, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Rex Gleason THRU : Randy Dodd ALL Trevor Clemen s Steve Tedder FROM: Ruth Clark SUBJECT: Inst:ream Assessment for Huffman Finishing Company NPDES No. NCO025135 0,30o6 �>Z Caldwell County SOC Request EMC WQ 88-25 Summary Huffman Finishing Company has revised its SOC request. The company wants to increase the flow at its facility by 0.0366 MGD to a total of 0.150 MGD, and has been out of compliance with its permitted flow limit of 0.110 MGD. The company is planning to add a new knitting operation which will not generate any industrial wastewater, but will produce an estimated 200 GPD of domestic'. waste from eight new employees. Currently, the plant's wastewater is approximately 4% domestic and 96% industrial. The flow increase was analyzed using the results of toxicity tests which have been performed at the facility. The facility has passed its last four 48 hour acute toxicity tests, but exhibited partial kills during three of the tests. However, the increased flow is riot attributed to additional process wastewater and therefore should not have a significant impact on the toxicity of the stream. The facility has recently been issued a new permit which requires them to perform chronic toxicity tests. This testing should be performed at an instream waste concentration (IWC) which reflects the SOC flow. This IWC is 76%. Since the increased flow exceeds design capacity and is planned as a permanent change, Huffman Finishing must apply for a new permit. Final permit limits will then be assigned. A request was also made to increase the phenol limit from 1.2 dig/l to 8.0 pg/l since the facility has been out of compliance with this limit. A mass balance was performed to determine the instream concentration of phenol at the mix point and in Lake Hickory, a water supply. The analysis indicated that the phenol standard for WS waters is violated in the tributary, but is pro- tected at the intake. Since the phenol standard for water sup- plies is based on taste and odor. (:i.e. not toxicity), protection of the standard in the lake is adequate. Therefore, the SOC phe- nol limit should be approved. Anal.vsis and Discussion Huffman Finishing Com to the Catawba River. The since it empties into Lake nities of Hickory and Long stream drains an area of 0 an average flow of 0.5 cfs pany discharges to an unnamed tributary tributary is a class WS-III stream Hickory, a water source for the commu- view. At the outfall, the receiving .3 square miles and is characterized by and a 7Q10 of 0.075 cfs. A mass balance analysis for phenols was performed at a waste flow of 0.1134 MGD (current monthly average) and at 0.150 MGD (post-SOC). It was assumed .that the concentration of phenol upstream of the outfall was zero, and that no dilution occurred in the UT since the model used for the 1987 permit analysis indicated no runoff in the reach. The calculations were performed at the 7Q10 flow, and the minimum dam release (40 cfs) was used to calcu- late the phenol concentration in Lake Hickory. The results of the analysis are as follows: Site Qw (MGD) Phenol (pg/1) Mix -UT 0.1134 5.61 Mix -UT 0.150 6.05 Lake Hickory 0.1134 0.035 Lake Hickory 0.150 0.046 The analysis indicates that the phenol standard for WS waters (1.0 Fig/1) is violated in the tributary, but not in the lake where the intakes are located. Thus, the phenol limit can be increased to 8.0 ug/l. The facility has been performing 48 hour acute toxicity tests at a chronic value greater than 90%. The facility has passed the last four tests, but has exhibited partial kills in three of them. The results are as follows: Date Mortality 03/88 P45 12/87 None 09/87 P40 06/87 P30 It is believed that the increase in flow should not have a significant toxic impact on the stream since no new :industrial wastewater will be generated. The facility's new permit requires it to perform chronic toxicity tests, and this monitoring should be continued throughout the SOC period. However, monitoring should be done at the IWC calculated from the SOC flow rather than the IWC written in the permit i.ng the SOC period is 76%. CC: Ken Eagleson Chuck Wakild Kent Wiggins Steve Reid The appropriate IWC to apply dur- ., ��e. �i• ur--�Cc�t�ultxi � A3o53z . acool all_uaalue) «•O 33 --- -- r l 5/5 2 .3- - S - —3.3— �Iz91 s 3.3 III1CIh-� 0.0 —iohh�-- �ollc�h� 3, z ---!C) - - - - — -- — 51271 -- - -70- --- - - -- ro13617 ---- - -- - 3,z --- - - - - — -. l— ---set Arl ✓alums - — _31111�s�__ 3,D -- ----- 3.0 — -- --- -- -- -- —- — 1.0 __ —fill W— — — - - - - — - ---- -- ------- TIOLD & MEMO. TO: 940�14ui2j-�„ DATE: tO 5I "" SUBJECT: (a 9 iS cv, oq-(�en &,V\, �)OC . Nz\&i V eP, v� van eG%,",pl s P is s�,(9 � (; Ply 2,4- , 0 Jj 40ML\11 as ot-�P�� Z-----4 4-Lk--, TK4j� STAQ( North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development I (Awfoaf� hojl;.�j �e u%� CCcIawY� RJ (1.04-,- ONE r�s3z G P4 Mo 7 7�.07 ��.20 ChV_ <_5,0 -- - ��__�1- -S3Fhn;a_.-- -m (XoSfuF— -- I 14 -- — - — - -- — — cz -= — GII$I$^! — - ��— •- ----- alone IO fa3 �g 5 �h. l on e -- --- �� fIwTnicw Fr)i3A 5 CG7 (2ta&&A- IvPr .la) mvDs-__z= n �¢/ /17 _ --ZipC UP .1CcJ�J�c,are_Cs�aCc �- _ --""7✓ �p_F l,w_lJ�u%_`__G4tt. l„i'Inr{...---__ -_,w�l ____�_ CC LC v I _ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT October 25, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Tedder FROM: D. Rex Gleason//////�� PREPARED BY: J. Thurman Horn�T`/Gw� ,"����jjj/// SUBJECT: Revised Request for Instream Assessment Huffman Finishing Company SOC Request EMC WQ 88-25 Caldwell County, North Carolina Please find attached a revised request for Instream Assessment for the Huffman Finishing Company Wastewater Treatment Plant. The request should be self-explanatory, but if you haveany questions or need any additional information, please advise Thurman Horne or me. Attachment JTH:se °0r r£CyN�CAi S11 ' , 98A o FS g�'4NCf; REQUEST FOR IN -STREAM ASSESSMENT FOR 67B NAME OF FACILITY: Huffman Finishing Co. SUBBASIN: 03-08-31 COUNTY: Caldwell REGION: Mooresville DESIGN FLOW: 0.110 MGD RECEIVING STREAM: An unnamed tributary to the Catawba River (Lake Hickory) BACKGROUND DATA: A. Why is SOC needed? (Facility is out of compliance with which effluent limits?) The facility is in noncompliance with limitations for flow and phenol. B. History of SOC requests: 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC: 0.1134 MGD Time period averaged: September, 1987 through August, 1988 2. Previously approved SOC's: N/A 3. Flows lost from plant flow: 0 MGD (facilities that have gone off line) 4. Current SOC request flow: .0366 MGD 5. Total plant flow post-SOC flow: 0.150 MGD (sum of original flow and SOC flow minus losses) 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why/why not? Yes. By telephone conversation with Mr. A. W. Huffman, Jr. on October 24, 1988, it is our understanding that the requested increase in flow from the previously requested .125 MGD to the current .150 MGD is attributed to a production increase. Mr. Huffman stated that he has met and discussed this matter with George Everett. C. Please attach DMR summary for past year for all permitted parameters. If possible, include reports for previous years if facility has been under SOC for more than a year. See attachment CURRENT SOC REQUEST: A. F-7 C. D. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combination, please specify percentages. Domestic = 4% Industrial = 96% What type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data. Huffman Finishing company generates industrial process wastewater from the dyeing and bleaching of cotton and synthetic socks. The industry falls under Federal guidelines listed in 40 CFR Part 410 Subpart E. The region proposes the following SOC limits: BODS: No change NH3: No change D. O.: No change TSS: No change Fecal Coliform: No change pH: No change Other parameters: Phenols = 8.0 mg/1 (daily average) Flow = .150 MGD What is the basis for these limits? Based on review of the last year's self -monitoring data and considering the Company's commitment to operate the existing facilities better than in the past, the Company's request that the interim limitation for phenol be relaxed to 8 mg/l appears to be reasonable. Huffman Finishing Summary of Self -Monitoring Data (monthly averages) Month Q/MGD BOD Res/TSS Fec. Coli. D. O. COD Phenols Sulfides (mg/1) (mg/1) (#/100 ml) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) 87/09 .1157 27.73 33.3 10.0 7.76 346.0 <1.0 <.1 87/10 .1200 32.18 36.0 10.0 8.76 230.0 6.28 <.1 87/11 .1212 26.68 33.6 10.0 8.89 219.7 <1.55 <.1 87/12 .1080 29.45 35.3 10.0 9.24 282.5 <4.67 <.1 88/01 .1096 39.00 45.7 10.0 9.25 343.0 <1.0 <.1 88/02 .1110' 39.47 43.9 10.0 9.09 362.5 <1.2 <.1 88/03 .0056 39.43 45.6 10.0 8.58 563.7 <1.5 <.1 88/04 .1158 38.26 43.0 10.0 8.45 343.2 5.6 <.l 88/05 .113 35.20 40.4 <10.0 8.99 331.0 <5.67 <.1 88/06 .122 29.40 27.5 <10.0 8.80 230.0 3.30 <.1 88/07 .094 13.30 16.8 <45.5 8.73 106.8 <2.70 <.1 88/08 .115 24.7 18.3 64.1 8.70 138.5 <5.0 <.1 Avg. .1134 31.22 34.9 14.5 8.76 274.7 <3.29 <.1 Total pH Chromium (s.u.) .047 6.5-7.0 .017 6.8-7.5 <.003 6.9-7.3 <.02 6.8-7.3 <.04 6.8-7.2 .063 6.8-7.2 .025 6.7-7.1 .008 6.8-7.2 .038 6.8-7.0 <.013 6.9-7.2 .013 6.5-7.3 .019 6.9-7.3 <.025 6.5-7.5 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 13, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Ronald McMillan THRU: Trevor Clements oe Steve Tedder FROM: Ruth Clark RC SUBJECT: Instream Assessment for Huffman Finishing Company NPDES No. NCO025135 Caldwell County SOC Request EMC WQ 88-25 Summary Huffman Finishing Company has requested a first time SOC to increase the flow at its facility by 0.015 MGD to a total of 0.125 MGD since it has been out of compliance with its flow limit of 0.110 MGD. The company is planning to add a new knitting oper- ation which will not generate any industrial wastewater, but will produce an estimated 200 GPD of domestic waste from eight new employees. Currently, the plant's wastewater is approximately 11% domestic and 96% industrial. The flow increase was analyzed using the :results of toxicity tests which have been performed at the facility. The facility has passed its last four 48 hour acute tox- icity tests, but exhibited partial kills during three of the tests. However, the increased flow is not attributed to addi- tional process wastewater and therefore should not have a signifi- cant impact on the toxicity of the stream. The facility has recently been issued a new permit which requires them to perform chronic toxicity tests. This testing should be performed at an instream waste concentration (IWC) which reflects the SOC flow. This IWC is 72%. A request was also made to increase the phenol limit from 1.2 jig/1 to 3.0 ug/l since the facility has been out of compliance with this limit. A mass balance was performed to determine the i.nstream concentration of phenol at the mix point and in Lake Hickory, a water supply. The analysis indicated that the phenol standard for WS waters is violated in the tributary, but is pro- tected at the intake. Since the phenol standard for water sup- plies is based on taste and odor (i.e. not toxicity), protection of the standard in the lake is adequate. Therefore, the SOC phe- nol limit should be approved. Analysis and Discussion Huffman Finishing Company discharges to an unnamed tributary to the Catawba River. The tributary is a class WS-III stream since it empties into Lake Hickory, a water source for the commu- nities of Hickory and Longview. At the outfall, the receiving stream drains an area of 0.3 square miles and is characterized by an average flow of 0.5 cfs and a 7Q10 of 0.075 cfs. A mass balance analysis for phenols was performed at a waste flow of 0.1.111 MGD (current monthly average) and at 0.125 MGD (post-SOC). It was assumed that the concentration of phenol upstream of the outfall was zero, and that no dilution occurred in the UT since the model used for the 1987 permit analysis indicated no runoff in the reach. The calculations were performed at the 7Q10 flow, and the minimum dam release (40 cfs) was used to calcu- late the phenol concentration in Lake Hickory. The results of the analysis are as follows: Site Qw (MGD) Phenol (ug/1) Mix -UT 0.1111 2.09 Mix -UT 0.125 2.16 Lake Hickory 0.1111 0.013 Lake Hickory 0.125 0.014 The analysis indicates that the phenol standard for WS waters (l.0 ug/1) is violated in the tributary, but not in the lake where the intakes are located. Thus, the phenol limit can be increased to 3.0 ug/l. The facility has been performing 48 hour acute toxicity tests at a chronic value greater than 90%. The facility has passed the last four tests, but has exhibited partial kills in three of them. The results are as follows: Date Mortality 03/88 P45 12/87 None 09/87 P40 06/87 P30 It is believed that the increase in flow should not have a significant toxic impact on the stream since no new industrial wastewater will be generated. The facility's new permit requires it to perform chronic toxicity tests, and this monitoring should be continued throughout- the SOC period. However, monitoring should be done at the IWC calculated from the SOC flow rather than the IWC written in the permit. The appropriate IWC to apply dur- ing the SOC period is 72%. CC: Ken Eagleson Chuck Wakild Kent Wiggins Steve Reid kLtf�man Finl:htnc JOC I?AC uT CatCaoL�C, ever 7/alSF �s3z k6 rne, -Ci p : O. _Qyp_ _ • 075- CF Oca =.Nil mbo : .172cFs Cta ,3,u O (or Gt+ nor qh_--- Mcdel _had no_'Z aO rheednce- - cotocentrcJi.an--oE Per06- cd m044h o{ Q Calcenfi�afioa 1YL _&1ewg CoO W f _CrCL2Flk_QYClPCmt Cd O -- -- ------ - - - -- - - - 01P)(.172cF5)_r C&ocfS)- Cc+t•l�zr�l�+,o��) Caa Zi RIbJ Cori . ai OLo =- ..125 lnbD_ _ - cc, = .2. Iu _ — (3,v5l, ( IrNcis)z ._Cd_( lqq 440t,p-75)- Nub{man, hgnoh,nn J JOC /?AC �;' ur a CafGr� �lUcr 7%ll i8� o3083z -75 7Z- a)-.._QW- . -.1.25 fY) bD� rFS - .r Roc : 19q r. o7 �7 2._ 1. - j it i ^I �1 II -i tl i �I 1-kifmcari Frnah iu. JOC u7- Ccdctoba, l L e/ a3OS3z, 2h2n01s {(551,tme Cup = 0 0 Ccnc. al m%X Oup - ,D75 00 _ ,75D (OGp= ,38'75 C%S Lp O,p 1- eOOL,) = Cmrx 010,V L) 4 (3m,1) 3F5CO - Cm y (. Ulrz6CF� C,,,, - 2,6) ?AC, 71u1s8 cli : 3,mjI,( O maw rud no n,rneff, iheie%,e Ccrrentration of phenols ci moLdh OF 5fr'eon i5 ado a.51 '"JI) C C�tC, th IQ ln;nimvm am kb�Q7C � qO e& CupL� p P 0000 P Civee Oretean = IdOL< r�ao +un at N000251,3 NL4Trron F-nish,03 Co, JOC � O3o�32 +--—=r------ — Te �— — -��=----Cr— tG c �I - - --- 1 lL7J_ 7 5------------- -- --_ --.-- - — - 67_ iO II . I < 0— <.-al- _ ---- _ <.0 I ---- - IQ,5 - — a=5--- - <1.(? <.Oi ------ <Lb toy dix xtr�c�-. - _�f_ — --- - - - -- i f �n5, CVS Ott, /CKe- DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 30, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Tedder FROM: D. Rex Gleason L PREPARED BY: J. Thurman Horn SUBJECT: Request for I ream Assessment Huffman Finishing Company SOC Request EMC WQ 88-25 Caldwell County, North Carolina Please find attached a request for Instream Assessment for the Huffman Finishing Company Wastewater Treatment Plant. The request should be self-explanatory, but if you have any questions or need any additional information, please advise Thurman Horne or me. Attachment JTH:se REQUEST FOR FOR IN -STREAM ASSESSMENT FOR 67B NAME OF FACILITY: Huffman Finishing Co. SUBBASIN: 03-08-31 COUNTY: Caldwell REGION: Mooresville DESIGN FLOW: 0.110 MGD RECEIVING STREAM: An unnamed tributary to the Catawba River (Lake Hickory) BACKGROUND DATA: A. Why is SOC needed? (Facility is out of compliance with which effluent limits?) The facility is in noncompliance with limitations for flow and phenol. B. History of SOC requests: 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC: 0.1111 MGD Time period averaged: May, 1987 through April, 1988 2. Previously approved SOC's: N/A 3. Flows lost from plant flow: 0 MGD (facilities that have gone off line) 4. Current SOC request flow: .015 MGD 5. Total plant flow post-SOC flow: 0.125 MGD (sum of original flow and SOC flow minus losses) 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why/why not? Yes. The applicant has requested a relaxed interim flow limitation to accommodate fluctuations in flow experienced during the past year and anticipated to continue during the term of the SOC. The Company is also planning to add a new knitting operation which will not generate any process water, but will produce an estimated 200 gpd of domestic wastewater from an anticipated eight (8) additional employees. This additional 200 gpd has been included in the above requested flow increase. C. Please attach DMR summary for past year for all permitted parameters. If possible, include reports for previous years if facility has been under SOC for more than a year. See attachment CURRENT SOC REQUEST: A C. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combination, please specify percentages. Domestic = 4% Industrial = 96% what type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data. Huffman Finishing Company generates industrial process wastewater from the dyeing and bleaching of cotton and synthetic socks. The industry falls under Federal guidelines listed in 40 CFR Part 410 Subpart E. The region proposes the following SOC limits: BODS: No change NH3: No change D. O.: No change TSS: No change Fecal Coliform: No change pH: No change Other parameters: Phenols = 3.0 J(g/l (daily average) Flow = .125 MGD D. what is the basis for these limits? Based on review of the last year's self -monitoring data and considering the Company's commitment to operate the existing facilities better than in the past, the Company's request that the interim limitation for phenol be relaxed to 3'(g/l appears to be reasonable. Huffman Finishing Company Summary of Self -Monitoring Data (monthly averages) Month Q/MGD BOD Res/TSS Fec. Coli. Chlorine D. O. COD Phenols Sulfides Total pH Chromium 87/05 .1088 37.70 45.0 10.0 9.22 284.7 <1.0 <.1 <.03 6.9-7.4 87/06 .1018 35.27 41.4 10.0- 8.75 221.5 <1.65 <.1 <.009 7.0-7.5 87/07 .0894 36.00 42.6 10.0 8.12 273.7 <3.7 <.1 <.05 6.9-7.6 87/08 .1174F 34.23 39.9 10.0 7.58 293.7 <1.0 <.1 <.012 6.9-7.4 87/09 .1157F 27.73 33.3 10.0 7.76 346.0 <1.0 <.l .047 6.5-7.0 87/10 .1200F 32.18 36.0 10.0 8.76 230.0 6.28 <.1 .017 6.8-7.5 87/11 .1212F 26.68 33.6 10.0 8.89 219.7 <1.55 <.1 <.003 6.9-7.3 87/12 .1080 29.45 35.3 10.0 9.24 282.5 <4.67 <.1 <.02 6.8-7.3 88/01 .1096 39.00 45.7 10.0 9.25 343.0 <1.0 <.1 <.04 6.8-7.2 88/02 .1110F 39.47 43.9 10.0 9.09 362.5 <1.2 <.1 .063 6.8-7.2 88/03 .1156F 39.43 45.6 10.0 8.58 563.7 <1.5 <.1 <.025 6.7-7.1 88/04 .1158F 38.26 43.0 10.0 8.45 343.2 5.6 <.1 .008 6.8-7.2 AVERAGE .1111 34.61 40.4 10.0 8.64 297.0 <2.51 <.1 <.027 6.5-7.6 UNIT MGD lbs/day lbs/day #/100 ml mg/l mg/l lbs/day ug/l mg/1 mg/l S.U.