HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC204682_NOI Signed Certification_20201021NCGO1 Notice of Intent (N01) Certification Form Directions; Pi -in', this forril, roillplete, scan and upload to the electran 1100 . Them mail the origind form to the NC DEMLR 5tormwater Frograrn (vrith $7_QU cl'ieck if paying by check) at: DiOsiUll of Energy, 1v1ineral g: Land Resources Storlrn?,+atet, 1-rogram 512 I.. Salisbur-V Street, Vh Floar [01TE 64R) 1612 Mail Service Centel' Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM OR PAYMENT UNTIL YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED AS COMPLETE Per Ge?7eral Sfot'uie 143-215.68 (I any person ;vho knovdng1y n7akes any jLl1SE stQ4eniel-, , repi"esent0hiln, or Certification 117 any 0ppliC0tior7, record, report, plan, or other docunienr filed or required to be rntinta?ned under this Article or a rule hmpiemenf ino this Article ... SO be guilty, of a'Clpss 2 misderneonor which may 1?7C1de aPne not to erceed ter? ihm, sgnd dollars ($10,000,), Under penaly of 1?th? Ce:'_l tit lc'i Oliecit all AXES to indicate yaw agreement): I art} ia4 persc n responsible Di- -the construction oCTiV E% of till project, for Wisfy ng the recuirements of tlAs Merritt, and for any civil or criminal penalties incurred d.re to vicia'.'ions of this perilit. "!' -(he ii?-Crnnation submitted in thk NCA Is to the be& of my kno,,vledge and beileff true, aCcurate; and Complete b;ased cn my Quiry of ME person or pemons who manage a s stenj or those persons directly responsible for gathering the infonnation. 3f 1 wK We by all conddons of the NC6010000 General Permit and the approved Erasion and Sedirnent Control Plan. NZ A IT the api:.roveu Fi0s;'Dr, n Sedin-.Erri Control An IS not cNoNint witi":'r''a! H jioi'Cllamor WWI) Prevention flail) of the NCG010000 General Permit, I will nonetheless ensure that ail conditions of Part 11 of the perirdt are islet on the project at all times. I i' emby request coverage under the NCG010000 General Permit and understand I.hat coverage unrder this Pernni' will ccin5titu c the permll reclukeinlents for the dischaiT e(s) and is enforceable in the Smile rnanne: as nn individual permit. s0 -EB 1_egally Respniisible C)rg?nizationa! Entity: -I_egalQ Responsibb Person: --qn n 1Ajx1kT" Title of Legally R gmnsible Perso:t; -SignaLr re: Da Le: —__ ------ — -- 'Print Name and TIE w Spent =iAvMoGed Plimie lquniber: �• ;if ,i" i i.i+C+u:+ic- i,:4 r :-„r it! S,_r i+ n it Nem 8y qf Me iPhht ,`r5liiau?h'11+'i+ . For ...x = . - _ . _ _ = ..._."7_ .:�, see partA NtEEK0 . r-',