HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061762 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070329DIAL CORDYANDASSOCIATES INC. Environmental Consultants 201 N. Front Street, Suite 601 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Wilmington, NC 28401 910-251-979 Fax 904-280-0049 T0: Cynthia Karoly North Carolina Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250 DATE 3/27/2007 PROJ. NO. 05-869 ATTENTION C nthia Karol SUBJECT Ruffins River Landin DWO Project # 061762 j ~ ` ~~ ~=-=° ~~ =~``i f'~ ~~' Raleigh, NC 27604 MAR~ti~Z001 WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached via under separate cover via the following items: 'JEi~:f~ _ l"rA•fc:iY (.'rUA ~ ~ ~" , Li; FiLAtdDg ~ .!p stn ~ R Atvq, , n >3RMlCN ~Shopdrawings Prints Tracings ~Contractdocuments Copy of correspondence Change order Samples n -- COPIES DATE DWG. NO. DESCRIPTION 5 Site Plan Revisions and Draft Conservation Easement for Ruffins River Landing (DWQ Project # 061762) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For review and concurrence ~ For review and comment ~ Resubmit copies for review For your information ~ Returned for corrections ~ Submit copies for distribution As requested ~ _ Prints returned after loan to us ~ Return corrected prints No exception taken may be used as submitted ~ Exceptions as noted may be used subject to comments REMARKS: Signed: DI~~L CORDY AND ASSOCIATES INC - -- _. -- Er~uir~~nmc~ntal C~)nsultc~nts O to - 1 '1 la '~. 23 March 2007 Dave Timpy Wilmington Regulatory Field Office ~ ~ t~ ~~ ~,~ e.._..,. ~} US Army Corps of Engineers ~n~ ~(~~ w~ . ,n; ~~~` g~~ 69 Darlington Ave. ~~ L.~ Wilmington, NC 28403 ~~ AR ~, ~~ ZC)l~ / Re: Ruffins River Landing (Action ID 2006-41516-010) ~~ ray. t ~ ,'~ ~' " "`' Y~ `I.P^'~~% ~'a I~ .T•lc<py re ~ r s! Yy{3:4?Jt:M Dear Mr. Timpy: On behalf of the W.R. Brown Family LLC, I am submitting revised site plans for the Ruffins River Landing subdivision located near Supply, North Carolina. As requested during the multi-agency site visit on 1 March 2007, the following modifications have been made to the site plans: • The two culverted stream crossings (Area A on Sheet W2 and Area E on Sheet W3) have been replaced with timber bridges. Please note that there will still be a temporary impact for the sewer/water line crossing at these locations. • The two cul-de-sacs located at the end of Tranquil Lane (Sheet W2) and Sea Captain Lane (Sheet W3) have been realigned to minimize indirect impacts to the adjacent wetlands. • The impact area identified as Area C on Sheet W2 has been expanded to include the entire polygon. • House footprints have been shown on some of the smaller lots. • A revised erosion and sedimentation control plan has been submitted to the N.C. Division of Land Quality. In addition to the requested changes, the impacts on Sheet W4 (Areas H, J, and K on the original plans) have also been avoided by realigning the road. These changes to the site plans will reduce permanent wetland impacts to 0.1 ~ acre. An additional 300 ft' (0.007 acre) of wetlands will be temporarily impacted for the installation of water/sewer lines at the bridge crossing locations. FusT UNUIN aC~~n.DINI~, SurrE G01 • 201 Nl)RPl-I FRUN~r Srlaa:T • WIlyIIN~;I'ON, NoR~rH CAROLINA 2S-10t 910-251-9790 • FAX 910-251 )409 • E-MAIL inFoC+~di:ilcordy.com OFFICES JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA • CHARLFSTI)N, SOUTH C.AR()LINA ~ ~ ~ Proposed mitigation to off-set Section 404 wetland impacts includes the preservation of all remaining wetlands on the property. This would include 13 acres of undisturbed wet pine flatwoods, small stream swamp, and tidal marsh wetlands. Preservation would be accomplished via a conservation easement granted to the North Carolina Environmental Enhancement Program. A draft copy of the Conservation easement is enclosed. Please call me if you require any additional information. Sincerely, Rahlff Ingle Enclosures: Revised site plans Draft conservation easement cc: Noelle Lutheran (N.C. Division of Water Quality) Cynthia Karoly (N.C. Division of Water Quality) Debbie Wilson (N.C. Division of Coastal Management) Julie Dorr (N.C. Land Quality Section) D~-t~to2 50.0' RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING GRADE 3 1f 1-iii-iii-iii-ii PROPOSED ROAD PROPOSED GRADE UPLAh 3 1 :III _ :IIII 1111- -I III ~~~I IIIII- III-I ~_ III-III-III-III-III-I I -III I I-WATERMAIN-III=III-I I I- III=1 I I=1 I I-I ~ I-III-III III-III-I 1=1 11=1 I I- 1=1 11=1 11=1 I I-I I ~~ III=1 11=1 I I I I-III-I 11=1 11=1 11=1 AREA TO BE FILLED WETLANDS TO BE UNDISTURBED CROSS SECTION OF ROAD PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE ' ~ ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' III=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 111 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I I-III ' ' ' ~ ' ~ =11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111 II IIIII_ IIII IIIII (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII I_ -1 II III,,1il,,lil ;il,,lil,,IiI,,1il,,lil,,1iI,,1iI,~,III I IIIII= WETLANDS UPLANDS PROFILE OF ROAD SCALE: 1" =10' 0 10 20 30 Nowua rcus~ ~~BTALL Applicant: Road Crossing oone~rwu ~ No. Aroc B W 7 I_ ~ ~ ~ ~' W R BROWN, SR. FAMILY, LLC Ruffins River Landing ~ ,- 510 RUFFIN LANE SW Supply, North Carolina `~` ~°t°~ "'-9°0` ^~~«^ SUPPLY, NC 28462 PROJECT N0. :05097 DATE: 3/27/06 50.0 RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED UPLAN ROAD 3 3 1f 1 III-1 I !-i I i-1 - - - I I=1 11! I-1 I I I i l I I ~~ I I ATERMAIN= I( I _ - I-Ili III, ~~i~~ III-~ I-- I I I I ( I SANITARY SEWER- I I( I _ (-III-; I_ (IIII IIII I AREA TO BE FILLED WETLANDS TO BE UNDISTURBED CROSS SECTION OF ROAD PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE I-i l-1 i t-III= !, I1=; I j=1 11=III-III-I ~I III i=~~=111, I~ ,,,III=1~1i~=~-'~I=!~I; =I I I IIIII~ 11;111=III-!II iIII~i1llli~lillll-11111~1~llllllll_ _~ . - ~ I I I ~ III-I '~-~ ~- ;- i= ( Illli_I,~i~~li Illilllllllll~ll~ 1~1111illill III~,'~I~ -~~~~~ ~ ~- ~=~~~ ~~~-.,~-~~~ ,;,III,;, I ~~,' ~~~,-~ WETLANDS UPLANDS PROFILE OF ROAD SCALE: 1" = io~ 0 10 20 30 a ~~ ~~T.~~ Applicant: Road Crossing °°~"~TM° '~.'~. Area C W ~s ~~* sir „~„„moo„, „~, zew, W R BROWN. SR. FAMILY, LLC Ruffins River Landing co,o~ >u-9~ 510 RUFFlN LANE SW Supply, North Carolina vex (ono) »-9aa k~9.~ SUPPLY, NC 28462 DATE: 3 27 O6 PROJECT N0. :05097 ~ ~ 50.0' RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING GRADE 3 1 ~- PROPOSED ROAD PROPOSED GRADE 3 ~1 I II III ( I III III~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II ` IIII I WATIIIIIIN II ( IIII I~~III~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ + SANITARY SEW _<!~~! _ III I III I I ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~IIIIIII I ~IIIlilll AREA TO BE FILLED UPLANDS WETLANDS 1'0 BE UNDISTURBED CROSS SECTION OF ROAD PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE III (IIII_ _ , . „ ~ ,~~ .,,~~~ . ., I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II~~~~~il~Il ~~~_~~~_~~~~~~~~~I III I _ - _ _ -11111 '~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~--_-~~-~~~,-~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~--~~~~~~~'Illl (IIII= -~ - - IIII„ IIIII !~~~=_~~~~~~~~ ~~i~~~iiiii-iiil~iii~ii~-~-iii~~-i-i~-~~~~' IIIII I_ WETLANDS UPLANDS PROFILE OF ROAD no~aue. a ~,sTnu. ~ ~~ ws~uwraN. Hc. 2e,o, vra~ ~o~o~ w-oesa r~ co,o~ w-oew ~.~ Applicant: W R BROWN, SR. FAMILY, LLC 510 RUFFlN LANE SW SUPPLY, NC 28462 SCALE: 1" = 10' o ~0 20 30 Road Crossing A~ o Ruffins River Landing Supply, North Carolina PROJECT N0. :05097 W9 DATE: 3/27/06 .. 50.0' RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED ROAD 3 3 1~ -~ i ~1 ~ - - - - -- ~ _-_- ~_- ~-~ 1== - - III-I -III-1 ~ I-III-III-I IIII-III-III-III-1 I I-III-I =1 I I== ill-~! ~_-! ~=1 I! III=1 I I=1 I I=1 l i=1 I I=1 I =1 I I=1 I- - ` III-III-I I- wATERMAINI III-III-III-III-III=1 I I I-I I I i-iii-iii-i i i- i I-III=III-III-III-III- I-I I SANITARY SEWER- III- I I-I I - - - III=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I -I 11=iii-~ i i=iii-iii-I 11=1 -I i -=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii i i i=iii=iii=- i i=ii=iii=ii-iii=i i- - PROPOSED AREA TO BE FILLED CULVERT WETLANDS TO BE UNDISTURBED CROSS SECTION OF ROAD PROPOSED 18" RCP CULVERT 20~ (4") TO BE BELOW GRADE - -VIII - II I IIII _ _ -~~~~~ WETLANDS WETLANDS - AREA TO BE FILLED . ~ _ - - , - - _ - PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE hill=i PROFILE OF ROAD SCALE:1"=10' o ~ 0 20 30 ~& a~,,,,T.,, Applicant: Road Crossing .,,~.,.. ~. Area F W11 ~ ~* ~* W R BROWN, SR. FAMILY, LLC Ruffins River Landing v~+E i°1o~ ~?~ 510 RUFFlN LANE SW Supply, North Carolina `~` c°1°""-°°0' «p•~ SUPPLY, NC 28462 DATE: 3 27 06 PROJECT N0. :05097 ~ ~ 50.0' RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED 3 ROAD 3 ', I-1 i 1=1 I-I I- I-I )- I, I I i= I I-~ I -I I- I I I-I -~ I I-I - III-1 I I-I =1 I I-IIIIII-III-I' I=1 I I-III-Ili-III=1 I I=1 I I=1' !! I I i _ -~ I I 11=1 11=1 11=1 1 1i 11=~ I ~-III-~ 1=iii=1 I I=1 ' =1 11-1 I I-1 11-~ __' '- '~ I i=i i III= I-III-~ WATERMAIN III-I 1= -III-III-III -I ~ ~' ' ~I i l1 I I-1 I I-1 I I=1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 ' I-1 11=1 I I=i l 11=1! i=1 I'~ ,III-i V I I I - Ili= - (I-III-III-II i -SANITARY SEWER= -I i .! I I '~ I I III III-III III, III III, ,III, III, III, III, III III-11 -III-I'~ I I I'_ _ PROPOSED AREA TO BE FILLED CULVERT WETLANDS TO BE UNDISTURBED CROSS SECTION OF ROAD PROPOSED 15" RCP CULVERT 209 (3") TO BE BELOW GRADE - ~_IIIII_ ~~~~=~~ I-11111- WETLANDS NOIIW6, Kl1iKE ~ Tt~YaTALL CONOULTNO fr+a~a ~- Dos r srnEEr w~uNCroN. NC, zew~ PHONE (010) w-D63] ~~ FAX (D1O) 3~J-D6O4 ~~D.~ PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE ~ _ _ _ -X11111 11111= UPLANDS WETLANDS - AREA TO BE FILLED PROFILE OF ROAD Applicant: W R BROWN, SR. FAMILY, LLC 510 RUFFlN LANE SW SUPPLY, NC 28462 SCALE: 1" = 10' 0 10 20 30 Road Crossing Aroa G Ruffins River Landing Supply, North Carolina PROJECT N0. :05097 W12 DATE: 3/27/06 ' ' 50.0' RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED ROAD 3 3 1~ - -11 Tf~--VIII IIIII IIIII IIIII III11 ~I IIIII I I IIIII IIII IIII IIIII ~ _ _ ., ., II IIIII _UTILITIES IIIII -IIII II -WATERMAIN OR _ _ III (( (IIII I I I ISANITARY~ SEWER I ` IIII 11111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII II AREA TO BE FILLED WETLANDS TO BE UNDISTURBED CROSS SECTION OF ROAD SCALE: 1" =10' 0 10 20 30 "a"tia aTM~T"LL Applicant: Road Crossing ~'>~ ~. Ar~sG H. ~° K W13 ~ ~ ~? ~' W R BROWN. SR. FAA~IILY, LLC Ruffins River Landing ro o~ 510 RUFFlN LANE SW supply, North Carolina F~ ~°10""-°604 ~•~^ SUPPLY, NC 28462 PROJECT N0. :05097 DATE: 3/27/06 ,. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY SPO File Number Prepared by: Office of the Attorney General Property Control Section Return to: NC Department of Administration State Property Office 1321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1321 o~- ~~~2. CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT DEED, made this day of 2007, by W. R. BROWN, SR. FAMILY, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, ("Grantor"), whose mailing address is 510 Ruffin Lane SW, Supply, NC 28462, to the State of North Carolina, ("Grantee"), whose mailing address is State of North Carolina, Department of Administration, State Property Office, 1321 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1321. The designations Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine. feminine, or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. ~ 143-214.8 et seU•, the State of North Carolina has established the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (formerly known as the Wetlands Restoration Program) within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, creating and preserving wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, The State of North Carolina is qualified to be the Grantee of a Conservation Easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-35; and WHEREAS, the Ecosystem Enhancement Program in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has approved acceptance of this instrument; and WHEREAS, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, (MOA) duly executed by all parties in Greensboro, NC on July 22, 2003. This MOA recognizes that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program is to provide for compensatory mitigation by effective protection of the land, water and natural resources of the State by restoring, enhancing and preserving ecosystem functions; and WHEREAS, the acceptance of this instrument for and on behalf of the State of North Carolina was granted to the Department of Administration by resolution as approved by the Governor and Council of State adopted at a meeting held in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 8`~' day of February 2000; and ' ~. WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying, and being in Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina (the "Property"), and being more particularly described as that certain parcel of land containing approximately 13 acres and being conveyed to the Grantor by deed as recorded in Deed Book at Page of the Brunswick County Registry, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a Conservation Easement over the herein described areas of the Property, thereby restricting and limiting the use of the included areas of the Property to the terms and conditions and purposes hereinafter set forth, and Grantee is willing to accept such Conservation Easement. This Conservation Easement shall be for the protection and benefit of the waters of the Lockwoods Folly River. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual 'covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over a described area of the Property, referred to hereafter as the "Easement Area", for the benefit of the people of North Carolina, and being all of the tract of land as identified as Tract as shown on a plat of survey entitled " "dated ,certified by ,and recorded in Map Book ,Page Brunswick County Registry. Tract being more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Easement Area"). The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to maintain, restore, enhance, create and preserve wetland and/or riparian resources in the Easement Area that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; to maintain permanently the Easement Area in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. To achieve these purposes, the following conditions and restrictions are set forth: I. DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. It is an easement in gross, runs with the land, and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, their personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, lessees, agents, and licensees. II. GRANTOR RESERVED USES AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITES The Easement Area shall be restricted from any development or usage that would impair or interfere with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Unless expressly reserved as a compatible use herein, any activity in, or use of, the Easement Area by the Grantor is prohibited as inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Any rights not expressly reserved hereunder by the Grantor have been acquired by the Grantee. The following specific uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: A. Recreational Uses. Grantor expressly reserves the right to undeveloped recreational uses, including hiking, bird watching, hunting and fishing, and access to the Easement Area for the purposes thereof. Usage of motorized vehicles in the Easement Area is prohibited, except as they are used exclusively for management, maintenance, or stewardship purposes, and on existing trails, paths or roads. B. Educational Uses. The Grantor reserves the right to engage in and permit others to engage in educational uses in the Easement Area not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, and the right of access to the Easement Area for such purposes including organized educational activities such as site visits and observations. Educational uses of the property shall not alter vegetation, hydrology or topography of the site. C. Vegetative Cutting. Except as related to the removal of non-native plants, diseased or damaged trees, and vegetation that obstructs, destabilizes or renders unsafe the Easement Area to persons or natural habitat, all cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any trees and vegetation in the Easement Area is prohibited. D. Industrial, Residential and Commercial Uses. All are prohibited in the Easement Area. E. Agricultural Use. All agricultural uses within the Easement Area including any use for cropland, waste lagoons, or pastureland are prohibited. F. New Construction. There shall be no building, facility, mobile home, antenna, utility pole, tower, or other structure constructed or placed in the Easement Area. G. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails, walkways, or paving in the Easement Area. Existing roads or trails located in the Easement Area may be maintained by Grantor in order to minimize runoff, sedimentation and for access to the interior of the Property for management, maintenance, stewardship purposes, or undeveloped recreational and educational uses of the Easement Area. Existing roads, trails or paths may be maintained with loose gravel or permanent vegetation to stabilize or cover the surfaces. H. Signs. No signs shall be permitted in the Easement Area except interpretive signs describing restoration activities and the conservation values of the Easement Area, signs identifying the owner of the Property and the holder of the Conservation Easement, signs giving directions, or signs prescribing rules and regulations for the use of the Easement Area may be allowed. I. Dumping or Storing. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances or machinery, or other material in the Easement Area is prohibited. J. Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials. K. Water Quality and Drainage Patterns. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or diverting, causing, allowing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water. No altering or tampering with water 3 control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. All removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. In the event of an emergency interruption or shortage of all other water sources, water from within the Easement Area may temporarily be used for good cause shown as needed for the survival of livestock and agricultural production. L. Subdivision and Conveyance. Grantor voluntarily agrees that no subdivision, partitioning, or dividing of the underlying fee that is subject to this Easement is allowed. Unless agreed to by the Grantee in writing, any future conveyance of the underlying fee for the Easement Area and the rights as conveyed herein shall be as a single block of property. Any future transfer of the fee simple shall be subject to this Conservation Easement. Any transfer of the fee is subject to the Grantee's right of ingress, egress, and .regress over and across the Property to the Easement Area for the purposes set forth herein. M. Development Rights. All development rights are removed from the Easement Area and shall not be transferred. N. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Easement Area or any intentional introduction of non- native plants, trees and/or animal species by Grantor is prohibited. The Grantor may request permission to vary from the above restrictions for good cause shown, provided that any such request is consistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantor shall not vary from the above restrictions without tlrst obtaining written approval from the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program, whose mailing address is 162 Mail Services Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652. III. GRANTEE RESERVED USES A. Ingress, Egress, Regress and Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, receive the perpetual right of general ingress, egress, and regress to the Easement Area over the Property at reasonable times to undertake any activities to restore, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the wetland and riparian resources of the Easement Area, in accordance with restoration activities or a long-term management plan. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Conservation Easement, the rights granted herein do not include or establish for the public any access rights. IV. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. Enforcement. To accomplish the purposes of this Conservation Easement, Grantee is allowed to prevent any activity within the Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Easement Area that may have been damaged by such activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor, their successors or assigns, that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall, except as provided below, notify the Grantor, their successors or assigns in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have ninety (90) days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after a ninety (90) days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages, injunctive and other relief. The Grantee shall also have the power and authority, consistent with its statutory authority: (a) to prevent any impairment of the Easement Area by acts which may be unlawful or in violation of this Conservation Easement; (b) to otherwise preserve or protect its interest in the Property; or (c) to seek damages from any appropriate person or entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the term of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. B. Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, have the right, with reasonable notice, to enter the Easement Area over the Property at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection to determine whether the Grantor, their successors or assigns are complying with the terms, conditions and restrictions of this Conservation Easement. C. Acts Beyond Grantor's Control. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor, their successors or assigns, for any injury or change in the Easement Area caused by third parties, resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, and earth movement, or from any prudent action taken in good faith by the Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Property resulting from such causes. D. Costs of Enforcement. Beyond regular and typical monitoring, any costs incurred by Grantee in enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement against Grantor, their successors or assigns, including, without limitation, any costs of restoration necessitated by Grantor's acts or omissions in violation of the terms of this Conservation Easement, shall be borne by Grantor. No Waiver. Enforcement of this Easement shall be at the discretion of the Grantee and any forbearance, delay or omission by Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder in the event of any breach of any term set forth herein shall not be construed to be a waiver by Grantee. V. MISCELLANEOUS A. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. 5 B. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses shown above or to other address(es) as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. C. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Property or any part thereof is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. D. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property or any portion thereof. E. This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in writing signed by all parties hereto, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easemex~i. F. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however, that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. VI. QUIET ENJOYMENT Grantor reserves all remaining rights accruing from ownership of the Property, including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in only those uses of the Easement Area that are expressly reserved herein, not prohibited or restricted herein, and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Grantor expressly reserves to the Grantor, and the Grantor's invitees and licensees, the right of access to the Easement Area, and the right of quiet enjoyment of the Easement Area. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto the State of North Carolina for the aforesaid purposes. AND Grantor covenants that Grantor is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to convey the permanent Conservation Easement herein granted; that the same are free from encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. 6 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. THE W.R. BROWN, SR., FAMILY, LLC By: William R. Brown, Jr. Member/Manager By: NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK Gerald L. Brown Member/Manager I, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that ,Grantor, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of , 2007. Notary Public My commission expires: 7 C14 SUPPLY SITE II 6i C/) LOCATION MAP W4 C) 0 04 L;j CY) o 0 U-) L) 0 Z z lvww LLJ CL 0 U) CL En C14 ZUJ CD 10- C14 U) . z 0 Z E Z 9 u- 0:: W rm CL W o M D < CL - :-9 LO V) x � saw LISA DAWN POTTER DB 1955, PG 676 MC 30, PG 253 ,' ~`"' 4 4 W 4 W Y~ ~ W W W W 4\ 4 ~„~~ PERMAfdENT IMPACT ~ r /'~ Y W i W Y W Y` 0.00 acres 70 C~° 4 W Y_ W 9 W W Y =, `/y/ , ~ II O /' W W W Y W W ^~ 16 , ~~ W W/ Y W ~Y ~4 Y [] 1Y Y W W ~W ~ ' ry1'. ~ /: / /./W W W Y Y Y Y ILWI C~^~ O6 ~ ~Y /r / / /~ 1~ ~ W Y ~o Y Y W W / W Y Y\ 4~\~ \ + k Y 4 \ / 4 W Y W W W W Y W\Y /, \ Y Y J~ Y 4 Y \ ~ ,;~~ \ ` Y 1 4 Y4a ~ fW Y Y W W W W W W W ~~~Y VIA ~® V ~~ ~ W W s W W W I W 4 W Y .~ 71 W \ W W \ W °r~Y W / W W Y Y 4 W 4 ~~ iV ~:~ 85 \ !_ W y Y 4\ W Y Y `V pL Y 4 Y \`O+~/ 11 i- • W Y Y/Y Y 4 Y W W 4 4 ~.~^ ~1 W ,~, 4 W! y,. / / fY Y Y Y 4 4 Y Y W Y++ ` \ / W W Y \ ,/ / 4 a ~ \ WW 4"~A ~ ~ 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y/4 Y W W\ ~~ 72 W Y W Y \ q Y'o- W Y 4 W C Y 4 Y\~ \ W W y~ \ ~ ~ g.. ~ 1z ~-~~ Y Y Y W /~~^~ W W W~" 84 Y Y W W W J( ;~ Y ~ / I „ / W W W W V Y ~i / 4 W W W W W \ W Y '\ r ~ ~'~~ ~WYYWW ~,W4 Y ~ ` ,,_ / f 73 W I , W Y~ ~'~ Y ~ 83 6 ` ~;. , X444 ~ Y W ,~ I' ~ ~ Y W\ `W/ f`l , Y ~, / W, Y W w \ \ n. v AREA C - ~ , ~fiRMANE~TiMPACT ~ O.O~Q8 cres AREA A - TEMPORARY UTILITY IMPACT 100 sf `\ AREA' B - ~ PE MANENT IMPACT ~ 7 .355 acres / / 3 ~~ \ ~ ~ \ ~ / \ / / 74 `\ ~ Y 4 4~ \ ::. ~ Y ,... WW Y: 82 \\ ~s J W .- \ +a W YW:~ i 1 ~ ~'Y W ./ \ ~~ ~x~a 5~ GERALD L, s4 JANIE B, BROWN DB 1785, PG 1019 MC 28, PG 379 \ / W Y ,~ ~ you W ~ Y/ \ Y 81 , W~ . ~ ~> \ / 4 AOR / \ ,:: / \ W W W 80 ~ ~' ~ 91 \ \ ~ Y /IJ/ \ / \/ /Y+Y \\ ~.~ \\ 77 f A \ \ / ~~ W ~ ~ 90 / ~ / 79 ~ \ \ Y Y ~~' a, \ BRIDGE #1 / ~ Y ~ 1 ~ ~ y~. Z~J 4 ~ \ I ~/ W ti~ Y ~ /'~ W W Y ~ 4 ~" W W 4 W '78 ` / ~ Y/,~/L ,~REE.YKy, W W Y Y \ ~ \ ~ ~A ~'~OI ~_ 4 4 Y Y ~ ~/ i ~~ / ~~ ~' / ~~~~~ / ~ RHONDA E. 6 L,I~SA DAWN POTTED JEFFERY SCOTT ZACKERU ~ DB 1955, PG 6761 DB 760, PG 803 ~ ~ MC 30, PG z53 / ~ i ,/Y W 4 P ~Wa FY iY W~ ~Y 4 Y ~' +o~~ ~/ ~ ~~ SS r \ \ 88 \\ --____ _ _ _ r _ JOHN POTTER DB 1184, PG 1177 ~ MC Y, PG 278 ~ // GERALD L. & JANIE B, BROWN DB 1785, PG 1019 MC 28, PG 379 0 0 M °o °oN u J Q U o ~ o 0 O r N ~ w 0 Q°c_rn J=o ~ iU0 N .. ~ ~r ~~oZ ~ (n Z ~ ~~~ >+w 0 ~ a~ 7 W ~ cn a ~N N ~Z ~ ~~ N Z U Z~ Z +~ 3 w U m ~ ~ a a~o~ a 3 ~n cn FFs~~ W ~ ~ •P 0 mzirM y~.ZHHU r ~ W O G ~i~~~c ~~~~ ~\ \\ 89 `\ • _ _ ' ~° A~~ _ ~~ -` W V Y ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 1 I /()/ i i V i W W Y V W W W* i W ~/ r W V W ~Iy W V Q I ~ y I I / r/~W i i W y~ (~\i O N t rr /i~,,/~/ ~ 31 I 32 I 33 / 34 ~ i~ W i i o~/ ~Y I~ /,( I W V W .y/Y\ W / ` r 26 I ~ 30 \ I i 'r W i! r4 \ rt ~ I 25 ~ rr 27 ~>, I~ ~ i i iP 8 \ '~~ U o I \ ~ \ \ i ~ Q LACY L. & I E AREA G - ~ ~ ® ~ -~' i WARDIE H, I ~ \ v W ~ W W ~. \ n LANCASTER, et al PERMANENT IMPA T r ~' 29 DB 184, PG 454 0.02fi4 acres ~ r ~ ~p~NA'TF~ ,~_ ss ~ A~ i W i y a \ MC N, PG 234 - w, \ , ~' i ~~ . ~/' i ` '°* J 5 ~W W y 0 24 35 ~ i W / I / \ I 28 ~~• 36 I /• i y%,~, , __ --- F I 46 I cc /iW~ ~ W , 37 4/ _ i i I ~~ ~ ~ " IAO W W d W ''°~ 45 ~ I ~ W~~ , ~ ,, ~r ~~ i i l ~ ` I w / ~ \ i\ V W W W i ~ Q I i i / /iii W Q ro~ ' / 22 ~ i i~ ~~ 64 U W/ / / ~ , poi i i WW ~ `\ Cpl / i W i i 44 ~ c rn V ~ / i W i i V~ \\ ~ ,O .,• I ~ ~ L ~ OV. 38 ` \ i i W i /W i V ~ 0 O / 7 a \ i ~ ~ O I 'rs / ~\ iii ii i ~---------- Sib, 65 / ~ pz *~/ // 20 ~i i i ~~ ' ~ cn z ~ i \ 43 iV L I ~~ ~ .iii `i °';~ ~w ' ~ 404 V ' / ~'` W ~Y W i , / / \ , ~rV ~ ~ //~a~ O/y -~ V i V V i /Y i i V ,J ` W~ (n LL / /i V V i i +a~ ~- ' ~- W i i V W11`1 /// ',/ \\ YY i V V W W W i i i V V 4V4 W V W W W y ~_ i \ * W // /i V V i i \i i V W W V W i W ro 3 VVV ~~ \\ /~ 42 66 r`~ V V V ((~~~ -J ~.TY i i i W i W '~(\ W i V Y V V W V .f'1Ry{-~ W 7 V ~3 LISA DAWN POTTER ~ ~ i V i i i W V i V~~ V W V i W i ~Y W` i V i V i Y W i i i i i i i ~ q~ i i W i Y DB 1955, PG 676 "0~' V i i i W i i i i W\ i W i W i ~ ~~ ~" AREA F- ~ ~ P W i ~ W N MC 30, PG 253 I / i i i i i W i i i i i W W W i W W~ ~~ ~ V i a i i i i i i /W W W i i i i \W W W .i ~' PERMANENT IMP,~CT // ~ ~/ W ~- z /'/yy~~~ \ ' W i W W i W i i//V i W W W Y W V Y ~ V Y i~ \~('t~r 0.0462 acres 67 \\ / V IIIVVV Nw \ W V V V W W V W W W i W W V W i ~1' W / ~f) ~V/ V ^~ "' \ W i i i V i i /V Y L W V W W V W V i W~ ` `/ V V V VI /~ i W W W i /V Y i V i V i V W W V V (~ ~//., / /~ V V Y L .j ~ ~1V ~C' W W W V W W Y/ V W W W V V V V W W V ~ ~ O •~\~ / /Y W i V Y ~ L~ ~ L ~ W\ W W W W ~' / i W W W W i V V W W i J S~" \ // V V W V ~ O 1 V\ i L W W W W i W i W V V V V V Y W i ~ ~ I.L I ~i i i~ V V i i i i V i V W V W W i W W W W V L i i~ ~' ~/G, o i V i V i 68 ` Off' W V V V V ~ ~ y. W ~ i ' / '/• /~ .a ~' O ~ i i V W V i W W V W i `' V W W Vi ~ I [WiWiV W\iiWWVV W W i V i i V V i \\ ~~ ~ W V Q 3~ W V i V W i i / 4 +~ \ / 18 ~~ i i i ' 8 ~ W V W V W i i\V i W i i i i i V W V W V W f V i V V y _ \ L V W \ V V W i V V V /Y// W V \ AR A E \ ~ Y V / ~~ q W - of i W i i i i i \ ~ I I i W W V i W V i i W V i,' i W PORARY UTILI ~ ", i W i~ I ~ ~~~ ~ i W W W i i i W V i V W 1 •- P P ~j V i i i i~ W i W i W v i V i ~ ACT / i ' ~C/L CREEK I li ' W i iP , 20 sf / ~ '~ W W V i W i i /W W W W I i i V i V~ i ~ i /i W i W / `~ / \ EDGE VETLANDS y p `oiW i %` ~ i i W ~ i i i J,_ `4 ~, ~ RIDGE #2 Y/7 I ~ i i i W i V~ i V W W V i L L ''b~,, ~ \ V W V i ,~ 1 V L ~ ~ .+~ ~~~~ V V V V W i W i i q V i W ~- ~/ 1 AREA D • ~i i "~' ~`O~~W i i V W i i V i V W V W V W; W ~ ~ PERMA~dENT IMPACT ~ /'~` i i ~t o, ~i 0 0 r~ ~~ II DOE CREEK i W i WWW WW iI W y W W W W W W PLANTATION, LLC ~ W W W W W W DB 2066, PG 204 ~ ~ i W W W - i W W ~i~_ ~. .- rT'~ W o W W ~y N~~ W -W W W Y W W W W W W W W W i W W W i _- I I ~~~- .^. W~W W W i W W i W i W W i i i W W W i _. _- ~~ I '~{ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~~J W W W W W W W W W W Yr~~'~ ~_ W W W W W W W W i W •~~ W W i ~ ~~ WI 3 W W W W W W W W W W W i W W W W W W W W W W W /SS ~ W W W W W W i i YI' i W W / i r _ \ ~~ i W W i W W i W W J `/~~) W W W W i L I'/rOr i W i W W W~ 50 I 51 /~ ~rorW W W, 10f \~ "~ I~ I ~\ i i W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 4\W I S~ W Wi i W W WW iW '' I 5z ~ 53 iW W W W i / ... W ~W W W ~~ Y W W W j W W W W ~ ~ ~,,, W i W/ W W W i W W +o„ i W / W W W W W W W W W W A '~~ // W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ I 0~ _~ M~ _~ I ~ r W W W W W i i W W W W\ w ~ `~ N'~pp0 `f ~ r~ W W W i i i i W `o\ ~ r / a ~ / - Or ~W~ W W i i W W W i i ~ i W\ W \ I / SS A y/ W W W W ~ W~W W W W ~ v~ri W W WWW W~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ ~ ~ ~ - rs'~ W WWWWWWWW+WW W WWWW ~,' ~' 11 55 \ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ 1 1 ~ . ~\ ~ i i W W W W , ~~ ~ aW W W W . ~~ 62 /~yi~WWWW i ~ WWiW 63 \. iW~W~Wi ~ ~vW i W W oW .WWWWW `~ 64 r WWW. YW/WWWy W W ~,_ WWW (,~' iYWW \i iWWW ~~W W rpr ,` WWi .W WWW Y W IW W GERALD L, & JANIE B, BROWN DB 1785, PG 1019 MC 28, PG 379 W ~ W W ~ \ ~ Wi~WW ~~ ~T WiWWWW ~ 1 58 ~ ~ ~ / ~ 56 \ ~ <~ i W W 59 \ W `~ ~ ~ W W i I ~ ~ 57 !~' W W W W W i. ~ 1 ~ ~ r W WWWW li 60 1 ~~ W W ~ \ W W W W W ~~ \ W /~ / W i W W f l ` /~ ~ W W W W i W W i W Lf 11 , ri` W W W W W W W W W i W W W W W W W W W Y W I ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W i W W W W W i 61 ` ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W l W i W W W i W W W W W W W / '~' i W W~ r W W W W W W W W W W W ^~ i W W W ' W W W W W W W W W i W W W ~ I ~o~ r W i W W W W W W .~WWWW~W ~;~' WWW~rorW WWWWWiWWWW• W i GERALD L. & W W i JANIE B, BROWN W W /` W W W W W% W W~ W~ W W i 4 W W W W DB 1785, PG 1019 W.WWLWWWW W~- WWW/WW WiW WWWWW MC 28, PG 379 W i W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W i W W W W W W W W W W W W W i 4 W W i W W W W W i W i W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W i W °0 0 u T W J a U ~ °o 3 0 W O r N M Q~ W C 0 0°c~ J 'a O ~ LU0 N .. 0_ > r ~~oz N NZ~ ~•~ ~w ~ ~~~ W ~ cn a J N N ~Z N~ N z~ Z .~ 3 t,. V m ~ J al ~a~od~ a 3n~' ~mq IFp ~A ~ ~' .~ n E ~~~ g ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ , ~~ 1M1 ~\\\ ~~ ~~~ ~ \ ~ \ DDE CREEK ~ PLANTATIDN, LLC ~ DB 2066, PG 204 ~ W W W W W W W W W WI . v W/ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W L W W~, + W W W W W W W W W W W W W W /Y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W r W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W /.(/ W W W W W W W W W W W ~=- ~W ~i1 W W' W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W / ~W~T S~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Rte- +04 W w4 W 4oi ~_// ,rW ~---W - W+ W W W -50 115.4 -10.6 '- 13.9 * * * 2.3 ~\1 -4.1 r W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ W ~a ~r~ y ~ W + W W WWU ~ IPAR[AN LINK + W W W ~~~ ~ -~ ~l + W W / W W W W W W W W W W W~ ~TYl1.NRyY Wbn+ +~+ ~ T~ S-W W W+ V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~. +++W++++W+++W +W+.+W+.+W+W+W+W+W+W+ +'1p ~ ~po+ ~+W+W+W+W+W+ W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W+WFLOATINCwD~OC[~l4S+ +W+ -Ii.4 / W W W W W W W . . W W W W W W W ~~/ ~ ~W fr ~W W W W W W W a W W W W W W W W W B_EACHi. 6' CEED+ + C/ -I5.1* -156 N T ~[uI E%CEE R' + W W v W W W W W W W W W W W ~ W / W W a W W W W W W W W W W W W W W o W W W W ~/~ W W W W W W . W W W W W W W ~+ / rpr W /'W' W v W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W t6~IN LfNGTN + t,3+ ~ -13.3/. W W W W W W W W W W W W W~/ /' -o~-~ia~PR~~ + W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W~++ 'Q,'V /~~ W ~'W+W+W+++W++W W+W+.+W+W ~' /W+W+W_~v~r+ +W+W+W W+W+W+W+WWWWW+W+W+W+W+W W+W W V+ E ~19 . W W ` W W , W v W W W ~/ Yp-/ i W W W y ~l+W+W+W+W W W W W+W+W W W+W+W W W W W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W W W W W W W W 9_S,B ~~ sJr13.6. + W+ v W.+++. W W ~D/ W W W W W W W W e W W W W W W W W W~ W W a W ~ Wy~6'C NAV CNMINEL EDGE + NDi ` W +~/ + W W W W W W W W + o W W W W W W W W+ EDGE .(S' NORSH W ,~ /`''~ *.f2~3 v+W+W+~ ~ / W yCr/ +W+a W W W+ +W+W+W+W W W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W+W W W W2+3~ `0'119 + + W V~ + W ~,~, M~A / P + .Q` m W + W W W W W W W W W W W + W W W W W W EL~+-p 9~o is.6 t~~ ~o /+ W Q~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W~~ W ~ y-Q +2~3 I W+ ~+ W W W . W W W W W W W W W W W W W .'9~2 + 54 W+WWW+W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W * + + + + + J 10.) ilo•2 ~NEAN HIGH WATER, MEAN LOV DATER AND / o + + + + + + + + + + + ` ` + + + ` + + + + + +~ OE• ) +~ EDGE OF MARSH/EDGE OF CHANNEL AND / ~ + + W~+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ ELEVATIONS DETERMINED FROM SOUNDING/ \ ~ W W W W W W W W W _W - a~--W "~W + W + + + W + ~ a23 HYDROGRAPH[C SURVEY BY ARNOLD CARSON ~\ +++~++++ +++ + + W + ++ + + +++++++++ W+ ~ PLS,PCDATED4-23-04, 55 y++ W W W W W R1PARtAN III'{1-~~ \ \ \ / W + W + W + W + W ~ W + W W + + W + W + W + W + W + W + W + W + W + W + W + W + W + W W W +/ / \ \~ \ \ \ ~ 56 \ 7\ tD- rp~ / d W . W+W+W`W`WWW` WWWWWW W W W W u. W W W GERALD L. & JAMIE B. BRAWN DB 1785, PG 1019 MC 28, PG 379 d W W W W W W W W W W W W W W + / ~WW+~Wy+WWW W Wy+~+WWy+W / ~WW W~ W ~ / ~. + + `.r+ + + W + + +~ + W GERALD L. & /I \ I J ~W W .iW W W .. . ~+ JAMIE B, BRGWN/ ~ \ I ~~'++W+ WWWWWW.+W + W DB1785,PG1019 \ I MC 28, PG 379 / / ~ WWWWWWWW ~ ~ \ I W W+ W+ W+ W+ W W W+ W W / \ ~ i / /~ - -~ WWWWW ~ / ~ / i / _ /GERALD L, & / / ~ -____--...______ -----~~ /JAMIE B, BROWN~_ // \ DB 1785, PG 1019 / // MC 28, PG 379 / // ./ // / 0 O O O r N II T W J Q U ~ °o _I 0 W O N T\T V/ (P Q O ~°c_rn J=0 v ~~° ,~ t ~~CIZ ~ •C ~+ W ~ ~ ao W ~N~ J N N ~Z N~ N Z U z~ z 3~ ~ m~ J a •a~o] 3 to V1 ~~~~~~E m~ ~~^~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ 6~i2~ 1~ 4xe DEdONc Bz12 SIRINCER 0 24' O.C. YAX SPAdNC ex12 coNr. RAIL 4x8 CONT. GUARDRNL Bz12 x S'-0' SPACER 010'-0' O.C. Bx8 WOOD POST 0 3'-B' 0.0. YAX 12x12 WOOD dRDER, TYP, 3, 3/4'f BOLTS 0 12'0.C. tYf WOOD PILE PLATE 4x1/4x2'-2' W/ 5, 1'f BOLTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ CROSS sECnoN (eRlocE~ ~) NOT TO SCALE 3/4'1 BOLTS 0 tY O.C. I r.Bxt2 CONL RAIL ~~\~ 12x12 W000 GIRDER, T1 ILN HEAD Bz12 SiPoNCER 0 24' O.C ~ PLATE 4x1/4x2'-2' 12'1 WOOD PILE NAX SPACING W/ S, 1'f BOLTS -_-- _ 23.40 _--- _TI . .~------.. .---- ---. -.-.-.:"_-_-. .•. VIII ....................................... ~~~ill~~~, NEILANDS PROFlLE (BRIDGE #1) NOT TO SCALE BRIDGE CROSS SECTION & PROFILE GRADE GRADE W ~ 3~ J J (3 N ~Z ~ CC ~ N N z U z~ z +~ 31~ U m ~ J a ~ao:od ~3~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ .a o IIV ~ ;, N Q ~ H Q~ ~~ ~ L ~ ~a./pCprj J=o 0 N L O o ~p ~ U .. +~ > L o~oZ ~ z ~•~ TW ~ ~?~ m D! ~ a DECKING SIAINCER 0 24' O.C. SPACkiC CONT. RAIL CONT. GUARDRAIL x S'-0' SPACER 010'-0' O.C. HOOD POST 0 J'-6' O.C. AIAX t HOOD CNtDER, T1P. /4'/ BOLTS 0 12'O.C. YK)OD PILE E 4x1/4x2'-2' S, 1'/ BOLTS .................................................... cRass sECnoa (BRIDGE #i) NOT TO SCALE J/4'f BOLTS 0 tY O.C. 2 CONT. RAL 4x8 DECIONC BULK HEAD 12 STRMGER 0 24' O.C PUTE 4x1/4x2'-2' MAX SPACING W/ S, 1'1 BOLTS =Rr - --~a1o III=III=1 ~r~rr-m=m. --,__---- - --_r---- •I -III=111_1=III=III=III=I••••••••• ~~••••• ••••••••• '=III=III=III=III=III=III=••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •I PROFlLE (BRIDGE #2) NOT TO SCALE 12x12 N000 GRiDER, T1 ~1Y1 NOOD PILE BRIDGE CROSS SECTION & PROFILE GRADE O ~ O N M n W lv 0 ~ o v O C ~ J '0 0 N L G ~ ' ~U p ) .. ~ ~ p Z fA Z H ~•~ ?xW ~ ~ 7 ~ m D! N a J N N ~Z ~ Ng N zZ z ++ 3 tai. U m~ J a •a~oa ~•3~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ d~~~~g ~~ °~ ~~