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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100353_Monitoring (Report)_20180724RUSE ONLY— A.©Paper Report []Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes / No) Doc/Event #: 'NC DENR ' ' Environmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Renortina€ Form Nddce: This form and any Iftnriation attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-'[ As such. these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit. Please type or print legibly. Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 2B surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B 1629 (4)(a)(i) Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): SCS Engineers, PC -Consultant; Pace Labs- Laboratory Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparer's name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: C. Ed Hilton, Jr., P.E. E-mail: Phone: 813-804-6719 NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or .1600) October 20-24, 2006) Buncombe County Old Landfill 2726 Riverview Road 11-01 .1600 April 30 -May 7, 2018 (Closed) (Highway 251) Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) ❑ Initial/Background Monitoring Detection Monitoring i ` Assessment Monitoring �X Corrective Action Type of data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells Methane gas monitoring data Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Corrective action data (specify) Leachate monitoring data X Surface water monitoring data ❑ Other(specify) Notification attached? No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. X Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater standard, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. C. Ed Hilton, Jr., P.E. Vice President (813)804-6719 Facility Representative Name (Print) Title (Area Code) Telephone Number Affix NC L al Geologist Seal cs7l a�� Signature . Date �' �7 ! ro 5850 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822 Facility Representative Address PE - 7909 %tA NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, 2009) Revised 6/2009 Old Buncombe County Landfill Permit No. 1 101 Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Monitoring Report Buncombe County Solid Waste Department 81 Panther Branch Road Alexander, North Carolina 28701 (828)250-5460 09204072.15 1 June 22, 2018 N 5850 S. Sernoran Blvd. S S E A �`;� Orlando, FL 32822 /�•( �' ' bS : 813.804.6719 /ti l . 1r •••rrrrist�N�y�\ Table of Contents Section Page 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................1 Background........................................................................................................................................1 GroundwaterMonitoring....................................................................................................................2 2 Semi -Annual Sampling.......................................................................................................................3 3 Results and Discussion......................................................................................................................3 Groundwater....................................................................................................................................... 3 SurfaceWater.....................................................................................................................................4 4 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................4 Figures Figure1. Facility Figure........................................................................................................................5 Figure 2. Old Landfill Groundwater Contour Map...............................................................................6 Tables Table 1. Monitoring Well Sample Summary.......................................................................................7 Table 2. Groundwater Elevations.......................................................................................................8 Appendices Appendix A Well Condition Summary Appendix B Sampling Forms Appendix C Summary of Detections Appendix D Summary of Exceedances Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of the spring 2018 semi-annual groundwater and surface water sampling event at the Old Buncombe County unlined municipal solid waste landfill. The Old Buncombe County Landfill (OBCL) is located at 2726 Riverview Road near Asheville, North Carolina. Sampling activities and reporting were performed in accordance with the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) approved September 24, 2014, NCAC 13B.1632 and North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's (NCDEQs) response letter to Request for Reduction of Monitoring and Natural Attenuation (MNA) Parameters dated December 15, 2016. BACKGROUND The Old Buncombe County Landfill (OBCL) is closed and currently monitored under post -closure care. The OBCL collected waste streams in unlined waste areas approved to receive municipal, industrial, and construction solid wastes, along with household waste and yard debris. Leachate from the waste areas have mixed with the groundwater as evidenced from the presence of chlorinated solvents detected in groundwater from down -gradient monitoring wells in excess of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) standards beginning in 1985 to the present. Waste Areas A, B, and C stopped receiving waste prior to October 9, 1991. Area D stopped accepting waste on September 27, 1997 in accordance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule T15A: 13B .1627(c)(10)(A). Institutional controls are in place which restricts the use of and access to the site, and eliminates or minimizes exposure to site contaminants. All disposal areas have been closed and capped in accordance with permit modifications for closure under 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Chapter 13B. The landfill site has controlled access and perimeter fencing to limit site access. An active gas collection system was constructed by Enerdyne and is currently operated by Buncombe County. The County has constructed a Safety Training Facility on property outside of the waste fill area but within the original landfill property limits. Multiple buildings have already been constructed and others are in the planning stages. This area has controlled access and perimeter fencing that isolates its development from the balance of the landfill property. The habitable buildings in this area are equipped with sub floor vapor extraction systems and gas detectors that are monitored continuously by on -site personnel. While these vapor intrusion controls have been installed specifically to address potential methane gas issues, it is expected that the vapor systems in permanently occupied spaces will also help to mitigate any potential issues arising from a vapor intrusion pathway. Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 1 GROUNDWATER MONITORING The groundwater plume has been monitored over the years by a series of monitoring wells around the perimeter of the landfill. Currently 24 monitoring wells are sampled semi-annually (DPL-2 was converted to an Injection Well prior to the October 2015 sampling event). Figure 1 shows the locations of groundwater monitoring wells. Groundwater samples collected from these wells have been analyzed for the typical landfill parameters (metals, semi -volatile organic compounds, volatile organic compounds, etc.). Concentrations in excess of the Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 2L (NC2L) groundwater standards have been reported primarily for metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The extent of the groundwater plume has been delineated and concentrations of contaminants have generally been declining. Additional remedial measures, enhanced in -situ bioremediation (EIB) were performed in September 2015 in accordance with the March 2015 CAP Addendum and the Injection Permit W10100353. Five main groundwater flow paths, referred to as transects, have been identified down -gradient from the OBCL waste piles presented below. Transect 1 Transect 2 MW-4A MW-B MW-12-25 MW-17-60 MW-13-35 MW-17-137 MW-13-132 MW-24-45 MW-24-160 Italicized- EIB Injection Well Bold- MINA Performance Well Bold & italicized MINA Sentinel Well Transect 3 M W-3 MW-21-21 MW-21-94 Transect 4 MW-DPL-2 M W-4 MW-19-75 MW-19-110 Transect 5 M W-6 MW-6-192 M W-5 DPL-1 MW-18-78 Transects 1 and 5 appear to be long enough to naturally attenuate VOCs observed immediately down -gradient from the waste piles prior to reaching the French Broad River. MNA is the only remedial activity for Transects 1 and 5. Transect 3 and 4 show contaminants reach the French Broad River before natural attenuation processes may completely de -chlorinate site VOCs. Therefore more aggressive clean-up actions consisting of enhancing natural attenuation through substrate addition were implemented along the short flow path system. DPL-2 and the newly installed IW-1 were used as the fractured bedrock injection points for substrate addition based on their close proximity to the source plume. Direct injection to the base of the Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 2 regolith, TW-1-3, was also used to treat the high flow zone which may be used to remediate both short and long fracture controlled flow paths along Transects 3 and 4. Substrate addition was conducted in September, 2015 prior to the fall 2015 semi-annual sampling event. Temporary injection wells were abandoned following substrate addition. 2 SEMI-ANNUAL SAMPLING Sampling activities for the OBCL took place on April 30, 2018 through May 7, 2018. Twenty-two monitoring wells were sampled during the spring 2018 event. Three monitoring wells were dry and no samples were collected (MW-24-45, DPL-1 and MW-7). All samples were collected and analyzed by Pace Laboratories for analysis of Appendix I constituents and MNA parameters specified in Table 1. Groundwater levels were measured and used to calculate groundwater elevations (Table 2). A groundwater contour map is presented in Figure 2. The Well Condition Summaries are included as Appendix A and field parameters are recorded on the Sampling Forms provided in Appendix B. Field parameters include: pH, specific conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation- reduction potential (ORP), temperature, and turbidity. Field parameters were also measured at the surface water sampling locations. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Seventeen of the 22 monitoring wells had concentrations of VOCs and metals in excess of the NC2L Groundwater Standards. No surface water samples had concentrations in excess of the Surface Water Standard (SWS) reporting limits. A summary of detections is provided in Appendix C and a summary of exceedances is provided as Appendix D. The exceedances were consistent with historic concentrations at their respective wells. GROUNDWATER VOC constituents detected in groundwater include 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,4- dichlorobenzene, benzene, chloride, chlorobenzene, chloroethane, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, ethylbenzene, tetrachloroethene, toluene, trichloroethene, vinyl chloride, and xylene. 1,1- dichloroethane exceeded the maximum contaminate level (MCL) of 6.0 ug/L in MW-4 (11 ug/L). Benzene exceeded the MCL of 1.0 ug/L in MW-13-152 (1.2 ug/L), MW-13-30 (2.2 ug/L), MW-3 (1.1 ug/L), MW-4A (4.6 ug/L) and MW-6 (1.1 ug/L). Vinyl chloride exceeded the MCL of 0.03 ug/L in MW- 3 (2.2 ug/L), MW-4 (2.9 ug/L) and MW-B (7.4 ug/L). Exceedances of 1,1-dichloroethane and vinyl chloride, both daughter products of chlorinated hydrocarbons, have decreased since the last sampling event. This indicates that bacteria are still breaking down chlorinated hydrocarbons. Metal constituents detected in groundwater include antimony, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, vanadium, and zinc. Antimony exceeded the MCL of 1.0 ug/L in MW-15 at 7 ug/L. Barium exceeded the MCL of 700 ug/L in MW-4A (859 ug/L) and MW-6 (1,330 ug/L). Chromium exceeded the MCL of 10 ug/L in MW-15 at 17.1 ug/L. Cobalt exceeded the Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 3 MCL of 1.0 ug/L in MW-21-21(6.7 ug/L), MW-4 (68.7 ug/L), MW-4A (38.5 ug/L), MW-3 (17.2 ug/L) and MW-5 (7.7 ug/L). Iron exceeded the MCL of 300 ug/L in MW-13-152 (7,320 ug/L), MW-18-78 (29,500 ug/L), MW-19-110 (1,130 ug/L), MW-19-75 (14,100 ug/L), MW-2 (3,120 ug/L), MW-21-21 (12,400 ug/L), MW-21-94 (10,300 ug/L), MW-4 (18,300 ug/L) and MW-6 (30,600 ug/L). Manganese and vanadium were added to the list of detected constituents for this round of sampling. However, metals concentrations generally decreased since the last sampling event in the fall of 2017. Cadmium was removed from the exceedances list during this round of sampling. Iron exceedance concentrations generally decreased. SURFACE WATER Metals detected in the surface water samples were barium, copper and nickel. Barium and zinc were detected in the last round of sampling. All concentrations were below their SWS reporting limits. 4 CONCLUSION There is evidence that bacteria in the soil continue to interact with constituents in the groundwater. SCS will continue with semi-annual and MNA monitoring and reporting in accordance with the approved CAP and the NCDEQ's response letter to Request for Reduction of MNA Parameters. The next semi-annual sampling event is scheduled for fall 2018. The fall 2018 report will include MNA results and analysis for spring and fall 2018 sampling events. Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 4 Figure 1 . Facility Figure Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 5 1E xr. J Legend 1XIM ww MW-2 9M tM WYLG ZM1@N@ tM , tM i Monitoring Well Buncombe County Property Boundary MW-4A MW-12-25 MMW-12-30 W-13-35 MW-13-10 MW-13-132 FIGURE 1 Old Buncombe County Landfill Well Location Map Buncombe County, North Carolina 0 350 700 N Tampa, FL I July 2018 Feet A Figure 2. Old Landfill Groundwater Contour Map Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 6 MW 14 MW 45.25-., 1041.8 f 'R- \ \ MW-22-143 / AIIC MW-23-119 / - z \MW-7PF \ 'F 14 MW-6-192 ` 1983.52 \ \ MWo6 � \I MW-2 2093:13 � 4� MW 5 MW-p -- - - - 1966.33 2062.57 }\\ DPL-2 DPL=1` , \ \MW-4 -78 1941C47 MW-lg-' lk MW,19-75 M W =1974 1.94 �18941M-3MW-20,3_`\\\�W MW-19-110 I 1925.2 MW-20-32 %q 1890.92 95641893.17 -21=4 -21=94 9 iI 1893., 4 1893.24 \ \\ M i W -4A MW-1`-60\ 2011.62` MW-17\37 \ h-MMUZIM i�93n 7890 r8eo r8�o r86o r85n_ 183 \ SCS ENGINEERS,PC Table 1. Monitoring Well Sample Summary Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 7 TABLE I MONITORING WELL SAMPLING SUMMARY Site ID Total Depth Type Semi -Annual MNA Semi -Annual Appendix I Metals & Volatiles Annual Appendix lI Field Parameters MW-B 15.4 Compliance Yes Yes MW-2 175 Background Yes Yes Yes Yes MW-3 90 Compliance Yes Yes MW-4 75 Performance Yes Yes Yes MW-4A 77 Compliance Yes Yes MW-5 80 Compliance Yes Yes Yes MW-6 40 Performance Yes Yes Yes Yes MW-6-192 192 Compliance Yes Yes MW-7 29 Compliance Yes Yes MW-12-25 26 Compliance Yes Yes MW-13-35 35 Compliance Yes Yes MW-13-132 132 Performance Yes Yes Yes MW-15 72 Compliance Yes Yes MW-17-60 60 Compliance Yes Yes MW-17-137 137 Compliance Yes Yes MW-17-310 310 Compliance Yes Yes MW-18-78 78 Sentinel Yes Yes Yes MW-19-75 75 Compliance Yes Yes Yes MW-19-110 110 Sentinel Yes Yes Yes MW-21-21 21 Performance Yes Yes Yes MW-21-94 94 Sentinel Yes Yes Yes MW-24-45 45 Compliance Yes Yes MW-24-160 160 Sentinel Yes Yes Yes DPL-1 65 Compliance I Yes I Yes Yes DPL-2 97 EIB Well I Yes* I Yes* Yes* EIB Well -This well was used as injection wells for Enhanced In -Situ Bioremediation (EIB). *This well has been removed from the sampling schedule following enhancement application. Table 2. Groundwater Elevations Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Page 8 Table 2. Groundwater Elevations Old Buncombe County Landfill Spring 2018 Depth to Groundwater Top of Casing Water (DTW) Elevation (TOC) Elevation Well ID Easting Northing (feet) (feet) (feet) DPL-1 928382.387 714303.2959 dry NS 2,040.73 DPL-2 928816.0342 714395.3159 NS NS 2,112.15 MW-10 929060.473 716086.5209 No well NS 2,049.67 MW-12-25 931279.285 713200.9039 7.10 2,023.90 2,029.98 MW-13-10 931206.141 712942.4019 2.05 2,010.41 2,012.26 MW-13-132 931181.528 712889.7023 39.97 1,986.46 2,012.89 MW-13-35 931163.68 712965.4389 6.33 2,011.15 2,017.68 MW-14 930050.437 716289.6639 8.21 2,045.13 2,053.46 MW-15 929436.084 716936.6469 5.65 2,022.03 2,028.08 MW-16 929107.206 716170.0179 no well NS 2,048.13 MW-17-310 930139.4136 713231.8863 0.00 1,916.99 1,916.99 MW-18-3 927761.097 714074.0669 dry 1,889.93 1,895.62 MW-18-78 927776.53 714076.66 6.90 1,888.43 1,894.62 MW-19-110 928903.3002 713929.1736 10.51 1,891.62 1,901.43 MW-19-75 928772.4025 713879.9153 9.79 1,891.59 1,900.72 MW-2 929990.265 714974.8479 112.20 2,095.33 2,205.33 MW-20-32 929259.405 713821.1789 6.40 1,893.58 1,899.57 MW-21-21 929508.41 713768.8789 6.39 1,894.55 1,900.49 MW-21-4 929494.345 713752.8479 6.05 1,894.28 1,900.33 MW-21-94 929476.2991 713814.8282 7.82 1,893.64 1,901.06 MW-22-143 930320.488 716306.9579 45.93 2,022.41 2,068.34 MW-22-78 930307.244 716312.1059 27.22 2,040.91 2,068.13 MW-23-119 930402.917 715955.7999 42.30 2,034.31 2,076.61 MW-23-186 930406.936 715946.4999 53.92 2,022.51 2,076.43 MW-24-160 930968.9485 711377.7246 94.26 1,839.13 1,933.24 MW-24-45 930963.2204 711372.032 dry NS 1,932.07 MW-3 929739.9587 713790.0975 65.95 1,924.07 1,991.15 MW-4 928801.732 714119.7839 72.80 1,942.24 2,014.27 MW-4A 931121.511 713293.9389 71.42 2,010.58 2,083.10 MW-5 928101.415 714562.5179 53.40 1,964.54 2,019.73 MW-6 928079.3945 715045.5518 0.00 2,002.80 2,002.80 MW-6-192 928040.985 715089.0229 25.50 1,983.69 2,009.02 MW-7 930461.198 715545.8259 dry NS 2,079.02 MW-8 930235.429 716049.7539 26.50 2,082.36 2,108.86 MW-9 928619.48 716024.0369 no well NS 2,061.59 MW-A 930994.484 714595.3489 0.60 2,062.77 2,063.37 MW-B 930347.512 713577.6929 4.37 1,956.78 1,960.86 Notes: NS- Not sampled Appendix A Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report N m O IzNb N \ -fi a 0� c^ v p v p v p v O v p v p v p v v p v O c r N 3 3 3 3 n 0 fi 3 3 3' v m cQ �Q cl cQ cQ cQ m cQ SO ro m m m m m 0 a a a a a a a a a a m 0 j❑ �❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ C47❑ C�]❑ q]❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ C�❑ L� r n o Q O Q o g o O Q O� Q O 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N Q a o o Q o o a IA s co cQ m (n m S' a a a a a CL a 3 �o-❑ a❑ ❑❑WIC 4❑ �.❑ El El ❑ Q 0 05 O Q O Q Q O Q Q O_ 7C Q_ 7C Q_ 7C Q. A. m 7C a m m m m m m m m m m m Q O 0 Q 4 O Q 0 0 m � m m m m m m m m 0 ❑ LEIF—I❑ ❑❑ ❑ I1❑4❑ 4❑ ❑❑Z Z j Z Z < Z � Z Z ZO . O m ❑ H O m 0 (D 0 0 0 umi O m o - � N 1\` C \ �1 mom m r► �, Q a rt O 7 m fl 0 7 H —r a n 0 m 3 P. v- 0 v v p v O v p o •°� �0 cfl m � cfl tQ cfl D cQ N N CD N N N N Q C n. a n. a a a a n_ ❑❑❑❑,❑Q❑�❑�❑Q❑4❑4❑Q❑r v v O v O 3 3 3 g O 3 p 3 p 3 p 3 3 o n = n_ a n_ n n n a a CL ❑❑ Ell ❑❑❑❑4❑4❑Q❑ 1❑ ❑4 o 0 0 o g O Q o fl o g o 0 e a a a 7 a 7 u � a n o n CL S n n 1Dn - n -0 rD c c c c c c c c c c n n Q n n n u m m m m 0 m m El ❑;❑ ❑`❑ m❑❑❑❑ �❑ Q❑ �❑ O Z Z -c Z -C Z Z Z Z Z -G Z C Z in O H 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 M 0 N O W O H O N O H V1 I-` •� 1` `� m z Z o 3 m 0 0 T m _ 0 0 a m fl 0 m n 0 0 0 C: cu n 0- a a 0 0 _ a. 3 00❑�1140 ❑q❑ 0q010 11 .� v 3 0 v 3 0 v 3 0 0 3 0 v � 0 v 3 01 v 3 0 v 3 0 v 3 0 v 3 O A �• co a to a cQ a (a a (a a m a m a a a co a cQ a < v 3 0 v 0 0 0 0 a v 0. v 0 v o 3 0 v 3 0 — p co m a io m n_ m m a �°o m n_ cfl m n, m m n_ c°o m a m m n_ cn m n_ co m n. �" co a 7C a 7C a 7S a 7C a 7C a -0 7C a a 7C a 7C a n 0- 7C p cr C n n c n n c Q .0 c o .n c n c n c n .0 c n n n m N fD N I m N N N N (D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ 1 Z O -< N Z O < N Z O I N Z O N Z O < m Z O -< N Z O m Z O N Z O �` H Z O m m� �e M I } C {D 1`5 q �C � a O m o 0 P r� Appendix B Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report C CD U T C O O O r n 3 c ?1, O p p m T O rt rr rn Z Z n. w G o 3 O p O Z3 rt O 7 00 70 ro 0 T D p O O < 0 r n -n- 3 o_ rho O T rt rt cp z m Z Cl. w O O 0 O OC N m O IzNb N \ -fi a 0� c^ v p v p v p v O v p v p v p v v p v O c r N 3 3 3 3 n 0 fi 3 3 3' v m cQ �Q cl cQ cQ cQ m cQ SO ro m m m m m 0 a a a a a a a a a a m 0 j❑ �❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ C47❑ C�]❑ q]❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ C�❑ L� r n o Q O Q o g o O Q O� Q O 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 N Q a o o Q o o a IA s co cQ m (n m S' a a a a a CL a 3 �o-❑ a❑ ❑❑WIC 4❑ �.❑ El El ❑ Q 0 05 O Q O Q Q O Q Q O_ 7C Q_ 7C Q_ 7C Q. 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N fD 't7 CJ T' T r � n, C o—^ O N T 'P r3r CD r+ � Z a d 0 o 0 w J Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 Page: 1 of _ Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev,01 Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersvil Office Field Data Sheet Cliejat Project #: Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): Name and Afiliation (hispector): Well Information Well ID: . �-i e,/ • ►� - Well Locked: �110 NO) Well Diameter'. Construction: -- teeljStainiess Steel) Total Well Depth: `f --ft Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Static Water Level: ft Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: % 1 ft FVi E Uai'armatxan Date Purged: / 3 / `'� Start' 0 Finish: f `�` Purge Rate: I 0 ` M L/ �` ✓ Purging Method: LLti• s �, �- -_, Total Volume Purged: (• '% �� (gallons/mis) SamWlir g Information r Date Collected: �L / —Ly `� Time Collected: (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: Gr=, s z� / L i jnstrument Bottle Type Field Meassrreraents Dbserval.ous Preservation Analysis Required Sample Temp (°C): 9, J Time: `tom Turbidity (ntu): //0. 2 Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): d r Time: b `ham _Fe 2+mg/L. ime: Specific Conti. (uS): c l Time: S ( gl )/($/ ): `� '� Res. Cl m L L �� Time: Sample pH (s.u.): `�- Time: s Odor: N ° r Time: ReDox (mV): S `f Tune: Appearance: 19 :2-57 Time: ReDox (EH value):XSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: _ General/Weather Observations: S vr-- y (sunny/cloudy/rainy) Temp,dc.>,, CF) Wind �''r (mph) Sampler Signstur � r` {f ` Date:_ 't-/ a .. l ' - Stabilization Test Spec. Cond. (US) W�F pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) - Volume removed Water level (ft) Other Time Purged Temp (°C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) V / L J ��*y x. Document Name: Document Issued: July 28, 2016 • Field Data Sheet Page _of _ Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001.rev,01 Issueing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office I Client: Location: (9 c- 0 L- F Project: Well ID: %' w - A M 1./ - �3 -k0 Stabilization Test %A-11 DitmteFrr �rTt�iti aiian HaeEaE" I WNW �..a oars 1.625 0.1080 2 ii.3r assFa 4 1.4680 Time Purged Temp. (oC) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (US) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed Water level, (gaifefits�/mis) (ft) L circle one Other 3� (�, 1, c�,� G �� �,� cee, L 3, �— ��� l9. D. Y� J'0, Ir 9l `fl -SS, Document Name: Field data Sheet Date lssue.d: July 28, 2016 �CB R17R�i31 P : 1 of _ Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev;01sixing Authority: Pace Huntersvill Office Field Data Sheet Client: S L •S L n� 1.lacation: 0L J e-s�� ,Project It.. - Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s):_ ;/1-4 / J Name and Afili.ation (Inspector); Well -Information ll Well ID: M Well Locked: NO) Well Diameter: _ 1- Construction: QP�Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: I ? s- ft Multi Factor*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Static Water Level; e 1 .1� fE Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft I' aze h-dormalion, . - Date Purged:a_ 4 / � / Start: Mo Finish: 0- 0 0 Purge Late: Purging Method: A ur>Q a' 4 —Total Volume Purged: (gallons/mis) Sampling Information Date Collected: s / __!�_y / j,- Time Collected: e (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: Q y NIN ,4 A -'A t Instrument ID. -- Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field Measurements/Observations Sample Temp (,q., Time: �'� Turbidity (ntu): �� > Time: / Diss Oxy (mg/L): ' Time: r Fe 2+ mg/ 'L:~� Time: Specific Cond. (us): / Time: I 1 of Res. Cl Sample pH (s.u.): Time: (�� Odor: rYa Time: /R 00 ReDox (mV): I I P. 3 Time; i O ' Appearance: C c 4- � Time: I�, 3 ReDox (EH value):XSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: GeneralJWeather Observations: (sunny/cloudy/rainy) Temp.`�(°F) Wind °'S'(mph) Sampler Signature: 0'+//-- Date: Kj- " 5tabiliaa#ioTeet Time Purged Temp. (OC) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec, ond. -- pH (s.u.) _ — ReDox (mV) ---.-.-.._.... — - Turbidity (ntu) - -- - - Volume r(11�� ) ��.— Water level (ft) -- - -- Other %0o. 11 § I 2Z 15o,0 J'..WG I o /is '52-AaWb2l' Client: � t'S 4 (- Location: D L o Le-' Project: Well ID: /17 Gy Document Name: Field Data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-Q01. rev.01 Document Issued: July 28, 2016 Page of _ Issueing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office --........ . _. -_ ..-. UT� Dionmtw -._............ _...... -..- ... -- 1�tTlY�'E rifCatkm Factoe 1 C1 P4"n 1.2 1.60 2 0.1630 g OM7a ibwo 6 LUSO s 2.6100 Stabilization Test Volume Time Temp. Diss Spec. Ox Cond. y� pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity Removed Water level, Other Purged (°C) (mg/L) (uS) (ntu) (gall uIs/-mis) (ft) circle one PSO Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 Pa 1 of_ 7ea�ir►alcal" I i Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev.01 Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersville Office Field Data Sheet Client: Sc- Location: O C-- 1 1_! Project # -. Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): A-L s kj c-S Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Well Information _ Well ID: I Well Locked: / NO) Well Diameter: Construction: P /Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: ft Multi Factor*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Static Water Level:, r _ _ -ft Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft fnrge Information Date Purged:. S / 'ti / Start : '^ Finish: Purge Rate: Purging Method:_i1J s- �� �^� r z aR n Total. Volume Purged: 1, T`� (gallons/mis) Salililpling Information. Date Collected: L~ / / Time Collected: } (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used:, A Instrument ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field Measurements/Observations Sample Temp (°C): % 1), 1 Time: 14 w Turbidity (ntu): �� i Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): Time: Fe 2+mg/l,: —_ Time: Specific Cond. uS ; � � � 4 Time: p ( ) f Res. Cl m L �. /L : ( g/ )/(g )_ Time: Sample pH (s.u.): , k Time; 14 ` Odor: A) '3 Time: '` S ReDox (mV): _ T-`7 f 2 Time: Appearance: ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: General/Weather Observations: S v,�.✓ y __ Sampler Sigrtahlre StabiUzation Test (sunny/cloudy/rainy) T np r'� (°F) WindL` J (mph) Date: Time Purged Temp. a (C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (US) - pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Vole �-1'emoved (�s) Water level (ft) Other fool Y�-,4 Document Name: Document Issued: July 28, 2016 ', CryAwel Field Data Sheet Page _of _ Document Number: Issueing Authority: F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: � C-�- Location: Project: WellID:_Al ki '},o 17 Stabilization Test 46T�11; �ameFrr �uI#ipliraiir�re Pacboz* 2 a.�ca 0.3670 4 6.6530 6 i146SO Time P.,urged Temp. (oC) Diss Spec. Oxy. Cond. (mg/L) (uS) Volume Turbidity Removed pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) (ntu) (gallons/mis) circle one Water level. (ft) Other Lam; ua�e ioaucu. <u, <viv Document Name: Field data Sheet guy pa : 1 of f .f7111 Rrkllytica! Tasaing Authority: race FIuntexsvil] +' Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev.01 Office Field Data Sheet [Bent Location: Project #: Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): Name and Afiliat-ion (Inspector): Well Information Well ID: _' 1 Well Diameter: Total Well Depth: ft Static Water Level: �4 , 2v ft Height of Water Column: ft A,w�(- Well Locked: E / NO) Construction: (VC-/Steel/Stainless Steel) Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7A81 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft Pur a In€onnation ( k ❑ /a? Date Purged: P ? Start.-. J Finish: .-_ Purge Rate: I Purging Method:,L ppL, 14.1r--r f+�Mr Total Volume Purged: ns/mis) Sampling Information_ Date Collected: S / / 1 Time Collected: i a" `N� (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: L��o lnstn=ent ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field Measurements/Observations r0�, o Sample Temp (°C): '�' O ' � Ti axLs:: (S� y ( ) , J 5 Turbidity ntu Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): / � � Time: two Fe 2+ mg/1,: Time" Ir' Specific Cond. (uS): 95? Time: 5`h' Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): Time: Sample pH (s.u.): 6,1 Time: If `t'' Odor: Al o •'e- Time: r r ReDox (mV): 4%. Z Time: Appearance: Time: ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +20omV Other: Time: General/Weather Observations,:_ WA6!vl�t - (sunny/cloudy/rainy) Temp.? v ' °F) Wind--! . A.. (mph) Sampler Signature; - t_ Date: 1 t Itai�ili77iinn TRaI - Time Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec. C(oon --------- pH (s.u.) ReDc Purged CC) (mg/L) (mv IL x 1001 9v.s L; ,-, ITuo -> I Pot G,06 Turbidity _Volume- - removed ater Other j (gallons/mis) Ievel (ft) .�a 40 F2 V Document Name: Document Issued; July 28, 2016 f Field Data Sheet Page _of _ Document Number: Issueing Authority: F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: 1, Ucf (_ Location: 0 L- a (= Project: Well ID: /41t./ ^ L7- Stabilization Test - ............-....... I �TCTiI'. �hfSYYLCf2Y _ .......... _._ �'IT1ISC3F14Ii PaC60F� 2 �.1634 3 0.3670 6 "lAb84 s 2.6100 Time Purged Temp. (oC) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (US) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed Water level, (gallons/mis) (ft) Other circle one 0.159L �.s %9 ?, �8 Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 Page: 1 o£_ J alyli 31 Document Nuroer: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev,ol Issurng Authority: Pace Huntersvil Office Field Data Sheet Client:_ C L.ncation Project #: _ Name and Afiliation (Sainpler(s)- Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Well Information Well ID: �i rnr Well Locked: 61;S / NO) Well Diameter: r' Construction: (PVC/Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: _ 7 ft Multi Factor*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.48] Static Water Level:_ I, �z _ft Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft Puma luformation � � S 1 -� Date Purged: / � / , Start: P / u Finish: Purge Rate: Purging Method: , 7- Total Volume Purged: .,. (gallons/mis) Sampling lufornwtion Date Collected: . f 1 / Time Collected: 7 (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: �- jr z ., n- trument ID; - Bottle Type preservation Analysis Required Field MeasuremenWObservations Sample Temp (°C): Time: J� ` Y, Turbidity (ntu): Time: 1 Diss Oxy (mg/L)- D rah] Time:�l Kit-o ire 2+mg/L �zYne: Specific Cond. (uS): g Time: _ i ,r � Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µ9/1,): Time: Sample pH (s.u.): r Time: t r `r- Odor: Time: l J ReDox (mV): ' '�� .� Time: ' `( Appearance: Time. 1 �� ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: General/WeatherObservations: .r %-/- 5 - (sunny/cloudy/rainy) Temp. ' _(OF) Windom 2=(mph) Sampler Signature: -Y ��'� in /V -- _Date:_ _ �ialiili7a4inr '1"acfr ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume %r veemod ) Water level (ft) Other Time Purged Temp. (IC) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. (US) pH (s.u.) x �a 2, D2 �� �, // 3 t s' r ►� rr Y--0 /dr 1 j I' f r lJ �I lrG i�9 Document Name; Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 x�e,fUra,�y�r�l Pa : 1 ofw Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev,01 Issuing Authority; Pace Huntersville ' Office Field Data Sbeet 'C Pr*ct#: Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): �` s Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Well-Inforniation _ Well ID: i"11. L" ' A Well Diameter: Total Well Depth: �U f Static Water Level: f-t Height of Water Column: ft Well Locked: YE / NO) Construction: &/Steel/Stainless Steel) Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft ur a Inrounation Date Purged:. -� / " p / 1 Start: 1 Finish: 1 Purge Pate:ii ' "` r4, Purging Method: i .'L lI �. �-� - Total Volume Purged: ,4 (gallons/cols) Sampling Information Date Collected: /"i/ Time Collected: `f ' (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: k-J- Insirlunent TID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required l?ielcl Measureanents/Observations Sample Temp (°C): Timer Turbidity (ntu): , 3 Time:. 13 Diss Oxy (mg/L): P • L '� Time: i�� �'7 Fe 2+mg/L: —Time. Specific Cond. (uS): Time: �' Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): Sample pH (s.u.): Time: I ; 't Odor: n:f e, � , ." Time 1.%"O ReDox (mV); G Time; r > Appearance: car Time: ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: GeneraW-eather Observations: s -:A r /cloudy/rainy) Temp.L�' (°F) Wind-" , (mph) Sampler Signature:, ! --- Date: Stabilization Test Time Purged Temp. u (C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec Cond. (US) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (n�) - Volume removed (gallons/mis) - Water -- level (ft) �- - - - Other lAI L.q---- I w/ -, 4L 0. i_ u /3 9 s j( 0, y /3S-4 6,4 ( 7 ,7 /i's�� Document Name; Field data Sheet Date Issued; July 28, 2016 Page. l of — Issuing Authority: Pace hunter- M Office Field Data Sheet �. Client: S vim' c Location: 0 4- o L1, Project #/ Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s). S �� Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Well-lnfo.'rniation - Well ID: _-- A' Well Diameter: z Total Well Depth:'0. ft Static Water Level: U � .9 ft Height of Water Column: ft DOcu ment Number: F-C 4R-FLD-Wl-rev:01 Well Locked: ((YES)/ NO) Construction: (!�V5Sleel/Stainless Steel) Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.48] Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft 1'ur a Information /! S' - Date Purged:. � / -2 / Start: 10 3'_ Finish �4,Purge Rate: Purging Method: W- Iv, Z -2 -7: 22 Total Volume Purged: (gallons/mis) Sanx 1iti information Date Collected: Time Collected: 11' (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used:.. Instrument ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Eidd Measurewents/Observallons Sample Temp (°C): J` 7 Time lam' Turbidity (ntu): �` . 9 Time: / 0" Diss Oxy (mg/L): 0 1 Time: 0,"?- Fe 2+ mg/L: Time; Specific Cond. (uS): f �� Time; /� ' Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): tee: '- Sample pH (s.u.): . rI Time: I / J s'` Odor: N_i r i Time. 11 j — ReDox (mV): - �' Time: /� Appearance:_ r _ Time; ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: General/Weather Observations. /cloudy/rainy) Tempe-7 (°F) Wind 4' (mph) Sampler Signature: Date: 'S i Stabilization Test T `Pu ML e rio fir iine Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec. pH (s.u.) ^ReDox f Turbidi .rged (°C) (mg/L) (US) (mV) (ntu) Jftl916 Volume v (g xemo�ved Water Other } level (ft) .s Document Name: Document Issued- July 28, 2016 ■ Field Data Sheet Page of L— Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001,rev.01 Itsueing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: J ( .S III L/,,/ ( Location: 0 t- � L' :!,f Project: Well ID: - 4 5 , e' 17 i ! Stabilization'test -- ......... . IM-U EFiarxteirx ....... hlaurlwatb= FacCaY Ih2b 2- 0.16.30 3 0.3670 4 0.6&90 1.46SO Time Purged Temp. (OC) Dins Oxy. (mg1L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (gallons/mls) circle one Water level, Other 14 . �• ayG �trFrPyai�'I " 3 Document Name: Field data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev,01 Date Issued: July 28, 2016 Page: 1 of _ Issuing Authority: Pace 1-Izintersvill Office - Field Data Sheet - - Client: S C- S vNc LOcatiort: 0 c- 0 1- F Project. #; _ Name and Afiliation (Sarrcplex(s): w S 0 L--e.a' - paiGe- Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Well-lnfar=tion Well ID: M W - 6 " �2 Well Locked: ( NO) Well Diameter: Construction: (i V/Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth.: I . ft Multi Factor*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.48] a Static Water Level 5' ft Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pum ntalce:_ C 8 ft Pw e Iufoamation 122 Date -Purged: 3 / f Start: - l Finish: Purge Bate: Lr .�, �-1 Purging Method:G� s �'f Total Volume Purged: L I (gallons/rx,ls) ampling Inform_a_ nn Date Collected:-5—/'-/ f Time Collected: I (am/Ar jj Sampling Equipment Used; ��� tiI' G Instrument TD: Bottle Type �l Preservation �l Analysis Required V"� _ 15 V0 FieldMeasurements/ Observations Sample Temp (°C): 17 - b Tlme; f —1 ) Turbidity (ntu); I " Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): 0,20 Time: I Fe 2+ mg/L: Time: Specific Cond. (uS): i' Time: Res. Cl Sample pH (s.u.): Time: Odor: 1,V C °` Time: ReDox (mV): _ �D Time: Appearance C I Co�oilk�' ilrle: ReDox (EH value);YSI ProPlus +200mN Other: Time: General/Weather Observations: fi ( uzrn cloudy/rainy) T Sampler Signature: Date: Stabilization Test E Time Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec, Cond. pH (s.u.) ReDox Turbidity Volume removed Water Other Purged (°C) (mg/L) (us) (mV) (ntu) (gallons/ level (ft) r_ ------------� 90 �- ' �L'�. "D,94 1100ML 1 -, 5 (5 G5 L . I I 1(, 00 m L Document Name: Document Issued; July 28, 2016 Field Data, Sheet Page of _ woo: A MW. a Document Number: Issueing Authority: F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: (c: S 0 ""' c Location: D - o C- � Project: Well ID: Mc,. 6 (4 L Stabilization Test 3 - A 0 INW,vi=zta aYulti licatio. Paciolµ 0.1056 3 0.3670 +4 0.6550 6 1.4680 a zAIM Time Rurged Temp. (aC) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (gallons/mis) circle one Water level., (ft) Other I, o )7. 0.63 1.36 100vl,� (? 5 I'1, 039y ��`j i `1 _ '. ;2-06,r., L a 6-�) Ida, o J� .250ov. k . I 2 00 w, L ►21 LI I. o t <03 33CC) t L Ia��} 01r= 0 5 1 a 5 1 .0 5 3 bay Document Name; Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 _ Pare: 1 of _ Authority: Pace Huntersville + Document Number; F-CAR-FLD-001-rev;01 Office k C Field Data Sheet Client S C ✓^/C Location• Q --0 G Project #: ` Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): ( 9 z' 1 �- to r Name and Afiliation (inspects Well Information Well ID: /116v AEE_ Well Diameter:' Well Locked: [(�g NO) Construction: VC teel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: 2- �- ft Multi Factor*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.48] Static Water Level: r 1116�)Jt Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: UU "� ft Cal. 3 Volumes: S gallons c, Pump Intake: (I ft Eurge information Date Pur -7� / I v Start :_ I 3 Finish: 0 Purge Rate:_ Purging Method:(I , Total Volume Purged: )- L - (gallons/mis) Skniyling Inforinadon II Ii Date Collected: I/� f Time Collected: ' �1 (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: } f 1 1 � Instrument ID: Bottle Type 1 Preservation (l NO Analysis Required Field Measurements Observations L r, q q fl San-.ple Temp (°C): Time: I I � V Turbidity (ntu): � " I ` Time: Diss oxy (mg/L): �`} Time: Fe 2+ mg/L Time: Specific Cond. (us): � D + • � Time: Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): Time: Sample pH (s.u.): �d Time: Odor. i .✓[ Time: 11'= ReDox (mV): oZ (0 Time: Appearance: C �r �� Time- / � ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200MV Other: Time: General/Weather Observations : L e t(r ( 2u /cloudy/rainy) Temp.-TLm Wmd < 5 (nip") Sampler Signature: -�Wv Date: 5tabiLizatiom Test __- Time Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec. Cond. Purged CC) (mg/L) (US) 5 T 7 -- - ---- - ReDox Turbidity VolumeWater pH (s.u.) (mV) (nta) removed level (ft) Other (gallons/ �1L Document Name: Field data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev:01 Date Issued: Juiy 28, 2016 Page: 1 of_ Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersvill Office Field Data Sheet Location:_ /� Z04_.,'2 _ ;.- Project #: Name and Afiliation (Sa.mpler(s): Name and Afiliation (Inspector); - Well-Infor tion Well ID: /L] /t,� - 11 - 3 j Well Diameter. - Total Well Depth: r ft 0 Static Water Level:, _ - �t Height of Water Column: ft Well Locked: CY>� / NO) Construction: (]�VpSteel/Stainless Steel) Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: jy ft Purge Information L , Date Purged: 3 / Start: � .5 Finish: l ` P=M Rate: Purging Method: { a^ P 5 a� ' L Total Volume Purged: L (gallons/mis) Sam lin Itifnxmat'an Date Collected: L• l o/y Time Collected: (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: f i 5} 0�� ► L nstxument ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required 1-k Mf✓tal 1 S LI Field 1VleastttementsWObye nations Sample Temp (°C): Time: �O LI Diss Oxy (mg/L): 0 w Time: Specific Cond. (48): —�� ---- Time: Sample pH (s.u.): 7 Ga Time. ReDox (mV): i - �] Tune; ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +2OOmV General/Weather Observations: G f 0 Turbidity (ntu): U �r Time: Fe 2+ mg/L: Time: Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): Time: Odor: `V1 Ue I f a Time Appearance: 1C06k f 60 of I E'i;"e, Other: Time: -- eWQ,/cloudy/rainy)} Taemp• 7-G (°F) Ward - (nVh) Sampler Signature: + ` �,` Date:-- Si-abiliz,afl.on Test Time Purged Temp. (aC) Diss Oxy, (mg/L) Spec. (us) Cond. pH (s.u•) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) _ Volume (gallons/ d Water level (ft) ` Other I(o,U. L:21 U U7U 4, ' i53b IS, O 3-0 1 5� . °. -°I s5 '\" I L Lis+ 115 1 C( 3 3 U - S1 3'31 a 0,55 1 L+ dower 15 �i 0 '� .� r l//'"j 3 0- I •Ot '1;;, 0 0T I 2 L Nrre 15 5 �� i J 2 d V/ 7- � n 7- v V .. L or f Document Name: Document Issued:. July 28, 2016 Field Data Sheet Page of Document Number: Issueing Authority: 1 F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: Location: U I U\ Co /sus LF Project: Well ID: _ 7 Stabilization Test AMU DiF!l mtw XraUV1ketiQn Pavwe � Q.d11�10+g 1.2 O.UJ7S 1.625 0.108.0 2 0.1630 3 iD.�67'l1 4 A Gb3{k 6 1.0 4Y i.�ZLY Time P.,urged Temp. (°C) Diss Spec. (Og��) C(uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (gallons nis)-, circle on Water level, (ft) Other `� v �2 S. 1 LU0 i5.0 (. 3 �� 3z3. ,��, 11,a-5L 0.G �� .�� '366.1; '),.) 3 ©W - Q -75 14 to 3661 �-7 318aS 1-I I SL 1 (a I I -01� 3 y nL 32'� .9 0 Ll I,,. 1 Lac-, ILI y 6 0. I 1- 1691.1 1; '317.9 O p 35 bz- �o L �5 I . ,r. �e,llrralylioal i Document Name; Field data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev,01 Date lssued; July 28, 2016 Page: 1 of Lsuing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality office Field Data Sheet Cliezlt $ C s �'J U�l Location:, Project #: Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): 1 1 t Name and Afiliation (Inspector): well.Ynforrnatiion Well ID: _ ' ti w " l 3 - 4 y Well Locked: Y / NO) Well Diameter: Construction: Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: / i t, ft Multi Factor*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Static Water Level: l ei,c; 7 ft Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft Purge Information Start .S Finish• 1""'` J Purge Rate:— Date Purged: �' /'L_ Purging Method:A —1 A 0— �v�� Total Volume Purged: S L (ga}}ans/mis) Sampling Information (� Date Collected: / "1/ Time Collected:' S ' " (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: L-4 a � —Instrument ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field Measurem Observations _L Sample Temp (°C): G / Tiztte /� w Turbidity (ntu): �' S "I Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): 1, ° Time: `� �`� Fe 2+ mg/L: Time: Specific Cond. (us): 3 ,-5 Time: Res. Cl (zx�g/I�)I(�tgfL}: TBrle: Sample pH (s.u.): —Time:. l Y Odor: �`'g' 4 ;'.�� 'tea Time: ('o r _ ReDox (mV): r / i'. > Time: �� �'� Appearance-- h�2 Time: ��y' � ReDox (EH value):XSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: General/Weather Observations: (sonny/cloudy/rainy) Temp,Z: (°F) Wind L'_ (mph) Sampler Signatuxe;.? � _ Date: 3 ' /' /.,) Stabilization Test ... •" -- Time -� Tem p' Diss O Spec. Cond. pH (s.u.) ReDox Turbidity Volume removed Water Other Purged (°C) (mg/L) ( ) (mV) (ntu) (gallons/mis) level (ft) 101) v 3,0 M Document Name: Document Issued, July 28, 2016 Field Data Sheet Page of Document Number: Issueing Authority: F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 Pace HuntersviIle quality Office Client: S C S / 6 ,, Location: © c- a : - Project: Well ID: - M tv, , /i - / 5 �L - _ Stabilization Test WeUl Dim= L'w Afi hcafton FacWe I OAM 1.2 !?.OM . 3 0.56" eta t4ao 8 2.GY�7II Time Purged Temp, (0C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox (my) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (Raorrsfmis) L circle one Water level, (ft) Other 0 j.� � � .� I•� 6 �l-� � > b r��G f:J, il�1J',b� i�'7 s Document Name: Field data Sheet Date lssued: July 28, 2016 Pajqe: 1 of_ i Document Number: Fr CAR-FLD? 001-rev.w. I Issuing _ _-- office [ t Field Data Sheet — - Client: J ? - T acation:. u] L`' ;✓ G rJ -V I'roJect.. Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Well Inforinadon Well ID: I''l i r - Well Diameter: Total Well Depth: —7 ' ft Static Water LE`vel L l J ft Height of Water Column: ft Well Locked: YF / NO) Construction; (PV /Steel/Staialess Steel) Multi Factor- [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake.-6 s' ft Purge Iufannalion Date Purged:-- / •� / Start; JO- O Finish: 1I't; Purge Rate: Purging Method: /2� �� /• , Total Volume Purged: (gallons/mis) aLm--pling Information Date Collected: `f / o/ % Time Collected: �' . (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Tlsed; _t� t, s 4 _ Instrument ID: 610 Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field Meas4rexilelits/Observations Sample Temp (°C): i `-1 i Time: (t �- v— Turbidity (ntu): 6, Time:�— Diss Oxy (mg/L): 5,4- b Time: I Y-L Fe 2+ mg/L. Specific Cond. (uS): Sample pH (s.u.): ReDox (mV): -?'i"f L Time: 7 Time: � � r Time; /r w° Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): o odor: t Time: �! C Appearance: L(i/7n Time; Ili ll �� ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV General/Weather Observations Other: < < / n Time: /cloudy/rainy) Temp, 60 . � (OF) Wind .0(mph) Sampler Signature:-- ,,/ Date: j4"' , ))7 o r +tabiliatian Test Time Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec, - RE Purged (IC) (mg/L) Cond, pH (s.u.) (r r ;�.�: (uS) /L tt C -C ox Turbidity Volume removed L Water Other (n) (�—�) level (ft) 0, - 0, 5�� �`,s- r Document Name; Field data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-PLD-001-rev;01 Date lssued: July 28, 2016 _ Page: 1 of — Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office Field. Data Sheet Client S L S Q U,- L Location:_ _ ` _ Project #: Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s):_I"! ) t r%C-ti Name and Afiliation LAM Info'rntatiom Well ID: M f - I '> - 1- o Well Diameter: Total Well Depth: (= 1 0 Static Water LeveL•�), -114 _ft Height of Water Column: ft Well Locked: ( YES / NO) Construction: (PVC/Steel/Stainless Steel) Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: it Fur a Information Date Purged: -LEI / 3 /� Start: 3 �a� Finish: `F Purge Rate: Purging Method: Wz-f f Wr . a Total Volume Purged: I i 1 (gallons/mis) Sampling Information Date Collected: s / � / 17 Time Collected: Y`a ' (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: PJ4/ wi " ", 2 �, Insfiument Bottle Type Field. Measurements/0bgexvatiions Preservation Analysis Required Sample Temp ('C): G. 1 Time: ! �0 Turbidity (ntu): 7 Time:.1 Y�20 Diss Oxy (mg/L): Time: Fe 2+ mg/L: un Specific Cond. (uS): S Time: Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L)'. Time: Sample pH (s.u.): %. 0 Time: Odor: N c, Time:1 ReDox (mV): ' Time_ Appearance: CdO-- Time: 0-0 ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: General/Weather Observations: _SL N` /cloudy/rainy) Temp. 8L1 (OF) Wind P s (mph) Sampler Signature: I " Date: � - � , /Z Stabil#zation Teat Time Purged Temp. (°C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. (US) Cond. pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume (gallons/ moved Water level (ft) Other 1 13 5 P9,s� �b/vr0f1 p� nn Document Name: Field Data Sheet Document Issued: July 28, 2016 Page of Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 ksueing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: 3 C S � 6111.1 Location: 0 �-- J L f Project: Well ID: /12 w • / 7 - G d Stabilization Test _... _..... __........ __....,.._, VNWI Diiha=tw ,._,.., ......... M%Il . - Factee 1 0.0403 1.2 !MOM .WILvY 01680 $ 0.183.E a 0.3M 4 6.6530 L4680 f 8 2.&100 Time P,ur ed g - Temp. (0C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (gallons/mis) circle one Water level,. ft ( ) Other 0,-rL I s U- 3, ���tiainjrffC131 s Document Name: Field data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-re Field Data Sheet Client S C S 13 i'^' Location: Project : Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s):�=�' Name and Afili.ation Well-Inforinadori Well ID: M W Well Diameter: f S 7 Total Well Depth: 6 7 ft Static Water Level: Tft Height of Water Column: ft Well Locked: 6�/ NO) Date Issued: July 28, 2016 Ka Le: 1 of_ Authority: Pace Huntersvit Office Construction: (PVC/Steel/Stainless Steel) Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake:. ft LtTgg Information Date Purged: S /? Start: Finish: � y �'� Purge Rate: l D� ``` `' /r4 Purging Method:_ �� /� ? •yna _ Total Volume Purged: f : (gallons/mis) Sa UiingInfoImformation Date Collected / / ? Time Collected: / V_L� J (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: V' / / Instrument ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field.Measnrements/Obs ervations Sample Temp (°C): c7 Tiam �'f Turbidity (ntu): 1' 7 6 Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): '^� 3 S Time: 1J Fe 2+mg/L: Time: Specific Cond. (uS): 8?,3 Time; Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): ime: Sample pH (s.u.): �� Time; Odor: Time: ReDox (mV): _ W- 2 .Time; Lt •� Appearance: Time: 1 `t a - ReDox (FH value):YSI ProPlus+200mV Other: �h q« /J�o�KCwl' be Tim. / I"L' General/Weather Observations.: S u-,"7 (sunny/cloudy/rainy) Tenip.!O ("F) Windo E (mph) Sampler Sigitaturd-A--,�k Date: Stabilimaou Test. Time Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec. Cond. pH (s.u.) ReDox Turbidity Volume L_ Water Other Purged (cC) (mg/L) (US) (mV) (ntu) ,removed (b` �AkiS/mis) level (ft) L7C o, q Document Name: Document Issued: July 28, 2016 Field Data Sheet Page of Document Number: lssueing Authority: y F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: � L s A I'%'L Location: D Ga L Project: Well ID: M w- ................_ iri H 1ri =Mttx a2u3Ei Uc$Han F.t e �.a Ana 2• 0 3is78 Stabilization Test Time Purged Temp. (oC) Diss Oxy. (mg%L) Spec. Cond, (us) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed Water level, (g41�cn�s) (ft} Other L circle one Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 Amhlfcar Page: 1 of3 f Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev,ol Issding Authority: Pace Hunteisvil i Office c Field IL)ata Sheet Client: > L S iV eyk Location, r L. r project #: Name and Afili.ation (Sampler(s): Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Weil wormation Well ID: Well Locked: ( E / NO) Well Diameter: Construction: PV /Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: 3 j 2 ft Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Static Water Level: T � � ft Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: 31 0 ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: oc� ft Purge fnfomutiou l J�/ PurI I ate Purged: f I Start: I Finish: �.� 1 ge Rafie: l b0i''� Purging Method: Total. Volume Purged: I Z/ " � L (gallons/mis) Sampling Infam-Cation 19 f _ Date Collected.: S _/� / Time Collected: � 17- (am/l Sampling Equipment Used: e. i 5 a �' G Instrument ID: Bottle Type Preservation mAnalysis Required etals f `yoc5 Sample Temp (°C): .2Time: Turbidity (ntu): { ' Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): b ° Time: Fe 2+ mg/L. Time: Specific Cond. (us): ""7fe7 Time: Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): Time: Sample pH (s.u.): V ^ VJ Time: ,, —Odor: Time: ReDox (mV): 22. D Time: Appearance: Time: ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: General/Weather Observations • C-12c. (— /cloudy/rainy) Temp,60 (OF) Wind�_(mph) Sampler Signature Stabilization Test Tone Purged Temp. C) Diss Oxy. (rng/L) Coed, (US) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (n ) Volume (gallons/mis) Water level (ft) Other 15, 9 l • h I 15/ 1, U , S 1 U. I (61. 3 t (00� � i l� 0 IS: � (/1 ), 1 ,N3 4 I I�^5 I ©� L 0 i� �.� � 3 � � D � . ► O��,L �'9 D of"o'), :230C) & a';q 1H-7. a.S 3L Document Name: Field Data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001. rev.01 Client: ` i (��✓ Location: n L Project: Well ID: M w j 5taFailixatinn Test I�f Document Issued: July 28, 2016 Pgge;�af 3 Issueing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office �ji�1TtU IV1E17b12 F2Y 1�.'�Li�::��C$ilgiy PflCCOY� Y 1.625 0.10" 2 0.1630 a67u a653o 6 71,.¢654 Time Temp. Purged (oC ) Diss Oxy. Spec. Cond, pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity 135� (mg/L) (uS) (ntu) 135 tom- I�. o • +� !G l�f i5o 75. D'S o, 5 e� �. � [te n 33�35 �: � �;641 Jq l�fA� 16-' k- - 43� f� 35 I a V a ,.60Re. 62 8 , 22, _ il,ll �Z5 IG.Q Su - �j�5 3.5 51 I a (D 1 (J c �� I ✓ �`� 11231 Yr5—; 0 12 q I - G, Volume Removed Water level. (gallons/mis) (ft) Other circle one ).St ,2L 5L ffU L A Document Name: Field Data Sheet Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001. rev.01 C S / u>n.t o Client: Location IJVi�C CC) L Project: �> Well ID: Stabilization Test Document Issued: Jul 28, 2016 Pagelc l Issueing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office [' eU Diamebw Multipikdticn Factor" 1 0.0403 1.2 0.Ms 1.625 0-1060 0.1wo 3 0..3670 4 0.6530 6 1.4680 8 2.6100 Time Purged Temp. a (C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (gallons/mis) circle one Water level, Other (ft) 535 0 Iq Sa _ 15 L 2-0-il 1D. Isq '600 jh S �iCi'rhPurl 9- 4^0,17t— � 15 CCU S G lient: a�ne`end AMJtaAGn'(SaMV a(s): d-bata. Sheet Location (-J C .� 1'xoject Naix�e/ #: �� 03 �. a Facto aco OtallDeih: 1'l.Wep. AID Water x . �� V0�417�; S f Cal, ; Volu t es: �-- ei ht of Water Yl � atepurgedL..5 oil Time Co'lfectedk ------ Date Colie*d,: r N7 , - • .ties' �. � •�,a�s�s��-nixed.. on Bottl.e`IType �.C�f. ��ai3Lit�13.�t8 Ortys�'�r,d5 {{-++yy rime. t ple. Temp. (OQ: r r,— 5ilf%empSe eCi�"iC C4Ad. 7 F �t--Dox (M): ' ' - } Ti=e: • e e Olbse�V'a p11s ' t•. ✓.� e,------------------- .pier 5ig�aitr'•e%date: 'laiclity Diiss Oxy �mglL) tes: Cl (�a fuwvr Time, - Other: Appearance: L �, -r- %-- c•. i 4 1. •i 1 '. 3 jbi[izat t Volullne Other T�rbtdity piss nxy. Temp. °C1 Ren7oved Time spas, cord. Reoox (mV) (ritu) � � pH (s.u,) uS Document Name: Document Issuect- July 28,2016 Field Data. Sheet Page of Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-QOI,rev.01 Issueing Authority: I Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: C �36 =— (�� Location: 9 L- /) L Project. Well ID: Aq iLt/ - (I - 7 ? Stabilization Test ...... . . .... Faebae 1.2 9.0913 1.625 10.1080 2 0.16,34) 5 0-36" 4 66530 6 1.4680 a 1 2.6109 Time d Purged ! Temp. (0c) Diss Oxy. (rng1L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox(MV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed Water level, (gallons/mis) Other circle one (�w CTI--7�—J Ole - L —LL I ( q--2 - 7 �— / -- t 1,D C) Lr 1.35 ks g I I- f-a 14, q Lt Y-0 -L' 17 _ Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 �r a,Arral tf l Pages 1 of-. i Document Number: F-CAR PLD-0ol-rev,ol Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersviil Office Field Data Sheet 5C U v^'-- -Location- Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): M- Name and Afiliation (Inspector); Well Infurui.lion Well ID: f �? G� `� 7 S Well Locked: �',/ NO) it Well Diameter: Construction: VC~Stee3.j5iain1 St I Total Well Depth: S/ ft Static Water Level: �, 7 9 ft Height of Water Column: ft ess ee ) Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.48] Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: f't Fur a Information Date Purged:-----5I / % Start : 3 a Finish: / 3 Purge Rate: i Purging Method: �:. L. a a,! 4• 1 Total Volume Purged: _j O (gallons/mis) _=tyjkg fnform1tioa Date Collected: J // (? Time Collected: / (am/pin) Sampling Equipment Used: _ 4A., A„ e s / _ f -_-- lnstl~usrtent ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required r� F+,ield eastxremen Ol7ser�aiions Sample Temp (oq: j Gi , Time , Turbidity (ntu): Time: Sj_ Diss Oxy (mg/L):. 6 •"! c, Time: Fe 2+ mg/L: _� Time: Specific Cond. (uS): / 3 Time: 3 Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): 3T7i1 P; Sample pH (s.u.): G • Time: 1 3' Odor: A) 4 • z Time: 3 S • - ReDox (mV): q- Time: _ �� Appearance: Time: / 3 3 ,- ReDox (EH value):XSI ProPlus +200mV Other: $,ti t, t, /,,1, of A""'C Time: t General/Weather Observations • (smny/cloudy/rainy) Temp. ('F) Wind,) (mph) Sampler .Date: Stabilization Test Time Purged Temp.Diss (°C) O xy. (mg/L) Sec, p Cond, pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity V°lam I- removed Water - (n ) level AOther rC�.+ l.ob /ray /? 5,.,� 'rL," 17,�— /, 111ri 6,19 4�9" r5 19.L J.o 114'� 6,N7' L 7�C 2— Document Name; Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 1023�?/" Page: 1 of_ Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev;01 Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersvil Office Field Data Sheet I,acatioii - D �. r 4- Project #: -- Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): ._-, c Name and Afiliation (Inspector): Y Well Informaticin Well ID: Cr Well Locked: NO) Well Diameter: �� Construction: ecl/Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: / / 0 ft Multi Factor*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.48] Static Water Level; /� % t Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: t 6 0 ft 1'tttge Information i Date. Purged: `� / (' Z Start: r �� Finish: ' / Purge Rate: Purging Method:`a-, L_ //. r Total Volume Purged: , ti • (gallons/mis) Sampling Information Date Collected: S / ` / / 7 Time Collected: f l / (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used�_ I Instrument ID: Bottle Type' Preservation Analysis Required Fieid iVleasux�erxtents/Ol�servaiions Sample Temp (°C): Trrne: if f-r Turbidity (ntu)• 7 Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): 0, Time: i;r iFe 2+ mg/L 1me Specific Cond. (uS): Time: /s ", Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): Tints; Sample pH (s.u.): i, Time: l 4- I J~ Odor: Al - ,- e- Time: 1 „l s ReDox (mV): t'� c Time: / �� Appearance: - i Oe Time: t ReDox (EH value):XSI ProPlus +200mV Other: _ . - _, Time: General/Weather Observations: u,-,5 (sunny/cloudy/rainy) Temp,r 0 (OF) Wind c7, Sampler Signature: Stabilizatloxc Test Time Temp. Diss Oxy, Spec, Cond. pH (s.u.) ReDox Turbidity Volume L-xemoved Water T Other Purged (°C) (mg/L) (us) (mV) (ntu) (g��) level (ft) FT2,— i7J (Ii,�- 0,51, c13.S ?,s5 "i`FY- Document Name: Field Data Sheet Document Issued:. July 28, 2016 Page of Document Number: Issueing Authority: S F-CAR-FLD-001.rev.01 Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: C- Location: Project: Well ID: Stabilization Test '414W 1 Di- m tw Mrai E7fe exm Pacwe i OJD4W .z G.a :3 a367o 4 Q.030 6 x aSsiF I s z67aa Time Purged Temp, (oC) Diss Oxy. (mg%L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s.u.) ReDox (mV) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (gallons/mis) circle one Water level, ft) Other Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 aCe)Ural# rcai' rasp, 1 of f i Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev;ol Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersvill Office Field Data Sheet Client: Location: Project #: Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): Name and Affiliation (Inspector): Well-lnfnruration - Well ID: 6" 'A l A-/ ri Well Diameter: Total Well Depth: / f Static Water Level: ft Height of Water Column.: ft Well Locked: a/ NO) Construction: (P5teel/Stainless Steel) Multi PaCtoz*: r(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft PFarge Information Date Purged: � / Lk/ / I Start: / 0 0 -) Finish: 101 Purge Rate: / � � �` " �M . Purging Method: `' l Total Volume Purged: (gallons/cols) Sampling Infornnatloir Date Collected: � /1F / (� Time Collected: 0 F . (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: P e- -1, , a 4 1 , c nst umont Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field MeastuementgLobservations Sample Temp (IC): 41 Time, � � �'� ., Turbidity (ntu): Cr S Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): c9 `tf Time: Fe 2+ mg/L• Time• Specific Cond. (US): e y Time: Res. Cl (mg/L)AlLg/ L): -mime: Sample pH (s.u.): Time: Odor: Time: ReDox (mV): Time: 0 �O Appearance: C Ld -4— ---Time: ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV / Other: Time: General/Weather Observations: � L),-" /cloudy/rainy) Temp.:!!: '�('F) Wind D (J (mph) Sampler Signatuxe: Date: 1- Stabilization Test z..- Time Temp. Diss Oxy. Cond. pH (s.u.) ReDox Turbidity eono e _ Water Other Purged (C) (mg/L) (US) (mV) (nitt) (em s/ ) level A jj -7 1 r v ioks- ft,:7 0,? ad7. 6,1 A, o3 a /6 L o, ' 145 1, G., , �- 3, "5 ) /asy f�, 0,, aceW rly � f Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 N • 1 of _ Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev;01 Issuing Authority: Pate Office untersvil] Meld Data Sheet Client:_ h w [ Location: ©� � 1 6 _ rrajcct #: Name and Af iation (Sampler(s): A -" 1 A Name and Af Nation (Inspector): Well:-lnf onlffatloil Well ID:. Al Well Locked: NO) Well Diameter: Construction: (V&/Steel/Stainless Steel) Total Well Depth: 7 ft Multi Factor*: [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.48] Static Water Level: --?, l :L ft Casing Volume: gallons Height of Water Column: ft Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft -Purge Information_ � Date Pu ged:. __�_I / 7 Start: 1 X ✓ Finish: l 1 C Purge Date. v..Aj Purging Method: A—, —Total Volume Purged: 7 r' (gallons/iris) Sgwlinr, Informs on Date'Collected: S' / Time Collected: t h i i— (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used: /L - , � ; / /r CInstrument Bottle Type' Field Measurements/Observatio-as Preservation Analysis Required. le 7 J1 Sample Temp (°C): Time: �` 1'� Turbidity (ntu):Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): _> Time: Fe 2+mg/L: Time: Specific Cond. (uS) i g / -.Time: Res. Cl Sample pH (s.u.): 6, ? Time: / /u _ Odor: & o."C —Time: ReDox (mV): 4-e :> Time: I— Appearance: C-O?— Time:- ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV Other: Time: General/WeatherObservations : S✓Nrh /cloudy/rainy) Temp, f 0 ff) WindO /o (mph) Sampler Signature: fir- t ( '__ Date: % r Stabitiaation, Test JA i� Time Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec. CCond.pH (s•u.) ReDox Turbidity Volume removed Water Other Purged (C)a (mg/L) (US) (mV) (ntu) L level (ft) r , •- e /r f i. 7 /s.r, 6.,-kr—in Document Name: Document Issued: July 28, 2016 Field Data Sheet Page _of Document Number: Issueing Authority: F-CAR-FLD-Q01,rev.01 Pace Huntersville Quality Office Client: S LS Location: ► 4 Project: Well ID:, —� ^ M k/ -�J- S i" stal3flization !es[ 1 U. 1.a G.Ms I. Ga-Mo 2 0.1630 3 +zs67a +4 C6s30 6 1.46so a 2.6100 Time Purged Temp, (oC) Diss Oxy. (mg%L) Spec. Cond. (uS) pH (s,u.) ReDox (mV.) Turbidity (ntu) Volume Removed (gallons/mis) circle one Water level, (ft) Other '�rctp'� OJ b/2/ 05,2 0 l (� �� �i, U0 Jar J S r J Y- li --�- �r� ly'Z .3Ct Document Name: Field data Sheet Date Issued: July 28, 2016 c7GB,yY1C�i� Page: 1 of� Document Number: F-CAR-FLD-001-rev.01 Issuing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality t Office p Field Data Sheet Clie.1, 6' `� ' c Location: C z -�2 4,Project #: Name and Afiliation (Sampler(s): Name and Afiliation (Inspector): _ Well- Information Well ID: M !,✓ ' 11 `% - / 6 Well Locked: Y P ' / NO) Well Diameter: Total Well Depth:/eft Static Water Level: `7�-�(• ft Height of Water Column: ft Construction: V(S/Steel/Stainless Steel) Multi Factor*: — [*(Radius/12)2 x 3.14 x 7.481 Casing Volume: gallons Cal. 3 Volumes: gallons Pump Intake: ft Parrge IufonMAtlon 1 +' 3 r Date Purged: -�5 j L?_/ d Start j::.- x Finish: 1 Purge Rate:��+-ry���''�''` J Purging Method : 61- el t7 4K-f 1-2, 4 Total Volume Purged: _ _ /_, (gallons/mis) Sam lin Information Date Collected:_ Time Collected: �J ' (am/pm) Sampling Equipment Used:, lnstrmnent ID: Bottle Type Preservation Analysis Required Field Measurements/Observations Sample Temp (°C): Time: j�- Turbidity (ntu): 1 '' Time: Diss Oxy (mg/L): G Time: /.5s " Fe 2+ mg/L: Time: Specific Cond. (us): 19 Time: Res. Cl (mg/L)/(µg/L): Sample pH (s.u.): Time: ley? �Cdor: Ale c Time: 113s -' ReDox (mV): if—� - `� Time: Appearance: Time: / L-1 ReDox (EH value):YSI ProPlus +200mV f Other: Time: General/Weather Observations: 0&-, (sunny/cloudy/rainy) Temp,2L�(°F) Windy" % (mph) Sampler Signature: 4--- Date:: ; ` / ' T• Stabilization Test Tirne Temp. Diss Oxy. Spec, pH (s.u.) ReDox T 'Turbidity Volume removed Water Other Purged (°C) (rug/L) (S) (mV) (ntu) mis (gallons ) 4 level (ft) z,,,- •• /*'Z'* i' Client: Sc S v�•c Location: o`- a L I' Project: Well ID: -' Stabilization Te Document Name: Field Data Sheet pocument Number: F-CAR-FLD-001. rev.01 ! ^ r'0/e Document Issixed: July 28, 2016 Page _af Bsueing Authority: Pace Huntersville Quality Office 1.2 a 2• 01630 0..3670 +4 t653a 6 1,.d59a 2.sa6a Time Temp. Purged (°C) Diss Oxy. (mg/L) Spec. Cond. pH (s.u.) (uS) Turbidity ReDox (mV) (ntu) Volume Removed Water level, Other (gallons/mis) (ft) (.circle one Appendix C Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Groundwater Detection Summary Report Buncombe County Old Facility From: 04/01/2018 To: 05/30/2018 Well ID Parameter MW-12-25 MW-13-152 Barium, Total Dissolved Oxygen Nickel, Total ORP - Field pH - Field Specific Conductivity - Field Temperature - Field Turbidity - Field Zinc, Total 1,1-Dichloroethane Alkalinity, Total Barium, Total Sample Date Result 4/30/2018 102 4/30/2018 5.7 4/30/2018 22.7 4/30/2018 263.2 4/30/2018 6.4 4/30/2018 601 4/30/2018 15.6 4/30/2018 0.99 4/30/2018 13.7 5/1/2018 1.5 5/1/2018 139000 5/1/2018 27.5 Flags Benzene 5/1/2018 1.2 Chloride 5/1/2018 4720 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/1/2018 17.6 Dissolved Oxygen U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Units ug/L ug/L ug/L mV Std. Units umhos/cm deg C NTU ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Page 1 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-13-152 Dissolved Oxygen 5/1/2018 1.83 ug/L Iron, Total 5/1/2018 7320 ug/L ORP - Field 5/1/2018 -15.7 mV pH - Field 5/1/2018 6.2 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/1/2018 329 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/1/2018 11000 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/1/2018 16.1 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/1/2018 33.99 NTU MW-13-30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4/30/2018 6.5 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4/30/2018 30.6 ug/L Barium, Total 4/30/2018 184 ug/L Benzene 4/30/2018 2.2 ug/L Chlorobenzene 4/30/2018 9.4 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4/30/2018 4.9 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 4/30/2018 0.82 ug/L Nickel, Total 4/30/2018 5.4 ug/L ORP - Field 4/30/2018 310.5 mV pH - Field U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 2 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-13-30 pH - Field 4/30/2018 5.6 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 4/30/2018 366.8 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 4/30/2018 14.6 deg C Turbidity - Field 4/30/2018 0.42 NTU MW-15 Antimony, Total 4/30/2018 7 ug/L Barium, Total 4/30/2018 177 ug/L Chromium, Total 4/30/2018 17.1 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 4/30/2018 5.5 ug/L Lead, Total 4/30/2018 7.7 ug/L ORP - Field 4/30/2018 62.5 mV Selenium, Total 4/30/2018 17.8 ug/L Specific Conductivity - Field 4/30/2018 7446 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 4/30/2018 14.3 deg C Turbidity- Field 4/30/2018 0.35 NTU MW-17-137 Barium, Total 5/3/2018 24.7 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/3/2018 0.39 ug/L ORP - Field 5/3/2018 -34.2 mV U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 3 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-17-137 pH - Field 5/3/2018 7.2 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/3/2018 875 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/3/2018 15.9 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/3/2018 1.76 NTU MW-17-310 Dissolved Oxygen 5/3/2018 0.54 ug/L ORP - Field 5/3/2018 27.6 mV pH - Field 5/3/2018 8.6 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/3/2018 150.7 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/3/2018 20.4 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/3/2018 11.81 NTU MW-17-60 Barium, Total 5/3/2018 17.5 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/3/2018 0.57 ug/L ORP - Field 5/3/2018 5 mV pH - Field 5/3/2018 7 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/3/2018 555 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/3/2018 16.1 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/3/2018 9.74 NTU U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 4 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result M W-18-78 1,1-Dichloroethane 5/7/2018 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/7/2018 2.5 Alkalinity, Total 5/7/2018 304000 Barium, Total 5/7/2018 63 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5/7/2018 3230 Chemical Oxygen Demand 5/7/2018 35000 Chloride 5/7/2018 146000 Chlorobenzene 5/7/2018 3.8 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/7/2018 1.4 Iron, Total 5/7/2018 29500 ORP - Field 5/7/2018 -35.4 pH - Field 5/7/2018 6.1 Specific Conductivity - Field 5/7/2018 942 Sulfate 5/7/2018 2930 Temperature - Field 5/7/2018 16.9 Total Organic Carbon 5/7/2018 7450 Turbidity - Field 5/7/2018 2.99 MW-19-110 Alkalinity, Total Flags U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Units ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mV Std. Units umhos/cm ug/L deg C ug/L NTU Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 5 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-19-110 Alkalinity, Total 5/4/2018 185000 ug/L Barium, Total 5/4/2018 10.8 ug/L Chloride 5/4/2018 41300 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/4/2018 0.27 ug/L Iron, Total 5/4/2018 1130 ug/L ORP - Field 5/4/2018 -16.9 mV pH - Field 5/4/2018 7.4 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/4/2018 494 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/4/2018 15300 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/4/2018 19.2 deg C Total Organic Carbon 5/4/2018 2610 ug/L Turbidity - Field 5/4/2018 4.57 NTU MW-19-75 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/4/2018 3.5 ug/L Alkalinity, Total 5/4/2018 364000 ug/L Barium, Total 5/4/2018 110 ug/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 5/4/2018 51000 ug/L Chloride 5/4/2018 152000 ug/L Chlorobenzene U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 6 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-19-75 Chlorobenzene 5/4/2018 3.5 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/4/2018 0.99 ug/L Iron, Total 5/4/2018 14100 ug/L Nickel, Total 5/4/2018 17.6 ug/L ORP - Field 5/4/2018 44.1 mV pH - Field 5/4/2018 6.2 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/4/2018 11.35 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/4/2018 14300 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/4/2018 19.7 deg C Total Organic Carbon 5/4/2018 12300 ug/L Turbidity- Field 5/4/2018 4.79 NTU M W-2 Alkalinity, Total 5/2/2018 63200 ug/L Barium, Total 5/2/2018 30.1 ug/L Chloride 5/2/2018 2290 ug/L Chromium, Total 5/2/2018 6.5 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/2/2018 6.07 ug/L Iron, Total 5/2/2018 3120 ug/L Nickel, Total U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 7 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-2 Nickel, Total 5/2/2018 5.5 ug/L Nitrite (as N) 5/2/2018 20.3 ug/L ORP - Field 5/2/2018 118.3 mV pH - Field 5/2/2018 6.1 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/2/2018 132 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/2/2018 3200 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/2/2018 24.2 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/2/2018 9.27 NTU M W-21-21 1,1-Dichloroethane 5/4/2018 2.5 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5/4/2018 1.7 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/4/2018 6.3 ug/L Alkalinity, Total 5/4/2018 526000 ug/L Barium, Total 5/4/2018 115 ug/L Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5/4/2018 65000 ug/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 5/4/2018 58000 ug/L Chloride 5/4/2018 167000 ug/L Chlorobenzene 5/4/2018 20.3 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethene U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 8 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units M W-21-21 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/4/2018 4.1 ug/L Cobalt, Total 5/4/2018 6.7 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/4/2018 0.42 ug/L Iron, Total 5/4/2018 12400 ug/L Nickel, Total 5/4/2018 6.5 ug/L ORP - Field 5/4/2018 61.5 mV pH - Field 5/4/2018 6.1 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/4/2018 1289 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/4/2018 26000 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/4/2018 16.3 deg C Total Organic Carbon 5/4/2018 15000 ug/L Turbidity - Field 5/4/2018 1.31 NTU MW-21-44 Alkalinity, Total 5/4/2018 357000 ug/L Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5/4/2018 16500 ug/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 5/4/2018 30000 ug/L Chloride 5/4/2018 117000 ug/L Iron, Total 5/4/2018 10300 ug/L Sulfate U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 9 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-21-44 Sulfate 5/4/2018 1540 ug/L Total Organic Carbon 5/4/2018 7130 ug/L MW-21-94 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/4/2018 1.5 ug/L Barium, Total 5/4/2018 55.8 ug/L Chlorobenzene 5/4/2018 1.2 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/4/2018 1.8 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/4/2018 0.39 ug/L Nickel, Total 5/4/2018 7.9 ug/L ORP - Field 5/4/2018 4 mV pH - Field 5/4/2018 6.8 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/4/2018 881 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/4/2018 12.2 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/4/2018 4.76 NTU M W-24-160 Alkalinity, Total 5/1/2018 51700 ug/L Barium, Total 5/1/2018 14.9 ug/L Chloride 5/1/2018 7820 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/1/2018 1.96 ug/L U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 10 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units M W-24-160 Iron, Total 5/1/2018 200 ug/L Nitrite (as N) 5/1/2018 72.7 ug/L ORP - Field 5/1/2018 40.9 mV pH - Field 5/1/2018 7.1 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/1/2018 197 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/1/2018 20800 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/1/2018 21.3 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/1/2018 5.55 NTU MW-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 5/2/2018 5.4 ug/L 1,4-DichIorobenzene 5/2/2018 8 ug/L Barium, Total 5/2/2018 173 ug/L Benzene 5/2/2018 1.1 ug/L Chlorobenzene 5/2/2018 2.6 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/2/2018 6.8 ug/L Cobalt, Total 5/2/2018 17.2 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/2/2018 0.22 ug/L Nickel, Total 5/2/2018 15.7 ug/L ORP - Field U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 11 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-3 ORP - Field 5/2/2018 59 mV pH - Field 5/2/2018 6.2 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/2/2018 1028 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/2/2018 17.2 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/2/2018 2.97 NTU Vinyl chloride 5/2/2018 2.2 ug/L M W-4 1,1-Dichloroethane 5/2/2018 11 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/2/2018 8.4 ug/L Alkalinity, Total 5/2/2018 432000 ug/L Barium, Total 5/2/2018 645 ug/L Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5/2/2018 2340 ug/L Cadmium, Total 5/2/2018 1.8 ug/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 5/2/2018 60000 ug/L Chloride 5/2/2018 61900 ug/L Chlorobenzene 5/2/2018 4.1 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/2/2018 18.7 ug/L Cobalt, Total 5/2/2018 68.7 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 12 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units M W-4 Dissolved Oxygen 5/2/2018 1.39 ug/L Iron, Total 5/2/2018 18300 ug/L Nickel, Total 5/2/2018 96.3 ug/L ORP - Field 5/2/2018 47.2 mV pH - Field 5/2/2018 6.1 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/2/2018 992 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/2/2018 27800 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/2/2018 20.3 deg C Total Organic Carbon 5/2/2018 6710 ug/L Trichloroethene 5/2/2018 1.1 ug/L Turbidity - Field 5/2/2018 2.03 NTU Vinyl chloride 5/2/2018 2.9 ug/L Zinc, Total 5/2/2018 15 ug/L M W-4A 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5/3/2018 6.2 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/3/2018 60.1 ug/L Barium, Total 5/3/2018 859 ug/L Benzene 5/3/2018 4.6 ug/L Chlorobenzene U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 13 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units M W-4A Chlorobenzene 5/3/2018 12.8 ug/L Cobalt, Total 5/3/2018 38.5 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/3/2018 0.41 ug/L Ethylbenzene 5/3/2018 1.1 ug/L Lead, Total 5/3/2018 5.1 ug/L Nickel, Total 5/3/2018 8.2 ug/L ORP - Field 5/3/2018 -39.2 mV o-Xylene 5/3/2018 2.2 ug/L pH - Field 5/3/2018 6.1 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/3/2018 812 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/3/2018 17.9 deg C Toluene 5/3/2018 1.3 ug/L Xylene (Total) 5/3/2018 2.2 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/1/2018 7.2 ug/L Barium, Total 5/1/2018 126 ug/L Chlorobenzene 5/1/2018 12.7 ug/L Cobalt, Total 5/1/2018 7.7 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 14 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units M W-5 Dissolved Oxygen 5/1/2018 0.25 ug/L Nickel, Total 5/1/2018 14.8 ug/L ORP - Field 5/1/2018 50.6 mV pH - Field 5/1/2018 6.2 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/1/2018 1357 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/1/2018 16.3 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/1/2018 3.07 NTU MW-6 1,1-Dichloroethane 5/3/2018 3.7 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/3/2018 5.4 ug/L Alkalinity, Total 5/3/2018 458000 ug/L Barium, Total 5/3/2018 1330 ug/L Benzene 5/3/2018 1.1 ug/L Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5/3/2018 4250 ug/L Chemical Oxygen Demand 5/3/2018 39000 ug/L Chloride 5/3/2018 110000 ug/L Chlorobenzene 5/3/2018 13.4 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/3/2018 2.01 ug/L Iron, Total U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 15 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units M W-6 Iron, Total 5/3/2018 30600 ug/L ORP - Field 5/3/2018 21.7 mV pH - Field 5/3/2018 5.9 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/3/2018 1205 umhos/cm Sulfate 5/3/2018 6190 ug/L Temperature - Field 5/3/2018 22.1 deg C Total Organic Carbon 5/3/2018 9360 ug/L Turbidity - Field 5/3/2018 2.91 NTU MW-6-192 Barium, Total 5/3/2018 62.4 ug/L Chlorobenzene 5/3/2018 1.7 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 5/3/2018 0.39 ug/L ORP - Field 5/3/2018 -0.1 mV pH - Field 5/3/2018 6.2 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 5/3/2018 461.4 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 5/3/2018 17.8 deg C Turbidity - Field 5/3/2018 1.02 NTU MW-B 1,1-Dichloroethane 4/30/2018 1.6 ug/L U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 16 of 17 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-B 1,4-DichIorobenzene 4/30/2018 2 ug/L Barium, Total 4/30/2018 184 ug/L Chlorobenzene 4/30/2018 1 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4/30/2018 22 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 4/30/2018 0.32 ug/L ORP - Field 4/30/2018 -53.4 mV pH - Field 4/30/2018 6.4 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 4/30/2018 692 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 4/30/2018 20 deg C Turbidity- Field 4/30/2018 110.8 NTU Vinyl chloride 4/30/2018 7.4 ug/L U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 17 of 17 Surface Water Detection Summary Report Buncombe County Old Facility From: 04/01/2018 To: 05/31/2018 Well ID Parameter :AMB Barium, Total Dissolved Oxygen ORP - Field pH - Field Specific Conductivity - Field Temperature - Field Turbidity - Field SW-2 Barium, Total Copper, Total Dissolved Oxygen ORP - Field pH - Field Specific Conductivity - Field Temperature - Field Turbidity - Field SW-2A Sample Date Result Flags Units 4/19/2018 17.2 ug/L 4/19/2018 9.94 mg/L 4/19/2018 199.1 mV 4/19/2018 7.3 Std. Units 4/19/2018 62 umhos/cm 4/19/2018 14.2 deg C 4/19/2018 11.16 NTU 4/19/2018 32.2 ug/L 4/19/2018 5.2 ug/L 4/19/2018 9.71 mg/L 4/19/2018 174 mV 4/19/2018 7.3 Std. Units 4/19/2018 5.7 umhos/cm 4/19/2018 14.3 deg C 4/19/2018 53.32 NTU U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Monday, June 25, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units SW-2A SW-3 Barium, Total 4/19/2018 32.4 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 4/19/2018 8.13 mg/L ORP - Field 4/19/2018 201.1 mV pH - Field 4/19/2018 7.8 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 4/19/2018 312 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 4/19/2018 13.5 deg C Turbidity - Field 4/19/2018 7.32 NTU Barium, Total 4/19/2018 128 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 4/19/2018 9.97 mg/L Nickel, Total 4/19/2018 5.8 ug/L ORP - Field 4/19/2018 123.1 mV pH - Field 4/19/2018 7.6 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 4/19/2018 624 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 4/19/2018 13.9 deg C Turbidity - Field 4/19/2018 43.43 NTU SW-4 Barium, Total 4/19/2018 73.6 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen 4/19/2018 8.27 mg/L U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Monday, June 25, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Well ID Parameter Sample Date Result Flags Units SW-4 Nickel, Total 4/19/2018 17.4 ug/L ORP - Field 4/19/2018 200.5 mV pH - Field 4/19/2018 7.9 Std. Units Specific Conductivity - Field 4/19/2018 1210 umhos/cm Temperature - Field 4/19/2018 14.5 deg C Turbidity - Field 4/19/2018 6.21 NTU U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Monday, June 25, 2018 Page 3 of 3 Appendix D Spring 2018 Semi -Annual Sampling Report Groundwater MCL Exceedance Summary Report Buncombe County Old Facility From: 04/01/2018 To: 05/30/2018 Well ID Parameter MCL Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-13-152 Benzene 1 5/1/2018 1.2 ug/L Iron, Total 300 5/1/2018 7320 ug/L Turbidity - Field 10 5/1/2018 33.99 NTU MW-13-30 Benzene 1 4/30/2018 2.2 ug/L MW-15 Antimony, Total 1 4/30/2018 7 ug/L Chromium, Total 10 4/30/2018 17.1 ug/L MW-17-310 Turbidity- Field 10 5/3/2018 11.81 NTU M W-18-78 Iron, Total 300 5/7/2018 29500 ug/L MW-19-110 Iron, Total 300 5/4/2018 1130 ug/L MW-19-75 Iron, Total 300 5/4/2018 14100 ug/L M W-2 Iron, Total 300 5/2/2018 3120 ug/L M W-21-21 Cobalt, Total 1 5/4/2018 6.7 ug/L U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Well ID Parameter MCL Sample Date Result Flags Units M W-21-21 Iron, Total 300 5/4/2018 12400 ug/L MW-21-44 Iron, Total 300 5/4/2018 10300 ug/L MW-3 Benzene 1 5/2/2018 1.1 ug/L Cobalt, Total 1 5/2/2018 17.2 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.03 5/2/2018 2.2 ug/L M W-4 1,1-Dichloroethane 6 5/2/2018 11 ug/L Cobalt, Total 1 5/2/2018 68.7 ug/L Iron, Total 300 5/2/2018 18300 ug/L Vinyl chloride 0.03 5/2/2018 2.9 ug/L M W-4A Barium, Total 700 5/3/2018 859 ug/L Benzene 1 5/3/2018 4.6 ug/L Cobalt, Total 1 5/3/2018 38.5 ug/L M W-5 Cobalt, Total 1 5/1/2018 7.7 ug/L M W-6 Barium, Total 700 5/3/2018 1330 ug/L Benzene 1 5/3/2018 1.1 ug/L U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Well ID Parameter MCL Sample Date Result Flags Units MW-6 Iron, Total 300 5/3/2018 30600 ug/L Turbidity- Field 10 4/30/2018 110.8 NTU Vinyl chloride 0.03 4/30/2018 7.4 ug/L U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Friday, June 22, 2018 Page 3 of 3 Surface Water MCL Exceedance Summary Report Buncombe County Old Facility From: 04/01/2018 To: 05/31/2018 Well ID Parameter MCL Sample Date Result Flags Units SW-2 Turbidity - Field 25 4/19/2018 53.32 NTU SW-3 Turbidity - Field 25 4/19/2018 43.43 NTU U = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. BDL = Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. I = The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quatitation limit. V = Indicates the anlyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Monday, June 25, 2018 Page 1 of 1