HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070524 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070330_ , DWQ~ ~~~ ~ L ~~r-( ~ • Date ~~ ' ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ Who Roviawed: ~~,~ ~"`r~~i'.~.~•~ . . 1 ~ ~2trl,y r,F ak Plan Detail7ncomplet® ~ - ~~~ ~ ." [] Plbasaprovida a looa#ion map~for the project. ' • ~ Please $how alI (stream impacts inycluding a11$II slop/~,es, dissipaters, and bank stabilization,{o,~n, the site plan, r • ~~t;.u. 2A° L`•2~i,~X-•til. `a-~l.~i,C~+" ,Q~C;Lt{.k `<.~e".C~' • t-G~+~-~i~ 2 is .. £if~ t m+^,^ , ~l Vt ~c1. `3 C f '~ ^. Please show aI1 wetland impacts including fi11 slopes on the site plan. }. ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the site pIan• _~,,,~ i G~ ,.~ti ~~`; '~,~,~,Z~ t~~~trt: ~ J;' ~~, ^ Please indiaate proposed Lot layout as ov~laye on the sits plan, ~ 3 ~ °~ "• ""~'.''"~q ~' ` .~ 1 ` ` °"~ •~ _ ~ ~' ,~ cut ~, `'. i ~~•, c c.~' c?~C+~}`t v.,f:~ ^ . Please indicata the location of the protested buffers as a~varl'ays on the site plan. 4 4 ~~~ ~,~ c fi.~,,~ ~ ~_ a~, s-z, ~'~ • . ^ Please locate a1I isolated ornon-isolated wetlands, •stroams and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. 'f ~.~~~ ^ Please provide cross sectfon details showing the provisions for aquatib life passage ~ ~/ ~ ~~ ~ ~ss,S.%~ ^ Please locate any plannal•sewor Lines on the sits plan. • • •' °~ /~'~ i "~ ~ s •~ ~, ,~~,,, L'~t? ~•F as- b QC ?' ~cfso h A` I V ^ Please provlde tike location of any proposed stormwater rizanagement practices ea required y ~~,+~ ^ Please provide detail far the sto:rnwat~ management practices as required by t3C '"°a % ~,~• ~ ~~.~ • ~ ^ Please spacif'y the percent of prc~ect impeorviousnees eras based on the estimated buil~out conditions. ~ ~ ~/`' ~ r~ ~r d . ^ Please• indicate all atormwater~,o~}tfalls on the site plait. . • ^ Ploa'se'iadloate the dii~ae flow provision measures do the site plan. ^ Please indicate,whothac'•ar not thepropoaea impacts already been conducted. . • Avoidanca•and/or Minimization i'~ot Provtdi+d ~ .. . •' ^ • The labeled as ^~ on the plane done not appear to bo necessary. Please ~eliminafie the . or prbvido edditional . • ~ information•ae to why it is necessary for this"pro,~eat.:. . • • ~ • .~^ This dffice believes tha# the ~ labeled on the plans as can be moved. or reoonfigurod m avoid the hnpaots to the . ' . Please revise the plans to avoid thq impacts.. .. . . •• []. • This't?ffce balievbs• that the . .labeled on the plane as• can bo moved or roc®nfigurod to.sniniinize the impacts tQ the ' . Please revise the pleas to minimize the impacts. . ^ The etormwata• discharges .at the location on the plans labeled will.not provide di~se flow through the buffer beosuae • . • ~ • • Please xaviae the plena sad providq oalculstiona to •show that diii~se flow still be achieved through the cntirebuger. If it • ~ is aoEpoasible to achiavadiffuse flovo~ through.the ontim bui~er'then'it ~aay bs necesseryto provide stormwater management • • prectices that remove nutrieats:befare the atiormwater eau be discharged through the, buffer. ~ . . . Oilier i ~ • .. • ^. The application fee was inauf6ei~t because over' 1S0 Poet of stream ~d/or.ovor 1 acre of wetland'impacts wero requested. Please ~ ' . provide ffi ~ . ~ This additional fee must be received before your application can be reviewed. . . ~ ^ Please complete Section(s) on theapplication. - ~ • •' ~' .. • ~ ~ ^ Pleaseprovide a signed copy of the appHcation•' ^ Plaaseprovide'`.copipa of the application, . copies ofthe sitepleas and other supporting iriformat{oa ~ . { _ ~ Plaasasubmit electronic CAD files showing ~ Z ''~';•via einaid to ian.mcmillai-(c~ncmdil,n~ and CD: ~ • • • • Mitigation ! . • ^ ~ of compensatory ~ mitigation is requ~rod for this project. ~ Please pmvide•a cpmpaieatoiy mitigation plan, The . plan moat conform•~ tharequirements in 15 A NCAC 2A :OSOO~and must be appropriate to the typo•of impacts proposed. . ' ^ Please indicate ~which~404 Permit the USAGE would use to authorize this project. ' .