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Complet ess Review Checklist
Project Name: CT�>~_ _y`li�tI� Received Date:{
Project Location: ,U Accepted Date:��-MQ.-�
Rule(s) El2008 Coastal 995 Coastal Phase II (WiRO) Universal �1988 Coastal
Type of Permit: New or Mod or PR Existing Permit #(Mod r PR): g5C)dcy- FTE Cert on File?
Density: HD or LDJ1 Type: Commercial or Residential uNCG:
%: 3 .L % OQ Stream Class: SC E]SA Map 1-1Offsite to SW8
Subdivided?: Subdivision or Single Lot 1MORW Map nExemot
Paperwork Emailed Engineer on: /(JPq ; ¢j 2G1!3
Supplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s): LD
E/ O&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swales)
Lj Application with correct/original signatures
J$505Corp or LLC: Si . Auth. er SoS or letter Note to Reviewer'
(within 6moJ " L1U 0q S tAn /COL) /
®Soils Report with SHWT 7 r&,c5-1 Colm3�,�� Qrn lTS
®Calculations (signed/sealed)
�No obvious errors ��v _ SUO7 gtooaoc1
nsity includes common areas, etc
Deed Restrictions, if subdivided:
gned & Notarized
�— MoC14- fie qSU zo4-•�
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/�sscue c755s ZC*. Sb71 C� —
:s & Rest. 6h a1? 4La li-;'*G A) of jO X I(�?Se
Plans hUM W
Sets etails (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc)
Grading Owetlands: Delineated or No Wetlands
E�icinity Map Oayout (proposed BUA dimensio
Ogend �DA Maps k11A Project Boundaries
Infiltration Wet Pond Offsite
Soils Report Soils Report �PE Cert for Master Lot #:
SHWT: SHWT: Deed Rest for Master El Lot # Matches Master
Bottom: PP: BUA Permitted (Master): sf
Visited: BUA Proposed (Offsite): sf
Additional Information:
Permitted Proposed: Proposed: Proposed:
BUA (sf)
DA (sf)
PP (el)
SHWT (el)
Depth (ft)
SA (sf)
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture
Land Planning/Construction Management
NCDENR— DWQ — Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
(910) 796 — 7215
Attn: �
J inda,Lewis�
❑ As Requested
❑ Sent via Mail
Date: February 25, 2013
File: 1 10-01
Subject: Castle Hayne Park SW8 950204 and 960919
Response to notice of deficiency and
suhm ittal
❑ For Your Files ❑ For Distribution ® For your Review 1 Action / Approval
❑ Sent via Courier
IIQuantity I Drawing No. I Description
2 Original and One Copy of Application Form SWU-101
2 Copies of the Plans
1 Application Fee of $505
1 Narrative with Design Calculations and Supporting Information
Hi Linda, please find the enclosed application in response to your notice of deficiently. Please let me know if you
have any questions or comments. Thank you,
CC: File
REC'D FIB 2 0 N13 Signed
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
CLD Tmnsmitta022413
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture
Land Planning/Construction Management
NCDENR — Wilmington Regional Office - DWQ
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
(910) 796 — 7215
Attn: I Linda Lewis
❑ As Requested
❑ Sent via Mail
® For Your Files
❑ Sent via Courier
RECO N 0 V 2 6 2 012
Date: November 21, 2012
File: 110-01
Castle Hayne Park — Notice of Deficiency
SW8 950204 and SW8 960919
❑ For Distribution ❑ For your Review / Action / Approval
ff Quantity I Drawing No. I Description
Response Letter 1 Plan of Action
REMARKS I Hi Linda, please find the enclosed and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,
CC: File
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
Jeffrey4+.-Petrof"i; P.E.
1'ra n s-NCDENR-112112
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
Civil Engineering/Landscape Architecture
Land Planning/Construction Management
November 21, 2012
NCDENR — Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Attn: Linda Lewis
Re: Notice of Deficiency — Castle Rayne Park Phases I and II, New Hanover County
Permit Numbers SW8 950204 and SW8 960919
Ms. Lewis,
We are in receipt of your Notice of Deficiency dated November 6, 2012 for the Castle Rayne Park —
Phases I and II. We are currently working to address the items addressed in your report and modify the
permits to include additional land and a new entrance road. We anticipate having a submittal to your
office for review within 60 days from the date of this letter. We look forward to working with you on
the correction of these deficiencies.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions and/or comments.
Jeffrey B. Petroff, P.1-"-.
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
P.O. Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402
P h o n e : 9 1 0 - 2 5 4 - 9 3 3 3 Fax:910-254-0502 www.CLDeng.com
a pm;WFAA
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North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Beverly Eaves Perdue
November 6, 2012
Division of Water Quality
Charles Wakild, P. E.
New Hanover County Dept. of Parks, Gardens and Senior Resource Center
Tim Burgess, Dept. Manager
230 Government Center Drive, Suite 120
Wilmington, NC 28403
Castle Hayne Park Phases I and II
Stormwater Permit Nos. SW8 950204 and SW8 960919
New Hanover County
Dear Mr, Burgess
Dee Freeman
On October 26, 2012, Linda Lewis of the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality
(DWQ) inspected both phases of Castle Hayne Park in New Hanover County to determine compliance
with the Stormwater Management Permits, Number SW8 950204 and SW8 960919 issued to New
Hanover County on April 5, 1995 and October 8, 1996, respectively. DWQ file review and site inspection
revealed that the site is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of either permit. Please find
copies of the completed forms entitled "Compliance Inspection Report", one for each permit, attached to
this letter, which summarizes the findings of the recent inspections.
As indicated in the attached inspection report, the following deficiencies must be resolved:
1. The required Certification must be submitted.
2. Built -upon area has been relocated without a plan revision and unpermitted built -upon area has been
added without approval to both projects. This includes a parking lot layout change, additional
sidewalks and buildings.
3. A catch basin and piping has been added within the looped parking area in the 960919 project
4. What was approved as gravel drives and parking has been asphalted.
5. The two existing permits both claim the same 54 acre project area for density. The 2 permits need to
be combined and the next phase added so that there is only one permit for the entire park.
Please inform this Office in writing before November 26, 2012, of the specific actions that will be
undertaken and the time frame that will be required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the
requested information, or to respond to this letter by the due date, may initiate enforcement action
including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If a written plan of action is not
submitted to this office by November 26, 2012, then DWQ staff will re -inspect the site and issue a Notice
of Violation if the listed deficiencies have not been addressed.
Please be reminded that if an ownership change, or a name change or a mailing address change has
occurred, it is your responsibility to submit a completed and signed Name/Ownership Change form to the
Division. Please include the name, mailing address and phone number of the party who is now
responsible for this permit. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Lewis at the Wilmington
Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7301.
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
Enc: Compliance Inspection Report
GDSIarl: S:IWQS1Stormwater\Permits & Projects11996\960919 LD12012 11 CEI_Deficient 960919
cc: Andy Mills, P.E., Coastal Land Design
Tara Duckworth, NHC Parks Manager
WiRO Stormwater File
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One
Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 DEN Assistance: 1-877-623-6748 NorthCarolina
Internet www.ncwaterqualit .org Naturally
New Hanover County
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l 0/24/2012
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8950204 Effective: 04/05/95 Expiration: Owner: New Hanover County Parks Department
Project: Castle Hayne Park
County: New Hanover 4700 Old Ave
Region: Wilmington
Contact Person: Jim McDaniel
Directions to Project:
Title: Director
Type of Project: State Stormwater - Low Density
Drain Areas: 1 - (Prince George Creek) (03-06-23) ( C;Sw)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 1012612012 Entry Time: 02:30 PM
Primary Inspector: Alicia R Lewis •
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Other
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ■ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
■ State Stormwater
(See attachment summary)
Castle Hayne NC 28429
Phone: 910-798-7620
Exit Time: 03:30 PM
Phone: 910-796-7215
Inspection Type: Modification Offsite-
Page: 1
Permit: SW8950204 Owner - Project: New Hanover County Parks Department
Inspection Date: 10/26/2012 Inspection Type: Modification Offsite Reason for Visit: Other
Inspection Summary:
The following deficiencies were noted during the inspection:
1. The required Certification has not been submitted.
2. Built -upon area has been added and relocated without benefit of a modification or plan revision.
To bring this system into compliance, please address/provide the following:
1. Add the missing BUA to the site plan as part of the upcoming modification to add the next phase of the Park.
2. Upon the issuance of the modified permit, submit the designer's certification to certify that the project is in compliance
with the approved plans.
Page: 2
Permit: 5W8950204 Owner - Protect: New Hanover County Parks Department
Inspection date: 10/26/2012 Inspection Type: Modification Offsite
Reason for Visit: Other
File Review
Is the permit active?
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the rile?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
Comment: 1. The required certification has not been submitted.
Built Upon Area
Yes No
Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans?
❑ ■
Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans?
■ ❑
Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system?
■ ❑
Comment: 2. Paved sidewalks have been added concrete pads under the bleachers
have bene added, and teh picnic shelter has been relocated.
SW Measures Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ■ Cl
Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■
upon request?
Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE
Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑
Comment: 3. A permit modification and/or plan revision is required by the permit to
document the added BUA, and the minor redesign of the site plan.
Page: 3
From: Lewis,Linda
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 2:50 PM
To: 'Andy Mills'
Subject: FW: Castle Hayne Park
After looking at the plans in more detail and comparing them to the Google Earth images, I don't think I can
grant your wish to not have to redraw the plans. There are more than a few discrepancies that will need to be
addressed and which will require the plans to be redrawn. I've got to inspect the project before I approve the
addition of Phase 3.
The Phase 1 approved plan showed no sidewalks, but the Google Earth images suggest quite a bit of
sidewalks or pathways have been added.
The Phase 2 approved plan does show sidewalk, but not in the right locations. Additionally, another building
has been added which is not shown on the approved plan. It does not appear to have been accounted for in
the BUA.
Neither of the files has a breakdown of the BUA that is accounted for. In order to deal with the discrepancies, a
good breakdown will be needed.
Linda Lewis
NC Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may
be disclosed to third parties.
From: Lewis,Linda
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:57 PM
To: 'Andy Mills'
Subject: RE: Castle Hayne Park
It happens. Just glad I was in the office. I pulled both of the files and my only real concern is verifying that the
total acreage in the Park is 54 acres.
I have a Master Plan in the 950204 file, but am not sure of the total acreage. Both the Phase I project and the
Phase 2 project claimed a 54 acre project area. So, it appears that what should have happened is a
modification to the 950204 permit to add the 1.86 acres of proposed BUA to the previously permitted 2.31
acres of BUA under 950204, for a grand total of 4.17 acres within a 54 acre project area.
Andy, one thing we did not talk about was the fact that the density limit on the added parcel will be 24%. It
does not get vested to a 30% limit. The only way to show this on the application is to list the Phase 1 and
Phase 2 project areas (54 acres total) / BUA's (4.17 acres) together in one column and the proposed Phase 3
project area / BUA in a separate column. The permitted BUA on the overall project will be the total of the 2
columns. The maximum allowed BUA will be the 54 acres at 30% PLUS your added Phase 3 project area at
I would encourage you to list any leftover BUA within each column as FUTURE on the application. This will
allow future projects within the Park to be reviewed as simple plan revisions instead of having to modify the
permit each time.
Linda Lewis
NC Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may
be disclosed to third parties.
From: Andy Mills[ma ilto:amills@CoastalLandDesign. netj
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:25 PM
To: Lewis,Linda
Subject: FW: Castle Hayne Park
Below is the email that was in my "sent" folder. I had to find it to make sure I wasn't going crazy. Once I didn't receive
confirmation from you I should have contacted you, I apologize.
Andy Mills, P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ
Project Manager
9 F IV,
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
PO Box 1172
Wilmington, NC 28402
Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1001
Fax: 910.254.0502
From: Andy Mills
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 5:07 PM
To: 'Lewis,Linda'
Subject: RE: Castle Hayne Park
How about 11:00 on the 24`h,
From: Lewis,Linda [maiIto: linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 5:03 PM
To: Andy Mills
Subject: RE: Castle Hayne Park
Andy- my first available would be October 23, 24 or 30. Pick one and propose a time.
Linda Lewis
NC Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may
be disclosed to third parties.
From: Andy[mailto:amills@coastallanddesign.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 3:20 PM
To: Lewis,Linda
Subject: Castle Hayne Park
I believe Janet Russell may have already mentioned to you that I would be contacting you regarding the two storm water
permits for Castle Hayne Park. The County has purchased additional acreage and we are in the process of designing a
new entrance road for the park. The new road will extend into a portion of permit SW8 950204, 1 would like to meet
with you and discuss the best way to proceed with the permitting of the new project. Please let me know when you
would be available.
Andy Mills, P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ
Coastal Land Design, PLLC
PO Box 1172
Wilmington, NC 28402
Telephone: 910.254.9333 ext. 1001
Fax: 910.254.0502
J �T
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
(910) 796-7215
Guidelines for Access: The staff of Wilmington Regional Office is dedicated to making public records in
our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. We also have the responsibility to the
public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations. Please read
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5. In accordance with General Statue 25-3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and
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