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SW8120913_HISTORICAL FILE_20121030
PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 219/2lf/?7 WYYMMUD Permit Number SW8120913 Program Category State SW Permit Type State Stormwater Primary Reviewer kelly.johnson Coastal SW Rule Coastal Stormwater - 2008 Permitted Flow Central Files: APS SWP 10/30/12 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type Active New Project Version Permit Classification 1.00 Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Facility Facility Name MajorlMinor Region Family Dollar Burgaw Minor Wilmington Location Address County US Hwy 117 Pender Burgaw NC 28425 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Owner Name Owner Type Eastern Pride Inc Non -Government Owner Affiliation Barnes Boykin Secretary 2405-F Nash St Dates/Events Wilson NC 27893 Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 10/30/12 09/25/12 10/30/12 10/30/12 10/30/20 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events State Stormwater - HD - Wetlands Deed restriction requested Deed restriction received Additional information requested 10/09/12 Additional information received 10/15/12 Additional information requested 10/22/12 Additional information received 10/26/12 Outfall NULL waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin Marie Peedin From: Johnson, Kelly [kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:00 AM To: Marie Peedin Subject: Family Dollar, Burgaw SW8 120913 Attachments: Wetland Plant Question.pdf Marie, I went through this package this morning, and I have two questions for you. If this is fairly simple we can just handle this over email, or if you prefer I can send a regular letter: 1. Soils: I don't see a liner spec'd for this pond, but I don't see the SHWT data on the soils report either? (See page 9-2 of the manual #13.) 1 see that the soil boring map has 6 borings (HA-1, 2, 3, & 4 and BMP-1 & 2), but the data only shows the HA borings. If there is no liner, can you send me the boring data for BMP-1 & 2 showing the ground elevation at the boring, the depth to SHWT, and the resulting SHWT elevation? The borings for any BMP have to be taken in the footprint of the BMP. Plants: Please see the plant data on p9-18 & my calculation summary attached. (There is one part that is confusing because under shallow land, the P bullet it talks about herbaceous plants (50/200sf), then shrubs, then trees, and then herbaceous plants again (40/200sf). I have asked our Central Office to clarify that in the next version of the manual. My calculation reflects 50 herbaceous/200sf rather than 90 herbaceous/200sf because the manual is un lear.) ut, the design !m need additional plants. Thanks, K) *** My email has changed to keily.oJohnson@ncdenr.aov, K.el,��olnwsow Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality CEFTZ/ Stormwater Permitting. CT 2.6 2012 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 7IB3Y: Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7331 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. - ,PO:. , ;I Jet' 10 904 00. 1. FT I IL 1'�'L IT. Wi; ' 'i t, iJ L:r rr 0 t r i 7ro A - :1 Av? is, t 7 W EMU 46W A -Wb-. L -lot on i j nr 00;0 'r !r X- - JAN \uP r4i o on r 1, .-r, w AT t;' - I. - ' n, Nwf%, V,v. ri.,: V '-y OwS7 nl As� 0 � Aj r 701-FT-A Dot , to 11"Ado it! VAN 11 G w.1 .;3 AGAZWO wK. ad Ov .14 . xj aww"A mell hnea..7 , '04 L Q 3- AS An lip?. Aw '-': 1- 6'. - t F MY Eau how cd L � whop, .t All plants within the shallow water zones and deep water zones shall be installed bet* n April 15 and August 31. Installation of shallow water and deep water plants outside of this period elifafls-a significant risk of failure and may only be performed upon mutual agreement between the installation contractor and the designer, owner or owner's representative. All herbaceous plants, unless otherwise indicated, shall be grown in containers of 4.5 cubic inches or greater capacity ('large plugs'). Shrubs, if specified, shall be grown in containers of 170 cubic inches or greater capacity ('gallons'). All plants (other than turf grasses installed on the side slopes) must be native to the same physiographic region as the wetland. The genetic origin ("provenance") of the plants shall be as close as feasible to the wetland site. Specific permission should be obtained from the designer, owner, or owner's representative before installing plants with a genetic provenance of more than 200 miles from the wetland site. Except for provenance, genetic diversity is encouraged and cultivars should not be utilized. The installer must take great care to ensure that plants awaiting installation are kept moist and shaded at all times. tinder no circumstances shall plant roots be allowed to dry out during transport, storage or installation. Each planting area (shallow land and shallow water) shall be clearly identified and marked prior to installing plants. Vertical distance from normal pool (permanent pool) shall be the primary means of locating the planting areas. All plants within the wetland proper (shallow water and shallow land zones) shall be installed as large drifts of a single plant species, unless otherwise specified. Planting holes or slits of herbaceous species installed in shallow land zones shall be deep enough to allow the crown of the plant to be at grade level, while roots extend vertically into the substrate without kinking. Soil should not be loosened more than necessary_ Planting holes or slits of herbaceous species installed in shallow water zones shall be deep enough to allow the crown of the plant to be at grade level or up to 2" below grade level, while roots extend vertically into the substrate without kinking. Soil should not be loosened more than necessary. When installing containerized trees and shrubs in loose soils, planting holes should equal the width of the container. When installing containerized trees and shrubs on tight or compacted soils, an area of soil twice the width of the container should be loosened before the planting hole is dug in the center of the loosened area. In no case should the sides of the planting hole be round, slick and compacted. Planting holes for shrubs shall be 12 to 2/3 the height of the root ball. Root flare shall be set slightly above grade level. After placement in the hole, loose soil shall be added to form a mound twice the diameter and slightly higher than the top of the root ball, completely covering it. Once plants are set in place, soil must be pressed gently but firmly against the entire root mass, working in a deep to shallow direction, so that water can move via capillary action from the soil to the plant roots. %ttttlirrrrrr s Approximately 5 grams of a balanced slow release fertilizer shall be installed next to eac`,^ft `�iaVpous� large plug within the wetland. Approximately 20 grams of a balanced slow release fertiii rQsA E iON9�•.� installed next to each woody gallon shrub within the wetland. Fertilizer may be omitted" lf%hes o fertile topsoil has been applied throughout the wetland. z -7. )Iv v P H-�i�e�'�ti� rrrr w%l J"; (.L•I- I sJ•,IJ a•'r•,{`L k •r. J. I.r iJ+ r':1'"j ,+�+, r.'r i. rlr F:1 I° ' , •J:r .+ kr •'f. 'ia l;' LI 'k .. ;Ufa ' +_ y`ih r -, r-. - _ r, i'+ :c � I'I i to my 4; cJ L .^ a 2r 1 311!; ;1J: lop J• !r7 IF,S I is, r ,r+ -?'t, 1, '� r�r,J (rlj.il r: +. rl. '3 a, .i., ._ �Aty' .+ J` + s:l , �.Ir•J, n C', •;S ,J. - , f �I J•. } C ,s. 'ti !';rl C.. _ ;} ..v L" ..If.l� r-• r .1 ..r *11: r:, }I - { ql ,, {"r !,'!' ..'Ji 1 + J.,r 'If 'I-� 'lJ r '?F.• ,t _ ' `'. , : +•, 110 d L . ., Wj PIK' l r,- r r r I d ; t � I I, 'l' - + y � sit i.. I. i II" I j' rJ-,. w,kr� {1, ii r + °ti ial. .+`I# J E,{•Jl C: t;r �e .h •'J.f. -� .l fi, :r,.r.i ?'li_. oIt 'r:fl: 'i {, ;li•f� �, �: f ": ;� IJ!', : [ +, err: r :• "1 „ ." r„T T.r- , :.f� , EL. F�' i i l+ ..i .f' •i ;'r' .J 1'.L fL iJf11' ;! 'r' ,+1 C' JV, '� a+ � 'I � •1• ,r,ti . >.. •'a i, 'r '. ,.,: � ., 1 '{ .y'- �•lr( r''}_ r i' •a r t_ .t '.I. i': .{ati li. r., 4:� '1 t.. "l PC i.l 01 1 ly.. .tlii 7=E:c "L '1 .I• .yQ .f11 �tF•: ,l -4i'i' .1. 1 "r'!-� c-r 1I l'. of .1 -' ij [1 . 2 ! .. .'J + '.'.t"31'r ,rF, r ... .r ,- + . • - "l'c. ,rf r '{'J - z'y. •r`l..L I: r, t, :r -r'��. ., '- � , � i _f`,' .: e.{ •}f ..I1 . 'I. - r art '',e,'�rl�r"r I� - 1V,4 • I.. I VI, f4i%f'`.1' i p Al r -! j 0, wool li �• .1: � •.r, n r4 fly r 'r � r', •'kll' rr.y* f ttJ. I. 1• ,.rl+'• _ '{ r. r!'1-' r .i ON ,r +1 LI r,. 1{' 'I, r•il I .1J- 'IE ,r 'r.., !'1. S_i. :7 -. S; •w �Jt +� ? JL 0 rip,' ,. .i r, i I' .. = lIt It r. 'I .j•= r .r L. .J+:�` lJ,• a. !•, fr, s:111t'L.' f+:?I ?JAM.". i lli .lf " If+. � .�J Fri•I .i' .'rh .)C 4F�'{(. C,'+ 1i Jf'{ ,-!"rf .'�•• ,i �J'!Iti �� '. r. i J. - c}yt)4 1 V, I+r f n t k. LIM 1 a + ryy •r '�- r, r J'lirL L_ ,ir.! 1 ,L: Jr['- It 1" ' cL" „ ? t . 1020 + + ^l r� LS♦ _ •,rs,; !13' r,' J.' N 11"y Ul n!1 .. `1 1 TI !J' ::I• �+�Li ,l r .l Fl l y •s .�'. n(I . r.. r, _l ti i t 1. r., � r,.l, _ , 'L'• . 2: 'j U, {, _ �! L:� r s, f''•a t .C�i'! �•'.lJ,),+ ram. L' nk Ir �k' �' r '� 1 il'.r. r I•E1i .,+k�'• '� 1!t.,(t:{ _ ... '� :�r -i i +PJ. �l I:,:. 't�L ':. ! • ,2r � :"!1 ffr ' .� yll J ., r:-r'. :'`"' F„U i� -i1" — r.; 1[c '1 1's' - ll' 'L+Ir '.t - � C, Sy4 r',[ ! I ♦ Jwlr r� .! Wk -!.+F r„ �'rryr' f'. _t• SCri1 .� i.,fr II(., E-.., f' :!' r[,: [ -" ..r• r [,b fr .., Ii. `! It is the responsibility of the landscape contractor to ensure that the soil in each planting area is moist or wet when plants are installed and for 42 days after installation. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to ensure that the wetland draw down orifice does not clog, causing water levels to remain high and killing the plants. Any of the following species may be installed in the Shallow Water Zones (see landscape plan) At least 5 species shall be utilized, with no more than 30% of any single species. Species not on this list may be utilized if they are 1) native to the state and physiographic region in which the wetland is located and 2) well adapted to the hydrology of shallow water wetland zones. Shallow Water Zones shall be planted with (500) plants spacing 1 per (normally 4) square feet. Any of the following species may be installed in the Shallow Land Zones (see landscape plan) At least 5 species shall be utilized, with no more than 30% of any single species. Species not on this list may be utilized if they are 1) native to the state and physiographic region in which the wetland is located and 2) well adapted to the hydrology of shallow land wetland zones. Shallow Land Zones shall be planted with (enter number of plants here) herbaceous plants spacing 1 per (normally 4; adjust as desired) square feet and (enter number of shrubs, if any, here) shrubs 1 per (normally 16; adjust as desired square feet. Planning the installation Try to install shallow water plants between 4/15 and 8/31, In a pinch, install between April 1 and September 30. If you install October through March, do NOT warranty the plants; your shallow water and deep pool plants are not likely to survive. If possible, call us to reserve the plants you need ahead of time. If something isn't going to be available, we can offer great alternatives and even clear them with the designer. The ideal container for herbaceous wetland plants is narrow but deep and holds 4.9 - 6.7 cubic inches of roots and media. We tali these containers "large plugs". At least a week before installation Examine the site. Take a look at the forebay and make sure that sediment hasn't already filled it in. Such sediment needs to be cleaned out before you can proceed. Make sure the wetland holds water. If the wetland is accepting water from the site and you aren't in the middle of a drought, you should see water or at least moist soil. If it has been raining and the site is bone dry, stop. Find the drawdown orifice and make sure it is open and clear of obstruction. Unless it has been rained in the past two days, water should not be above this small opening. If it is, stop. Find the overflow device. The bottom of this big drain is the top of the shallow land zone. it should be about a foot above the drawdown orifice. ry _ '�2 i ,-fr •i-' 1' .'ji 1'•��' '�r- .. .';7-'3,ti'r f "t' f,l ,,; yi;'!, 'S'J�t' 1 - 1'1� . . .t �! lJ�. .,h:>,.✓, . ..t! 9, 1 ,1' . ow INA .. rl i' 1 . r tr: r, 1 -� , .. h •r +i, {' .. i - .'alit! } 'i', fi�i •=': � .l, j�yr ., f S ,1 I�. .+ 'f �. 1.. >. r si is ix '1 1-. -iS r._ " ..i;l 1 .'.' a •� {�,'r� f .. r - 'W' . �. :! " .1 Ilia 'f• .. �- .. 'Y: : :! , .Iss� 'F! i_'a�.'r'•'an .t... ' 7; 1 }',. WL Ma '1. • .. ... .S ..9� .f: r ., -r' -� .. � is „ ,r.c i `/:.. i �i�. .t i owl- 1 •.,, I.J . , • •.r' S ,� S �•Yllr'IF- ' I }�. '� S.'• 1 a . J - t 1 , ' • I 1�1�� -., 1, - . ,_,S !: Ir'v i- J• I. l a.r 9, .+.. .r'• pawl l .004 t � .I. .i7�; .{.� -• ,•1 �.'"IvIF �} , _j , ••� 1i,.r }! ., .��"'i .. .. �. ,l 'l' ;.9 ter ' .,. � 'l•�� •. .t 1'J, it .�} t l ll] -r! � .. t .. .'„ 3'S� !-- :!''F',..., _' V:'9rlrrl :�.,� l.. .II '•.}•> 1,-i �i , 'i ,,'!,rw. .r.,_ 11 '1f'•, 1. •}.'iy ... ' • 'V "}. • 't7 ::T{'ll sn: �;• 1' r. :} ;I 1. o h1'7''. W A .I 'a " -Sr:, A �. 1•.et�.. !� J]{:i. �' "� .t i• �J�.♦ i• a .i. �' �u, ' 1 .. rt'T..'.}� ., 1, .. - - 'f I'+ j" li 1.1 i .. •i''' . I, > kll lJ 7,'r r'. •�l'Y� .'.1`r', -; [� ', . - 1 t, 1)i'.y .• '! s', ,JAI; 1:1.� al 1n,t OF i Look for a convenient maintenance drain. You may be allowed to open this and drain the wetland to ease planting - and avoid the hassle of pumping out the wetland. If you are planting in dry hot weather and the soil of the wetland is dry, prepare 1) hydrogel to install with each plant placed in dry soil 2) a system for the initial watering -in of each plant placed in dry soil and/or 3) a temporary irrigation system to keep the soil moist for the first 6-8 weeks after installation. You may also need to buy slow release fertilizer to apply with each plant, especially if your wetland consists of pure subsoil. A couple of days before installation If allowed, drain or pump out the wetland. This isn't essential but makes the planting more pleasant. Mark out the planting zones. First mark the normal pool level all around the wetland, using the bottom of the drawdown orifice as your benchmark. Normal pool is the bottom of the shallow land zone. Then mark the top the shallow land zone, using the bottom of the overflow device opening as your benchmark. Finally, mark the bottom of the shallow water zone, 6" below the bottom of the drawdown orifice. Anything deeper than the bottom of the shallow water zone is deep water. On the installation day If your order is fairly large and we are delivering the plants in our trucks, we will bring the plants directly to the site when you are ready to install them. Otherwise we will ship the plants UPS on the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of your choosing. The large plugs will be in bags of 50. The bags hold water, so the plants can hang out for a couple of days in the shade if it turns out you aren't quite ready for them. The bags will also be labeled with the planting zones. Just make'sure your crew knows how to match the zones on the bags with the zones you marked on the site. Typically, large plugs are spaced one every 4 square feet, although the designer may specify something else. Planting Zones & Hydrology Large plugs (1.6" wide x 5" deep) are a fantastic size for mass planting of herbaceous species. Large plugs can be planted from shallow water to uplands. Each species, however, is quite particular about the hydrologic zone it wants to be planted in. At Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, Inc. we label bags of our large plugs with the correct planting zones, to help ensure that each plant gets installed in its favorite location. Large plugs installed in areas with constant flooding can tolerate deep planting, with the tops of their root balls as much as 2" below the surrounding soil. This really helps them stay in place in erosion -prone places. Large plugs installed in areas without constant flooding prefer the tops of their root balls to be level with the surrounding soil. '� . r ! , - -, f.l '; r. , _I `•� .r> , .'1 l� iI11. ell) , I I;,l :,i ':'d, ' � 'LS rjjt „TI, i'• ' ., ,'l Y°, Ifl„_ •f;, ... I 1, •�./, , � . ''1.S �i - �� .i ...� •(' ., .y, :, °.tom � -J '' li i�. i+. . . 1 .y- , ,11 t l1 'I , � .. �P, ,I l'�V'!1 .'il'. - 1 ��- � f', ,- r G, }' ,• ,It � r ,� �• , - If, ' ,' ,'1.." . .ter w�-F .. ,_.. ,1 .�, .t.•. rl ,' ' J .: 'r i .'1, 'l VI', J, t, _ s I{...l ,.•I� r "( r - Y' i '*; t1• ' - . "' ` T .l , ,� .. ! � i-, 1:. ;1[I rrf !f"F,, rll fil • � 1 _ I"U1 1i '. ri =� i1 ,I q i .?�'t . ;�, , 1 �,r•. a:�, 1 -� )f .!' •}s-,: �,. _' ._r ..i ,;.•, .r; is �• i', .. r. 1, 1 ' .,._: .. ' l 1 r. {�1 t ? I, t , I1: it �! I-Jiw, .. i �, > 1 a' 1 f-lsfttr , .I , t ,, -•-, �'i- s- t' .-I .,�r'. .,{ fl" r. J. , l .{" [ . rl 1, F a, .l, .,. -k .�. . r., . ., r'.ti � `� lL, t •�„ r , Timing In our region, any area normally covered by water should be planted between 4115 and 8/31. By October, the risk of plant failure becomes quite high, regardless of the size of the plants installed. Large plugs of most species which are planted in areas without constant flooding can be safely installed year round, as long as they have adequate moisture. Fertilization If your site is covered with the recommended 6" of topsoil, don't add any fertilizer. Otherwise, place a small amount of slow release fertilizer (a 3 gram Agriform tablet works well) deep in the soil next to each plant. We don't recommend broadcasting fertilizer throughout the site or adding lime. Spacing Large plugs are generally planted in drifts. In a typical wetland, plant an entire bag (50 plants of a single species) in a drift. Smaller projects may need only a few plants grouped together. Large plugs installed in shallow water are normally spaced one plant per 4 square feet (roughly 2' apart). The same spacing applies to large plugs installed in drier zones, although some designers may prefer closer spacing to combat weeds. Technique Make a slit in the soil at least 6" deep, drop in the large plug, the firm the soil around the plant. Use whatever tool works - dibble bars are great in clay, while trowels work great (on hands and knees) in sand. Irrigation If possible, water the newly installed plants (assuming the site isn't already flooded) immediately after installation to create a capillary bond between the plant roots and surrounding soil. If you are planting in extremely dry weather and/or soils, consider placing a large handful of fully saturated hydrogel (such as Terra -Sorb) in the planting slit before adding the large plug. Irrigate weekly for the first 8 weeks after planting if the soil becomes very dry. The soil doesn't need to be flooded, even for shallow water plants, but it should not dry out entirely. Deep Water Plants Any water that is normally more than 6" deep will only support deepwater species - submerged aquatics, "waterlily" type plants, and free-floating species. Submerged aquatics grow completely underwater and have at least some roots to hold them in place_ Waterlily types have strong roots and broad leaves which float on the surface above long stems.: Free- floating ,Lemna spp. (Duckweed) have roots, but the roots aren't attached to anything and the tiny, broad leaves float on the surface, moving wherever the wind blows them. The other free - floaters, Ceratophyllum spp. (Coontail) lack roots and float under the water surface. , , - 0 - N yt 4j I [. ti for: —1 r , - 1 4 ro.,al, u nCii Ink: or '"h,: yum')l r 'r' j 14 If , r'i 11 it. b -it(ji .I ? . -I . - - - I MuQe 0 44 ir o n, i, ul Mo! swore 0 91 310 lux :Qm' r-n q it I 'I I t L . 4 1. 't I I -i ' „ I ! "! - -2 jo j 'o Y, f 1 IfiJi IV r I,I1'.4° j it j jjr r j A f :, V Om :P0,43P q, awn, !-W W&IS iy: of r a L I F f)� 11 or) J! Timing In our region, any area normally covered by water should be planted between 4/ 15 and 8/31. By October, the risk of plant failure becomes quite high for these areas, regardless of the size of the plants installed. Fertilization The submerged aquatics and free floaters are very good at absorbing nutrients directly from the water column and don't need supplemental fertilizers. Waterlily types can benefit from slow release fertilizer (a couple of 3 gram Agriform tablets work well) deep in the soil next to each plant. Plant Forms & Spacing Lemna are tiny plants (see them coating the frogs in the picture to the right), and a gallon bag contains thousands. So specifying a certain number of plants is impractical. To keep things simple, just order a quart bag and use it all. . Ceratophyllum is provided as strands about 6" long. It is a free floater and comes in waterproof bags. Planting Ceratophyllum is simple -just empty the bags in a deep pool The submerged aquatics are usually bare root plants, although we are working hard to produce them in manageable plugs. Typical spacing is one plant per 4 square feet. The waterlily types (Nuphar, Ne/umbo and Nymphaea are typically in 4 inch diameter containers or gallons and are spaced one per 16 square feet. Technique Planting Lemna and Ceratophyllum consists of emptying a bagfull of plants into deep water and watching them to go wherever the breeze takes them. Planting submerged aquatics is more time consuming. While keeping the plants underwater (they die quickly if exposed to air) one must identify the tiny roots, and embed the roots in the soil. Choose a location that allows the top of the submerged aquatic to extend fully and remain underwater. Water much deeper isn't necessary and can reduce the amount of light the plant receives. For the waterlily types, scoop out a hole large enough for the entire root ball, then gently place the root ball into the hole and firm the soil around it. Choose a location that allows at least one leaf to float on the surface - the plant will gradually walk down to a deeper location. Handle the waterlily types very gently; their stems are easily broken! Irrigation Deep water plants cannot tolerate drying. But they are very good at adjusting to changes in water depth. A few inches of water is all they really need to thrive. 1. . . 4 tpi-i , ,y•11 r'' � .' 1 r T' fe.,� :� � - 'r:.. . �]' .+'1i i` :r�, i "J1EG zf �_.d:• 'ff i .1 'i 1; , 7 !`- , 1' 1 'r. •f;:r . Jfli a 1 . ' .+ •!I .._ 1 SO, IBC -'i !' ''yt'' �i •' _ I; li, .. i if`s' L+� i k"`_ f .i'. - ' 1f: 'l L) C 1: r. - .. .SIf-i .'11.l., . ..i .> ,(+ 1�,! _ i Ir y .>S , 'roj' 9f s 1 lylf_ �. �r 'L'. , '}Lf �. .�.: .!•. rJ ..,-., I1� �}(y f,?! . Ili. f �;" !!1,' ,pis. '4 -. r' _ °r7r a%':�., 11 ji_ .? . � . _ _ r .�."i i'.1� tit f'' r 1 .'r. _ - . 'l•�s,i ,!_ � c, l � ...,.. , r r . r .. J, 1J ..1 -+> r?. rt-�f{r`;•. ,l . 'i{ I�j,,.'• .!;''�..i li �,i•! ':( `1, .+> '[ J i rt: �� •i l: ��.: •' i'n J[i�s j; 7 `4 .'a Ew ,. �`, '�� _ lhrlw 1• .F .-i(, °..I', ; Ii�r•. r! >,> �� _ •�n-_ _ :. �.r'; .. I1�>'.s... ^' r• I ili ..'i' 1 _ r ''"?�- 1'. i is •! .I1) itl '1. ..ilrr'r .'J, I','Ih`. f'�' ., `' ,!I - l' ..11. ' Ir =)r• } 'r4)rr �1 I'f ,1''�e � r I'f i(?Iry'�+ �. � i �I 1' � i" r 'i_ -.i l.1 r '.1i •hy i Z'ta' 1 +:+r 'lZ "( ter. 'S lj.l _ �r�.. i _ .1� .. �lr , .•ic. .. 3. {. >'l�fi,, €ir "rr,r i'I ,_fr I1• 1'•_:�or !, XI 1 E ' ''f71:r '1..1 ,'1 a• 1' a't. . -{ fi J2, ' _. .. ,r._ k' �;. .1• f'i.17G U � -1'lwr .1 I ! �.. � l' _ 'I 'nf,, .J�i'ti' ,i 1,1; .., . t .a .1, %, '1.. VIN_13�;WA AMEN North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor October 22, 2012 Mr. Charles A. Thomas, President Eastern Pride, Inc. 2405-F Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P. E. Director Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8120913 Burgaw — Family Dollar Pender County Dear Mr. Thomas: Dee Freeman Secretary The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Burgaw — family Dollar on September 25, 2012, mailed a request for information on October 9, 2012 and received a response on October 15, 2012. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Soils: Please ensure that the SHWT and the bottom elevation of the wetland are situation as described on page 9-2 of the SMP Manual (#13). Please provide any necessary supporting documentation. 2. Plants: Please ensure that the required numbers of plants are provided. Please seepage 9-18 of the BMP Manual for specific information. Please remember that a change to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers. Please check all plans, calculations and forms to ensure that the numbers are consistent throughout. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to November 21 2012, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmission of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143- 215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 DEN Assistance: 1-877-623.6748 Internet: www,nmaterquality,org An Frninl MnnAuniN i ANrmariuP Arlon Fmnlnv r NorthCarolina Naturally If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to tail me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov. Sincerohl VEnviresntal ngineer GDSlkpj: SAWQS1Stormwater\Permits & Projects120121120913 HD1201210 addinfo 120913_2 cc: Made Peedin, PE, Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Pate 2 of 2 Johnson, Kelly R-14,) From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:00 AM To: 'Marie Peedin ' Subject: Family Dollar, Burgaw SW8 120913 Attachments: Wetland Plant Question.pdf Marie, I went through this package this morning, and I have two questions for you. If this is fairly simple we can just handle this over email, or if you prefer I can send a regular letter: Soils: I don't see a liner spec'd for this pond, but I don't see the SHWT data on the soils report either? (See page 9-2 of the manual #13.) 1 see that the soil boring map has 6 borings (HA-1, 2, 3, & 4 and BMP-1 & 2), but the data only shows the HA borings. If there is no liner, can you send me the boring data for BMP-1 & 2 showing the ground elevation at the boring, the depth to SHWT, and the resulting SHWT elevation? The borings for any BMP have to be taken in the footprint of the BMP. Plants: Please see the plant data on p9-18 & my calculation summary attached. (There is one part that is confusing because under shallow land, the 3rd bullet it talks about herbaceous plants (50/200sf), then shrubs, then trees, and then herbaceous plants again (40/200sf). I have asked our Central Office to clarify that in the next version of the manual. My calculation reflects 50 herbaceous/200sf rather than 90 herbaceous/200sf because the manual is unclear.) But, the design will need additional plants. Thanks, KJ *** My email has changed to kell Johnson ncdenr. ov 1'eU WDIDVuSOVk, Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality 5tormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7331 Fax: 910,350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 128 Abbey Lane WASHINGTON, NC 27889 PHONE (252)945-2983 Pimlico Engineering elvices To: Date 10/10/12 Job No. 12019 NCDENR - DW Attention : Kelly Johnson FamiIX Dollar Burgaw WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE No DESCRIPTION 2 Calculations - signed & Sealed revised 2 2406 plans revised I Drainage area ma THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted - ❑ Submit copies for distribution As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 20_ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Per your letter dated 10/9/12 the Following changes have been made: 1. A separate drainage area map has been included showing the areas to drain into the created wetland. 2. The impervious area has been modified on the plans to include the entire impervious area. 3. Plans revised as noted 4. Attached is the entire soils report and map 5. The landscape plans shows the detail information regarding the plantings for the wetland area. Marie U. Peedin, PE. EC31-'EIVE'. OCT 15 2012 BY: � �.�' . 11 �"':'3if �_ ,. •Ir,r� ^I-- .tf 1 ', r,.}Ir ^ _ .,r! i,I.i 'I) r.•,7' l'}I w r' ijr .._ . .•i -�;.Ir ', r, L�1• '.mP °�., 1.1, L" r ri- .111,'e7 .Ifs!• S• ,., i.1"r 1 •,. ,r !I 1� I !� - .. F' '1� � 1 � l.i r i � � �� i le �� .. , '-i )1"� 1 /� � ii t: 1 F r' � r . , r 1 ! •a � ' 1 , ' 7 i .' 1. a• rf ` r. .�F yf., - `! � `r r.l '"� . ..:', .,i' .'!•'� " . . '. '�+IIJ!' 'r ,. •� ,t .. -[f'-rr�..4 li. S3!. :I , r. •'�+ }•; Jt �_r r. `{i;l r'l. ,Y. ,-• '+�r .+ ,f • r �r .1,!{fr } l+ � .. •j ,E �'S.I,',/ . iv - ' i SFr.. ,. - r�• lL, I� = II/ ` � •I 1..! '1. •. ',� 1 • ! • � T !.31: '33 if ' }I.� �• ..+ r J _ I F .f, �, i f . � } + � -r', �.. - � F u.kyK+, slrr'4r f. ie q%V±l: �� Fed,i�i.y: �,rP� � �yG?�'ar ` �� •I }� k� y. MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E, Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 9, 2012 Mr. Charles A. Thomas, President Eastern Pride, Inc. 2405-F Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8120913 Burgaw — Family Dollar Pender County Dear Mr. Thomas: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Burgaw — Family Dollar on September 25, 2012. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Lr1 Drainage Area: Please delineate the drainage area on the plans showing the outline of the area that will drain to the constructed wetland. Please ensure that the grading and curbing (if applicable) reflect the drainage direction to the wetland inside of this area, and ensure that the roof drains to the drainage area. v2"" Impervious Area: All of the impervious area (existing and proposed) that is inside of the drainage area must drain to the constructed wetland and be accounted for in the volume calculations. If there is existing imperious area onsite but outside of the drainage area that has been in place since prior to the onset of stormwater permitting in North Carolina (prior to 111188), then the existing imperious area outside of the drainage area does not need to be treated in a BMP. Or, if there is existing imperious area onsite but outside of the drainage area to the BMP that was constructed previously such that a State Stormwater permit was not required, then that imperious area does not have to be treated, If either of these are the case, please provide aerial photography or other similar means to document that the existing imperious area was developed prior to 1988 and/or provide documentation that the existing imperious area that is not treated did not require a State Stormwater permit when it was constructed. The following discrepancies are noted: a. Application:28,818sf total BUA (includes Osf of existing BUA) b. Plans: 28,689sf total BUA (includes 11,617sf of existing BUA) such that there is 17,072sf of "treated BUA". The supplement and calculations also show 17,072sf of BUA to be treated. Plans: a. Dimensioning: Please fully dimension sidewalks and all other imperious surfaces. b. Imperious Area Locations: Please establish a location for each imperious item to be permitted. At least one area on Sheet C-002 is noted to be located in an area to be determined by the owner. c, Drawdown Orifice: Please ensure that the outlet device draws down from the permanent pool, and label the elevation of the permanent pool elevation with the outlet device on the plans. The drawdown orifice may extend into the permanent pool to discourage it from being clogged by floating debris. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone: 910-796-7215 4 FAX: 910-350-20041 DENR Assistance: 1-877-623.6748 lnlemet: www.ncwaterquality.org NorthCarolina naturally An Fniral nnnnrtunity % AfTirnnA iva Action Fmnlnvor d. Wetlands: Please either delineate wetlands on the plans or include a note that there are no wetlands onsite. e. Inlet PipeslSwales: Please show the pipe or swale draining to the northernmost forebay. Please also label the inverts of the inlet pipeslswales. 4. Soils: The supplement shows that the SHWT is at 43.25fmsl. It appears that the second page of the soils report has been omitted from the application. Please provide the soils report data locating [' the SHWT elevation, and the associated boring map showing that the boring was taken inside the footprint of the wetland. 5. Plants: Please provide additional wetland plantings and information. Planting requirements are located on page 9-17 &18 of the BMP Manual. Please remember that a change to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers. Please check all plans, calculations and forms to ensure that the numbers are consistent throughout. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to November 9, 2012, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmission of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143- 215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov. Sinc rely, Kell son Environmental Engineer GDSlkpj: S:IWQSIStormwater\Permils & Projects120121120913 HDI2012 10 addinfo 120913 cc: Marie Peedin, PE, Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 2 LIMITED SITE EXPLORATION REPORT Irerracon r• Report Number: 72121152.0001 Service Date: 08/16/12 314 Beacon Dr. Report Date: 08/17/12 Winterville, NC 28590 252-353-1600 Client Project Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. Family Dollar - Burgaw Attn: Selden Taylor US 117 PO Box 2147 Burgaw, NC Washington, NC 27889 Project Number: 72121152 SERVICES REQUESTED BY: Mr. Selden Taylor, representing Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. A representative of Terracon Consultants, Inc. was present on the project site to test proposed bearing soils for the proposed building using a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and a hand auger. Project information, in the form of a site — utility plan, prepared by Pamlico Engineering, undated, was provided to us by Mr. Taylor. The drawing indicated the location of proposed building and parking areas. At the time of our site visit, the property corners had been staked. The site is a developed lot with gravel drive and parking areas and a former restaurant building in the middle of the site with adjacent grassed areas. DCP test results were obtained at approximate one -foot intervals to a depth of 5.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The DCP test results are attached. The soils encountered today included approximately six inches of topsoil, underlain by silty sand, clayey sand, sandy clay, silty clay and clayey silt. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 3.5 feet below the existing ground surface. After stripping; of grass and topsoil, structural fill soil for building and parking areas should be installed in maximum 12-inch loose lift thicknesses. The fill should be compacted to no less that 98 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. Footings should be sized for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf. Prepared bearing surfaces for foundations should not be disturbed or left exposed during inclement weather. Saturation of the footing subgrade can cause a loss of strength and increased compressibility. If construction occurs during inclement weather, and concreting of foundations is not possible at the time they are excavated, a layer of lean concrete should be placed on exposed bearing surfaces for protection. Also, concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrade. The bottom of the foundation excavations should also be clean and free of any loose soil, mud or debris prior to placing concrete. Regardless of the thoroughness of a limited site exploration study, there is always a possibility that subsurface conditions will be different from those at the boring locations, that conditions will not be as anticipated by the designers or contractors„ or that the construction process will alter soil conditions. Therefore, the geotechnical engineer's representative should observe the site preparation, earthwork, foundation construction and floor slab construction to confirm that the conditions indicated by the geotechnical exploration actually exist. We recommend the owner or contractor retain Terracon for this service since we are already familiar with the project, the subsurface conditions, and the intent of the recommendations and design. The conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are subject to Terracon personnel observing the construction procedures and subsurface conditions encountered at the site. Continued on the following page: ECEWEi OCT 15 2012 1 br . _ - ,_r ----- -- - The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASHTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. CT0001, 9-28-10, Revl Page 1 42 n'F v" J AiJ_ .,ay. w .000 _ r-01 i „0 ,�f ... _ .;. - IC A .. � •. , ". . t� ... 1. '{ y' f A r S. 7 a I - ., , �` �r ..-_. f, -Al'; I,' } u _. ' 1 1 ,• . r M C;+.�' .^... a''ib 010, 0 t' 4A V` . L -i j G 3. ! un 04 1440 Oil W .: 0 �` y l .. '1!l}�� 'J_ .7 '! ': �� �'_ •", . d ..M .. l..rC.',A r• 'Ir+r 37-� }. I. rJ - J' 'fa J' 'll J.. 08 1 1 rf cc .1 i t 4 'Q "+.. _ . . 10 _ Ohl I 3 ,. ..r.._ . 'L' , t 1 ; S . 0 __. .- �'• .. „r .. �' _., .e.:4'. r. :i' 1-; :f"f'..';iC! �d- i -_ + • I. CL"': i, - r._.. t.,J•• r(I,CyiJr"l._ , ,. r•. _ 1� I \_ s- ♦'.'r I}1._-,rl - .. . k'f •' J, , 1' f.l .,a V. .. ✓., 1 � I _ � ,. f • :'11 it pry - ' �'" • I. � li. .�., r, _ i-� r � "�•.l II-, It.. �',�, . � I ..i� Nr.J�r.' �! ` :Y" _ - . w; 1:.,, , r ' -•! •J, ,r"r'r, 1 _�� ram' .. "`. ;� ��:.: r c. :_ 1., tl- .+'". ] n 1', `:. Doi to t; „ _' Q z 2 Is ., i:- '; 1..7.f 1. j: ' , 1lT:.It I ` 1, 'r'" .. '� �. a, .� Jr'. .I 'r 1 ' ,�• ! �_ Fi ,:: ' ,S,,J ,J r.a1c'}�,4i L.rf''_.... )-' )^�:, n'- 0" .,., Canso so .,+ im :HL . , r _ N:E. _ 17� � "` jar 10_ - r , - a f. , '. (.. `�C.� . }t.l' 'r`YJ ' _ � �• �'_._ - �� im_".[:t - .'- _ rf• I' it1.. .. � - f 1 :.«- •�_•.i-:1l'4i,Ji`J �: :'i1„S ):. _ �•1 J., Ir a J1 #;t 7.7I` '� r/.,'1, _ i i .. �� r a IJk' _ a. ',t,:� 1"_.. - " _ - _ .. ' J;) ".' J'_'�:• �_ C `3•, � _ r '�' 7 ' :1�. I�':Jf', _ i Imo'!, rl� l�' },. .. '- _ .f� t`-- •,'-ia: {'_., `,r;�rJ;'_ �, i r t r ♦' 'I1 .` Jrr', ,• .. -,J _'.'a, - _. "'!,' t i+.:��' , J t�'IG •- .. it �;' ,If' ... ,J,�(. •j: C � r• - ... ,��_. 'y': `r ... _, .,r., `-i ,r� '•ilf'1, , , - .. _ r , _'7 .1 !: {.rl. '' .t.-t;i' ,{ E 1 - ,r. ,p , -. C' _'1 mil^ •+ t .. L'1• l' ,i LIMITED SITE EXPLORATION REPORT 1rerracon Report Number: 72121152.0001 Service Date: 08/16/12 314 Beacon Dr. Report Date: 08/17/12 Winterville, NC 28590 252-353-1600 Client Project Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. Family Dollar - Burgaw Attn: Selden Taylor US 117 PO Box 2147 Burgaw, NC Washington, NC 27889 Project Number: 72121152 In addition to the above services, we also advanced two nand auger borings at the site of the 'Storm Water 13MP' (as indicated on the attached drawing) for the purpose of determining the seasonal high water table (SHWT). The soils encountered, beneath a layer of grass and topsoil, included light yellowish brown (10YR-6-4) silty sand and very pale.brown (10YR-7-3) clayey sand to a depth of one foot. At approximately one foot, soil texture transitions to very pale rown (10YR-7-3) sandy clay. The SHWT is evident at a depth of 1.75 feet, based on the occurrence of light gray (10YR-7-1) and gray (10YR-6-1) soil mottles. Mr, Selden Taylor was informed of the test results and recommendations'by electronic correspondence. Services: Terracon Rep.:., Bob Neel Reported To: Mr. Selden Taylor Contractor: Report Distribution: (1) Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc., (t) Stocks and Taylor Construction. Inc., Eynailed Emailed Reviewed By: 0".Q- I:: Carl F. Bonner, PE Office Manager III The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASHTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. C7=1, ¢23-10, ors Page 2 of 2 11'- {fi .. 'Iti„ r '1 i„+. ... t' .• y f..l _ �... `_.L4, - !1 + _ _ + .sr '.I AJ-,'+ r �. ,, r •{' -• r '+'• •1! ' .: '.y , `1 r.ri T V 11, .'! F' , is .. I 1� ., ! _r 1 S• , ,.r: I • - r •1!rr or.yf. .. ... r .p. :, � t .:S !L 3+-ah _.. r.. _ .>I .� . 1 ,T �,. � r c .. r' •ri 1 t� +' .,* _ x.e ,. '.n•: � •l.jF4 i , r 11_r �; Sii' F .r i..4.,.1 1!... �:.� r. S• fli;C.•a x G T 4! ra. r1�1' -� Gif?'!rt.•- 01 i F,l{, � !�'.-,=h�� 1. {: `�I w }: lci� t5: �i...�� q•'ic 1!�• ,r'� �'�}, !? � .'1+ r' .. ., Ir d 1,, J� _r :I c' ,'.i i, SIX'�•. :� _. I`.�-' .:1 r!+'S .a i t ii � .c 1f�'.i _ 1 '� ., -u `ti,. # , . - . wr.�...-.... _ .` _. � � �.�. �.-.. ..< < . �...�.. ..^ . , �...•r _ r ..,.�.-^-_ . - �. �_._._,' r ;1 �.. .�.• , " ' ; �-:! .�• . _. _... _ Tom... . �_ . _� � � ..... �.. 7 Y1�� �� t1� �^F• , er�7.i!,l.i.l�'6.9 r.'r!.i.%-+F..�^i. lei.;�i�:�:.[F..�.��`+:1..r1:I�+ti��.�.. I ,. r •^ LIMITED SITE EXPLORATION REPORT Irerracon Report'llumber: 72121152.0001 Service Date: 08/16/12 314 Beacon Dr. Report Date: 08/17/12 Winterville, NC 28590 252-353-1600 Client Project Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. Family Dollar - Burgaw Attn: Selden Taylor US 117 PO Box 2147 Burgaw, NC Washington, NC 27889 PTiect Number: 72121152 DEPTH BELOW PENETROMETER LOCATION TESTED EXISTING GRADE VALUE COMMENTS HA-1 1.5 10-8-5 2.5 3-3-4 3.5 1-1-1 Groundwater encountered at 3.5 feet. 4.5 2-1-2 5.5 3-5-7 HA-2 1.5 4-5-6 2.5 6-6-9 3.5 5-5-5 Groundwater encountered.at 3.5 feet. 4.5 6-7-8 5.5 7-10+ HA-3 1.5 14-14 2.5 7-6-4 3.5 2-3-3 Groundwater encountered at 3.5 feet 4.5 4-6-8 5.5 7-9-11 Continued on the following page: The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASHTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. CTMI, 9-23-10, Rrvl Page 1 of 2 s • �. rig! � ,rrJ i)`E r• .' J• 'E .r.�r... _r-,,. r .....+....0 ...,. w.r� .«n.w .rw s..•.. .,... .-n.ww .,.. .�.w...i. .... �..� •. ,,,r .. _.nxr.i, _ w..u+�." ww. ...-..tia ..a ra � v.._r . ..»s .. .__ w. r.+ai _ ram:.. .. 4.�P i.• - ... 9 s .,� a11.1� :1'. 'i _ -T 5.. tv if � v M. r' 1 1. 1 ••FL i yam ,. +. b' .. ]•f , �]i '-. i:Jr .i r .. :A 1� _1V r.' L��I-I J r .. IF'. s li Ei ..I ..� ,f E, fr7 . `r i:'l•1 i(µ �'. ... C i_ . .1 �. r r . ,•, r.,.ii f eS�" ' . .'f.. fL7� I', .� 1 - Isi ..t • y f IF.,. I f . LIMITED SITE EXPLORATION REPORT Irerracon Report Number: 72121152.0001 Service Date: 08/16/12 314 Beacon Dr. Report Date: 08/17/12 Winterville, NC 28590 252-353-1600 Client,',-, Project Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. Family Dollar - Burgaw Attn: Selden ;Taylor US 117 PO Box 2147 Bitrgaw, NC Washington, NC 27889 Project Number: 72121152 LOCATION TESTED DEPTH BELOW PENETROMETER FOOTING BOTTOM VALUE COMMENTS HA-4 1:5 12=12 2.5 7-8-7 3.5 1-2-2 Groundwater encountered at 3.5 feet. 4.5 8-6-7+ 5.5 11 Services: Terracon Rep.: Bob Neel Reported To: Mr. Selden Taylor Contractor: Report Distribution: (1) Stocks and Taylor Construction, inc., (1) Stocks and Taylor ConMt action, Inc., Finailed Finailed Reviewed By: 0.-e— i:: 15cf � Carl F. Bonner, PE Office Manager III The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASHTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. cTnoat, 9.2s-10, tury.s Page 2 of - I 3 • i +tit , ! r` •M 1 • 1. '•� �� 7• j 1 ` I • l i Y ' _ f f I t ' r 4 t L � J r " u L _ _ r r _ V • J f ' ' C t' "mEksm fqmum 03na C WVAC1Ot - no= Mb TAT1qt emwonAmm PC SUMMARY OF SITE: ma+Lar�t.�tA� NOL "am m nor W rt is w ffie .vmume .. �Rbtl Oxm Wn" r0 unim KAmI Le[ - TCW Rum in - M IA mwmt summ fw1 R 'fAT01 ml'Q m;:I w.m um � MARC M! - ALL WWED"=MULL MWALL NC KIDW OVR(�femsm3dym ALI.aTV� 7�RL C`OpS mcm 11m To AIfl pp10 NC bt fJLL rWL Q LLm AIO Sa1F�W 1LG10N Alp ■tL 4 ALL OPfIWr MMFF ..lore rAM TO M i1Fut it tw = m rcm wir nnorr we�o �.im�o rAaa rarm n ♦�v.a ra�ne xee �[a+�ams P rAv 1a an r Ac1AL S rmom nnRm rxµ - >t - ��+otYrC +aaavai s�s m a Cl Cart rA¢p rni ua1 as VIGNITY MAP � r (RSITE d, VA PREIJIORARY PLANS NOT FOR CONSTRucrm us i1%---------- &AmnM r,r 11avla116 a - cam � —a r•Tr rc"--ooii �.._`3_ Rim'-•"E>--� _..,. - _'ti_ _• _ .. ..�•'.. �T � .:X.1'a w ..�--'^f:' -- -�-.. _ -r.. .. _ _ vim. -- _ - .. � _ _ _. '_ _ - '_ _......_ -. - F F ' t - 1 1 {�• _ i. 11 I' a C v 1 � •� 1 K - ii. � � � IP rr t LIMITED SITE EXPLORATION REPORT Report Number: 72121152.0001 Service Date: 08/16/12 Report Date: 08/17/12 Client Project Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. Family Dollar - Burgaw Attn: Selden Taylor US 117 PO Box 2147 Burgaw, NC Washington, NC 27889 Irerracan 314 Beacon Dr. Winterville, NC 28590 252-353-1600 Project Number: 72121152 SERVICES REQUESTED BY: Mr. Selden Taylor, representing Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. A representative of Terracon Consultants, Inc. was present on the project site to test proposed bearing soils for the proposed building using a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and a hand auger. Project information, in the form of a site — utility plan, prepared by Pamlico Engineering, undated, was provided to us by Mr. Taylor. The drawing indicated the location of proposed building and parking areas. At the time of our site visit, the property corners had been staked. The site is a developed lot with gravel drive and parking areas and a former restaurant building in the middle of the site with adjacent grassed areas. DCP test results were obtained at approximate one -foot intervals to a depth of 5.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The DCP test results are attached. The soils encountered today included approximately six inches of topsoil, underlain by silty sand, clayey sand, sandy clay, silty clay and clayey silt. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 3.5 feet below the existing ground surface. After stripping of grass and topsoil, structural fill soil for building and parking areas should be installed in maximum 12-inch loose lift thicknesses. The Fill should be compacted to no less that 98 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. Footings should be sized for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf. Prepared nearing surfaces for foundations should not be disturbed or left exposed during inclement weather. Saturation of the footing subgrade can cause a loss of strength and increased compressibility. If construction occurs during inclement weather, and concreting of foundations is not possible at the time they are excavated, a layer of lean concrete should be placed on exposed bearing surfaces for protection. Also, concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrade. The bottom of the foundation excavations should also be clean and free of any loose soil, mud or debris prior to placing concrete. Regardless of the thoroughness of a limited site exploration study, there is always a possibility that subsurface conditions will be different from those at the boring locations, that conditions will not be as anticipated by the designers or contractors„ or that the construction process will alter soil conditions. Therefore, the geotechnical engineer's representative should observe the site preparation, earthwork, foundation construction and floor slab construction to confirm that the conditions indicated by the geotechnical exploration actually exist. We recommend the owner or contractor retain Terracon for this service since we are already familiar with the project, the subsurface conditions, and the intent of the recommendations and design. The conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are subject to Terracon personnel observing the construction procedures and subsurface conditions encountered at the site. Continued on the following page: ECE9V IIC:. SEP 2 5 2012 6 y: The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASMTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. Cr00o1, 9.29-1 o, x".s Page I of 2 tL l r LIMITED.SITE EXPLORATION REPORT Irerracon Report Number: 72121 152.0001 Service Date: 08/16/12 314 Beacon Dr. Report Date: 08/17/12 Winterville, NC 28590 252-353-1600 Client Project Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. Family Dollar - Burgaw Attn: Selden Taylor US 117 PO Box 2147 Burgaw, NC Washington, NC 27899 Project Number: 72121152 SERVICES REQUESTED BY: Mr. Selden Taylor, representing Stocks and Taylor Construction, Inc. A representative of Terracon Consultants, Inc. was present on the project site to test proposed bearing soils for the proposed building using a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and a hand auger. Project information, in the form of a site — utility plan, prepared by Pamlico Engineering, undated, was provided to us by Mr. Taylor. The drawing indicated the location of proposed building and parking areas. At the time of our site visit, the property corners had been staked. The site is a developed lot with gravel drive and parking areas and a former restaurant building in the middle of the site with adjacent grassed areas. DCP test results were obtained at approximate one -foot intervals to a depth of 5.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The DCP test results are attached. The soils encountered today included approximately six inches of topsoil, undertain by silty sand, clayey sand, sandy clay, silty clay and clayey silt. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 3.5 feet below the existing ground surface. After stripping of grass and topsoil, structural fill soil for building and parking areas should be installed in maximum 12-inch loose lift thicknesses. The fill should be compacted to no less that 98 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. Footings should be sized for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf. Prepared bearing surfaces for foundations should not be disturbed or left exposed during inclement weather. Saturation of the footing subgrade can cause a loss of strength and increased compressibility. If construction occurs during inclement weather, and concreting of foundations is not possible at the time they are excavated, a layer of lean concrete should be placed on exposed bearing surfaces for protection. Also, concrete should not be placed on frozen subgrade. The bottom of the foundation excavations should also be clean and free of any loose soil, mud or debris prior to placing concrete. Regardless of the thoroughness of a limited site exploration study, there is always a possibility that subsurface conditions will be different from those at the boring locations, that conditions will not be as anticipated by the designers or contractors„ or that the construction process will alter soil conditions. Therefore, the geotechnical engineer's representative should observe the site preparation, earthwork, foundation construction and floor slab construction to confirm that the conditions indicated by the geotechnical exploration actually exist. We recommend the owner or contractor retain Terracon for this service since we are already familiar with the project, the subsurface conditions, and the intent of the recommendations and design. The conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are subject to Terracon personnel observing the construction procedures and subsurface conditions encountered at the site. Continued on the following page: The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASHTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. C WO1, 9-I8-10, Rcv.9 Page 1 of 2 TEMP, SEDIMENT BASIN WETLAND BMP VOLUME 1v CIF .. 2 SEE DETAIL FOR wwWrA■mithimT�IewRl�a L�111 ; DA+O t zsAas DESIGN — ^�Nr a..R1IAwANpr. Br�Rr 1rM�BAwPWw �'' ����,�•-"'� P.Arr NRIr PANT rrlEw rwA 7 NRgI � 1 ` ' ! 1 � - aENNIS c. TEACF� � � � 4. NoOft w4IRIBRAg7AP- ye" MP. i TyiACT 2 /NPw WNNIr LT4N-3T 7 4 4PNSRL AF. wPI wa-rxlw AAywAw 1 i 1 1 ❑ �ODK 7180, P 1Q9 VIINy� 7N.NrI H. N ey. w NNIWIPEB i 1 - BNPwaiwIr■P wo" UP 0—r— r - -- �!!. SAE IP11Iwr���PRn•1 MRyR NlL rRMNA�P4NN.rPasVNNOw Irr � I( '� . A�y� ) $ TIME SLE TAA y EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. aSTNN AND POST UOPT OF CERTIFICATE O EROSION CONTROL PLAN APPROVAL 2. CLEAR SITE ONLY AS NECESSARY TO MSTAL,L ERDSON CONTROL OEWCSS AS MOCATEO ON THE OIAANNGS OR sP(crM IN THE SPECFICARO S, S. ONCE ERCSOPI CONTROL OEMC27 ARE INSTALLED, REON DEMCUTOIN CPERATIOIS. 4. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS KCESSAR* DURING CCNSTRUCTICN. MSPECT DEVICE AFTER EERY RAINFALL EVER; AN O QEAN oUT TRAPS APO /OR DECK OAKS wNON HALF FULL S. AS CON ITANCTION #ROOIESIEY. PETAL ADDITONAL GROMON CONTROL DENCES AS RDICATEG ON 1/i ORASR4L CALLED FOR IN THE lEQFTCATP]NS. 01 AS IREDEA OR DIRECTED IY OIPEEP 4. SEED AND MII DISTURBED AREAS AS STA70 BELOW BASED ON ROMONC DAYS A UPON CORETIPI OF ANY JIMN OF CON STPRICRPI B. wEN TOIL PALOT NPROCEED w AR AREA *** TIE ABOVE RYE FRAW 7 AFTER SIR 6 STABILIZED, III AN INSPECTION BY TIME ENaEE71 LION APPROVAL OF SITE STABILIZATION, ENICA TE POIART EROSION OEIM.ETL DHSS OUT ARfw AM SIDED ARID .R1CIN PONMAIENT E7com comI DEVI= $ou E NSTALLED AND APPROVED E ENGINEER 04M coonm MN AIC 11R..D TOPSOIL 4 NOES DEEP OVER ADYEIM UK Owal■va IF APPEIOAEL M TIE Ott AMA TO 4 WOVEN OEPTk PMKI AEI, WW WOOL ROOM AND OTHER NESTRLCilOiS LEAVING SIA6AC3E PaABOINRY NOWTN AM UNIFORM, APPLY AGIRTATAUL UIR FD MOVER, AM 1lE7AIOENATE LOWOF 6Y NO MAA "1 a0R_ CCHIRAX TRLAK LOM A PTlpl REASONABLY UNrDAM WI DIED S PREPARED E TO 4 MOlrl OW. NEm a EIMMY PREPARED 9== AID COVER NEED LAif1LT WRAP SIIUIO EQUIPMENT ON 61TPAU1 AFTER ZEII MAD4 MIMAtaT ArT[R SEEDMO NO ANDIDR MULCH. INI ALL S"M A EA3 AND MAKE NECESSARY MEDIANS OR IE'YIDENC WRTiw1 THE PLANTING SEASON. P POSSRRE. F STAGE SNOLID E OYEI US DAMAGED, OMESTA■USNED FMIDWIC OROMAL UWE. Fp11ARSR AMD SELDW RATES MDR CONTRACTOR SNNA1 MONETE A PC■NAIEIT 'NOD COVER OI ALL PINE45 DISPAR DURING CO SWINJONw OPERATIONS. SKLL Mq Art DISTURBANCE TO T140E AI TUT TEfE SEEDED )UPOK PREVLOUPS BORIC 1r1AT DOES Tt�S.�T jjEh�tE M 70 OOT VW 9+0AD READ AD BEGONE FAM UM wTH THE PKM90 NS OF TINS PERMIT BELOW IS A UST OF TK MANGER FlCL9E3,14I WRTF POK'AhONS wR TNR'i DFTER FROM 1NE PCVDLAS CG"TRTLAC?M CENERAL PERMIT EIEb9hI! A11o7 (Y■Illla PAY YOU MUST MPLEEMC41 TE EAOSOI AND SEDIMENTATION ENTATION ODMTROL PAN APPROVED FOR X* MozeT RY TIE OMSION OF LAND RESOURCES OR r AN APPROVED LDCAL PROGRAM, AONEIIE CE TO THAT EIBC PLAN 15 AND ENFORCEABLE COWOENT OF TE STOb voATER PERAIT YOUR E&W PLAN OLL %E/NTFY ARIAS fNERE TIE MORE STMrNCEHT 7 AND 1. DAY OMDNI.O STA■U2A7DN REa11E3"rS MILT. SEE 'PET OROLAO STA■U2ATION RECUIRE NTS' ON PACE 2. YOU MUST Rtv A IMAM GAUGE ON SITE- • DEOPICATED DEMOLITION AND OTPl7ITEAI 1 WASTE 4" AND EAFMAIEDIAi STOnOLE3 MUST E LOCATED A' LEAST SO FROM STORY OIAIAS SIR STREAMS UNLESS NO ALICRHI S FEASIBLE (NET RECUFAYENn • YOU MUST RNIECT ALL EB'SC MEASURU AT LEAST ONCE A PEEK AND WITHIN 24 HCLM AFIEA ANY STDPBA EVENT GREATER Mw A NAV INOI (MAMO A 24-NORM PEiODL YOU MUST TAKE IMEWTE CORPKCTIVC ACTKW FOR ANY DEVICE FANLLNE TOU NPI "SPEC' ALL OuUT3 WNEFE STORY TIOU PLMOM LEAYES YOVM SIC AND EVALUATE THE EFFECT ON NEAROT STRLAMS OR R %mGS. OR CAUSES A NSIBLL mGEASE INIuR Ty (CLOLOPESS, OF ANY BATEII BODY • YOU MUST KEEP RECORDS GE THESE wVKCTONS AND AKT COLRECTVE ACT46 TAP II YOU V..AiT PROMDE X ONEAA w AND iouNTENANCE NECESSARY To NAMTAAM 01 PEWORNANC[ OF STORY EATER CON ERRS MIS LEANS TAIGA OORRLCTV[ ACTION IF ON" AND MMUff COMI FAMTICS AM NO' OPERATMD 4ROPERLn OPEAATDN AND MARNMNAMM PNO.UDCS, BUT IS NOT UNNI TEN RELu.MdY R.fJJEI1G OUT TBRRMEN1AngN AASNS • STAULMOLL CTIOpA 1LAPITLS OR pLLTWY STRLACIUIRA REPANW^/OEARIc OUT INLETS AND OUTLETS. • RCPAPW PPSD, SEPAG[ AND Ii044NICAL DAMACK REEPYyAIRMN�IG !!T FENCE OAWA ��coyr IEGULAIR PQECP�C710M5 ARE A TO4ANOE T) CHECK DIVOTS E NEARER III P ANY ONSIDhE SEDIMENT THAT HAS OEA•OSTED M A STEAM 00 FETLmD YM MUST NOTIFY' TK ONION OF r4TER DuUTT REGIONAL OnCC NI 24 HOURS AND PROUDE WRITTEN IAOWCE OT I N S DAYS (Q $5 ON PAGE 4 OF TK GCREWAL PMPT), PLEASE 911 A COPY of Tom CpTRESTODvd TO TE OTM■ON Or LAND R[lDI (OVA). TAAC[ OOiUAKCC SFRIRNB" PMLD,ECTs GNAT YIRNVTE sTDw WATER P[TTRT CONDITIONS AID/OII IRON[ LIMAU14OR7ED *ATM QUALITY IMPACTS ARE SUBJECT TO FIINI QV4 PENALTIES OF LF TO r29,00POO PER DAY E 11EIE ARE NO ETLADj ON Tlq STTE. 2 1 I 1 i 11l 1 11T J It S RCP OUTLET PIPE w FE TLET PROTECTION N CL ASS B RIP RAP TH FILTER FABRIC -a' INV IN - 42.84 -5' 1NV OUT -42.54 . TB� TO -30 CFS to-2.45 FPS A -0.35 AC P WATER INTO BMP IN 44, ` I �� I LV PROPERTY WEE I 1 11 1 11 �� 11 FORBAY LI POOR,'- SF I i IFS TME . a■i1aRF■■iai riwwDi4iiA*arliiriWR � asv.a0000 Auourr■ra■GAOL ■alooauaaTAuos:noaaa�r arissararaarRrrrasr>,saaa■ ■ irlRrwrriiawir■WRiraars�saisa ■aaaii■;araiir■■iaaaraiaBairrEa iraara ■laaaaaaaailaaa■■ r a IBUILDING . sSTORE s pppN■f /• :i .a1 Q um - -- Irar TraaE ---------- .T::. PB — � - 1 e AREA NUMBER 1 DISTURBED AREA 1.17 AC PERCENT 55.9% IMPERVIOUS TOTAL DRAINAGE 1.17 AREA EMERGENCY 44.8 SPILLWAY EL£ VOLUME 1 YR 24 2850CF FIR EVENT WATER QUALITY 3523 CF VOLUME TOTAL SURFACE 4200 AREA SF 0 SITE DRAINAGE DATA IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL 28.818 SF TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA 50,965.2 SF EXISTING IMPERVIOEIS AREA 11,617 SF IMPERVIOUS AREA TREATED 28,818 SF SEE DEMO SHEET FOR EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAS ! � 1 DFSTURSAHCE A 2�A I.17AC, / r LRRTS { J FOLLOWS T THC PROPERTY UNC Q%I/ ov s Y ell �'b iZf- ,Ni III FINAL PUNS �1 FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION \\ Y r u A i- =[LrVA, - - �•IL / ` NGE MT BETWEENTrp OF PIKE \\ \ W— `ti _ ECEIVE" -~�A )� OCT 15 2012 - — — — _ -A U.S. XICf�',dr � ff!' III P R.Ir------_« BY- RT 1 I`� ` . 47.300_I/' ASPHA I EP 1 I PAR 1 R 11 1 \ , -- - 4T. �11 S -- — — — — — — L --- - doft \ / REORAOE EXISTING AREA TO ARC PTO! ' pRAMN N 1O En5T1NC DITCH SILT FENCE 40 pRL[T PROf[CfTON CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I I EOSTTYO w.ERVIOUE AREA I TO E ROIOV(O L GRADING PLAN .� SLI.i: F' •iO -1I6IAI I N r�s•.� GF:-�iP.�� AL W2 Z.- - ••I,30/1Ci li MaNLO Ip1OMgTWRIc SIEPVACE'S. Nil: LNCENSC ND ✓'-OS.TC swevrES ■ I r —"I I' • 2v NO. C-003 pEP07M�T BUSINESS CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT NAME OF 1USINESS CORPORATION: Eastern Pride Inc. FISCAL YEAR ENDING: 20121231 SECRETARY OF STATE, CORPORATE [1) NUMBER: 0647965 NATURE OF BUSINESS: heal Estate development/leasing R1 GIS'TERED AGENT: Thomas, Charles A. REGISTERED OFhICE MAILING ADDRESS: 2405-F Wes1 Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 E-Filed Annual Report 5568214 o Do not data enter manually, STATE OF INCORPORATION: NC REGISTERED Ohl ICE S'fRl l:'T ADDRESS: 2405-F West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Wilson County PRINCIPAL, OFFICE "['ELEPI IONE NUMBER: (252) 399-1964 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: 2403-FNash Street W. IVilson, NC 27896 PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREETADDRESS: 24054' West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 PRINCIPAL OFFICERS: Name: Charles A Thomas 7'itle: President Address: 2405- 1West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Name: Barnes Boykin 'Title: Secretary Address: 2405- F lVest Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED 13Y ALL.. BUSINESS CORPORATIONS Charles A Thomas FORM MUST BE SIGNED 13Y AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION Charles A 'Thomas 6/1/2012 DATE President TYPE Ott PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT TITLE ANNUAL REPORT FEE: E-Paid ]MAIL TO: Secretary of State • Corporations Division • Post Office Box 29525 • Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 FROM :WINDOW MILL EAST HANOVER FAX NO. :973 887 6466 Jul. 10 2012 11:34AM P1 RlAi.lrOtiB Comme+rcislltlTlagce a nt:nttart North Caralina Assadgtfan of REALTrORSa AORCCMENT FOR Pt.,RCIIASE AND SALE OR REAL PROP¢R'lti' THIS ACRFEMENT, iocludingnny wad %[I addcrWa attached bercla("Agremnent"). 6 by arw k1ween Eastern Pride. Inc and/or asaians o(n) r en ("Bayw'), and sl (indiwi n• Bute of fnrrn7riRn :Irni 11W. nfeatity) — Georrrs_ 8hevchyic a(n) zadiv ("Selle). (individual or State of fbrmallon cad type of entity) FOR AND IN CONS IDCRATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES SL'T FORTH HEREIN AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RliCF]PT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH ARE HEREBY ACKNOWLI!DGED. THE PARTIES HERL•TO AGREE; AS FOLLOWS: StSetion 1. Terms and Dellaltions: 11tt terms listed below shall have the respcenve meaning given slum as act forth adpeent to each tcnn- (a) 11 P*['tlt-= - (AddrM) AO U-L Hi - 119 S EurSLX,_ 9C 2842S -- - - -�, Plot Rt(crame: Logs) , _ NIA , Bieck or Seclian �/A , us shown on Plot flack or Slide- Y A at Page(S) _ IVA Courtly. consisting of NIA saes. If this bo: is checked, 'Property" sh311 mean That pmperty dcKdbcd on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herewith by refetoce. r (Far infamration purposes: (1) the tar parcel number of the Properly is U2 9-56-023.7 ;0000 and, (ii) some mail of the Property, consisting of approximately 1.21 acrems, is described in Deed Rook 2520 , PageNo. 232 1Ponder County.) together With all bullding5 ur[d i�nprarcmcnu drn:rcan and all Amurae and appuncr�anccc therota and ail perv"l pm%umy if any, hctnW an ExhlbltA. 5 3Qo � (6) I,Pngrtifler PrMr° shbll Mean the stun of Two Hundred-SayepLY-Five Thousand Dollars. pwbk on rhe/bflon4ag rertus: (i) "i'p.a�n Nte�"y+� r3sall moon -i r:a Thacsaad _ Dol!am to trams as follows: To be delivered_ within 3 dax _cK aveoted coatra!a %JPD" 01h a%W VVuS ai.. L-114% . _.. ...is r:..,:w- 14. d.a r--." i.4.,, prorttptly deposited in escrow with l6aua . Wz"ick ra Marrhowa 4 (name of personlcmily wilh whom depwited), to be applied as pan pbynmt of the Purchase Price of the Property at Closing, or disbursed as ugmcd upon under the provisions of Section 10 herein. Page I of g This form Jointly approved by: STANDARD FORM SWT North Carollea BarAssociatiots Revised 111611 Noah Loroll+sa clneaa OrREALTOKSCM, 1„-. �'rRor t Buytrinitials Sellerlttit[abs - CarCwCvnrmcWLlLlailreWyCyl�aW •3KIIvy4,�,,,tIC74[ai n-- j$W1U.&MI [a [wrtacfn Cot V - amhre,a, *tge Jars RIM kus wan her. 640" 410H ww u%j=.4Ca SEP 2 5 z012 BV:_ FROM :WINDOW MILL ERSi HANOVER FAX NO. :973 867 6466 Jul. 10 2012 11:35PM P2 ® ARY CARN23T MONEY DEPOSITED ST BUYBk IN A IKUYI- AMOUNT KAY BE PLACED IN AN INTEREST BEARING TRUST ACCOUNT, AND: (cbeQronQ,ONE bay) 0 ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BE APPLIED AS PART PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF T"E PROPERTY AT CL03IN09 OR RISSURSW AS AGMED UPON UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION lb HEREIN. (Buyarls Taxpayer Napo tenon Number Rs } ® ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BELONG TO THE AMOUNT HOLDER IN CONSIDERATION OFTRIE EXPENSES INCURRED BY MAINTAINING SUCH ACCOUNT AND RECORDS ASSOCIATES? THEREWITH. S 94B(1i)Pc=cdseranavtaaninthe wrtaumof Dollars fora term or years, with an amortization period not to txcwd - years. at an imemsh rate not to exceed % per onnum with mortgage loan discount paints not to usee col % ar thR mart amount, or such other temp as may bo sat forth on F.vhihlt D. Buyer at it pay all cults ammixted with any such loan. s, MIA (111} Delinly nr n rnih arnbro y note secured by a deed or trust, said promissory none in the amount of Dollars being payable aver a tone of years, with an amonlMion period of years, payable in monthly iaslallments of principal, together with accrued interest an the outstanding principal balance at the rate of 9 C ", t (- %) per anfurm 1n the amount of$ , with ire First principal payment bcgimning art the brit day orthr month tuna succeeding the date of Cladng, or such odor terms as may be six forth on 901bit B. At any tare, the petmmi sary note may be prepaid in whole or In pan without penalty and without furEher interest on the amounts prepaid from the dam of such Vmpaymtomt. (NOTE: to the avant of Buyers subsequenr derault upon a promissory note and dead of treat given hereunder. Sailer % remedles may ba limited to roreetasare of the Praperry. if the deed a[ true given ltwmader h subordinated to cantor ficanclag, the material term of Iuch tioaoclag amst be set fortb oa Exhibit S. If such sentar fhnandng is subsequently foreclosed, the Seller may have no remedy to recover under the note,) 5 W/A (iv) Amur ip8tlp or that unpaid obligation of Seller secured by a deed or trust an the Property, such abligntlan having an outsmnding principal balance ors tired cvWnmd by a no* bearing interest at the note of perceat ( %) per onnum, and a current payment amaum ors The abligrrttans of Buyer under tins Agreement are eaaditioned upon Buyer being &his to assume tits existing loan described above, if such assumption requires uha lenders approval, Buyer agues to use its beat efrorts to secure such appoval and to advise Sella immediately upon nxript of the lendees, decision. Approval must be granted on or before . On or before this date, Buyer leas the right to tmm(natc this Algreement Nor failure to be able to assume thts loan described above by delivering to Seiler written notice of termination by the above date, time bdtlg of rho merco. If Buyer delivers sacs, notice, this Agtsattreru shall be null and vold and Earnest Money shall be reWcd to Buyer. If Buyer fails to deliver such notice, then Bayer will be dcemed to have waived the bean conditlaa. Unless (�� n provided otherwise in Section 3 hereof, Buyer t;hoil pay all fsas and casts aasDeiated with any such issurnpdon, including any assumption fee charged by the tender. At or berare Clmin& Seller shill assign to Buyer all interest of Seller in any current reserves or ewows hold by the leader, any property n/ management camp ny anNnr Sailer, including but not limited to nay torml improvemeat ruwvcs, VA !rising commission remrves, security depmlu and operating or capital reverves for which Salley shill be f Moto credited said amounts at Gaging. s (v) Cash, balance of Purchase Price, at Closing in the arnount of ,fig 8andxed R'kene:artcl _ Dollars. s era 8uycr lnidmis Seiler lnitidls STAMM= FORM S80-T Rt:vlled 112ol I o uzel I Ihotpeead raA tipt=enmm err rfP�opy , aai'a r� Mao eto,e, Fwrn Iadda&a fgOla lhelilY t)dllar FROM :WINDOW MILL EAST HANOVER FAX NO. :973 887 6466 Jul. 10 2012 11:36.9M P3 (e) " shah mean &C daft; and time or recording or the deed. ChroCng obeli occur on at borate KNRM t "' or 150. day-„IFem Cantrract Data A6 (d) "Untrcrt Notre mom Cho date this Agreement has been folly exe=cdby both Buyer and Seller_ (c) "FitamtnaHon .tc1#0a shall mean the period begianing on the Contract Date and extending thrauilh - re tftdaya from Couticact Data 7THE IS Oe THE ESSE WC,,EAJ W T1fLr EXr V1NATIONPBRIOD. (� "Brater(j)" Shall Mean: Mug. Waxylak..' Halt awa - ... -- ("Listing Agency"i r]'alen McCloud -- .. _ ("Listing Agear" - [.x*mc # ) Acting a: ® Seilee s. Agent; 0 Dual Agent and a Comm rc 1 L ('Selling Agency"), fiRsen ("Scl inr, A ilt". l.ictnee #,22�277 ) Aetna nc. ® Ruvces Anent. © Sellcrs (Sub) Agent: j] Dual Agent (g) _SrjlZj!S Notirr Address° shall be as rollows: t: 4 accept as time may be clanged pursuant to Section 12. (h) "Runt's Nottre Addrcae" shall be at follows: 240S-F Nasb It rlw T.�. RiLem. T:C 27996 5 except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 12. (i) Crthls block is marked, additional teens or this Agreement aro set rarth on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated heroin by reference (Note. Under North Corollas Law, real estate agents are tat petmltted to draft conditions or coatingendes to This Agreement.) &ctlon 2. Salc or Property and Payment or Purchase Price: Shier agrees to sell and Buyer Games to buy the Pt wy for the Purchase Pries. Section }. Proration of Ettpcases smd Pnymettl of Costs: Shcer and Buyer agree that all prgxq taxes (on a calutdar year basis), leases, rtnts, mortgage payments and utititles or any other assumed liabilities as detailed on attached Exhibit B, it any, shall be prorated n of the date of Closing. Soper &hail pay for preparation or a deed and all other documents necessary to perform 5cllces obligations under this Agreement, excise tax (revenue stamps), any deferred or tailback taxes, and other convcynncc far or taus required by low, and the fallowing: None Pqa 0 Buyer Initials_ Seller Initials ft duWd Wft l3YZ10A& INTO F'dtnn Lft R04 fr&W. WV.PP +6teta � STANDARD FORM S30.T 8cvlsed 11120111 C 7nol 1 Fawly 0a r FRW :LAINDOW MILL FAST HANOVER FAX NO. :973 687 6466 Jul, 10 2012 11:36AM P4 Buyer sfmil pay recording coats, Cain of any title search, tide Insurnice, survey, the coat of any Inspections or investigations undertaken by Buyer under Ibis Agreement and the following: tilorse - Bach patty shall pay its own sttomey's ft es. Secdon 4. Deflvorler Saller agsrta to use best ctTorts to deliver to Buyer its soon as reasonably possible afta the Contract bate copies of ail Itlftmnatirm re(atirg to the Property m pill session of or avaitahle, to Wier, Intludiina bar not limited to: Idle lrtsuranse policies, surveys and copies of all presently nfTccdvt *arranlies or service eontmcts related to the Property. Seller Luihcd= (1) arj attorney presently or pn:vtously representing Seiler to release and disclose any Hilt: ifsuranot policy in such attorneys file to Buyer and both Buyer's and Sellees agents and attorneys; and (2) the Propertys lille insurer or its agent w trleacc and disciaae all materials is the Pnopertyes title insurme's (or title tmtLys newts) file to Buyer Lod both Buyors and Scllcrs. gprttt and attorneys. If Buyer doer an ennn,.nmetrt the t IK'[na for anv reason other then Seiler default, then Buyer obeli return to Sella tM materials delivered by Seiler to Buyer putsumt to this $action 4 (or Sadler; 7, irapplicable), irany, and shall, upon Sews request, provide to sailer copies or tstgeci to the owaetship and copytight interests of the prcparcr tharcon any and all saxdies, report;, surveys: and other Inlbmtation relating directly to the Property prepared by or at etre rcquagt of Buytrr. Its employees and egerrur, and shall deliver to Sailer, upon the roloacs of the Earnest Money, copies of ail of elm foregoing wilttout any warssnty or representation by Buyer as to the contents, 8c=cy or correctness (hereof: Section 3. Evidence of Tide. Seiler agrees to convey fee simple marketable and insurable title to the Property itta and ticar or all Hens, cnarmbrances and defects or tide other than; (a) zoning ordinances aMeting the Property. (b) 140M (if applicable) and (c) manure of record -!rlrrtng as the fnish-ul bate that are not obitoled to by Busse prior to rho end orthe Examinatit a Peniad C'Permilled EncPtiov)i provided that Sells shall be required to satisfy, at or prior a Owing, any eacumk4mes die may be aftfied by the paymedu of a fixed sum of money, such as deeds of trust, mortgages or rtstutory liens. Salim shall not emir Into or record any instruuncnt that affects the Property (or any parrarlal Property listed on Exhibit A) afkrr the Conner Date without the prior written consent of Bttyor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned ar delayed. Section 6. Conditions: This Agreement and the rtg4nx and obligations of the parties nattier ibis Agmemem arc hereby made expressly conditioned upon fulfillment (or waiver by Buyer, whether explicit or implied) of the following conditions: (a) Kr,slLcan- The Buyer anthill be able to obtain the loan, if any, rafemnced in Section I(bxit} Buyer must be able to obtain a firm ctrmmitmem for this loan an or before 191A . efEbeave through the date of Closing. Buyer agrees to the its lust efforts to swum sitch cosnmitmtnt and to advisa Seller immediately upart receipt a ricadeev dechloo. on or before the above date, Buyer has the right to terrWrAw this Almoltnt for Ibiturc to obtain the loan teferanced In Section I(b)(ti) by delivering to Seiler writWt notice or tarnistmdon by tea above cam ante owing pf sha emwe"ae. t r wyo douv=* eu%4 awtn.e, this ^gICcu+eaa ,hell b& null and -void end Nam" MOnay !hall be relUndod to Ou wr it Rnyrr F41ia ,r, drlivrr raar:h W11144a^ that% %%Vv will be deemed to have waived the loan eondi►iort. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after the abaft dolt, Scller may r v#= in writing frwn suyor a oapy or tier am- rnitrnetu Isttrr. If A.yM fiik in provide Easier a copy or the commitment letter wahin rive (53 days of accipt of Sctids rtVast, liters seller may MM111ate alln Agreerucui by wrtimn natkm to Bvycr at any titre Lhw"fi+cr, pmvidcd Setkr Ilea not then received s copy or the enmmitmeat letter, and Buyer shaii Meeive a return or Tamest Money. (b) Jf Buyer is to assume any Webtedrtess in cas aeration with. payment of the Ptt dz= Price, Buyer egrets to at its best cffurts to quwifj for the sssumptlmr. Should Buyer rail to qualify, Buyer shill notify Seiler in writing imenedi2lely upon lendees decision, whereupon this Agnocwnt shall tenotinale. and Buyer shill receive A return of Earnest Many. (C) AAer lava Conteeet Onto, Htryer shall, st puyrr's eocprate. eotts- a sm. nraenlaetine, to hp ""An of she Ptoptrty berate the end of the Irrcnrr.iaatlon period. In the event that such tide examination shall show that Selleel thic is Wt fee simple Illarlretabic and insurable, subject only to Permitted Sxceptioru, then Buyer shot pmmpdy notiry Seller In writing of all P.4 tide defects and exceptions, in as can toter than the end of the ExAminwion Period, and Seller sbail have thirty (30) days to r= said noticed defeats. If Seiler does not card the defects or objectlanr within thirty (30) days or notice theemof, then Buyer may amtinate this Agreement and receive a return of Earnest Momy (notwithstanding that the F,xaminatign belied tray have ttpited). It Buyer is to purchase title insurance, tht Iosltrhtg company must be flansed to do blriincat iel due srato in which ten I%mparty to loea.ad. Title to the Property must be insurable at regular tales, subject only to standard exceptions and Permitted Fatceptiuns. (4 )3= Peedttton- if the Property is trot in subsetatially the same condttson ai Closing as of the dolt ordw Mar. rcuvrable wear and tzar exeepttd, then the Buyer may (i) tetmitwie this Agreement and receive a retatr of the Earnest Marley or (H) proceed to Clostrrg wiuroupoa Buyer sit I be entitled to receive, in addition to the Property, any of the Belles insurance proceeds payable an account of the derange of destruction applicable to the Property_ Buyer laidals Seller Initials STANDARD FORM 594-T. Revised 14411 � 71swOl E pm*jvA * EpVa p br>;1 W& taoro Fau.a svta raoad. rr ter. > ►+toxa taCtLmm fa * Ckilu FROM :WINDOW MILE_ ERST HRNOUER FAX NO. :973 B87 6466 Jul. 10 2012 11:38AM P5 (e) Ali; Buyer, its opm or repreoeauuives, at Buyers experhsc and at rmsmble times during normal budnrss houm shall have the right to enter upon the Froputy for dic purpose of imspeding, tmamtinirts, parforimna sou boring and other usstiag. conducting timber z cusses. and surveyieg the Property. Buyer shall conduct all such an -die inspections, armmirations, so3 baring and other teeing, timber cruises and survey'tag or the Property in a good and workmanitke manner, shall sap* my datrtsga to the Piopany caused by Buyar"s entry ano amlre tospcutlwea and aturt co.,duot a..n. ;a s enanrhor thre elnra nni unn=w mbly interfere with Seller's or any tenants use end erdoyment of the Property. In that respcn. Buyer gall snake reasonable efforts to undertake art -she inspectlam outside of the hours any tanerifs buxistess Is open to the public and shall give prior rhotlee m any tenants of any entry emu eny tenant's pordan of the Property for the purpose of catsducting inspeceimte. Upon Sellers requests Buyer shall provide to Seller Wdcace of general 16hoity insurance. Buyer shad also have aright to review and irupat all cantracts or allwr agroaroehts afltcting or colored directly to the Property and shall be entitled to review such books and records or Seller that mkto directly to the operation and mainunarxe of tha Pro". provided, however, that Buyer shall not disclose tiny Infotmtntian regarding this Property (or any tenant therein) unless required by law and the emte shall be regarded ns confidential, to any person, accept to its epornrys, acsauntrtats, tanders and other proftiianai advismt4 In which case Buyer shill obtain thclr agreement to maintain such confldentiolity. Buyer assumes all trspontibiliry for the nets or itself, its ag:nts or repmUrMtives in exercising its rigMa under this Section 6(a) and agrees to indmalry and hold Seth haru ku fmm any darnagcs re suliing thercliom. This indamaification obligatlon of lduyer shalt survive the Closing or cad la termimdon of this Agnomens. Buyer shall, at Buyer's experm. promnpily repair any damage to the Property caused by Buyer's enuy and on -afro inspndotu. apt as provided In Si ctan 6(c) kovc, Buyer shall have #rota ft Contract Dube ftati dt the end of the Examination Period to perform the above irupections, examinations and tesdng. IF BUYER CHOOSES NOT TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY, FOR ANY REASON OR NO REASON, AND PROVIDES WRrrMN NO110E TO SELLER THfs MF PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE EXAMINATION PERIOD. THEN THIS ACRUMFN'T SHALL TERMINATE, AND BUYER SHALL RECEIVE A RETURN OF THE EARNEST MONEY. 8ectlaa 7. Laaaos (Charts one of the fallowing. as applicable): Z1 if this box Is checkers. Seiler offinttatively represents oitd warrants that there are no tcaws (as herainaEter defined) afraetiag the Properly. © If this bore is checked, Sel ter ditckri= that there are cue or more leases effedkq the Property (aral or written, recorded or mot -'Lens') cad the following provisions are hereby mode a pan of this Agre metL (a) AO Leases shall be itatni;zed on Subibit B; (b) Seller salon!I drover capim orany Leases to aiiyer pursuant to Seeder 4 AS if the Lasses were lifted therein; (c) Seiler represents and warrants that as of the Contract Dote there are no current dei7tatu (or any existing situation which, with the passage or time, or the Riving of natice, or loth, or at the election or cilher landlord or tenant tould constitute o default) either by Sclkr, as tandlard, or by arty to mm under any Lassa ("Lease Rafaulr° In the event there is any Lmta Deroult as or the Contract Date, Seller agrees to provide Buyer with a dutaticd description of the situation to accordance with Sscsion 4. Seller agn= not to commit a Lassa Deroult sa Landlord after the Contract Dale, and agrees further to notify Buyer immediately in the event a Le= O+butt erts+s ne lee -!aimed, aswrted or dumtened to be asserted by cilher Salter or a team tinder the Lease. (d) In addition to Ire aondiciam provided in Section 6 or this Agreement, this Agreement and the tights and abll*ans of the parties Linder this Agmment are hereby made expm-Ay condititaW upon the anignme m ofSeneeg imam in any Last to Buyer in form and content suxptablt to Buyer (whir tenant's writtea content and acknowledgment, it required under the Lease), and Seller agrees m use i6 beat effaen to eflbct such assignment. Any assignment required under this Section 7 stall be required to be delivered of or before Closing by Seller to addidon to those deliveries mquired under Section I I of this Agreement (e) Seller orgies to deliver an as sionmew of Any Luria at or before L:22 tg. with my se ewily deposits hedd by Seller 0%der any Lena to be tranekncil or credited to Buycr at or before Closing. Seller also agrees to execute and deliver (rind work dsiligeettly to ut►Wit mhy tarot Apu a cs oeaamory for shorrha) any nxrnrnal carrif3ernte s and subcKrtation. nandisturbarra and aaamenteot agreamenis in such farm as Buyer may nmsottably rcquem. Sitellon L 8nAranturntal: Seller repracti a and warrants that It has ao actual knowledge ord o presence or dWmsbl, cxmpt as in ace ca brace with applicahk low, within the buildings cr on the Properly of hatacftus tar toxic waste or subs>ssccs, which arts defined as thm substances. materials, mod ►vaster, Indudirmg, bet not limbed in, those wbstancss. makriala and wages listed in the United Slates DcpaeUneM or T aosponation Hatardahs Materials Table (49 CFR Past Mi01) or by the F.nvirorsmrettal Pratettion Agency as hamrdous substances (40 CFR Pelt 3024) mad amnndrmis thereto, or such substances. materiala and wastes, which sera or become regulated under any aMihcable toes!. state or federal law. Intl uliing. Without ilmhatlon, arty mivarial, wane or 6st6smace wttirh is () peraleum, (i) asbaias, (li) polythLuinated biphcnyls, (iv) designated as a H=dauir Substance ptusuant to Section 311 or doe e of s Buyer Initials Seller Initials STANDAM FORM 599-T Ravlsad II7011 074011 Peedfasrt hhitarap14rnd93sy =Ipt ht� taaro �atseeh Yso Road Peuet. utd gerh IOU* OhOW rpnm : u t I+tt1f m mli I PQr T waNnL a=t? FOX wn : 97i AR7 rater~ T.. l In 7n17 1 1 : IQRM PF Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. § 1321) or listed pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act or 1977 (33 U.S.0 11317), (v) defined as a hazardous waste pursuant to Section Ioo4 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or 1976 (42 U.S.C. 16903) or (vi) dchined as a hassrdous suhm-= pursuant to Section I D I of the Comprehensive Environmental Responw. Caalpensation and Liablilty Act or p990 (42 U.S.G 19601) Sella teas no actual knowledge of may coinamirmtion of the Properly fives such substances as may have bceo disposed error stored an neighboring tracts. Section 9. IRislc of LessMoeeagelRapair. Until Closing, the nest or loss or damage to the property, except ass otherwise provided herein, shall be borne by Saner. FAcW n to maintaining the property in its same condition. Seller shall have no responsibility for rite repair of the Property, including any improveateriM unless the parties hereto agree in writing. Section 10. firiruest Mosey Dlsbarsementl In tha event that any of the conditions hereto are not satustuea, or tat Ore event of a bmudi of this Agreement by Seller; then the Famest Money shall he returned to Buyer, but Birch'ratum shall not affect any other remedies available to Buyer for such broach. In the event this offer i3 asoeptcd aid Buyer briutcho this Agnemoat, than the Earnest Money "I be fartbiled, but such forrei um shall to of%tx any other rertted'es available to Seiler for such breech. NOTE in the event era dispuw imt..*..o bolter and 0oyow owe ter* r-te.rn nr ffirreieum or Esmest money held in eseraw by a tit:crssad real esie brasher, the broker is ra iloirmi by uses law to retain sold Eames Money in Its alert or escrow account tmdl It has obtained a written release man uto paNes consenting to its disposition or until dlsbursanat is ordamd by a court of eanpeteat3at:sateuoA or atremtalvdy, Fire yttt tr ta:wu err Eamcst Money may deposit the disputed monies with the sppmpriste elect or court in matt me with the provisions of N.C.G.S. §93A-t2. Scedoh I L Closing: Al or berom Closing, Seller shall dcliver to Buyer a general warranty deed unless otherwise spect-W on Erdtibii E and other documents customarily excs used or delivered by a seller in similar transaediarts, inehWi% whhotn thnitatiom a bib of sale For any personally listed on Exhlblt A, an ownds afFdaA4 lien waiver forms and a non -foreign slatas affidavil (ptersumit la the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Aux), and Buyer shale pay to Seller the Furcl= Price. At Ckelhg, the Earaw Mm q shall be applied as part of the Ptud= Price. The dosing shell be conducted by Buyer's attorney or hand led in such other manna as f}rc panics hereto may mutually agree in writing. Pmasion shall be dclivered u Closing, urdass otherwise agreed herein. The Pt mbise Price and other funds to be disbursed pursuant to this Agreementshall not be disbursed until Closing has token plane. Section I i NodCas. Unless otherwise provided herein, all notions and other communications, which may be or are required to be Sim or made by my pay to the other In connimlon hrmwith shall be in writing and "I be deemed to have been properly given and received an the date delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, registered or iwrlified, return naeeipt requested. to the addresses set out in Section I (g) as to Seller and in Section I (h) as to Buyer, or at such other addresses as specified by writtat noliar delivered in accordance herewith Section 13. Endre Agreement: This Agreetaeat cons4tutes the solo and entire MV=r out among the parties hereto and. no modirwaifon or" Agreenwt shall be binding unless in writing and otigned by all patties hereto. Section 14. Warceabillty: This Agreernew shall become it contract when signed by bob Buyer and Seller and such signing is comminicaed to both parties; it being expressly opted that the notice described in Section 12 is not required far effective commun'Icatimt W the purpeais of this Section 14. This Agreement shall be binding %q= and itinre to Uu benefit arLhe parties. their hairs, succet son and aasigns and their personal represaritalives. Section 15. Adverse blarmatlou and Compllanee vritb Lows: (a) Scllnt Ic igg- Seller has no acWi knowledge of (i) eonderrmatiott(s) of bcdag or imntemptated with respect to the Property: 0) actions. suits or proceedings pcWInB or threatened againal die Property: (iii) duals eme mpWed In any applicable laws, ordinances or restrictions affecting the Property; or (iv) govaimcn4d special asaaSSmeatts, either pending or confmnad, ibr sidewalk, paving, enter, sower, or other Improvtme nts on or adjoining the Property, and no pending or confirmed owners' association special aucssrmts, except as follows (lnsert'None" or the ldentifteation army mouser relating to (i) tlrrougb (iv) above, if say): Note: for purposes of this Xweement< a "confirmed" special assessment is ddlood as an nuessment that"has been approved by o govrmmoial agency or an owners' association liar the purpose(s) stated, whwher or not it is fully payable at time of clasin0. A "pending" special assesirttent is dellned as an assessment that Is under Formal ennofderadon by a governInS body. Seller stall pay all oWnerf' alsoCMUon a315a5nrcroa and all Lprctttu,waawl afacaamsms "err mod as O d,e date of c1ocinp, Or ■ny. ■n,i p„yrr dull tAkrt aide out,jent to ail sanding oroptrllw% it t icetawd by Seller herein. it onv. Sellers raprese u that the regular owrwe astocfaeion dues, if any, are i looses per orb 94W Initial$ Seller lailids STANCLARD FORM SMT Revised 1/2011 1074011 e>OSCO wit OF&M ear itipLaaa team FIRM hero RN& Raw. Whip"We EMIMLOdL= pacral DWW FROM :WINDOW MILL EAST HWOl1ER FRX NO. : 973 687 6466 Jul. 10 2012 11: 40PM PS (b)Camplian= To 5dlefs w=l knowledge, (i) Seller has complied with all applicable laws, wdiaames, motions, statutes, rules and nethectlons pertaining to or affecting the Property; {iQ paromwce of The Agmernent will not result in the breach or, rorunime any default under or result (a the imposition of any lien or encurobrance upon the Property under any agreetneor of other instrument to which Seller is a Para or by which Seller or the Property is bound; and (uij then are 0 lebol atxloM suits or ago legal or administrative proceedings pending or threatened aueinst the Property, and Selier is not mm of any seas which might roach in any such action, suit or other proceeding. Settloo 16. Survival of Rap acifledow and Warraalloc AD ri;presennlions, wwunttcs, covwmats and agreements made by the parties hereto shall survives the Closing and delivery orthr deed. Saner shall, at or within six (6) months after tine Ctosing, and with" further cansideration, execute. ociutawledge and deliver to Buyer sooh other documents and lnsmanewts, and take such other aetiou as Buyer may ressaaably request of as Wray bo natmsmry to more effectively transfer to Buyer the PAVtarty described herein in wmdnn= with this Agreement. SocAa„ 17 Arrlir•t.to I.~ Thie Aarmnvni Onit hr rmetnir.d tmd4r the lau s of the stoic in which the Property is located, This Farm has only been approved fbr use in Nortli Carolina. Section l& Assipmant, This Agrecmerrt is rrt ely assignable unless otherwise expressly provided on Exhibit S. 5ecdon 19. Tax-Dermed Exchange: In the event Buyer or Seiler desires to effect a ta%-def=d mbmhge. in tmrmccdon with the conveymnccs arthe Property, Buyer and Seller agree to wopamto (6 effecting stab exchnW. provided, howaves that the exchanging Way shall be respaasible for ail addltkxW caul associated with such czdhangc, and provided Amhw, that a nna-r4ei,angirtg pony shail'aet asairne any odditlotmi liability with respect to such tax -deferred exchange. Soler tend Buyer shall execute afelh additional docuntonts, at no cast to dtc non -exchanging pony, as shall be required to give offal io this provision, tieC"00 %V- 1nC9M*► ndUZM err C"n4euou WWII ,.yur.t by will. W. t,. tl— s+urns wh.,lt "r'mv c w tna.wnrw,t i.,- nr annArr in recordable farm setting forth such provisions hacof (other than the Purchase Price end other sums due) as either party ahoy wish to facorporam Such merumaa6m of cataract shall contain a staiemsnt that h swomat'tatlly terminates and the Property is released from any 0W thereby as of a specific date re. be stated in the memorandum (which specific date shall be no later than the date of dosing). ne cast orrecarding such mernowdurn of contract aball be barite by tha party requesting eicrutian of samr. Seedou 21. Authorlir. Each signatory to this Agreement represents and wansrds Ow he or the It= full authority to sign this Agreemem and such instruments as may be nrectsaty to efreciuste arty trttrm=iva cwde mpiahed by this Agrestnent on behalf of the party. for whom he or she signs and that his or her signature binds sucb party. Section 21. Broken: Excapt as exptmly provided henin, Buys and Seiler wee to hwanit(fy and hold each other harmless fraah any and all'clalint or brokers, cansnlu m or real estate agents by, through or tinder the Indemttirying patty ror ran or camsaistiont addrtg out or the rate or the Property to Buyer. Buyer and Salicr represent and warrant to each other that: (() except as w dha Brokers designated under Section 4 (1) of this AVeentent. they have nos outplayed nor engaged any brokers. tonsuhants or real estate agents In be Involved in this tronncdan and CM that the compensation or the Brokers is established by and shalt be goveraed by wpo=ta sYrtemema catered Into ns amongst tiro Broken, i he Buyer zmdlor. the Soper. 0 EIMSYNTMIC MCCO: If the od*ertt box is chocked, Seller discloses that the Property has been clad previously (either In whole or In part) with an "exterior imuiatfag and finishing systera" carnrnoWy know as °EiFS" or "synthetic stme. Sailer makes rm npresamtians or warmn ties regarding such synem and Buycr Is odvisi:d to make its own independcot delerminnions with respect to asnditicm muted to or occasioned by than existence arsurh materials the tic Property. THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS& INC. AND THE NORTH CAROLINA BAR ASSOCIATION MAKE NO REFR SENTATION AS TO TIME LEGAL VALiDITY OR ADEQUACY OF ANY PROVISION OF THIS Fam iN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS FORM OR FEEL THAT IT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR YOUR LEGAL NEEDS, YOU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY BEFORE YOU SIGN IT. Wore Buyer initials seller 1 nitials taear d uh i¢om Vb j W4tx +earn n1w Wa R A FMW. otU4W aeaae tt oL daisgtsahte STANDARD FORM 590-T Rovlsed 1111111 DIA011 Fatuity Dalhr FROM :W1NA061 MILL EAST HANOUeR FAX NO. :973 997 6466 Jul. 10 2012 11:40AM P7 BUYER: SELLER: tadivided Individual 144rz Ao 6aorEe Dates _.... , .. — ,.� Daie: Data" Bastams entity e of atity) By:. a. .. 'ti(iC s now — q!Z atutness Entity (Namara Enfity) By: ThIc Deed The undarvigned hareby aeknowledgm receipt of we Esrom mimic) aot [mrth %rram red 09. 9 to 6niel *Al Farava molicy in amrdonre with the terms hereor Hama io r90thm 4 r Firm) By: Page aara STANDARD FORM 983-T Rawma 11Z01 t ® 712011 PioduRle rtSh sa�anal► W t�Lepr �6afp Fum.n Mich Rwd. Furor. M�vpm teate +terarsntoolt �a Fwdty tmh r FROM :WINDOW MILL EAST WANOUER FRX NO, :973 B87 6466 Jul. 10 2012 11:42AM P9 EMISIT A "Property Desalption" Map Page 1 of l - —� :• .C;.7Y.r'- ��:4 _•��r ��. •r••.v�T fy: �T:.n�'".,:_T•'sr�'i\�s�r] • 1 4. •��^ �. �� 'Y _ _ `r'� ' . ^r I .}'F r-.r fit: — •.. • �a �i'y �rsl' •� r .'f' ' JIT; r l...' •f=.���. `�...`'.'rti, G�..�; � t �'�- 'PC ,, �••. r.„ � �_ :.S /,�! L•.s�s""i�_t�.., -i =4: r-f'� :Sr•_'�i,•'. _•'-t •, �; C�r,u - = :�;�4;'�,�'.::.�f: y".•'.1_F';�s .a.c•. .i �,: �1w��..••; .art �:•:- r;, �.`!Y .:r: rii � ti".r•• f�Y ~'1',��•Jf •� r_ ''.i• , �•••' Imo,• i. %•l � .... .. ail il• .:1 �'� _�v.a �r r: L�f:. ••11��~,, r� ._i}.,. •.l ^•��^• ''Y_ �•;` 4: 1 )))i- ��; fit♦ "';i•rl�e .L .re @�.ti-i'.1.'�• ':.' �; jyf-1 ! r ^/~_ • yr` ��iA� •'1 3.� ���' ,1 '� � �� .' Y AW •" ('� . y i k, i fib+ _ ; S[a1G:::4C0 (1) Pat — -56.80 1'Occ4 OSIc' a]7311]1 "A& SWCVCNW atoml Mir "f%A7 Accra aQlJO•nao" me ca ALc4uwT.44 a1 84e07 tfrrr wRnrART rc'NMSMSII ica S11TV H tuns catP auRua ar:4ins .cars. rat mopm7 ACORNS: CCA us ow v f li 3 Lmo vhl"& $IS%20c.cc PRO►ILM ROC1O"K. MW W ti C aw. WN.1114 VAwm off'S14" as rusaAw m7Ac VA"w W16114-ac VAIV III ISJlncA MAW sawn Cc co mbbinflom mru fwt� gia.l+endcrcnwuync.bo�!r>e�\yis/vic Stream Class: C� [DSA Map DOffsite to SW8 Subdivided?: Subdivision or Single Lot ORW Map -17]Exempt Paperwork Emailed Engineer on: EE rsu pplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s): FIO&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swales) Application with correct/original signatures ❑Corp or LLC: Sig. Auth. per SoS or letter Note to Reviewer: F-1$505 (within 6mo) Hof- v.Ty � Soils Repot t SHWT i r with H T.� r1 n_ _ ❑Calculations (signed/sealed) 5 s U't�. No obvious errors `y - '' :5 Density includes common areas, etc CO' 15 eed Restriction s, ifisu� ed: Signed & Notarized ACE 5�um�� Ca1C5 Correct Template (Comm/Res & HD/LD) or Dec: Covenants & Rest. Plans 2 Sets Grading Vicinity Ma Legend Infiltration Soils Report SHWT: Bottom Visited: Additional Information: BUA (sf) DA (sf) PP (el) SHWT (el) Depth (ft) SA (sf) uDetails (roadsgcul s Wetlands: Deline �LLaayout (propose �DA,Maps Wet Pond El Soils Report SHWT: PP: curbs, sidewalks, SMPs, Buildings, etc) A dimensions) ElProject Boundaries Offsite EIPE Cert for Master Deed Rest for Master BUA Permitted (Master): BUA Proposed (Offsite): Lot #: Lot # Matches Master Permitted Proposed: Proposed: Proposed: sf sf Pamlico Engineering Services, PLLC 128 Abbey Lane WASHINGTON, NC 27889 PHONE (252)945-2983 Pamlico EnQinrering CrViCes To: Date 8/29/12 Job No. 12019 NCDENR - DWQ Attention Family Dollar Bur aw WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE No DESCRIPTION 2 Plans and narratives 2 Applications I eck THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 20_ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Please call if you have any questions. Marie U. Peedin, PE. ECEIVE AUG 3 12012 BY: 9 - - i —� 1 � � { �' � � ' S _ i � '_ i + � ' , � , i �. - ; j - � i � � � ` + � ` ti i � � � � _ . � i ' # I f. � ., q r ' i� �i�V� � ; � � ia: is ' i � —� ,.+ ' � r � � � -� 1 _ _ { � � • � - � ! � � � t _ _ � ' , �. � � � _ � i ! r r_ _. `_ _ ' 1 i � � � I 1 _ �+ � , � � � t + '. � - �- � , — � - ~ �_ i _ � _ � ' � ' C "�"R o BUSINESS CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT �.n NAME OF BUSINESS CORPORATION: Eastern Pride Inc. FISCAL YEAR ENDING: 2012 SECRETARY OF STATE CORPORATE ID NUMBER: 0647965 NATURE OF BUSINESS_ Real Estate development/leasing REGISTERED AGENT: Thomas, Charles A. REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: 2405-F West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 E-Filed Annual Report -1-0-5568214 For year 2012 Do not data enter manually. STATE OF INCORPORATION: NC REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRESS: 2405-F West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Wilson County PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: (252) 399-1964 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS: PRINCIPAL OFFICERS: 2405-F Nash Street W. Wilson, NC 27896 2405-F West Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Name.' Charles A Thomas Name: Banns Boykin Title: President Title: Secretary Address: Address: 2405- F lFest Nash Street 2405- F [Vest Nash Street Wilson, NC 27896 Wilson, NC 27896 CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED BY ALL BUSINESS CORPORATIONS Charles A Thomas FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION Charles A Thomas 03/20/2011 M. President TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRIN"I' TITLE ANNUAL REPORT FEE: SI8 MAIL TO: Secretary of State • Corporations Division • Post Office Box 29525 • Raleigh. NC 27626-0525 AUG 3 12012 BY: 0 DWQ USE ONLY ... Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number Applicable Rules: ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Coastal SW - 2008 ❑ Ph 11- Post Construction (select all that apply) ❑ Non -Coastal SW- HQW/ORW Wafters ❑ Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑ Other WQ M22t Plan: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality i STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This farm may be photocopied for use as an original L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Burgaw - Family Dollar 2. Location of Project (street address): US 1171H3yx City: Burgaw County:Pender Zip: 3. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): Approximately 450 If south along US 117 from the US 117 and NC 53 Intersection 4. Latitude:34 * 33' 34" N Longitude:77* 55' 15.8" W of the main entrance to the project H. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. a. Specify whether project is (check one): ®New ❑Modification b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number , its issue date (if known)_--__-_, and the status of construction: ❑Not Started ❑Partially Completed* ❑ Completed; *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project (check one): ❑Low Density ®High Density ❑Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DWQ requesting a state stormwater management permit application, list the stormwater project number, if assigned, and the previous naive of the project, if different than currently proposed, 4. a. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks; information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑LAMA Major ®Sedimentation/Erosion Control:1.17 ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater ❑404/401 Permit: Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name, Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit 5-1pq.�.+. p} ' 4 C 9= R 1p JV= ¢ f AUG 3 12012 Y 9 BY. Form SWU-101 Version 071uly2009 Page 1 of 1. ..: { i } —.. ' I i • 1 .. 1 e '.! v k� �, e ' l .. ,_ t _. � �� .. .� -• j: -fir ' r '{ k III.: CONTACT INFORMATION 1. a. Print Applicant / Signing, Official's name and title (specifically the developer, property owner, lessee, designated government official, individual, etc. who owns the aroierti: Applicant/Organization: Eastern Pride Inc. Signing Official & Title:Bgrnes Boykin _ b.Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Address:2405-F Nash Street City: Wilson State:NC Zip:27896 Mailing Address (if applicable); City: State: Zip: Phone: L52 -- ) 230-0632 --- - Fax: — Email: c. Please check the appropriate box. The applicant listed above is: ❑ The property owner (Skip to Contact Information, item 3a) ❑ Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ® Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Developer* (Complete Contact Information, item 2a and. 2b below.) 2, a. Print Property Owner's name and title below, if you are the lessee, purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization:GeoWe Shevchuk Signing Official & Title: George Shevchuk b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: Street Address:l Glenbrook Court City:Whigpan State: NJ Zip:07981 Mailing Address (if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: j Email: 3. a. (Optional) Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project. Other Contact Person/Organization:Selden Taylor - Mock and Taylor Construction Co — Signing Official & Title:Selden Taylor, P.E. President b. Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Mailing Address:1825 Carolina Ave City:Wg§Wngt nn _ _ State:NC Zip.27889 Phone: L252 975-5855 - Fax: - Email: 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits: Pender Co. Point of Contact- Tommy Gams Phone #: 910 %2sn AUG Form SW-101 Version 07July2009 Page 2 of 7 gy; '� � -i ' rs� `I � 1 l ' . � s • - F .. �� � 1� .. _ _ .. _ �• _ ._ _ _ _ ._ _ i� _. _ ... 'F' .� - -- - — ' — - - — � _ _ _ I 1{� e. ' � � � _ � 3 . � •� i .'f r _ � � . i 1 jf IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Stormwater runoff from the development shall be treated by_a wet pond and then overflow into an„exfsimg ditch before draining into a tributM of Bur aw Creek 2 a. If claiming vested rights, identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: ❑ Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑ Other: Date: b.Identify the regulation(s) the roject has been designed in accordance with: ❑ Coastal SW -1995 Ph Il - Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear River basin. 4. Total Property Area:1.17 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: 0 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: 0 acres 7. Total Property Area (4) -- Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5) - Total Surface Water Area (6) a Total Project Area+:1.17 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water (NHM line or Mean Hi$h Water (MHIM line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW (or MHf Iine. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BL AI Non -coastal wetlands Landward of the N14W (or MHM Iine may be included in the total project area. S. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 - 56.5 % 9. How many drainage areas does the project have?1(For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects, use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. E C EIVE7 AUG 3 12012 J BY: Form SWU-101 Version 07July2009 Page 3 of 7 0 Basin information ; :Drains a Area 1 . ; Drains a Area; Drains Area... Drains a Area Receiving Stream Name Trib to Burgaw CA Stream Class C-SW Stream Index Number* Total Drainage Area (s 50965 On -site Drains a Area (so 50965 Off -site Drainage Area sf) 0 Pro osed Imp2rvious Area* s 28818 % Impervious Ares** total %.5 Im ious`" Surface Area-. - Drama a Areal; ,Drains e�Area Drains ,Area Drama e'Area On -site Buiidin /Lots (sf) 8320 0 0 On -site streets s 0 On -site Parkin (sf) 18649 On -site Sidewalks (sf) 1849 0 Other on -site (so 0 Future Lsf) 0 0 Off -site s 0 0 Existing BUA*** (S9 0 Total sf): 28818 * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: htttz o.ennstate_nc.us,/b ms repor#s ortsWB.htmX *" Im ous area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. ** Report only that amount of existing B CIA that will remain after development. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BLIA. 11. How was the off -site impervious area listed above determined? Provide documentation. NA Pro jMts in Union County: Contact DWQ Central ice staf'to check if the project is located within a Threatened & Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per NCAC 02B . 0600 V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance (O&M) forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the foams can be downloaded from httpJLh2o.enr.state.nc.us/summp forms,htm. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from h .enr.state.nc.us/sujbmp.orms.htm. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office. • (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at http:/1h2o.enr.state.nc.us/suL—m maps.htm.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item. All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bml2 orms.htm_ Initials 1. OriginaI and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit A!rda�t 6hF V� 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed RestricProtective Cov Form. (if required as per Part VII below) UG 3 1 2012 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) sealed signeded and O&M agreement(s) for each BMP. BY:. 4. Permit application processing fee of $505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review, refer to hn:/Zwww.envhelp.org/p2gm/onestopexpress.html for information on the Express program Form SWU-101 Version 07July2009 Page 4 of 7 - 1 � � � '� � } � F 1 - I ' I ' 1 h ♦ � � . I � • . • I • - - -� i rti 1 1 -. _ .. � _ _ F.... - - « a - I i I 1 , � f� ^'' -. -,� _ � ._, r, 1 y� 4 i 1 1 t ^ ^ . 1 . I 1 � - e u i � i � 1 ! i i •� � ' I � • � ± .�M ` • I � ; r -1 1 i T .: '' •� � I -- ( • I 1 - ` ` .• - h � , ' 11i _i I 1 Y 1 j � ' •�I ' _ � ' - �� } �� IY' �� 1 � 1 1n _ i � . � r � 3 "� � 1 � 1 � l � � I 1 I - � - � , and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) 5. A detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing the stormwater treatment/ management for 6. A USGS map identifying the site location_ If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within lh mile of the site boundary, include the 1/2 mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed, signed and dated calculations. 8. Two sets of plans folded to 8.5" x 14" (sealed, signed, & dated), including: a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firm. c. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. d. Legend. e. North arrow. f. Scale. g. Revision number and dates. h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the banks of streams and rivers, the MHW or NHW line of tidal waters, and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the banks of streams or rivers, and the MHW (or N 1M of tidal waters. i. Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings & distances. j. Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned. k. Existing contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations. 1. Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures. m. Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated (included in the main set of plans, not as a separate document). p. Vegetated buffers (where required). 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations (Please identify elevations in addition to depths) as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs. Include an 8.5"x11" copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs, the report should also include the soil type, expected infiltration rate, and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to Wi.RO: Schedule a site visit for DWQ to verify the SHWr prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) 10. A copy of the most current property deed. Deed book: 835 Page No: 861 _ 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations (LLC): Provide documentation from the NC _ Secretary of State or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information, item la, 2a, and/or 3a per NCAC 2H.1003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned. http:I /www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions, outparcels, and future development, the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary, a table listing each lot number, lot size, and the allowable built -upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction farm. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from httn://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmv forms.htm#deed restrictions. Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner, it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s) below, the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project, if required, shall include all the items requirec�' h�t'and listed on the forms available on the website, that the covenants will be binding on all p ns claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be nged or de�eteci� without concurrence from the NC DWQ and that they will be recorded prior to the 'It- oaWY Tot 4J � Form SWU-101 Version 07July2009 Page 5 of 7 . - •r _ - r . - �/ _- - - 1 J � 1. f. -. ' + ..� �. .. • ti 71 f 7 11 • 4 AL , is r �, • .1'1` • !^, 1 + r 1 - .. .. ' I . is •{ . t r .e 1 FROM .WINDOW MILL EAST HANOVER FAX NO. :973 887 6466 Aug. 18 2012 12:01PM P6 VIiL OONA XTANT MEORMAnON AND AU HDR=71ON . 117- 777 IX MOP61tW OWNER AUT M=AMN (¢Canbaedl>P=&% thm 2 has baxjMd =4 aa�tcde t#�r's Ir (prd ar 9W rmme aftam irsdod in Canted ho=Wm ibx Ta), Q= &mftj ' csftfY that I awn the pz"ty kkndtfoed inn this pennR applicablon, and &= g1ve p to *wW ar tpv mmeftwmi hobCd in Contffd h fm=ahm& ikm Ira} MM ftft . ^__.. wi& 4wW er 4W rm 2- of arsmimdWifitsdin Caaxw lnformat4% fh= Ibj AmAn Pft_ Inc. to develop the p w)ect as cvmdiy p mposed. A copy of the lease agreemmt or peadiag ympsrty sales contract has been provided vd& the sabndftl, whkfa the party responoibb for the operathm and nuuntemm= of tim stornw8tei q stem. As the legal property owe I aclaeawledSer instated, and agme by my a belay, that if m tied agent (entity IbW in Coxftd khmattan, item 1) &wof es fludr Wto ar cancels az ddaalb an lease agreem�e+rl or pending saw amity for eompltance wIBt�D ►atez k1w revue sm bacfC ta completed Name bo F within W da n Daf �bmahnent f r i without a validpernft I undastamd that the cpmation of a skamnvaber tt+eatntemt fadility without o valid is a violation of W Gemmel Shme IASM5.1 and may result in f- - x=mt action bidudbg the assessment of dvtl of up to VRIV 4+ pvqfmgt tag Ndzlii 715.6r MAL Mkftb A ROW NOW Jenny My tbmmtn 8-147 mycommbdon ECEUVEr AUG 3 12012 BY:_ � x' �� r t A APPUCANr$ CF.RTMCATTON i, (print or type mm of Mwn Ui W in Contort Infwmathn; its 2) Burnes Bmhn c� that due i *anaflon included on flus permit application form is, to the best of my knowkAr, comet and that the project WM be constructed inconformarkee with the approved plans, that therequhed deed. oars and protective covenants wM be reoorded, and that the proposed project camplks with the requimments of the applicable starmwater rules un I7ACAC 2H ,1000, SL. 2006-246 (Ph- H - Post Constrsxction) or 5L 2W&21rt g _. eDatm„ fmr,,SS6,]bng a Notary PuWc for the State of M L04DU County of It]&n - do hereby certUy that - - _ OAS �n ply appeared before me this irday of 20 k Z . and acknowledge the due mmcudm of the application for a sto=water perm;* Witness my hand and offi.dal seal, .% pZAR.y 4 ram 3 . y Form SW J-101 'Varsion 07JUIY2009 SEAL My c==Udonexpires QUA.At t o aat Page 7 of 7 EC E OVEM AUG 3 12012 . _ .._ :�. r _ _ _ __ _. _._� _ �_ .. _. _. _. .. " � . _ __ � - �— f v a i � � � a �� - � �* � + ♦ , � .. FROM :WINDOW MILL EAST HANOUER FAX NO. :973 887 6466 Aug. 18 2012 12:02PM P7 X A,PPLWAN" ON be[oa+ame ��.�dayaf i -�1Z: a� arla��rl�d�e$�daema��e�� $ter a{y�dem�od�datse�. MAL AL SL 40 ,tJ pU 9 L ,ice �Q vWX EC E IVE AUG 3 1 2012 BY: Farm 8wu-im valim ovaly2m 1te 7 af7