HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8120110_COMPLIANCE_20120206 (2)STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE o2O YYYYMMDD Stormwater Treatment Narrative Wellington Grove Apartments Wellington Grove, LLC owns a 14.39 acre tract located off of existing Carolina forest Blvd approximately 900 feet North of Western Blvd within the city limits of Jacksonville, NC. The tract is currently undeveloped. Wellington Grove, LLC (managed by Wellington Grove Housing of Jacksonville Inc.) plans to construct an apartment complex. The proposed development will include 88 one, two and three bedroom apartment units in six buildings with Stormwater Treatment Facilities (Wet Detention Basin) located on site. The Treatment Facilities will be sized to handle the proposed development plus access roadways and associated parking. The project site is located in the White Oak River basin. The tract is currently wooded with most runoff draining to adjacent ditches on the Southeast and which lie along the boundary of the tract. From there the flow is into a nearby unnamed -tributary of Half Moon Creek (C; NSW). The project site is adjacent to 404 (non -coastal) wetlands, but only a small portion of these wetlands extend to within the tract boundaries. The project has been designed to avoid disturbing the existing wetlands. The site is relatively flat (0.6%-1.5% slopes). The proposed development activities are high density (percent impervious > 24%); therefore, stormwater treatment facilities are required. The attached Stormwater Plan includes a wet detention basin located within the designed Stormwater lot at the eastern section of the site. This pond has been designed to meet the NPDES Phase II Rules, and according to current BMP Manual Specifications. The stormwater pond has been designed with a connected forebay and main pond. Runoff generated from impervious surfaces on site will be diverted to the forebay via inlets and underground storm drain pipes. Treated Stormwater will exit the main pond via the outlet structure124" CMP outlet pipe and into the nearby drainage ditch along the Southern boundary of the tract. FEB 0 6.2012 BY: vl Ft r .f'�i32II;�� ii L J n� a •>p .'� p ,/1---� • . -.. �j 1 - - it •it 01 s . ��� •yl lii` r`. �� i�P .../ f •�'" Az 4-f ' .tiles �,/I' -��'=1r� �i` �� A �� IaJ`r.. \\ �/ r• II R1 (!� /I_ �f ��•1 `�' I .J- eft S` ( v •�''�• �• + , -yam`:'' �i``I �. y�i ` l ��� 00 fl:-1 �U•�� +: \,.tiJ �_� 1�r �'�� � JZ � I� •�{1 •. ` �j� ri� ��`';' � V. .1 •`' `-,. / -\ `•i r � f`i � 7 .may'. �•- i I' � �^ � _ ��,nn�y1 � R ✓ �f�� G.-, 1�r1 f.�'`,'•�i r j+� i �i 3�;1ff �¢`��1��_ !•?s fj Va b�4 '�� 4��' �-. / TT:. /C rower ° � •�+.1;�n \ `�;� � . "`:� �,, y� V % F � 1'`�e '� $aQ Well =` 1' Grove Apts Al t l ower a f } —�y `-7If a»met A ryl� �' �' /(�/ r ri 1�✓� 4 )) \, C� /' -'�-�` /ilr ell, '3 e r 1 ,�� � � s ^tea �{si7 s� aa, t ' , i Af BT.•C � � 1'• t_ (I [` '�� ��' Y �f � �. ' � ��.� •�'.. 40r/ r ,f l� / /ram" Y t SCALE 1:24000 Q 1 MILE .✓ = 4 e v �i J / 0 10M YARDS �,�\ �;-. ,_ 4 �! ! _S:`l� �� �1 l L •� 1 t 0 1 KILOMETER ..r Name: JACKSONVILLE NORTH' Date: 01 /10/ 12 Scale: 1 inch = 2,000 ft. FEB 0 b.20i2 Copyngnt «, 20DO ,,,,Toi" {% LC�Jll,C�/iZ �fl ���?.�CGl�UI2Q• i .1003 Gregory Fork Road Richlands, NC 28574 Phone (910)330-2784 Fax (910) 324-6162 pittmansoil@yahoo.com January 18, 2012 John L, Pierce & Associates 409 Johnson Boulevard Jacksonville, NC 28540 Ref: Wellington Grove Dear Mr. Pierce, A SHWT determination was conducted at Wellington Grove located on Carolina Forest beside Emerdale Apartments. The initial evaluation was conducted on May 17, 2011 and confirmed ny Pat Donovan Potts on a later day. Hand auger borings in the proposed storm water pond showed a SHWT of<12" from the natural soil. This was deter -mined by the presence of chroma of 2 or less from the Munsell Soil Color Chart. A map of the auger boring locations and detailed boring descriptions has been attached. The findings are based on the conditions of the site at the time of evaluation, and any alterations may adversely impact the results. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 910-330-2784. Thank You. Sincerely, R. Haywood Pittman II NC Licensed Soil Scientist 1' FEB 0 6.Z01Z i -, V AUGER BORINGS of WELLINGTON GROVE BORING 1 DEPTH (IN) TEXTURE STRUCTURE I MINERALOGY MATRIX MOTTLES MOTTLES SWC 0-12 SL GR NS. NE 2.5Y 4/1 <12" 12-16" CL ABK SS,SP 2.5Y 611 7.5YR 518 16-47 SC M VS, VP 10YR 5/8 2.5Y 611 7.5YR 5/8 47-58 SC M VS, VP 2.5Y 611 7.5YR 518 58-77 LS GR NS. NE 2.5Y 611 77-110 LS GR NS. NE 2.5Y 5/1 110-156 Sc M VS, VP 12.5Y 511 BORING 2 DEPTH (IN) TEXTURE STRUCTURE MINERALOGY MATRIX MOTTLES MOTTLES SWC 0-12 SL GR NS. NE 2.5Y 411 <12" 12-18" SCL ABK SS,SP 2.5Y 611 7.5YR 518 18-60 SC M VS, VP 7.5YR 518 2.5Y 611 60-114 ILS GR NS. NE 2.5Y 611 2.5Y 614 114-134 Isc M VS, VP 2.5Y 511 134-152 LS GR NS. NE 2.5Y 511 152-180 ISC M VS, VP 2.5Y 511 i`I FEB 0 6402 11/28/2011 08:19 910-346-1210 JOHN PIERCE SURVEYIN PAGE 01/02 November 28, 2011 John Fierce & Associates 409 Johnson Blvd. Jacksonville, NC 28540 Ref: Wellington Grove Dear W. Pierce, �?1 I f1_ a-f (Jr"( <<'(1!''," �'rli'/{ f•.±J(;;+ An evaluation of the storm water pond at Wellington Grove was conducted to determine the possible drainage effects on the wetlands located near the pond. The soil in the proposed pond area was mapped as Rains in the Onslow County Soil Survey, and auger borings showed that the soil series actually was Rains. The hydraulic conductivity was determined to be between . I" and _01" per hour across the pond area_ This information was input into the Skaggs Method model to determine the lateral effect oFthe pond on the wetlands. Slmggs Method The PPE of the pond was designed at an elevation of 44.0, and the lowest wetland elevation was 49.00'- The difference of 5' was input into the model as the water table depth. The various ksat readings were also input in accordance with their corresponding depths. Auger borings were conducted to a depth of 6' to determine the restrictive characteristics of the wetlands. When using a drainable porosity of 0.035 the pond would need to be a minimum of 9' from the edge of the wetlands. The plans indicate that the pond will be a minimum of 13.8' from the wetlands, therefore will not dewater the wetlands If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 910-330-2784. Thank You. Sincerely, ewood Pittman itensed Sol! Scientist FEB 0 6 . Z01Z lt3Y: f1 1UHN PIERCE SURVEVIN PAGE 02/02 1/28/2011 08:19 910-346-1210 J JJj w Skaggs_method—summary.txt 44ietf7c it ith d`�.'k'ir4 �F"�'tr¢�r 7Y'A"k ik4 L'lt�7i �e Yr Yt'4 �r Sr A'eY #ir ilr�#'lF dlk�YY 1k'kitlFY!'A'Y4k¢�'k Si �Y �r YM A"a'iF iY it h'A'k ii it Ye'A'YC it ie Ye •Y VP'k ik ik Te YY dr Skaggs Method Program Determination of Lateral Effect for Roadside Ditch or Borrow Pit version Copyright 2006-2010 North Carolina State university written in CW Language by Brian D. Phillips East software update: March 16, 2010 Project Run bate and Time: 11/28/2011 5:22:46 AM it'!r'IlYF-ke'e�'ty!"k it �t 4r'A"k ik it 4'74'i[ir it 7r Y+'Yci'['!t'k Yt fr itu4'15"k it Yi y'1k ik 14 si Y��iF fr lF df �.`irfr Yl�'kih iY Yt eY Yf it iF 3t Yt 9l"7'iF�47e it i[1Y Sr ri'�iFtr 4gl it lei 7e'lt �k Project Information --------- -------------------------------------- Project Title/Description: WELLINGTON GROVE - - - - soil series or ID; MINS User Name: HAYWOOD PITTMAN Site Parameters ---------- --------------------------------------------- impoundment 'type: 2 (X=Roadside Ditch 2� Borrow Pit) - - - state: North Carolina County: onslow Surface storage: 2 inch Depth to water surface: 5 ft T25 value: 4.3 days Depth to Restrictive Layer: 6 ft Drainable Porosity: 0.035 weighted Hydraulic Conductivity: 0.0250 inch/hour Hydraulic Conductivity Data by La er Bottom Depth of Layer (in} Conductivity (in/hr} Layer 1 12 •1 Layer 2 72 0.01 Layer 3 0 0 Layer 4 0 0 Layer 5 0 0 ---------------------------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------ Lateral Effect: 9.0 ft ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Page 1 =BY: LL FEB 0 61012 - _ VC7 1►� - <� �j L z-�-Z L� � z.s z )41012�� Ll S cod v Far DENR U•• RNLY r C N North Carolina Department of Environment and ® Fz �: s`dw"° 1=0 Natural Resources NCDENR Request for Express Permit Review nm•. (' 3 Gorden: I _ I Z FiLL4N all the Inforrnaum below and CHECK the Permlt(s) you am requesting for awess review. FAX or Email the completed form to Evress Coordinator along wMh a completed DETAILED Bengt& site plan IPDF /itel and vklnliv mar isoog items oxmied in the application rackaae of the project k canon. Please Inchrde this form In the applicadon package. Asheville Region -Anson Davidson 828-290-46?8411s6n.davids ncmak �C �+ ,1 ■ • Fayetteville or Raleigh RegiorWUvid Lee 919.7914203; dav1dJeaOncnw1Lrrq) • kboms4le 6 -Patrick Grogan 704-6M772 or joqtrkk.92MLnjfteflwi1.nqt • Washington Raglon-Lyn Hardison 252-9469215 or kr:L and onPnprtalLii • Wilmington Region-lanot Russell 910-350.2004 or janetrusselkOftmall.no NOTE: Project application received alter 12 noon will be stamped in the fdldwl'urg wok day. Project Name WELLINGTONGROV------Cgun--:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r9etaeoaeCeanyw Applicant, WELLINGTON GROVE.,LLC- Company-, 66K Address: PO Box 2400,108 Professional Park DriveCity: BEAUFORT, State: K Zip: 2851r- Phone: 252.504-3996 Fax:: - Emall: Physical Location: AROLINA F REENTRANCE ROAD - WESTERN BLVD ACK VILLE Project Drains into .� waters - Water =ificalion KIN (for Classification see-hVDIM2o.eni slate,rrc.uslb msiremitsReoorlsYYB.htmll Project Located in WHITE OAK River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? N , within % mile and draining to lass SA waters Norwithin t mile and draining to Gass HOW waters? N Engineer/Consultant: DAVID K NEWSOM Company: Y T A I R P= FieW Cade ChwmW Address: 3817.3 FREEDOM WAY City: HU Phone:91[ 25OQQtt.Fsc::9143&Mlk_Email: aystaicoastenvftm-m _- - . - ---- -------------- -------- - , . ------- iFkwCoaeCMMec SECI.lQkOHE:; REQUESTING'A SCOP.ING'MEETINO QNIY ` ❑ &opine elating ONLY ❑ DWO, ❑ OCM, -❑ DLR, ❑ OTHER: _ ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: _ # of stream pas - Pkaase attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions' ❑ Intermittent/Perennial Determination: _ # of stream calls - Please atach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Welland (_linear R or _aces) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor Variance ❑ Major General Variance ® state stormwstef ' ❑ General ❑ SFR ❑BMd 6 Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Ouster Swales ❑ Offstte (SW _ {Provide permil #jl ® High Density-Delenticn Pond ;_# Treatment Systems ❑ Hgh Density -Infiltration _#TredmentSystems ❑ High Density -Bio-Retention L # Treatment Systems ❑ High Owsily-Stamwater Wetlands _# Treatment Systems❑ High Density - Otto _ # Treatment Systems /❑ MODIFICATION: ❑ Majorg❑p�Minor Eui] Revision SW _(RaS�tareup.,wo) fo ❑Coastal Management ® ' n1.3e�'lpment ®Manila Devejopment ® Urban Wat,'"Urmtdlion ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with _ acres to be distutbed.(CK # (for DENR use)) SECTION THREE Pl EASt ,CHECK ALL, W;is Af?PLICAkff YOUR PROJECT (for.lioth'scopingond e�ipreas rtieetuig'reglifist}; .Wetlands on Site ® Yes ❑ No Butler Impacts: ® No ❑ YES: _aae(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ® Yes ❑ No Isolated wetland on Property ® Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Defneatiori compfde& ® Yes ❑ No 404 Apptication in Process vd US ACOE: ❑ Yes ® No Permit Received from US ACOE ® Yes ❑ No For OF.NRuye oily Fee Solis far nuddple pxmits: tCMtk a 1 Tad Fa Amavat SUSWTFAL DATES Fee Sl19MRTAL DATES Foe CANA s v rur 171 Ylr,) s SW(11MO. 11 LD. Goo) S 01: 5 LOS 3 QTM Deter` NCDENR EXPRESS September200e 7JAN VED i 2012 Stormwater Treatment Narrative Wellington Grove Apartments BHP Western owns a 14.39 acre tract located off of existing Carolina Forest Blvd approximately 900 feet North of Western Blvd within the city limits of .Jacksonville, NC. The tract is currently undeveloped. Wellington Grove, LLC (managed by Wellington Grove Housing of Jacksonville Inc.) plans to purchase this tract in order to construct an apartment complex. The proposed development will include 88 one, two and three bedroom apartment units in six buildings with Storm water Treatment Facilities (Wet Detention Basin) located on site. The Treatment Facilities will be sized to handle the proposed development plus access roadways and associated parking. The project site is located in the White Oak River basin. The tract is currently wooded with most runoff draining to adjacent ditches on the Southeast and which fie along the boundary of the tract. From there the flow is into a nearby unnamed tributary of Half Moon Creek (C; NSW). The site is relatively flat (0.6%-1.5% slopes). The proposed development activities are high density (percent impervious > 24%); therefore, Stormwater treatment facilities are required. The attached Stormwater Plan includes a wet detention basin located within the designed Stormwater lot at the eastern section of the site. This pond has been designed to meet the NPDES Phase II Rules, and according to current BMP Manual Specifications. The stormwater pond has been designed with a connected .forebay and main pond. Runoff generated from impervious surfaces on site will be diverted to the forebay via inlets and underground storm drain pipes. Treated Stormwater will exit the main pond via the outlet structure/24'7 CMP outlet pipe and into the nearby drainage ditch along the Southern boundary of the tract. RECEIVED .BAN 1 1 2012 BY: w, - a tly YL .JY rr TWv.vu . uu.uu C13 N73'25'44"E 133.84 1460.00 133.89 RECEIVED C14 N62'26'55'W 64.69 5829.58 64.69 C15- S03'59't38".E '85.25' 300:00 -85.54 JAN 1 1 2012 C16 S81'45'08"W 526.45 279.90 685:13 C17 N09'55'17"W 118.08 333.24 118.71 BY' C18 N84'31'04"E 257.08 655.17 25B.76 Ci 9 S76'02'24"E 185.24 655.17 185.87 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 S49'29' 34" W 107.72 L2 S24'12'57"E 65.01 L3 S00'41'21"W 141.17 L4 S35'02'05"E 120.07 L5 S32'42'06"E 90.46 L6 S07'30'59"E 148.82 L7 S21'49'42"W 100.92 L8 S12'22'41"E 159.12 L9 S26'53'42"E 139.72 L10 S75'50'11 "E 156.99 L11 N78'37'57"E 81.98 L12 S43'52'44"E 134.20 L13 S54'41'44"E 142.91 L14 S62'16'17"E 162.13 L15 N22'09'53"E 228.71 L16 N66'08'00"E 215.70 L17 N22'09'53"E 228.80 1-18 N66'08'00"E 215.70 L19 N08'05'09"W 37.54 LEGEND: EIS = EXISTING IRON STAKE SIS = SET IRON STAKE REF: M.B. 26, P. 79 (OF PARCEL 1 & BLOCK 2) NCDOT PROJECT PLANS 9.8031446 ON M.B.