HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8060834_COMPLIANCE_20061005STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS LQ&oS���� PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD r INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Trench "A" and Trench "B" Each Project # SW8 060834-A,&, Br„;' Project Name 457&Long Beach°,Rd Recvng Stream CalfrGulley'Crk'� Drainage Basin Cap�ffearr' Site Area 1,033 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings ,,,, ;';'3,rr,rry 3000 Streets �,=5099 OS Prkg ,+s r jtci§ wii r�'�t Ny 11=sir: % OS sidewalks Total 8491 Volume/Storage Calculation If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required Provided Design Storm RV Volume to Store Pipe Diameter Length Of a Single run of Pipe Number of Pipe Runs in Trench Storage In Piping Total Storage in Piping Cross -Sectional Area Of Pipe Runs Length Of Trench Width Of Trench Height Of Trench Cross -Sectional Area Of Trench Voids Volume, 40% Total Voids Volume Total Volume Provided Elevation Of Bottom Of Trench Elevation Of SHWT Overflow Elevation Exfiltratlon Rate / Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity Bottom Surface Area Drawdown Time 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = 33 inches / hour Qr=CiA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 14 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6 3 inches I hour Volume for 10 yr 10 min event = Filename S 1WPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1060834-A & B Date 05-Oct-06 Reviewer P Bartlett.,' _ Classification SC,'Sw;,HQW Index # 18-88-9-3-3-1 Drainage Area }9,243 SF 0 21 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 095 095 095 095 % Impervious= Cc: 089 ' " 1 in 088 675 CF Pipe Size 1 Pipe Size 2 srt�44vy, 34 0 833 432 235 0 235 0 545 91 9% Feet Feet (,- A, t s- Imf each Cubic Feet Cubic Feet 0 000 SF Feet 1 y larr Feet ,ti,�,y�`,r,yg4t�yi�n � y c't3'IrcNu= ,a,sv4tt�i4 300 000 424 0 424 660 Feet SF CF CF Cubic Feet 97 benchmark basis „,n"s`�'�"""`24 Mean Sea Level 95' benchmark basis „'r,,, r, r' " 22 Mean Sea Level ,, , 98 benchmark basis �'�i�,�,�e��r,,n, ''�"25 Mean Sea Level 0 06 CFS 0 0990 CFS 713 03 CF < ",r''0 275 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft 1296 0 Square Feet 1 W hours Must be>Qr 660 CF INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Filename S 1WPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1060834-C Trench "C" Project # SW 8! 060834=C 0, d°,o", Project Name 4570'Long,,Be6ch1,Rd Recvng Stream Calf,Guiley'Crk,,' Drainage Basin Cape``F,e6e,,,,V'1" ,,' Site Area ,;�t,"'°"+r; ��­,,'+ ,033 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Streets OS Prkg OS sidewalks Total ,t,,,mtigst�z„��yas+ 10638 ��11,:�� 13"" nt`,1000 15638 Volume/Storage Calculation If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box C] Required Provided Design Storm RV Volume to Store Pipe Diameter Length Of a Single run of Pipe Number of Pipe Runs in Trench Storage In Piping Total Storage in Piping Cross -Sectional Area Of Pipe Runs Length Of Trench Width Of Trench Height Of Trench Cross -Sectional Area Of Trench Voids Volume, 40% Total Voids Volume Total Volume Provided Elevation Of Bottom Of Trench Elevation Of SHWT Overflow Elevation Exhltration Rate / Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity Bottom Surface Area Drawdown Time 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = 33 inches 1 hour Qr=CIA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6 3 inches 1 hour Volume for 10 yr 10 min event = Date 05-Oct-06 Reviewer P`Bartletti , %; Classification SC,,Sw;A;HQW Index # 18=88-9-3-3-1` Drainage Area ` ���' +tt�s s "'16,634 SF 0 38 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 095 095 095 095 % Impervious= 94 0% Cc- 091 �9t ,+ , =1° in a satin 090 1242 CF106 Pipe Sue 1 Pipe Size 2 iF It ! r�r� i�i 445 0 44� Feet Feet each Cubic Feet Cubic Feet t 0 545 t 0 000 SF ���i1 ;flit 1b1t5`E 'Si *'816 ��t ril iil'lll4% 1� i` i` j �ji� 1��tYit�t,ac 6�� yti a 4 3 tit rft t atl5l��1 +� isv i ° ri yx�+ tt 4,1,i5sjla� iy�, aht� lax[ an st � Ott t a 3 300 000 801 0 801 1246 Feet Feet Feet SF CF CF Cubic Feet 97 5' benchmark basis 4�'�' °+°`ti '}'%F''24 5 Mean Sea Level 95 5 benchmark basis °t§�' `;,,�;„+�i ',4+;'i22 5 Mean Sea Level 985 benchmark basis '�,� "„' ,,,25 5 Mean Sea Level 011 CFS 0 1870 CFS 1306 45 CF < Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft 2448 0 Square Feet 1 85 hours Must be > Qr 1246 CF i t V1 e4 1 INFILTRATION SITE VISIT REQUEST Name of the Project _ a.,4+�7 C} &4c #4� Location (attach a clear vicinity map) F 1 Si reet address. SR number oomrriun4. etc -- Directions from the nearest major intersection VrI E -7 S �oOc� , C—Pr, rl-C>"�V R3?tOYi(t) Or;c L_ \S— 1rvcc�c. Owner/Aool,cant Nan-te LL C. Consultant Name Consultant Contact Information, -5EZ Pt►ilidric17 �Lotj'j Existing ground etev @basin/trench= SHV T etev = SHVV7 pigs 2' (max bottom elev )= ;FV PP 'kn tIN CZ—) NAiA'3'f,+.. con e. fax, email, etc #1 #2 #3, #4 #5 #S #7 #8 T om Datefime of Soils Investigation ,S 7 • d Z5 Summary/Comments: All proposed infiltration areas and existing, active utility lines located within the prod basin/tcench must be 'marked and flagged. If these'areas are not flagged, the Solis Scientist reserves the right to decline to do the Investigation If the proposed infiltration system well be`located ,n an area offexisting pavement and there is, no open area nearby, equipment capable of breaking through the Impervious layer must be provided The soils investigation does not take the place'of a soils report prepared by an appropriate professional The Soils Scientist,wiil only verify the soil conditions that are reported in the Soils Report, and make a determination asAo the,suitability of the site to meet the infiltration design requirements under NCAC 2H 1 DOO, and'assumes no liability should the system fall ECS Carolina, LLP — - h Geotechnicai e Cons=ticm Matcnsh EnvimnmenW CAKOLI HAS } ayl Juan 6,' 2006 i , i Mr Brad Sedgvvick, PM 4 " JBS Consulting, PA t f1`I///��� I/� yyq qi t, t tw t Il332 C��`�YV � W Ma Caroliaeas28405 ,t �, t i ,'' i x A' .f S S ; i ♦ ny , 1 ,' i 11�ltratlon Evalu8iftc,6 1 a n }, a' #� f' 1 E ai A E } F 4 4579 Lonj Beach head Oak Maud, North Ca taiha n BCS Ltd. ProJevt No. 22.12209 Bear Mr. Sedgwrcdr, , ' �t ' �� s' y h`�1 /�/nd,'*(�q's/�� o„� V. /� s t�l�z1-'�y{1 ,��p �4y� ���.�y �,� �1q�p , {1{ { CarV.1T as, 11+ . ,�V)l y conducted an �VLFh4 i� l � the �pQ�, FCS a S' r 1 " , 16cdlon at the proposed.'site,at 4570 Lung Beaoh Read rn Oak h1m34 North O roh'na. This 1 } , r letter, with attachmc�fe, is the report of our mveat get m 1 a l i L ` } Field Tnveelgations s I W , e On June 1, 2006, ECS conducted am exploration of the sutinv%ce soli and ground water v �stcamdWons at two requested locations shown on the aftSite bia� 'he Purpose of this , i a x crspla`rstion, was to obtain subsarfaoo mfmnshon of the suitability of the in phm sans for the Proposed infiltration a We axplomd,the,suhsurf= sa and'g i water coa&dons iry axivamdmg tiro hand azrgw bormgs inn 'the =Amg gurfQcie g at the Ir" r,QgLrcated test j ,,ground locW ms we visually chwa faied ft subsurface soils and obta nod represeintamve samples, of eacls sml,type mw=bm;d: We also retarded. the Wound water We] observed at the ti t o of the 4 u bared auger baring. Tbo attached InfcltradOn Bvaluatian Foam gmvldea a i=mary of the 1 subsurface conditions encountered at each hand Zoc�tron. t y h l # h C round,Wster' wasnotentountbrei dazing our eiplor bm at the requested test locations'up to a F re depth of 72 i=&s belpw,,the eouhng grade,elavation. 'Hue sea l high ground water IvW }° (OWL), at location #1 was estimafed to be at a depth of 30 i:i6hu. The seasonal hqh $mod ` water level. (SHWL) at locatmn'02 was estimated to be at a depth of 24 mches. r We have omductsd mfiltraaon tests umw our hand auger bminp to a tunate the mfiftmftan rage 1 h for the subsurface soils The infcJtration tests were conducted %Vroxmnateiy 8 inches below the e aft grade elavatmn 4 JT y J 1 r ' , 7211 Ogden Business Park "Suite 201 • Wd mingtoir, NC 28411 • (910) 68&9114 "Pau (910) 686-9666 r k 1 , 4 _ _ FI i Y i IbMtratien Bveloatraas , 4570 Fang' Heath Road, $CSPrgjvdNo. 22.12206 u F Reid Test Rcsulb At locattun #1, * mfiltrmbon tiet was'per omwd at, 8'inobes an brown Billy fine SAND and U 6 imdIcated an infilbabonim of 0.07 inches pair mmuto (4.2 mohes par hoar) At location #2, the ' k « s>ffltmtion teat weB performed at 8 inchm iu'bi+c silty &O,Skvn and =&dated an Mk -al= ` SA vats of 0.06',=I�;s per mmmrte (3,3 mahea per hour). x, F s Ti>�iitratiaai rates may 'vary within the sproposed' alto due Ito poBsi-hie changex m Bubsuriiace ' < ' k .. i oo�idaEtitinB• ` h et y Ifydu have,Ty question regarding fine x�apoat, please ooartsot as at (910) 686A11 h. t� 1 kk'�```�fffbi +(s/Y RC 4 a ,xECS CAROLEVAS, x h A s �i 4 � •R A ' t i , k� loom « ; Wmsf6w B. Goias, ]ELL, Wald M. Sobh, P. B. f S y f IA (eCt 11., M1111 {[� ii k 1 t �al � kgin= Y S ty 1 ""'SV7 p -���'A �t NC Lace seNo 22983 i k k 1 Boring Lnoatiun LNWuatton , � k a t y k s M1 Ek t a + s N ) 1 1 F t , s F k 1 ^ 1 Y A � i dph ok op _ - DATES APPRC?XIMATE' LOCAVN r _ - ,- --kT OF INFILTRATION TEST Al INFILTRATION TEST REFERENCE. r - - v - - -- L0CATrCN MAP- - - SITE MAP ° PR[?VLDED ` BY JBS - " 4570, LONG HEACEi ROAD NOT TO SCALE CONStILTING, PA - - - - - OA$ ISLA D, � NORM CAROB# Lmos �_ ' ♦r � I L 5 , � t l n 1 1,♦ 1 S a ' L ' a L 5 1' ` ' + , � i ' ♦ d } ♦ � 1 1 ! L l L 1 � 1 t Tntration Evaluation 45570'Long Beach Road cv�� } � i d ` ♦ r l 1 � 4 {i S Oak Island, Noxth Carolina t5 E � "ECS YProj'ect No. 22:12208 ' .dune ,6, 2006 E E+L itQll'De�Cript�o1, ♦ S x '♦ 1 5� If �9 5 11 s ` 5 1' Dt 2,' u ♦ J110 silty fine SAND ♦ ' e t � i 1� L 5 ' t tE ♦ Seasonal'High Water Table was, esUniked°to be 30,inches below the existing grade elevation. b Itration Rate: -0:07 inches per minute (4.22 inches per hour) ; Test�was conducted at 8 inches below existing grade elevation "+ `r Ground water was not encountered up`to�72 m6cs}Below, the existing grade i 4 elevation. u 1 Uc it ' Y Boll.I Mriy one 1 el r s' #2 R 0-72°' 1 ,Brown "silty fine SAND 5' y Seasonal- High Water'T61e was estimated �,to ,be°2'4 inches below the existing grade ' elevatJ ion. i k 1 r u} Ynfil66on Rate-, 0.06 inches per minute`(3 3 inches per hour) ,Test was conducte&at 8,incheg below,e dsting grade elevation ' r § hound �t w" "ae' not encountered up to 72 inches below the existing grade elevation. Lt } E i x n a 51'i !. t 5 L l 3 t+ k i C t i4 4 t i ♦ r El h t5 Tii L .� s �} � E s � ♦ s; � s 7 f 1 5� ` r, F ♦ , ♦ va S � 1 i t , l 4� , 1 , ` � } , ♦ e c L , } ♦ a ♦ x 5 } " LSl x 5 A U 5, + L e e 3 ` L � ` ♦ al S 1 4 L t t .• } � � 5 SIR L F 1' n� t} i 1 it ` 1 � E♦ < �, 7 }a r F 5 s l § + R S 5 � � ♦ j 1 + � 4 A � S s I' §; � i♦ 1 t Ei 1 Vi R x 5 5 c J j1' �' Ei s 1 Y 5 � ♦ + ' L 5 t ♦ ♦n 1 hIt, I J ` It t } 5 } ,.A..W CVOs 038 ON , u Omm ON 9OWW M* N # Alm VOINWA it — ua "aMu�rwao Q �ow„oo O,N �YwMYO 'On crn vwm p 9 All ' \r S CONSULTING, PA 7332 Cotesworth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 619-9990 Fax (910) 401-1620 PLANNING - ENGINEERING - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT U� March 5, 2007 im ECEIVIED Mr Ed Beck NCDENR - DWO 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Stormwater Project Number SW8 060834 Project Name 4570 Long Beach Road - High Density Town of Oak Island Brunswick County, NC Designer's Certification MAR 0 7 2007 DwQ -IROJ # w UNDO F3¢ I, Bradford Sedgwick, PE, as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically) the construction of the project, 4570 Long Beach Road - Nigh Density (Project) For Mr Gerald J Skehan, Darske, LLC (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications Required Items to be checked for this certification to be considered complete are on page 2 of this form Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications None Signature Registration Number Date 3-- 5�4� OZ437 8 Attachment Checklist OCT. 6.2006 10 7f4AM NCDENR WIRO NO 620 P 6/8 ti State Stormwater Management Systems i palmit 8 Page 2 of 2 Certification Requirements: 1. The drainage area to the system 4ritains approximately the permitted acreage. I 2. The drainage area to the system a6ntains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon a associated Ith the project Is graded such that the "`" runoff drains to the system. p 4. All roof drains are located such thai the runoff is directed into the system. =5 The bypass structure elevations a per the approved plan. - 8. The bypass structure is looted pe ,the approved plans. 7. A Trash Rack Is provided on the ouiietlbypass structure. -8. All slopee are grassed with perman6nt vegetation. �9 Vcgetated slopes are no steeper th®n 3:1, 10. The inlets ark located per the approved plans and do not cause short- - circuding of the system. Il The permitted amoynta of qurface 6k ea and/or volume have been provided-1 r\ k. ,I LAN 12. Ail required design depths are provi1`e 13. All required parts of the system are `provided. 14. The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans, cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office ' Delano Aycock, Brunswick County Buildin6 Inspections Jeff PhLps, Brurimmok County Engineering