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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW 3 DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD =°n. �• LuU6 1U.52'M S ROUD ENG1 HRING r No.4'VJJ INFILTRATION SITE VISIT REQUEST LA,45-� Name of the Project: The Grande Villas @ The Preserve - tl6'," 0& Location (attach a clear vicinity map): Hwy 58, Indian Beach, NC Street address, SR number, community, etc. Directions from the nearest major intersection: From the intersection of Hwy 24 and Hwy 58, Cape Carteret, Carteret County, take Hwy 58 East towards Atlantic Beach. Travel down Hwy 58 approximately 11.7 miles. Project is located on the right in the existing Salter Path Campground. Owner/Applicant Name: Whistler Investment Group, LLC / Thomas Ryan Consultant Name: Ronald D. Cullipher, Stroud Engineering P.A. Consultant Contact Information: (252) 247-7479 / (252) 247-4098/rcullipher,,&stroudenpineer.com Phone fax email #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 ' #7 Existing ground elev. t,basin/trench= 15' 12' Bottom Elev. of infiltration basin/trench= 11.4' 7' Existing ground minus bottom elev.= 3.6' 5' Add 2' (max. bottom elevation)= 5.6' 7' �^ c Dateffime of Soils Investigation��- Summarize results of Investigation- ( S&il 9 o,/J � �,�� d� Z�4 6 � 6i 1 1 r- In _ U 3 6k 6 ,&V Lr n,fi 4o - {gp,l— Please have all basins and existing, active utility lines located within the proposed basin/trench areas marked. If these areas are not marked, the Soils Scientist reserves the right to decline to do the investigation. The soils investigation does not take the place of a soils report prepared by an appropriate professional. The Soils Scientist will only verify the soil conditions that are reported in the required Soils Report, and assumes no liability should the system fail. T IRO'U D E NG I N '_'E Li I N G 11' A ,j 9. 20016 '0:72AM - N-D. 4835 5 1 I A"XI; WM� g . 'm OMNI W.-NIN'Sk" 01-4 J-D'FopoQuadi Cop) right 0 1999 DeLormt Yarmouth, M, 4 1- Scale: 1 : 162,1M Detail: I CF ,� ; � fix, ilia �T ROUD ENG N " I NG A A L 9. 2 6 i 0 : 5 No.4 5 jI. V- PRELIMINARY LAND & SOILS MAP OF THE SCUDDER - INDIAN BEACH TRACT (--5.5 acres) FOR POTENTIAL ON -SITE WASTE TREATMENT and STORMWATER INFILTRATION USABILITIES Indian Beach 1 Salter Path Area - Morehead Township - Carteret County - North Carolina PIN # 633410379343000 SCALE: 1 Inch = 100 Feet (all lines paced & approximate) MAY - 2005 -115\'0165 Total Acreage = -5.5 acs �opK CAMA Buffer = --2 acs Road NC HwY 58 Salt - Net Acreage = 3.5 acs 96 213R Units = 23040 ylday Vilf ZWa ste Treatment Options With Subsurface Application: 2,-no pretreatment= -2.6 acs r -with pretreatment = -1.6 acs f Fo°t5,09 0'� �idesloPe 14- 0�0 S��IoP'' Wo B With Surface Application. -pretreatment of reuselreclaim, mdreint reduction, & rapid drip infiltration = -0.5 - 1.0 acs -5day upset pond required. -Additional storage may be required. MA Ocean Setback Line � r APPsoxi�ate CAS _ - �ydge � 2-6% - - oaas $each .6 . �xtisti+n9 � `,r �idesloPe�o ''�ptaximate 1sl L+n`� St Atlantic Ocean Excessively well drained, deep, sandy soils at higher elevations of -20-25 ft amsl. Usable for on -site waste treatment and -- stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +120 - 240" from present surface (@ -5-6 ft amsl). Estimated permeability 1-5 min/in (12-60 inlhr). Newhan soil types with minor historic surface disturbances. Somewhat excessively well drained, deep, sandy soils at moderate to high elevations of - 10-20 ft amsl. Usable for on -site waste treatment and stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table+65- 85" from present surface (@ -5-6 ft amsl). Estimated permeability 1-5 min/in (12-60 inlhr), Fripp and Newhan soil types with minor historic surface disturbances. I Well to somewhat excessively well drained, deep. sandy soils at moderate to high elevations of -9 -10 ft amsl. -) Usable for on -site waste treatment and stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +45 - 65- from present surface (@ -5-6 ft amsl). Estimated permeability 2-5 mirVin (12-30 in/hr). Fripp soil types with minor historic surface and subsurface disturbances. Land Management Group, Inc. PRELIMINARY LAND & SOILS MAP OF THE SCUDDER - INDIAN BEACH TRACT (M5.5 acres) FOR POTENTIAL ON -SITE WASTE TREATMENT and STORMWATER INFILTRATION USABILITIES Indian Beach 1 Salter Path Area SCALE: 1 Inch = 100 Feet (all lines paced & approximate) MAY - 2005 4- o emerald Isle Morehead Township - Carteret County - North Carolina PIN # 633410379343000 ad NC HWV 58 Salter Path Ro i i Q,g°�°��6Wo F�LS�oP Vinrr `r f Ul m 0 rn c m goads o11 Sh°-Se5 D6)0 7 Total Acreage =-6.5 acs LAMA Buffer = -2 acs 6°iO i �oatr�loPe ��6C1°b 5+de5WPe1 Net Acreage = 3.5 acs 96 2BR knits = 23040 glday Waste Treatment options With Subsurface Application: --no pretreatment = -2.6 acs -with pretreatment = -1.5 acs With Surface Application: --pretreatment of feuselreclaim, nutreint reduction. & rapid drip infiltration = -0.5 - 1.0 acs - rday upset pond required. --Additional storage may be required. +506 too - .� � ► � � �bte �f�$�u0i1 - V--f�--.•�--'~+APPrO%titnate1st►-1n® Atlantic or Excessively well drained, deep, sandy soils at higher elevations of -20-25 ft amsl. Usable for on -site waste treatment and stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +120 - 240" from present surface (@ -5-6 ft amsl). Estimated permeability 1-5 min/in (12-60 inlhr). Newhan soil types with minor historic surface disturbances. i Somewhat excessively well drained, deep, sandy soils at moderate to high elevations of -10-20 ft amsl. Usable for on -site waste treatment and stormwater infiltration usage Estimated seasonal high watertable +65 - 85" from present surface (@ -5-6 ft amsl). Estimated permeability 1-5 min/in (12-60 in/hr). Fripp and Newhan soil types with minor historic surface disturbances. I Well to somewhat excessively well drained, deep. sandy soils at moderate to high elevations of -9 -10 ft amsl. - ' Usable for on -site waste treatment and stormwater infiltration usage. Estimated seasonal high water table +45 - 65" from present surface (@ -5-6 ft amsl). Estimated permeability 2-5 minlin SOIL (12-30 in/hr). Fripp soil types with minor historic surface and subsurface disturbances. tiaG� F. //;:�"Pv S r r0@0 Land Management Group, Inc. a`'r�oatta 0INFI&R- ATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Filename: S:IWPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1060243-1 Project # SW8 060243-1 Date Project Name The Grande Villas @ The Preserve Reviewer Recvng Stream Bogue Sound Classification Drainage Basin White Oak Index # Site Area 6.02 acres Drainage Area Impervious Area Calculation Buildings 21173 Streets 22007 OS Prkg 0 OS sidewalks 13037 .................. Total =€5t'i217 Volume/Storage Calculation If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box 0 Required Design Storm RV Volume to Store 03-Apr-06 P. Bartlett SA; HOW 20-36-(8.5) 82,328 SF 1.89 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 / % Impervious= )) 68.3% 1.5 iri 0.66 a �5���►� �� i€i€68',35 CF Provided Pipe Size 1 Pipe Size 2 � ' 06 ��h r Pipe Diameter 2.5 Feet Length Of a Single run of Pipe 154 Feet 4 Number of Pipe Runs in Trench 5 each Storage In Piping 0 3780 Cubic Feet U IL Total Storage in Piping €378Q.€ Cubic Feet Cross -Sectional Area Of Pipe Runs 0.000 24.544 SF ?� VVV Length Of Trench 154 Feet r Width Of Trench 45 Feet Height Of Trench 2.5 Feet Cross -Sectional Area Of Trench 0.00 112.50 SF Voids Volume, 40% € 0 ; ': 5:41,5 CF Total Voids VolumeCF Total Volume Provided €... 8. Cubic Feet (vs 6822 proposed, based on 1 run pipe, 7701, trench 7.5'W) Elevation Of Bottom Of Trench 11.4 Mean Sea Level Elevation Of SHWT 9 Mean Sea Level Overflow Elevation 13.9 Mean Sea Level Exfiltration Rate /Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity Bottom Surface Area Drawdown Time 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM NIA Intensity, i = .33 inches / hour Qr=CiA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 0.35 CFS 1.9250 CFS 4012.85 CF < 1 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft 6930.0 Square Feet €a39€= hours Must be > Or 9198 CF �eINF1?1r,RATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Filename: S:0NPOATAVWO5kINTRENCH060243-3 Project # SVV8080243'2 Date Project Name The Grande Villas @ The Preserve Reviewer RanvngStnaonn Bogua8ound Classification Drainage Basin White Oak Index # Site Area 6.02 acres' Drainage Area Impervious Area Calculation Buildings 8787 Streets 12582 OSPrkg 0 OS o|devvo|ks 2705 Total VolumelStorage Calculation If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required Design Storm RV Volume tmStore Provided Pipe Diameter Length Of Single run of Pipe Number ofPipe Runs inTrench Storage |nPiping Total Storage in Piping Cross -Sectional Area (]fPipe Runs Length CfTrench Width OfTrench Height OfTrench Cross -Sectional Area OfTrench U3-Apr08 P.Bartlett SA;MQVV 20-36-(Ei5) 48,382 SF 1.06 Acres Rational Co(list C after gbohBU/\ 085 . 0.95 //�/�� 6 ���"' 0.95 0.95 1.5 in 0.52 CF Pipe Size Y Pipe Size 2 2.5 Feet 120 Feet each O 1767 Cubic Feet CubicFwed 0.000 14726 SF 120 Feet 27 Feet | 2.5 Feet 0.00 67.50 OF Voids Volume, 4O%0 Total Voids Volume Total Volume Provided CF CF Cubic Feet (vn3100 propnsod, based on 1 run pipe, 380l'.trench 7.5'W) Elevation [fBottom [fTrench 7 Mean Sea Level Elevation OfSHVVT 5Mean Sea Level Overflow Elevation 9.5 Mean Sea Level Ekf0tratixn Ratm/Qram/dowan Reported Hydraulic Conductivity Bottom Surface Area Dravvdom/n Time 25YEAR 34HOUR STORM N/A |ntnneih/. i=.33inches /hour Or=CiA= Qpthrough the bottom ofthe basin= 1DYEAR 1DMIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT |nh*nnhx. |=6.3inches /hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 0]9 CF8 O.g00OCF8 2149.57 CF < 1 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per SqFt 3340.0 Square Feet nouns Must be > Qr 4300 CF i DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAyIE: Indian Beach Acquisition, LCC C/o Thomas Ryan 2, LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 1435 Salter Path Road, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, in Indian Beach, Carteret County. Photo Index - 2000: 2000-484 1995: Unavailable 1989: Unavailable State Plane Coordinates - X: 2631883 Y: 346882 Rover File:-091810A Long:34°41'05.01614" Lat:76°53'52.58405" 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAiMIA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit — 9/18/06, Was Applicant Present - No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete— 10/09/06 Office - Wilmington 6... SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Town of Indian Beach Land Classification From LUP - Developed (B) AEC(s) Involved: OH (C) Water Dependent: No (D) Intended Use: Residential/Commercial (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing — Septic systems serving former campground Planned - Treatment plant (F) Type of Structures: Existing — Four bath houses Planned - One 9-story building providing 90 residential units, clubhouse, driveways, parking areas (subsurface and above grade), stormwater collection system, dune crossover, utilities and amenities. (G) Estimated Rate of Erosion: 2.0' per year Source — 1998 LTAASCR 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED MIMS (A) Vegetated Wetlands Coastal (B) Non -Vegetated Wetlands (Open Water) (C) Other - High ground Grade 5.0 acres (217,800 sq. ft.) (D) Total Area Disturbed: 217,800 sq. ft. (5.0 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SB Open: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to construct a single building, providing 90 residential condominium units, an access/exit drive, three parking areas, utilities, retaining walls, swimming pool, clubhouse, stormwater infiltration system, onsite wastewater collection system (including drainage field), an outdoor pavilion area and two dune crossovers for beach access. Indian Beach Acquisition, LCC r Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Stroud Engineering, P.A., on behalf of Indian Beach Acquisition, LCC, has requested that the attached application be processed under the Express Permit Review Program. The applicant's project is located off Salter Path Road (NC Highway 58), adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, in Indian Beach, Carteret County. To find the property, take Highway 58 west from Atlantic Beach towards Indian Beach. The property will be located on the left hand side of the road in Indian Beach (adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean), at the former Salter Path Campground. The applicant has submitted an Express CAMA Permit Application to develop approximately 5.0 acres between Salter Path Road (Highway 58) and the Atlantic Ocean. The high ground portion of the tract is vegetated with lush maritime forest extending from the entrance of the property, south towards the Atlantic Ocean. The site varies in elevation, and ranges from 5.0' to 25.0' above Mean High Water (MHW). Live Oak (Quercus laurifolia) is the predominant species found throughout the property. Other vegetation includes lawn grasses and mixed brush vegetation. The project site was formerly know and operated as the Salter Path Campground, which provided both annual and seasonal residency for locals and tourists. Like many other campgrounds along the Crystal Coast, this site accommodated both permanent and vehicular type (towable) campers/trailers. Currently, the site is vacant of any structures with the exception of several bathhouses and multiple septic tanks/systems that are located throughout the property. According to the applicant, these tanks would be removed during the development process. Several driveways remain on the property, however the applicant proposes to demolish and grade nearly the entire site. There are no coastal or "404 type" wetlands located on the subject property The waters of the Atlantic Ocean (adjacent to the project) are classified as SB by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. They are NOT designated as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, and they are Closed to the harvest of shellfish. According to the applicant, the Town of Indian Beach's Land Classification Map classifies the upland areas of the project site as Developed. The long-term average annual erosion rate in the vicinity of the property is 2.0 feet per year. The 100-year storm recession line for this area of Indian Beach is 50 feet creating a total Ocean Erodible Area (OEA) of 170 feet. This area of Bogue Banks utilizes a pre -nourishment or "static" vegetation line that was determined prior to the 2001 Bogue Banks beach renourishment project. PROPOSED PROJECT The applicant proposes to construct a single building, providing 90 residential condominium units, an access/exit drive, three parking areas, utilities, retaining walls, swimming pool, clubhouse, stormwater infiltration system, onsite wastewater collection system (including drainage field), an outdoor pavilion area and two dune crossovers for beach access. The total disturbed area for the entire project would be approximately 5.0 acres. The density of the proposed project would be 15.0 umts/acre. Access to the site would be provided by the construction of a single driveway, located in the northeast corner of the property, adjacent to Salter Path Road. The drive would extend from the north end of the property, south towards the building, curving slightly to the west. The driveway would provide access to the proposed parking areas, which would be located beneath the proposed building, as well as between the building and wastewater drain field. The drive would circle in a counter clockwise direction allowing access to the underground parking areas. A retaining wall would be constructed on the outer (western) edge of the driveway, adjacent to the building and western property line. The retaining wall would be constructed to help stabilize the driveway that provides access to the underground parking deck. A second retaining wall would also be constructed on the eastern side of the property, adjacent to the proposed parking area. This wall would also be used to stabilize the area immediately adjacent to the parking Iot. Indian Beach Acquisition, LCC '1 Page Three Just north of the proposed parking areas, between the open parking lot and Salter Path Road, the applicant proposes to install an onsite wastewater collection system. Detailed information regarding the dynamics of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and disposal methods were not provided as part of the CAMA permit application package, however, the permittee has provided a drawing illustrating the general location of the access road to the treatment plant, the treatment plant itself, blower building and subsurface drainage fields. Immediately south of the open parking area, the applicant proposes to construct a nine -story building, providing 90 condominium units. The building (75' x 420') would be centrally located, and span in an east to west direction. Six-foot wide sidewalks would border the building to the north and south. Each unit would have it's own balcony located on the southern side of the building, facing the Atlantic Ocean. As proposed, the building and parking areas would be located landward of the Ocean Erodible Area 120' Large Structure Setback. For a more detailed description of the proposed building, please refer to Sheet #C 1 of 11. Two subsurface parking decks, located below the first habitable floor and within the footprint of the proposed building, would be constructed to provide access to the proposed units. According to the application package, the floor of the lower parking deck would be located at FEMA Flood Zone Elevation (FFE) 12'6" and the floor of the upper parking deck would be located at FFE 21 ' 8". A retaining wall would be constructed along the perimeter of the parking areas to prevent adjacent material from entering the parking decks. The proposed building, parking decks and southern most retaining wall would be located within the 170' Ocean Erodible Area. Immediately south of the proposed building, the applicant plans to construct a maze of concrete and wooden boardwalks that would provide access to the clubhouse, outdoor terrace, swimming and wading pools, gazebo, and dune crossovers. With the exception of the swimming pool (including the concrete apron), wading pool, gazebo, wood walkway and dune crossovers, all of the proposed amenity structures would be located landward of the 60' small structure setback, between the 60 feet small structure setback line and the 120' large structure setback line. Please refer to sheet #C 1 of 11 for a detailed description of the proposed structures located on the southern side of the building. The applicant has received approval, under Division of Water Quality (DWQ) State Stormwater Permit #SW8060243 (issued on 4/21/06), for the construction of a high -density stormwater system. The approved stormwater system includes two infiltration trenches, which would be located beneath the proposed open parking areas north and east of the building. The system was approved by DWQ to treat the first 1.5 inches of rainfall for approximately 80,311 sq. ft. of built upon area. According to the State stormwater application package, any rainfall exceeding the first 1.5 inches will be diverted, via a subsurface culvert beneath Highway 58, to Bogue Sound. In addition to the State Stormwater Permit, the applicant has also received approval from the Division of Land Quality, Sedimentation and Erosion Control Section, under Carte-2006-226, issued on 2/16/06. . According to the applicant's agent, plans for the treatment system have not yet been submitted to the non -discharge wastewater permitting section. The applicant indicates that Bogue Banks Water Corporation would provide water to the facility. As proposed, no portion of the subdivision, including but not limited to the dwellings, eaves, access road, parking areas or swimming pool would impact any portion of coastal wetlands or "404" type wetlands. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The initial grading of the property would result in the disturbance of an additional 5.0 acres of high ground. The proposed building, drives, parking areas, swimming pool would result in the creation of approximately 80,311 square feet (or 36.8%) of impervious surface. Submitted by: Jason Dail Dare: 0c60er 9, 2006 Office: Wilmington Form DCM-MP-1 r APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: -TFIC YoC ' Ryan Name !I7/La L v� Address Sglq Elis cA Ay AIP?Se city ea leigh - State & r. Zip a f 5 _ Day Phone y1q -'2q4 - q0 Fax b. Authorized Agent: Name Sjrouj Address 161- A Hu u o')y city State k1C Zip 2L3S'_)- _ Day Phone 262- ar17- 7q1 9 Fax 2521- ay7- 11498 c. Project name (if any) __L�C Isy-nide ] d k Q, 7h e. .2aa nd - N072:: Perna will be issued in nanr of lmudowner(r), and/or Project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County - Ca d eff:L Revised 0119S b. City,pww , community or landmark c. Street address or second road number �1%35 SQllr�,- pa�i-, �!. d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? ✓ Yes No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) }�. ogee Sam 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. -- t'(nxtra! of txi s hij c#mp,,ws a. p..� -Ywr- 90 un4 corYlarniruu�. pk_5 / alrkvrg ckWoK-`W, 1w P061 b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Lve-R] c. Will the proi-I he fnr public, private or commercial use? 11,�I✓aft d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. -. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. C'OASAquhon .rF c�ndamrn/um usl Sat-d4v caV1Si2tc fdn_�r-c �i,[�S ; JUL 2 0 zOfl� Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract la,AAl b. Size of individual lot(s) N c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL _ S - i901 d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract �A1eW1' qn _ .. 64q.0- e. Vegetation on tract SL�t_�Ycss 'unej f. Man-made features now on tract G is_L g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? (Conde the local lurid use plan.) Conservation Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? ✓ Yes No (Armch zoning compliance crrrificue, if applicable) j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes ✓ No If yes, by whom? k. Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes ✓ No 1. Are there wetlands on the site? Yes ✓ No Coastal (marsh) Other If yes, has a delineation been conducted? (Aaach doaanenumion, if amiable) J U L 2 0 2006 DIVISION OF . COASTAL MANAGEMENT in. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. 5t� f�,rJds n.. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) n 'SiZxrn--A4, iS jp15 2 Culvrr+% wide. KLJ. t 5g :ollrc."L_ o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Ribl(c- 1 pYov1r)-ed by "44afl Corpoll& n 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. © An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1 /2" by 11 " white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 71.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue4ine prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Rerised 03195 if Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have rrreived a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name A,/C. - -D��W-e ZRY�S } IOL'i- Address �2nQ. 4 4q6abli✓nfP Tic _ ' - Phone ,�e� Fenvr� 1iC-2?�9, 66- Name -ADwar•fr},b'Jf of� minls{,afiai'i Address 1 _c ( �7wl �• y e� r,-:n�rY Phone a • h - 1361 Name Address Phone ----- - -- ---- - -- --- • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for worm on. the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of emnpliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - I to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Revised 03M 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERNIISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restricxions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the -project, , I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the 148 day of r� a Print NamJl;r i Signature -0 Authorized Agent Please indicate auachments pertaining to your proposed project. DCMMP-2 Excavation and Fill information DCM MP-3 Upland Development _ DCM W-4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NO2X, Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. 7rn D JUL 2 - 2006 D DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Form DCM-MP-3 (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed 0 / i builrl1' b. Number of lots or parcels c. Density (give OW number of residential units and the units per acre) -�//� t. 1aLs�oer jejcrY d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. 5.0 If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of Iand, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? Yes ✓ _ No If yes, date submitted f. List the materials (such as mar], paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and/or built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. __ Q '/a ILI DILA 1`9 All 2 0 I'll Do DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? Yes ---,/ -No If yes, date submitted i. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. Terh'aw ±�eafmnxi j. Have the facilities described in Item i. above received state or local approval. 11.0 (Attach appropriate documentation) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, 'wash down' and residential discharges). -lL'=1'-.L��S/1-�y�,�(��Pr1 aKIS •1�.STILLCP� 1. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e. . well, community, public system, etc.) u r a hlo m. Will water be impounded? Yes —L/— No If yes, how many acres? n. If the project is a oceanfront development, when was the lot(s) platted and recorded? -The /1a,3 s(_' Apph Project Name M1 rA Ok,-L� Sfgnaturc to Date Revised 03/95 if n Narrative Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Stormwater Management Plan The Grande Villas @ The Preserve January 2, 2006 Owner: Indian Beach Acquisition, LLC Thomas Ryan, Member 6414 Falls of the Neuse Road Raleigh, NC 27615 (919) 844-9025 Engineer: Stroud Engineering, P.A. 151-A N.C. Hwy.24 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 (252) 247-7479 Description of Project l . Type of Development EV.FJ , I roll JUL 2 0 2000 COASDIVISION OF 'AL MANAGEMENT The Grande Villas @ The Peserve project is located on a 6.02 acre tract and is being proposed as a 90-unit condominium project with clubhouse and pool located off Hwy 58 approximately 11.7 miles east of the intersection of Highway 24 and 58. The project will consist of the removal of existing structures, installation of infiltration trenches for stormwater-collection, installation of public water, sewer with treatment plant, putting in a new paved road with parking. 2. Earth Disturbing Activities a. Excavation and grading for the installation of the drive and parking area, drainage, utility improvements, sewer treatment system, and stormwater treatment systems. Fill material for the proposed dunes will come from excavated soil material from construction of the parking decks. 3. Drainage The site presently drains west to Bogue Sound, Class "SA", by two 18" culverts. We are proposing an underground infiltration stormwater treatment system that has been sized for a 1.5" rainfall. The excess volume over 1.5" will be 1% A piped to one of the existing culverts that discharges under NC Hwy 58 and eventually toward Bogue Sound. 4. Utilities Public water will be made accessible by the Bogue Banks Water Corporation. On site there will be 161 LF of 6 inch, 176 LF of 4 inch, and 230 LF of I inch pvc water lines. Sewer will be treated by drip fields located on site. There will be 125 LF of S inch gravity sewer, 853 LF of inch forcemain, sewer lift station, and a 28,800 gpd wasterwater treatment plant. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures The following measures are proposed for the site. If it becomes evident that additional erosion and sedimentation control measures are needed, they shall be installed immediately. It is intended that all grading and excavation activities within a certain area will be protected as soon as that activity is complete. 1. Sediment Fence- Sediment fence will be utilized as necessary in locations as shown on plans or as deemed necessary by the engineer to insure that off -site sedimentation is controlled. Fencing will also be placed around all drop.inlets as shown on the drawings. 2. Seeding - AlI disturbed areas will be seeded within 14 days following construction in accordance with the seeding schedule shown on the plans. 3. Stone Construction Entrance - Stone construction entrance will be used to reduce the transport of sediment off site. 4. Temporary Sediment Trap- Sediment trap will be constructed as shown on plans and serve to trap sediment and prevent sediment from moving off -site. Construction Sequence 1. Clear and grub site. 2. Install stone construction entrance. . T. -� 3. Install silt fence where specified on plans i ;; _ r i ; 4. Construct sediment trap. 5. Rough grade site. L;� ���(is I i C r 6. Install stormwater collection system. �y 7. InstalI utilities. DIVISION! OF S. Begin building construction. COASTAL MANAGEMEItiT 9. Install curb and gutter and place CABC. 10. Install street system. 11. Perform final landscaping and seeding. D. Design Assumptions 1. Design storm is ten years. 2. The rational method was used for design. E. Infiltration Basin and Trench Operation and Maintenance 1. After every runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly inspect the bypass/overflow structure for blockage and deterioration and the infiltratia-i system for erosion, trash accumulation, grass cover, and general condition. - . 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessaryto rriaintain adequate vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash and blockages as needed to maintain system performance. 3. Remove accumulated sediment annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth. Restore depth to original design depth without over -excavating. Over -excavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the abilityof the system to perform as designed. 4. If DWQ determines that the system is failing the system will immediately be repaired or replaced to original design specifications. If the system cannot be repaired to perform its design function, other stormwater control devices as allowed by NCAC 2H .1060 must be designed, approved and constructed. 5. Remove accumulated sediment from the infiltratiat system annually or when depth in the unit is reduced to 75% of the original design depth. -The system shall be restored to the original design depth without overexcavating. Over -excavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the abilityof the system to perform as designed. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall not be handled in a manner that will adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a stormwater treatment device or stream, etc.). A benchmark shall be established in the infiltratim system. The benchmark will document the original design depth so that accurate sediment accumulation readings can be taken. The measuring device used to determine the depth at the benchmark shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the depth at the benchmark, which is the top of the weir box, reads 3.02' in infiltration system #1 and 2.87' in infiltration system #2, the accumulated sediment shall be removed from the system. F. Coastal Stormwater Regulations The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management implemented coastal stormwater regulations in coastal counties on January 1, 1988. These regulations are detailed in 15 NCAC 2H.1000 Stormwater Runoff Disposal. These rules allow for a development to be considered under various options. This project is submitted for approval consideration under Section .1008 (d). DivISIOrl OF COASTAL MANAGDMENT J,.n, 11 2006 ?9i'M 'TROUD 'NGWE-HING P A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 (910) 395-3900 FAX (910) 350-2004 Request for Express Permit Review N. 4062 P 2 FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Peanit(s). FAX or email to Cameron. WeaverOncmail.net along with a narrative and vicinity map of the project location. Projects must be submitted by 9:00 A.M, of the review date, unless prior arrangements are made. APPLICANT Name Thomas Ryan Company Indian Beach Acquisition, LLC — Address 8414 Falls of the Neuse Rd, —City/State Raleigh, NC Zip 27615 County Wake Phone (919)844-9025 Fax Email PROJECT Name The Grande Villas @ The Preserve PROJECT SYSTEM(S) TRIBUTARY TO (STREAM NAME) Boque Sound RIVER BASIN ENGINEER/CONSULTANT Ronald D. Culfioher. P.E. Company Stroud Engineerinq, P.A. Address 151-A Hwy 24 _ city/State' Morehead Ci C Zip 28557 County Carteret Phone (252)247-7479 Fax (252)247-J098 mall rcullioher(a)stroudengineer"com State or National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, NEPA) -- EA or EIS Required ❑ Yes Z No -------- —--------------------------------- —--------------------------- -------------------------------------- -- -- ❑ STREAM ORIGIN Determination; # of stream calls; Stream Name ❑✓ STORMWATER ❑ Low Density ❑ High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other Wetlands MUST be addressed below ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter 0 High Dens ity-Infiltration' ❑ Off Site ❑✓ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑✓- Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ✓❑ LAND QUALITY 0 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed. WETLANDS (401) . Wetlands on Property ❑ Yes 2] No Isolated Wetlands on Property ❑ yes 0 No Check all that a 1 Wetlands Will Be Impacted ❑ Yes 7 No Wetland Impacts: Acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Buffers Impacted: Acre(s) USA COE Approval of Delineation completed ❑ Yes ❑ No 404 Application in process w1USACOE ❑Yes ❑No I Permit received from USACE []Yes ❑No 401 Application required ❑Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, ❑ Regular ❑ Express Additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, may be charged for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications. For DENR use only t /� SUBMITTAL DATES: Fee Split for multiple permits-, SW � _ $ t� � CAMA p $- j, trt�Ql'r�4� Los $ 401 Total F e Amount $ cam,, 34,d1 702�rzI ���e � ass 7 Ir Jan.13. 2U06 1:1'Ffd, STROUD ENGINEERING P A No. 4961 F. Narrative Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Stormwater Management Plan The Grande Villas @ The Preserve January 2, 2006 Owner: Indian Beach Acquisition, LLC Thomas Ryan, Member 6414 Falls of the Neuse Road Raleigh, NC 27615 (919) 844-9025 Engineer: Stroud Engineering, P.A. 151-A N.C. Hwy.24 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 (252) 247-7479 A. Description of Project 1. Type of Development The Grande Villas @ The Preserve project is located on a 6.02 acre tract and is being proposed as a 90-unit condominium project with clubhouse and pool located off Hwy 58 approximately 11.7 miles east of the intersection of Highway 24 and 58. The project will consist of the removal of existing structures, installation of infiltration trenches for stormwater collection, installation of public water, sewer with treatment plant, putting in a new paved road with parking. 2. Earth Disturbing Activities a. Excavation and grading for the installation of the drive and parking area, drainage, utility improvements, sewer treatment system, and stormwater treatment systems. 3. Drainage The site presently drains west to Bogue Sound, Class "SA", by two 18" culverts. We are proposing an underground infiltration stormwater treatment system that has been sized for a 1.5" rainfall. The excess volume over L 5`' will be piped to one of the existing culverts that discharges under ITC H 58 and V �fi 1 1� Jan. 1 2Of) 6 '), i6-PM �I�OUD=NG1NE-i:I;iNG F A 4961 eventually toward Bogue Sound. 4. Utilities Public water will be made accessible by the Bogue Banks Water Corporation. On site there will be 161 LF of 6 inch, 176 LF of 4 inch, and 230 LF of 1 inch pvc water lines. Sewer will be treated by drip fields located on site. There will be 125 LF of 8 inch gravity sewer, 853 LF of 4 inch forcemain, sewer lift station, and a 28,800 gpd wasterwater treatment plant. B. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures The following measures are proposed for the site. If it becomes evident that additional erosion and sedimentation control measures are needed, they shall be installed irrunediately. It is intended that all grading and excavation activities within a certain area will be protected as soon as that activity is complete. 1. Sediment Fence -- Sediment fence will be utilized as necessary in locations as shown on plans or as deemed necessary by the engineer to insure that off -site sedimentation is controlled. Fencing'wilI also be placed around all drop inlets as shown on the drawings. 2. Seeding — All disturbed areas will be seeded within 14 days following construction in accordance with the seeding schedule shown on the plans. 3. Stone Construction Entrance — Stone construction entrance will be used to reduce the transport of sediment off site. 4. Temporary Sediment Trap-- Sediment trap will be constructed as shown on plans and serve to trap sediment and prevent sediment from moving off -site. C. Construction Sequence l . Clear and grub site. 2. Install stone construction entrance. 3. Install silt fence where specified on plans 4. Construct sediment trap. 5. Rough grade site. 6. Install stormwater collection system. 7. Install utilities. 8. Begin building construction. 9. Install curb and gutter and place CABC. 10. Install street system. 11. Perform final landscaping and seeding. D. Design Assumptions V-r Jan. 1J. 20i'6 �, 11LCvi S ROUD r{�cli�tERINu P A N',}.4961 P, 5 1. Design storm is ten years. 2. The rational method was used for design. E. infiltration Basin and Trench Operation and Maintenance After every runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly inspect the bypass/overflow structure for blockage and deterioration and the infiltration system for erosion, trash accumulation, grass cover, and general condition. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain adequate vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash and blockages as needed to maintain system performance. Remove accumulated sediment annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth_ Restore depth to original design depth without over -excavating. Over -excavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability of the system to perform as designed. If DWQ determines that the system is failing, the system will immediately be repaired or replaced to original design specifications. If the system cannot be repaired to perform its design function, other stormwater control devices as allowed by NCAC 2H .1000 must be designed, approved and constructed. Remove accumulated sediment from the infiltration system annually or when depth in the unit is reduced to 75% of the original design depth. The system shall be restored to the original design depth without overexcavating. Over -excavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability of the system to perform as designed. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall not be handled in a manner that will adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a stormwater treatment device or stream, etc.). A benchmark shall be established in the infiltration system. The benchmark will document the original design depth so that accurate sediment accumulation readings can be taken. The measuring device used to determine the depth at the benchmark shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the depth at the benchmark, which is the top of the weir box, reads 3.02' in infiltration system #t and 2.87' in infiltration system #2, the accumulated sediment shall be removed from the system. F. Coastal Stortnwater Regulations The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management implemented coastal stormwater regulations in coastal cowities on January 1, 1988. These regulations are detailed in 15 NCAC 2H.1000 Stormwater Runoff Disposal. These rules allow for a development to be considered under various options. This project is submitted for approval consideration under Section .1008 (d). _- 10, 7ll06 3: 15r Si;,(-,,UG ENGINEEniNG P A No, 496 i E' i W -A Hwy 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 252-247-7479 Phone 252,247.4098 _ Fax FaX To: From: 5tr'oUd Ennsneeril P.A' Fax: q S50 2t2)q Pages: Phone: !Irate: - 3 - V6 Re: CC: ❑ Urgent C?for Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle • Comments: