HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8051108_COMPLIANCE_20060511STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE FPCOMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE �DS"// YYYYMMDD WET DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME PROJECT # SW8 051108 PROJECT NAME White Oak River Investments S 1WQSIPOND1051108 WK1 REVIEWER r hail DATE 11-May-06 Receiving Stream Little Northeast Creek Class C, NSW Drainage Basin White Oak Index No 19-16-2 Site Area 2 06 acres Drainage Area square feet Area in Acres 206 IMPERVIOUS AREAS Rational C Buildings 10741 00 square feet Streets 3859900 square feet Sidewalks 43300 square feet square feet square feet square feet square feet TOTALF;fr square feet Rational Cc= 009 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 55 44% Des Depth 4 TSS SA/DA Ratio 3 57% Req SA 3207 sf Prov SA .470'�%75 sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "I" in the box if Rational is used Rational'?* Des Storm 1,Op inches Rv= 0 549 Bottom 90 msl Perm Pool 94,00 msl Design Pool 95 msl Storage met @elev 94 87 msl Req Volume 4107 cf Vol Prov at DP 4T02cf ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg Head = Flow Q2, cfs Flow Q5, cfs No of Orifices Diameter, inches Drawdown = 048 ft 0 024 cfs 0 010 cfs "1 1 tQ weir H x W 2 6 1 days C 3 317916667 FOREBAY Perm Pool Volume= 6702 Req Forebay Volume= 13404 Provided Volume= 139400 Percent= €awk!"; Elevation Area Inc Vol Acc Vol 9400 387400 000 9500 553000 470200 470200 Q2 Area = 1 03 Q5 Area = 041 Orifice Area 079 Q= 0 018 in x Surface Area @DP = Falling Head Drawdown = L= -0 096 COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines sq inches sq inches sq inches cfs in 5530 sq ft 4 1 days —Oceanside Engineering & Surveying 539 Doer Creek Drive, Cape Carteret, NO 28584 Phone (252) 354-7761 Fax (252) 393-8607 23 March 2006 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIROMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY SECTION STORMWATER 127 CARDINAL DRIVE WILMIMGTON, NC 28405 910-796-7215 REFERENCE WHITE OAK RIVER INVESTMENT (PROJECT NO SW8 051108) Dear Ms Hall 1 have finally gotten the letter from the Corp of Engineers on this project Ther is no wetland on this project and the stream is not a blue line stream I have adjusted the pool to increase the forebay to twenty (20%) percent as required I have changed the data on the WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT to reflect the new data In addition I have revised the WET POND REQUIREMENTS Thanks for all of you elp Joseph F Dunnehoo PE/PLS .7i .CAR o P SEAL41( i R 13301 : p F r., lit • ;Q6- i i 4f#+ ell Jtl i 40 i46 A • aj •f + ; At �IIF I+i SO IM r le 4 a i ell' Sh I IF LI F.Gf 1`. ♦ � = = - �I i . r 15A NCAC 2B 0312 WHITE OAK RIVER BASIN http //h2o ehnr state nc us/strmclass/hydro/whiteoak html EHNR — ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 031.2 WHITE OAK RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Description Class NEW RIVER DRAINAGE AREA ------------------------ NEW RIVER From source to Blue Creek C NSW Cowford Branch From source to New River C NSW Squires Run From source to New River C NSW Mill Swamp From source to Squires Run C NSW Cowhorn Swamp From source to New River C NSW Juniper Swamp From source to Cowhorn Swamp C NSW Bear Proaq From source to Cowhorn Swamp C NSW Margaret Branch From source to Cowhorn Swamp C NSW Jenkins Swamp From source to Cowhorn Swamp C NSW Bachelors Delight Swamp From source to New River C NSW Huffmans Branch From source to Bachelors Delight Swamp C NSW Hewitts Branch From source to Bachelors Delight Swamp C NSW Half/Moon Creek From source to New River C NSW NEW �IVER From Blue Creek to U S Hwy 17 SB NSW bridge Blue Creek From source to New River SC NSW Little Creek From source to New River SC NSW Mill Creek From source to New River SC NSW Deep Gully Creek From source to Mill Creek SC NSW (Elizabeth Lake) Socoe Creek From source to Mill Creek SC NSW ~ Chainey Creek From source to New River SC NSW Sandy Run Branch From source to Chainey Creek SC NSW Burnt House Branch From source to Chainey Creek SC NSW NEW RIVER From U. S.Hwy 17 bridge to SB HQW NSW Atlantic Coast Lane Railroad Trestle NEW RIVER From Atlantic Coast Line Railroad SC HQW NSW Trestle to Mumford Point Brinson Creek From source to New River SC NSW Edwards Creek From source to New River SC HQW NSW Strawhorn Creek From source to Edwards Creek SC HQW NSW Wilson Bay Entire Bay SC HQW NSW Stick Creek From source to New River SC HQW NSW NEW RIVER From Mumford Point to a line SC NSW extending across the river from Grey Point to point of land approximately 2200 yards downstream from mouth of Duck Creek Northeast Creek From source to N. C Hwy 24 SC NSW Wolf Swamp From source to Northeast Creek C NSW Little Northeast Creek From source to Northeast Creek C NSW Horse Swamp From source to Little Northeast Creek C NSW Rocky Run From source to Little Northeast Creek C NSW Poplar Creek From source to Little Northeast Creek C NSW Mott Creek From source to Northeast Creek C NSW Northeast Creek From N C. Hwy.24 to downstream- SC HQW NSW side of mouth of Scales Creek ` Scales Creek From source to Northeast Creek SC HQW NSW Northeast Creek From the downstream side of mouth SC NSW of Scales Creek to New River 1 of 10 7/25/00 3 32 PM