HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8041001_COMPLIANCE_20041110STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW �lih�IOZ�I DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD Permit: SW8041001 County: Onslow Region: Wilmington Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 11/10/04 Expiration: 11/10/14 Owner: Branch Banking & Trust Company Project: BB&T Sneads Ferry NC Hwy 210 nc hwy 172 Contact Person: Brian Warren Title: Directions to Project: NW corner of NC Hwy 210 and NC Hwy 172 Type of Project: State Stormwater - High Density Drain Areas: 1 - (Mill Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( SA;HQW) 2 - (Mill Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( SA;HQW) 3 - (Mill Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( SA;HQW) 4 - (Mill Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( SA;HQW) 5 - (Mill Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( SA;HQW) On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 05/27/2011 Entry Time: 01:00 PM Primary Inspector: Angela K Hammers Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: S Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: S State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Sneads Ferry NC 28460 Phone: 336-703-5705 State Stormwater - Infiltration System Ezit Time: 01:30 PM Phone: 919-796-7215 Ext.7317 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Page: 1 Permit: SW8041001 Owner - Project: Branch Banking & Trust Company Inspection Date: 05/27/2011 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up Inspection Summary: This permit meets the conditions of the state stormwater permit. Please continue operation and maintenance as required by the O&M Agreement and keep a record of all maintenance activities. File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? ■ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? s ❑ ❑ � Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: An engineers' certifcation was received by DWQ on May 20, 2011. SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ -Are the, inlets located per the approved plans? - O ❑ M1 ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ■ ❑ 0 ❑ Comment: Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ upon .request? Comment: The vegetated filter was cleared, re -graded and vegetated with the flow spreader visible. Page: 2 ;A Affl ..` NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director May 31, 2011 Mr. Archie Cribb, Sr. Vice President Branch Banking and Trust Company PO Box 1290 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Subject: NOTICE OF INSPECTION BB&T Sneads Ferry Permit No. SW8 041001 Onslow County Dear Mr. Cribb: Dee Freeman Secretary On May 27, 2011, Angela Hammers of the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) inspected BB&T Sneads Ferry -in Onslow County to determine compliance with Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 041001 issued on November 10, 2004. DWQ file review and site inspection revealed that the site is compliant with the terms and conditions of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter. Please be'advised that you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of your Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including operation and maintenance of your permitted stormwater system. If the project has changed name, ownership or mailing address, a formal change of name/ownership form must be submitted to DWQ within 30 calendar days detailing the change. Please provide the name, mailing address and phone number of the person or entity that is now responsible for this permit. Please be advised that violations of your Stormwater Management Permit may be subject to the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day per violation. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)-796- 7215. Sincerely,, l Angela Hammers Environmental Specialist Enclosure- Compliance Inspection Report GDSlakh: S:1WQS1StormWater120041041001 HD12011 05 CEI_compliant 041001 cc: Susan Cooke, BB&T (Myrtle Beach) Karen Higgins, WBSCU WiRO Files Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One Phone: 910-796-72751 FAX; 910-350-20041 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 North Carolina Internet: www.ncwatergvality.org Nnturfr!!y An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer INFIL RR TION TRENCH ANALYSIS F. Project # 041001-1 Project Name BB&T Sneads Ferry Recvng Stream Mill Creek Drainage Basin White Oak Site Area 1.4 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Parking/Asphalt Concrete Total Volume/Storage Calculation 6894 9605 If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required Provided Design Storm RV V.gllue. to.<�fvr �:. e Rainstore Volume per unit Number of Rainstore Units required Storage In Rainstore Units Total Storage in Rainstore Units Number of units stacked Width Of Single Rainstore Unit Length Of Single Rainstore Unit Height of a Single Rainstore Unit Volume above ground Total Volume Provided Elevation Of Bottom @Rainstore Unit Elevation Of SHWT Overflow Elevation Filename: S:IWPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1041001-1 Date 10-Nov-04 Reviewer L. Lewis Classification SA Index# WOK0219-39-3-1 Drainage Are, 24830 SF 0.57 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 1 1 % Impervious= 66.4% Cc= 0.73 1.5 in 0.65 ibiP CF 40 Mean Sea Level 38 Mean Sea Level 41 Mean Sea Level Elev. 11 Area, sf Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM TOP 0 0 ExFitration Rate / Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity 0.2417 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft Bottom Surface Area 2236.2615 Square Feet Drava own 14ne 3:7: hours 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM NIA Intensity, i = .33 inches / hour Qr-CiA= 0.14 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= #REFS CFS Must be > Qr 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 1576.32 CF, must be<= 2022 CF INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Project # 041001-2 Project Name BB&T Sneads Ferry Recvng Stream Mill Creek Drainage Basin White Oak Site Area 1.4 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Parking/Asphalt Concrete Total VolumelStorage Calculation 13809 If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required 0 Provided Design Storm RV Rainstore Volume per unit Number of Rainstore Units provided Storage In Rainstore Units Total Storage in Rainstore Units Number of units stacked Width Of Single Rainstore Unit Length Of Single Rainstore Unit Height of a Single Rainstore Unit Volume above ground Total Volume Provided Elevation Of Bottom @Rainstore Unit Elevation Of SHWT Overflow Elevation Filename: S:IWPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1041001-2 Date 10-Nov-04 Reviewer L. Lewis Classification SA Index # WOK02 19-39-3-1 Drainage Are; 16555 SF 0.38 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 1 1 % Impervious= 83.4% Cc= 0.87 1.5 in 0.80 I'E�57' CF Pipe Size 7 Pipe Size 2 25 gallons per unit 501 1674 Cubic Feet 1.64i Cubic Feet 4 1.33 Foot high 3.33 Feet, 40" 3.33 Feet, 40" 0.33 Feet, 4" Cubic Feet 37 Mean Sea Level 35 Mean Sea Level 38.33 Mean Sea Level Elev. ft Area, sf Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM TOP 0 0 Exfiltration Rate/Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity 0.2417 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft Bottom Surface Area 1389 Square Feet DrairJawn ::Tire 4 94: hours 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM NIA Intensity, i = .33 inches / hour Qr—C i A = 0.11 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= #REF! CFS Must be > Or 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 1245.96 CF, must be<= 1674 CF INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS i r. Project # 041001-3 Project Name BB&T Sneads Ferry Recvng Stream Mill Creek Drainage Basin White Oak Site Area 1.4 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Parking/Asphalt Concrete Filename: S:IWPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1041001-3 Date 10-Nov-04 Reviewer L. Lewis Classification SA Index # WOK02 19-39-3-1 Drainage Area 11718 SF 0.27 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 1 7780 1 920 1 Total Volume/Storage Calculation If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required 0 Provided Design Storm RV Rainstore Volume per unit Number of Rainstore Units provided Storage In Rainstore Units Total Storage in Rainstore Units Number of units stacked Width Of Single Rainstore Unit Length Of Single Rainstore Unit Height of a Single Rainstore Unit Volume above ground Total Volume Provided Elevation Of Bottom @Rainstore Unit Elevation Of SHWT Overflow Elevation % Imp. = 74.2% Cc= 0.79 1.5 in l 0.72 Pipe Size 2 25 gallons per unit 316 1056 Cubic Feet -tOSfii Cubic Feet 4 1.33 Foot high 3.33 Feet, 40" 3.33 Feet, 40" 0.33 Feet, 4" Cubic Feet 39 Mean Sea Level 37 Mean Sea Level 40.33 Mean Sea Level Elev. ft Area, sf Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM TOP 0 0 Extlltration Rate / Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity 0.2417 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft Bottom Surface Area 876 Square Feet DTire 49 hours 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = .33 inches / hour Qr= C i A = 0.07 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= #REF! CFS Must be > Qr 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 807.34 CF, must bey 1056 CF INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS , Project # 041001-4 Project Name BB&T Sneads Ferry Recvng Stream Mill Creek Drainage Basin White Oak Site Area 1.4 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Parking/Asphalt Concrete Total Volume/Storage Calculation Filename: S:IWPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1041001-4 Date 29-Oct-04 Reviewer L. Lewis Classification SA Index # WOK02 19-39-3-1 Drainage Are; 1725 SF 0.04 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 0 1 1725 1 0 If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required 0 Design Storm RV ........................................ ::lfoto;<5fvre Provided ::......... ................................. .. Rainstore Volume per unit Number of Rainstore Units provided Storage In Rainstore Units Total Storage in Rainstore Units Number of units stacked Width Of Single Rainstore Unit Length Of Single Rainstore Unit Height of a Single Rainstore Unit Volume above ground Total Volume Provided % Impervious= 100.0% Cc= 1.00 1.5 in 0.95 <'2d CF Pipe Size 1 Pipe Size 2 25 gallons per unit 62 207 Cubic Feet Cubic Feet 3 1 Foot high 3.33 Feet, 40" 3.33 Feet, 40" 0.33 Feet, 4" Cubic Feet Elevation Of Bottom @Rainstore Unit 39.5 Mean Sea Level Elevation Of SHWT 37.5 Mean Sea Level Overflow Elevation 39.83 Mean Sea Level Elev. ft Area, sf Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM 0 0 TOP 0 0 0 0 Ex>iltration Rate / Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity Bottom Surface Area 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = .33 inches / hour Qr-CiA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT 0.01 CFS #REF! CFS 0.2417 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft 229 Square Feet '<;7a> hours Must be > Qr Intensity, i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 149.69 CF, must bey= 207 CF INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Project # 041001-5 Project Name BB&T Sneads Ferry Recvng Stream Mill Creek Drainage Basin White Oak Site Area 1.4 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Parking/Asphalt Concrete Total VolumeJStorage Calculation Filename: S:IWPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1041001-5 Date 29-Oct-04 Reviewer L. Lewis Classification SA Index # WOK02 19-39-3-1 Drainage Area 780 SF 0.02 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 0 1 780 1 0 If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required 0 Design Storm RV Vbluiiln8 ore Provided ::...................................... Rainstore Volume per unit Number of Rainstore Units provided Storage In Rainstore Units Total Storage in Rainstore Units Number of units stacked Width Of Single Rainstore Unit Length Of Single Rainstore Unit Height of a Single Rainstore Unit Volume above ground Total Volume Provided % Impervious= 100.0% Cc= 1.00 1.5 in 0.95 7W CF Pipe Size 1 Pipe Size 2 25 gallons per unit 31 104 Cubic Feet <10 Cubic Feet .................................. 3 1 Foot high 3.33 Feet, 40" 3.33 Feet, 40" 0.33 Feet, 4" Cubic Feet Elevation Of Bottom @Rainstore Unit 37 Mean Sea Level Elevation Of SHWT 35 Mean Sea Level Overflow Elevation 37.33 Mean Sea Level Elev. (ftl Areasf Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM 0 0 TOP 0 0 0 0 filtration Rate/Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity Bottom Surface Area 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM N/A Intensity, i = .33 inches / hour Qr=CiA= Qp through the bottom of the basin= 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT 0.01 CFS #REF! CFS 0.2417 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft 115 Square Feet -1.1 Must be a Or Intensity, i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 67.69 CF, must be<= 104 CF BB&T - Sneads Ferry - SWa 041001 - Extension ' Subject: BB&T - Sneads Ferry - SW8 041001 - Extension From: "Brian Soltz" <soltz@csitedesign.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 09:15:21 -0400 To: "'Linda Lewis'" <Linda,Lewis@ncmail.net> CC: "'Cameron Weaver"' <Cameron. Weavcr@ncm ail. net>, "Daniel Brown" <brown@csitedesign.com>, <burchett@csitedesign.com> Linda, Please extend our re -submittal date for the above noted project until Friday 10115. This will give us more time to discuss that one remaining issue (off-line system) with you further. Please call us to discuss. Thanks Brian T. Soltz COMMERCIAL SITE DESIGN, PLLC Engineering - Surveying - Planning - Landscape Architecture 7501 Creedmoor Road, Suite 106 Raleigh, North Carolina 27613 Phone: (919) 848-6121 x126 Fax: (919) 848-3741 Cell: (919) 414-4054 soltzaa csitedesign.com www.commercialsitedesion.com 1 of 1 10/12/2004 9:55 AM I �4 �9 n d S 9 t y } yy. 458 - �°, • / ,,'il_ , ,s -� �� A�4� HIM 5 yin if y '` �: f 1a � S:� ` �.•.J ' a / to . _ S .� � .�L��a . ` _ � � � . 4� yr fa / ZY; a � �U;5 fei•'� 4� !� pp YJ l� �• a7 '. f8t 4y�s�.� 6. G iV C 1 €l,-- A i 51 9 c ¢ = ff!! Alt t t up i3 p(� , ¢€i 3 4 �y S;e ed i Ea Cia4E a• } UUUT CLIENT: �"xleaaMUST co N.C.NlGHWAY2f08N.C.ylGHWAY172 P 0. e01r 11co KfN5TON3ALE11.NC tr+011N0 �a v �... STUMP SOUND TWSP_ ONSLO W CO. NORTH CAROLINA 4 E31E \x\Q\MM\X\�\1 its v, A m mmom Mg M M ERM I ^Ee II • 3 d�ml; fig W: 1::) 44:jl Ilk ff BB&T N.C. HIGHWAY210 & N.C. HIGHWAY 172 sTuAdpsouNi)nvsp.,6NsLo6vrc).,NoRTHr-AROLIjVA REMIMS DETAILS wre INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Filename: S:\WPDATA\WQS\INTRENM041001-1 Project # 041001-1 Project Name BB&T Sneads Ferry Recvng Stream Mill Creek Drainage Basin White Oak Site Area 1.4 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Parking/Asphalt Concrete Total 6970 9580 VolumelStorage Calculation If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required 0 'i Provided Design Storm RV Votore IA Rainstore Volume per unit Number of Rainstore Units required Storage In Rainstore Units Total Storage in Rainstore Units Number of units stacked Width Of Single Rainstore Unit Length Of Single Rainstore Unit Height of a Single Rainstore Unit Volume above ground Total Volume Provided Elevation OfBottom @Rainstore Unit Elevation Of.SHWT Overflow Elevation Date 06-Oct-04 Reviewer L. Lewis Classification SA Index # Drainage Are; 24829 SF 0.57 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 1 1 % Impervious= 66.7% Cc= 0.73 1.5 in 0.65 iR� CF Pipe Size 1 Pipe Size 2 25 gallons per unit 426 1424 Cubic Feet Cubic Feet 3 1 Foot high 3.33 Feet, 40" 3.33 Feet, 40" 0.33 Feet, 4" Cubic Feet 40 Mean Sea Level 38 Mean Sea Level 41.5 Mean Sea Level Elev. ft 'Area, sf Inc. Volume Acc. Volume BOTTOM 41.25 2394 Exfiltration Rat TOP 41.5 2394 598.5 598.5 Reported Hydraulic Conductivity 0.2417 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft Bottom Surface Area 1574.6238 Square Feet '.Draw ictwn -Aline hours 25 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM NIA Intensity, i = .33 inches / hour Qr=CiA=? 0.14 CFS Qp through the bottom of the basin= #REF! CFS Must be > Or 10 YEAR 10 MIN HIGH INTENSITY EVENT Intensity, }'. i = 6.3 inches / hour Volume for 10 yr. 10 min. event = 1579.84 CF, must bey= 1424 CF