HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8040805_COMPLIANCE_20040813STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW����rSrSyU� DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE VVT COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE �n YYYYMMDD DETAILED NARRATIVE STORMWATER PLAIN Ct'.MI.ON ASSISTED LIVING, LLC SOliTHPORT, NORTH CAROLNA August 13, 2004 RECEIVED AUG 13 2004 DWQ PROD # This project is located just north of Southport along SR 1527. The site is a 4.48 development. It will be a high density project with approl unately 36 percent impervious. Attached is a vicinity map for your reference. After our preliminary meeting with Linda Lewis we decided to utilize a pond that will remove 90 percent of TSS. A vegetated filter will not be necessary. This system will increase the effectiveness of the treatment system and reduce the long term maintenance issues associated with a vegetated filter system. The site slopes from about elevation 25 to around elevation 8 or 9. The front half of the site will use a collection system of pipes beneath the asphalt parking area.. The back half of the site will utilize grassed swales for the majority of the collection and transportation to the treatment system. The vegetated swale will assist in the treatment of the stormwater by allowing some of it to soak into the ground prior to reaching the pond area. The roof drainage will be collected in pipes and discharged to either the grass swale or the collection pipe in the front of the building. - In an effort to ma_-xinuze the effectiveness of the pond treatment system the stormwater collected in the front of the site will be piped to the back to discharge into the forebay area. This is in lieu of adding a second forebay in the front. Since this project is located in the City of Southport's jurisdiction we have also designed the pond so that the flow from a 25-year storm will not be any larger that the pre -construction flow from a 25-year storm. We also routed a 100-year storm through the pond to verify the elevations and have established an emergence overflow in case the main outlet gets clogged. The overflow if set above the 25-year storm elevation and in fact is actLiallv_ set above the 100-pear storm elevation according to the routing data. The normal pond elevation is actually set above the adjacent wetlands. This means that the pond system will not drain the wetlands. In fact, it will probably assist in keeping the area moist. Z r i 5[I1a41 a CHURCH Pindavei l} \6 [nukt:n WITH [anklllh l347 We CAMVBE44�L 4I ,l �!;r CErEltkr ,9 E ISLAL36 '� / + HOSPILAI -1{Y{YY \ ISII l 5` 1 j/ ® CORRECtIONAI OR "NAE I.SIN 'ES I� 1, L7 HicNWAYGARAGE OR &ra r YARD 1516 F Haan I' � { C) IWIWAY OIv,OR DIS7, OFFICE k d:i 1317 ••' a, WEIGHTSIATICu PATROL STATION L 1 I A REST AktA O MONUMENT—SMA[E HISTORICAL SITE 1515 sj 1,5 ISxI 14'05' YQ IiL c J 3 W L3NG SPRING A AKES / POP. 9Vg `+ c ORTON J PLANTATION ]] \\ Orton GARDENS I]]P `I1JL 1700-17001�' otn ea4NswlcK RUIN _ i I INTRACOASTAL ' i' /' pWATERWAY l,' !2y 1 EU//Ifl ' Ji94 — 224 130P 1}47 �- Lip p — I]9R ]li SUNNY POINT ARMY TERMINAL 1 lIII KEY TO COUNTY ROAD NUMBERS AcCE55 + / / _ NSALL �}55�s-10 J� Par-r 1 7., ,sue "/ -.. . ��;j(i f� ,•��� RUNSWICK COUNN'TY... -� NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Cg� sx� I xi t, ZEKI� HH I _ z7 ISLAND { DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS —PLANNING AND RESEARCH BRANCH r q 1 x I ! IN COOPERATION WITH THE T-- . I a U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Iy FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 'BATTERY �` T� t / 1Fr SCALE S NOTE: MAP INCLUDES ONLY SPATE MAINTAINED ROADS 1 ISLAND ls's5' . !l r \ T 0 I Y 3 OR IMPORTANT NON -SYSTEM ROADS. +MILES MILEAGE NOT SHOWN ON FRONTAGE ROADS. U _ —r�T M1EE� _ I I�STRIKING // ✓' / �C-ykf. ROADS SHOWN AS OF JAN. I, 198S, ISLAND: ,^! t�/ SCALE FOR ENLARGEMENTS ld'T S7 r 111JL"�ARIf !r� EMgL 1;ROUNU5 A„` BAY ` J v o n z w z o m 2 a 0 O, g T b PROPOSED PURCHASE = 4.45 AGRES (4.Oq U5A13LE AGRES OUTSIDE DESIGNATED WETLAND) OF EXISTING 68.2q AGRE PARGEL. PROPOSED STORMWATER POND .35 AGRES. PROPOSED PURGHASE PROPERTY V.- SUB -PARCEL OF PROPERTY - 2220000604 TelPOwwir qq! TRUGTI0N -- r Total Tract Area — \ 66.3 AcresMUM&IN (co Z 4 Drainage Calculations Carillon Assisted Living Southport, NC Pond Calculations Temporary Pool Volumes t�;ll 1191(jf�r F SA L. Ii270 _ ,p hyf L./D RECEIVED AUG 2 5 2004 DWQ PROJ# sw�vs Elevation Detention Pond Volume CF Forebay 1 Volume CF Total Volume Rad ft SA Adjt SA Tot.SA Step Total Rad Ft SA A! �t SA Tot.SA Step Total SA CF I 9 40.4501 3.141593 5140 5140.282 0 19.215 3.141593 1160 1159.927 0 1 6300 0 10 43.450 3.141593 5931 -159 5772.021 5456 5456 22.215 3.141593 1550 -159 1391.396 1276 12761 7163 6732 10.1 43,750 3/141593 6013 -176 5837.205 580 6037 22.515 3,141593 1593 -176 1416,553 140 14161 7254 7453 10.2 44.050 3.141593 6096 -194 5902.455 587 6624 22,815 3,141593 1635 -194 1441,775 143 1559I 7344 8183 10.3 44,350 3.141593 6179 -212 5967,77 594 7217 23.115 3.141593 1679 -2121 1467.063 145 1704 ! 74351 8922 10.31 44.380 3.141593 6188 -214 5974 60 7277 211451 3.141593 1683 -2141 1469 151 17191 7-4-44-F 8996 Permanent Pool Volumes Elevation Detention Pond Volume CF Forebay 1 Volume CF Total SA Volume CF Rad ft SA [Step Total Rad ft SA Step Total i 9 40.500 3A41593 5153 0 19.110 3.141593 1147 01 6300 0 8 37.500 3.141593 4418 4785 4785 16.110 3.141593 815 981 9811 5233 5767 7 34.500 3,141593 37391 1631 6417 13.110 3.141593 540 678 1659 1 4279 8076 6 31.500 3,141593 31171 171 6588 10.110 3.1415931 321 431 2089 1 3438 8678 5 28.500 3.1415931 25521 2835 9423 7.110 3.1415931 1591 2401 23291 2711 11752 Check Percentages of Pool Volumes Tem ora Perm. Total Pool Pool Pool Volume Volume Volume CF CF CF Detention Pond 7,277 9,423 16,700 Forebay No, 1 1,719 . 2,329 4,049 Total 8,996 1 11.752 20,748 Total Forebay 1,719 2,329 4,049 1 Percent Forebay 1 19.11%1 19.82% 1 19.51% Check Percentages of Pool SA Tem . Perm. Pool Pool SA SA SF SF Detention Pond i 5,974 5,153 Forebay No. 1 1,469 1,147 Total 7,444 6.300 Total Forebay 1,469 1,147 Percent Foreba 19.74% 18.21%