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SW8040407_APPROVED PLANS_20040719
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE v`� YYYYMMDD . .11. 1 . I .-, -, 4 f; -f. . On AW A -p? U , W 4 1 10 M: jM M 17: vMr IV !-1-Z —, — _ - ._. _ .._f plz:=_,.;d'u.. ii }'rr;,._ S �:i :�.:,o-.lr .... .�. _ _ .i ,. �.. � -• .�.*�-- i�d.1,t� �?:L'.:cla�.z I- 0 Ld Q C'7 d 0� 0 0 cu tl.l It 3 m L 0) N E d L EU 3 L� Ul IU O 0 a CU kn 4-' U N 0 CL d J i U GENERAL NOTES: 1. Topo and Boundary from Charles A. RAWLS dt Associates, dated Februay 16, 2004. 2. Contractor shall verify location of all underground utilities prior to commencement of worst. 3. "As of January 1, 1986, anyone digging with mechanized equipment in highway right-of-way, private utility easements, or public spaces will be required by North Carolina Low to give notice of the proposed excavation to all the existing area utilities at least 2 working days before starting to dig. The utility owner 1s required to locate its facilities in the area of the proposed excavation. Utility members of One Call can be contacted at 1-800--632-4949. 4. Contractor is responsible for contacting any local utility companies that are not members of One Call. 5. Contractor Is responsible for any damages to any existing utilities. 6. Contractor shall remove or relocate all existing structures and utilities required prior to site construction. 7. For additional Information, see ail sheets of the plan set. 8. There are no wetlands on site impacted by this project. 9. All roof drainage must be directed so as to be picked up by the pond, and the runoff from all impervious surfaces must be directed to the forebay. 9 PHASE 1 DEMOLITION 1. CUT ASHPALT SURFACES WHERE INDICATED WITHIN DESIGNATED AREA. 2. REMOVE ALL ASPHALT SURFACES, ASPH/CONIC. CURBING, SIDEWALKS, ETC. WITHIN DESIGNATED AREA. 3. RELOCATE CONFLICTING POWER/LIGHT POLE(S) AS NECESSARY. 4. INSTALL TEMP A.B.C. ACCESS AS SHOWN AS TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO EXISTING BUILDING AND PARKING AREAS. 5. INSTALL NEW PARKING AREA AT REAR OF SITE PER SITE PLAN. PHASE 2 DEMOLITION 1. DEMOLISH AND REMOVE ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES TO BE ABANDONED. 2. REMOVE ALL ASPHALT SURFACES, ASHP./CONC. CURBING, SIDEWALKS, ETC. WITHIN DESIGNATED AREAS. 3. RELOCATE CONFLICTING POWER/LIGHT POLE(S) AS NECESSARY. 4. ABANDONED EXIST. WATER & SEWER SERVICES TO EXIST BUILDING. ."Iwr nJd%w nV�,•. j-,JJ \01 —UU) DEMOLITION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SEQUENCE WORK ACTIVITIES SUCH THAT ACCESS TO THE EXISTING FACILITY IS MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT A PORTION OF NEW PARKING AREA AT REAR OF SITE AS EXISTING PARKING AREAS ARE REMOVED SUCH THAT ADEQUATE PARKING IS AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION WORK. 3. ALL DEBRIS RESULTING FROM DEMOLITION SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM SITE AND DISPOSED OF IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER. LEGEND: PP - Power Pole LP - Light Pole OHP - Overhead Power Line 155 - Iron Stake 5et IP5 - Iron Pipe Set EIP - Existing Iron Pipe EPK - Existing PK Nail - Centerline - Traffic flow Arrow - Proposed Elevation - Ditch ss�tt _ Pipe label - Rip Rap Apron RCP - Reinforced Concrete Pipe — sf -- 51t Fence A - Existing Frm "ydrant- Jo Vicinity Map NO SCALE }DECEIVED JUL 15 2004 DWQ PRoJ # �'v!# 0�, N1Un 1 AL U AOWENT COMMiSSIGsN DIVISION OF WAM QUWW e o�� slT1= nArA ~% ACREAGE-2.66 S BLDG. S.F.-10,951 S.F. TAX PARCEL ID: 1401-124 N.C. PIN # 536409073081 REF: DB 701 PG 864 BOUNDARY/TOPO SURVEY AND BASEMAP PROVIDED BY: Charles A. Rawls and Associates L117 HAMMOCK WACO 1M., P.O. BOX LIN, 311FAMM510. 211I.C. 8e6e4 GRAPHIC SCALE JO EO ( IN FEET ) 1 inch — 30 M 0 REVISIONS 7/14/04 ,PER SITE PLAN Q a � o co G Q, Q re) I .0 N cV .� M LJ 03 C W a Ci o z °: = E a VD LL s LU g Z 2 > C E 3 0 rQ O X V .5❑ Wr) - C LL.I Cr ILL. Q fa a rn � = n" LJ .� O V U a IZ Z O J 2 a Z O Z 0. Z X W O O �4 � U Z Z Om0 Z D 3 V O Z � 0 � Q � l 0Q WLd w � Cr- ¢O Tn a F� 0 Q V 1 N Ld W �O N 5 LL_ O w Z 4 SCALE: 1 " = 30' DATE: 3/20/2004 PROJECT: 04-0042 DRAWN BY: JC/DKN SHEET 1 OF 4 f�sf f5t�' Irr - I 1 9 1 a�3+1 1T-1r' i'L I i 4 ' � 15i y � i 1 I I d��•' �r �1 f1 �` i,f ,fi � { •'Y. i � i � �� � : i � a 1 � 1- i/ �� i� 1 • i. 1/ 1 T k -.11 � b t� ♦f l �:~f 1� r� �� � N 1 '.C, lV. -, .t Y.. ,. -_si ._ ., P -.,. •li .. � ti .�.�: i ..., ,i . � ..• J.. t�, ��0. � :�fil J. .. a O W N 3 CD O 3 I) X E 2 d LL Ul N O a 0 ru In 4' v -0 d J / U GENERAL NOTES: 1. Topo and Boundary from Charles A. RAINLS do Associates, dated Februay 16. 2004, 2. Contractor shall verify location of oil underground utilities prior to commencement of work. 3. "As of .January 1, 1986, anyone digging with mechanized equipment in highway right—of—way. private utility easements, or public spaces will be required by North Carolina Law to give notice of the proposed excavation to all the existing area utilities at least 2 working days before starting to dig. The utility owner Is required to locate its facilities In the area of the proposed excavation. Utility members of One Call can be contacted at 1-800-632-4949. 4. Contractor is responsible for contacting any local utility companies that are not members of One Call. 5. Contractor Is responsible for any damages to any existing utAities. 6. Contractor shall remove or relocate all existing structures and utilities required prior to site construction. 7. For additional information, see all sheets of the plan not. 8. There are no wetlands on site Impacted by this project. 9. All roof drainage must be directed so as to be picked up by the pond, and the runoff from all Impervious surfaces must be directed to the foreboy. �LPP WAW M W PLMQ moo n carxn oocwroc I :-\ 1/00r. m1. map .w-+ono M Combination Curb/Sidewalk NO SCALE 1-1/2' BCSC Supel-pave Type S9.5B JZ1 r rr �>r S& P. Paving Detail NO SCALE N/F I A.J. Phillips R.P, Nouchl, Trust 1 DB, 2049, Pg, 509 ,1 TRUNCATE) DaMEs Mle, as INCH 9513ER. 0.2 INCH NEI6Hi AND SPACED ON 2.33 MCH CENTERS SHALL HE WSTALLED ON THE HANDICAP RAMP. THE RAISE) DOMES SHALL es PAINTED BATTLESHIP GREY. 2) RAMP AND FLARED SIDES ONLY TO eE OOLORED BATTLEStNP GREY MATH CROME-HARD COLOR HARDENER USE STAMP 1 -1W ON RAMP AND FLARE Handicap Ramp Detail NO SCALE TRAVERSE JOINT d7-7 .Q A' e d a do a d • SLOPE 1/4'/FT. 5 TAMPED EAR Sidewalk Detail - NO SCALE LEGEND: PP - Power Pole LP - l.Ight Pole OMP - Overhead Power Line 155 - Iron 5tak- Set 1P5 - Iron Pipe 5et El? - Exi5ting Iron Pipe EPK - Existing PK Nail - Centerline --► - Traffic Plow Arrow - Proposed Elevation Ditch "E" - Pipe Label ® - RIp Rap Apron RCP - Keinforced Concrete Pipe Sf — - 51It Fence R - Exi5ting Fire giant. . Vicinity Map NO SCALE 964 N/F A.J. Phillips R.P. Nouchl, Trust DB. 2049, Pg. 509 I N/F RandetL Scott Harper L Gina F. Harper DB. 1318, Pg. 707 SITE DATA ACREAGE-2-66 BLDG. S.F.-10,951 S.F. TAX PARCEL ID: 1401-124 N.C. PIN # 536409073081 REF: DB 701 PG $64 BOUNDARY/`TOPO SURVEY AND BASWAP PROVIDED BY: Charles A. Rawls and Associates 1117 HAWWOCS BEACH RD.. P.O. Baas 118e. SWANSBORa, N.C. 8e5e4 GRAPHIC SCALE 13 = W ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 30 ft. REWSIONS 7/14/G4 PER SITE PLAN o (0 N in 'C C W re) r. U Q LJJ � Z � N E X o _� � z ato 3 0 0Ln o> U > W W 0 Q ui '� ..• co in 0 U U a *`,ttt,1t11eflfJlf so- a'. O a � U z W � Z w 0 V1 V z 0 U I � o ,.� aZ L--. yyW 0 a _ � : a I LA ©._. La. Q V L W N TZ LJ 5" at LL. o W r11- 0 SCALE: 1 " = 30' DATE: 3/20/2004 ,m PROJECT: 04-0042 DRAWN BY: JC/OKN SHEET 2 OF 4 W •� .. - �... � .. .. �, . - , ,•. - .... '1;;� r . ,. '? s''S' i-. f 4..�'.i;,': �. 1'1 1,!i^;;Y°;': r: ; IT; '{' 1'1 r'. s� C I� M 1 � o a 1 < < , m � 3 3 r4 } � l I 1 ` 1 I r • i I �. � I {CP i JUNC. BOX 1 i TOP-30.8 �►� i INV-26.74 1 P 2.4 T Proposed 12 1 (Typ. Sec t y Prop. i I 4 • 4 1 1 4 Lej PP l y LJ i DROP INLET TOP-30.8 I; INV-28.23 ILIi I A Grbde ` �S � to ra i [ Ln i ,o , DROP lNi i`0 0 l ~ i TOP-31.5 Ie y INV-28.49 CD TA ! ` i >< i 1 I •� � 1 i` 1~ i ii I 1V ti4 + , • I t � � i IN I a 1 I C1 ytD � it `i I � I • I fro O -p1 Q iz' �l I 3 fV GENERAL NOTES: 1. Topo and Boundary from Charles A. RAWLS do Associates, dated Februay 16, 2004. 2. Contractor shall verify location of all underground utilities prior to commencement of work. 3. "As of January 1, 1986, anyone digging with mechanized equipment In highway right-of-way, private utility easements, or public spaces will be required by North Carolina Law to give notice of the proposed excavation to all the existing area utilities at least 2 working days before starting to dig. The utility owner Is required to locate Its facilities In the area of the proposed excavation. Utility members of One Call can be contacted at 1-800-632-4949. 4. Contractor is responsible for contacting any local utility companies that are not members of One Call. 5. Contractor is responsible for any damages to any existing utilities. B. Contractor shall remove or relocate all existing structures and utilities required prior to site construction. 7. For additional Information, we all sheets of the plan set. 8. There are no wetlands on site impacted by this project. 9. All roof drainage must be directed so as to be picked up by the pond, and the runoff from all Impervious surfaces must be directed to the forebay. SITE PLAN ASPHALT PARKING/DRIVEWAY /AREA 6' ASPHALT CURB o,2S•/�-7 Typical Section "A" NO SCALE WIDTH = DEPTH x 6 ESTABLISH GROUND - COVER PER SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS 2' MIN EXIST GRADE DEPTH PER �1 SITE PLAN LINE CENTER OF SWALE W/ SOD (PINNED TO PREVENT DISLODGEMENT) pR STONE LINING WHERE SPECIFICALLY REQ'D BY SITE PLAN, Swale Detail NO SCALE N/F A.J. Phillips R.P. Nouchl, Trust DB. 2049, Pg. 509 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES: 1. Sediment central devices and structures shall be installed, maintained and amended as needed to provide effective control of accelerated sedimentation until the contributing watersheds are stabilized. 2. A. Notify Engineer, Owner and Land Ouollty Section prior tc beginning construction. B. Install stabilized construction entrances. C. Silt fence shall be Installed at edge of clearing, on all down slopes immediately after area is cleared. Slit fence shall be maintained until the area is stabilized competeiy. 0. Construct drainage swales. Install storm drainage piping. Construct rock check dams where shown. E. Immediately seed, mulch and install liners. F. Maintain erosion control measures as needed to assure full functionoblility. G. Place CABC over compacted subgrade. Install asphalt surface course. H. Reseed and mulch shoulders and ditches. Install liners on all *wales (and provide ground cover on all exposed slopes.) I. Seed■ fertilize, and mulch all disturbed areas within 15 days of completing any phase of the grading work. J. Permanent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or no more than 90 calendar days following completion of construction. 3, nil Sneej�cetions Apply lime and fertilizer and work into 4-6 inches of soil. Seed mixture shall be distributed uniformly and covered with a dean straw mulch. All mulch shall be crimped or asphalt tacked to help hold In place. Material and application rates are as follows: Motor( Aoalicatlon Lime Rate 1000 lbs./ail Fertilizer (10-10-10) 800 lbs./ac. Mulch 1.5 tons/ac. Perrag 01-S0d[D9 Common Bermuda (Unhulled Sept. 1 - April 1) 100 lbs./ac. (Hulled April - Sept. 1) 75 lbs./oc. "Rebel" Fescue 50 lbs./ae. Rye Groin (Sept. 1 - April i only) 50 lbs./ail German Millet (April 1 - Sept. 1 only) 50 lbs./ac. Dec. 15 - April 15 Kobe Lespedezo 50 lbs./ac. Rye Grain 100 tbs./ac. April 15 - Sept. 1 German Millet 40 Ibs./ac. Sept. 1 - Dec. 15 Rye Grain 100 lbs./ac. 4. Contractor Is responsible for maintaining dill erosion control measures and amend measures as required to prevent accelerated erosion from taking place on this site. 5. Once all areas have been stabilized, contractor is to remove temporary erosion control measures, regrode, do mulch to restabillze these areas. 6. For additional requirements, see the approved erosion and sedimentation permit. 1/2' RAD. R/W WIDTH PER SITE PLAN ASPHALT PARKING/DRIVEWAY AREA 0.255 T 9 2` F T Typical Section "Brr NO SCALE hUKMLL RbNrML., I-UKD Asphalt Curb NO SCALE EXISTING ROAD i 10=1 ft, A K-.*: CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROFILE R/W (SEE NOTE) PLAN VIEW Constriction Sneclficatims 1. Stone size - Use MSHA size No. 2 (2-1/2- to 1") or AASHTO designation M43, size No. 2 ( 2-1/2' to 1-1/2-). Un crushed stone. 2. Length - As effective. but not leas than 50 feat. 3. Thickness - Not less than six (6) Inches. 4. Width - Not less than full width of all prints of Ingram or egress. Minimum of 12'. 5. Washing - When necessary. wheels shall be Cleaned to removes sediment prior to entrance onto public right-of- way. When washing Is required, It shall be done on an area stabilized with crushed *tons which drains into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. All sediment shell be prevented from entering any storm drain, ditch, or watercourse through use of sandbags, grovel. boards or other approved methods. 6. Maintenance - The entrance shalt be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto public rights -of -way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as canditicns demand and repair and/or olsonout of any measures used to trap sediment. All sediment. spilled, dropped. washed or tracked onto public rights -of -way must be removed immediately. Temp. Construction Entrance NO SCALE: ULTRA%WW RE=ANT (KAOX) wan FABRIC OR EOUIVALERT SEGRED 1G eeM oR rAPo OlAs1E111) *11N PETAL CUPS OR WIE AT e" OFF w12 FOR 4'x�" OR z'x�" MEIGEG +MI{E INIONNm / CENTER. wFaalre NNELs ON PETAL sts, �a To CEDAR OR Moan POSTS KW 100. s STAKES. 7 ' MAi7MW SOMOfT STORAGE LEVEL iIE1101E emlLexr W4M 1143 LEVEL IS REA M . / OR AS_ it INSr%CipR. - NATURAL QRAUE. Jill IMM CARRY A"ROX"I0.r Ir Or FAMC INTO TRB401, COW *ITN SOIL AND TAMP 6AC OXL CARRY e" OF MIME INTO TREi M IETA11 CEDAR oR 4W TREATED UM PWM AT s' OFF CEIIiQ! MueeK CEDAR NO M000 POSTS 9iAM eE S am LIII1um Silt Fence Detail NO SCALE Exist I3itrh Drop Inlet Detail NO SCALE DRAINAGE PIPE CHART LEGEND: PP - Power Pole LP - Light Pole 0h? - Overhead Power Line 155 - Iron Stake 5et IP5 - Iron Pipe 5et EIP - Exi5tincj Iron Pipe EPK - Exi5ting PK Nail - Centerline - Traffic Flow Arrow - Proposed Elevation - Ditch "E" - Pipe Label - Rip 1up Apron RCP - Reinforced Concrete Pipe S f - - 51lt Fence A - Existing Fire hydrant N/F A.J. Phlllips & R.P. Nouchl, Trust DB, 2049, Pg. 509 Easement OUTLET AREA Q10 DIAMETER GRADE LENGTH VELOCITY PIPE (acres) (cfs) (inches) M (if) (fps) "A" N/A N/A 15" 56 N/A "B" N/A N/A 15" 54 N/A "C" 0.52 3.12 15" 0.50 235 N/A "D" 0.11 0.66 8" 3.86 95 N/A "E" 1.07 6.64 18" 0.50 172 4.8 "F" 1.71 10.3 15" 2.50 40 9.0 Q-CiA RCP - Reinforced Concrete Pipe tc-5 min. LF - Linear Feet i10-7.50 in/hr. FPS s Feet per Second C-0.80 NOTE: 1. Contractor shall use RCP or DIP for all pipes underneath asphalt or concrete traffic areas. Contractor may use RCP, DIP, PVC or HDPE (2 wall) in all other areas. f�iQS. RIG, kv x 76- INLET CH-ON-2 W=T F007MK.�� 30 Vicinity Map NO SCALE 64 N/F Randett Scott Harper L Gina F. Harper DB. 1318, Pg. 707 SITE DATA ACREAGE-2.66 BLDG. S.F.-10,951 S.F. TAX PARCEL ID: 1401-124 N.C. PIN # 536409073MI REF: DS 701 PG $64 Disturbed Area - 2.2 Ac BOUNDARY/TOPO SURVEY AND BASEMAP PROVIDED BY - Charles A. Rawls and Associates 1117 HAMMOCK 8>SACB RD.. P.O. BOX II SWAH88080. N.C. SOW GRAPHIC SCALE 30 so ( IK FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. EIP �- REVISIONS 7/14/04 PER SITE PLAN- Q CD rn a I in in °0 N ■ C LU 04 po >j O LU d Z v ■C O G m C v 3 W Z C Ne Q ko 3 = O o f0 .v_ C) V 0in •_� �M LU s in 4.J ny °D • > in z U V a. 'J, .i YYY _ = Na y : No r II II<<�''` Q J i1 fY � u w (n Z moo= U LU 0 311: o z 0 (2 Z 0 r,� F*y V 1ii;_ �14 0 cc F- Z 3 in LL1 0 © l �+ W [n 0 H 0 0 L!) fr Z III O 0 LuW (L a= Q W ti W Z 0 SCALE: 1" = 30' DATE: 3/20/2004 120 PROJECT: 04-0042 DRAWN BY: JC/DKN SHEET 3 OF 4 ��` •---!.. _ ��'�Pu... _ _k,.. •L'- '.�1 '!}.:�_ .... •.._.�.-�---`-• - ---.... i. it �S :� :i•... _ •f _kl:d'�1L+•�:.1_��iai•'3•'1'._ .���L'1_i i REVISIONS 4/09/04 Per Land Oudity Ld f n 0i 65 .-1 m 4-' a / 3 E d L Q) ll_ In 0) O fl O (L O CL J / :RGENCY SPILLWAY =V 28.39) Treatment Pond - Plan Scale: 1" = 20' SEEDING SCHEDULE PLANTING SCHEDULE SEEDBED PREPARATION NOTES, NOT.-= ONLY AREAS ABOVE PERMANENT POOL SHALL BE SEEDED. VEGETATIVE HIE! PLANTING SCHEDULE APPLIES ONLY TO VEGETATED SHELF AND VEGETATED SF?--e SHALL NOT BE SEEDED AND SHALL BE ALLOWED TO GENERATE NATIVE FILTER. L SURFACE WATER CONTROL MEASURES TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO PLAN, VEGETATION. SPREAD 4' TOPSOIL OVER AREAS TO BE PLANTED AND �:rA.dLISH UNIFORM GRADE $. AREAS TO BE SEEDED SMALL BE RIPPED AND SPREAD WITH AVAILABLE SPREAD 4' TOPSOIL OVER AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND ESTABLISH UNIFORM PRIM TO PLANTING, PLANT ANY TWO (2) OF THE FOLLUiWIMG SPECIES WITHIN TOPSOIL 3' DEEP, TOTAL SEEDBED PREPARATION DEPTH SHALL BE 4'-S' DEEP. GRADE PRIOR TO SEEDING. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER AND WORK INTO THE LIMITS OF THE DESIGNATED VEGETATED SHELF AT A DENSITY NOT LESS THAN 3 LOOSE ROCKS, ROOTS AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS SHALL $E REMOVED FROM THE SEED RED, DISTRIBUTE SEED UNIFORMLY AND COVER LIGHTLY. ONE PLANTING PER SQUARE YARD, SURFACE SO THAT THEY WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF VEGETATION. SURFACE FOR FINAL SEEDBED PREPARATION, APPLY CLEAN STRAW MULCH OVER SEEDED AREA AND ANCHOR SECURELY SCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAME AT FINISH GRADS SHOWN, SHALL BE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. Wlirl STRAIGHT BLADE DISC IN FLAT AREAS AND WITH ASPHALT TACK WHERE SLOPES EXCEED 4Y Pritand.a vi Arrow Aru-i Foolk 4. IF NO SOIL TEST IS TAKEN, FERTILIZER AND LIME TO BE ACCORDING TO SEEDING Saggitarla tatir Arrowheaa;Duck Potato SPECIFICATIONS ABOVE. IN ADDITION, PROVIDE 15 LBS/i0D0 Sr. OF SUPER MATERIAL APPLICATION RATE Andropogon virginicus Broonsedge PHOSPHATE. Andropogen gloneratus Bushy Beardgrass 3 IF SOIL TEST IS TAKEN, PROVIDE LINE AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST LINE 2 TONS/ACRE Typha spp• Cattail REPORT. 6, LIME AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED UNIFORMLY AND MIXED WITH THE SOIL 20% SUPERPHOSPHATE SOD POUNDS/ACRE Cerntophyllun DWQersun Goontnit Scirpus punpens Connon Thee Square DURING SEEDBED PREPARATION. FERTILIZER(10-10-10) 1000 POUNDS/ACRE Lemna Saurw•us ernuus LizardTed allAPRA. - JULY Hibiscus woscheutos Marsh HW%tus FESCUE, KY-31 50 POUNDS/ACRE Pontederia cordata P BERMUDA (HULLED) 10 POUNDS/ACRE Wood Potnnogeton pectlnatus Pond Weed Pond Leersin oryzoldes Rice Cutgrass JANUARY -MARCH Carex spp Sedges W FESCUE, KY-31 50 PNDS/ACRE Sclrpus valldus Soft Step Iulirush BERMUDA (UNHULLED) 20 POUNDS/ACRE Poiygornun spp. Snartweed RYE (GRAIN) 25 POUNDS/ACRE Juncus effesus Soft Rush Nuphar tuteun Spatterdad SEPTEMBER - N13VEMBER Panicuw vergatun Switchgrass FESCUE, KY-31 50 POUNDS/ACRE Accrus catanus Sweet Flag Elodea n MULCH 2 TONS/ACRE VaUsnerlaaner•icana Wild Celery Zlzanla aquetica Wild Rice ASPHALT TACK 300 GALLONS/ACRE NOTEi OWNER MAY VARY SEEDING TO CONFORM TO LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS, HOWEVER, WEEPING LOVE GRASS SHALL NOT BE USED. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL STORMWATER POND AND EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CONCURRENT WITH EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND USE POND FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT STORAGE. AFTER PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER IS ESTABLISHED, CONTACTOR SHALL DEWATER POND AND REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND RESTORE POND TO THE GRADE AND CONTOUR INDICATED BELOW, ALTERNATELY, THE CONTRACTOR MAY 'OVER -EXCAVATE' THE POND DURING INITIAL INSTALLATION TO ALLOW FOR SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION, HOWEVER, AFTER PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER IS ESTABLISHED, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO DEMONSTRATE TO THE ENGINEER THAT THE APPROPRIATE GRADE AND CONTOURS ARE PROVIDED, �n- Forebay Outlet Structure (See Detail) Elev, 'K' (100 yr gtorm) v 10, Elev. 'D' (10 yr storm.) v 3' Veg. Shelf Elev, 'C' (1'Design Elev.) Elev. 'B' 'B' Elev, Permanent Pond CL Draw Down Orifice 2 (See Detail) " a•: z Elev. 'A 1' Bottom U5 - _ 2. Main Pond 10' (Min) CONSTANT POND SURFACE AREA 3,367 S.F. 2 EL= 26.00 V DESIGN SURFACE AREA = 4,344 S.F, a EL= 27.23 Embankment shall be constructed of uniform native Material (free of excess silt, rock or gravel, debris or vegetative Matter) compacted to 95% of maximum dry density In accordance with ASTM D1557 (8'-12' Lifts) No 5 Bar 'U' Strap CCoat w/ Bitumastic) Outlet Pipe (Size and Material pfr Drainage Plan) Anti -Float Block (60 CF Concrete) 12' No. 57 Stone Treatment Pond - Section Scale: None (Vertically Exaggerated) Emergency Spillway (100 yr. Flood E(ev.) Anti -Seep Collar Outlet Protectlon (See Detail) (See Erosion/Sed. Plan) Pond Dimensions & Layout_ Scale: i" = 20' w z w Z W TRASH RACK (SEE DETAIL) 4-3' ALUM / ANGLES TOP f - ELEV 'E' '�- PRIMARY WEIR ���► �: �; � ELEV 'C" 1 ALUMINUM TRASH RACK _ = E4! DIA. C❑RREGATEE ALUM, RISER CONC OUTLET PIPE INV. FILL ELEV "B' BOTTOM RISER (SEE DET ` ; V ELE 'B" - 2.00 z In Riser 1 54' MINIMUM __ �' Anti -Seep Collar TE HICK STEEL 6' DIA ALUM, DRILL I' HOLE IN END CAP - TACK WELD HARDWARE CLOTH_� SCREEN OVER ❑RIFICE 6' DIA, END CAP Trash Rack Draw Down orifice r r aR Q I cnC_ C: . 0 r- m N tV M .L LU tM .-. U O C o, C: r j� W < a 0 U = LU ia W }+ Z Z y: � � Y < c � c ;v > 0 o C)o V 0 W fn C LU Q �01 v EnM ^ •� t;.i "� Zo U U 0- a is mO 7 U 1�---1 Z W � � z �o 0 Q � 0 O W IV) O O Z oz CL 0 U- Cr. = wW (n % M Q WO cr. = o �' IFZI o U N cr- L L, W�Z D 0 w rLEVATI❑NS SCHEDULE L.00AT DESCRIPTION ELEVATIEIN outlet Structure Deta i I s 'Ar 'A@' MAIN POND BOTTOM FOREBAY BOTTOM 20,00 21,00 No Scale 'B. PERMANENT POND 26.00 'C' TEMP. STORAGE 27.23 'D` 10 YEAR FLOOD 28.22 'E" 100 YEAR FLOOD 28.39 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 3/20/2004 PROJECT: 04-0042 DRAWN BY: JC/DKN SHEET 4 OF 4 s' . •r ,- •— �-- . - . •?r c r . r r; 7 — -- -- -^ T7"� — -s-'-�T� ,.,T-,7_-r � , l �T ! sib ,. ,....... � ... .... 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