HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8031026_HISTORICAL FILE_20040106STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 O 3102-6 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2,00Y D 10 6 YYYYMMDD 4 OF WAr,�9 Michael F. Easley, Governor p William G. Ross Jr., Secretary �O Gy North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources > Alan W. Klimek, P.E.,Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality January 6, 2004 Mr. Mason Anderson, President Caw Caw Land Corporation PO Box 2935 Calabash, NC 28467 Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 031026 Brunswick Plantation North Addition Master Plan Overall Low Density Subdivision with a Curb Outlet System Brunswick County Dear Mr. Anderson: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for Brunswick Plantation North Addition Master Plan on October 16, 2003. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 031028, dated January 6, 2004, for the construction of the subject project. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein, and does not supercede any other agency permit that may be required. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained'in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611- 7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact either Linda Lewis or me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor RSSl:arl S:IWQSISTORMWATRPERMIT1031026.jan04 cc: Jason Clark, Houston and Associates Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Inspections NCDOT Division 3 District 3 Engineer Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 NCDENR State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 031026 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT LOW DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Mr. Mason Anderson, Caw Caw Land Corporation Brunswick Plantation North Addition Master Plan Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of a 30% low density subdivision with a curb outlet system, and pockets of high density to be treated with suitable engineered controls, in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications, and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. The Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the following specific conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. The project is permitted for 528 single family lots, each limited to a maximum amount of built -upon area as follows: 113 lots @8,000 ft per lot and 415 lots @5,000 ft per lot, as defined by the stormwater rules, and as shown on the approved plans. 2. The overall tract built -upon area percentagge for the project must be maintained at 30%, per the requirements of Section .1005 of the stormwater rules. The total maximum allowable built -upon area is 100.10 acres or 4,360,269 ft . 3. This project proposes a curb outlet system. Each 100' curb outlet swale or 100' vegetated area for each future low density phase must be designated on the plans, be maintained at a minimum of 100' long, maintain 5:1 (H:V) side slopes or flatter, have a longitudinal slope no steeper than 5%, carry the flow from a 10 year storm in a non -erosive manner, maintain a dense vegetated cover, and be located in either a dedicated common area or a recorded drainage easement. 4. No piping within the low density portions of this project shall be allowed except those minimum amounts necessary to direct runoff beneath an impervious surface such as a road or under driveways to provide access to lots. 5. Within the low density portions of this project, runoff conveyances other than the curb outlet system swales, such as perimeter ditches, must be vegetated with side slopes no steeper than 3:1 (H:V). 2of6 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 031026 6. Each of the 5 designated low density development sections must submit plans and receive approval prior to construction. 7. Approved plans and specifications for projects covered by this permit are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 8. The high density pockets include Section 6 (the Multifamily tract) and the Amenity Center. These tracts must provide engineered controls in compliance with the stormwater rules prior to construction. 9. Section 6 is limited to a maximum of 546,242 square feet of built -upon area and the Amenity Center is limited to a maximum of 65,776 square feet of built -upon area. II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE Curb outlet swales, vegetated areas and other vegetated conveyances shall be constructed in their entirety, vegetated, and be operational for their intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface, per the approved plans 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the swales or other vegetated conveyances will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to operate the permitted stormwater management systems at optimum efficiency to include: a. Inspections b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing, and revegetating of the side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Cleaning and repair of catch basin grates, flumes, piping, and the flow spreader mechanism. 4. The permittee shall provide for the long-term maintenance of the swales in the deed restrictions and covenants. 5. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size, including street relocation, swale location, number of lots, tract or section area changes,etc. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition or sale of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval was sought. f. Filling in, piping, or altering any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 6. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 7. Each lot in the subdivision covered by this permit will maintain a minimum 30 foot wide vegetative buffer between all impervious areas and surface waters. 3 of 6 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 031026 8. All roof drains must terminate at least 30' from the Mean High Water mark of surface waters. 9. Deed restrictions are incorporated into this permit by reference and must be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds prior to the sale of any lot. 10. Recorded deed restrictions must include, at a minimum, the following statements related to stormwater management: a. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number 031026, as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. b. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Stormwater Management Permit. C. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. d. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. e. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. The maximum built -upon area per lot is as follows: 113 lots (Sections 1, 2 and 5) @8,000 ft per lot and 415 lots (Sections 3 and 4) @5,000 ft per lot. This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina, driveways, and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. g. Filling in, piping or altering any 3:1 vegetated conveyances (ditches, swales, etc.) associated with the development except for average driveway crossings, is prohibited by any persons. h. Filling in, piping or altering any designated 5:1 curb outlet swale or vegetated area associated with this development, is prohibited by any persons. A 30' vegetated buffer must be maintained between all built -upon area and the Mean High Water line of surface waters. All roof drains shall terminate at least 30' from the Mean High Water mark. k. Each designated curb outlet swale or 100' vegetated area shown on the approved plan must be maintained at a minimum of 100' long, have 5:1 (H:V) side slopes or flatter, have a longitudinal slope no steeper than 5%, carry the flow from a 10 year storm in a non -erosive manner, maintain a dense vegetated cover, and be located in either a dedicated common area or a recorded drainage easement. 4of6 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 031026 11. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area does not exceed the allowable buiit-upon area. Once the lot transfer is complete, the built -upon area may not be revised without approval from the permittee and a permit modification through the Division of Water Quality. The permittee shall provide, through deed restrictions, that the responsibility for meeting the built - upon area limit is transferred to the individual property owner upon the sale of the lot. 12. The permittee must certify in writing that the project's stormwater controls, and impervious surfaces have been constructed within substantial intent of the approved plans andspecifications. Any deviation from the approved plans must be noted on the Certification. The permittee shall submit the Certification to the Division within 30 days of completion of the project. 13. The permittee shall submit all information requested by the Director or his representative within the time frame specified in the written information request. 14. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 15. The permittee shall submit a copy of the recorded deed restrictions within 30 days of the date of recording. 16. Prior to transfer of ownership, the swales must be inspected and determined to be in compliance with the permit. Any deficiencies will be repaired or replaced prior to the transfer. 17. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all required Swale easements and common areas, in accordance with the approved plans. 18. If the permittee sets up an Architectural Review Committee (ARC) to review plans for compliance with the restrictions, the plans reviewed must include all proposed built -upon area (BUA). Any approvals given by the ARC do not relieve the lot owner of the responsibility to maintain compliance with the permitted BUA limit. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Water Qualityy, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 2. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until revoked or terminated. 3. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination does not stay any permit condition. 4. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2H.1000; and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 et. al. 5of6 ' State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 031026 5. The permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. The Director may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit to change the name and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary. A formal permit transfer request must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by the appropriate fee, documentation from both parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits, and may or may not be approved. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all the terms and conditions of this permit until the Division approves the transfer. 6. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances imposed by other government agencies (local, state and federal) which have jurisdiction. If any of those permits or approvals result in revisions to the plans, a permit modification must be submitted. 7. The permittee grants permission to DENR Staff to enter the property during business hours for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater control system and it's components. 8. The permittee shall notify the Division of Water Quality of any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days of the change. Permit issued this the 6th day of January, 2004. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ----�-------_���-==------------- `1 Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 6 of 6 ' Permit No. f to be provided by DWQJ State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM �LOW.DENSTTY SLWLEMENT {. This form m4y be.photocopied for use as an original A low density, project is one. that meets -the .appropriate criteria for built upon area and trariSborts'stormwater runoff prim'n y" . ugfi vegetated_conveyances. Low density projects .should not have •a discrete s or�nwater collection system as` defined by 15A NCAC 2H .1002(18). Low density,requirements; and density, factors can befound tin'15A NC -AC 2H.1005 thrpgg4 .IWT I. PROJECTINFORMATION :.� .• Project Name: [Y��S � Plank -aeon IUoe t k _ lam. won (OVERALL) Contact'Person: `t : Phone Number: � Cho 3 a187- 4533 1 rs a 800o sF%o Y Number of Lots: 52 S Allowable Built Upon Area Per Lot*: -415 e Sooa s&6k T *if lot sizes are not uniform, attach a table indicating the number of lots, lot sizes and allowable built upon area for each lot. The attachment must include the project name, phase, page numbers and provide area subtotals and totals. H. BUILT UPON AREA See the Stormwater Management Permit Application for specific language that must be recorded in the deed restrictions for all subdivisions.' ' For uniform lot sizes, complete the following calculation in the space provided below where: _ * SA Site Area - the total project area above Mean High Water. Wetlands may be excluded when the development results in high density pockets. _ • DF Density Factor - the appropriate percent built upon area divided by 100. • RA Road Area - the total impervious surface occupied by roadways. ; OA Other Area - the total area of impervious surfaces such as clubhouses, tennis courts, sidewalks, etc. • No. Lots - the total number of lots in the subdivision. • BUA/Lot - the computed allowable built upon area for each lot including driveways and impervious surfaces located between the front lot line and the edge of pavement. Form S'WU-104 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 2 (SA x DF) - RA - OA = BUA No. Lots Lot Calculation: SA = 333.&C-k DF = 90101/0 RA - ra.8*2 Ac. OA- -4.77A, + Ia.s4Ac. { I.sl Ac �Cav+pc trt� +' (M F � -, +y = 18. SaAG No. lots Q SAS III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 24A Sa S LOT - o: I a9sC. & LOT 5G43. Gc s LoT Loi Tolwl A14o P_ Lo+ z-perokatz Arm = Sal? x 9643. ( c, = a 171, S93 s F ro kal ?i^o eased _ - 13 Y SOoa SF t+ .41 S x S000 s r Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following requirements have been met and supporting documentation is provided as necessary. If the applicant has designated an agent on the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. Applicants Initials llq a. A 30 foot vegetative buffer is provided adjacent to surface waters. Projects in the Neuse River basin may require additional buffers. b. Deed restriction language as required on form SWU-101 shall be recorded as a restrictive covenant. A copy of the recorded document shall be provided to DWQ within 30 days of platting and prior to sale of any Iots. c. Built upon area calculations are provided for the overall project and all lots. d. Project conforms to low density requirements within the ORW AEC (if applicable). [15A NCAC 2H .1007(2)(b)] Form SWU-104 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Reswirces Division of Water _Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Tbk form may be photocopied far use as an origins! L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): Caw Caw Land Corporation 2, Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): Mason Anderson— President 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above. P 0 Box 2935 City: Calabash State: NC Zip: 28467 Telephone Number: 910 } 287-4533 T �_ 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Brunswick Plantation — Gd6rth, .&ddition �-- Overall Storrniwater. 5. Location of Project (street address): North of Brunswick Plantation — SR 1305 City: Calabash County. Brunswick 6. Directions to project (from neatest major intersection): From intersection Hwy 17 and NC 904, go South approx. -2 miles. Turn right on SR 1304, then approx_l_ mile , turn left on SR 1305 7. Latitude: 33° 1 :S Longitude: 78 � � oo of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name: Mason_ Anderson Telephone Number: ( 910 } 287-4533 II, PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Renewal Modification Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 1 of 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the eadsting permit number and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify the type of project (check one): x Low Density High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): _CAMA Major, x Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404/401 Permit _NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how storrnwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one w two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. Brunswick Plantation - North Addition is mostly_a Single Family Subdivision with one Multi -Family Development. it is an addition to the existing Brunswick Plantation Subdivision. The North Addition will be Low Density. 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 333.66 acres 4. Project Built Upon Area, 29.99 c� 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 1 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area, If there are mare than; two drainage areas in the Project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as beimv. ChvPrn 11 3]iali�it4itx}a.- Receiving Stream Name Caw Caw Canal Receiving Stream Class C Sw Drainage Area 333.66 Ac 14 534 230 sf, Existing Impervious' Area _ Proposed impervious*Area 100.07 Ac- 4,59,049 sf % .impervious* Area (total) 29.99 % �lyp.'k R :}$':.::".'$}' $^L {`</ 4 �i'• y..,�[ ¢r{:y :ki;.:(�n On -site Buildings 82.43 Ac. 3 591 019 sf On -site Streets 12.87 Ac 560,617 sf Orr -site Parking OnsiteSidewalks 4.77 Ac. 207,413 sf Other on -sire _ Off -site TotaL-100.07 Ac 4, 359, 049sf Total: fmperwous area is defined as the built upon area including, but prat limited to, buildings, moats, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, eir- Form SW U-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of 4 VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each 13MP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VIL AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority.to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm): Houston and Associates, PA Mailing Address: Postcoffice Box 627 City: Shallotte Phone: ( 910 ) 754-6324 VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION .State: NC Zip: 29459 Fax: ( 910 ) 754-2121 1, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) Mason Anderson certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and tha a proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .1000.. Signature: Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 Date: t% 7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? _N/A IV, DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment 1. The following covenants art: intended to eiismm ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number as issued by the Division! of Water Quality. These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. *see attachment 0 No more than feet ofany lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials. hnrpervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood deckuig or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. Stvales shall not be filled in. piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Bunt -upon area in excez of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runafffrom outparcels or future development shall be. directed into the permitted storm water control system. These connections to the stormvmter control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity andperformance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above. that the covenants will be binding on all parties and personas claiming -under them, that they will rut with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V, SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for thus project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SW-U-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Suppleriaent , Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement - Form SWU-106 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trend Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form SWU-109 innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 3,99 Page 3 of 4 Permit No. (to be pravUed by DWQ) . State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STOFU WATER N ANAGE1v= PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SLTPLE IFNT This furm may 8e phntac apxd for use as at original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stogywater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans . and specifications showing all basin . and outlet structure details. L PROJECT INFORMATION �} II[[ Project Name: _ Bru,,5w, Gk P� P hon - 66r4k A A. �+on - PP ,Ms es l Contact Person: „„�,,� -_-Mt LuN,h Phone Number. 9 iq .8'7- -f 5 3 3 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: I elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 20.0 ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 2(a. 0 L (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 27. 0 ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas p=maneut Pool Suiface Area 59G1445 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 24 i . 2 B'5 ac, (on -sire and o f `--site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area "13 ,1 ac. (on -sire and of site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume _ 2 849i91(o cu. ft (combined voltone of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume (011 "H(e cu ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume (o� '�43 cu ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SAIDAI i. (Di 6 (surface area w drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 4 @ (o. O in. (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required) Design Rainfall I in. Design TSS Removal'- 47D % (minimum 85% required) Farm SWU-lot Rer 3.99 Page t of 4 Footnotes: 1 when using the Division SAJDA tattles, the correct SAIDA ratio for permanent pool sizing sbould be computed based upon the acaW impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation sbould be empluyed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. 2 in the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDQVR BW manual provides design sables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. IL REQUIRED ITEWT CHECK1 T The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices,Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design_ requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached If the applicant has designated an agent in the Storrrtwater Management Pmxvait Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach jastffication. Is a. Tile permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. c_ The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) f_ The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 31. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6.1 or less (show detail). 1. .l• k. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. If the basin is used for sediment and,erosion control during construction, clean out of the - felt basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. - m. A mechanism is specified which will, drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. u III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention, basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) 0 does oincorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet This system (check one) 0 does :i�no_tt incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Forrn SwII-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at Ieast monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated' sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a-wetdetention basin or stream, etc.). . The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an�accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. - When the permanent pool depth reads 4. 5 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 4 •--<— feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fit! in the blanks) 0 Permanent Pool Elevation Sediment Re oval El. �1-r 75 ---- ---__ Sediment Removal Elevation off+ 5 75% Ba Wm Me tion O.0 %—_______--------------------- O--------- ---- � Bottom Elevation ,�_�._ . 259'0 FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. if the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SW'U-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system.shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Z MM 6 0-L nab Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been said and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, a Notary Public for the State of N&k ej"O y' County of ts�, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this - 3AA day of ,L liwlk Pam. and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness any hand and official seal, SEAL. My commission expires Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 POND MAINTENANCE REQU11MUNTS Project Name: Uru.�S�..scSt l�lan�u�,on — lUor'�h f�dci�� :on Project No.2Sw C�,, Caw has eS f , cu+d S Responsible Dirty: (�x ;o,� Y� 6(t- L.&r"b Phone No. (Cj l o� Address:Q _k`�dx Cs,��abczsh r—_ltlG- �'�Ca'7 I. Monthly, or after every runoff producing rainfall event, whichever comes first: A. Inspect the trash rack; remove accumulated debris, repair/replace if it is not functioning. B. ..Lnspect and clear the orifice of any obstructions. If a pump is used as the drawdown mechanism, pump operation will be -checked. A log of test runs of the pump will be kept on site and made available to DEM personnel upon request. C. Inspect the pond side slopes and grassed inlet swales; remove trash, and repair eroded areas before the next rainfall event. D. If the pond is operated with a vegetated filter, the filter will be checked for sediment accumulation, trash accumulation, erosion and proper operation of the flow spreader mechanism. 'Repairs/cleaning will be done as necessary. II. Quarterly: A. Inspect the collection system (ie. catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. Accumulated trash will be cleared from basin grates, basin bottoms, and piping will be checked for obstructions and cleared as . required. B. Pond inlet pipes will be checked for undercutting, riprap or other energy dissipation structures will be replaced, and broken pipes will be repaired. M. Se}ri-arm:lly: A. Accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure will be removed. B. The pond depth will be checked at various points. If depth is reduced to 75 % of original design depth or 3 feet whichever is greater, sediment will be removed to at least the original design depth. C. Grassed swales, including the vegetated filter if applicable, will be reseeded twice a year as necessary. i i • POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREIVEENTS PAGE 2 IV. Annually: A. The pond depth will be checked at various points. Sediment -removal is required when the depth is reduced to 75 % of the original design depth or T , whichever is greater. Design depth is ', measured vertically from the orifice down to the pond's bottom. Sediment must be removed to at least the original design depth. V. General: A. Mowing of the side slopes will be accomplished according to the season. Maximum grass height will be 6". B. Cattails are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however they will be removed when they cover more than 1/2 the surface area of the pond. The best time to cut them is at the end of the growing season, in November. Environmentally sensitive chemical for use in killing cattails can also be used. Contact your nearest Agricultural Extension Agent. C. The orifice/pump is designed to draw down the pond in 2-5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the orifice will be replaced with a larger or smaller orifice. Slow drawdown may be attributed to a clogged system. The source of the clogging will be found and eliminated. D. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. Repair or replacement components will meet the original design specifications as per the approved stormwater plan. If previously approved components are determined to be ineffective, the component must be redesigned and/or replaced. VI. Special Requirements: I, 4--a YU , hereby acknowledge that I am the financially (please p ' r type name clearly) responsible party for maintenance of this detention pond. I will be responsible for the performance of the maintenance as Signature: above, as part of the Stormwater Management Permit received for this project. 9 DAlarl: S.'1WgSISTORMWAnFORMSIO&M-POND.FOR �J Permit NO. (ro be provided by DWO State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER'l-VIANAGM214T PtU&T APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT Tins form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete starmwater management plan submitml includes an application fouu, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: n,,,,Sw; R Emalal,an - Nor4kn , A*J�on - Paces l ',0, a.,d 3 Contact Person: K1,1,,..,T Me.l... aah Phone Number. L !ja 2 8'7-- f s 31 For projects with multiple. basins, specify which basin this wo&sheet applies to: 2— elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 17.5 fL (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 24.5 ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 25. 2 fL (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Slnface Area '7i sq_ ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 4(0.14 (a ac. (on -site and of -site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 12.214 ac. (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 311,17(o cu, ft (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume 5S,16 (a cu. fL (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume - '71 23 cu_ fL (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SAMAI 1.0294 (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 2. G 3. Q iM (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -dawn required) Design Rainfall Design TSS Removal'- f in. g % (minimum 85% required) Form, SWU-102 Rev :.99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes: 1 when using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SAMA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed_ to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal M REQUIRED ITEWT CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices,Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NC -AC 211.1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. X a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants .Initials a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design stoup event. d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. - e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6.1 or less (show detail). i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. If the basin is used for sediment and.erosion control during construction, clean out of the t�r lobic basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREENbIENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) 0 does Wcfo of incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet This system (check one) 0 does Q-tloes not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWCi-lag Rev 399 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition- b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram. below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (Le. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream., etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an, accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads S•af feet iu the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRATM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevationa;N,r Sediment R oval El ��_--� 7� Sediment Removal Elevation ! o?S- 175T40 Bottom Ele ation S FOREBAY Bottom Elevation-! .S . T 25% MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by nay signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: J � m m t/ M6 Title: Se-c-c e. �a "t1 Address: l�o. ao�( 2(?3S - Ca6b,,.sk A)C- a9967 Phone: K, Date: Note: The legally responsible party sbould not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president I, A� r7 . 6_ a Notary Public for the State of Amih County of , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this "3 tIA day of r- , 26D: -, and acknowledge the due -" execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, car F y Y• 0�6 � :+ �"'t SEAL . My commission expires CO - 15 --100L� Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 - .1 POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Project Name: BrL,,rSwirk - Norkh c�&` vj Project No.-�Lj��('�� T uses 1,,;? 14, C M Responsible Party: r!� ra.��on MM,/ r Y �1 QMb Phone No. 610) Address: j� ('}� a_o _ �53,S ; C&J&lash /JC 28162 I. Monthly, or after every runoff producing rainfall event, whichever comes fast: A. Inspect the trash rack; remove accumulated debris, repair/replace if it is not functioning. B. Inspect and clear the orifice of any obstructions. U a pump is used as the drawdown mechanism, pump operation will be checked. A log of test runs of the pump will be kept on site and made available to DEM personnel upon request. C. Inspect the pond side slopes and grassed inlet swales; remove trash, and repair eroded areas before the next rainfall event. D. If the pond is operated with a vegetated filter, the Biter will be checked for sediment accumulation, trash accumulation, erosion and proper operation of the flow spreader mechanism. Repairs/cleaning will be done as necessary. U. Quarterly: A. Inspect the collection system (ie. catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. Accumulated trash will be cleared from basin grates, basin bottoms, and piping will be checked for obstructions and cleared as.required. B. Pond inlet pipes will be checked for undercutting, riprap or other energy dissipation structures' -will be replaced, and broken pipes will be repaired. M. Se p.i-ar:.nually: A. Accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure will be removed. B. The pond depth will be checked at various points. If depth is reduced to 75 % of original design depth or 3 feet whichever is greater, sediment will be removed to at least the original design depth. C. Grassed swales, including the vegetated filter if applicable, will be reseeded twice a year as necessary. a' ' I POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 2 IV. Annually: A. The pond depth will be checked at various points. Sediment -removal is required when the depth is reduced to 75 % of the original design depth or 3', whichever is greater. Design depth is ', measured vertically from the orifice down to the pond's bottom. Sediment must be removed to at least the original design depth. V. General: A. Mowing of the side slopes will be accomplished according to the season. Maximum grass height will be 6" . B. Cattails are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however they will be removed when they cover more than 1/2 the surface area of the pond. The best time to cut them is at the end of the growing season, in November. Environmentally sensitive chemical for use in killing cattails can also be used. Contact your nearest Agricultural Extension Agent. C. The orifice/pump is designed to draw down the pond in 2-5 days. if drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the orifice will be replaced with a larger or smaller orifice. Slow drawdown may be attributed to a clogged system. The source of the clogging will be found and eliminated. D. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. Repair or replacement components will meet the original design specifications as per the approved stormwater plan. If previously approved components are determined to be ineffective, the component must be redesigned and/or replaced. VI. Special Requirements: I, , hereby acknowledge that I am the financially (please print or type name clearly) responsible party for maintenance of this detention pond. I will be responsible for the performance of the maintenance as outlined above, as part of the Soormwater Management Permit received for this project. r DAlarl: 9':1WOS%STORMWATIFORMSIO&M-POND.FOR v i Permit No. (to be pravided by DWQ) . State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be phntacapied fir use as an ongmW DWQ Stormwater Macaw, gement Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans . and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. L PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Pko.,4PS,,on - /lorA k A k- i'-on ekas as. i f of e nC -6 Contact Person: M Phone Number ( 9 to_) 2 8'7- -f s 3 3 For projects with multiple. basins, specify which basin this worlrshect applies to: 3 elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 2 G. S ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 32-.$ fL (elevation of the orifice) . Temporary Pool Elevation 34.0 ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 23,490 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 13. p q 4 ac. (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area Co, 48 G ac. (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 94. 833 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume 29,717 cu. fL (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume 19 o cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SA/DAI 2.5t4 (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice 2.5 in. (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required) Design Rainfall I in. Design TSS Removal' 90 % (minimum 85% required) Form 5WU-Io2 Rev 3.99 Page t of 4 Footnotes: l when using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed_ to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR AMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. IL REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices,Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stottnwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design -storm event. d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. - /v /et e. it required, a ,iu-toot vegetative inter is provided at the outlet {incluae non -erosive rlow calculations) fi The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. 1. If the basin is used for sediment and.erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. 'F�o r44,b( e 'ampAxmp m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) 0 does 7d= e-not This system (check one) 0 does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWW-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded -areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 4 -5 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads Q. S- feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. Sediment Bottom El. :aa ion A.g 75 BASIN DIAGRAM f fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation _32•8 Sediment Removal Elevation P8-3 ------------------------------- Bottom Elevation 1-Z. g I+OREBAY MAIN POND 75% 25 % 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system.shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that 1 am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Title: Sccreko.ry Address' ? 0— 5Q ,� �i35 � T Cc. l 1A 5k T NC- — V 9 -f(, Note. The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, , a Notary Public for the State ofnb L4c l—j County of do hereby certify that v IC personally appeared before me this �_ day of Y and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, 4� d. Hoe t,P �?`JA w� ~ �v Vris] •" SEAL - My commission expires LO -15 aDn Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 POND MAM-ENANCE REQUIltEMLENTS Project Name: rLAnswiClf nAc.44tw, — n1 h Project No.�W ca" Co) tPW d i, D, a"d 3 Responsible Party: d _ Phone No. I. Monthly, or after every runoff producing rainfall event, whichever comes first: A. Inspect the trash rack; remove accumulated debris, -repair/replace if it is not functioning. B. Jnspect and clear the orifice of any obstructions. If a pump is used as the drawdown mechanism, pump operation -will be checked. A log of test runs of the pump will be kept on site and made available to DEM personnel upon request. C. Inspect the pond side slopes and grassed inlet swales; remove trash, and repair eroded areas before the next rainfall event. D. If the pond is operated with a vegetated filter, the filter will be checked for sediment accumulation, trash accumulation, erosion and proper operation of the flow spreader mechanism. Repairs/cleaning will be done as necessary. II. Quarterly: A. Inspect the collection system (ie. catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. Accumulated trash will be cleared from basin grates, basin bottoms, and piping will be checked for obstructions and cleared as.required. B. Pond inlet pipes will be checked for undercutting, riprap or other energy dissipation structures will be replaced, and broken pipes will be repaired. M. Semi-ar wally: - A. Accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure will be removed. B. The pond depth will be checked at various points. If depth is reduced to 75 % of original design depth or 3 feet whichever is greater, sediment will be removed to at least the original design depth. C. Grassed swales, including the vegetated filter if applicable, will be reseeded twice a year as necessary. - T � POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 2 IV. Annually: A. The pond depth will be checked at various points. Sediment -removal is required when the depth is reduced to 75 % of the original design depth or T , whichever is greater. Design depth is ', measured vertically from the orifice down to the pond's bottom. Sediment must be removed to at least the original design depth. V. General: A. Mowing of the side slopes will be accomplished according to the season. Maximum grass height will be 6" . B. Cattails are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however they will be removed when they cover more than 1/2 the surface area of the pond. The best time to cut them is at the end of the growing season, in November. Environmentally sensitive chemical for use in killing cattails can also be used. Contact your nearest Agricultural Extension Agent. C. The orifice/pump is designed to draw down the pond in 2-5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the orifice will be replaced with a larger or smaller orifice. Slow drawdown may be attributed to a clogged system. The source of the clogging will be found and eliminated. D. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. Repair or replacement components will meet the original design specifications as per the approved stormwater plan. If previously approved components are determined to be ineffective, the component must be redesigned and/or replaced. VI. Special Requirements: I, �wLl'U l i AC' LQ Vn , hereby acknowledge that I am the financially (please pri t r type name clearly) responsible party for maintenance of this detention pond. I will be responsible for the performance of the maintenance as outlined above, as part of the Stormwater Management Permit received for this project. Signature DA/arl: :1W SISTORMWA nFORMSIO&.M-POND.FOR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resmirces Division of Water :Quality - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied far use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): Cciw Ca.� La.nd 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): aso _ P e + 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: O. Bo '2 City: State: - NC Zip: 9 g Co'7 Telephone Number: ( 910 _ } 2 2 `7- 4S 33 _ • _. 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name -should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): -- 5. Location of Project (street address): tQar- k Q-E Ex,,O-AAnq 1305 City, Cy_.iaba5h- _ County: R St,✓;6< 6. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): kwy 17 cnA NC 10-4, go S oc.�� Dr a;(. an"I S on R 130'f . fken_aj)Q X- I.lYLle �JO 5 iI 7. Latitude: 7}J 57_ is - Longitude: L$_ �' o0 ofprojec.�t 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name: -I YI n Anjersort Telephone Number: ( 9 0 Z_ 'a'7- 4533_ H. PERMTT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Renewal Modification FormSWU-101 Version3.99 Page t of 2 If this application is being submitted as the r=lt Gf a renewal ar modiScafian to an existing Pry, list the Y e.xisting permit number and its issue dare (if known) 3. Specify the type of pmjea (dledc one): --,K--1-ow Density . High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requu=ents (check applicable blanks): _ CAMA Major 14Sedimer=tion/Erosion Contml �404/401 Pernut NPDES Stnrmmate Informadon on required state permits can be obtained by mntacting the Customer Service Center at' 14177-623-5748. III PROJECT INFORMATION 1. in the spare provided below. surnmarme how stcrj flw"ter will be treated- Also attach a denied narrative (ane to two pages) describing srrummwater manage x=t far the project. a ro m -jpro i c k?O6&S 2. SU=nwater runoff from this proje= drains to the L "r"ber T - .--1 3. Total Project Area: 3 O{, 272 acres 4. Project Built UponArea: 26 '7 i % 5. Haw many drainage areas does the project heave?___-_� 6. Complate the followmg'information for each drainage area If there are more than two drainage area in the project, attach an additional sheet with the mfoimadnn for each area provided in the same format as below. 1'',A R ..4 -11 - :-s..-ky......... ........�:_.. c.rt�.;m'u""r.. .tar::,« v +K:j$-Q?J['rrs :.'C24a-}_'. '. �.l•':}'St:S]Oi�:. '.:� - - ,,. •r .c - - •r- __ �.�i�-w �:`G.:'.�..:.`.�.-�i-::.r�.��). - - .o:p. .w:. - .M1C1f y .S Recmving Stream Narrm Receiving Stream Class C SJ' Drainage Area a`91. a V3 Ac. I M 10287 -1 4G ,1-1 (. Az . Z2010, 120 $,r FadstirT Impervious` Area Prop=eddmpervtous*Area '7:5. I G Ac.. 3 I $� 850 3F 12. 214 .sic. 532)032 S % impervious'Area (tattat) 30. 32 "/0 26.47 % ift On -site Buildings S i. 4:2 Ac, 2,240,0005P g.95 3 Ac. 3q 0, 00o s F On -site Sheets 1 +. 4 8i Ac 50,10 0 sir 2.1 % Ac. qs, G75 s a` Ott -site Parking -- -- On�-stte Sidewalks 1. 716 A. '7 8 140 1,* 0. 50 V A G. 2 2, 12 S S F 0.dW n'Sate I•SG2Ac: GS'o41sF asseG Ac. 24,227SF Off -site (a (aq� tic. ;tq! 67S.SF -� Torah: '73, I G A. 3 + pG, .1;50 sF TQtai: 12, 214Ac. 532, 03 z st Impremoas area is defined as the built upao area including, burnut limited M lsulkftrrgS marls, parking areaq sidewailm. gravel arras, etc Farm SW[7 101 Version 3.99 - Page 2 aft 4 I If this appffmdon is being submitted as the result of a renews! or modification to an existing perniit. list the existing Perrot[ number and its issue hate (if tmown I Specify the type of project (check one): __X--Low Density High Density RedevetV General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Rem (check applicable blanks): �CAMA Major, 4Sedimentation/Eresi= Control 404/401 Permit NPDI S Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtaimed by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-Tn-623-6748. IIL PROJECT WQRMATION 1. In the space provided below. sm marize how storinwater win be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stornrwater nimtagement for the project. �' nrr-ntNo-Aar-Prow ag i ec-4 ;.S Ice- aiec ', ei --3 S_-4ornns..ler _-Pont45 2. Stormwmer runoff from this project drains to the L "n,ber River haa<sba. 3. Total Project area: 3 04 . 272.�ac rw 4. Project Built Upon Area: 2 6 '72% 5. How many drainage areas dress the project have?__._ 6. Complete the following -information for each drainage area If there are mare than two drainage areas to the pmjem ara-arh an additional shear with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Ov1wRAl1- -:+w...a�.... _ �. 'r.^.�_.� .r.'•:_'%-'`T.'+. K:.,. �._.; .}... _-.-._.::- - _ max.:. - _;A •r - - Win. a,. .y<: - Receiving Stream Name Reg Stream Class .� Drainage Area 13. S,44 Ac. 603 a-:5 sa 301. 272 Ac. 13 123 408 5 Erg Impervious` Area — Proposed lmpervious*Area 484 Ac-. 282,5335E 80,GS c 132945P % Impervious' Area (total) -46.7 0A 2 G ,72 °!e On -site Buildings 1.033Ac, 45 coo 51= 61.4f Ac. 2 G'75 000 sr - On -site Streets o. 83 BAc. 36 503 s>" Pf. `721Ac. G41 2G`) 5 F On -site Parkimg _ -- on-sad sidewaucs O, toz Ac. 4443 s;z 2.4oc Ae- 104,7Gf 5P Other on -sire — 2.11 $ Off -Site 4.513 Ac. 1% 584sF -' Total: C,,.49(,& 282 533-sr, 8O.6544c. 3 513,294sF Impffmous area is defined as the built upan airs mciud*, butnat limited ax bWMIngs. raads� pram$ areas. VdAvailm, gavel areas, etc. Form SWU 101 Vdrsion 3.99 Page 2 of 4 7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? 5 oee^w e 1 Ac yor AMrn;4y Center, fsAu,e Mtil�; - �;.(t = r x S olo S.! &CA.� � �Mw,f -ec. ,A '*Z 4. S 13 Ac- �urku,r e IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -Ligon area for each lot must he provided as an attachment 1. The fallowing covenants are intended to erasure ongoing compliance with stage stormwailer management pernzit number as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants may not he changed or deleted without the consent of the State see Akach"en+ 2 No mare than square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures ar impervious materials Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include woad decking or the water su&ce of swimming pools. w 3. Swales shall not be .filled in. piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway aussinp , 4. Built-upan area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater managetnent permit modification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runoiffrma outparcds or future development shall be directed into the permitted stminwater cantrol system. These connections to the starmwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above. that the covenants will be binding on all patties and persons claiming -under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without cor3currence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLENM14T FORMS The applicable state stnrmwater management permit supplement farrn(s) listed below must be submitted far each, BMF specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Pernvts Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Forth SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form, SWU-109 Innovative Best Management Prance Supplement Form SWU 101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4 . VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - WetIands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm): dnus�on ar%4 P Mailing Address: 10SA Q�( e &A 6,.2~7 ^� City: hc, II State: NC- zip:. _ ';2 8-4 S9 Phone: ( 910 } 754 - G VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION Fax: ( 4 10 } ►74-1 — ;;2 1 Z J I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) r� certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be record , and at the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 21.1.1090A /%i Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers. SHALLO'ITE, NORTH CAROLINA , 28459 Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 627 Narrative/Project Description, (Brunswick Plantation - North Addition): The subject project is located in southeast Brunswick County. The subject project Brunswick Plantation - North Addition is just north of the existing Brunswick Plantation. Brunswick Plantation - North Addition is a residential project and consists of single family lots, two multi -family developments, 8 holes of golf, and an amenity center. The single family developments are divided into Phases 1-3, and the multi-famly developments are Phases 4 & 5. Development of the North Addition will be accompanied with curb and guttered roadways with frame and grate inlets and piping. Stormwater Ponds have been engineered for treatment. The overall flow of the project is from south to north and into the Caw Caw Canal. Upstream ponds are connected in series before entering an engineered stormwater pond in most cases. Stormwater Pond # 1 consists of two large golf course ponds. The treatment pond is divided by two golf holes. The two large golf course ponds are equalized by 2 - 36" culverts. Six (6) upstream ponds are connected in series and enter ,a forebay of Stormwater Pond # 1. Each of r these upstream ponds will act as a forebay. Stomwater is Collected and piped into the upstream ponds. Each of these upstream ponds is routed into a forebay of Stormwater Pond # 1. Stormwater Pond # 1 is designed to treat the drainage areas for each of these upstream ponds as well as for the drainage area of Stormwater Pond # 1. Stormwater Pond # l is also designed for future Multi -Family development (Considered Off -Site). Stormwater Pond #1 outlets into the Caw Caw Canal. Stormwater Pond #2 is also a two pond Stormwater Pond with two forebays. Single family lots, roadway areas, and golf course areas are treated in Stormwater Pond #2. Neither, Multi -Family flows or off -site flow enters Stormwater Pond _#2. Stormwater Pond #2 outlets into the Caw Caw Canal. Stormwater Pond #3 is on the golf course and treats single family lots, roadways, golf course, and future Multi -Family development (Considered Off -Site). Stormwater Pond #3 outlets into a piping system that is proposed through the project. In the pre -development condition there is a ditch that runs through the project carrying off -site water into the Caw Caw Canal. This ditch will now be piped through the project and into the Caw Caw Canal. There is no untreated water from the project entering this piping system. Stormwater Pond #3 outlets into this piping system. A future Stormwater Pond that will be engineered to treat a future Multi-li amilly development will also enter this Off -Site piping system. Another feature about this piping system is that it runs through the forebay berm of Stormwater Pond #2. The pipe will be well below the top of the forebay berm and have no adverse effects on Stormwater Pond #2. Headwater calculations show that using one pipe to convey this water will cause water to back-up in the pipe. Therefore, it is proposed to construct a second 48" pipe to reduce the tailwater conditions. ` HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 V Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality NCDENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 627 Monday, October 13, 2003 Subject: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Calabash, North Carolina Overall Stormwater Plan and Application for Approval Dear Ms. Lewis: OCT IS 2003 U On behalf of Caw Caw Land Corporation, we are pleased to submit for your review and approval two (2) copies each of the Overall Stormwater Plans and the executed Permit Application forms for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition. The Overall Stormwater Plan falls within the low density guidelines. The Overall Stormwater Plan will be updated as each Section is developed. We appreciate your attention in this matter. Should you have any comments or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely, Ison Clark, E.I. ouston and Associates, P.A. Enclosures pc: Mr. Mason Anderson, Caw Caw Land Corporation File; 03-0838 (Brunswick - North Addition, Overall SW) Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Stormwater Calculations for Brunswick Plantation North Addtion Prepared By 3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shallotte, North Carolina October 2003 Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Prepared By: TJC . Drainage Basin Data Checked By: OCTOBER 2003 BASIN I.D. IMPERVIOUS AREA ROADWAY TOTAL AREA TOTAL IMPERVIOUS WEIGHTED "c" AC AC AC 1 0.159 1.372 0.159 0.29 2 0.168 1.775 0.168 0.27 3A 0.165 0.573 0.165 0.42 3B 0.202 2.437 0.202 0.26 4A 0.088 2.577 0.088 0.23 4B 0.135 1.530 0.135 0.27 5A 0.069 1.091 0.069 0.25 5B 0.084 0.188 0.084 0.54 GA 0.259 1.880 0.259 0.30 6B 0.207 1.489 0.207 0.30 7A 0.183 1.321 0.183 0.30 7B 0.102 1.086 0.102 0.27 8A 0.193 2.971 0.193 0.25 8B 0.186 2.740 0.186 0.25 9A 0.143 1.849 0.143 0.26 9B 0.143 2.666 0.143 0.24 10A 0.097 0.998 0.097 0.27 10B 0.266 4.2164 0.266 0.25 1 1 A 0.113 0.989 0.113 0.29 1 1 B 0.118 3.098 0.118 0.23 12A 0.135 1.199 0.135 0.28 12B 0.136 2.660 0.136 0.24 13A 0.155 1.385 0.155 0.28 13B 0.154 3.584 0.154 0.23 14A 0.108 2.450 0.108 0.23 14B 0.145 1.027 0.145 0.31 15A 0.211 3.760 0.211 0.24 15B 0.088 0.814 0.088 0.28 16A 0.134 2.857 0.134 0.24 16B 0.135 1.312 0.135 0.28 17A 0.089 1.991 0.089 0.23 17B 0.090 1.486 0.090 0.25 18A 0.116 2.537 0.116 0.23 18B 0.170 1.514 0.170 0.28 19 0.157 2.844 0.157 0.24 Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Prepared By: TJC . Drainage Basin Data Checked By: OCTOBER 2003 BASIN I.D. IMPERVIOUS AREA ROADWAY TOTAL AREA TOTAL IMPERVIOUS WEIGHTED " C" AC AC AC 20A 0.122 2.528 0.122 0.24 20B 0.217 2.334 0.217 0.27 21A 0,131 2.786 0.131 0.24 21 B 0.129 2.080 0.129 0.25 22A 0.157 3.002 0.157 0.24 22B 0.156 2.464 0.156 0.25 23A 0.099 1.340 0.099 0.26 23B 0.196 3.688 0.196 0.24 24A 0.109 1.722 0.109 0.25 24B 0.115 2.563 0.115 0.23 25A 0.135 2.330 0.135 0.24 25B 0.135 1.735 0.135 0.26 26A 0.173 2.713 0.173 0.25 26B 0.189 0.710 0.189 0.40 27A 0.131 1.147 0.131 0.29 27B 0.110 1.145 0.110 0.27 28A 0.086 1.41 1 0.086 0.25 28B 0.086 0.750 0.086 0.29 29A 0.089 1.735 0.089 0.24 29B 0.096 1.673 0.096 0.24 30A 0.077 0.776 0.077 0.27 30B 0.074 0.609 0.074 0.29 31 A 0.083 0.81 1 0.083 0.28 31 B 0.101 0.832 0.101 0.29 32A 0.091 1.012 0.091 0.27 32B 0.092 1.662 0.092 0.24 33 0.129 2.428 0.129 0.24 34A 0.088 1.764 0.088 0.24 34B 0.080 0.932 0.080 0.26 35 0.125 2.262 0.125 0.24 36A 0.106 0.375 0.106 0.41 36B 0.100 0.593 0.100 0.33 37A 0.137 2.093 0.137 0.25 37B 0.151 1.635 0.151 0.27 38A ❑.101 1.356 0.101 0.26 38B 0.104 2.068 0.104 0.24 39A 0.107 1.289 0.107 0.26 39B OJ 37 1.458 0.137 0.27 Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Drainage Basin Data OCTOBER 2003 BASIS! IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHTED I.D. ROADWAY AREA IMPERVIOUS licit AC AC AC 40 0.110 1.566 0.110 0.25 41 0.192 3.332 0.192 0.24 42A 0.062 0.2389 0.062 0.39 42B 0.063 0.4594 0.063 0.30 43A 0.120 1.2129 0.120 0.27 43B 0.121 1.0586 0.121 0.29 44A 0.097 0.9411 0.097 0.28 44B 0.096 1.0682 0.096 0.27 45A 0.139 1.4888 0.139 0.27 45B 0.236 1.7988 0.236 0.30 46A 0.102 1.2209 0.102 0.26 46B 0.106 0.523 0.106 0.35 47A 0.090 0.9813 0.090 0.27 47B 0.118 1.4664 0.118 0.26 48 0.129 2.127 0.129 0.25 49A 0.096 1.4164 0.096 0.25 49B 0.183 1.6952 0.183 0.28 50A 0.103 0.8828 0.103 0.29 SOB 0.104 2.0116 0.104 0.24 51 A 0.052 0.4483 0.052 0.29 51 B 0.052 0.8376 0.052 025 52A 0.126 1.7609 0.126 0.25 52B 0.131 2.2088 0.131 OZ4 53A 0.091 1.0179 0.091 0.27 53B 0.094 1.9086 0.094 0.24 54A 0.097 1.3645 0.097 0.25 54B 0.100 1.8764 0.100 0.24 55A 0.117 2.3251 0.117 0.24 55B 0.112 2.1476 0.112 0.24 Prepared By: TJC . Checked By: Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Prepared By: TJC . Drainage Basin Data Checked By: OCTOBER 2003 BASIN I.D. IMPERVIOUS AREA ROADWAY TOTAL AREA TOTAL IMPERVIOUS WEIGHTED "C" AC AC AC 0.000 #DIV/0! 101 0.000 6.1658 0.000 0.20 102 0.000 4.7389 0.000 0.20 103 0.000 3.6362 0.000 0.20 104 0.000 0.4825 0.000 0.20 105 0.000 2.6104 0.000 0.20 106 0.000 5.1419 0.000 0.20 107 0.000 1.3845 0.000 0.20 108 0.000 2.5642 0.000 0.20 109 0.000 5.4182 0.000 0.20 110 0.000 2.9312 0.000 0.20 111 0.000 5.6793 0.000 0.20 112 0.000 1.9692 0.000 0.20 113 0.000 14.2174 0.000 0.20 114 0.000 1.8628 0.000 0.20 115 0.000 2.5657 0.000 0.20 116 0.000 4.799 0.000 0.20 117 0.000 2.5913 0.000 0.20 118 0.000 23.1199 0.000 0.20 119 0.000 4.0336 0.000 0.20 120 0.000 10.8616 0.000 0.20 121 0.000 5.4551 0.000 0.20 122 0.000 3.0303 0.000 0.20 123 0.000 9.445 0.000 0.20 124 0.000 3.6578 0.000 0.20 TOTAL 12.882 301.820 12.882 ** ROADWAY AREA IS THE ONLY IMPERVIOUS AREA BEING CONSTRUCTED UNDER THIS PERMIT. ** However, all storm drains are sized for the final build out conditions. Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Stonn Drainage Flowrate Calculations OCTOBER2003 Storm Drain LD. Contributing Area Drainage Area ImpeMous Area Weighted C. Length Slope T� 110 Q10 at., 1at. h ft/ft min. In/hr cis SO 3A 3A,38 3.01 0.37 0.29 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 6.14 SO 3B 38 2.44 0.20 0.26 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 4.47 SO4A 4A,48 4.11 0.22 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 6.92 SO40 46 1.53 0.13 D.27 30 0.005 0.8Z 7.0 2.BS SO 5A SA,58 1.28 0A 5 0.29 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 2.60 SO 58 SB 0.19 0.08 0.54 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 0.70 SD 6A 6 A,B 3.37 0,47 0,30 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 7.16 SD 68 6 0 1.49 0.21 0.30 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.17 SO 7A 7 A,B 2.41 0.28 0.29 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 4.86 S0 70 7 8 1.09 0.10 0.27 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 2.06 SD BA 8 A,B 5.71 0.38 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.D 9.9a SO 88 83 2.74 0.19 D.25 2 D 0.005 0.60 7.0 4.81 5D9A 9 A,B 4.52 0.29 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 7.82 SO 98 93 2.67 0.14 0.24 20 0.005 0.60 7,0 4.48 50 I OA 10 A,B 5.21 0.36 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 9.21 SD I DB 1013 4.22 0,27 0.25 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 7.30 SD 11A 11 A,0 4.09 0.23 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 6.94 SD 11B 11 B 3.10 0.12 0.23 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 4.96 SO 12A 12 AB 3.86 0.27 D.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 6.83 SD 12B 12 B 2.66 0,14 0.24 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 4.44 SO 13A 13 A,6 4.97 0.31 D.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 8.58 SD 138 13 B 3.58 0.15 0.23 20 0.005 0,60 7.0 5.63 50 14A 14 A,B 3.48 0.25 D.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 6.19 SD148 14B 1.03 0.14 0.31 20 0.005 0,60 7.O 2.20 SO 15A 15 A,B 4.57 0.30 0.25 60 0.005 1,40 7.0 7.97 SD 153 15 B 0.81 0.09 0.28 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 1.60 SO 1 6A 16 A,B 4.17 0.27 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 7,25 SO 168 16 B 1.31 0.13 0.28 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 2.54 SD 17A 17 A,B 3.48 0.18 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 5,81 SD 179 17 B 1.49 0.09 0.25 20 OMS 0.60 7.0 2,55 SD 18A 18 A,B 4.05 0.29 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 7.17 SD 189 18 B 1.51 0.17 0.28 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3,01 SD 19A 19 2.84 0.16 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 4.80 SD 193 19 2.84 0.16 0.24 25 0.005 0.72 7.0 4.80 Prepared By: TJC . Checked 9y' Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Storm Drainage Flawrate Calculations OCTOBER2003 Storm DrWn I.D. Contributing Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Weighted Length Slope T. ho Q1e ac. ac. ft ft/ft m'sn. In/hr cis SD 20A 20 A,8 4.8G 0.34 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 8.59 SO 20B ZO B 2.33 0.22 0.27 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 4.41 SO 2 7 A 21 A,B 4.87 0.26 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 8.18 SO 21 B 21 B 2.08 0.13 - 0.25 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.59 $O 22A 22 A,B 5.47 0.31 0.24 60 O.COS 1.40 7.0 9.30 SO 226 22 B 2.46 0.16 0.25 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 4.27 51) 23A 23 A,13 5.03 0.29 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 8.59 SD 23B 23 B 3.69 0.20 0.24 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 6.19 SD 24A 24 A,B 4.28 0.22 0.24 60 0.005 5.40 7.0 7.17 SO 248 24 B 2.56 0.11 0.23 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 4.19 SO 2SA 25 A,B 4.07 0.27 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 7.11 SO 25B Z5 8 1.74 6.13 0.26 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.14 SD ZGA 26 A,B 3.42 0.36 0.28 60 0.005 f.40 7.0 6.69 SO 26B ZG B 0.71 0.19 0.40 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 1.99 SD 27A 27 A,B 2.29 0.24 0.28 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 4.47 S0 278 27 B 1.15 0.11 0.27 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 2.18 SO ZBA 28 A,B 2.16 0,17 0.26 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 3.93 SO 28B 26 B 0.75 0.09 0.29 20 0.005 0.GO 7.0 1.50 SO 29A 29 A,B 3,41 0.19 0.Z4 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 5.74 SO 298 2.98 I.G7 0.10 0.24 25 0.065 0.72 7.0 2.85 SO 30A 30 A,B 1.38 0.15 0.28 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 Z.73 50306 3DB 0.61 0.07 0.29 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 1.Z4 SD 31 A 31 A,B 1.64 0.18 0.28 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 3.27 51) 318 31 B 0.83 0.10 0.29 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 1.70 SO 32A 32 A,B 2.67 0.18 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 4.70 SO 32B 328 I .GG 0.09 0.24 20 0.005 0.G0 7.0 2.81 SD 33 33 Z.43 0.13 0.24 50 0.005 7.22 7.0 4.07 SO 34A 34 A,8 2.70 0,17 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 4.66 SD 34B 345 0.93 0.08 0.26 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 1.73 SO35 35 2.26 0.13 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 3.83 SD 36A 36 A,8 0.97 0.21 0.3G 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 2.43 SD 36B 36 B 0.59 0.10 0.33 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 1.36 SO VA 37 A,B 3.73 0.29 0.26 60 0.00S 1.40 7.0 6.73 SO 373 376 1.63 0.15 0.27 ZO 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.09 SO 38A 38 A,B 3.42 0.21 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 5.87 SO 38B 386 2.07 0.10 0.24 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3,44 SD 39A 39 A,B 2.75 0.24 0.27 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 5.13 SO 39B 398 1.46 0.14 O.Z7 20 01005 0.60 7.0 2,76 Prepared By: TJC Checked By. , Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Storm Drainage Flowrate Calculations OCfOBER Z003 Storm Drain I'D, Contributing Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Weighted 'C Length Slope Tc I10 Qru a0 ac. ft ft/ft min. In/hr cfs S040 40 1.57 0.11 0.25 SO 0.005 1.22 7.0 2.77 5041 41 3.33 O.19 ' ' 0.24 50 0.005 1.22 7.0 5.67 SD42A 42 A,B 0.70 0.12 0.33 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 1.63 S0 423 42 B 0.46 0.06 0.30 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 0.97 SD 43A 43 A,B - 2.27 0.24 0.28 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 4.45 SD 438 438 1.06 0.12 0.29 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 2.12 SO 44A 44 A,B Z.01 0.19 0.27 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 3.82 SO 448 44 B 1.07 0.10 0.27 20 0.005 0.60 7,0 2.00 SO 45A 45 A,B 3.29 0.37 0.29 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 6.57 SD 45B 45 B 1.80 0.24 0.30 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.75 SO 46A 46 A,8 1.74 0.21 0.29 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 3.54 SO46B 468 0.52 0.11 0.35 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 1.29 SO 47A 47 A,B 2.45 0.21 0.26 60 0.005 1,40 7.0 4.52 SO47B 478 1.47 0.12 0.26 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 Z.67 SO 48 48 2.13 0.13 0.25 50 0.005 1.22 7.0 3.56 SO 49A 49 A,9 3.11 0.28 0.27 40 0.005 1.03 7.0 5.82 5O 498 499 1.70 0.18 0.28 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.33 SO SOA SO A,B Z.89 0.21 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7,0 5,14 51) 50B 50 B 2.01 0.10 0,24 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.36 SO 51A 51 A,B 1.29 0.10 0.26 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 2.35 SO SIB 51 B 0.84 0.05 0.25 20 0.00S 0.60 7,0 1.45 SO 52A 5Z A,13 3.97 0.26 0.25 40 0.005 1.03 7.0 6.91 SO 528 5Z B 2.21 0.13 0.24 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.78 SD 53A 53 A,8 2.93 0.18 US 60 0,005 1.40 7.0 5.07 SD 538 53 B 1.91 0.09 0.24 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.17 SO 54A 54 A,B 3.24 0.20 0.25 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 5.57 5O 54B 548 1.88 0.10 0.24 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.1 S SD 55A SS A,B 4.47 0.23 0.24 60 0.005 1.40 7.0 7.46 SO 55B 558 2.15 0.11 O.Z4 20 0.005 0.60 7.0 3.59 Preeared By: TJC . Checked By. Brunswick Plantation NORTH ADDITION Storm Drainage Rowrate CalcufaUans OCTOBER 2003 Swale I.D. Upstream PI a Drainage Area Impervious Area Weighted 'C Length Slope T� Ila Qto ac. ac. fi f lfY nJn, In/hr cfs SW1 FLUME 1.37 0.16 0.29 120.00 0.003 2.91 7.00 2,76 SW2 FLUME 1.78 0,17 0.27 110.00 0.003 2.72 7.00 3.37 SW3 SO 3A 3.01 0.37 0.29 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 6,14 SW4 SO4A 4.11 0.22 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7,00 6.92 SW5 SO 5A 1,25 0.15 0.29 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 2.60 SW6 SO 6A 3.37 0,47 0.30 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 7.16 SW7 SO 7A 2.41 0.28 0.29 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 4,86 SWS SO8A 5,71 0,38 0.25 60.00 0,003 1.71 7.00 9.98 SW9 SO 9A 4.52 0.29 0.25 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 7.82 5WI0 SO1DA 5.21 0.36 0.25 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 9.21 SWl1 SO 11A 4.09 0.23 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 6.94 SW12 SO12A 3.66 0.27 0.25 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 6.83 SW13 5013A 4.97 0.31 0.25 60.00 0,003 1.71 7,00 8.58 SW14 SD 14A 3.48 0.25 0.2S 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 6.19 SW15 SO 1SA 4.57 0.30 0.25 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 7,97 SW16 SD 16A 4.17 0,27 0.25 60.00 0,003 1.71 7.00 7.25 SW77 SO17A 3.48 0.18 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 5.81 SW18 SD IBA 4.05 0.29 0.25 60.00 0,003 1.71 7.00 7.17 SW19 SO19A Z.94 0.16 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7,00 4,80 SW20 SD 20A 4.86 034 0.25 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 B.59 5W21 SO21A 4.87 0.26 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7,00 8.18 SW22 SD 22A 5.47 0.31 0.24 60.CO 0.003 1.71 7.00 9.30 SW23 SD 23A 5.D3 0.29 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7,00 8.59 SW24 SD 24A 4.28 0.22 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 7.17 SWZ5 SD 25A 4.07 0.27 0.25 60.00 0.003 1.71 7,00 7,11 SW2G SO 26A 3,42 0,36 0.29 60.DO D.003 1.71 7,00 6.69 SWZ7 SO 27A 2.29 0.24 0.28 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 4.47 SW28 SO28A 2,16 0.17 0.26 60.00 0,003 1.71 7.00 3.93 SW29 SO 29A 3.41 0.19 0.24 60.DO 0.003 1.71 7.00 5.74 SW30 SO 30A 1.38 0.15 0.2B 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 2.73 SW31 SO31A 1.64 0.18 0.28 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 3.27 SW32 SD 32A 2.67 0.18 0.25 60,00 0.003 1.71 7.00 4.70 SW33 SD 33 2.43 0.13 0.24 SO.00 0.003 1.48 7.00 4.07 SW34 SO34A 2.70 0,17 0.25 60,00 0.003 1,71 7.00 4.66 SW35 SD 35 2.26 0.13 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 3.83 SW36 SO36A 0.59 0.10 0.33 20,00 0.003 0.73 7.00 1.36 5W37 SO37A 1.63 0.15 0.27 20.00 0.003 0.73 7.00 3.08 SW38 SO 38A 2.07 0.10 0.24 20.00 0.003 0,73 7.00 3.44 SW39 S039A 1.46 0.14 0,27 20.00 0.003 0,73 7.00 2.76 SW40 SD 40 1.57 0.11 0.25 50.00 0.003 1.48 7.00 2.77 SW41 SO 41 3.33 0.19 O.Z4 50,00 0.003 1.48 7.00 5.67 SW42 SO42A D.70 0.12 0.33 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 1.63 SW43 SO 43A 2.27 0.24 0.28 60,00 0.003 1.71 7.00 4.45 SW44 SO44A 2.01 0.19 0.27 60,00 0.003 1,71 7.00 3.82 SW45 SO 45A 3.29 0.37 0,29 60,00 0.003 1.71 7.00 6.57 SW46 SO46A 1.74 0.21 0.29 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 3.54 SW47 50 47A ZAS 0.21 0.26 60,00 0.003 1.71 7.00 4.52 SW48 SO 48 2.13 0.13 0.23 50.00 0.003 I A8 7.00 3.66 SW49 SO49A 3.11 0.28 0.27 40.00 0.003 1.25 7.00 5.82 SW50 SO SQA 2.89 0.21 0.25 60.00 0,003 1.71 7.DO 5.14 SW51 50 51A 1.29 0.10 0.26 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 2.35 SW$2 SO 52A 3.97 0.26 0.25 40.00 0,003 1.25 7,00 6.91 SW53 5D 53A 2.93 0.18 0.25 60.00 0,003 1.71 7.00 5.D7 SW54 SO54A 3.24 0.20 0.25 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 5.57 SW55 SD 55A 4.47 0.23 0.24 60.00 0.003 1.71 7.00 7.46 '• The only impervious surfaces being constructed under this erosion control permit are the roadways. `• However, all storm drains were sized for the final build out conditions. (including all (ats) Prepared By: TJC . Checked By. BRUNSWICK PLANTATION NORTH ADDITION Prepared By: TJC- . Storm Drainage Inverts Checked By: OCTOBER2003 Storm Drain I.D. Length Feet) Inv. In (ms1) Inv. Out (msl TOP Elev. at Inv. In Culvert Diam. Inches SD 3A 60 32.95 32.65 36.55 24 SD 3B 20 33.05 32.95 36.55 18 SD 4A 60 33.92 33.62 37.57 24 SD 4B 30 34.07 33.92 37.57 18 SD 5A 60 32.00 31.70 35.35 18 SD 5B 20 32.10 32.00 35.35 15 SD 6A 60 28.84 28.54 32.19 24 SD 6B 20 28.94 28.84 32.19 is SD 7A 60 32.42 32.12 35.77 18 SD 7B 20 32.52 32.42 35.77 15 SD 8A 60 29.96 29.66 33.56 24 SD 8B 20 30.06 29.96 33.56 18 SD 9A 60 30.47 30.17 34.07 24 SD 9B 20 30.57 30.47 34.07 18 SD l0A 60 30.57 30.27 34.67 24 SD 10B 20 30.67 30.57 34.67 24 SD 1 1 A 60 32.48 32.18 36.08 24 SD 11 B 20 32.58 32.48 36.08 18 SD 12A 60 31.96 31.66 35.56 24 SD 1 2B 20 32.06 31.96 35.56 18 SD 1 3A 60 28.86 28.56 32.96 24 SD 13B 20 28.96 28.86 32.96 24 SD 14A 60 29.57 29.27 32.92 24 SD 14B 20 29.67 29.57 32.92 15 SD 1 5A 60 28.93 28.63 32.28 24 SD 1 5B 20 29.03 28.93 32.28 15 SD 16A 60 26.73 26.43 30.08 24 SD 166 20 26.83 26.73 30.08 15 SD 17A 60 25.49 25.19 29.09 24 SD 17B 20 25.59 25.49 29.09 18 SD 18A 60 24.91 24.61 28.26 24 SD 18B 20 25.01 24.91 28.26 is SD 19A 60 25.41 25.11 29.03 18 SD 19B 25 25.53 25.41 29.03 18 BRUNSWICK PLANTATION NORTH ADDITION Prepared By: TJC . Storm Drainage Inverts Checked By: OCTOBER 2003 Storm Drain J.D. Length Feet) Inv. In (msI) Inv. Out (msI) TOP Elev. at Inv. In Culvert Diam. Inches SD 20A 60 24.21 23.91 27.81 24 SD 20B 20 24.31 24.21 27.81 18 SD 21 A 60 24.51 24.21 28.11 24 SD 21 B 20 24.61 24.51 28.1 1 18 SD 22A 60 24.45 24.15 28.05 24 SD 22B 20 24.55 24.45 28.05 18 SD 23A 60 24.59 24.29 28.69 24 SD 23B 20 24.69 24.59 28.69 24 SD 24A 60 27.02 26.72 30.62 24 SD 24B 20 27.12 27.02 30.62 18 SD 25A 60 26.63 26.33 30.23 24 SD 25B 20 26.73 26.63 30.23 18 SD 26A 60 28.73 28.43 32.08 24 SD 26B 20 28.83 28.73 32.08 15 SD 27A 60 27.99 27.69 31.34 18 SD 27B 20 28.09 27.99 31.34 15 SD 28A 60 29.55 29.25 32.9 18 SD 28B 20 29.65 29.55 32.9 15 SD 29A 60 27.24 26.94 30.86 24 SD 29B 25 27.36 27.24 30.86 18 SD 30A 60 28.76 28.46 32.11 18 SD 30B 20 28.86 28.76 32.11 is SD 31 A 60 27.63 27.33 30.98 18 SD 31 B 20 27.73 27.63 30.98 15 SD 32A 60 26.74 26.44 30.34 18 SD 32B 20 26.84 26.74 30.34 18 SD 33 50 26.7 26.4 30.2 18 SD 34A 60 28.16 27.86 31.51 18 SD 34B 20 28.26 28.16 31.51 15 SD 35 60 31.3 31 34.8 18 SD 36A 60 30.14 29.84 33.49 15 SD 36B 20 30.24 30.14 33.49 15 SD 37A 60 29.79 29.49 33.39 24 SD 37B 20 29.89 29.79 33.39 18 SD 38A 60 29.63 29.33 33.23 24 SD 38B 20 29.73 29.63 33.23 18 SD 39A 60 29.65 29.35 33.25 24 SD 39B 20 29.75 29.65 33.25 18 BRUNSWICK PLANTATION NORTH ADDITION Prepared By: TJC . Storm Drainage Inverts Checked By: OCTOBER 2003 Storm Drain I.D. Length Feet) Inv. In (ms1) Inv. Out (msI) TOP Elev. at Inv. In Culvert Diam. Inches SD 40 50 30.75 30.45 34.00 15 SD 41 50 27.20 26.95 31.20 24 SD 42A 60 33.74 33.44 37.09 15 SD 42B 20 33.84 33.74 37.09 is SD 43A 60 32.58 32.28 35.93 18 SD 43B 20 32.68 32.58 35.93 15 SD 44A 60 33.24 32.94 36.59 18 SD 44B 20 33.34 33.24 36.59 15 SD 45A 60 33.24 32.94 36.84 24 SD 45B 20 33.34 33.24 36.84 18 SD 46A 60 32.76 32.46 36.11 18 SD 46B 20 32.86 32.76 36.11 15 SD 47A 60 33.46 33.16 36.81 18 SD 47B 20 33.56 33.46 36.81 15 SD 48 50 32.75 32.5 36.25 18 SD 49A 40 33.46 33.26 37.06 24 SD 49B 20 33.56 33.46 37.06 18 SD 50A 60 34.58 34.28 38.18 24 SD 50B 20 34.68 34.58 38.18 18 SD 51 A 60 33.28 32.98 36.63 15 SD 51 B 20 33.38 33.28 36.63 15 SD 52A 40 32.06 31.86 35.66 24 SD 52B 20 32.16 32.06 35.66 18 SD 53A 60 34.23 33.93 37.83 18 SD 53B 20 34.33 34.23 37.83 18 SD 54A 60 34.40 34.10 38.00 24 SD 54B 20 34.50 34.40 38.00 18 SD 55A 60 35.38 35.08 38.98 24 SD 55B 20 35.48 35.38 38.98 18 Ocean Ridge Rip Rap Protection 10/13/03 Outlet Pipe Size Do -QI0 Rip -Rap d50 Outlet La Protection 3Do w dmax Apron Thickness inches) (cfS) (ft ft ft ft ft ft 15 5.9 0.4 12 3.75 13.25 0.60 0.90 18 9.7 0.4 12 4.50 13.50 0.60 0.90 24 20.8 0.4 12 6.00 14.00 0.60 0.90 FLUME 27.8 0.8 15 6.00 12.00 1.20 1.80 * Tailwater < .5Do, Figure 8.06a used to size rip -rap *Qi 0 Reflects the Max Flow From each Pipe Diameter at 0.005 ft/ft Slope w LA d50 La 313o w dmax Apron Thickness ft ft ft ft ft ft All Rip -Rap at Pipe outlets 0.4 12 6.00 14.00 0.60 0.90 All Rip -Rap at Flumes 0.8 15 6.00 12.00 1.20 1.80 Flume Max Discharge Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel _Project Description Project File cAhaestadlfmw\flume ca.fm2 Worksheet flume Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.083330 ft/ft Depth 0.33 ft Left Side Slope 3.000000 H : V Right Side Slope 3.000000 H : V Bottom Width 5.00 ft Results Discharge 27.84 cfs Flow Area 1.98 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 7.09 ft Top Width 6.98 ft Critical Depth 0.83 ft Critical Slope 0.002988 ftlft Velocity 14.09 ftls Velocity Head 3.08 ft Specific Energy 3.41 ft Froude Number 4.67 Flow is supercritical. 10/13l03 FlowMaster v5.15 0927:43 AM Haastad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Project Fife c:lhaestadlfmwlflume ca.fm2 Worksheet flume - Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Sole For Discharge Section Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.083330 ft/ft Depth 0.33 ft Left Side Slope 3.000000 H : V Right Side Slope 3.000000 H : V Bottom Width 5.00 ft Discharge 27.84 cfs !_ _l J 5.00 ft ::� 0.33 ft 1 V H 2.0 NITS 10/13/03 09:27:54 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.15 Page 1 of 1 VEGETATED SWALES * THESE CALCULATIONS WERE DONE TO SHOW THAT THE COMBINATION OF SWALES AND TEMPORARY CHECH DAMS PROVIDE THE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME. ALL OF THE STORAGE VOLUMES PROVIDED ARE MUCH MORE THAN OOUSL.E THE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUMES. Swale LID, Area of Volume of Volume of Max Pool Volume of _ Disturbance Q10 Sediment Storage Storage Required Depth Length Width Storage Provided AC cfsper Acre (CF) (Ft FT FT CF SW1 0,16 2.76 1800 286 2 120 10 2400 SW2 0.17 3.37 1800 302 2 110 10 2200 SW3 0.37 6,14 1800 660 2 120 10 2400 SW4 0.22 6.92 1800 401 2 240 10 4800 SW5 0.15 2.60 1800 276 2 350 10 7000 SW6 0.47 7.16 1800 838 2 110 10 2200 SW7 0.28 4.86 1800 512 2 190 10 3800 SW8 0.38 9-98 1800 682 2 210 10 4200 SW9 0.29 7.82 1800 514 2 350 10 7000 SW10 0.36 9.21 1800 654 2 430 10 8600 SWT 1 0.23 6,94 1800 416 2 220 10 4400 SW12 0.27 6.83 1800 488 2 550 10 11000 SW13 0.31 8.58 1800 557 2 800 10 16000 SW14 0.25 6,19 1800 454 2 720 10 14400 SW15 0.30 7.97 1800 537 2 160 10 3200 SW16 0.27 7.25 1800 483 2 170 10 3400 SW17 0.18 5.81 1800 323 2 180 10 3600 SW 18 0.29 7.17 1800 514 2 150 10 3000 5W 19 0.16 4.80 1800 282 2 150 10 3000 SW20 0.34 8.59 1800 610 2 180 10 3600 SW21 0.26 8.18 1800 469 2 160 10 3200 SW22 0.31 9.30 1800 564 2 170 10 3400 SW23 0.29 8.59 1800 530 2 110 10 2200 SW24 0.22 7.17 1800 403 2 330 10 6600 SW25 0.27 7.11 1800 485 2 670 10 13400 SW26 0.36 6.69 1800 652 2 670 10 13400 SW27 0.24 4.47 1800 434 2 260 10 5200 SW28 0.17 3.93 18OG 309 2 110 10 2200 SW29 0.19 5.74 1800 333 2 110 10 2200 SW30 0.15 2.73 1800 271 2 530 10 10600 SW31 0.18 3.27 1800 332 2 430 10 8600 SW32 0.16 4.70 1800 330 2 430 10 8600 SW33 0.13 4.07 1800 232 2 120 10 2400 SW34 0.17 4.66 1800 303 2 280 10 5600 SW35 0.13 3.83 1800 226 2 110 10 2200 SW36 0.10 1.36 1800 180 2 460 10 9200 SW37 0.15 3.08 1800 272 2 110 10 2200 SW38 0,10 3.44 1800 188 2 150 10 3000 SW39 0.14 2.76 1800 247 2 120 10 2400 SW40 0.11 2.77 1800 197 2 130 10 2600 SW41 0.19 5.67 1800 346 2 120 10 2400 SW42 0.12 1.63 1800 223 2 260 10 5200 SW43 0.24 4.45 1800 434 2 310 10 6200 SW44 0.19 3.82 1800 346 2 460 10 9200 SW45 0.37 6.57 1800 674 2 290 10 5800 SW46 0.21 3.54 1800 376 2 120 10 2400 SW47 0.21 4.52 1800 373 2 100 10 2000 SW48 0.13 3.66 1800 233 2 170 10 3400 SW49 0.28 5.82 1800 502 2 100 10 2000 SW50 0.21 5.14 1800 372 2 370 10 7400 SW51 0.10 2.35 1800 187 2 240 10 4800 SW52 0.26 6,91 1800 464 2 100 10 2000 SW53 0.18 5.07 1800 333 2 110 10 2200 SW54 0.20 5.57 1800 354 2 110 10 2200 SW55 0.23 7.46 1800 411 2 110 10 2200 *** ALL SWALES MEET THE REQUIRED MINIMUM 100' IN LENGTH. *** THIS EROSION CONTROL PERMIT IS FOR THE ROADWAY ONLY. THE TOTAL DISTURBED AREA IS ROADWAY ONLY. *** THE DRAINAGE AREAS USED TO FIND THE Q10 VALUES ABOVE INCLUDE THE FUTURE LOT AREAS BUT NOT THE FUTURE BUA'S OF THE LOTS. HOWEVER THE LOT BUA'S WERE USED TO SIZE THE STORM DRAINS. IN ALL CASES THE PROVIDED RAGE -VOLUME IS AT LEAST DOUBLE THE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME- *** EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOTS ARE 20', THEREFORE THE MAX SWALE WIDTH IS 20' BETWEEN LOTS IF NECESSARY DRAINAGENEGETATED SWALES Swale Upstream Q1 o Side Swale Swale Velocity Channel I.D. Pie Sloe Length Sloe Depth cfs H.V ft ft/ft--(fps)-ft SW1 FLUME 2.76 5 120 0.003 1.28 0.66 SW2 FLUME 3.37 5 110 0.003 1.34 0.71 SW3 SO 3A 6.14 5 120 0.003 1.56 0.89 Sw4 SO 4A 6.92 5 240 0.003 1.61 0.93 SW5 SO 5A 2.60 5 350 0.003 1.26 0.64 SW6 SO GA 7.16 5 110 0.003 1.62 0.94 SW7 SO 7A 4.86 5 190 0.003 1.47 0.81 SW8 SD 8A 9.98 5 210 0.003 1.76 1.07 SW9 SD 9A 7.82 5 350 0.003 1.66 0.97 SW110 SD 10A 9.21 5 430 0.003 1.72 1.03 SW11 SD 11A 6.94 5 220 0.003 1.61 0.93 SW12 SD 12A 6.83 5 550 0.003 1.60 0.92 SW 13 SD 13A 8.58 5 800 0.003 1.69 1.01 SW14 SO14A 6.19 5 720 0.003 1.56 0.89 5W15 SO15A 7.97 5 160 0.003 1.66 0.98 SW16 SD 16A 7.25 5 170 0.003 1.62 0.94 SW17 SD 17A 5.81 5 180 0.003 1.54 0.87 SW18 SO 18A 7.17 5 150 0.003 1.62 0.94 SW19 SO19A 4.80 5 150 0.003 1.47 0.81 5W20 SO 20A 8.59 5 T 80 0.003 1.69 1.01 SWZ1 5O 21A 8.18 5 160 0.003 1.67 0.99 SW22 SO 22A 9.30 5 170 0.003 1.73 1.04 SW23 SO 23A 8.59 5 110 0.003 1.69 1.01 SW24 SO Z4A 7.17 5 330 0.003 1.62 0.94 SW25 SO 25A 7.11 5 670 0.003 1.62 0.94 SW26 SO 26A 6.69 5 670 0.003 1.59 0.92 SW27 SO 27A 4.47 5 260 0.003 1.44 0.79 SW28 SD 28A 3.93 5 110 0.003 1.39 0.75 SW29 SD 29A 5.74 5 110 0.003 1.53 0.87 SW30 SO 30A 2.73 5 530 0.003 1.27 0.66 SW31 SD 31 A 3.27 5 430 0.003 1.33 0.70 SW32 SO 32A 4.70 5 430 0.003 1.46 0.80 SW33 SD 33 4.07 5 120 0.003 1.41 0.76 SW34 SD 34A 4.66 5 280 0.003 1.45 0.80 SW35 SD 35 3.83 5 110 0.003 1.38 0.74 SW36 SD 36A 1.36 5 460 0.003 1.07 0.50 SW37 SO 37A 3.08 5 110 0.003 1.31 0.69 SW38 SO 38A 3.44 5 150 0.003 1.35 0.71 SW39 SD39A 2.76 5 120 0.003 1.28 0.66 EW40 SD 40 2.77 5 130 0.003 1.28 0.66 SW41 SD 41 5.67 5 120 0.003 1.53 0.86 SW42 SO 42A 1.63 5 260 0.003 1.12 0.54 SW43 SD 43A 4.45 5 310 0.003 1.44 0.79 SW44 SD 44A 3.82 5 460 0.003 1.38 0.74 SW45 SD 45A 6.57 5 Z90 0.003 1.58 0.91 SW46 SO 46A 3.54 5 120 0.003 1.36 0.72 SW47 SO 47A 4.52 5 100 0.003 1.44 0.79 SW48 SD 48 3.66 5 170 0.003 1.37 0.73 5W49 SO 49A 5.82 5 100 0.003 1.54 0.87 SWSO SD 50A 5.14 5 370 0.003 1.49 0.83 SW51 SO 51A 2.35 5 240 0.003 1.23 0.62 SW52 SD 52A 6.91 5 100 0.003 1.60 0.93 SW53 SO 53A 5.07 5 110 0.003 1.49 0.83 SW54 SD 54A 5.57 5 110 D.003 1.52 0.86 SW55 SO 55A 7.46 5 110 0.003 1.64 0.96 *** ALL SWALES ARE AT LEAST 100' IN LENGTH AND PROVIDE MORE THAN THE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME. THIS EROSION CONTROL PERMIT IS FOR THE ROADWAY ONLY. THE TOTAL DISTURBED AREA IS ROADWAY ONLY. HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 627 Narrative/Project Description, (Brunswick Plantation - North Addition): The subject project is located in southeast Brunswick County. The subject project Brunswick Plantation - North Addition is just north of the existing Brunswick Plantation. Brunswick Plantation - North Addition is an Overall Low Density project and consists of single family subdivisions, one multi -family development, 8 holes of golf, and an amenity center. The single family developments are divided into Sections 1-5, and the multi-famly development is Section 6. Each section of the North Addition will be submitted for its own stormwater permit. The Overall Stormwater Plan will be updated and submitted with each section submittal. Development of the North Addition will be accompanied with curb and guttered roadways with frame and grate inlets and piping. A combination of Curb Outlet Swales and Stormwater Ponds will be engineered for treatment. The overall flow of the project is from south to north and into the Caw Caw Canal. There are existing perimeter ditches at the property boundaries that convey stormwater to the Caw Caw Canal. Upstream ponds will connectoo in series before entering an engineered stormwater pond in some cases. This submittal is for an Overall Low Density Stormwater Permit for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition. 1i k State of North Carolina Department Of Environs-nent and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 4� RLECEIVED N CER" E N R NpATi Cc OL­DCJ kl-EM OF E:_IRO.+ E£ w D N. L)Rw RESOURCES NOV 2 9 2004 BY. �`U Kll�� November 29, 2004 t 6 l NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF REVISED EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN Caw Caw Land Corporation Mr. Mason Anderson, President P.O. Box 2935 Calabash, NC 28467 Dear Mr. Anderson: This office has received a revised soil erosion and sediment control plan for the project listed below. NCGS 1 13A-54.1(a) requires that this office approve or disapprove a submitted revised plan within 15 days of receipt of such plan. Failure to act by this office within this time period shall be deemed approval of the revised plan. Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (NCGS 1 13A-50) prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act. The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicant's compliance with federal and state water quality laws, regulations and rules. If you have any questions about such requirements, you are advised to contact the Division of Water Quality. If you have questions, please contact this office at 395-3900. Sincerely, 1,41e-_ "ZZL, Todd C. Walton Environmental Technician TCW:asb cc: Jay Randall Houston; Houston & Associates, PA WiRO-LQS; WiRO-WQS-SW PROJECT NAME: Brunswick Plantation -North Addition PROJECT NO.: Bruns-2004-106 LOCATION: SR 1 305 - Brunswick County RIVER BASIN: Lumber SUBMITTED BY. Houston & Associates DATE RECEIVED BY LOS: November 24, 2004 127 North Cardinal Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 9 Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 RECEIVED) N 0 V 2-4 2004 Tuesday, November BY: Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality NCDENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition - Phase 1 Brunswick County, North Carolina Stormwater Plan and Application for Approval Dear Ms. Lewis: 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 627 1 6, 2004 SW8 031026 On behalf of Caw Caw Land Corporation, we are pleased to submit for your review and approval two (2) copies each of the Stormwater Plans, calculations, and the executed Permit Application forms and supplements for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition - Phase 1. This submittal replaces the submittal you currently have for an Overall Stormwater Permit SW8 031026. Back in August (12th and 23rd) of this year, I e-mailed you about having this submittal replace the submittal you currently have for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phases 1, 2, and 3. You responded on August 23, 2004 that you would review this new submittal when it arrives. The Plans enclosed propose that all stormwater from the project be treated in engineered stormwater ponds. Curb outlet swales are not being used for this project. All or portions of future Phases 2 - 4 will utilize the Stormwater Ponds in Phase 1 for treatment. Phases 2 - 4 will be submitted separately for their own stormwater permits. We appreciate your attention comments or require any additional contact our office at your convenience. Enclosures in this matter. Should you have any information, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, son Clark, E.I. Houston and Associates, P.A. pe: Mr. Mason Anderson, Caw Caw Land Corporation File; 03-0839 (Brunswick - North Addition, Phase 1 - SW) N I HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone (910) 754-6324 117 Pine Street Facsimile (910) 754-2121 Post Office Box 627 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL pica a, at � TO: etc %-ec.��, - -- -- --- DATE: 4cy 1C04 acoy lVC PROJECT: ,�i 2t�n 5 L_i� -PjQa+. ti �, ..Eli �• GENTLEMEN: We are sending you [ ] Attached [ ] Enclosed ]X] Under Separate Cover Via usp5 the following items: [ ] SHOP DRAWINGS [ ] CONTRACT DOCUMENTS [ ] COPY OF LETTER [X] PLANS [ ] SAMPLES [ ] SPECIFICATIONS [ ] .OTHER [ ] REPRODUCIBLES SHEET NO(s] COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION a 15JL�& \Paw, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: [?t] FOR APPROVAL [ ] APPROVED AS SUBMITTED [ ] FOR YOUR USE [ ] AS REQUESTED [ ] APPROVED AS NOTED [ REJECTED [ ] SUBMIT ADDITIONAL COPIES [ ] RESUBMIT FOR APPROVAL [ ] FORBIDS DUE , 20. , REMARKS: 4 p p z5pws dr-L pc: File: C4 - D834 ke;j .L'F� ,jCpC-LYC't7L Plc 7� kl} HOUSTON AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 Ms. Linda Lewis, Division of Water NCDENR HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Environmental Engineer Quality. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 627 R esday, November 16, 2004 ~ It Subject: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition - Phase 1 Brunswick County, North Carolina Stormwater Plan and Application for Approval - SW8 031026 Dear Ms. Lewis: On behalf of Caw Caw Land Corporation, we are pleased to submit for your review and approval two (2) copies each of the Stormwater Plans, calculations, and the executed Permit Application forms and supplements for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition - Phase 1. This submittal replaces the submittal you currently have for an Overall Stormwater Permit SW8 031026. Back in August (12th and 23rd) of this year, I e-mailed you about having this submittal replace the submittal you currently have for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phases 1, 2, and 3. You responded on August 23, 2004 that you would review this new submittal when it arrives. The Plans enclosed propose that all stormwater from the project be treated in engineered stormwater ponds. Curb outlet swales are not being used for this project. All or portions of future Phases 2 - 4 will utilize the Stormwater Ponds in Phase 1 for treatment. Phases 2 - 4 will be submitted separately for their own stormwater permits. We appreciate your attention in this matter. Should you have any comments or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenient; e. Sincerely, son Clark, E.I. Houston and Associates, P.A. Enclosures pc: Mr. Mason Anderson, Caw Caw Land Corporation File; 03-0839 (Brunswick - North Addition, Phase 1 -- SW) Re: Brunswick Plantation North Addition 4F� Subject: Re: Brunswick Plantation North Addition From: Jason Clark <jasonclark@atmc.net> Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 14:01:38 -0400 To: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Linda: O.K., add that condition. We just wanted to get the Overall Plan approved as Low Density. We intend to submit detailed plans for Sections 1-5, that include engineered Stormwater Ponds and Vegetative Swales, by the end of October. An update of that Overall Plan will be included with the submittal of Sections 1-5. Thanks, Jason On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 11:25 AM, Linda Lewis wrote: Jason: You are proposing to use curb outlet swales within this project. If I were to issue a permit without the supplement, technically, you could build the project as shown on the overall plan without further permits from us. However, what I can do is put specific conditions in the permit which acknowledge that a curb outlet system is proposed, but that nothing can be built (not even the main access road) until the detailed plans and curb outlet supplement are submitted and approved. Linda Jason Clark wrote: Linda. We are not showing any curb outlet swales on the Overall Plan. Curb outlet swales and Stormwater Ponds will be used with the design of each Section. This plan is to get a Low Density Overall Stormwater Permit. We were trying go do this development like we have been doing Ocean Ridge Plantation (An Overall Plan & Overall Low Density Permit, and each Section has its own individual Stormwater Permit). I can submit to you a Curb Outlet Supplement, but page 2 would be blank. Section 1 and maybe all of the single family sections will be submitted soon for their own Stormwater Permit with stormwater ponds and curb outlet swales and all necessary supplements. I guess I'm not sure why a curb outlet swale is required for an Overall. how Density Permit. Can you please clarify what I need to send you. 1 of 2 10/16/2003 2:47 PM Re: Brunswick Plantation North Addition Thanks, Jason, On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 10:53 AM, Linda Lewis wrote: Jason: Please send in the curb outlet supplement, since the typical roadway section detail on the plans and the narrative indicate that curb and gutters will be used. Thanks, Linda 2 of 2 10/16/2003 2:47 PM HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone (910) 754-6324 Facsimile (910) 754-2121 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality NCDENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 117 Pine Street Post Office Box 627 Thursday, December- 1], 2003 f�. DEC 8 eUO3 Subject: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition - Phases 1, 2, and 3 Brunswick County, North Carolina Stormwater Plan and Application for Approval - SW8 031026 Dear Ms. Lewis: On behalf of Caw Caw Land Corporation, we are pleased to submit for your review and approval two (2) copies each of the Stormwater Plans, calculations, and the executed Permit Application forms and supplements for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition - Phases 1, 2, and 3. This submittal replaces the submittal you currently have for an Overall Stormwater Permit SW8 031026. On Wednesday, December 3, 1 e-mailed you about having this submittal replace the previous Overall submittal. You responded that since the permit for the Overall Stormwater Permit hasn't been issued that this submittal could replace the Overall Plan. The Plans enclosed propose that all stormwater from the project be treated in engineered stormwater ponds. Curb outlet swales are not being used for this project. Since all stormwater is being treated in ponds there is no need for an overall low density permit. Phases 4 and 5 will be multi -family tracts that will be submitted separately for their own stormwater permits. We appreciate your attention comments or require any additional contact our office at your convenience. Enclosures in this matter. Should you have any information, please do not hesitate to Sincerely, ason Clark, E.I. Houston and Associates, P.A. pc: Mr. Mason Anderson, Caw Caw Land Corporation File; 03-0839 (Brunswick - North Addition, Phases 1-3, SW) Re: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phases 1,2, and 3--SW8 ... Subject: Re: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phases 1,2, and 3--SW8 031026 From: Jason Clark <jasonclark@atmc.net> Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 14:20:46 -0400 To: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Linda: Thanks for responding so quickly. 1 will make another submittal next week. I would like to replace that second submittal with this one. This submittal is for Phase I of the project only. It does, however, include the design of 4 .large Stormwater Ponds'(No Curb Outlet Swales) that the other phases of the project will utilize for treatment. You can expect this submittal by the end of next week. The submittal letter will reference the situation and the Permit No. assigned to the Overall permit. -Thanks for being so helpful. Jason On Thursday, August 12, 2004, at 10:14 AM, Linda Lewis wrote: Jason: No, you didn't confuse me, you just -jostled my slightly old memory banks. I've had that file sitting on the floor next to my desk, and I kept telling myself I needed to find out what I was supposed to be doing with it. I'll attempt to make it all right today. If you want to make another submittal to replace that one, go ahead and send it in. I can hold off on the review until next week. Sorry about the delay and the confusion. Linda Jason Clark wrote: Dear Linda, I'm writing you concerning Brunswick Plantation - North Addition (Permit No. SW8 031026). '=Back on October 13, 2004 we submitted for an Overall Low Density Master Plan for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition. However, while that application was in review I e-mailed you (Dec. 3, 2004) about submitting a set of plans and application for Phases 1,2, and 3 that no longer included the curb outlet swales. This submittal was to replace the original Overall submittal. You e-mailed me back saying that we be fine, that you would replace the submittals. But, on January 6, 2004 that Overall permit was issued. Then on February 11, 2004 you sent me this e-mail. "I ran across the replacement plans I was supposed to use to issue the permit, however, I believe the permit was issued on January 6, 2004, with the old plans. I will be reviewing the new plans and rewriting the permit, as needed. Sorry for the confusion.,, Where do we stand on that second submittal? .we haven't heard anything else about it since February. We are now ready to submit another revised plan, different from the December 2003 submittal. 1 hope I didn't confuse you above. Could you please update me on where we stand on things? Thanks, Jason Clark Iof1 8/12/2004 2:32 PM Re: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phases 1,2, and 3--SW8 ... Subject: Re: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phases 1,2, and 3--SW8 031026 From: Jason Clark <j asonc lark @atmc. net> Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 09:02:35 -0500 To: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Linda: we are sending our updated submittal package for, Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phase 1, today. I apologize for the delay. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call or e-mail me. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks, Jason Clark On Monday, August 23, 2004, at 08:11 AM, Linda Lewis wrote: Jason: I'll hold off the review until I get the resubmittal. It doesn't make sense to write up a permit and then reissue it again a few weeks > later. Linda Jason Clark wrote: Linda: I wanted to keep you up to date with our submittal. I had a submittal almost ready to send to you when our client wanted to make a change to the plan, due to the acquisition of more land. So, I can't send you another submittal for a couple more weeks. I would still like to replace the submittal you currently have. I will e-mail you again when I submit the package, so you can be looking for it and know what it is when it arrives. If this creates a problem please let me know. Thank You. Jason On Thursday, August 12, 2004, at 02:20 PM, Jason Clark wrote: Linda: Thanks for responding so quickly. I will make another submittal next week. I would like to replace that second submittal with this one. This submittal is for Phase I of the project only. it does, however, include the design of 4 large Stormwater Ponds (No Curb Outlet Swales) that the other phases of the project will utilize for treatment. You can expect this submittal by the end of next week. The submittal letter will reference the situation and the Permit No. assigned to the Overall permit. Thanks for being so helpful. Jason On Thursday, August 12, 2004, at 10:14 AM, Linda Lewis wrote: Jason: No, you didn't confuse me, you just jostled my slightly old memory banks. I've had that file sitting on the floor next to my desk, and I kept telling myself I needed to find out what I was supposed to be doing with it. I'll attempt to make it all right today. If you want to make another submittal to replace that one, go ahead and send it in. I can hold off on the review until next week. Sorry about the delay and the confusion. Linda 1 of 2 11/23/2004 10:40 AM Re: Brunswick Plantation - North Addition Phases 1,2, and 3--SW8 Jason Clark wrote: Dear Linda, I'm writing you concerning Brunswick Plantation - North Addition (Permit No. SW8 031026). Back on October 13, 2003 we submitted for an Overall Low Density Master Plan for Brunswick Plantation - North Addition. However, while that application was in review I e-mailed you (Dec. 3, 2003) about submitting a set of plans and application for Phases 1,2, and 3 that no longer included the curb outlet swales. This submittal was to replace the original Overall submittal. You e-mailed me back saying that we be fine, that you would replace the submittals. But, on January 6, 2004 that Overall permit was issued. Then on February 11, 2004 you sent me this e-mail. "I ran across the replacement plans I was supposed to use to issue the permit, however, I believe the permit was issued on January 6, 2004, with the old plans. I will be reviewing the new plans and rewriting the permit, as needed. Sorry for the confusion." Where do we stand on that second submittal? We haven't heard anything else about it since February. we are now ready to submit another revised plan, different from the December 2003 submittal. I hope I didn't confuse you above. Could you please update me on where we stand on things? Thanks, Jason Clark 2 oF2 11/23/2004 10:40 AM Re: Smithfield GiBrunswick Plantation Subject: Re: Smithfield @Brunswick Plantation From: Jason Clark <jasonclark@atmc.net> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 14:16:06 -0400 To: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Linda: Mr. Mason Anderson, President of Caw Caw Land Corp.,.is writing a letter that authorizes Mr. McLamb, Secretary, to sign for the corporation. Mr. McLamb is the construction contractor for the site. I will send you this letter when I get it. Jason Clark x On Tuesday, August 17, 2004, at 11:44 AM, Linda Lewis wrote: Jason: Just a quick note to let you know I received the package today. In scanning the application, I'notice that Mr. McLamb signed as the Secretary of Caw Caw Land Corporation. The rules allow only the president or vice president of a corporation to sign the application unless a letter of authorization from one of the afore -mentioned individuals is provided. Linda 1 of 1 8/19/2004 2:48 PM