HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8021208_COMPLIANCE_20040711STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW /,q off DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD The Shoppes at Cedar Point - Al Barnes / Subject The Shoppes at Cedar Point Al Barnes /1 2 From "John P McLean" <jpmcleanpe@tcp2 com> `!//- Date Fn 11 Jun 2004 21 07 03 0400 v 1 o "Linda Lewis" <Lmda Lewis@nomad net> CC 'John P McLean, Engr " <Ipmcleanpe@tcp2 com> Linda 1 took this picture about Wednesday or Thursday of this week The filter appears to be almost ready for sand The contractor is on vacation and won't return until next week The matter which needs resolution is the device to hold the sand in the filter section (yet allow the water to drain) It will require some thought and fabrication The dividing walls are deeper than I realized, but necessary to get everything up to the parking lot grade There was a lot of hand holding with the bnckthlock mason but the dimensions are correct and the bottoms are flat Do you want to come take a look a I go on vacation on the 17th for a week I don't know when the contractor will want to fill it with sand, but so far, it meets the arealvolume requirements and seems to be well along in the construction [ hope you can see the photo fairly well [ sent this from home but ce'd myselfso I can keep a copy at the office Best, Jahn 1 tU_I05$_2 JPG Content -Type imageljpeg Content -Encoding base64 1 of 1 6/14/2004 8 33 AM