HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8000323_APPROVED PLANS_20000426STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW �c /9f.YY32.3 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT �DAPPROVED PLANS i ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE r,?w O'�lo�L YYYYMMDD i-:C� �!= "T '_ �� _ 'J �`? ;IDS . _ _.���L��I"�'s�L:iS:: � �: � � _� �—._, . _, _ . i _ . _ : I . ' , .. s is r. ,. , . :'i':'j: �ii�1:'1!•�.'&11.�.'L.tz'�::�. `:L''�s` r,._._�•'• 1:�i f.•1:: 1 __ 0 SITE, EROSION CONTROL, STORMWATER, and UTILITY PLANS MANNON HOLDINGS, VILLAGE ROAD SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ALFM HUCIM 1130/9" 9 Era EXISTING ENCROACHMENT DANIEL HOLDEN � 85/981 LLC Fiv TELE s iaxnt� 16f.i0 R/W R/W MON EXISTING M SIDEWALK EXISTING CURBING VILLAGE ROAD 60' R/W FQR A��RQi1AL Fan AFF110WAL, ti \'2p' 0 700 c, ,SITE �i VICINITY MAP S.HE...ET_L.E_G..EN_D C1 COVER SHEET C2 SITE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN, and STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN .,4 STORMWATER DETENTION POND PLAN and DETAILS 3'5 DISTURBED AREA PLAN and DRAINAGE SUB -BASIN MAP C6 UTILITY PLAN, NOTES and DETAILS C7 EROSION CONTROL NOTES and DETAILS OWNER: APPROVED MOWN CAROLINA ENVIRO E 2 i ".L MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER QUAUTY Data ' I 3� Stormilrater P�rmlt No.> ,r3 Mannon Holdings, LLC OOOZ 0 z�W a " SJT0Rviv,',ATER R11 C I- I V ED MAR 2 0 2000 Shallotte, North Carolina 28470-7452 whole or M part without written permi®aion of Bast Coasf It Company, P.A. 4 I I•� f' f � . I i•., �f�{ � tti��� f �.{t t i��� k �1+�})�5�jrr SI��jl 1�t r. I,s 4 h ►,i� �f�1��, a�l Y i, i i. .. is�:l:' ►!.'' i,f {.:.�,r:r .tr-#,��f. i�!"�5,1'�- .. it I .�� I��l,;i.:�.�.,5�: 1;r.i �+�iw;..��. whole or W - art with( )ut whAten permission of East C OaAWneering Company, P.A. - - . - - , A , : lx z I -: . ; _`-' !,.: k i . 1 '_2 .' ..!, ' i 'I I k`-` ' L" IA-1, !LC 6 U-C E 2. AJ '9:1:1 I 12- . 11 1 . L t- - -,T -'T TT' . F- TT �-7 -.T S IZ, ?P*';U .06 1 'M REVISIONS 0 STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE STORM DRAIN ID Q10 FLOWRATE PIPE SIZE INVERT ELEVATION (cfs) (Inches) (Feet) IN OUT SD -POND 5.9 15 8.5 8.0 SD1 3.1 15 10.8 10.3 S132 4.1 15 10.3 9.8 SD3 4.7 15 9.8 8.5 S D4 0 7 12 11.0 8.5 NOTES: 1. All Pipe Shall be High Density Polyethylene. 2. All Pipe Shall be Bedded, Haunched, and Backfilled per Manufacturer's Recommendations for Pipe Constructed Within Traffic Areas with H2O Loading. CATCH BASIN AND JUNCTION BOX DATA TABLE CURB INLET ID INLET Q10 INVERT ELEVATION RIM ELEVATION NEENAH INLET (cfs) (Feet) (Feet) SELECTED IN OUT CB1 3.1 N/A 10.8 14.0 R-3246 C132 1.0 10,3 10.3 14.0 R-3246 C133 0.6 9.8 9.8 15.1 R-3246 C134 0.7 NIA 11,0 14.0 R-3246 NOTES: 1. See "Storm Drain Data Table" (Above) to Confirm Invert Elevations. 2. See Grading Plan to Confirm Grate Rim Elevations. N/F ALBERT HUGHES 1139/977 SILT FENCE - (SEE DETAIL) EXISTING ENCROACHMENT N/F DANIEL HOLDEN 85/361 SILT FENCE - (SEE DETAIL) J m CD ' f / N/F f XAOANDA HOLDINGS, LLC S 69'58'{?8" W 160.17' E-GUTLET PROTECTIONS DETAIL. I (5HT C4) CB-4 i LLJ I ) 1 z LIJ X Cb � a� Ia.n • l 1 o PRQPDS€�----- l -STORMWATER POND / {SEE SHEET C4 FOR STORMWATER POND DETAILS) h 1 ro� a s CB-3 -fcc A f / CB-2 5fl=2 - / CONCRETE FLU - CB-1 .0 n Y 17 �d r 0 7. -77 \ 2 PAR Q SPACE CO PRdROSED \ BUILDING \ 75' X 14�t 1 � \ (18,600 S.F.)\\ A 20' X 39' ATRIUM - / 41 �r EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING CURBING CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (SEE DETAIL SHT C7) Z TELE - �5 19'36'22W 467.1'Q' f r \\ ; R/W M f e a VILLAGE ROAD 60' R/W N/F ATLANTIC TELEPHONE 160/606 N/F TERRY WILLETS 918/222 STORM WATER PROJECT BOUNDARY N/F DAVID ROURK LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR T1,. TOC = TOP OF CURB SPOT ELEVATION TOP 4.6 TOP = TOP OF PAVEMENT SPOT ELEVATION SD-1 PROPOSED STORMDRAIN PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPERTY LINE STORM WATER PROJECT BOUNDARY CONCRETE WALKS/PAVEMENT ASPHALT DRIVE/PARKING STONE CHECK DAM GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1" = 20' 80 STORMWATER DATA TOTAL STORMWATER PROJECT AREA = 54,333 s.f. (1.24 Ac.) BUILDING BUILT UPON AREA (BUA) = 10,791 s.f. (0.248 Ac.) CONCRETE WALKS/PAVING BUA = 1,426 s.f. (0.033 Ac.) ASPHALT PARKING/DRIVES BUA = 20,398 s.f. (0.468 Ac.) TOTAL BUILT UPON AREA = 32,615 s.f. (0.749 Ac.) RATIO OF TOTAL BUILT UPON AREA �615 s.f) - 0.640 TOTAL STORMWATER PROJECT AREA (54,333 s.f.) - FOR DISTURBED AREA SEE SHEET C5 WETLANDS NOTE THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ISSUED A NATIONWIDE PERMIT (NUMBER 26) FOR THIS PROJECT ON JULY 09, 1999. THIS PERMIT (ACTION I.D. 199901204) ALLOWS FOR DISCHARGE OF FILL MATERIAL INTO 0.25 AC. OF WETLANDS, THIS PROJECT IMPACTS LESS THAN 0.25 Ac. OF WETLANDS. "1 VO R/W / MON Z d') LO cc � N W N X W Q CUM C'3 ° o Z >. U C- ao z d' W Q (DLO (D a.l 0 �L-+ O U Z(DT O o �CZ LLI Q z J � O w 0 Q w U Q I- Q C�3 0 w zz 0 p Q 0 _J cc o� O Cn z u� oz Ca 0 Zm LL o I~" o Z J O J C Q O = w W Date: 03/13/00 Scale: 1 "=20' Drawn By: DMB/JDL Checked By: ACUDBB THIS PLAN IS NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION WITOUT AFFIX EMBOSSED CORPORATE SEAL. int Ill lq r! CAR " V 9 ti- SEAL ov_ 9499 o� •••,t, lrll,,,,,' o ' M. Sheet C3 of 7 ECEC PROJECT NO. 99-0333 This drawing shall not be repproduced in whole or in part without written permission of East Coast Engineering Company, P.A. -- - T �- 7�'l -�" ri: ;,'• �5. Tl '�i� .,r r,y.r4-1-F i � � � I. 4}} f �. s, I e, .. . s:, : -,r i : ,� � _ � 1 � r"+� l' I., 7# �1 ,�4"k i �t}�t� !:•:li,: .t -1 :k I' 4 1.4,,,.cvtellrrA ��%u �i1a1�1�14 Ceas}rff� f r� ' .• � i !�; 7'. .. '. .•�� .. �, 5 i a. .:T � 1+: i�� 'i . ;�11��?��j ��f �yA';iv n,4 ,i�r.e '. S.4'.'P���41'i �s: - - - S ��-- - L,. i; ! L_1' _r_F_ . . 'd �. REVISIONS 0 15" BAF A 15. CUT 6" CMP, BEND OUT FLAPS, AND FASTEN GUARD TO RISER WITH 5/16" GALV. BOLTS, NUTS, TOP VIEW OF RISER NOTE: ALL PIPE TO BE ALUMINIZED CMP ELEV. TOP OF ORIFICE 24" TRASH GUARD GUARD = i 1.0t-� TOP OF RISER ELEV. =11.2' - ELEV. BOI BARREL 18" 13/16" ORIFICE RISER '"-- ELEV. BOTTOM INVERT ELEV. = 8.5' ORIFICE GUARD INVERT ELEVATION 12" :y OUT OF BARREL = 8.0. •'4:, ;`..,� ::: �. CONCRETE MIN. 12" ALL AROUND SECTION -VIEW A -A STORAGE POND RISER ASSEMBLY NOT TO SCALE 8'-0" (La) F RIP RAP PAD o zo a r 15" PIPE STONE WITH Dso = 4" and Dmax = 6" UNDERLAY WITH FILTER FABRIC OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 11 3 11 6 J 10-001 NORMAL POOL 10.0' MSL 11 2 CMP ORIFICE GUARD 79. 4.0' STORAGE POND RISER ASSEMBL• (SEE DETAIL AT LEFT) STORMWATER POND DATA SUMMARY Area Draining to Stormwater Pond (DA) 1.03 acres Proposed Built -Upon Area Within Pond Drainage Area (BUA) 0.75 acres BUA to DA Ratio 0.73 Design TSS Removal 90 % Proposed Depth from Permanent Pool Elevation to Bottom 6 feet Minimum Permanent Pool Surface Area to DA Ratio Required 0.0411 Actual SA to DA Ratio Proposed 0.0447 Pond Bottom Elevation 4.0 feet MSL Permanent (Bottom to Orifice) Pool Elevation 10.0 feet MSL Temporary (Top of Riser) Elevation 11.2 feet MSL Permanent Pool Surface Area 2,000 square feet Temporary Pool Surface Area 2,700 square feet Volume of Runoff from 1" Rainfall 2,632 cubic feet Storage Between Permanent Pool and Temporary Pool 2,820 cubic feet Size of Orifice 13/16 inches Drawdown Time 2.8 days Volume Between Permanent Pool and Bottom of Forebay 756 cubic feet Volume Between Permanent Pool and Bottom of Forebay & Main Pond Combined 3,706 cubic feet Pool Elevation at Q10 Peak Runoff 11.8 feet MSL Minimum Top of Bank Elevation 12•8 feet MSL 70. 17. TOP OF FOREBAY BERM = 9.5' 1 2 �1 8.5 FOREBAY BOTTOM 5.0' MSL POND SECTION A -A N.T.S. 10.00' E. GI N/r ALOM HUGHES 1139/977 ob ��j-I p gy9 Elp NIL, DANIEL HOLDEN s3/361 5 PROPERTY CORNER AT VILLAGE ROAD �3 8 a. J Lr Z LL 0LU TOP OF BULKHEAD 13.0' MSL LU � FINISH GRADE @ BULKHEAD 12.5 MSL OUTLET PROTECTION (SEE DETAIL AT LEFT) NOTES: 1) A Pump Shall be Used to Empty Basin in Event it is Necessary for Maintenance Purposes. p 2) Stabilize all Exposed Slopes with Bermuda Grass. See "Seeding Schedule." 3) All Sediment Accumulated During Construction Shall be Removed from Pond and Grades Returned to Design Values. 7 8 rr 9 r2 Ilk 1,3 r3 0 6 rr 11 SrO1GE s�G//y �� MAt pn,,. 1 � r r 2 r4r 10•0 Ij�Es O 9 8 Np V�OrAr/�� HECR TOP BULKHEAD MSLEAD 3 T O O SI�EtA9 p 9 A ®s 5 s VEG. SHELF 10.0' MSL TO 9.0' MSL 1 4 3 14 BPlans not to be scaled. Engineer has provided Stakeout information below. Additional Stakeout information will be provided upon Contractor's request and Owner's authorization. STORMWATER__PON-D-PLAN,I.,;; SCALE: 131 _ 101 ., a,D'4 �esa esPt POND STAKEOUT TABLE POINT NO. NORTHING COORD. EASTING COORD. 1 4976.8958 5270.6107 2 4989.6440 5265.7816 3 5035.7557 5282.3201 4 5041.4238 5287,4665 5 5041.7909 5295.1137 6 5032.0659 5322.1859 7 5028.1980 5325.4249 8 5023.4773 5323.6455 9 5017.9875 5316.8781 10 5012.4978 5310.1107 11 5010.9553 5308.4173 12 5009.2293 5306.9115 13 4979.6608 5283.9595 14 4986.0992 5275.6651 15 5032.3797 5291.7330 16 5027.3603 5320.4955 47.50' LL J LU 02 P 7 _ Q 0 Li LU 0 2 wa >a W Z5 fr a 10.00' 10.00'- TOP OF BULKHEAD 13.0' MSL m Z w , >C0 nM Z o LU ai .00' --_. 11 6 Z co o fr 't N W W Q 0 X Z Clt. CZ m C .0) � o 0o Z >- La I co WZL)'Tt L CU r�n V! n o r+o Z �� 00 -� 75 CD U) C/) Q '�t W U J Z Q W J ° ❑ 0 CC J U CZ 2 Q U a 0 O ❑ Z Z Z Z 00 Z O 0 0 = U Z W Z cn w O= Z ❑ cc Z m H QQ W C � � o O J Q (/) W z CU LU � w LU > ¢ M Z m Date: 03/13/00 Scale:__ "=20' Drawn By. DMB/JDL Checked By: ACVDBB ► - w ILL .00' -1-9.00' �- 0 j Co Z ~ Q� Zo �o LUp Lu 1 3 THIS PLAN IS NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION WITOUT AFFIXE 1 EMBOSSED CORPORATE SEAL. 6 _ J 1 2 2 POND BOTTOM 4.0' MSL POND SECTION B-B N,T.S. CAR SEAL 949% Sheet C4 of 7 ECEC PROJECT NO.99-0333 This drawing shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of East Coast Engineering Company, P.A. d.e 94: 1�, ��. i.�. �. �Gi `♦ 6k ,.{d1.4AIr'�i r'lf:La '�.;t4 t,i.'A.� 'S i. �. i 1 !: J .I 1 +r 1't rr 1 •� 1 •;� 'Y I 'I 'M ,. 1'r � 9•! f. 4- f.- REVISIONS PROPERTY PROPERTY LINE EXISTING _ SIDEWALK .., .�. .. EXISTING CURBING VILLAGE ROAD 60' R/W t TELE R/W LIMITS OF DISTURBED AREA R/W MON LEGEND m = m = = POND DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARIES CATCH BASIN DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARIES �■■LIMITS OF DISTURBED AREA (-1.2 Ac.) 20 PROPERTY LINE Q10 FLOWRATE (C#s) GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 85.9 3.1 4.1 ( IN FEET 4.7 1" = 20' 0.7 Z cr) (D Cr dam' N W N x W ¢ cTS m Z a. c .'m Q cm L Z >. cz 00 U� Wz.��,� �¢ �+y� a.. Z � O ¢ c CF) 0 0 �CZ CZ OD v, C/) ') W Q c� z ly � �U) Y LU ZE Iz C0 w w X 0 L 0 0 z O z z z J 0 Cc CU s O z �0 Y U_ z CIO H I- 0 Date: 03/13/00 Scale: 1 "=20' Drawn By: DMBIJDL Checked By: ACL/DBB THIS PLAN IS NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION WITOUT AFFIN EMBOSSED CORPORATE SEAL. j1,,,,H11,1 Ni Nf 0' 0\A CAA Sheet C5 of 7 ECEC PROJECT NO. 99-0333 This drawinshall not be reproduced in whole or in -?art without written permission of East CoasEngineering Company, P.A. .- T -- .sr R 'i :{4 ! e• L' � � � i�.,.ii :1. -�:'�:�i - .fi:.:h 1:... .��•~-� T .• :.r�.,: ii .. "�i`'. .i?. o. i i�' ci'!, T", Yk7.i .. F,F �,.1 ,1 ,1 e�� ,1 �;r 1+, .IHIv �, �,. r• ,r 1! Sf �,+. �.�•1,i. 1i H. fl,N t,,,1 •'�IIIN./a� HI!"s1 It`I ��i,L'C•{.1�y ilit �di'I,Ya 1 ._�,, !e 'I 1 i i _� 4 i •! � �i �•' y ��j+_) � `��liAi ��'� e�llJ�: .t{1.3 "i�f; F, 4, � + '� 11IY � ,, ,.-. �.1: ,. , �, ., -� .. ... ,..�..:li �1•.� .. �!, �,• iE'. k�%;•�, � a'. F':•�si'4 •t_..tr� [�?', t, !.iI : +s xL: ? i.; ei.i ii_ REVISIONS 4 �4 �Er�N LEGEND - z � N W PROPOSED WATER SERVICE LU N X PROPOSED / STORMWATER POND ` SS PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE W 0 Q Co m Z>-U2:ao W CL C� z o o o -CCCz _ GRAPHIC SCALE O {0 co 20 0 10 20 40 80 �.... T < ( IN FEET) 1" = 20' W Q z -j O Q Q J w 'J = o � 0 O to z z w -- ,0 0 - O _j U o J r z M z z � o PROPOSED z It -j z m BUILDING CL Q U 75' X 140' cc C (18,600 S.F.) J O 0g' � J Q U7 4 Date: 03/13/00 Buikdirtg sewer Proposed Water Service line Cleanout ,� (By Others) � (By Others) � Scale: 1 "=20' w, 0,0-1�— Duplex Sewer Station 6y Town of Shaikotte Drawn By: DME3 DL Checked By: ACUDBB Proposed Water Meter per Town � TELE rF -.,-5pecifications (By Others) R/W R/W MON EXISTING ----------------- SIDEWALK EXISTING CURBING THIS PLAN IS NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION WITOUT AFFIXE EMBOSSED CORPORATE SEAL. 'O SHCAR VILLAGE ROAD 60 R/W - g� 1`� g =F Sheet C6 of 7 ECEC PROJECT NO.99-0333 O This drawing shall not be reproduced in whole or in paA without written permission of East Coast Engineering Company, P.A. ALI-"L.. - -- Revisions NOTES: 1. VIGOROUS STAND OF PERMANEBT GRASS COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ALONG THE BANKS OF DITCHES AND DISTURBED AREAS. WHERE DITCH BANKS CANNOT BE ADEQUATELY STABLIIZED WITH VEGETATION, AN ARTIFICIAL LINER SUCH AS RIP -RAP SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT BANKS. 2. WHERE SLOPE OF CHANNEL BOTTOM EXCEEDS 1.5%, JUTE THATCHING OR OTHER EFFECTIVE CHANNEL LINING MATERIAL SHALL BE USED. 3rS(2 p 31ge Slk TYPICAL GRASS SWALE NOT TO SCALE V-6" x V-0" x .080 STD. ALUM. HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN W TO READ "RESERVED PARKING" WITH IDENTIFICATION SYMBOL. BOLT TO WD. POST W/ 3/8" CANDIUM PLATED NUTS, BOLTS & WASHERS. --� 9" x V-0" x .080 STD ALUM. SIGN TO READ "VAN ACCESSIBLE". BOLT TO WD. POST WITH 3/8" CANDIUM PLATED NUTS, BOLTS & WASHERS 9" x l'-0" x .080 STD ALUM. SIGN TO READ "MAXIMUM PENALTY $100, I , 12" - GS 20-37.6". BOLT TO WD. POST cam WITH 3/8" CANDIUM PLATED LEGEND WBORDER- OREM NUTS, BOLTS & WASHERS. WHITE SYNIXL ON OWE TiACKC UIND B'CKGRWN0.WH1rF TREATED WOOD 4"x4" POST. 1-1/2"R(TYP) 1-10R(TYP) MAXIMUM VANPENALTY Im $ 10 0 318"(TYP) ACCESSIBLE 3i8"(TYP) -s 12" 12"I ILA "1 I Ill III4\II-I4= LEGEND AND BOROER-GREEN LEGENDANDMER-GREEN =� - MUGIMM-WHITE BACKGROUND - WHITE TYPICAL HANDICAPPED SIGN DETAIL - --- - -r NOT TO SCALE -------_.___ NOTE: TO BE USED WHERE IS TO RUN AWAY PLAN VIEW GRADE - �0' MIN. DIVERSION TO DIRECT RUNOFF FROM R/W SECTION VIEW TEMPORARY GRAVELED CONSTRUCTION_ ENTRANCE - -_. ------------- NOT TO SCALE NOTE: ASPHALT SHALL BE 1/4" ABOVE GUTTER EDGE STANDARD CURB & GUTTER 6" 1 1'-6" 1 " RAD- 2" 1-2 ASPHALT "-ASPHALT PAVING CURB AND GUTTER 2" 1-2 ASPHALT 6"ABC io l NOTE: ASPHALT SHALL BE FLUSH W/ GUTTER EDGE AN&G TIER MODIFIED CURB & GUTTER (USE IN SPILL CONDITIONS) CURB AND GUTTER SECTION NOT TO SCALE IN. 10 GA. )P WIRE U WIN. 12-112 GA. it NTERMEDIATE WIRES I Wl= N MIN. 10 GA. ~j N BOTTOM WIRE FL 6" MIN. COMPACTED FILL OVER SKIRT' 00 i 0 co 3 , CV � I-HUN I VItW SIDE VIEW NOTES_ 1. INSTALL NEW SILT FENCES AS SHOWN ON DRAWING AND AT LOCATIONS NECESSARY TO CONTROL SILTATION OF ADJACENT AREAS. 2. WHERE WOOD POSTS ARE USED, POSTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3" IN DIAMETER AND V IN LENGTH. POSTS SHALL BE CREOSOTE OR PENTACHLOROPENOL TREATED SOUTHERN PINE. 3. WHERE STEEL POSTS ARE USED, POSTS SHALL BE 5' IN LENGTH AND BE OF THE SELF FASTENER ANGLE TYPE. 4. WOVEN WIRE FENCING, WHERE REQUIRED (SEE NOTE #6), SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM Al16 FOR CLASS 3 GALVANIZING. FABRIC SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 32" WIDE AND HAVE A MINIMUM OF 6 LINE WIRES WITH 12" STAY SPACING. THE TOP AND BOTTOM WIRES SHALL BE 10 GAUGE AND INTERMEDIATE WIRES SHALL BE 12-1/2 GAUGE. WIDE FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED TO WOOD POSTS WITH NOT LESS THAN #9 STAPLES 1 1/2" LONG. 5. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE OF NYLON, POLYESTER, PROPYLENE OR ETHYLENE YARN WITH A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 30 LBJLIN. IN. AND A MINIMUM OF 85% FILTERING EFFICIENCY. FABRIC SHALL CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS. 6. IF FABRIC FILTER IS USED WITH A STRENGTH OF 50 LBJLiN. IN. OR GREATER, AND THE POST SPACING (S) DOES NOT EXCEED 6', WOVEN WIRE FENCING IS NOT REQUIRED. OTHERWISE, WOVEN WIRE FENCING IS REQUIRED, AND POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 8'. TEMPORARY SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE STEEL OR WOOD POST WOVEN WIRE FENCING AS REQUIRED SILT FILTER FABRIC ANCHOR FABRIC SKIRT w/MIN. 4" LONG WIRE STAPLES CM 12" O.C. TOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES, USE #57 WASHED STONE IN LIEU OF COMPACTED FILL. X m m IM LL no LL Q O� ¢ a mFn 2" FRAME AND GRATE NEENAH R-3246 OR EQUAL 20" MIN. CONCRETE BRICK 4" #4 REBAR @ CONC. FTG. 12" O.C. EACH WAY TYPICAL CURB INLET 18" CURB AND GUTTER NOT TO SCALE NOTES: FILTER J FABRIC NCDOT CLASS 6 EROSION CONTROL STONE 8" TO 12" #57 STONE ON UPSTREAM FACE FILTER FABRIC --k ,ch 1. BACKFILL TO BE FREE OF ROCKS, FOREIGN MATERIAL, OR FROZEN EARTH. 2. BACKFILL COMPACTED TO: A - 95% MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY UNDER ROADS, DRIVEWAYS, OR SIDEWALKS B - DENSITY BEFORE EXCAVATION, OR 90% MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY WHICH EVER IS LESS, AND IN LOCATIONS NOT COVERED ABOVE, 3. BACKFILL COMPACTED IN MAXIMUM OF 8" LIFTS IN AREA 1 AND MAXIMUM 6" LIFTS IN AREA 2 BY MEANS OF A MECHANICAL TAMPER, 4. AREA 3 SHALL CONSIST OF SAND, GRAVEL, OR NATIVE SOIL WHICH IS FREE OF ROCKS, FOREIGN MATERIALS, FROZEN EARTH OR ORGANICS, WHERE NATIVE SOIL IS DETERMINED ADEQUATE BY THE ENGINEER, NO EXCAVATION BELOW BOTTOM OF PIPE 1S REQUIRED. (ie. AREA 2 WOULD EXTEND TO TRENCH BOTTOM.) 5. REFERENCE TO DENSITY BASED ON STANDARD PROCTOR AS DETERMINED BY AASHTO T - 99. (ASTM D - 698) NOTE: PAVEMENT SECTION MAY VARY DEPENDING UPON FIELD CONDITIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE w/OWNER & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO DETERMINE ACTUAL PAVEMENT SECTION IF UNSUITABLE SOILS ARE PRESENT. PAVEMENT SECTION NTS A 9"MIN. A SECTION A -A STONE CHECK DAM NTS TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL ................. ... NOT TO SCALE 3060 PSI CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER CONCRETE FLUME DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1/2" MES PLAN VIEW #57 CLEAN WASHED STONE "LACE CONCRETE BLOCKS WO COURSES HIGH ROUND INLET EACH SIDE OF INLET SECTION VIEW BLOCK & GRAVE_ L INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 1.5' MINJ,ah ,ah EROSION CONTROL and STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE cc Lu Z w U I - R SPRINGLINE A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Marmon Holdings, LLC. Project is being developed by Mr. Edward Gore, Jr. of Mannon Holdings, LLC, PO Box 7452, Shallotte, NC. The Project site is located on a 1.2 acre tract within the Town of Shallotte. The site is adjacent to NCSR 1173 approximately 100 feet north of its intersection with NCSR 1191, The Project will consist of the construction of an office building, associated parking, access drive, drainage facilities, water service, sewer service, and other utilities. A stormwater detention pond wilt be constructed onsite to serve the Project. Drainage of the site will primarily involve "shedding" of runoff radially out from the front and sides of the office building toward the stormwater inlets and storm drain system within the parking lot. The stormwater drainage system will transport the water to the foreb y of the stormwater pond. A swate located behind the building will intercept and transport runoff from adjacent (upslope) areas to the south so that said runoff does not enter the onsite storm drainage system. The stormwater detention pond will discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Shallotte River. The classification of the Shallotte River at the point of confluence is SC HQW. Therefore, the pond is designed to treat the volume of runoff from the first one inch of rainfall from the pond drainage basin. Furthermore, the pond is designed to handle the peak runoff from the 10-year storm with a freeboard of at least one foot. B. TERRAIN AND SOILS There is approximately 4 feet of relief on the site falling generally from southwest to northeast. Based on the Soil Survey of Brunswick County, the permanent soils onsite belong to the Baymeade series. Baymeade soils are well -drained fine sands. C. ADJACENT PROPERTY The Project area is bounded to the east by a tract owned by Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation; to the south by tracts owned by David Rourk and Terry Willets; to the west by NCSR 1173; and to the north by tracts owned by Daniel Holden and Albert Hughes. D. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES A large portion of the disturbed areas will drain to the stormwater detention pond. The pond will, therefore, serve as the primary erosion control feature (sediment trap) during construction. Following the stabilization of all upstream surfaces, the pond shall be cleaned out as required to remove collected sediment so that it can perform as designed for stormwater treatment - Temporary erosion control measures will include construction entrance, sift fencing, inlet protection, and stone check dams. The method for limiting the amount of eroded soils released from the Project on a permanent basis shall be the stabilization of all denuded surfaces with permanent grassing. EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES 1. All construction activities shall be performed in compliance with the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973. 2. All land disturbing activities are to be planned and conducted to limit exposure to the shortest feasible time. 3. All disturbed areas shall be stabilized by a permanent ground cover. 4. As soon as all areas are permanently stabilized, all permanent measures have been installed, and final approval is received from the Land Quality Section, the temporary measures may be removed. 5. Over the life of the Project, the Owner shall make periodic inspections to evaluate the success in controlling erosion of soils to offsite areas. If areas are found where erosion is taking place, the Owner shall take the necessary measures to remedy the situation. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Obtain approval of the Erosion Control Plan from the NC Dept of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Land Quality Section. Obtain approval of the Stormwater Plan from NCDENR, Division of Water Duality. 2. Clear and grub the Project site. 3. Install the construction entrance and silt fencing. 4. Grade, shape, and stabilize the diversion channel along the southern property line. Install check dams within channel- 5. Strip topsoil and stockpile onsite for use in future vegetated areas. 6. Construct the Stormwater Detention Pond with outlet structure and vegetated filter. 7. Rough grade parking lot, drives, and building areas. Prepare site, place fill material, and perform soils testing in compliance with soils report. Bring in fill material as required from a mine approved by the Land Quality Section. S. Prepare building pad and begin building construction- 9. Construct the stormwater drainage system including curb inlets, junction box, and storm drains. 10. Install inlet protection around curb inlets. 11. Install water lines, electric lines, and tele/cable lines. 12. Finish grade drives and parking lot. 13, Prepare subgrade, place base material, and pave drives and parking lot. 14. Finish building construction. 15. Maintain all temporary erosion control measures until permanent ground cover is established. 16. Check stormwater pond depth from normal pool to bottom. If it is less than minimum design depth allowed, excavate to design depth. SEEDING SCHEDULE 1- All disturbed areas due to construction and any severely eroded areas shall be stabilized by a permanent grass cover. The seed species shall be selected based on the type of soil present, seasonal conditions, and other considerations. As an alternative, the contractor may use the methods and schedules shown below; however, it is recommended that a specialist be consulted with attention given to specific site conditions. a. Cultivate area to a depth of 5 inches. Ary Soils (Agri! Septemi�er) We#Soils (AArii -September) e. Mulch with straw at the rate of 3,250 to 4,350 lbs. per acre. b. Apply agricultural time at a rate of 4,000 lbs. per acre. Bermuda Grass .......... 30 lbs. Bermuda Grass ........... 25 lbs. f. Anchor straw with asphalt emulsion tack coat applied at the Centipede Grass ........10 lbs. Bahia Grass................25 lbs. rate of 300 c. Apply 10-20-20 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 500 lbs. per acre. gallons per acre. d. Sow grass seed at the following rates per acre: Bahia Grass................30 lbs. Carpet Grass.-.............25 lbs. Kobe Lespedeza........ .20 lbs. Annual Rye Grass or Annual Rye Grass or German Millet ............ 25 lbs. German Millet ............ 25 lbs. 2. Where it is not possible to establish a permanent grass cover in a reasonably short period of time due to seasonal considerations, a temporary grass cover shall be established. The temporary seed rate per acre shall be: Winter .(September A 7 Summer (May - August) Annual Rye Grass ....... 50 lbs. German Millet..............50 lbs. Tall Fescue ................. 501bs. 3. Topsoil shall be used over unfavorable soil conditions for successful establishment of vegetative cover. 4. Irrigate as necessary to optimize plant growth. 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