Environmental Quality
.tune 3, 2020
Carolina Creek, L.L.0
Attention: Mr. Kenneth M. Kirkman, Manager
503 West Thurman Road
New Bern, NC 28562-7021
Subject: Stormwater Permit Renewal/Ownership Change
Stormwater Management Permit SW7060904
Carolina Colours — Amenity Campus
Craven County
Dear Mr. Kirkman:
JA/-0/k d
A Division of Energy, Mineral, and hand Resources file review has determined that
Stormwater Permit SV 7060904 for a stormwater treatment system consisting of two
wet detention ponds serving Carolina Colours — Amenity Campus located on
Waterscape Way, New Bern, NC expires on November 22, 2020. This is a reminder that
permit renewal applications are due 180 days prior to expiration. We do not have a
record of receiving a renewal application. It appears that the property has been sold. If
property is sold, stormwater permits are not automatically transferred.
Please submit a completed permit renewal application and ownership change
application along with a $505.00 fee for permit renewal. Also, it was noted in the file
review that a designer's certification that the project was constructed in accordance with
the approved plans as required by the permit has not been submitted. Please include
this with your application. Permit application forms for renewal can be found on our
website at:
hops:/T /dea.nc.govjaboutLd vises ergy�eralland-resourcees_/ent gy-mineral later
rules/stormwater-oroaram/imst-construction. North Carolina General Statutes and the
Coastal Stormwater rules require that this property be covered under a stormwater
permit. Failure to maintain a permit subjects the owner to assessment of civil penalties.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3923. 1 will be glad to
discuss this by phone or meet with you. If you would like, I can e-mail you a copy of the
application form. You can request a copy by e-mailing me at roger.thorpea—ncdenr.gov.
og r K. Thorpe
Environmental Engineer
-t, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
RE Washington Regional Office 1943 Washington Square Mall I Washington, North Carolina 27889
To: Division of Water Quality
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington, North Carolina 27889
ATTENTION: Mr. Scott Vinson
DATE: November 16, 2006
PROJECT NO: 031 34-0045
RE: Carolina Colours -Amenity Campus
WE ARE SENDING: ❑ Originals M Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Samples
❑ Specifications ❑ Calculations ❑ Other -
Drawing No.
Amenity Campus Sheet 4
- n n❑yr7 r,%
I_� � ( ,lam {r== �;m
NOV 20 Z006
r%lk A RBI t 111 it A lid
Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid
E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval W. See
Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 2. Make Corrections Noted 3. Other
4. Amend & Resubmit 5. Rejected -See Remarks
REMARKS: Please exchange the attached sheets with those previously submitted.
cc: file
2507 Neuse Boulevard, Building 5, New Bern. NC 28562 252/633-5899 FAX 2521633-6551
is J. Frank,
5:\3134\0045\40-Permit\tr-$Cot1 Vinson -Sheet 4.doc
Carolina Amenity Campus Add.lnfo Request
Subject: Carolina Amenity Campus Add.Info Request
From: Scott Vinson <Scott.Vinson@ncmail.net>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 11:16:48 -0500
To: Eric Frank <EFrank@mckimcreed.com>
to follow up on our phone conversation about the Carolina Colours - Amenity
Campus. I just needed to set a deadline date that I'm sure will not be an issue
with the 2 minor items (adding pipe #10 and the swale back to the plans)
needed to make the stormwater application complete.
Can you please have the two revised copies of plan sheet 4 to me by
Monday, November 20, 2006? If you need extra time please write.
I of I 1 1/16/2006 11:17 AM
November 2,2006
Mr. Scott Vinson
Division of Water Quality
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington, NC 27889
RE. Stormwater Review SW7060904
Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
Dear Mr. Vinson:
M&C 031340045
DWQ `~
1.i n
This letter is in response to your letter dated October 26, 2006 to Mr. Kenneth 1.
1) Please note that the wet pond #1 is niislaheled as #2 and the permanent pool
elevation is given as 23.0 and not 18.0 on plan sheet 4. Please verify and correct.
Wet pond #1 has been labeled as such and the permanent pool elevation has been
revised to show an elevation of 18.0 feet.
2) Please note that permanent pool elevation is again given as 23.0 and should he
corrected to 18.0 on the cross sectional detail on plan sheet 9. Please also change
the forebay weir wall elevation.
The elevations on the cross sectional detail have been corrected.
3) Please note the wet pond outlet structure detail is mislabeled as a
"hioretention " outlet structure on sheet 9. Please verify and correct
I► The outlet structure has been properly labeled.
4) Please delineate all wetlands on the project site or note on the plans that none
2807 Neuse Blvd. Bldg, 5
New Bern, NC 28562
The wetlands are shown under the pool and tennis center area. This area of
wetlands has been verbally classified as "isolated" by Scott Jones of the Army
Corps of Engineers, but as you know they are not making any official
jurisdictional calls at the present time. We are preparing a PCN to fill these
252.633.5899 Wetlands.
Fax 252,633-6551
Mr. Scott Vinson
November 1, 2006
Page 2
5) Please submit two (2) copies of revised plants, sealed signed and dated.
2 copies of the revised plans are included.
Thank you for your assistance with this submittal process. If you require any
further information please call or e-mail me.
Eric J. Frank, PE
Cc: Kip Peregoy
Richard Collier
S:1313450045140-PermIft-Scott Vinson-Resubmittal 2.docS:4313440045140-PerrnNtr-Scott Vinson-Resubmittal 2.doc
o��F W A rERQG Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
p Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
Division of Water Quality
October 26, 2006
Mr. Kenneth I. Peregoy, Member/Manager
Carolina Creek, LLC
119 Middle Street
New Bern, NC 28560
Subject: Stormwater Review SW7060904
Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
Craven County
Dear Mr. Peregoy:
This office received a Coastal Stormwater permit application and plans for the subject project on
September 6, 2006, with additional information received October 17, 2006. A preliminary review of the
project indicates that before a State Stormwater permit can be issued the following additional information
is needed.
1) Please note that the wet pond #1 is mislabeled as #2 and the permanent pool elevation is given as
23.0 and not 18.0 on plan sheet 4. Please verify and correct,
2) Please note that permanent pool elevation is again given as 23.0 and should be corrected to 18.0
on the cross sectional detail on plan sheet 9. Please also change the forebay weir wall elevation.
3) Please note the wet pond outlet structure detail is mislabeled as a "bioretention" outlet structure
on sheet 9. Please verify and correct
4) Please delineate all wetlands on the project site or note on the plans that none exist.
5) Please submit two (2) copies of revised plans, sealed signed and dated.
The above requested information must be received in this office prior to November 3, 2006 or
your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of
all required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required
information, please mail or fax your request for time extension to this office at the Letterhead
You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any
development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 21-1.1000 and North
Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day.
Please reference the Stormwater Project Number above on all correspondence. If you have
questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3848.
colt Vinson
Environmental Engineer
Washington Regional Office
cc: E is Frank, PE — McKim & Creed
Washington Regional Office
Np ` Cara
North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Phone (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 946-9215 Customer Service
Inlemet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 1-877-623-6748
An Equal OppottunitylAffirmatIve Action Employer— 50% Recycledl14% Post Consumer Paper
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Page 1
2807 Neuse Blvd. Bldg. 5
New Bern, NC 28562
Fax 252,633.6551
www,mekimcreed -com
Mr. Scott Vinson
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington, NC 27889
Re: Stormwater Review SW7060904
Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
Craven County
Dear Mr. Vinson,
October 16, 2006
OCT 17.2006
pR03 #
This letter is in response to your letter to Mr. Kenneth 1. Peregoy dated September
27, 2006. Please note that the plan has been revised to eliminate the bioretention
areas, so the items (2,3 and 5 thru 10) in your letter pertaining to bioretention
areas will not be addressed.
1) The soils report gives the existing groundwater level at the time of the Borings
around S feet below ground elevation, but this does not reference the expected
seasonal high water table. .The soils report should include at a mininnim the
date of the borings, a map of the boring locations, soil profiles of the borings,
the expected infiltration rate of the in -situ soils, and the expected seasonal
high water table. Site boring logs have much of this information and can be
included with the report. Please also have the report reference the soils fotutd
and if they are consistent with the soils found in the Craven County Soils
book. Please include the soils map from the book with site located.
The site boring logs are attached. The soils found on site are generally consistent
with those cited in the Soil Survey of Craven County. A map of the soils with the
site located is attached. According to the soil survey the expected rate of
infiltration for Grantham soils in the top 0-10 inches is 2.0 to 6.0 inches per hour
and from 10 to 72 inches of depth the expected rate of infiltration is 0.2 to 0.6
inches per hour. According to the soil survey the expected rate of infiltration for
Exum soils in the top 0-11 inches is 2.0 to 6.0 inches per hour and from I 1 to 60
inches of depth the expected rate of infiltration is 0.2 to 0.6 inches per hour.
S15114%0045140-?tr itUtt-Scotc Vinson-Rewbminai d0C
Page 2
4) Please state in the permanent seeding specifications what the vegetated cover
for the swales, grassed filter cl<- other sloped areas should be. (Cordgrass is
the only grass type specifier) in the pernianent seeding specifications.)
The seeding specifications have been revised please see Sheet 8 of the plans.
11) Please explain how access is provided to the outlet orifice to check for
clogging and how it can easily he maintained. (It seems that there may be
little to no niaintenance performed on the orifice if access is only by boat and
one foot under water.) A typical outlet detail is attached that allows for easier
inaintenance to be performed.
The outlet structure for the ponds has been change to match the detail you
provided. Please see Sheet 9 of the plans.
12) Please reduce the spacing for the trash guard on the overflow spillway froni
10 " bars to 4 " grated openings or less_
Due to the change in the outlet structure, the spillway will not be used as a
principal spillway, but an emergency spillway. Therefore no trash guard is
required in the spillway.
13) Please specify what occurs with the 8 " outlet pipe front the wet detention
pond as it drains West. Does it continue to be piped off -site to aClloining
property? What does it outlet into and does it need an energy dissipater to
help reduce erosion?
The outlet structure for Wet Detention Pond 42 has been revised per your
suggestion and there is no longer an 8" outlet pipe. The 15" pipe from the
modified outlet structure empties into a ditch along the adjoining property line.
The drawing has been revised to clearly define the ditch. A riprap energy
dissipater has been designed at the outlet to reduce erosion.
14) Please do not forget to have plans, calculations, supplements, narrative, etc.
revised, signed, sealed and dated as necessary when re -submitting.
&U 134\DG45`40-Permit%r-Senn Vinson. Kesubmival doc
Page 3
All plans, calculations, supplements, narrative, etc. have been revised, signed,
sealed and dated.
15) Please provide the 25% additional ij formation fee associated with the
Fxpress Stormwater Review Program of $1000.00 by check made payable to
A check for $1,000 made payable to NCDENR is enclosed.
Thank you for your review of the permit application package. If you require any
further information or have any questions, please call.
Cc: Kip Peregoy
Richard Collier, PE
File 031340045
S.L313410045Ld0-Permitiltr-Scott Vinson-Resubmittal.doc
McKim and Creed
Eric J. Frank, PE .ems
O�pF W A lr4Z., Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
-f Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
Division of Water Quality
September 27, 2006
Mr. Kenneth I. Peregoy, Member/Manager
Carolina Creek, LLC
119 Middle Street
3` New Bern, NC 28560
Subject: Stormwater Review SW7060904
Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
Craven County
Dear Mr. Peregoy:
This office received a Coastal Stormwater permit application and plans for the subject project on
September 6, 2006. A preliminary review of the project indicates that before a State Stormwater permit
can be issued the following additional information is needed.
1) The soils report gives the existing groundwater level at the time of the borings around 5 feet
below ground elevation, but this does not reference the expected seasonal high water table. The
soils report should include at a minimum the date of the borings, a map of the boring locations,
soil profiles of the borings, the expected infiltration rate of the in -situ soils, and the expected
seasonal high water table. Site boring logs have much of this information and can be included
with the report. Please also have the report reference the soils found and if they are consistent
with the soils found in the Craven County Soils book. Please include the soils map from the book
with site located.
2) Please include the seasonal high water table elevations, in fmsl, on page 1 of the bioretention area
supplement forms.
3)', Please include on the plans the planting requirements for the bioretention areas. The plants
should be listed for the contractor or a table of plants to chose from with a minimum stem number
of each type per area noted. It should not be left up to the landscaping contractor to obtain a
BMP manual and look up the requirements, it should be noted in the plans just like the temporary
and permanent seeding schedule/specifications.
4) Please state in the permanent seeding specifications what the vegetated cover for the swales,
grassed filter & other sloped areas should be. (Cordgrass is the only grass type specified in the
permanent seeding specifications.)
5} Please add to the Construction Sequence on sheet 8 that the consultant should be contacted at the
time of soil placement to verify that the appropriate soils have been brought on -site as planting
media. Note that section 4.15 of the BMP manual requires that the planting soil be tested.
6) A Please provide drawdown calculations for all 3 bioretention basins to verify that. the. basins will
drain within 5 days.
7) Please do not modify or alter the supplement forms, in especially the Required Item Checklists.
Please include an attachment with an explanation as to why a design item was not provided and
what is provided that would off set the missing item to make the treatment system equal or better.
Please hand initial under applicant initials for the checklists instead of type written block letters.
North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Phone (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 946-9215 Customer Service
Intemet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 943 Washington square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 1-877-623-6748
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer •- 50% Recycled110%a Post Consumer Paper
done Caro
8)v Please provide additional inlets into Bioretention Area 92 to help provide better & equal
distribution of runoff into the shallow basin.
9) Please provide additional labels, notes, flow arrows, etc. on the Splitter Box detail on sheet 9.
Should the splitter box detail also include the inlets for the 6" sub -drains? The contractor should
be able to construct these boxes from the plans submitted.
10) Please provide a by-pass mechanism or at least double the storage volume for bioretention area
#3. Please modify plans, calculations, & supplement forms as needed. Note that the ponding
depth for #3 is given as 9" in the calculations, but 6" elsewhere.
11) PIease explain how access is provided to the outlet orifice to check for clogging and how it can
easily be maintained. (It seems that there may be little to no maintenance performed on the
orifice if access is only by boat and one foot under water.) A typical outlet detail is attached that
allows for easier maintenance to be performed.
12) Please reduce the spacing for the trash guard on the overflow spillway from 10" bars to 4" grated
openings or less.
13) Please specify what occurs with the 8" outlet pipe from the wet detention pond as it drains West.
Does it continue to be piped off -site to adjoining property? What does it outlet into and does it
need an energy dissipater to help reduce erosion?
14) Please do not forget to have plans, calculations, supplements, narrative, etc. revised, signed,
sealed and dated as necessary when re -submitting.
I5) Please provide the 25% additional information fee associated with the Express Stormwater
Review Program of $1000.00 by check made payable to "NC DENR".
040ber 5
The above requested information must be received in this office prior to ., 2006 or your
application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all
required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required
information, please marl or fax your request for time extension to this office at the Letterhead
You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any
development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North
Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day.
Please reference the Stormwater Project Number above 'on all correspondence. If you have,
questions, please feet free to contact me at (252) 948-3848.
Scott Vinson
Environmental Engineer
Washington Regional Office
cc: Eric Frank, PE — McKim & Creed
Washington Regional Office
Re: Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
Subject: Re: Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
From: Scott Vinson <Scott.Vinson@ncmail.net>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:33.20 -0400
To: Eric Frank <EFrank@mckimcreed.com>
CC: Kip Peregoy <kperegoy@carolinacolours.com>, Richard Collier <RCollier@mckimcreed.com>
Yes a pond would eliminate items 2, 3 & 5-10 completely, just remember that these should
be included on future projects proposing bioretention areas.
Item 1 should still be included and a copy of the boring logs
should be included and referenced. A reference can be made to
the existing report (with boring logs attached) in a revised narrative to explain
how permanent pool elevations were determined and if the soils
found on -site match the soils shown in the County soils book.
An extension until Oct. 13, 2006 for submittal is granted.
GThanks, _
Eric Frank wrote:
Thank you for your review.
The owner has decided to use a stormwater pond in lieu of bioretention areas #1, #2, and #3. Please confirm that this will eliminate the
need to address items 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9, and 10. The plans will be revised to include the new pond.
Pleas allow a time extension until October 13, 2006 to resubmit .
Eric J. Frank, PE
Mckim and Creed, PA
2807 Neuse Boulevard
1 of 2 10/2/2006 9:34 AM
Re: Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
Building 5
New Bern, NC 28562
Tel (252) 633-5899
Fax (252) 633-6551
2 of 2 10/2/2006 9:34 AM
. ��li
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
943 Washington Square Mall, Washington NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 975-3715'
Request for Express Permit Review
FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Permit(s).
Please include this with the application package upon submittal. Project application received after 92 noon will be
stamped in the following work day. Thank yowl Lyn Hardison lyn.hardison.Ancmail.net
APPLICANT Name Kenneth I. Peregoy _
Company'Carolina Creek, LLC _
Address 119 Middle Street City/State New Bern I NC Zip 28560
Phone 252-636-3700 Fax 252-634-9900 Email k erg egoyacarolinacolours.com _
PROJECT NAME Carolina Colours Amenity Campus County Craven
PROJECT LOCATION (ADDRESS) intersection_ of Waterscape Way and Wilcox Road-
Company McKim & Creed, P.A.
Address 2807 neuse Boulevard, Building 5 _ City/State New Bern, NC Zip 28562
Phone 252-633-5899 Fax 252-633-6551 Email efrank@mckimcreed.com
State or National Environmental Policy Act_(SEPA, NEPA) -- EA or EIS Required ❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ STREAM ORIGIN Determination; # of Stream calls; Stream Name
® STORMWATER ❑ Low Density ® High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other
❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter ❑ High Density- I nfiitratio n ❑ Off Site
❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information
MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront
® LAND QUALITY ® Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 13.78 acres to be disturbed. CK #
❑ WETLANDS (409 ) ❑ No Wetlands on Site (letter from COE) ❑Wetlands Delineated/No JD
❑ Greater than 0.1 AC Wetlands Impacted ❑Jurisdictional Determination has been done
® Less than 0.1 AC Wetlands Impacted ❑Greater than 0.5 AC Wetlands Impacted
CIRCLE YIN: 401 Application ❑ Yes ❑ No 404 Application in Process w/ USCOE ❑ Yes ❑ No
The legislation allows additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, to be
chaffed for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications.
CHECK# 103
SW C1'_(. —06�1
LOS _ el(C-vG
For DENR use only
Fee Split for multiple permits:
$ _I3�3.33
SEP --6 286
1. ETV
Total Fee Amount $
-Date Received:
Perflitt Number
Stale of North Carolina
swACK 916/66
- E17 EU PY'Department.of`Environ tnent anti -Natural Resources
' Division.of Water:Quality.
This form may be.photocopled for use -as an original
I. GENERAL -INFORMATION e- r o � J b it^
1. Applicants name (specify the -name of the corporation, individual, etc. owns the. project): `/
Carolina Creek, LLC
2. Print"Owner/Signing Official's,narfie-and title (perkn1egally responsible for•facility and compliance)':
Kenneth I. Peregov
I Mailing Address for person listed.in'item 2 above:.
119 Middle
City New Bern State: NC Zip: 28560
Telephone Number: 252 ' 636-3700
4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - shb ild be consistent with project name. on plans,,
specifications, -letters, operation and maintenance agreemerits,7etc):
Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
5. Location,of Project (street address}'.
Intersection of Waterscape Way and Wilcox Road
City: New Bern
6. Directions�to project (from nearest major intersection):,
County: Craven
From the intersection of Thurman Road West and Hwy 70, make immediate left at split onto
Waterscape way. Approximately 1 mile south, located at prior intersection with Wilcox Road.
T. Latitude: N 350 1' 12" Longitude: W 770 0' 46" of.pcoJect.
8: Contact person who can answer questions about the project:
Name: _ Frir. Frank Telephone Number:
1. Specify whether project is (check one): _XNew. Renewal Modification
Form SWIJ-101 Version 3.9.9 Page 1 of
2. if this application is heing'submitted as the: result of a renewal or mod ification,to:an existing permit, list the
existing permit huinber N/A and` its issue°date {if known) N/A
3: Specify.the,type of project (check one):
Low Density X High Density Redevelop :General Permit Other
4: Additional -Project Requirements (check applicable.blanks):
LAMA IVlajor X :Sedimentation/Erosions Control X 404/401 Permit, �NPDES Stormwater
Idformation-on required state permits.can be'abta..necl.by contacting the Customer Service.Center at
1-877-623=6748: - -
1. In.the-space provided.below, sumrnafizi how stormrwater will be treated.. Also attach a detailed narrative
(one to two.pages) describingstormwater, manage ment-for the,prcject.
Stormwater shall be collected_in_3 bio-retention areas and 1 wet detention pond and treated through
settling, absorption, nutrient uptake and filtration. Goals are 85% TSS removal and 35% TN
2: Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the
3, Total_Pr"' tArea: 17.0 acres
5, How many drainage areas -does -the project -have? 4
River basin,
Ptoject;Bailt:Upon Area:.
6. Complete the"following_information for each drainage area. If there are,more than two'.drainage areas in the
project, attach an additional.sheetWith. the. information for each area provided in the same format -as below.
:Basin Information
DrainagQe-`Area 1. .
Drainage Ar_'ea`2`
Receiving. Stream: Name
Receiving Stream'.Class�
Drainage. Area
Existing Impervious* Area
, Proposed: I.inpervious t-Area;
%.Impervious*:Area (total)
,Impervious* Surface Area.
'a. Drainage Area 1
Drainage,Area `2
an -situ Buildings',
On -site Streets
{fin: site Parking
On=site Sidewalks
Other on -site
Off -site
Total: t-
'Irnpervious area;ls defined as the byht upgn area Including -but not:lirnitedito; b.ulldings, rgads„parking:areas,
sidewalks,.ghavel areas, etc.
Form SAIU-101 Version 199 Page 2 of 4
g;o,, +,44-t. $, Q--
/. A..4LI A -A. 4;-
Basin Information
Drainage Areal
Drainage Area-2
Receiving Stream Name
Lee's Branch
Lee's Branch
Receiving Stream Class
Drainage Area
Existing Impervious Area
Proposed Impervious Area
% Impervious Area
Impervious Surface Area
Drainage Area l
Drainage.Area 2
On site Buildings
On Site Streets
On Site Parking
On Site Sidewalks
On Site Other
Off Site
Total Impervious
-d 3
Basin Infomiation
Drainage Area 3
Drainage Area 4
Receiving Stream Name
Lee's Branch
Lee's Branch
Receiving Stream Class
Drainage Area
Existing Impervious Area
Proposed Impervious Area
% Impervious Area
32.01 %
Impervious Surface Area
Drainage Area 31
Drainage Area 4
On site Buildings
On Site Streets
On Site Parking
On Site Sidewalks
On Site Other
Off Site
Total Impervious
Basin Information`. '
Entire Project Area
Receiving Stream Name
Lee's Branch
Receiving Stream Class
Drainage Area
740,520 sf
Existing Impervious Area
0 Sf
Proposed Impervious Area
295,437 sf
% Impervious Area
Impervious Surface Area
Entire Project Area
On site Buildings
40,889 sf
On Site Streets
41,640 sf
On Site Parking
40,711 sf
On Site Sidewalks
101,334 sf
On Site Other
70,863 sf
Off Site
0 Sf
Total Impervious
295,437 sf
7. 'How was-the.off-site impervious area listed above derived? NIA
The: following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required -to be recorded.for all
subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale'ofany lot. If lot sizes vary. significantly„a fable;
listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for'eacli lot must he provided as an.attachment.
I". The°following covenants are intended to ensure -ongoing compliance with state stormwatermanagement-perrnit-number,
as issued fey the Division :of Water Quality,: These covenants rnay,no.t.be.
changed or -deleted wlthotit.the.eonsenCof the,State.
2. 'No more -than square ,feet of any, I o t shall be covered by structures or impervious materials.
Impervious materiais;incfude�asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick,'stone; slate or'similar.materiah'6ut-do not include wood
'decking or• the'water siuface ofstv1mfijJhg pools.
3. Swales shall not'be:irlled'in, piped, or, -altered except as -necessary to provide driveway crossings.
4. SuiIt-upon area In -excess 6f the permitted a}nkint "requires a state stormwater: managementpermit modification prior to
5.. All.permided runoff hvm'outparcels or future development.shaII be.divected:into the permitted. stormwater control
syste li.. These connections;to the stormwater control systein shall be -performed in.a'riianner'tliat'hiaintains the integrity
and.perf6rm4nce. of the system as permitted:
By your signature below, you certify that the recorded:deed restrictions and"protective covenants"for: this project
shall include all theapplicable items required above, that the;covenants will be binding on all parties and persons
claiming under them, ihat?they will run,With tileland„thatthe required covenants canmt bechanged -or,deleted
without concurrence from the -State, and.that,they will be recorded prior to the sale of,any.lot.
The applicable state stormwater management-permit:supplemeni forms) listed below must besubmitted for each
BMP specified,for this project, 'Contact; the Stormwater and General''Permits-Uni,t-at (919) 733-5083 for the status
and,availability o.f;these,forms.
Form SWU-102
Form SWU-103
Form SWU-.104
Low Den--sity Supplement
Forrn S-WU--105
Curb Qiitlei.SysteirrSupplement
Form SWU-106
Off -.Site System,Supplement
Form SWU-107
Underground Infiltration1rench'Supplement
Form SWU-108
Neuse River Basin Supplement
Form SWU-109
Innovative.Best Management Practice.,Supplement
1:orin SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 3.of 4
Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed'.by the Division of Water Quality.(DWQ).
A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should'be
submitted to the.appropiiate D,WQ Regional Office.
1. Please -indicate that you have -provided the following required=information by'initialing in the. space provided
next, fo each -item.
OriginaFiiid one copy of the-StormwaterManagerrient Perrriit.Application Form
Qne cnpy,ol'the applicable Sup Forn (s) for each BMP
Permit application processing, fee. of• S420 (payable;to.NCDENR):
Detailed. narrative :descripdon:of stormwaier'ire atment/management
Two'copies of plans and specifications; including:
- Development'/Project narne�
Engineerand firm
North arrow
- Scale
- Revision number &date
- Mean high water line.
- Dimensioned property/project: boundary
Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers
- Original contours, proposed contours; spot elevations; finished floor elevations,
- Details°of roads, drainage features; collection _systems; and storm�4rater.control.hieasures'
Wetlands delineated, or'a note on plans that none exist
- Existing drainage (including.off-site), drainage easements, pipe,sizes,.runoff calculations
Drainage areas'delineated
- Vegetated. bats ffers {where required).
If you vvish,to designate;authority:to another individual of firni;so thaf.th'e'y may provide information on :your
behalf, please.completealiis section:
Designated agent (individual or firm):
McKim and Creed, PA
Ivlailing Address:. 2807 Neuse Boulevard, Building 5
City: New Bem, State' NC Zip' 28562
Phone: (= 252 ) 633-5899 Fax; ( 252 ) 633-6551
I, (punt or type name ofperson listed i.mGeneral-IInformation, Item 2) Kenneth I. Peregoy
certify. that.the information includ'ed'on this permit application form is;.to:the best of my knowledge, correct arid`
that the project will be constructediin conformance with the approved'plans,:that the required deed 'restrictions
and protective covenants will berecorded,.and that the proposed project complies with the -requirements of 15A
NCAC 2H .1000, / n
Form.SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page of
Permit No.
(to be provided by DWQ)
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
This form may be photocopied for use as an original
DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review:
A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a wet detention basin supplement for each basin,
design calculations, plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed
operation and maintenance agreement.
I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information):
Project Name: Carolina Colours Amenity Campus
Contact Person: _ Kenneth I. Peregoy Phone Number: 252-636-3700
For project with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: LA 43
Basin Bottom Elevation
Permanent Pool Elevation
Temporary Pool Elevation
Permanent Pool Surface Area
Drainage Area
Impervious Area
Permanent Pool Volume
Temporary Pool Volume
Forebay Volume
Other parameters
Diameter of Orifice
Design Rainfall
Design TSS Removal 2
(floor of the basin)
(elevation of the orifice)
(elevation of the discharge structure overflow)
131 y -at
sq. ft.
(water surface area at the orifice elevation)
(on -site and off -site drainage to the basin)
(on -site and off -site drainage to the basin)
cu. ft.
(combined volume of main basin and forebay)
cu. ft.
(volume detained above the permanent pool)
cu. ft.
(approximately 20% of total volume)
4.22 (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table)
1.75 in. (2 to 5 day temporary pool draw -down required)
1 in.
90 % (ntininuan 85% required)
Form: SWU-102 Rev. 3.99 Page 1 of 4
When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the
actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non-
standard table entries.
2 The requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to meet 90% TSS removal.
The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices manual
(N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November 1999) and Administrative Code
Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008.
Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting
documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit
Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification.
Applicants Initials
a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet).
b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume.
zcZ _ _ c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event.
d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days.
e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow
f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1.
g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1.
tl h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail).
i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified.
j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice.
k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest
�%�,r•�r`.� i right-of-way.
1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of
the basin is specified prior to use a wet detention basin.
m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency.
The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the
vegetated filter if one is provided.
This system (check one) (❑) does (®) does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet.
This system (check one) (❑) does (Fkl) does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay.
Form: SWU-102 Rev. 3.99 Page 2 of 4
Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows:
1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly:
a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation,
vegetated cover, and general condition.
b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs
within 2 to 5 days as designed.
2. Repair eroded areas immediately; re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, now
vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed.
3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to
maintain proper functioning.
4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is
reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed
of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water
quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.).
The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth
reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments.
When the permanent pool depth reads 20 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed.
When the permanent pool depth reads ZD feet in the fore bay, the sediment shall be removed.
Sediment Remova0EL Zc-;)
Bottom Elevation
6611 in the blanks)
Permanent Pool Elevation L3
Sediment Removal Elevation Z0
Bottom Elevation Le
Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These
plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and fore bay berm.
6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment
through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical.
7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order.
Form: SWU-102 Rev. 3.99 Page 3 of 4
I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven
maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any
changes to the system or responsible party.
Print name: Kenneth I. Peregoy, Carolina Creek LLC
Address: 119 Middle Street, New Bern, NC 28560
Date: G
Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots
have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president.
1, Joseph T. Chance , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina , County of Craven,
do hereby certify that Kenneth I1.Peregoy personally appeared before me this 23rd day of August, 2006, and
acknowledge the due execution of the foregoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my
hand and official seal,
My commission expires f , ZCyo 7
Form: SWU-102 Rev. 3.99 Page 4 of 4
�� .� EwJ ,
1 I
'r .
Permit No.
(to be provided by DWQ)
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review:
A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a stormwater management permit application, a bioretention
area supplement for each system, design calculations, soils report and plans and specifications showing all stormwater
conveyances and system details.
Project Name: Carolina Colours -_Amenity Campus
Contact Person: Eric Frank Phone Number: (252) 633-5899
For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Biorention Cell #1
2. DESIGN INFORMATION —Attach supporting calculations/documentation. Provide a written soils report based on
actual field investigations conducted by a qualified individual. The soils report should include informational reference to
the County soils maps when available all elevations shall be in feet mean seal level (fmsl).
Soils Report Summary
In -Situ Soil Type
In -Situ soil Infiltration Rate
SHWT Elevation -5.Oft. below surface
Planting Soil Texture
Planting Soil Infiltration Rate
Basin Design Parameters
Drainage Area
Impervious Area
Design Storm
Design Volume
Inlet Velocity
Inlet flow depth
Drawdown Time
Basin Dimensions
Basin Size
Basin Volume Provided
Basin Elevations
Temporary Pool Elevation
Planting Elevation
Bottom Elevation
Silt Loam
.2"Ar. in. /hr. (the most restrictive soil layer)
ft. (Seasonal High Water Table elevation)
Loamy sand (must be a sandy loam, loamy sand or loam texture)
3+ in./hr. (estimated)
211,376 sq. ft. (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin)
122,500 sq. ft. (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin)
1 inch (1.5 inch event for SA waters. I inch event for others)
8,691 c.f. (storage volume require , /�}
1.6 fps ee— CI
Ca C5 1
6 inch 7 4—J
1 days n
133 ft. x � 68 ft. = 10,803 sq. ft. (surface area at basin bottom)
irregular shape
8,722 c.f.
20.92 fmsl (elevation of the bypass/outlet structure)
20.17 fmsl (elevation of the ground surface bottom)
16.82 fmsl (elevation of the bottom of the planting media)
Page 1 of 3
Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following design requirements have been met and
supporting documentation is attached. If a requirenrent has not been met, attach an explanation of why.
An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially
delay final review and approval of the project.
Applicant Initials
E.F. a. No vertical sand bed is proposed.
E.F. b. The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet.
E.F. c. Sheet flow is provided at inlet for overland flow. Piped flow is provided with a riprap energy dissipater
E.F. d. A grass buffer strip is provided where possible.
E.F. e. Seasonal High Water table depth is at least 2 feet from bottom of planting area.
E.F. f. Ponding depth of 6-9" is provided.
E.F. g. the in -situ soil infilt fation rate is ,,featef than 0.52 in n., will be replaced with suitable soil and under drains used.
E.F. h. The planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in./hr.
E.F. i. The ponded area will draw down in less than 5 days. (calculations attached)
j. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stonnwater Best Management Practices manual,
E.F. April1999)
E.F. k. A planting schedule with species and densities is provided on plans. BMP Manual referenced.
E.F. 1. Mulch layer and depth is specified on plans.
E.F. in. Plan details for the bioretention area are provided. (including dimensions and elevations)
E.F. n. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided.
E.F. o. an operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided.
This system (check ogre) ❑x does ❑ does not incorporate the use of an under -drain.
Sic �121Dir-r— T-c- w-r rc, ,qe rA
Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: �t A i AJ TEA/ huGP— (-,COFMC&,T,A
1. Inspect the bioretention area system for soil and mulch erosion, vegetated cover, and general condition after
every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly. Remove trash as needed.
2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed and re -mulch as necessary to maintain good vegetative and mulch
3. Remove accumulated sediment and old mulch as needed to maintain good infiltration. Replace, or add
additional mulch as needed. Removal of the old mulch layer before applying the new layer is recommended
every 2 to 3 years.
Page 2 of 3
4. Prune trees and shrubs and remove debris on an annual basis. Grassed vegetation should not exceed 6 inches
in height.
5. Treat all diseased trees and shrubs whenever needed. Remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation
considered beyond treatment every 6 months.
6. Replace support stakes yearly (in the Spring). Replace deficient stakes or wires whenever needed.
7. Soil testing shall be conducted annually to determine pH and any accumulation of toxins in the planting
media. Lime or other alkaline substances shall be applied as recommended per the soil test and toxic soils
shall be removed, disposed of property and replaced with new planting media.
8. All components of the bioretention area system shall be maintained in good working order.
I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the eight
maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any
changes to the system or responsible party.
Print name:
Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have
been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president.
], , a Notary Public for the State of _
County of , do hereby certify that personally
appeared before me this day of and acknowledge the due execution of the
forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official sea],
My commission expires
Page 3 of 3
Permit No.
(to be provided by DWQ)
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review:
A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a stormwater management permit application, a bioretention
area supplement for each system, design calculations, soils report and plans and specifications showing all stormwater
conveyances and system details.
Project Name: Carolina Colours — Amenity pus _
Contact Person: Eric Frank Phone Number: 252 633-5899
For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Biorention Cell #2
2. DESIGN INFORMATION — Attach supporting calculations/documentation. Provide a written soils report based on
actual field investigations conducted by a qualified individual. The soils report should include informational reference to
the County soils maps when available all elevations shall be in feet mean seal level (fmsl).
Soils Report Summary
In -Situ Soil Type
In -Situ soil Infiltration Rate
SFIWT Elevation -5.11 ft. below surface
Planting Soil Texture
Planting Soil Infiltration Rate
Basin Design Parameters
Drainage Area
Impervious Area
Design Storm
Design Volume
Inlet Velocity
Inlet flow depth
Drawdown Time
Basin Dimensions
Basin Size
Basin Volume Provided
Basin Elevations
Temporary Pool Elevation
PIanting Elevation
Bottom Elevation
Silt Loam
.2' lhr. in. lhr. (the most restrictive soil layer)
ft. (Seasonal High Water Table elevation)
Loamy sand (must be a sandy loam, loamy sand or loam texture)
3+ in./hr. (estimated)
146,558 sq. ft. (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin)
59,707 sq. ft. (on -site and off -site drainage to the basin)
1 inch (1.5 inch event for SA waters. 1 inch event for others)
4,538 c.f. (storage volume required
1.6 fps
6 inch j I /r
1 days oZ3 St" ` f� f �t r�S r�r�
312 ft. x z� 55 ft. = 17,134 sq. ft. (surface area at basin bottom)
irregular shape
11,678 c.f.
21.42 fmsl (elevation of the bypass/outlet structure)
20.67 fmsl (elevation of the ground surface bottom)
17.32 fins (elevation of the bottom of the planting media)
Pagel of 3
Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following design requirements have been met and
supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why.
An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially
delay final review and approval of the project.
Applicant Initials
E.F. a. No vertical sand bed is proposed.
E.F. b. The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet.
E.F. c. Sheet flow is provided at inlet for overlandflow. Piped flow is provided with a riprap energy dissipater
E.F. d. A grass buffer strip is provided where possible.
E.F. e. Seasonal High Water table depth is at least 2 feet from bottom of planting area.
E.F. f. Ponding depth of 6-9" is provided.
E.F. g. the in -situ soil infiltration vate is gT-eater than 0.52 in. in will be replaced with suitable soil and under drains used.
E.F. h. The planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in./hr.
E.F. i. The ponded area will draw down in less than 5 days. (calculations attached)
j. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices manual,
E.F. April1999)
E.F. k. A planting schedule with species and densities is provided on plans. BMP Manual referenced.
E.F. 1. Mulch layer and depth is specified on plans.
E.F. in. Plan details for the bioretention area are provided. (including dimensions and elevations)
E.F. n. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided.
E.F. o. an operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided.
This system (check one) ❑x does ❑ does not incorporate the use of an under -drain.
�rG n [�tb2f7i C7tjTIC-9 � �
Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows:�,�`,� N A ����c`t~,+�E►I� ��
1. Inspect the bioretention area system for soil and mulch erosion, vegetated cover, and general condition after
every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly. Remove trash as needed.
2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed and re -mulch as necessary to maintain good vegetative and mulch
3. Remove accumulated sediment and old mulch as needed to maintain good infiltration. Replace, or add
additional mulch as needed. Removal of the old mulch layer before applying the new layer is recommended
every 2 to 3 years.
Page 2 of 3
4. Prune trees and shrubs and remove debris on an annual basis. Grassed vegetation should not exceed 6 inches
in height.
5. Treat all diseased trees and shrubs whenever needed. Remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation
considered beyond treatment every 6 months.
6. Replace support stakes yearly (in the Spring). Replace deficient stakes or wires whenever needed.
7. Soil testing shall be conducted annually to determine pH and any accumulation of toxins in the planting
media. Lime or other alkaline substances shall be applied as recommended per the soil test and toxic soils
shall be removed, disposed of property and replaced with new planting media.
8. All components of the bioretention area system shall be maintained in good working order.
I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the eight
maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any
changes to the system or responsible party.
Print name:
Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have
been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president.
I, , a Notary Public for the State of
County of , do hereby certify that personally
appeared before me this day of and acknowledge the due execution of the
forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal,
My commission expires
Page 3 of 3
Permit No.
(to be provided by DWQ)
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review:
A complete Stormwater management plan submittal includes a stormwater management permit application, a bioretention
area supplement for each system, design calculations, soils report and plans and specifications showing all Stormwater
conveyances and system details.
Project Name: Carolina Colours — Amenity_Campus
Contact Person: Eric Frank Phone Number: (252) 633-5899
For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Biorention Cell ##3
2. DESIGN INFORMATION — Attach supporting calculations/documentation. Provide a written soils report based on
actual field investigations conducted by a qualified individual. The soils report should include informational reference to
the County soils maps when available all elevations shall be in feet mean seal level (fmsl).
Soils Report Summary
In -Situ Soil Type Silt Loam
In -Situ soil Infiltration Rate .2"/hr. in. /hr. (the most restrictive soil layer)
SHWT Elevation -5.0 ft. below surface ft. (Seasonal High Water Table elevation)
Planting Soil Texture Loamy sand (must be a sandy loam, loamy sand or loam texture)
Planting Soil Infiltration Rate 3+ in./hr. (estitnated)
Basin Design Parameters Nz Otl o
Drainage Area 83,076 sq. ft. (on -site and c Y
Impervious Area 26,593 sq. ft. (on -site and c 4IQV
Design Storm 1 inch (L5 inch event rs)
Design Volume 2,145 c.f. (storage volum
Inlet Velocity 1.6 fps
Inlet flow depth 6 inch
Drawdown Time 1 days
Basin Dimensions
Basin Size = 115 ft. x � 42 ft. = 4,344 sq. ft, (surface area at basin bottom)
irregular shape
Basin Volume Provided 2,644 c.f.
Basin Elevations
Temporary Pool Elevation 20.50 fmsl (elevation of the bypass/outlet structure)
Planting Elevation 20.00 fmsl (elevation of the ground surface bottom)
Bottom Elevation 16.65 fmsl (elevation of the bottont of the planting media)
Page 1 of 3
Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following design requirements have been met and
supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why.
An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially
delay final review and approval of the project.
Applicant Initials
E.F. a. No vertical sand bed is proposed.
E.F. b. The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet.
E.F. c. Sheet flow is provided at inlet for overland flow. Piped flow is provided with a riprap energy dissipater
E.F. d. A grass buffer strip is provided where possible.
E.F. e. Seasonal High Water table depth is at least 2 feet from bottom of planting area.
E.F. f. Ponding depth of 6-9" is provided.
E.F. g. the in -situ soil i.,filt-atiOfi Fate .s fe tor- than 0.52 in h will be replaced with suitable soil and under drains used.
E.F. h. The planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in./hr.
E.F. i. The ponded area will draw down in less than 5 days. (calculations attached)
j. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices manual,
E.F. April1999)
E.F. k. A planting schedule with species and densities is provided on plans. BMP Manual referenced.
E.F. 1. Mulch layer and depth is specified on plans.
E.F. m. Plan details for the bioretention area are provided. (including dimensions and elevations)
E.F. n. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided.
E.F. o. an operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided.
This system (check one) ❑x does ❑ does not incorporate the use of an under -drain.
Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows:
1. Inspect the bioretention area system for soil and mulch erosion, vegetated cover, and general condition after
every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly. Remove trash as needed.
2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed and re -mulch as necessary to maintain good vegetative and mulch
3. Remove accumulated sediment and old mulch as needed to maintain good infiltration. Replace, or add
additional mulch as needed. Removal of the old mulch layer before applying the new layer is recommended
every 2 to 3 years.
Page 2 of 3
4. Prune trees and shrubs and remove debris on an annual basis. Grassed vegetation should not exceed 6 inches
in height.
5. Treat all diseased trees and shrubs whenever needed. Remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation
considered beyond treatment every 6 months.
6. Replace support stakes yearly (in the Spring). Replace deficient stakes or wires whenever needed.
7. Soil testing shall be conducted annually to determine pH and any accumulation of toxins in the planting
media. Lime or other alkaline substances shall be applied as recommended per the soil test and toxic soils
shall be removed, disposed of property and replaced with new planting media.
8. All components of the bioretention area system shall be maintained in good working order.
I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the eight
maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any
changes to the system or responsible party.
Print name:
Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have
been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president.
I, , a Notary Public for the State of
County of , do hereby certify that personally
appeared before me this day of and acknowledge the due execution of the
forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal,
My commission expires
Page 3 of 3
Amenity Campus
Bioretention Area Maintenance Agreement
Bioretention is a water quality practice using plants and soils for the removal of
pollutants from stormwater runoff. The following are maintenance guidelines for
bioretention areas.
Inspect monthly, or after every runoff -producing rainfall event:
i. Remove debris from the bioretention area
ii. Check and clear the piping of any obstructions.
iii. Check the area side slopes; remove trash, repair eroded areas before next
11. Quarterly
Inspect the collection system for proper functioning. Clear accumulated
trash from basin grates and basin bottoms, and check piping for
ii. Reseed grassed swales, including the vegetated filter if applicable, twice a
year as necessary. Repair eroded areas immediately.
III. Every 6 Months
i. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure.
ii. Remove any sediment build up in the bioretention area.
iii. Apply an alkaline substance, such as limestone. Testing of the pH of the
organic layer and soil should precede the limestone application to
determine the amount of limestone required.
IV. General
i. Mow the side slopes according to season. Maximum grass height will be
ii. All components of the bioretention pond system must be kept in good
working order.
iii. Plant material upkeep includes addressing problems associated with
disease or insect infestations, replacing dead plant material and any
necessary pruning.
�M Amenity Campus
V. Special Requirements
Keep records of all maintenance activity. Records shall be available for
DWQ or City of New Bern inspection upon request.
ii. Contact the City of New Bern and DWQ for approval before making any
modifications to the bioretention areas.
I, _ Kenneth I. Peregoy , hereby acknowledge that I am
financially responsible party for maintenance of this bioretention area. I will perform the
maintenance as outlined above, as part of the Certification of Compliance with
Stormwater Regulations received for this project.
Signature: Date: t°-L3-CQO-
I, 7oseph T. Chance_ _ , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina ,
County of Craven , do hereby certify that Kenneth I. Peregoy personally
app a ed before me this 23rd day of August , 2006, and acknowledge the due execution
of foregoing jnstii ent. Witness my hand and official seal,
My commission expires
Amenity Campus
Stormwater Management Plan
New Bern, North Carolina
August, 2006
The proposed Amenity Campus is a 17.0 acre project sited on Waterscape Way at the
intersection of Waterscape Way and Wilcox Road (SR 1110) at the Carolina Colours
Subdivision in New Bern, North Carolina. The site varies in elevation from
approximately 25' above msl to 15' above msl. Soils consist primarily of Grantham silt
loam, hydrologic group D, and Exum silt loam, hydrologic group C.
The Stormwater Management Plan has three goals.
1. Remove 85% total suspended solids.
2. Reduce the total nitrogen export to below 10 lb/ac/yr, at which point a fee can
be paid based on the difference between the total nitrogen export and 3.6
3. Reduce the peak flow from the post developed site to predeveloped levels for
the I year and 10 year SCS TR-20 Type III Storm.
Bioretention Cells:
According to the NCDENR "Stormwater Best Management Practices" Manual
Bioretention cells achieve a removal rate of 85% for total suspended solids, thus
addressing the first goal. Bioretention areas are intended to address the spatial constraints
that can be found in intensely developed urban areas where the drainage areas are highly
impervious. Bioretention is a water quality practice using plants and soils for the removal
of pollutants from stormwater runoff.
Three bioretention cells have been incorporated into this plan. Please see the calculations
for sizes and drainage areas. The bioretention areas were sized to treat the runoff from
the area draining to them and collect the runoff in underdrains after it has slowly filtered
through the soil. The splitter boxes in Bioretention Cells #1 and #2 have their overflow
weirs set approximately 9 inches above the bioretention area. The splitter boxes act as
overflow spillways and redirect any runoff in excess of the one inch storm away from the
bioretention cell. The weirs in the splitter boxes are sized to attenuate the I and 10 year
storms to predevelopment levels for the individual drainage areas.
Wet Detention:
According to the NCDENR "Stormwater Best Management Practices" Manual, wet
detention ponds achieve a removal rate of 85% for total suspended solids, thus addressing
the first goal. Wet detention ponds slow stormwater runoff and allow solids to settle.
Plug flow is assumed for wet detention ponds.
One wet detention pond has been incorporated into this plan. Please see the calculations
for size and drainage areas. The wet detention pond was sized to treat the runoff from the
area flowing to it based on the NCDENR SA/DA chart for coastal counties. It was also
sized to allow sufficient storage for peak flow attenuation. A Iow flow orifice detains the
runoff from a 1" storm for two to 5 days. Larger storms pass through a spillway which
serves to attenuate the 1 and 10 year storms.
Nitrogen Export:
The runoff from Drainage Areas 1 and 2 pass through Bioretention Cells 1 and 2
respectively. The runoff is then collected and discharged through the riparian buffer via a
level spreader. The State's nutrient management programs recognize bioretention cells as
achieving a 35% reduction in nitrogen. Discharging through a riparian buffer will further
reduce the nitrogen by 30 % according to the City of New Bern's Stormwater
Management Manual. Used in series this equates to a 54.5% reduction in nitrogen for
the runoff passing through Bioretention Cells I and 2.
The runoff from Drainage Area #3 flows through the wet detention pond. The State's
nutrient management programs recognize wet detention basins as achieving a 25%
reduction in nitrogen
Using the method described in the City of New Bern's Stormwater Management Manual
the total nitrogen export for the site without using a BMP would be 8.8 lb/ac/yr. By
incorporating bioretention cells and discharging them through a riparian buffer this
amount was reduced to 4.0 ib/ac/yr. As stated in the second goal, this is below the 6
lb/ac/yr threshold. A fee is required to pay the difference between 4.0 lb/ac/yr and 3.6
A computer model of the site was used to route the stormwater runoff. Drainage areas I
and 2 were combined because they are connected by pipes. The tables below show that
the peak runoff from the respective areas is at or below the predeveloped levels for the
one and ten year storms, as desired in the third goal of the plan. Please refer to the
attached drainage area map and calculations for further detail.
Table 1: One Year Storm — 3.7 inch, 24 hour, Type III distribution
Area #
Area (sf)
Flow (cfs)
Flow in (cfs)
Flow out (cfs)
1 and 2
Table 2: Ten Year Storm — 7.0 inch, 24 hour, Type III distribution
Area #
Flow cfs
Flow in cfs
Flow out cfs
1 and 2