HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025445_INSTREAM ASSESSMENT_19850404NPDES DOCYNENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0025445 Randleman WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Report Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) f Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: Aril 4, 1985 This document is printed oa reuse paper - ignore any content on the reverse side DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 4, 1985 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Carry Coble FROM: Randy Dodd P-Cb THROUGH: Meg Kerr M Steve Tedder SUBJECT: Instream Assessment for SOC City of Randleman An assessment has been completed to determine the impact of the addition of 81,000 gpd of wastewater to the Randleman treatment plant. This flow is comprised of the 8,000 gpd currently being requested and the 73,000 gpd previously requested by the City. Randleman discharges to the Deep River downstream of the discharges from Jamestown and High Point and upstream of the discharge from Asheboro. There are also several smaller dischargers in the reach of the river of interest. Previous modeling analyses and effluent and instream monitoring have indicated that the Deep River is being impacted by these point source dischargers with respect to instream dissolved oxygen and toxics concentrations. No additional impact on the instream D.O. level was previously predicted for the discharge of 63,000 gpd under the SOC. A "Level C" modeling analysis has been performed to predict the impact of the additional 81,000 gpd on the Deep River. The analysis indicates that the instream oxygen level will drop to 3.69 mg/l just below Polecat Creek, assuming 7Q10 conditions, a wasteflow of 1 mgd, and BODult = 84 mg/l. The BOD ult was determined in view of the SOC limit for BOD5 (70 mg/1) and assuming CBOD = BOD5 and NBOD = 4.57 x NH3 = 14 mg/l. The wasteflow was chosen based on the daily average flow of .93 mgd, and information indicating that the daily average was underestimated . It is not known how much the daily average was under- estimated; therefore, this assumption may or may not reflect average conditions. Larry Coble April 4, 1985 - page two - The sag below Polecat Creek should be below 5 mg/l for 0.15 miles. After the Worthville discharge, an additional 1.4 mile reach is predicted to have instream D.O. levels below 5 mg/l, with a sag of 4.42 mg/l. Below the Asheboro discharge, an additional 1.2 mile reach is predicted to be below the 5 mg/1 standard, with a sag of 4.62 mg/l. Because effluent data indicate that Randleman is capable of meeting an SOC limit of BOD5 = 55 mg/l, the model was also run assuming BOD ult = 69 mg/l. With this input, the D.O. minimum below Polecat Creek was pre- dicted to be 4.36 mg/l, with 0.07 miles having D.O. levels less than 5 mg/l. The D.O. would not drop below 5 mg/l between Worthville and Asheboro, and would drop to 4.82 mg/l below Asheboro, with 0.78 miles having levels below 5 mg/l. In order to assess the impact of the additional waste, the model was run with a wasteflow of 1.081 mgd, and for BOD5 values of 55 mg/l and 70 mg/l. With BOD5 = 55 mg/l, the predicted D.O. minimum is 4.15 mg/l below Polecat Creek, or 0.21 mg/l lower than predicted at 1 mgd. Similarly, the additional predicted sag is 0.20 mg/l below Worthville, and 0.07 mg/l below Asheboro. The additional flow would result in a total of 0.9 miles of degraded stream in addition to the degraded stream miles at 1 mgd. With BOD5 = 70 mg/l, the additional sag is predicted to be 0.25 mg/1 below Polecat Creek, 0.26 mg/l below Worthville, and 0.10 mg/l below Asheboro. The additional total numbers of stream miles below 5 mg/l is 0.6 miles. The reason that the total number of additional degraded stream miles is less when BOD5 = 70 is input into the model is because the D.O. is predicted to drop below 5.0 mg/l between Worthville and Asheboro when the additional wasteflow is not considered (1 mgd). However, assuming effluent BOD5 = 55 mg/l, the model predicts that D.O. will not drop below 5 mg/1 in this river reach at 1 mgd. The additional wasteflow provides enough BOD to result in a 0.7 mile stream reach with predicted D.O. levels between 4.8 and 5.0 mg/l. The results of the modeling runs are presented in Table 1. Larry Coble April 4, 1985 - page three - Based on this analysis, it appears that the total additional SOC waste will not result in "significant degradation", according to the EMC criteria of additional D.O. depletion of 0.5 mg/l. However, the additional length of stream degradation exceeds the criteria of 0.5 miles. If the SOC is approved, it is recommended that a SOC limit of B0D5 = 55 mg/l be included. Monitoring data indicate that the plant can meet this limit. The limit also provides for water quality pro- tection. An effluent toxicity screen in July, 1983 indicated that the discharge is toxic (LC50 = 47). Please advise if questions. RCD:mlt Attachment cc: L.P. Benton, Jr. Doug Finan Table 1 Additional D.O. Additional # sag due to SOC of stream miles flow (mg/1) with D.O. < 5 mg/l Assuming BOD5 = 55 mg/l 0.21 0.9 Assuming BOD5 = 70 mg/l 0.25 0.6 67(b) INSTREAM ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST YES NO Dissolved Oxygen: — Is D.O. decreased less than 0.5 mg/l? - - is the affected stream segment less than 0.5 miles?. Comments sas.- W-LA-�-o _ 2. Fecal Coliform: — Is the fecal coliform below the Ovate Comments 0., ,.Aa. _L',- l ; �� .�f �1 t 3. Toxics: ity standard? X — Were toxics included in the additional flow? _ Did these cause a predicted increase in the concentration of toxics in the receiving stream? — — Are stream standards v'ola ons predicted at low flow? Comments N,� ., ..' �; 4. Other Parameters: — Were any other parameters predicted to significantly impact water use? Comments 21 I, 70 It NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Winston-Salem Regional Office March 5, 1985 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Meg Kerr Technical Services FROM: David Russell Chemical Analyst II, WSRO SUBJECT: City of Randleman request for additional wastewater flow - Randolph County In accordance with the attached correspondence the Winston-Salem Regional Office requests an instream assessment for a SOC 67(b) request for the Randleman Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City requests approval of an additional 8,000 gallons per day of domestic wastewater flow. Six thousand (6,000) gallons per day would come from the Rama Woods apartment complex and 2,000 gallons per day would be generated by anticipated single family residential construction. The existing wastewater treatment plant is a 0.5 mgd contact stabili- zation unit. The plant is currently being upgraded to a 1.0 mgd plant. The time schedule in the existing SOC requires the achievement of final effluent limits on or before September 1, 1985. Based on self -monitoring data during 1984 this 0.5 mgd plant received an average daily flow of .930 mgd. On 129 days of 1984 the flow meter was pegged at the maximum flow that could be recorded. Quite possibly, the actual flow could be higher than the reported flow. The SOC establishes interim effluent monthly average limits for BOD and TSS of 70 mg/l and 80 mg/l, respectively. Self -monitoring data for 1984 indicates these interim limits were met. Final effluent monthly average limits for BOD and TSS are established at 30 mg/l each. I have attached a copy of the treatment plant's past performance data, as well as, the SOC and permit's final effluent limitations. DR/cm cc: L. P. Benton, Jr. WSRO Central Files RECEIVED MAR g 1985 TECHNICAL SERVICES UNIT RANDLEMAN WWTP 1984 SELF -MONITORING DATA EFFLUENT INFLUENT DATE BOD (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) OIL & GREASE m l) FECAL COLIFORM 10 DAILY AV.(PEAK FLOW DAY (mgd) PEAK * RATE BOD (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) Jan. 1981 42.2 20 '90.2 110 .820 1.43 2000+ 287 110 Feb. 54.5 40 � I55.5 � J f :0.2 .936 1.48 2000+ 221 ( 54 -March 39 41 49.5 18 1.020 1.67 2000+ 213 65 April 33 18 60.5 0 1.930 1.45 2000+ 221 114 May 45 20 70.8 1.6 973 1.33 2000+ 224 80 June 50 39 94.8 0 .958 1.22 2000+ 210 80 July 42 25 68.7 0 .837 1.22 2000+ 228 79 August 52 54 124.2 0 .889 1.13 2000+ 285 86 Septembe 48 88 73.1 0 .921 1.18 2000+ 291 82 October 51 I 62 i114.2 1 1.048 1.48 2000+ 291 85 November 55 40 85.6 6.9 �.007 1.40 2000+ 281 62 Dec. 1981 48 i 26 51.1 0 822 1.68 2000+ 248 62 Average 47 39 78.2 10, 930 1.40 2000+ 250 80 * The lant's flow meter can record a maximum flow rate of 2000 p gpm (2.88 mgd). On 35% (129,.days) of the days in 1984 the flow meter was pegged at the maximum l/ rate. During the period October through December 1984 the meter was pegged at 2000 gpm on 59 days (64% of the days during the period). Based on.this data, the reported daily flow totals are below the actual flow through the plant. r_ S o . (IO ALDERMAN 1 C- L EONARD. Mayor Dro-;emoo:e KATHY COOPER C. WORTH HiNSHA''A' JOE P. PARRISH BILL BOBBINS (, Elt1 of an'IML 1 alt RANDLEMAN. NORTH CAROLINA 27357 Eiizabe..'. Swaim. Mayor i,,_=h 30, 1984 Mo. Robet F. n21'as, D.i,te.C:Gt Division o6 :�ii'/:iraa n1e11T.:it ':aa'4�0mBF.% P. U. Box 2760 Rateigh, .NC 2767-7637 Dean AN. Helms : RM L Cis Cork APR Ire? w re 13, , c 16W RE: City w5 Randleman Speciat C tdet by Conse% t I an `.ty that I didn't get to see you. when I was in your ob5iee on Match 28, 7934, howevea; the meeting we had tit{: Mn. 'Witin6 was ve y he.P 10. Yn. Uitns (,)as ve-ty co,t00 and explained the Special Under by Coli..1' elat- ptog%am in depth which Wightened me on se0stle, aa,eas that was ur..awate ol. !n accondance with At. Wilms advice we ate requesting an amendment V out Special Under by Consent. The n_equas red .amendment wou.Zd Wow us .to accept 6,000 g^Oilona pet day :Cram the p,,opost;d Rama woods apaa,tment complex and 2,000 gallons pen dam jon a tici-pated e.i.rg.Ce family ide t:Za2 coits ttuction. (tie cou%d iust. ^',,iA ,if,is ne0u.eb% by otijvUng tho Softaoing ,Lnbormation: 1. in `lovembez, 1983, ). Stevens ✓la. Plant was ctoeed. They waxe d1schagOg appaox{matety, 13,000 qG_ on5 pelt day. 2. P,a.es-t.Cu".e taVicatons closed then oper.att In in Uctobet, i9853 and they were d.ischataina appaox mately 1,000 gaf,tons pea day. 3. These .two closings iepaesents 14,000 ga tonz pay day.tess being di schataed into out wan iewaiet twatmen;t. plant. 4. Ifl the Special Undel,_ by Consent amen4pni is -approved as-reques:Led it would add back into the system 0000 gallons pelt. day. ' The necucs.ted amendment is ve`y m.pontar..t .to out community as avaltable housing is p'u;ctieafty naneviat:ent in Randleman at ,'he .piczert time. I6 you have any que,6ti-on6 conce'ua.ing..thu6 Aeeuest, .please beet 5nee. ,to contact me. _Cinc eQy,— 1 hi labetih Sw0jr:.'. NORTH CAROLINA ' -_-1-1 RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COW-IISSION COLMTY OF R NDOLP_-i IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CA?:OLINA AV; , NO. NC0025445, 1 HELD 3Y THE CITY" OF ) PANDLEN_Ai3 ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT EMC WQ NO. 23-21 v 0 i& EE CAP = c a Pursuant '--c _arovisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.2 and 143- 215.67, this Special Order -by Consent is made and entered into by the City of Randleman, hereafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management - Commission, an agencv of the State of North Carolina created by NCGS 143B-282, and 'hereafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) That the City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NC0025445 for operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater.to Deep River, Class "C" waters of this State, in the .Cape Fear River Basin, but,is.' _. unable -to comply with -the final effluent -limitations -for Flow; .TSS- - - - - - - - .and BODS according to sampling by Division of.Environmental Management as set. -forth in the permit" Compliance will. require preparation of plans and specifications for and construction and operation of.additional'treatment works; (b) That non -compliance -with -final effluent limitations constitutes -- causing and contributing to -pollution of the waters of this State named above,.and the.Cityis within the jurisdiction of the Com- missionas set forth inNCGS Chapter.143, Article.21; (c) That recent operation and maintenance of the City's wastewater treatment Dlant has notbeen:adequate" Current industrial con- tributors and water treatment plant loadings have had a significant adverse impact on -the wastewater treatment plant. And, these and other current- operational problems must be addressed whether or not additional -wastewater :is;approved-herein; (d) That the.City'desires to cause or`allow the:discharge.of 73,000 gpd of additional-wastewater-to-the..treatment works, '.and that -the _dis- charge of such additional.:wastewater from,the'treatment works to the waters.of,this State wAl not result.inrany significant -.degradation in their quality or -in 'the .-quality of any :water ultimately receiving such discharge; __ _ ... ... .. . -. et .. `'. 1 ; } _ i S. t ei.�!, .. � it � , s > "`'} r "f �. •t .. _.. +'. "'-"5 - ..".—[ .c �. �n-•�"c�,�c""bT .s� rn,�.._ + �f� -'4 4 .•. ,L ,y. .. h � F, f SA Av�� bd'•�,. 4�G+% 1'1. .a ,: �t,• �..'.J$._, _,_s. '..Y'..:7«.. a ...._..:r _.. .,w..W .s;°k a. n. .. __ _wt.C.. I, i ,.�.. +2., ,. �.. ... �v.� ,' ... tc '.'ig"f:�;�gyp� idt.�a"l x' ,�,+� �rl ��•ra ��'cp a.,.',y x t n�;-" e ;: z �' c ,., u r a . lannra fdr H� 9 �'. (e)�, That the City.=,has secured financing' for planning and,�`for icons truct.ng' ~ treatment works whicn,.when;constructed and' "op erated ;_will be suf ficient;to..adequately;aneatah_ewastewater.presently,�be_ing}discnarged. and"'the ad3itional wastewater desired' to, 5e,discharged,,to:,the-extent =- tnat the City wil.l.be able to comply with final permit.effluent, limitations; and - (f) That -the City hereby waives .its right to_a hearing on the terms of this..Special..Order..by Consent-pursuant.to procedural. requirements of. NCGS-143-215.4 and Commission.*rules in.15-NCAC 21., and also hereby waives --its. right to appeal this Special Order. by Consent in accordance with -NCGS-143-215.5., . 2. The City, desiring to comply with conditions. of the permit.identified in _.---. --. paragraph-1(a)_.above, does I:ereby_ agree, to' do -and perform all of the following: (a) Meet and comply with all terms and:conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph l(a). above; (b) upon execution of this Order, undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule: - (1)- Final plans and.specifications submitted on or before August 1, 1983- .(2)__Begin construction on or,.before April.l, 1984. (3) Submit progress report on or.before October 1, 1984. (4) Complete.construction on or:.before_June 1, 1985. (5) Achieve final.effluent limits on..or before Septe.mber.l,. 1985; ,c). Within 45 days of Environmental Management Commission-approval.of this document provide a report on the.status of compliance by industrial contributors with the sewer use ordinance limit of loo mg/l oil and grease and other major provisions of the_adopted ordinance; (d). Within 180 days insure compliance by industrial contributors with the sewer use ordinance; (e) Within 30 days .provide an operations guide for the holding basin at the Randleman Water Filter Plant. This guide should explain the procedure to be used to equalize the solids and hydraulic loading to the municipal wastewater treatment plant; (f) within 20 days provide calibrations of flow measurement device and data to be used in converting previous flow data to corrected readings; (g) Within 45 days provide laboratory training -for the treatment plant operator at a laboratory certified by the Division of Environmental Management; f^.ku'bij C i i ; i+j'1�27J"a,`c°{�LJ''Y t 4 {. .t• SiA ` f .(hY. Within"'45` days"'submit"',for<approval'�'t0''the .Di vis �.on �of,S Env3 raiy Management -a proposal, 3etailingr the, Citv's' approach :.toe removes IS t,,.�,,';. , �,, pounds - of BODS-frcm''the wastewater treatment,plant''-,effluent: This { sr proposal'and"the -15::mounds BODS removaltlshall.be inr',addition .tb.. - --` remedial treatment steps' sited in ,paragraphss2.(c)(d)(e)(f) and'(g)- above; (i) Within220 days complete construction -on and have inoperation any., _ facilities specified as par-, of the City's approach to -remove '1-5 , additional pounds of BODE from' -the -wastewater treatment plant effluent; (j) Identify any and all infiltration/inflow problems associated with — --the-facility and establish _a_-program__tocorrect these problems; (k) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, ' -comply -with--the'-fol-lowing interim effluent limitations_:_. Effluent - Monthly Weekly Characteristics' Units Average Average BODS mg/1 70 mg/1 105 mg/1 TSS mg/1� 60 mg/1 120 mg/l Interim limits contained in this Special Order by Consent -:may be� --- - -- - reduced or modified to more accurately reflect efficiency of the City wastewater treatment plant after the above stated pretreatment, operation and maintenance improvements are made. (1) No later than 14.calendar days after any date or time identified for - accomplishment of any activity listed in 2(b) above, submit to the Division Director written notice of compliance or non-compliance therewith. In the case of non-compliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for non-compliance, remedial action(s) _taken, and a statement identifying the extent to whichsubsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected; and (m) Enforce the water conservation Drovisions of the State.Building Code - as it applies to new residential construction (Volume_11, Chapter'IV 401.2, 401.3). 3. In accordance with the provisions of NCGS 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste -disposal system: (.a) Nantucket Hosiery Mills Corp. - 63,000 GPD (b) Worthville Community - 10,000 GPD (.c). Total Flow - 73,OOO.GPD Owx -'7: 1#1 ,effluenf l:j'jn3'.tat'io-'ns'"'c�o�ntained�h6reiri; herebysupersede,� i6cAdlwoide'is,,,�a r�:pAentLLC?�ance- jomp Sched4ul�e�4j,�ettermay[ WR' ed�, in l,�issu and IcVn ltmoonsFZ ii niationsY -contaiH6dZth'­ erexn connection with- NPDES,-P,er itzN6,.-,',,,NCO025445-- 5.. Any violation of. terms-tof '.this-Sliecibl Oider.,b Consent, -in&ludinqf failure to achieve!- interim effluent0 t- pi�raqraph-.2.(k), dimitations-se -forth -at: a86ve ,aubject's­the -.City,to'the enforcement-,Authoiity'of -,the' Comm' ission.and o -, 2 the ,�Dir,ecfor_,purs,iiant_ to= NCGS- 143-" 1,5 6 :and Cbmaiisslontruie`s,ih7 nt-�sl�allcexpire on September 1; 1985.- .6. .,Thi!�:Special Order by consent En.tered,into this the f1th day of August 7." h 1984 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City. . of �B - - - - - - - N- --C- _ENV ONMENTAL.'MAN AGEMENT boNmissioN Chairman of_ he Commission g,