HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG080431_2020 DMR_20201014OMICROBAC ° Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOJ0041 Project Description Stormwater sample - Semiannual For: Mr. Ron Goras Carolina Tank Lines, Inc. Post Office Box 2827 Burlington, NC 27216-2827 Administration Brittany Smith Monday, October 12, 2020 Please find enclosed the analytical results for the samples you submitted to Microbac Laboratories. Review and compilation of your report was completed by Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville. If you have any questions, comments, or require further assistance regarding this report, please contact your service representative listed above. I certify that all test results meet all of the requirements of the accrediting authority listed within this report. Analytical results are reported on a 'as received' basis unless specified otherwise. Analytical results for solids with units ending in (dry) are reported on a dry weight basis. A statement of uncertainty for each analysis is available upon request. This laboratory report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Microbac Laboratories. The reported results are related only to the samples analyzed as received. Microbac Laboratories, Inc. 2592 Hope Mills Rd I Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910.864.1920 p I www.microbac.com Page 1 of 8 OMICROBAC"' Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOJOO41 Carolina Tank Lines, Inc. Project Name: Stormwater sample - Semiannual Mr. Ron Goras Project / PO Number: N/A Post Office Box 2827 Received: 10/02/2020 Burlington, NC 27216-2827 Reported: 10/12/2020 Sample Summary Report Sample Name Stormwater Laboratory ID Client Matrix Sample Type Sample Begin Sample Taken Lab Received KOJ0041-01 Stormwater Grab 10/01/20 09:30 10/02/20 10:25 Page 2 of 8 �MICROBAC° Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOJO041 Analytical Testing Parameters Client Sample ID: Stormwater Sample Matrix: Stormwater Collected By: Goras Lab Sample ID: KOJO041-01 Collection Date: 10/01/2020 9:30 Field Parameters Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst NA Color Clear NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Rainfall 0.50 in 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Odor None NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Clarity Clear NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Floating Solids None NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Suspended Solids (Residue, None NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Non -Filterable) Foam None NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Oil Sheen None NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Erosion Evidence None NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Other Pollution Indicators None NA 1 10/02/20 1640 10/02/20 1640 CLT Inorganics Total Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst EPA1664B Oil & Grease (SGT-HEM) <5.00 5.00 mg/L 1 Al2 10/08/20 0915 TBM SM 2540 D-2011 Total Suspended Solids 19.0 8.33 mg/L 3 10/07/20 1522 TBM SM 2540 F-2011 Settleable Solids <0.10 0.10 mL/L 1 H 10/05/20 0843 TBM SM 4500-H+ B-2011 pH at 25 °C 6.4 1.0 S.U. 1 H 10/09/20 1327 10/09/20 1327 TBM Microbac Laboratories, Inc. 2592 Hope Mills Rd I Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910.864.1920 p I www.microbac.com Page 3 of 8 �MICROBAC° Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOJO041 Batch Log Summary Method Batch Laboratory ID Client / Source ID NA KJ00020 KOJO041-01 Stormwater Method Batch Laboratory ID Client / Source ID SM 2540 F-2011 KJO0503 KOJO041-01 Stormwater Method Batch Laboratory ID Client / Source ID SM 2540 D-2011 KJO0519 KJO0519-DUP1 KOJ0002-01 KJO0519-BLK1 KJO0519-BLK2 KJO0519-BLK4 KJO0519-DUP2 KOJ0002-02 KJO0519-DUP3 KOJO035-01 KJO0519-DUP4 KOJO093-01 KJO0519-BS1 KOJ O041-01 Stormwater KJO0519-BLK3 Method Batch Laboratory ID Client / Source ID EPA 1664B KJO0710 KOJO041-01 Stormwater KJO0710-MS1 KOJO041-01 KJO0710-BS1 KJO0710-BLK1 Method Batch Laboratory ID Client / Source ID SM 4500-H+ B-2011 KJO0908 KOJO041-01 Stormwater KJO0908-DUP1 KOJO041-01 Batch Quality Control Summary: Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville Spike Source %REC RPD Inorganics Total Result RL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch KJO0519 - Wet Chem Aqueous - SM 2540 D-2011 Blank (KJO0519-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids <2.50 2.50 mg/L Blank (KJO0519-BLK2) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids <2.50 2.50 mg/L Blank (KJO0519-BLK3) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids <2.50 2.50 mg/L Blank (KJO0519-BLK4) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids <2.50 2.50 mg/L LCS (KJO0519-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids 38.8 2.50 mg/L 39.4 98 95-105 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. 2592 Hope Mills Rd Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910.864.1920 p I www.microbac.com Page 4 of 8 �MICROBAC° Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOJO041 Inorganics Total Result Batch KJO0519 - Wet Chem Aqueous - SM 2540 D-2011 Spike Source %REC RPD RL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Duplicate (KJO0519-DUP1) Source: KOJ0002-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids 3880 2.50 mg/L 4200 8 10 Duplicate (KJO0519-DUP2) Source: KOJ0002-02 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids 4020 2.50 mg/L 3740 7 10 Duplicate (KJO0519-DUP3) Source: KOJO035-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids 14.2 2.50 mg/L 12.8 11 10 Duplicate (KJO0519-DUP4) Source: KOJO093-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/07/2020 Total Suspended Solids 25.0 2.50 mg/L 24.5 2 10 Batch KJO0710 - Wet Chem Aqueous - EPA 1664B Blank (KJO0710-BLK1) Oil & Grease (SGT-HEM) LCS(KJO0710-BS1) Oil & Grease (SGT-HEM) Matrix Spike (KJO0710-MS1) Oil & Grease (SGT-HEM) <5.00 5.00 19.5 5.00 Source: KOJO041-01 14.6 5.00 Batch KJO0908 - Wet Chem Aqueous - SM 4500-H+ B-2011 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/08/2020 mg/L Prepared & Analyzed: 10/08/2020 mg/L 20.4 96 64-114 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/08/2020 mg/L 21.0 2.00 60 64-132 Duplicate (KJO0908-DUP1) Source: KOJO041-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/09/2020 pH at 25 °C 6.5 1.0 S.U. 6.4 0.2 10 Definitions Al2: MS/MSD fail recovery, but the LCS passes criteria. H: Analyte was prepared and/or analyzed outside of the analytical method holding time in: Inches MDL: Minimum Detection Limit mg/L: Milligrams per Liter mL/L: Milliliter per Liter NA: Not Applicable RL: Reporting Limit RPD: Relative Percent Difference S.U.: Standard Units Cooler Receipt Log Cooler ID: Default Cooler Temp: 5.7°C Microbac Laboratories, Inc. 2592 Hope Mills Rd I Fayetteville, INC 28306 1910.864.1920 p I www.microbac.com Page 5 of 8 VMICROBAC@ Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOJO041 Cooler Inspection Checklist Ice Present or not required? Yes Shipping containers sealed or not required? Yes Custody seals intact or not required? Yes Chain of Custody (COC) Present? Yes COC includes customer information? Yes Relinquished and received signature on COC? Yes Sample collector identified on COC? Yes Sample type identified on COC? Yes Correct type of Containers Received Yes Correct number of containers listed on COC? Yes Containers Intact? Yes COC includes requested analyses? Yes Enough sample volume for indicated tests received? Yes Sample labels match COC (Name, Date & Time?) Yes Samples arrived within hold time? Yes Correct preservatives on COC or not required? Yes Chemical preservations checked or not required? Yes Preservation checks meet method requirements? Yes VOA vials have zero headspace, or not recd.? Yes Project Requested Certification(s) Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville 11 North Carolina DENR NPDES Report Comments Reviewed and Approved By: Samples were received in proper condition and the reported results conform to applicable accreditation standard unless otherwise noted.��� The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represents only the sample(s) analyzed. This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in the footnote are Brittany Smith present and an authorized signature is included. The services were provided under and Administration subject to Microbac's standard terms and conditions which can be located and reviewed at <httDs.11www.microbac.com/standard-terms-conditions>. Reported: 10/12/2020 22:23 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. 2592 Hope Mills Rd I Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910.864.1920 p I www.microbac.com Page 6 of 8 TD 0 07 co N U z a U- 1 a ar O O. 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