HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051996 Ver 1_DCM Permit_20100305FW: Town of North Topsail Beach Minor Mod DWQ # 05 1996 Page 1 of 1 FW: Town of North Topsail Beach Minor Mod DWQ # 05 1996 Steenhuis, Joanne Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 10:52 AM To: Strickland, Bev Attachments: TOWN OF N TOPSAIL BEACH MI-l.pdf (383 KB) ; TOWN OF N TOPSAIL BEACH MI-2.pdf (9 MB) DWQ # 05-1996 From: Beveridge, Robin Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 2:53 PM To: dhill@north-topsail-beach.org Cc: Everhart, Steve; Timpy, David L SAW; Steenhuis, Joanne; Spencer, Thekla Subject: Town of North Topsail Beach Minor Mod https://mail.nc.gov/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAAOgPoLNIPQZ06vHVRO... 3/8/2010 Permit Class MODIFICATION/MINOR Permit Number 191-05 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Coastal Resources Commission t ertnt" for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Town of North Topsail Beach, 2008 Loggerhead Court, North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 Authorizing development in Onslow County at Atlantic Ocean and ocean beach, within limits of Town of N. Topsail Beach, as requested in the permittee's letters dated 2/22/10, including attached workplan drawings (36) all dated received 2/24/10 This permit, issued on March 5, 2010 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1) Unless specifically altered herein, this minor modification/renewal authorizes emergency dune rehabilitation activities to be carried out one (1) time to repair dunes that were damaged as a result of several winter storms, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached letter dated 2/22/10 and attached drawings dated received 2/24/10. Any request to carry out additional beach bulldozing and/or sand scraping activities outside the areas indicated in the attached letter and/or drawings shall require an additional modification of this permit. 2) In order to protect threatened and endangered species and to minimize adverse impacts to intertidal and beach resources, no dune rehabilitation activity shall occur between April 1 through November 15 of any year without prior approval from the Division of Coastal Management in consultation with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission and the US Army Corps of Engineers. (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) may other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2013 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. James egson, Director ,see Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee Town of N. Topsail Beach ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit # 191-05 Page 2 of 2 3) No sand may be placed on any sand bags that have been determined by Division to be subject to removal under 15A NCAC 07H.0308(a)(2). In order to ensure compliance with this condition, the Division of Coastal Management shall be contacted at (910) 796-7215 prior to project initiation so that Division staff may meet on site with the permittee and/or contractor. Dates of work initiation and completion shall also be provided to the Division. If the entire authorized project is not done as one continuous activity, street addresses shall be utilized to delineate phased work area(s) completed. 4) Equipment utilized to repair the dunes shall not be operated seaward of the mean low water elevation contour. 5) Dune repair activities shall be conducted in such a manner that a sufficient area waterward of the toe of the dune, with sufficient elevation, is maintained to allow for unhindered pedestrian and emergency vehicle passage at high tide. 6) This activity shall not significantly increase erosion on neighboring properties and shall not have a significant adverse effect on important natural resources. 7) This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. 8) No work may be done on any individual's private property without written consent of the property owner(s). 9) This minor modification shall be attached to the original of Permit No. 191-05, which was issued on 12/5/05, as well as all subsequent modifications and renewals, and copies of all documents shall be readily available on site when Division personnel inspect the project for compliance. 10) All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this minor modification, unless specifically altered herein. NOTE: The expiration date of this permit has been extended in accordance with Session Law 2009-406. Mayor Daniel Tuman Mayor Pro Tern Mike Yawn Aldermen: Richard Farley Deborah Lanci Dick Macartney Robert Swantek February 22, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL - 7007 0710 0001 5258 4528 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Division of Coastal Management ATTENTION: Steve Everhart 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Modification of Major CAMA Permit #191-05 Dear Dr. Everhart, Steven H. Foster Town Manager Carin Z. Faulkner, MPA Town Clerk On February 10, 2010 the Town of North Topsail Beach surveyed the entire shoreline and dune coverage to evaluate the cumulative amount and severity of erosion caused by several winter storms that have recently impacted the beach. The level of escarpment ranges from severe (approximately 10-12 feet) to moderate (approximately 1.5 to 4 feet). There are approximately 40 threatened residential structures. The Town requested permission to push approximately 18,357 linear feet in various sections on the shoreline. The schedule for this project will be strict; and the contractor may be required to work 7 days per week to the deadline to complete this work by April 30, 2010. Contractor must work low tides while pushing sand and find those times in which to work. For these reasons stated above the Town of North Topsail Beach is requesting to modify the (Major CAMA permit #191-05 issued on December 5, 2005). The Town will need to push approximately 18,357 linear feet in various sections on the shoreline. The total shoreline of North Topsail Beach is 58,080 linear feet. Enclosed in this letter please find a sectioned map that detail push sand areas. Please contact me at Town Hall at 910-328-1349 or at dhill@north-topsail-beach.org for any additional information required to process this request. Respectfully yours, I -, / . , 4oe7J.H ll, MP ? Planninctor r cc: The Honorable Daniel Tuman, Mayor and Board of Aldermen=. t Steven H. Foster, Town Manager vv Ryan McAlister, Planner E. ?-weGG14- 2008 Loggerhead Court Phone (910) 328-1349 North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 ntbnc.org Fax (910) 328-4508 lEllw-claw DZS E. M. 4S VA.W.14-er ;:7?? t4,lgw=G 7,TVAr,, "S a+.0 ?ijq&Vw are-&ry (?lt1lL?(a t? ?ir?fL? ?tya? ? ?R1??" ? 01? C.S ?Ci? 1ARR.MT" O UKt? pvltlra.. c4LM- "COOP doom Am, &cptk CA • ?,orl0 V ?.TR? by oM Z/ it Ito rowmarKles 2. M''14?d?TRIt- i T F>rL..4bTOO cc?wn- W Pe.? ", 4 DCM WILMINGTON, NC z L 14O Q l d?l-- o fftk 1,> Sa?T?t TFh?rt Lt tt'? `Fv N. StoFT- o? rL- C. -t-tV r:; A,4,?_ e'4-31D CS CIVT-i*- l5lkO) *t? l? Tbj-- Iv?,??, ct 6 ( "Z,, F 75 r F%vE-: qg 0 fir, Ma2.1rZ -rv v-C- E?M k-1126n F- r l,l r7 o C KIY-r - ac-? s) A-~r-- 1445 r?e..?. ?t ca z- CACA-?osc?-o Lam. 7& 5 / Z., 9:7 CG©?-?d tA",-r- pjq?K-.) S ArtKJ P V ? w- G a?e..? c? ?..?-n• r? 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L(vi l Y40 , C including attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient (s) and may con... Page 1 of 8 GoMaps GIS s.. FEB 2 4 2010 includin attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient (s) and may con... THTOPSAIL SEACH