HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0035748_Complete File - Historical_20181008 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources(DWR) Non-Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit Application Form THIS APPUCATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED APPLICATION INFORMATION Application Date: 9/28/2018 Application Type: Renewal *New Projects—DWR to assign Application/Permit No. **Renewals/Modifications/Permit Rescission 3NQ00357-48) Request—Enter Permit No. Fee Submitted: (refer to fee schedule at $810 (minor) https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water- RECENEDINCDEQI®VV� resources/water-resources-perm its/wastewa ter- branch/ground-water-protection/non-discharge- OCT 0 8 2018 roundwater-remediation *For New Protects: Complete this page, signature page, and supply all attach ate ,tiolns Section P Pg , g Pg RPY �p **For Renewals/Permit Rescission Request: Complete this page and signature page. **For Modifications: Complete this page, signature page, and supply relevant attachments. Applicant's Name(specify the name of the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, NC municipality,corporation, individual,etc.): Owner or Signing Official's Name and Title George W. Radford, Environmental Officer (person legally responsible for the facility and Environmental Affairs Department its compliance): Mailing Address: PSC Box 8006 Marine Corps Air Station a8(33 Telephone Number: (252) 466-4903 Email Address: George.radford@usmc.mil Facility Name (name of the project site;be Base Wide and Site Specific (Building 1083) Non- consistent throughout application package): Discharge Permit Physical Address: Building Site 1083, Roosevelt Blvd. County: Craven County Geographic Coordinates: 34.9421 N, 76.8629 W Contact Person (who can answer questions Elizabeth Harrison about application): Telephone Number: 252-466-4562 Non•Discharge GW Remediation Application Rev.4-6-2018 Page 1 Email Address: Elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil I request this permit be rescinded (Yes or No No) ATTACHMENTS The following shall be included as separate attachments to this application form. Failure to include the following information as part of the application package will result in the application package being returned as incomplete. A. Site Description and Incident Information. As specified in 15A NCAC 02T.1604(a),the applicant must briefly describe the site, noting pertinent site information including: (1) Contaminant(s) of concern, (2) Source(s) and date(s) of the contaminant release, (3) Remedial actions to date, (4) Current land use, (5) Potential receptors, and (6) Incident number and name of oversight agency. B. Soils Evaluation. As specified in 15A NCAC 02T.1604(b),for systems with proposed discharge within seven feet of land surface and above the seasonal high water table, a soil evaluation of the disposal site shall be provided to the Division by the applicant. If required by G.S.89F, a soil scientist shall submit this evaluation. This evaluation shall be presented in a report that includes the following components: (1) Field description of soil profile. Based on examinations of excavation pits or auger borings,the following parameters shall be described by individual diagnostic horizons to a depth of seven feet below land surface or to bedrock: (A) Thickness of the horizon; (B) Texture; (C) Color and other diagnostic features; (D) Structure; (E) Internal drainage; (F) Depth,thickness, and type of restrictive horizon(s); (G) pH; (H) Cation exchange capacity;and (I) Presence or absence and depth of evidence of any seasonal high water table. (2) Recommendations concerning annual and instantaneous loading rates of liquids,solids,other wastewater constituents and amendments. Annual hydraulic loading rates shall be based on in-situ measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the most restrictive horizon. Non-Discharge GW Remediation Application Rev.4-6-2018 Page 2 C. Hydrogeologic Evaluation. As specified in 15A NCAC 02T.1604(c),a hydrogeologic evaluation of the disposal site shall be provided to the Division by the applicant. This evaluation shall be conducted to a depth that includes the depth of existing contamination and the total depth of the injection well(s)or infiltration gallery(ies).This evaluation shall be based on borings for which the numbers, locations,and depths are sufficient to define the components of the hydrogeologic evaluation. In addition to borings,other techniques may be used to investigate the subsurface conditions at the site. These techniques may include geophysical well logs,surface geophysical surveys, and tracer studies. This evaluation shall be presented in a report that includes the following components: (1) A description of the regional and local geology and hydrogeology; (2) A description,based on field observations of the site,of the site topographic setting,streams,springs and other groundwater discharge features, drainage features,existing and abandoned wells, rock outcrops, and other features that may affect the movement of the contaminant plume and treated wastewater; (3) Changes in lithology underlying the site; (4) Depth to bedrock and occurrence of any rock outcrops; (5) The hydraulic conductivity,transmissivity,and storativity(specific yield if unconfined aquifer) of the affected aquifer(s); (6) Depth to the seasonal high water table; (7) A discussion of the relationship between the affected aquifers of the site to local and regional geologic and hydrogeologic features;and (8) A discussion of the groundwater flow regime of the site focusing on the relationship of the plume and remediation system to groundwater receptors, groundwater discharge features, and groundwater flow media. D. Demonstration of Hydraulic Control. As specified in 15A NCAC 02T.1604(d), computer modeling or predictive calculations based on site-specific conditions shall be provided to the Division by the applicant to demonstrate that operation of the system will not cause or contribute to: (1) The migration of contaminants into previously uncontaminated areas, and (2) A violation of the groundwater standards specified in 15A NCAC 02L.0202 at the compliance boundary as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0107. E. Maps and Cross-Sections. As specified in 15A NCAC 02T.1604(e),site plans or maps shall be provided to the Division by the applicant depicting the location,orientation,and relationship of facility components including: (1) A scaled map of the site,with site-specific topographic contour intervals and showing all facility-related structures and fences within the treatment,storage and disposal areas; (2) Locations of all test auger borings or inspection pits; (3) The location of all wells (including usage and construction details if available), designated wellhead protection areas,streams(ephemeral, intermittent,and perennial), springs, lakes,ponds,other surface drainage features,and any other site activities or features that may involve possible exposure to contamination within 500 feet of all waste treatment,storage, and disposal sites; Non-Discharge GW Remedlation Application Rev.4-6.2018 Page 3 (4) Setbacks specified in 15A NCAC 02T.1606; (5) Delineation of property boundaries, review boundaries,and compliance boundaries; (6) The horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume for each of the contaminants of concern, including isoconcentration lines and plume cross- sections; (7) Cross-sections depicting soil and rock layers and features to a depth including the depth of existing contamination and the total depth of the injection wells or infiltration galleries; and (8) Hydrologic features such as potentiometric surface/water table contours and the direction of groundwater flow. F. Engineering Design Documents. As specified in 15A NCAC 02T.1604(f),the following documents shall be provided to the Division by the applicant: (1) Engineering plans for the entire system, including treatment,storage, application,and disposal facilities and equipment except those previously permitted unless they are directly tied into the new units or are critical to the understanding of the complete process; (2) Specifications describing materials to be used,methods of construction,and means for ensuring quality and integrity of the finished product;and (3) Plans that include construction details of recovery, injection, and monitoring wells and infiltration galleries. NOTE: Recovery and monitoring wells shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 02C.0108. Injection wells shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 02C.0225(R). G. Operating and Monitoring Plans.As specified in 15A NCAC 02T.16041g),an operation and monitoring plan shall be provided to the Division by the applicant. These documents shall be specific to the site and include: (1) The operating plan shall include: (A) The operating schedule including any periodic shut-down times, (B) Required maintenance activities for all structural and mechanical elements, (C) All consumable and waste materials with their intended source and disposal locations, (D) Restrictions on access to the site and equipment, and (E) Provisions to ensure the quality of the treated effluent and hydraulic control of the system at all times when'any portion of the system ceases to function. (2) If injection wells are to be used then the operating plan shall also include: (A) The proposed average and maximum daily rate and quantity of injectant; (B) The average maximum injection pressure expressed in units of pounds per square inch(psi);and (C) The total or estimated total volume to be injected. Non-Discharge GW Remediation Application Rev.4-6-2018 Page 4 (3) The monitoring plan shall be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.1607 and include: (A) The monitoring well(s)that will be sampled, (B) The constituent(s)for which those samples will be analyzed,and (C) The schedule for sampling. H. in Situ Remediation Additives.The following shall be provided to the Division by the applicant if the remediation system includes additives to promote remediation in situ: NOTE: Approved injectants can be found online htto://dea.nc.aov/about/divisions/water-resources/water- resources-permits/wastewater-branch/around-water-protection/around•water-approved-injectants . All other substances must be reviewed by the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services as required by 15A NCAC 02C.0225(a1. Contact the UIC Program for more Information(Phil 919-807- 6464). (1) MSDS, concentration at the point of injection, and percentage if present in a mixture with other injectants; (2) A description of the rationale for selecting the injectants and concentrations proposed for injection, including an explanation or calculations of how the proposed injectant volumes and concentrations were determined; (3) A description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injection; (4) A summary of results if modeling or testing was performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility for biological, chemical,or physical change in the subsurface; and (S) An evaluation concerning the development of byproducts of the injection process, including increases in the concentrations of naturally occurring substances. Such an evaluation shall include the identification of the specific byproducts of the injection process, projected concentrations of byproducts, and areas of migration as determined through modeling or other predictive calculations. Non-Discharge GW Remediation Application Rev.4-6-2018 Page 5 Professional Engineer's Certification: Name&Lic.No.of Professional Engineer:Jason R.Catlin 037847 Name of Engineering Firm:CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Mailing Address: 1044 Washington Street City: Raleigh State:North Carolina Zip: 27605 Telephone Number:(919)838-2875 Fax Number:(919)838-6682 Email Address:Jason.catlin(ct7catlinusa.com I,Jason R.Catlin,attest that this application for The Base Wide and Site Specific(Building 1083) Non Discharge Permit has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations.Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals,inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. �� t C A R 1// . North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal,Signature,and Date: ��� ..••...O(,i,�� ' SSEAL9• r a - 03784 r v'• 4'GME�tteegi \�?\ Applicant's Certification(signing authority must be in compliance with 15A I4(6ke 2T.0106(b) and(c)): 1, g L PADrOla ,attest that this application for Renewal of W00035748 Non-Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Signature and Title.. P Argirst.4 Officer Date. SEND TWO COPIES OF THE COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKAGE,INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS,TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES—UIC PROGRAM 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 TELEPHONE NUMBER:(919)807-6496 Non-Discharge GW Remediation Application Rev.4-6-2018 Page 6 r x . q„,„,,..,/ .i. 8“-.:„ ....?,, , . .„,t,.. „,,, ,..„, NORTH CAROLINA SOY COOPER avirtmenottai Quality lity Covertme MICHAEL S.REGAN ;rota y LINDA CULP PPER. Mtn&Maar November 28, 2018 George Radford,Environmental Affairs Officer Environmental Affairs Department PSC Box 8006 USMC Air Station Cherry Point,NC Subject: Groundwater Remediation Permit Number WQ0035748 USMC Air Station Cherry Point,Building 1083 Craven County Dear Mr.Radford: In accordance with your request for permit renewal received October 2,2018,we are forwarding herewith Permit No.WQ0035748, for continued operation of the above referenced subject groundwater remediation facility. This permit shall be effective from April 1, 2019 (i.e.,the day after the expiration date of the existing permit)until March 31, 2024. Operational, monitoring, and reporting requirements are suspended as long as the groundwater remediation system is not operating and does not re-inject into the injection wells. All sampling, monitoring, and reporting requirements specified in the subject permit shall recommence upon reactivation of the remediation system. The Division of Water Resources shall be notified in writing at least 30 days prior to resuming operation of the facility with relevant attachments indicating any changes in design and monitoring. Please note the following changes in your renewed permit: • Part IV.3-In the event treated groundwater again starts to be reinjected,GW-59s no longer need to be submitted to Central or Regional Offices of the DWR. However, annual reports will still need to be submitted for this site. • Part VII.9-Per the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T .1608 (where applicable),thirty(30) days prior to closure of the groundwater remediation system,the Permittee shall submit a proposed closure plan for review and approval by the DWR prior to closing the system. , i11.E 4., i.) ..4 ,,v.tm„,,,,,,,,,,.." , North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources I AFOGW Section 512 North Salisbury Street 11636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636 919.707.9129 If any parts,requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty(30)days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you need any additional information concerning this matter,please contact Michael Rogers at 919-707- 3668 or Michael.Rogers@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Loz Linda Culpepper Interim Director,Division of Water Resources cc: Craven County Environmental Health Department Washington Regional Office,WQROS WQ0035748 Permit File WQ0035748 Notebook File Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 5:04 PM To: 'elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil'; 'George.radford@usmc.mil' Cc: jason.catlin@catlinusa.com'; May, David;Tankard, Robert; Sipe, Randy Subject: RE:WQ0035748 USMC AS Cherry Point BLDG 1083 Attachments: SKMBT_42318112817050.pdf Please find attached the permit for the above site. Regards, From: Rogers, Michael Sent:Tuesday, November 27, 2018 4:23 PM To: 'elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil' <elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil>; 'George.radford@usmc.mil' <George.radford@usmc.mil> Cc: 'jason.catlin@catlinusa.com'<jason.catlin@catlinusa.com> Subject:WQ0035748 USMC AS Cherry Point BLDG 1083 Greetings- I am working on the permit renewal. I show 12 existing injection wells in our BIMS database. For permit renewal is this number accurate when the system becomes operational again? Thanks 1 44,0i;:411._4:.rt,, Ole:1;,,,-4-062 - i, , r'. y NORTH CAROLINA ROY COOPER Enviro ment tQuality CcavanOr MICHAEL S.REGAN secroary LINDA CULPEPPER. Interim Director October 12, 2018 George Radford,Environmental Officer Environmental Affairs Department PSC Box 8006 . USMC Air Station Cherry Point,NC RE: Acknowledgement of Application No.WQ0035748 Non-Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit , Building 1083 Craven County Dear Mr.Radford: The Water Quality Regional Operations Section(WQROS)acknowledges receipt of your permit renewal application and supporting documentation received on October 8, 2018. Your application package has been assigned the number listed above, and the primary reviewer is Michael Rogers. Central and Washington Regional Office staff will perform a detailed review of the provided application, and may contact you with a request for additional information. To ensure maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS) requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please note that processing standard review permit applications may take as long as 60 to 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions,please contact Michael Rogers at 919-707-3668 or Michael.Rogers@ncdenr.gov. ' 'srilliM North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources IAFOGW Section 512 North Salisbury Street 11636 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636 919.707.9129 • Sincerely, z(Azze,ta 60,c Debra J.Watts, Supervisor Animal Feeding Operations&Groundwater Protection Branch Division of Water Resources cc: Washington Regional Office,WQROS Permit File WQ0035748 WQROS REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FOR UIC Program Support Permit No._WQ0035748_ Date: _10/31/18 County: _Craven_ To: _Shristi Shrestha Permittee/Applicant:_MCAS Cherry Point Central Office Reviewer Facility Name: Base Wide and Site Specific(Bldg. 1083) GW Remed. L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is(check all that apply): ❑New ®Renewal ❑Minor Modification❑Major Modification a. Date of Inspection: Not performed—system has not operated since 2015. b. Person contacted and contact information: Elizabeth Harrison(252)466-4562 c. Site visit conducted by: N/A d. Inspection Report Printed from BIMS attached: ❑Yes ®No. e. Physical Address of Site including zip code: no change since last permit was issued. f. Driving Directions if rural site and/or no physical address: g. Latitude: Longitude: Source of Lat/Long&accuracy(i.e.,Google Earth,GPS,etc.): IL DESCRIPTION OF INJECTION WELL(S)AND FACILITY 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Geothermal Heating/Cooling Water Return ❑In situ Groundwater Remediation ®Non-Discharge Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other(Specify: ) 2. For Geothermal Water Return Well(s)only a. For existing geothermal system: Were samples collected from Influent/Effluent sampling ports? ❑Yes ❑No. Provide well construction information from well tag: b. Does existing or proposed system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ❑No If No,please provide source/supply well construction info(i.e.,depth,date drilled,well contractor, etc.) and attached map and sketch location of supply well in relation to injection well and any other features in Section IV of this Staff Report. 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ❑Yes ❑'No What is/are the pollution source(s)? What is the distance of the injection well(s)from the pollution source(s)? 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? 5. Quality of drainage at site: [' Good ❑Adequate ❑Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ❑ Low ❑Moderate ❑ High Rev.6/1/2015 Page 1 - h WQROS REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FOR UIC Program Support 7. For Groundwater Remediation systems,is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells,frequency of monitoring,monitoring parameters,etc.)adequate? ®Yes ❑No. If No, attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable and recommend any changes to the groundwater- monitoring program(The current GW monitoring program is adequate for the Bldg. 1083 site;but,if the system is used in the future on other areas of the base,the GW monitoring program will need'to be modified.) 8. Does the map included in the Application reasonably represent the actual site(property lines,wells,surface drainage)?®Yes ❑No. If No,or no map,please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings,wells,potential pollution sources,roads,approximate scale,and north arrow. (If the system is used in the future on other areas of the base,a new site map(s)will need to be generated.) 9. For Non-Discharge groundwater remediation systems only: a. Are the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ®Yes ❑No ❑N/A. If no,please explain: b. Are the site conditions(soils,topography,depth to water table,etc.)consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ®Yes ❑No ❑N/A. If no,please explain: If the system is used in the future on other areas of the base,a new evaluation will need to be performed. IIL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑Yes ®No. If yes,explain. 2. List any items that you would like WQROS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason 3. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason 4. Recommendation ❑Deny. If Deny,please state reasons: ❑Hold pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information ®Issue Rev. 6/1/2015 Page 2 WQROS REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FOR UIC Program Support *'ipAt K'on,d7. S P 10/31/2018 11:00:49 AM PDT 5. Signature of report preparer(s): Signature of WQROS Regional Supervisor: V ua Akou' 10/31/2018 Date: IV. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS/ATTACHMENTS(If Needed) Based on discussions with MCAS Cherry Point personnel and their consultants,the mobile GW Remediation system has not operated at Bldg. 1083 since 2015.However,they wish to keep the permit active because they may wish to use the system on other areas of the base in the future,at which time they would apply for a permit modification. Rev.6/1/2015 Page 3 Rogers, Michael From: Shrestha, Shristi R Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 11:15 AM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Fw:WQ0035748 MCAS Cherry Pt Bldg. 1083 GW Remed. Renewal Staff Report Attachments: Signed_MCAS Cherry Pt GW Rem Permit WQ0035748 Renewal Staff Report 10-31-18.docx.pdf I sent this for you when you were on vacation . :) Shristi From:Sipe, Randy `H Sent:Wednesday,October 31, 2018 4:08:00 PM To:Shrestha,Shristi R Cc:Tankard, Robert • Subject:WQ0035748 MCAS Cherry Pt Bldg. 1083 GW Remed. Renewal Staff Report An electronic copy of the staff report is attached. Give us a call if you have any questions. Dwight Randy Sipe P.G. Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources 252 948 3849 office randy.sipe(a�ncdenr.gov North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Nothins Compares,,,-,- Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 („) Oi /Lo Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 4:33 PM To: 'Harrison CIV Elizabeth R' Subject: RE: Site 1083 Annual Report Extension Request for NCDEQU 4 Branch WQO 35748-- Your request for an extension for the annual report for the time frame referenced below for this site is reasonable and therefore granted. Regards, Original Message From: Harrison CIV Elizabeth R [mailto:elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil] Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 7:50 AM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Site 1083 Annual Report Extension Request for NCDEQ UIC Branch Mr. Rogers, MCAS Cherry Point requests an extension for the Site 1083 Annual Report in association with the surfactant recirculation activities. In accordance with the Groundwater Remediation Permit Number WQ0035748 aboard Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point NC, effective on April 1,2014, an annual report is generally submitted in the April/May time frame. Mobile surfactant recirculation activities were completed during 2015 and the post-recirculation monitoring activities are underway(first quarterly sampling event conducted in February 2016). It has been decided that no additional injection or recirculation activities will be performed at this site in 2016;therefore, we are planning to conduct another quarterly sampling event in May 2016 . The current deadline of the annual report(approximately May) coincides with the proposed final sampling activities to complete the previous round of surfactant recirculation monitoring activities. In order to provide a comprehensive annual report with analytical results from both quarterly sampling events (February and May 2016), it is requested that the deadline for the annual report be extended Until late June/early July 2016 . Please let us know if this extension is a possibility. We are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding this extension. Respectfully, Elizabeth Harrison Restoration & Recycling Division Environmental Affairs Department MCAS Cherry Point, NC 252-466-4562 elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil i ,ti$T Op Nt„y T� k\1�i I �Q' w(.:,_,,-4 _, `N UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS ° ;_II!;- f t, MARINE CORPS AIR STATION POSTAL SERVICE CENTER BOX 8003 „�__�" CHERRY POINT,NORTH CAROLINA 28533-0003 ' `'^n.o, IN REPLY REFER TO 5090/14000 LN July 25, 2016 Mr.Michael Rogers UIC Program Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina Division of Water Quality RECEl1�ED�!`!C�?�nmWR 1636 Mail Service Center JUL g 2016 Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1636 Dear Mr.Rogers: Water Quality regional Operations Section Enclosed for your review is the Annual Report(March 2015-May 2016)for the Surfactant Recirculation Project,Building 1083,Marine Corps Air Station(MCAS)Cherry Point,North Carolina. The goal of the surfactant recirculation events is to remove residual free-phase product and reduce groundwater contamination in order to reduce the site risk classification to Low. Surfactant recirculation events took place between May 5, 2015 and November 6,2015 in Areas A and B. The events consisted of extracting groundwater that was treated and mixed with a surfactant solution and re-injected into targeted wells. Manual surging followed the re-injections before the final extraction and disposal of contaminated water. Additionally, a nutrient and bacteria solution was injected into targeted wells before field activities were completed. Monthly gauging of select monitoring wells for depth to water and free-phase product thickness continued as part of the MCAS Closure and Management Program(CAMP). Groundwater`-sampling-of se Tecteonitoring wells followed the completion of the recirculation activities for two consecutivequarterse(Februaiy`201:6=anc-11VIayd2a 16). Results indicate free- phase product thicknesses at the site have been diminished since surfactant recirculation activities began, however current elevated groundwater table elevations at the site may be preventing mobile free-phase product from being detected. Nia additionaLsur-factant-zecirculation acti ifs es$'are sche-duledTbutahe site will continue to be gauged monthly and monitored semiannually as part of the CAMP program. If you have questions or require additional information,please contact Ms.Elizabeth Harrison at(252) 466-4562 or by email at Elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil. Sincerely, IC:j..) G.W. ' 'I11F•'D Environmenta Aff.'rs Officer By direction of - Commanding Officer Enclosure: Annual Report(March 2015-May 2016) Surfactant Recirculation Project,Building 1083, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point,North Carolina,July 18, 2016 (with CD). ♦tiiT OF /=== \� UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MARINE CORPS AIR STATION � • /;P POSTAL SERVICE CENTER BOX 8003 CHERRY POINT,NORTH CAROLINA 28533-0003 irio � IN REPLY REFER TO: 5090/14000 LN June 8, 2015 Mr. Thomas Slusser DIOV:W �� I North Carolina Department of EGEW Environment and Natural Resources 20�5 Division of Water Quality ,UL QRI 1636 Mail Service Center Rag900.1 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 ��ti�f 0. 1 J�O;�epi1 OPerat°1 Dear Mr. Slusser: Enclosed for your review is the first Interim Report (December 2013- February 2015) for the Surfactant Recirculation Project, Building 1083, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point, North Carolina. During t.- aforementioned time period, no surfactant related activities were conducte. . -•wever, we are submitting this report per the requirements of the Groundwat-r Remediation Permit for Building 1083 Area Remediation Sites, Permit Number . Q0035748 Monitoring and sampling was conducted under another project during - is p-. iod which indicated an increase in thickness and extent of free-phase pro.. in Areas A and B. It is suspected that the previously conducted surfactant recirculation activities liberated free-phase product trapped in the subsurface, causing it to mobilize and accumulate in the recovery wells. Due to the recurrence of the free-phase product, Cherry Point is currently conducting an additional surfactant injection at Areas A and B. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Ms. Elizabeth Harrison at (252) 466-4562 or by email at elizabeth.harrison@usmc.mil. Sincerely, ,'jai G. W. RADF,'D Envirpnmen -1 , "fairs Officer By direction of the Commanding Officer Enclosure: Interim Report (December 2013-February 2015) Surfactant Recirculation Project, Building 1083, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, June 5, 2015 (with CD) . Copy to: NCDENR WRO Attn: Mr. Scott Bullock