HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040987 Ver 3_Public Notice_20070329~,~~~ US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District PUBLIC NOTICE Issue Date: February 23, 2007 Comment Deadline: March 30, 2007 Corps Action ID #: 2006-41158-065 All interested parties are hereby advised that the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) is holding a scoping meeting for work within jurisdictional waters of the United States that is proposed by the Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Association, Inc. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.armv.mil/wetlands Applicant: AGENT (if applicable): Authority Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Associa C/o: Mr. David Kellum (Administrator) 15 Bridge Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. C/o: Mr. Craig Kruempel lion, Inc. P~E ~~ ~~'{pq~i tpE 1~%c R MARL ~ ZOOI 2481 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard r~~;v~ _ v~%~~"%a~ ~;,~~,~i1-y. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 ~~"'~~ ~~~ sr~'aa~~"~TFP BRq~Ct~ The Corps will evaluate this project pursuant to applicable procedures to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor. Location The project site is located at 34-17.27, 77-43.39, within the Rich Inlet Complex (including Nixon and Green Channel) that is positioned between Figure Eight Island and Lea-Hutaff Island, and will encompass approximately 3.0 miles, or 15,8401inear feet, of ocean shoreline along the central and northern portion of Figure Eight Island, north of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Existing Site Conditions Figure Eight Island is an unincorporated privately developed island just north of Wrightsville Beach. It is bordered to the south by Mason Inlet and to the north by Rich Inlet, to the west by the Intracoastal Waterway, and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Rich Inlet and Nixon Channel is the established county boundary of New Hanover and Pender. The island is a typical barrier island that has undergone a variety of natural and anthropogenic changes. The majority of the residential island has been developed; and over two decades, authorization has been granted to Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Association and to separate individual property owners to conduct various activities, such as dredging, beach bulldozing, and shoreline nourishment, within waters of the U.S. Applicant's Stated Purpose The stated purpose of the project is to develop a management plan for Rich Inlet that would mitigate chronic erosion on the northern portion of Figure Eight Island so as to preserve the integrity of its infrastructure, provide protection to existing development, and ensure the continued use of the oceanfront beach along the northernmost three miles of its oceanfront shoreline. Project Description Figure "8"Beach Homeowners Association's proposal to implement an inlet management plan would involve the repositioning and realignment of the main ebb channel of Rich Inlet to a location closer to the north end of Figure Eight Island. The intended alignment is to be essentially perpendicular to the oceanfront shorelines of the adjacent islands. The new channel position would be periodically maintained with maintenance episodes dictated by natural shifts in the channel position that produce unfavorable shoreline responses on the north end of Figure Eight Island. While the main focus of the project is to relocate the main ebb bar channel, consideration will also be given to possible alterations in Nixon Channel and Green Channel to determine if such modification would enhance the stability of the new channel. Nixon Channel meanders along a southwesterly path on the landward side of the north end of Figure Eight Island; connecting to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) at a point approximately two miles west of the Rich Inlet throat. Green Channel meanders to the northeast on the landward side of Lea-Hutaff Island and intersects with the AIWW approximately 1.75 miles north of the Rich Inlet throat. Material dredged from the inlet and channels will be placed along the central and northern portions of Figure Eight Island and, if needed, along portions ofLea-Hutaff Island. The objective of the placement of beach fill along the Figure Eight Island's shoreline is to keep the design fill density less than 50 cubic yards/foot, to avoid the placement of a permanent static vegetation line. This beach fill would be maintained through a program of periodic beach nourishment events with the material extracted from the dredging of Rich Inlet to maintain the inlet in an optimum location. 2 This notice is to inform interested parties that our Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for this project will be published in the Federal Register on February 26, 2007 and once published, can be found on the Federal Register website, www.archives.gov/federal-re ig.ster/ . After connecting with the website, click on Today's Federal Register, and go to the bottom of the page. Click on 2007, and then click February 26, 2007. The subject document is located under Engineers Corps. Additionally, a scheduled scoping meeting for drafting the EIS will be held at Eaton Elementary School (in the school gym), at # 6701 Gordon Road, in Wilmington (near Ogden), on March 1, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. The scoping meeting is designed to solicit comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; and other interested parties to incorporate in the Draft EIS document. The purpose of these comments concerning public interest factors, ranging from navigation to biological resources to private and public lands, will identify issues to be addressed in the Draft EIS. As disclosed in the Notice of Intent, any written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, must be submitted to this office, Attention: Mickey T. Sugg, unti14:15 p.m., March 26, 2007. Question can be directed to Mr. Sugg at (910) 251-4811, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office. vq C 't -r I b ^t N ~• ~A l O A A7 b i --i ~ ~ G ~ m `" ~~ i~ ~~r~ x ~ t ~~" ~ ~ rte, r~4~ ~'~!~~i,• ~ ~ a ~ $ l~k r _ ; ~~ ~ ~ ~ c~ s ~ ,~ _ J i_ L ~~ ~ 1y r<ri "- r . ~' ~ ~* "' '^", bb .., a `,~ ~'~~i '" ti ,,;tea ~ '~s -~ ~ ~ -• k rid" ~ ~.. 3 ~ ~ .,. ~y~i` }~: ah. r ~.+~~ ~ .. ;~~'~.x'-~~k~v Marti ~i ~' L' g l ky' ,, ~ ~ .~ t 5 s3 , a'?~,' '~ y S ~ g~~ `~ . - t ~. ~~, . 1~"~ ~~` ~ ~x.~,, 2385000 11:.' ~ of"~ µ~ ~ ~* l b W N ~ Z ~ ~ ~~YJ K \\~~ ay M~ ~ .iI r=<zzmOO U? G> R( ~ t zm_~~ _ m~zm- z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r -i Z ~ D -I 6', p'- k ~ ~ ~ ~ A S ~ ~ O ~ ~' 4 :' ~'`~ ~..~, a _ r ~D~~jZ D.ZmI gjmomm ~ D ~~~~~zo z ~ c G)~~„Omm Cq y DgA°~°z ~ ~ ~ m A p c~-io~m m I j ~ ~ ~ z~om"~~ m n m cn m_ ° '< r W~ocno~D ~ oc r v Q ~ O ~ ~nmmmm m ~ ~_ ~ D._ fin. 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