HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181245 Ver 2_Report of Observation Pit Exploration_20201005KESSEL ENGINEERING GROUP 582 HENDERSONVILLE ROAD SUITE ONE | ASHEVILLE NC 28803 | P:[828] 277-6351 F:[828] 277-6355 WWW.THEKESSELGROUP.COM October 2, 2020 Mr. W. Alec Stillwell, P.E. Stillwell Engineering, P.A. P.O. Box 838 Sylva, NC 28779 Report of Observation Pit Exploration Sylva Tractor Supply – Subsurface Stormwater Treatment System Sylva, North Carolina KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Mr. Stillwell: Kessel Engineering Group, PLLC (KEG) is pleased to present this report of observation pit exploration for the proposed subsurface stormwater treatment system at the Sylva Tractor Supply project in Sylva, North Carolina. The purpose of this exploration was to determine general subsurface conditions in the area of the proposed subsurface stormwater treatment system to be used by others in the design phase of the project. PROJECT INFORMATION Project information was provided by Mr. W. Alec Stillwell, P.E. during recent telephone conversations and email correspondence with our Ms. Courtney King, P.E. We have also been provided with Grading and Stormwater Plan, Sheet C.2, prepared by Stillwell Engineering, P.A. and dated September 18, 2020. Additional site and subsurface information were gathered during our (on-going) performance of construction materials testing services at the site (reference KEG Project No. JA20-4003-01) and during our performance of a subsurface exploration for the (now omitted) bioretention pond (reference KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04). Project plans are to construct a subsurface stormwater treatment system below the asphalt paved parking lot to be located on the south side of the project site. We understand that the bottom of the proposed subsurface stormwater treatment system will have an elevation of 2148.5. SITE CONDITIONS At the time of our field exploration, survey stakes (established by others) indicated the location and current ground surface elevation at each of the four corners of the proposed stormwater system. The existing ground surface in the proposed construction area consists of existing fill which was reportedly placed some time ago (and prior to the start of this project) the surface of which has been recently disturbed during grading operations at the site. Due to recent precipitation events, the ground surface also contained mud and puddles of standing water. FIELD EXPLORATION The site was explored by performing two observation pits (OP-1 and OP-2) at the approximate location as indicated on the attached Field Exploration Plan. The observation pits were located in the approximate footprint of the proposed stormwater system. The ground surface elevations at the observation pit locations were estimated by our Ms. Courtney King, P.E. by referencing the ground surface elevations noted on the nearby survey stakes. The materials encountered by the observation pits were identified in the field from cuttings brought to the surface by the excavator. Representative samples of the Report of Observation Pit Exploration October 2, 2020 Sylva Tractor Supply – Proposed Subsurface Stormwater Treatment System KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Sylva, North Carolina 2 encountered materials were collected and transported to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the samples were examined by a geotechnical engineer and visually classified. In conjunction with our field work, the observation pits were inspected for groundwater and measurements of the depth to groundwater were taken. Soil descriptions and groundwater levels are tabulated on the observation pit logs attached to this report. LABORATORY TESTING We performed laboratory testing on a representative sample collect during our field exploration. Laboratory testing consisted of the determination of the percentage of fine-grained particles present in the selected sample and the natural moisture content of the sample. The percent by weight passing the No. 200 sieve is the percentage of fines or the portion of the sample in the silt and clay size range. This test was conducted in accordance with ASTM D 1140. The moisture content of the soil is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the weight of water in a given mass of soil to the weight of the soil particles. The natural moisture content was determined in accordance with ASTM D 2216. The representative sample, collected from the lower portion of OP-1, had 48.9 percent passing the No. 200 sieve and an in- situ moisture content of 36.9 percent. SITE GEOLOGY The project site is located in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. The bedrock in this region is a complex crystalline formation that has been faulted and contorted by past tectonic movements. The rock has weathered to residual soils which form the mantle for the hillsides and hilltops. The typical residual soil profile in areas not disturbed by erosion or grading consists of clayey soils near the surface where weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined and there is often a transitional zone, termed “partially weathered rock” overlying the parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock (PWR) is defined, for engineering purposes, as residual material with a standard penetration resistance in excess of 100 blows per foot. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints, and the presence of less resistant rock types. Consequently, the profile of the partially weathered rock is irregular even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and/or zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. Quite often, the upper soils along drainage features and in flood plain areas are water-deposited (alluvial) materials that have been eroded and washed down from adjacent higher ground. These alluvial soils are usually soft and compressible, having never been consolidated by pressures in excess of their present overburden. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Observation pit OP-1 was performed on September 28, 2020. Observation pit OP-1 encountered fill from the ground surface to its termination depth of 9½ feet beneath the existing ground surface. The fill consisted of 3½ feet of silty sands with trace gravel underlain by very moist, slightly clayey silty sands. The fill generally appeared to decrease in consistency with depth. No groundwater was encountered in OP-1 at the time of excavation. Observation pit OP-1 was observed the following day and a few inches of water was observed in the bottom of the hole. An observation well was installed in OP-1 and the pit was backfilled. Subsequent readings in the observation well indicated the presence of a few inches of water in the observation well. After review of the soil type encountered in the lower portion of OP-1 and the recent heavy precipitation events at the site, we concluded that the water in OP-1 could possibly be attributed to stormwater which infiltrated into the area of the observation pit and become perched (or trapped) within the fill soil strata. Report of Observation Pit Exploration October 2, 2020 Sylva Tractor Supply – Proposed Subsurface Stormwater Treatment System KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Sylva, North Carolina 3 A second, deeper observation pit was performed on October 1, 2020 to explore the deeper subsurface conditions at the site for the presence of groundwater. Observation pit OP-2 was performed approximately 10 feet from OP-1 so that the excavation would be not penetrate the soils recently disturbed by OP-1. Observation pit OP-2 encountered 13½ feet of very moist fill underlain by wet alluvium to its termination depth of 14½ feet beneath the existing ground surface. The fill encountered by OP-2 consisted of near surface silty sands underlain by slightly clayey sandy silts containing some boulders. The alluvium consisted of clayey silts and rounded cobbles. At the time of excavation, groundwater was encountered in OP-2 at a depth of 14½ feet. After a stabilization period of 24 hours, groundwater was measured in OP-2 at a depth of 9½ feet beneath the existing ground surface. Groundwater levels may fluctuate several feet with seasonal and rainfall variations and water levels in the nearby water features. Normally, the highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. The above descriptions provide a summary of the subsurface conditions encountered by the observation pits. The attached logs contain information recorded at each observation pit location. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata represent approximate boundaries and the transition between strata may be gradual. Subsurface conditions may vary between observation pit locations. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Infiltration Rate Based on the information gathered from our exploration and our experience with similar subsurface conditions, we estimate the existing fill soils located in the area of the proposed storm water system will have an infiltration rate on the order of 0.2 inches/hour. This estimate assumes the storm water system will be constructed according to the recommendations presented in the following Site Preparation and Construction Recommendations section of this report. Subgrade Remediation The observation pits performed for this exploration encountered soft existing fill soils which generally appear to decrease in consistency with depth. Soft fill soils will not provide suitable subgrade support for the subsurface stormwater treatment system. Measures for subgrade remediation should be determined by the Geotechnical Engineer at the time of construction. Once the temporary excavation for installation of the proposed stormwater system is extended to final proposed grade, the temporary excavation bottom should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Depending on the subsurface conditions encountered in the excavation, we anticipate our recommendations will likely include undercutting the excavation 12-inches, installing layer(s) of geogrid reinforcement of Tensar BX110 or equivalent, and backfilling with newly placed engineered fill. Alternatively, we may recommend undercutting the excavation 12-inches and backfilling the undercut with a lift of rocky fill. We understand that rocky fill may be generated during excavations required for the installation of a temporary sediment pond. The installation of rocky fill, if planned, should be observed and documented by the geotechnical engineer. After the completion of the undercut, the excavation should be backfilled as soon as possible. We recommend that undercutting and backfilling be staged during dry weather conditions. SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS De-watering The observation pits did not encounter groundwater within expected construction depths. If groundwater is encountered during construction, the engineer should be contacted immediately to review the condition. Minor seepage from isolated pockets of perched (trapped) water should be expected during temporary excavations required for installation of the storm drain system. Additionally, the temporary excavation Report of Observation Pit Exploration October 2, 2020 Sylva Tractor Supply – Proposed Subsurface Stormwater Treatment System KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Sylva, North Carolina 4 will be particularly susceptible to deterioration during wet weather conditions. As such, we recommend that construction be phased during dry weather conditions. The contractor should be prepared to promptly remove surface water from the construction area. This has been done effectively by means of gravity ditched and pumping from filtered sumps. Geogrid Reinforcement (if planned) Installation of geogrid should be on horizontal ground and not on sloping ground. Geogrid reinforcement should be laid out in parallel strips and splicing should be minimized. Adjacent layers of geogrid reinforcement should abut one another; it is not necessary to overlap these layers. If rutting occurs during the placement or backfilling of geogrid, the geotechnical engineer should be contacted to evaluate the condition. Tracked equipment should not be operated directly upon the geogrid. A minimum fill thickness of 6-inches is required prior to operation of tracked vehicles over the geogrid. The turning of tracked vehicles should be kept to a minimum to prevent tracks from displacing the fill and damaging the geogrid. Engineered fill should be placed, spread and compacted in such a manner that minimizes the development of wrinkles in and/or move ment of the geogrid. Installation of geogrid reinforcement should be observed by an engineering field technician working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer to confirm that our recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. Engineered Fill Engineered fill used for backfilling the stormwater treatment system should be uniformly compacted in thin (6-inch to 8-inch loose measure) horizontal lifts to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698) and within 3 percent of optimum moisture. Based on visual examination and our experience with similar soils, the existing fill soils do not appear suitable for re-use as engineered fill due to high moisture contents. In general, soils having a Plasticity Index (PI) greater than 30 (less than 15 is preferable) should not be used for fill. Before filling operations begin, representative samples of each proposed fill material should be collected and tested to determine the compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content should be determined. Once compaction begins, a sufficient number of density tests should be performed by an engineering technician working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer to measure the degree of compaction being obtained. Engineered fill should be free of organic and other deleterious materials. In areas where engineered fill will be placed adjacent to or atop of No. 57 stone, we recommend the installation of a filter fabric such as Mirafi 140N or equivalent. The surface of engineered fill can deteriorate and lose its support capabilities when exposed to environmental changes or construction activity. Deterioration can occur from, but is not limited to, the effects of freezing temperatures, the formation of erosion gullies, exposure to extreme wetting/drying conditions, long term exposure to natural elements, and rutting/pumping caused by construction traffic. We recommend that surfaces of the engineered fill that have deteriorated or softened be recompacted immediately prior to construction of additional engineered fill or pavements. Slopes Confined excavations should conform to OSHA regulations. For slopes that are not confined, our experience suggests that temporary excavation side slopes through the existing soils in the area of proposed construction should be laid back at a 1.5H:1V (Horizontal to Vertical) slope, or flatter. Report of Observation Pit Exploration October 2, 2020 Sylva Tractor Supply — Proposed Subsurface Stormwater Treatment System KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Sylva, North Carolina We appreciate the opportunity to offer our professional geotechnical engineering services on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, KESSEL Courtney A. �KYng Senior Engineer Registered, North SEAL 3383 -r©-1_ In#...mi (NC Firm License No. P-0420) 8 �e Nc,'rw Matthew Gibson, P.E. Protect Engineer Registered, North Carolina 50361 Attachments: Field Exploration Plan Observation Pit Logs (OP-1 and OP-2) Key to Soil Classifications and Consistency Descriptions Distribution: W. Alec Stillwell, P.E.; Stillwell Engineering, P.A.; w.stillwell@stillwellengineering.net Rob Turner of W.R. Newman and Associates, Inc.; robt@wrnewman.com John Arzonico of W.R. Newman and Associates, Inc.; jarzonico@wrnewman.com 5 V, INS i I%1,0171060 24 INCH ADS N12 WT HDPE .1� 65.29' e 2 z A3 —A4 CB—A2-1 OS OisA 00 rs Cq, ✓T 00✓ %90009 sQ ,�Eq s.' • OFF 2 -59%8� Q r 3S2A SQ CB —Al SUMP ELEVATION 2' 159.97 INVERT OUT ELEVATI( x, �• v l l• ` 1.� 1\ I I• V -G R O U P +2159. Ox , � 216 �♦�w♦•♦� �� 24 IADS N12 HD 160.33 ^ r�... ...� o f , 2— 1439' �`D 0.20°0 QO� �® : 1 12 WT1 �► 24 INCH, ADS N12 WT HD 0+73 %®b;00% ��"�� ♦� o ••.\ a -rim i . 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OP-1 PERFORMED BY:Dan Ash w/ WNC Paving EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT:CAT 320 2 4 6 8 CLIENT:Stillwell Engineering, PA PROJECT:Sylva Tractor Supply - Stormwater Treatment LOCATION:Footprint of Proposed System LOGGED BY:C. King ELEVATION:2154.5 (feet) PROJECT NO.:JA20-4003-04 ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 2154 2152 2150 2148 2146 DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SOIL TEST BORING REVISED 4003-04 TRACTOR SUPPLY - SUBSURFACE STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM.GPJ KESSEL GROUP.GDT 10/2/20 Tan and Brown, Moist, Silty SAND (Fill) Soft, Red and Dark Gray, Very Moist, Slightly Clayey, Sandy SILT with Some Boulders (Fill) Soft, Red and Dark Gray, Very Moist, Slightly Clayey, Sandy SILT (Fill) Dark Gray, Wet, Clayey SILT with Rounded Cobbles (Alluvium) Observation pit terminated at 14.5 feet. Groundwater encountered at 14.5 feet at time of excavation and 9.5 feet 24 hours after excavation. END:10-1-20 AFTER 24 HOURS: 9.5 ft CAVING>DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: 14.5 ft DATE START:10-1-20 OBSERVATION PIT NO. OP-2 Sheet 1 of 1 OBSERVATION PIT NO. OP-2 PERFORMED BY:Jerry with Wayne Smith EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT:CAT 320 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 CLIENT:Stillwell Engineering, PA PROJECT:Sylva Tractor Supply - Stormwater Treatment LOCATION:Footprint of Proposed System LOGGED BY:C. King ELEVATION:2154.5 (feet) PROJECT NO.:JA20-4003-04 ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 2154 2152 2150 2148 2146 2144 2142 2140 DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SOIL TEST BORING REVISED 4003-04 TRACTOR SUPPLY - SUBSURFACE STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM.GPJ KESSEL GROUP.GDT 10/2/20 Sand SW Topsoil TOPSOIL KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS KEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLS Undisturbed Sample Grab Sample Split Spoon Sample Groundwater Table 24 Hours after Completion of Drilling Groundwater Table at Time of Drilling Sandy Silt MLS Clayey Sand SC High Plasticity Clay CH Well-graded Gravel GW Poorly-graded Gravel GP Partially Weathered Rock BLDRCBBL Low Plasticity Clay CL Sandy Clay CLS Silt ML Silty Clay CL-ML Silty Sand SM Clayey Silt MH Bedrock BEDROCK Concrete AS KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS Particle Size Identification Boulder: Greater than 300 mm Cobble: 75 to 300 mm Gravel: Coarse - 19 to 75 mm Fine - 4.75 to 19 mm Sand: Coarse - 2 to 75 mm Medium - 0.425 to 2 mm Fine - 0.075 to 0.425 mm Silts & Clay: Less than 0.075 mm