HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160787 Ver _Information Letter_20100223x,17 3 W,, TILLL,,k CONCURRENCE POINTS 3/4A LEAST ENVIRONMENTALLY DAMAGING PRACTICABLE ALTERNATIVE (LEDPAVAVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION NC 125 WILLIAMSTON BYPASS TIP PROJECT R-3826 February 23, 2010 PURPOSE OF TODAY'S MEETING The purpose of today's meeting is to discuss the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative (LEDPA) and avoidance and minimization measures. Concurrence on LEDPA (CP3) and avoidance and minimization measures (CP4A) will be requested. TIP Project R-3826 is programmed in the 2009-2015 North Carolina State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as the construction of a NC 125 bypass of Williamston in Martin County. The proposed project is approximately 2.5 miles long. A two-lane roadway on multi-lane right of way is proposed. It is anticipated approximately 175 feet of right of way will be required to accommodate this facility. Partial control of access will be obtained for sections of this road constructed on new location. PROJECT PURPOSE The purpose of this project is to reduce truck traffic and improve safety on existing NC 125 through downtown Williamston. PROJECT STATUS/SCHEDULE The last merger team meeting for the proposed NC 125 Williamston Bypass was held back in October 2005. The team concurred that Alternatives 1, 2N and 4 should be studied in detail. The EA was completed in April 2009 and these three alternatives were presented to the public at a hearing held on September 17, 2009. Right of way acquisition is scheduled in the 2009-2015 STIP to begin in fiscal year 2012 and construction is scheduled to begin in fiscal year 2014. The schedule for the project is likely to change, however, based on the availability of funding. ALTERNATIVES PRESENTED AT PUBLIC HEARING Table 1 below presents the alternatives presented at the September 2009 corridor public hearing. Figure 1 shows these alternatives. TABLE 1 ?I d l ly ALTERNATIVES PRESENTED AT PUBLIC HEARING d I Alternative- 1 2N 4 Residential Relocatees 9 11 X15_ Business Relocatees 1 1 5 2s Wetlands Affected (Acres) 1.59 3.15 3 28' Streams Affected (Feet) 596 ,4;191t :,...q 257 Open Water Impacts (Acres) 0 0 0 Protected Species Habitat? No No No Effect Protected Species? No No No Effect Historic Properties? No No No Involve Section 4(F)? No No No Receptors Impacted By Traffic Noise 2 3 8 4 Forested Areas Affected (Acres)* 14.3 o-254 9.2 Prime and Important Farmland Affected (Acres) 45.4 43.6 47.5 Length New Location (Miles) 1.9 1.8 2.0 Total Length (Miles) 2.7 2.6 3.5 Total Cost, Millions 47 SX $.?14 iy "5N Impacts computed based on approximate width required for future four-lane typical section for the project. Shaded cells in table indicate highest impact or most unfavorable response. *Forested acres based on forested areas shown on aerial photograph. NCDOT RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE NCDOT's recommended alternative for the project is Alternative 1. Alternative 1 will affect fewer homes, less wetlands and cost less than Alternatives 2N or 4. 2 AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION As an avoidance and minimization measure, NCDOT recommends revising the alignment of Alternative 1. This revised alignment, Alternative IA, has been developed as a result of comments heard at the public hearing. As stated previously, Alternatives 1, 2N and 4 were presented at the September 2009 corridor public hearing. Two farmers own approximately half of the land crossed -"liy Alternatives"1-and"2N. These farms are located between SR 1420 (McCaskeyRoad) and existing NC 125 northwest of Williamston. At the hearing, these farmers expressed concern that Alternatives 1 and 2N would severely disrupt their operations. They asked that NCDOT reconsider Alternative 2S, which was dropped from consideration in 2005 following detailed environmental surveys. NCDOT staff explained to the farmers that Alternative 2S would affect more wetlands, homes and streams than some of the alternatives still being considered. It was explained that modifications to Alternatives 1 and 2N could be looked at to reduce impacts to the farms. Following the hearing, a modified alignment for Alternative '1 was developed which would have less affect on these farms. Modifications were made to Alternative I because it would affect less wetlands, streams and homes than Alternative 2N. The alignment for Alternative I was only modified on the two farms (to avoid impacting other property owners). This modified alignment for Alternative I will affect 0.02 acres more wetlands and approximately 174 feet less streams than the original alignment. A portion of this modified alignment for Alternative 1 is outside the Alternative 1 corridor, however. A meeting has been scheduled with the two farmers to discuss the modification to Alternative 1. The results of this meeting will be discussed at the merger meeting. Table 2 below compares Alternatives 1 and 1 A. Figure 2 presents the design of Alternative IA and the Alternative 1 study corridor. TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES 1 AND 1A Alternative 1 1A Residential Relocatees 9 9 Business Relocatees 1 1 Wetlands Affected (Acres) 1.59 L,6T Streams Affected (Feet) 596 ,422 Open Water Impacts (Acres) 0 0 Protected Species Habitat? No No Effect Protected Species? No No Effect Historic Properties? No No Involve Section 4(F)? No No Receptors Impacted By Traffic Noise 2 2 Forested Areas Affected (Acres)* 14.3 21.7 Farmland Affected (Acres)** 20.5 15.1 Length New Location (Miles) 1.9 1.9 Total Length-(Miles) 2.7 2.7 Total Cost Millions $11 $11*** . Iva, Impacts computed based on approximate width required for future four-lane typical section for the project. *Forested acres based on forested areas shown on aerial photograph. **Land being actively farmed, not necessarily prime and important farmland. ***Right of way estimates not yet available. Anticipate right of way costs to be similar to Alternative 1. Section 404 Avoidance and Minimization Measures In an effort to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and streams associated with the LEDPA (Alternative 1), NCDOT proposes to implement the following measures: Steeper side slopes (3:1) will be used in jurisdictional areas. Horizontal alignment shift (Alternative IA) is proposed to avoid or minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas. Although Alternative IA will have slightly more overall wetland impacts (0.02 acre more), Alternative IA will completely avoid the following wetland sites affected by Alternative 1: o WL (0.02 acre) o WG (0.39 acre) Alternative IA will have overall less stream impacts (174 feet less) and will avoid the following streams affected by Alternative 1: o UT 1 (112 feet) o UT 5 (233 feet) Other Measures to Avoid and Minimize Impacts to the Human and Natural Environment NCDOT also proposes the following measures to avoid and minimize impacts to the human and natural environment associated with the LEDPA: Revised alignment for Alternative 1 (Alternative IA) will reduce impacts of the proposed bypass on two farms. Alternative IA will affect approximately five acres less land being actively farmed than Alternative 1. !i r / v uV'q © LEGEND + WETLANDS (DELINEATED) HISTORIC PROPERTIES (NATIONAL REGISTER-ELIGIBLE) 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN STREAMS POTENTIALLY CONTAMINATED SITES • 1. -A " MARTIN (.OMMlJN11Y COLLEGE I Ir + ,UI'.. rl 4ti I'' "A 0 0FEET 00 7011; al 7/ n1. I h•.;1 COI.LE G ., 11".. SR 1987 rEA57 CO I- v 1 U.CGE R?.1 0 200 400 600 METERS "f+ ;^s- .Y OFF ?? l NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF yp yon` " "" TRANSPORTATION o-R cP ? i ` '' PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND Q ALTERNATIVE 1 0,•?r': 3. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH ALTERNATIVE 2N Q ALTERNATIVE 4 ,? I NC 125 WILLIAMSTON BYPASS MARTIN COUNTY TIP PROJECT R-3826 FIGURE 1 TIP PROJECT R-3$26 NC 125 WILLIAMSTON BYPASS ALTERNATIVE IA CROSSING OF UT3 At the Concurrence Point 2A field meeting held on November 8, 2004. At that meeting. the merger team asked that a 130-foot long bridge be provided for the Alternative 2M crossing of L'"[ Alternative 2M was dropped from consideration. however, before the 2A concurrence form vas signed. The proposed revised alignment for Alternative 1 (Alternative IA) will cross t1T3 at the same point as Alternative 2M would have. The intent of the merger team at the CP2A meeting was to span the wetland (wetland WF) surrounding the stream. Based on the current design, a bridge 190 feet long would be required to span the wetland. The table below compares the costs of a culvert and a bridge at this location. These costs are for the ultimate four-lane roadway. Two lanes are proposed. Hydraulic Recommendation Bridge Structure Description One barrel 6'x5' culvert 180 feet lone Two 30' wide bridges 190 feet long Wetland Impacts (acres) 0.73 0 Stream Im acts (feet) 229 0 Construction Cost $420.000 $1,734,000 Mitigation Cost $233.000 0 ,I'otal Cost $673,000 $1,7334,000 L73 at proposed crossing