HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060268 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report_20090521l Bold Run Stream/Buffer Restoration Monitoring Report EEP Project # 439 Monitoring Year - 01 Submitted to: NCI IT. 1652 Mail Service {'e??t?r, Raleigh, N(:' 27699-1652 January 2008 Bold Run Stream Restoration EEP Project # 439 KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, PA Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Project Manager: April Davis Email: adavis(d?kci.com KCI Associates oJNorth Carolina 1007 - MY01 - Final TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ..........................................................................................1 1.1 Project Objectives .........................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach .....................................................1 1.3 Location and Setting .....................................................................................................1 1.4 Project History and Background ...................................................................................3 1.5 Monitoring Plan View ...................................................................................................6 2.0 PROJECT CONDITIONS AND MONITORING RESULTS ....................................9 2.1 Vegetation Assessment .................................................................................................9 2.2 Stream Assessment .......................................................................................................9 2.2.1 Bankfull Event and Stability Assessment ...........................................................10 2.2.2 Stability Assessment Table .................................................................................10 2.2.3 Quantitative Measures Summary Tables ............................................................11 LIST OF TABLES Table I. Project Restoration Components ..........................................................................3 Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History ...............................................................3 Table III. Project Contact Table ...........................................................................................4 Table IV. Project Background Table ....................................................................................5 Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events ...........................................................................10 Table VI. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates..' Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment ....................................10 Table VIII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary ..................................................11 Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ..............................................12 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................2 Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View ..........................................................................................6 APPENDIX A - VEGETATION DATA Al. Vegetation Data Tables ....................................................................................................15 A2. Representative Vegetation Problem Area Photos ............................................................20 A3. Vegetation Plot Photos .....................................................................................................21 Bold Run Stream Restoration KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01 - Final APPENDIX B - GEOMORPHOLOGIC DATA B 1. Representative Stream Problem Area Table and Photos .................................................30 132. Stream Photo Points Photos .............................................................................................33 133. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment .........................................................................40 134. Cross-Section Plots ..........................................................................................................41 135. Longitudinal Plots ............................................................................................................46 B6. Pebble Count Plots ...........................................................................................................48 APPENDIX C - CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW C1. Current Conditions Plan View ................................................................................. 54 Bold Run Stream Restoration KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01- Final EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2007, the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) conducted stream and buffer restoration on Bold Run Creek within Wake County, North Carolina. The 12 mil watershed is located within the USGS 14-digit HUC 03020201065010 and the NCDWQ Sub- basin 03-04-08 of the Neuse River Basin. The project restored approximately 1,629 linear feet of channel, the first 175 feet using a Priority 4 approach and the remaining 1,454 feet using a Priority 2 approach. The design was developed to address vertical instability and lack of bed variability. The restoration plan called for correcting these problems by stabilizing stream banks, installing in-stream structures, adjusting the stream planform, and replanting the riparian areas with native vegetation. Project construction ended in early 2007. This report is a description of the findings of the first year monitoring that took place in 2007. The riparian buffer was planted with thirteen different species of bare root trees and four different species of live stakes. Fifteen vegetation monitoring plots were established during the as-built survey. Five vegetation plots were established in the streamside riparian buffer and ten vegetation plots were established in the remaining riparian buffer. The first year monitoring counted an average of 483 stems per acre, which is on track to meet the success criteria of at least 320 stems per acre after five years. The invasive species Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) and Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum) are scattered throughout the buffer along the main channel and tropical soda apple (Solanum viarium) is found throughout the remaining buffer area. Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) was observed on the edges of the downstream area of the project. These species are not yet prolific, but should continue to be monitored. The first year monitoring found the vegetation component of the project to be on track to meeting the success criteria. The stream assessment completed during the first year of monitoring found the stream to be functioning well for nearly the entire project. Channel dimensions have changed minimally from the as-built conditions over the course of the first year monitoring. The stream channel between Stations 22+80 and 26+29 was built wider than designed. The dimensions surveyed at monitoring Cross-Section 5 illustrate this wider cross-section. This deviation from the design is due to a limitation during construction, because it was determined that it would not be stable to build up both banks to achieve the designed cross-section. A structure to constrict the base flow was added between Stations 23+15 and 23+60. Some lateral bars were observed throughout the project stream, but these did not appear to contribute to any channel instability. Small areas of bank erosion and patches of bare coir matting and bare terraces have been recorded in the following report. All of the in-stream structures are functioning with only one cross vane experiencing water piping around the header stone at low flow. Due to drought conditions causing low baseflow throughout the growing season, there has been extensive vegetative growth in the channel. This vegetative cover has created some minor aggradation in the channel, but overall has led to increased channel stability. Some of this vegetation is invasive and should continue to be monitored. One bankfull event was recorded during the first year of monitoring. Other than the above mentioned minor issues, there are no stream problem areas that would warrant any corrective action. It is recommended that the silt fence remaining on-site from construction be removed. First year monitoring found the stream component of the project to be successful. Bold Run Stream Restoration KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007 - MY01- Final 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Project Objectives Project success will be assessed utilizing measurements of stream dimension, pattern, and profile, site photographs, and vegetation sampling. These measurements should show little or no change from the as-built conditions. A stable channel is able to move the sediment supplied by its watershed without the channel aggrading or degrading. Through stream monitoring, the stability of the restored stream will be evaluated. Riparian vegetation must meet a minimum survival success rate of 320 stems/acre after five years. 1.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach Bold Run Creek became impaired through severe bank erosion resulting from poor grazing management. Sedimentation from bank erosion and stream bed degradation was widespread throughout the site. Restoration of 1,629 linear feet of channel was accomplished utilizing a combination of Priorities 2 and 4 (Table I). The riparian buffer was planted with native trees and shrubs. The stream dimension, pattern, and profile are based on the detailed morphological criteria and hydraulic geometry relationships developed from the reference stream. 1.3 Location and Setting The Bold Run Stream/Buffer Restoration site is located 5 miles northwest of the Town of Wake Forest on Bold Run Hill Road, approximately 1.5 miles east of the intersection with Mangum Dairy Road in Wake County, North Carolina. The land use of the 12 mil watershed is mainly forested and agricultural. The watershed has a high potential for future development. From Interstate 440, take the Six Forks Road Exit and head north for approximately 8.0 miles, then take a left to stay on Six Forks Road. Continue on Six Forks Road for approximately 3.0 miles, turn right onto Highway 98 and proceed for approximately 2.7 miles. Then, take a left onto Stony Hill Road and proceed 2.4 miles. Take a left on Purnell Road, followed by a right onto Mangum Dairy Road after approximately 0.1 mile. Turn right on Bold Run Hill Road after 1.8 miles on Mangum Dairy Road. The site will be on the right after approximately 1.5 miles (Figure 1). Bold Run Stream Restoration l KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01 - Final GRANVILLE DURHAM FRANKLIN WAKE WAKE COUNTY GRANVILL COUNTY Bold Run Hill Rd FRANKLIN COUNTY Project Site Falls Lake Figure 1. Project Site Vicinity Map Restoration Site Roads l Municipalities K County Boundaries Major Rivers ASSUCtA ES OF NC. Lakes and Reservoirs Wake County, North Carolina N W_?_ E s 1:63,360 1 inch equals 1 miles ] 0.5 0 1 Miles t t` J 1 1.4 Project History and Background Table I. Project Restoration Components Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 ? L p C O C O C Q O R ? CC R Project Segment Reach ID w P6 E~ Q w a Stationin Comment Reach I 175 P4 175 If 1.0 175 10+00 - 11+75 Reach II 1 296 JR P2 1 454 If 1.0 1 454 11+75 - 26+29 Ri arian Buffer 271 27.1 ac 1.0 27.1 Mitigation Unit Summations Stream l Riparian Wetland Nonri arian Total Wetland Buffer Ac Comment 1,629 0 0 0 27.1 R = Restoration P2 = Priority 2 P4 = Priority 4 Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Activity or Re ort Data Collection Com lete ComWetion or Delivery Restoration Plan Nov 05 Feb 06 Final Desi n - Construction Plans N/A Jul 06 Construction N/A Feb 07 Temporary seed mix a lied to entire ro'ect area N/A Feb 07 Permanent seed mix applied to entire roiect area N/A Feb 07 Tree r4antinas completed N/A Feb 07 Miti ation Plan / As-Built Year 0 Monitorin - Baseline Mar 07 Mar 07 Year I Monitoring Oct 07 Jan 08 Bold Run Stream Restoration 3 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Table III. Project Contacts Table Pro' ct Name n Number: I ll Run - 439 Design Firm KCI Associates of NC Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Ms. April Davis Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: 919 783-9266 Construction Contractor Vaughn Contracting Inc. P.O. Box 796 Wadesboro, North Carolina 28170 Contact: Mr. Don Vaughn Phone: (704) 694-6450 Fax: 704 694-7401 Planting Contractor Bruton Nurseries & Landscapes P.O. Box 1197 Freemont, NC 27830 Contact: Kelly Bruton Phone: 919 524-5304 Seeding Contractor Vaughn Contracting Inc. P.O. Box 796 Wadesboro, North Carolina 28170 Contact: Mr. Don Vaughn Phone: (704) 694-6450 Fax: 704 694-7401 Seed Mix Sources Evergreen Seed Company Phone: 919 567-1333 Nursery Stock Suppliers Bruton Nurseries & Landscapes Phone: 919 524-5304 Monitorin Performers MY-00 & MY-01 KCI Associates of NC Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: 919 783-9266 Bold Run Stream Restoration 4 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01 - Final Table IV. Project Background Table Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Project Count Wake County Ph sio ra hic Re ion Piedmont Ecore ion Northern Outer Piedmont Project River Basin Neuse USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03020201065010 (Bold Run Creek) 03020201070060 Richland Creek NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-04-08 (Bold Run Creek) 03-04-02 Richland Creek Draina e Area 1.6 s q. mi. Stream Order Second Order Watershed Type Rural Urban Develo in etc. Forested Watershed LULC Distribution Urban <1% Ag-Row Crop 13% Ag-Livestock 6% Forested 79% Water/Wetlands 2% Watershed impervious cover % <1% Ros en Classification of As-built C4 Cowardin Classification N/A Reference Site ID Richland Creek NCDW AU/Index Number 27-1340. 1New Light Creek NCDW Classification for Project WS-IV NSW CA Within EEP Watershed Plan? No Any portion of the project segment upstream of a 303d listed se ment? No Reasons for 303d Listin or Stressor N/A Total ro'ect acrea e of easement 31.0 Acres Total vegetated acreage within easement 30.7 Acres Total lanted acera a 28.7 Acres WRC Class Warm Cool Cold Warm Trout Desi ation N/A S ecies of concern endangered etc. N/A Pre-construction Beaver activity? Historicall according to landowner Dominant Soil Types Chewacla, Chewacla variant, Chewacla- Riverview Project soil characteristics Chewacla variant with inclusions of Riverview, well to moderately well drained 0 of Proiect Fqsetnent Fenced 0 Bold Run Stream Restoration 5 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01 - Final SNO151n3n U-M NOLLVIS Ol 00+M L NOLLVIS ('! ^ 6091L YNIIOtlY] xixDU xD 3lYtl OvOtl N., x 5 090 LO AW - 8CY M39Wf1N iWrObd d33 2 VNnOWD HINON AINnw 3Nw Lssw i 3NVM g 'ti s1s 1N3 Js . 1111" Id • 1133"1 1 z NOIIYdOlS3N 83ddf18 / mmis inhv o 1 ?JIi )GRUD Nnki moo a g 'w w FZ W oo? _ " z a mw m U Z o N a W m W< 8& o LL rc a a .0? o u. tai ZLL _u o h I T J/ C O • ?Aay? 1 (7 p ?7 D. DD 11 7W t$ i 9u FI ? Q I t4 I aQ Gpw EL gRR 888 IM fflH AW41 MF V99 a 1g Sa388 8td88 q: S awlj$8 Aga% SC88 7S7;pq 2198 GRSB 8888 ISSN WS, axa>? R°i8 ram Ag11a 4$ g Hip 49!99 $4mg S1 Ogg my ?-°, rill sill I ? "i OL 22H 83?d8 M2 2388 Hii iM, wS Z 0 88 ? R? S8 C3 RR 8 8g 79 zgv? KERB 6GRA R8-.1° $ 8R H i22 RP qq : 3M 84 8246 RSiSR ;g7!473 k044 R"m 9;4: ;4%;g: gm gjp OlIg fill mmB mS mmi mm8 m8 m8 mmmm8 mmmm 81382 821a$ 82 8 S i J K J C J? J C J C SNOISIA38 BZWZ NOUVLS Ol LL+O& NOILVIS 60912 vNls J Ltl0 'xM3JVtl .- , so9. ^ IIUjv.iSQ. Lo AW- m M38PinN LO3fOUd d33 l a y a 5151N3 JS • 9 3NN 1 Stl33xi91 13 VNr7OM RLWOWALNWO 3NW LS3w:13A W 5 '"?7 n S,1Inm? N OUVMOts3a a3ddne / Wd 3& S ION )133UO Nna mns a i 3 o n I? +s°'nn'n1n? g l y=, t d \ \ \ I \ gg W • '`?! O W 7 = V U' ?1 ,,,,,• y O na uy,{ w Z a '? ',\',;,? J 5 J 5 W Wyy F d O & v W I (OJ/Z LL Q$ a LL ¢a 2 0 Z LL 2 I I C a U ?.1 s 1 'I I al l 1 V'i 1 11 ? A ?, 11 \ L? .•16• 11.? F ...•.....•.\ •....• .. ?•; - H33WO 1HJIl MBN i i y SNOISIA3tl a 609LZ vxilOtlvJ xixtlOx'x0i3lvtl U' OVOtl S?tMltl Si09o Z t0 AW - BfY i139Wf1N 1031.021d d33 is q? S1SIlx3iJi • 9tl3NNVld • 9tl33xi9x3 VNrlOVY0 HLN0N'AJNnOO MW'LS3N0d 3mvm S z In^v NOIlYWls3a a3ddns / wv3a s m € ?Jll A33HO Nna moo y a z W 2 j1 1 k W Z 2 = O 0 z m o g 11, . 5 5 a i-1,11 r _U o o ? 2.0 PROJECT CONDITIONS AND MONITORING RESULTS 2.1 Vegetation Assessment The planted vegetation on the site is growing well. Due to the baseline vegetation monitoring occurring while the plants were in dormancy, some of the plants could not be identified and their species was recorded as unknown. During the first year of monitoring, most of these plants were identified. A few previously unknown plants were damaged and could not be identified during the first year monitoring. These plants were again recorded as unknown. The exceptional drought during the 2007 growing season caused the stream channel to have very low flows during most of the growing season. The lack of constant flow throughout the growing season allowed vegetation to become established in the stream channel and algae to grow in the stagnant pools. This vegetation included Asian dayflower (Murdannia keisak) and other invasives. While contributing to the overall stream stability, the invasive vegetation could out compete native species and contribute to aggradation in the channel by trapping sediment. In future, non-drought years, the normal flow through the stream should be enough to prevent the growth of algae and vegetation on the channel bottom. Further monitoring will determine if channel vegetation continues to be a problem. The floodplain, stream banks, and riparian buffer have well-established vegetation. Some scattered populations of invasive species have been identified in the floodplain area, which included: Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum), and tropical soda apple (Solanum viarium). Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) was observed on the outer edges of the downstream area of the project. Although they are not a problem at this time, these populations should continue to be monitored to determine if invasive control is required in the future. The monitored vegetation plots revealed that the planted vegetation is growing well with 483 stems/acre. The overall vegetation assessment found the site to be on track to meeting the vegetative success criteria. The vegetative monitoring results are displayed in Appendix A and the Current Conditions Plan View in Appendix C. 2.2 Stream Assessment During the drought in the 2007 growing season, the stream experienced very low flows throughout the summer. There were periods where the only water in the channel was found in stagnant pools. While these conditions did not cause stress on the stream banks, the lack of regular stream flows did not allow the fine sediment, which had accumulated in some pools immediately following construction, to clear out. The on-site crest gauge recorded a bankfull event sometime between August 31, 2007 and November 19, 2007. The stream assessment found the stream to be generally stable. The stream banks were stable and showed only isolated areas of erosion. Some parts of the streambed were experiencing aggradation, especially in the wider, downstream portions of the project. The cross vanes at the site were not built exactly to standard specifications. Most of the cross vane's arms are not visible, because they are covered with coir matting and buried in the bank. However, there have not been any major problem areas associated with these structures. While these structures were not built correctly, they are serving as effective grade control and most are maintaining their downstream pools. There are minimal differences in both the longitudinal profile and the cross- Bold Run Stream Restoration 9 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 9 439 2007 - MYOI - Final sections when compared to the as-built data. The cross vanes should receive special attention in future monitoring to track any problems that may occur. The stream assessment monitoring is described in Appendix B and the Current Conditions Plan View in Appendix C. 2.2.1 Bankfull Event and Stability Assessment Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo Number en 8/31/2007 Between 11/19/2007 I e Crest Gauge N/A l and Table VI. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 To Be Performed in Monitoring Year 05 2.2.2 Stability Assessment Tables Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Feature MY-00 MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles 100% 100% B. Pools 100% 100% C. Thalwe 100% 100% D. Meanders 100% 100% E. Bed General 100% 98% F. Bank Condition 100% 99% G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. 100% 94% H. Wads and Boulders 100% 100% Bold Run Stream Restoration 10 KC/Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYOI - Final 000 00 .-• O M v1 7 00 N Vl M A M M n 00 N N O ? cl 00 00 C M 00 t- M M oc N l? 00 rn N _ O O ? ,` ?.^• fy O '.6 M ?p N p 00 Q C 0 O O ?' 00 O N 7 O f`1 N p M N N M p M .-. N ? -. o 00 N kn v1 00 N -•^ O l- O ?+ r_ 00 00 N N p 0 CD 0 0 00 00 0 0 N N n N O M ^ O N X cC O p O p N O? M fV m M M .,. O l? O O p p kn N 0 Q? U M M ? ? N ? O N r ? v - a3 (7, kn 00 09 N ~ t U ?-+ N O M ? N M O ,? [? 00 M U U N O O ?' Q- C p N l? 00 v- .- D O O M kn N N M 00 0? O O x m 00 p N l- M 00 ?"? l-- ?c v'i O O ? ?' m O M O N N N ? O C> O O U ? ? ? M ? V1 O ? M M ? 00 O ? 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Appendix A Vegetation Data Bold Run Stream Restoration 14 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - AIY01- Final Appendix Al: Vegetation Data Tables Table Al: Vegetation Metadata Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Report Prepared By Brian Roberts Date Prepared 11/5/2007 9:58 Database Name CVS_EEP_EntryTool_v220.mdb Database Location M:\2005\12053743_EEP_OpenEnd_Design\B_BoldRun PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------------- Stream-to- Area Required Plots Sampled Project Code Project Name Description Length (ft) Ed a Width ft s m calculated Plots Stream and buffer 439 Bold Run restoration site in Wake 1,629 N/A 12 15 15 Table A2: Vigor by Species Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missin DONTKNOW: unsure record 4 4 2 Betula ni ra 1 1 1 1 3 Celtis laevi ata 4 3 Cornus amomum 2 3 1 Fraxinus enns lvanica 2 25 5 1 1 Ju lans nl ra 2 uercus 1 rata 4 14 3 uercus michauxii 5 6 1 uercus a oda 1 16 3 2 uercus hellos 4 22 7 Salix ni ra 1 6 1 Salix sericea 2 5 Samhucus canadensis 1 2 uercus 1 I Liriodendron tuli i era 2 3 Platanus occidentalis 13 5 1 1 TOT: 16 30 106 37 9 11 6 Bold Run Stream Restoration 15 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01- Final Table A3: Damage by Species Proiect Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 L O ? ? U ° b0 pA Jq L a R 0 ? S G C •H A ? i . ?+ L d dA ? CQ y +.. V] ? W A A A ?Gr W C? ? ?'? Betula ni ra 7 4 3 Celtis laevi ata 7 7 Cornus amomum 6 1 4 1 DONTKNOW: unsure record 10 5 5 Fraxinus enns lvanica 34 3 21 2 7 1 Ju lans ni ra 2 2 Liriodendron tuli i era 5 2 1 2 Platanus occidentalis 20 18 1 1 uercus 2 1 1 uercus 1 rata 21 11 1 1 1 7 uercus michauxii 12 2 3 4 1 2 uercus a oda 22 10 1 8 3 uercus hellos 33 18 2 4 1 8 Salix ni ra 8 7 1 Salix sericea 7 7 Sambucus canadensis 3 1 2 TOT: 16 199 90 2 43 2 6 2 18 36 Bold Run Stream Restoration 16 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYO/ -Final Table A4: Damage by Plot Pro•ect Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 v •? o I u en ^o L bD b11 .C L CC E R 8 ° v r [? ? 3 A CE , y e w '? w bD O td E y ?+ u ? J BR-01-0001- ear:l 17 4 13 BR-01-0002- ear:l 14 4 7 1 2 BR-O1-0003-year: 1 15 12 3 BR-01-0004- ear:l 19 6 7 1 1 4 BR-01-0005- ear:l 14 5 3 4 2 BR-O1-0006- earl 13 5 3 5 BR-01-0007- ear:l 8 2 3 1 2 BR-O1-0008- earl 11 3 1 4 3 BR-01-0009- ear:l 14 11 1 2 BR-01-0010- earl 13 9 1 2 1 BR-O1-0011- earl 13 8 1 2 2 BR-O1-0012- earl 12 8 4 BR-O1-0013- earl 11 6 5 BR-01-0014- ear:l 12 5 1 2 4 BR-O1-0015- earl 13 2 1 3 2 3 2 TOT: 15 199 90 2 43 2 6 2 18 36 Bold Run Stream Restoration 17 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Table A5: Stem Count by Plot and Pro'ect Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 CC R R CC CC R CC CC R R R GO R R CC 6> ? d 7? d ? 6? d d 6? d ? C> Y 6) ..? N M IV kn 1z t- 00 O*1 N M IT kn p y O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ? C 8 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O y ' / ? y MWM 1? MWM W MWM w W ? MWM wl WMM 1.x.1 MWM W MWM 1..1 MWM W MWM w MWM Y.+N W ? MWM w MWM W MW W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V1 F ee w w w = * 1 w a w w G. a a c 0. 1 0. Betula ni ra 3 2 1.5 1 2 Celtis laevi ata 7 3 2.33 2 3 2 Cornus amomum 5 4 1.25 1 1 1 2 DONTKNOW: unsure record 4 4 1 1 1 1 I Fraxinus enns Ivanica 33 6 5.5 4 5 y 6 6 Ju lans ni ra 2 1 2 2 Liriodendron tuli i era 5 3 1.671 1 1 2 Platanus occidentalis 18 6 3 3 2 6 2 4 1 uercus 2 2 1 1 1 uercus 1 rata 21 4 5.25 6 1 7 4 uercus michauxii 12 6 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 uercus a oda 22 6 3.67 1 7 6 2 1 5 uercus hellos 33 7 4.71 2 3 5 3 8 5 7 Salix ni ra 7 3 2.33 l 3 3 Salix sericea 2 Sambucus canadensis L L TOT: 16 17 10 12 16 13 11 8 10 14 13 12 11 11 11 13 Table A6. Vegetation Problem Areas Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Feature Issue Station numbers Sus ected Cause Photo # Bare Bank 14+75 Unknown VP1 Bold Run Stream Restoration 18 KC/Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYO/ - Final Table A7. Planting Plan Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Planting Areas Area Ac Species Common Name Material # of Plants Levee 7.0 Ju lans ni ra Black Walnut Bare Root 770 uercus 1 rata Overcu Oak Bare Root 610 uercus hellos Willow Oak Bare Root 920 Celtis laevi ata Sugarberry Bare Root 770 Streamside 1.4 Betula ni ra River Birch Bare Root 210 Fraxinus enns lvanica Green Ash Bare Root 200 Platanus occidentalis S camore Bare Root 200 Bottomland Hardwood 18.6 Liriodendron tuli i era Tuli Poplar Bare Root 1,622 uercus michauxii Swam Chestnut Oak Bare Root 1,622 uercus a oda Cher bark Oak Bare Root 2,433 uercus hellos Willow Oak Bare Root 2,433 High Moisture 1.3 Cornus amomum Silk Do wood Bare Root 190 Fraxinus enns lvanica Green Ash Bare Root 200 Ulmus americana American Elm Bare Root 190 Stream Zone 0.34 Cornus amomum Silk Dogwood Live Stakes Salix ni ra Black Willow Live Stakes * Salix sercia Silk Willow Live Stakes 1770 Sambucus canadensis Elderberry Live Stakes *The numbers of individual species were not available, althought the planting plan stipulated that no species comprise greater than 40% of the total number of live stakes Bold Run Stream Restoration 19 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01- Final Appendix A2 - Representative Vegetation Problem Area Photos VP1 -Poorly vegetated banks and exposed coir matting. Photo taken near Station 14+75. 11/19/07 - MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 20 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007- MY01 - Final Appendix A3 - Ve-zetation Plot Photos Bold Run Stream Restoration 21 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 9 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Vegetation Plot 1. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Vegetation Plot 2. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 22 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - AHOI - Final L Vegetation Plot'). 9/24/07 -MY 01 Vegetation Plot 4. 9/24/07 -MY 01 Aft, Vegetation Plot 6. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Bold Rim Stream Restoration 23 KC1 Associates offorth Carolina EEP Project if 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Vegetation Plot 5. 9/24/07 -MY 01 t: Vegetation Plot 7. 9/24/07 -MY 01 r a, 3 t ? Vegetation Plot S. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 24 KC/Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYO! - Final Vegetation Plot 9. 9/24/07 - MY 01 k 16i ?+. a r u: <t, any: 0, At y? • t ; ate gg u' ? ? a *?' ? x r ,- ,? A t r? k vy,, m j w 'ka 4 Vegetation Plot 10. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 25 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 9 439 2007 - MY01 - Final Bold Run Stream Restoration 26 KCI Associates ojNorth Carolina EEP Project # 439 200 7 - MYOI - Final Vegetation Plot 11. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Vegetation Plot 12. 9/24/07 - MY 01 ,5 . m 7 . 1 A i? tl H? d A 1 v ? ? r ° *++o- a•? ;? A § .a to yy X $3.;R '? M ?? ? xa ? ? €?* TA? 1i b w y ? 11 w F { n 3. f +$iI Vegetation Plot 13. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Vegetation Plot 14. 9/24/07 - MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 27 KCI Associates ojNorth Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Vegetation Plot 15. 9/24/07 -MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 28 KCI Associates ojNorth Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MY01 - Final Appendix B Geomorphologic Data Bold Run Stream Restoration 29 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 200 7 - MYO/ - Final Appendix B1- Representative Stream Problem Area Tables and Photos Table B1. Stream Problem Areas Project Name and Number: Bold Run - 439 Feature Issue Station numbers Suspected Cause Photo # A radation/Bar Formation 22+90 a radation - - due to widened stream SP1 Bed Degradation 13+85 unknown 21+10 unknown SP2 Bank Scour 14+50 unknown 21+10 unknown SP3 24+10 unknown !Engineered Structures -piping 19+85 poor head stone placement. structure still functional SP4 SP1 - Aggradation due to overly wide as-built cross-section. Photo taken near Station 23+00 looking downstream. 11/19/07 - MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 30 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007 - MY01 - Final # ??r a ?_? `; r fit, ?' ,„t1 )'.• ? „d' o- ?t r t?? s n t 13 d Rte. ` °?`,;?'? r `a. s ?. yw' a^:d a .fir>y„^am`;Sr !. 7t 4 yt Cc s" I'm r? £ d4 SP2 - Bed degradation on the left with erosion downstream. Photo taken near Station 21+25. 11/19/07 - MY 01 j A P v' "`?» v` t r# vz p? to SP3 - Bank erosion under coir matting. Photo taken near Station 24+10. 11/19/U'/ - M Y U I Bold Run Stream Restoration 31 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007 - MYOI - Final SP4 - Cross vane not built correctly with piping at low flow. Photo taken near Station 19+85. 11/19/07 - MY 01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 32 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Photo Point 1: View looking west near Station 11+00. 11/19/07 - MYOI ? " a 's`" ? a? r<'• ? ? ° ,1 3 ,rya d» ar: a , ?= ?. a- = ,.a. }a t 77 P E_.y0. u..,ds,am n a'5 t n . Mrr r d?ari ? A 4 F rd F J ?" ay. x -04 j ru ?' f, A r F.x ll,' aq;. ,... r , r,,4aa q l; d ,# eJ ."Nm a .0.`F¢, ri.? r' .µ n69 srM akkeM $'r .u`, rb. az Photo Point 2: View looking west toward Vegetation Plot #1. 1 1/19/07 - M Y 0 1 Bold Run Stream Restoration 33 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 9 439 2007 - 1vfY01 - Final Appendix B2 -Stream Photo Points Photos Photo Point 3a: View looking southeast toward Vegetation Plot #2. 11/19/07 - MY01 Photo Point 3b: View looking west toward Vegetation Plot #5. 11/19/07 - MY01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 34 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 9 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Am ?Z"????'? -M f", ti, Y' .r. yy J. v. y ^ ire e i ? i 4e, ?? o N9P ? PT ? f Photo Point 3c: View looking west toward Vegetation Plot #8. 11/19/07 - MY01 Photo Point 3d: View looking north with Vegetation Plot #6 in the foreground. 11/19/07 - MY01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 35 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Photo Point 4a: View looking west toward Vegetation Plot #5. 11/19/07 - MY01 Photo point 40: View cooking north with Vegetation Plot #4 on the left. 1 1/19/07 - MY01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 36 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007- AIYOI - Final ALA t» , 3 , b F f s a o ?. `? a .m ti _r 2'°' A e? a 1 5: v a"'' l ,. ,if- v p t, ;.. .. ; }'as rn v* *1 k.a.a^ Photo Point 4c: View looking northeast with Vegetation Plot #3 on the right. 1 1/19/07 - MY01 Photo Point 5a: View looking northeast toward buffer area. 11/19/07 - MY01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 37 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYOI - Final e , 4 Photo Point 5b: View looking east toward Vegetation Plot #5. 11/19/07 - MY01 Photo Point ba: View looking southeast. 11/19/07- MY01 Bold Run Stream Restoration 38 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 439 2007 - MYO/ - Final 'AF N- A z py y, i o° r" k Photo Point 6b: View looking southwest across the buffer restoration area. 11/19/07 - M Y 0 1 Bold Run Stream Restoration 39 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007 - MYOI - Final Appendix B3 - Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Table B3. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Project Number and Name: 439 - Bold Run eature Category etric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number per As- built Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform. in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 21 21 100% 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 21 21 100% 3. Facet grade appears stable? 21 21 100% 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 21 21 100% 5. Length appropriate? 21 21 100% 100% B. Pools 1. Present? (e.g. no severe aggradation) 15 15 100% 2. Sufficiently deep (Dmax pool: Mean Bkf> 2.2?) 15 15 100% 3. Length appropriate? 15 15 100% 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend centering? 14 14 100% 2. Downstream of meander centering? 14 14 100% 100% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 14 14 100% 2. Of those eroding, # w/ concomitant point bar formation? 0 0 3. Apparent Re within spec? 14 14 100% 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 14 14 100% 100% E. Bed General l.General channel bed a adation areas (bar formation) N/A N/A 1/10 99% 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down cutting [or head cutting? N/A N/A 2/20 99% 99% F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or slumping bank N/A N/A 3/30 98% 98% G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 8 8 100% 2. Height appropriate? 8 8 100% 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 7 8 88% 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 7 8 88% 94% H. Wads / 1. Free of scour? 6 6 100% Boulders 2. Footing stable? 6 6 100% 100% Bold Run Stream Restoration 40 KC1 Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 439 2007 - MY01 - Final rA 4-0 O -0 u 1 lo? Qn U 1 a? J, "wk 1 I Rf LL . ? . . 8 r R i a M [\ w a ? O Y kk.? M 1 `?. 4147 '? 1 1 j T I R ? O ti It d' xl a I CA a I 1 1 Vt 1 I 1 l JI 1 M FM 1 N ? x O n l N O C C ,? d e 1 1 p M x N C N x e / I 1 L d a 1 d e a 1 1 H 7 ° 1 p 1 1 L •. I 1 A 1 1 1 Q O ? I O R O ? y L L m N 7 ? Q aJ d S a? p O crG W L v o o '? y O H L on I 1 '? N ! --? ?. L L N R d O ? o a a C x x C G ? 4. C k ? v a N O x 0O x ?D -r ? ? ^ ? f C ' C ' ? O w '? 3 w = R N N N N N ? m a a a a i (laaj) uopnna(3 z m x .- gy m °_ .- o 'n vi N o rn In In 'n 'n o -- rn v, v, l? b x o l? x ^ rJ M 'n x M In Ic Ic ' c7 ,".; O O O O O o0 00 00 00 00 00 !` 'n 'n 'n ` vi 'n ` 'n t` ?O r4 .o 1-4 ?O ^ o0 n 00 00 0o 1 \ a: f Q l? C, ^ o. ^ 0, 1 i d x N x N x N x N x N x N l? N n N t? N l? N l? N r N r N t` N n N t N n N t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ^.J d L C 5 C L OL 1` S C N x '/1 V1 .-- ?O V O [- 7 'n O ^ c? v1 U x M Q, U O -- V ^ x x O ? M v'1 L Y Q R C ? C.i ? R O O '/1 O ,? M V1 O? .--. N N t` N O M N M 7 M ?O M r M l? M x M O? M V M 7 '/1 7 10 V x V Vl M V1 Q, Vl N `L1 'O ?O O t` N t` O1 !` -+ W a' R r V1 % L A :Q D LL g x PQ, i t t ? ? l e 14 , aY ? b Y I l". ? 1 l?,p ? 91 as `? off. p G , s" 4 F 4 ?? ? M N O N n N N O + O v o 7 p" ? v ? N v O Q 7 v n n ZcXw:m d M M W r in V V N 00 h V1 M M 5D O\ O O\ M t` 00 'D C DD 00 f? ? \O ? x0 V M M M M M M M V1 x/1 ?O lp OO O0 W .,fir N N N N N N N N N N N N N GTa N N N N N N N N N V L "d ? r- O M V ,0 ?-? y A ; , M V V O N N N o O e0 (/] - ar ; N :d ?. O (.. Q p V1 U 'CS CCC ? tC .O' C W C: 5 g o ? E ac 5 ? C 1 C .Y '"' o O o O A C7 ? d A O y 1 C Y I 1 / O p A 1 1 ? ti Q ? O ? ? G M t` \ Y O C7 I Y s i 1 / G O N fA W Q ? 1 I O Y 1 / / Y M 1 Y ? a I ^ O I i iy ? N Y } f 1^. 6 / 1 9 1 Y O C M tl Yi / 1 ? I 1 O I / = 'y f I 1 1 ? m f 1 ? I Y / 1 o N 4 I H ? 5 y IL Y I I I 9 F A 6 Y 5 Y I / 1 / i 1 / / O - 0 N N N N N (taa? uOtJnnal ,? 6 ..y ?? " ?a.. , 3,t yi • I 1 Q O t? O? 1 - al "u a vn 1 e O 10 eVm. e t f 1 1 '" 1 ?. N 1 e 1 i °3 ??2 1 e A 1 ? ? j Ary " i Y f 1 14 M Fw I 1 0 f / n a - 0 N " '" N A 1-4 ?E f 1 L ? 1 A O H ? ? a z A 1 i 1 L ° C A f ? 1 1 Q O 1 1 O C R ,? = 1 1 Q C y L G 7 O O 1 1 o N y c F Q o ? 7, s i 79 5 x c r 1 O y Q O 7 :Q t O Oi U [? :a] v C y C t ... 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