HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030989 Ver 2_More Info Received_20070316 UJf 1Jf LUCK CJ 7: 4L 717-4bf-~6Lf DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 219 East Chatham Street Cary, North Carolina 27511 Telephone (919) 467-9972 • Fax (919) 467-5327 ll1tHL ~ rN1LLlr5 ~3 " O ~ ~ ~ v Z MEMORANDUIvI To' Nil<l<i Thomson Soil & Enviroxamental Consultants Frorrl: Alan fZ. T,~eith, P.l:.~t' Date: March 13, 2007 Re: Zoning azld Open Space Farmington Woods Subdivision Phases 13-15 r~,ut el WILL1A~t C. DlbtiL, P.E. f OIIN 1~. P}IILLIPS, P.E. ALAN jZ. KEI'r~l, P.E. FKk+IV219 tt~lvfMrRlQ1S aNV SONV113~4- A.LI'NI1D 2131HM - 21N30 toot s r avw Qalnl~a9~l~ Fax1CXlington Woods Subdivision Phases 13-15 will be developed as R-6 cluster unit development per the City of Raleigh. The ixlinimum lot size is 4,356 square feet for a R-6 CUD lot_ Sixty-two lots are proposed which translates to 3.82 units per acre for the 16.21 acne site. The number of units allowed in a cluster unit development in Raleigh is determined by the number of units allowed under the base zoning (R-6 or 6 units per acre for "Phases 1 1-15). T'he total number of units allowed in Phase 13-15 is 97 for 16.21 acres at 6 units per ac><•e, As you can see, we axe proposing far less density than is allowed by the City. C`lustex unit developnrlents must have a rninimum of 10 % open space izl Raleigh. Further, above grouzad stormwater devices must be locate In open space ar~d shall be maintained by the required homeowners associatiozt. Operation and maintenance manuals for any constructed storrxlwater devices Inust be recorded with t1~e homeownez's documents following review by both the City's eztgineering staff and by the City attorney. The City of Raleigh required a substantial greenway easement in the project area, speei#'ieally requiring its lacatioxt on lot Zdl open space. The combination. of the required opexA space per zoning, stormwater device location, and greenway warraxtted the proposed project layout. In atI effort to protect buffers on the site, the open space was mostly located over the Neuse Basin buffers. The lot azea was held outside buffer areas to the extent possible to preclude horneowner disturbance of buffers. The use of e.~~l~r~ner ey:41 yly-4bf-5:i1/ DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 83 smaller clustered lots affords more protection of buffers and ex~vironzxaentally sexxsitive areas. l~ finally, Farmingtozx Woods is located izt an area that has lagged ixt developzxient in the City of Raieigh. The Farmizzgton Woods community is mostly min.oxity- owned_ The developer is proposing an affordable housing option fox the community. The developer is a lomg time resident of the area and he cares greatly about it's future. CJl; J1 J LCJCI r' 1 L: CJL 717-4b t -~~L ~ ll1tHL ~ F'H1LL1F-'S t-'F=,Ut b'L llIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. CUNSUL77NG )/NGINEERS 219 East Chatham Street Cery, North Carolina 275!1 Telephone (919} 467-9972 • Fax (91,9) 467-5327 MEMORANDUM To: Whom 1t May Coracerzt .^1 '`'~ v From: ,A,lan R. Keitk~, P.E. Date: January3l , 2007 Re: Impervious Surface Coverage Farmington Woods Subdivision Phases 13-15 WILLIAM C- DIEHL, P.E. .TO~'IN ~ PHILLIPS, P•~• ALAN R. ~F.I~'H, P.E. k'armington Woods Subdivision Phases 13-15 will be developed as R-6 cluster unit development pex the City of Raleigh. The minimum. lot size is less than S,OOU squaw feet. Sixty-two lots are proposed. The following is an esti~nn.ate of- the impervious surface proposed far the project totaling 16.21 acres which includes over 5.9 acres of Open Space: Street ,Area Sidewalk .Houses & patios Driveways &wa11cS Total llupezvious Surface 1~ota1 Project ,Area 66,675 sc1 ft 7,690 sq ft '75,950 scl ft 27,900 sq 1't 178,215 sq ft 706,100 scl ft Percent 1zt~lpervious = 178,215/706,100 X l00% = 25.24% 03'131'2007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 02 ~ ~-~w-rcv~ /3.dt~n~ No. QS~IJULr.4 Lr UEL SP~~A~n- C..~'~g~6 G ~ti6~ R.~ ~,~ Cam- l s%v,,.,~, i ~i [-ate D.8 G ~c7~ 11~,` oru~c~~. ~= ~~iCJ'QrvG OO~~Not Ata4cN(tL-~ L= ~~rx~ L" z ~~-,~r say ~ s b:~I13lZ007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 03 l'A ~Md~c-caN wdo,4.~ ~eT%~%i~ (3As i~ ~R1o. 6 ~~u IV o aR~ nl U nyJ PEAK FLOW (cfs) _ `~~~~' {:,'~~."~''~ TIME-TO-PEAK (min) ~~:`:i. ~~°a;:`.''s~~~' TIME INCREMf=NT (min) POND INVERT = WET STAGE (ft) WET STORAGE c 03i'13/'2007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 04 ~c-r. (3As ~~ Na. 6 STAGE-STORAGE RELATIONSHIP: S = K'Y^b K = ~''a b = ... CUTLET ORIFICE #1 t (HORIZONTAL- RISER} ELEVATION = `~ '~'~~ ,'.,.:-,~,,. (ft) DIAME7ER~~ - (ft) ..:1' "GMT WEIR COEFFICIENT = -~y~. ~"'- 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = ;°~~~;;~;~ 0:6 CUTLET ORIFICE #2: (HORIZONTAL- RISER) ELEVATION = ;-;,, ' ~~' (ft) DIAMETER = "~~- ...,.~e'~s~tt (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = _ . _ , ;;,,;; ~° 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = ~~. ~ ~ 0.6 CUTLET WE1R #3: ELEVATION = ~li °Ir= ~~ ~ (ft) LENGTH ~ (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = :.,,; ~:_ _ 3.0 OUTLET WEIR #`4: ELEVATION = ,..' ~+~~,~ (ft) LENGTH = ~~~'~ - `'z (ft) •r .. WEIR COEFFICIENT ^ s~~~~- ,;,~ 3.0 )UTLET WEIR #5: ELEVATION = (ft) LENGTH = (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = ~~~ ~;~, ',~ =Tt~ 3.0 . JUTLET ORIFICE #6: (VERTICAL- BARREL) '' ;ra~~ ~L~=~ # PIPES INVERT ELEVATION = :~;ir= ~~~-~ ,m!n~ (ft) .~~ . WEIR COEFFICIENT = ;~;,, - ~~ : ~ ~ 3'.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = -~~:,: ~ . ~ ~ ~ 0.6 CUTLET O IFICE ~7:, (VERTICAL- BARREL) ~'~.~~ -.~ '4~ # PIPES INVERT ELEVATION = (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = ~ ~`"'~"` 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = try. ~ :~z "' 0.6 b~r1:;Ilbbr ,b9:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 05 l~~T~,,.JY dn} /3A s b.J No . g Ovt~ ~ l GJ~7E6 AF ~~Z'i~~ dAri~ N~,~ /d ~frrvgr~.be Ca~.4g~~CO) /J~- s c 6nJ L C U ~ c.. SA~~~Q l'o~-- ~ ~` S' tom Q~ u ~ /. Sg -r l~ ~o = 3,08 crf 20 ~-F ~ / ti l f-I,000~ ~-1 /J ~ T L'rVCI o-v ~As~~/ /~d, v Q u IDcrc.c+t ~,~.~ ~ = 4 ~ ~r~ GAS l L^ o. 46 C G S ~ ~9 ~9 S~ y 3 0~ S T~~P Sro~~ .'~ vs~ '~'t~o L~Us~ 5~2~~a~~1 03f13f2007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 06 l ran\M-{~IICo`~c)n1 wv~AS /~~T~~.,ITip~•J ~RJ ~N luo. ~ ~ 8 GO JV1, e l NF Q (~, PEAK FLOW (cfs) TIME-TO-PEAK {min) TIME INCREMENT (min) POND INVERT WET STAGE (ft) WET STORAGE c p~~« e:~r1~I100r 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 07 nor f3a~"r>J rv, . 7 ~ 8 STAGE-STORAGE RELATIONSHIP: S = K`Y^b OUTLET ORIFICE #1: (HORIZONTAL- RISER) ELEVATION = °;~~,^,~;s: ~ (ft) DIAMETER = ~=-^:'=,~~:: ~ ~~', (~) WEIR COEFFICIENT = ~<~~;~'~~!~~. 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = `;~~`'`:~ ` 's;'?m~ 0.6 OUTLET QRIFICE #~: {HORIZONTAL- RISER) ELEVATION = ~ ~~ •~ sh -.sn... DIAMETER = ~~~x ~; . ~ ~ '.: (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = `,~~'.r~-~ 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = ~';•"`• ~ ;;~~;~~! O.g OUTLET WEIR #3; ELEVATION = ~° ••_~;„R (ft) LENGTH = :>; 'Yy (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = '~~ :•...~~•~,;'r~~ 3.0 OUTLET WEIR #4: ELEVATION = •"~" ~ `~•~ LEN - _,;a4=+~° WEIR COEFFICIENT = ,;`~4Tiilii~+7 3.0 OUTLET WEIR #6: ELEVATION = sz:; ~, -~:°~ {ft) LENGTH = ~'~:.. ~~~~~ (ft) WEIR GOEFFICIENT = "~~' _"``~:....~~^;~: 3.0 ~. ~a~ , OUTLET ORIFICE #6: {VERTICAL- BARREL) I° '~; ~~~:;asf # PIPES INVERT ELEVATION = _~;~`~~;~,~~• (ft) DIAMETER = ~-~.,~-,~~ {ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = - = _~~~~~~n~r., 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = ~~ = - 0,6 OUTLET ORIFICE #7; ERTICAL- a RR (V A !;L) ~ "'} '~'•.r,,: ,,~l~i~'I~Ar,~tr,:;:~, # PIPES INVERT ELEVATION = ~h ~:~~-s:~::°: {ft) DIAMETER = ~:~', ;. . say WEIR COEFFICII=NT = M;~~ ~ ~~=~~:_ ~ 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = ;,;=mss ~ .'`4}'~+ 0.6 03t13t2007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 08 Project No. DWQ DNISION OF WATER QUALITY 401 EXTENDED DRY dETENTION BASIN WORKSHEET p,Wi~ Storntwater Man,~ement Plan Review: At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detaaed drainage plan and a fully executed operatron and maintenance agreement. An incomplete subrrattal package wiA resuk in a request for addttianal intonnstlan and w~ substantially belay Coral review and approval of the project !. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : r'~Q~/,~ ~~1 (.J ~d~J ,A~tAr~ c 13 ~ is -, Contact Person: ~~n~ ~ ~~Tr6 Phone Number, f4~1 1 For projects with multiple basins, seedy which basin d>is wpricShee( appfies to:_ /_} ~f~',a1 T'/ q,,,,/ /,1.0$/n/ No: `f Drainage Area:___,acres Percent impervioe,s Area:_% II. REQUIRED REMS CHECKLIST ~., ~' ~' The following checklist outlines design .requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Env~onntettt, Ffeakh and Natural Resources, November 1965) and Administrative Cade Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Irdtlal rrm the space provided to indicate the following design requ~emerm have been met and supporting documentation is attached. /t s n~urrenaerrt has not been may attach an explanatan of any. . Applicants Itajlipts SE ~ /3E t.A~ Either capture runoff from 1 yr., 24 hour storm and release aver a 48 hour period, or capture runoff from 1 'etch storm and draw down over a period of 2 to 5 days. •Pfease provide routing far 1 yr. 24 hr. event or volume from 1 inch rain _ A/i.l ~ The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. A smab permanent pool at outlet orifice i5 ~ovided (o reduce dogging. O~^' ~11ic~~T An enmargency drain to completely empty the basin is provided. AM4~. Vegetation plan prepared is specified on plans. A/f,tG_ $asin to be stabilized within 14 days of construction is speafied. ,~[,~ Sediment storage (2016 of detention volume) in addition to deietuion volume is provided. -~~~~ Inlet and outlet erosion carxral measures to prevent scour are provided- ~,~fti Additional oreatment to meet the 85% TSS removal effiaency is provided. A>1.,fz- Access far clean-out and maindenance is provided. NA.rc- Inlet plunge pod a other energy dissipatiaon is provided. A/~A Forebay is provrded to capture sedimett and mir>imae clean-out problems. /,via U[tcompaded natural soils are uolized to pr~(e vegetation and reduce sedirrx?ntation. A4.d~ Seasonal high water table is at least 1 toot below bottom of basin. ~g~ H used as a temporary sediment basin, plans indicate clean-out prior to fora! operatiam. n~M ~~~~4 fr A site specrf'rc operation and maim>tenarmce plan wish the tollowing provisions is provided. Q,~~,art.+tc~a ~.+~ The O&M agreement is signed by the responsmble party and notarized. ~~~ R rrat:,f ~rto-- Ao~c:.J~vtR`~,1 t.f ~n-Y fJCTr_ ~1 br.1 ~Ast~J (~r...oUc1~c4 Z`a /~ iTE~(/Af~ ~ - ~'/Z ,qm~ l D-tf2 S'roii_nti ly c rmr Gt t+~ c~ ~' 12~ c~ t <~cJ J'rn ,a.~ w~~, ~' ec~gTtca~.I.t . ~ '' ,~ ~ t s /1~-s a A`l-i:r,~ ~ ~; ra~ /J . /J R+~ ~~T r vv~ ro -J l r N vT~ /j-~ Q yr ~..E,o !- dn, N i - ~ 6 ~ ~1 t~ ~npJ~o ~-1 Zl~~~ ~=off Alm A~-t, l~~t /° /titgr~r%y4(, U..l ic~ro (JJE Q . 03}1312007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 09 ~, ~ c~ U(/up•d L F U F. L lP/~~4/JF/L.. ~'nlG r~s ~~ LF~~~ ~~ '~ r-o.~ I sra~ 4! ~~ = p, S~•/ < <•~,~"~,~ = U~9f cis /ZGC~ Q u ~NtiouG~ ~:~r,~177tl~ /~4.~~~ /'too, ai D21 F~c~ ~ ~~ D~ r~.t.a,c.G6 ~ D, 3 7 G(rS . ~az~ c~ A ~t c~A2~ ~ L. = Qy k 6S L= 0,3~ x.Gs~ ~~•o~ ST E t ~ S ~P~ [J!~ Tc.Jo L.~UEc. SP/~A~i~.s /~ f t.~~"f. 03/13/2007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 10 ArL~rtc+^~6 ~ ~ ups ~~u PEAK FLOW (cfs) TIME-TO-PEAK (min) TIME INCREMENT (min) POND INVERT ~ ,'i~;~;°; "r~~';~;': ;~- WET STAGE (ft) WET STORAGE c /IEgI~ 03/13/2007 09:44 919-467-5327 DIEHL & PHILLIPS PAGE 11 ~E7%n1i',~ QQWs/ /'-b. 9 iTAGESTORAGE RELATIONSHIP: S ~ K'Y^b :,.,~:- OUTSET ORIFICE #1; (HORIZONTAL- RISER) ELEVATION = ~Y::~-::;.V~:.•:=,,,~ (ft) OIAMETER = ,~;~~41` ~~~~` (ft} WEIR COEFFICIENT = ~~=~~i~.~.`.-.-i"'`'=~'~ 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = :!~_;x=l'~.~~~ ~0.6 )UTLE ORIFICE #2: (HORIZONTAL- RISI=R) ELEVATION = t' ,'`~'•`_,~~"z~'ai~ (ft) DIAMETER = ~+arl~" - (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT =, ry~,,,F._:1_, _ K~~. 3.0 QRIFICE COEFFICIENT = = ~;~,~~.. ' ~~~ D.6 OUTLET WEIR #3: ELEVATION = -'~~~~•~~'"I~~ (ft) :~ ~. LENGTH = ~,:.,,.; ft -"' ~ ( ) WEIR COEFFICIENT = `~'"-''i ; ~~ 3,0 ,.r,,,,::.. )~TLET WEIR #4: ELEVATION = -~ ~~`~` ~ ~~ (ft) LENGTH = ;-5~ _~.~:'"; (ft) WEIR COEFFlCIENT = .z `°~;; 3.0 OUTLET WEIR #5: ELEVATION = ~'~`~ :: (ft) LENGTH = ~~;~,:~ .::~;II::~ (ft) WEIR COEFFICIENT = ~-.~~:. ;t:~-;~ 3.0 QUTLET ORIFICE #6: (VERTICAL- BARREL) ~ ~;~~~':...,='~~,~` # PIPES INVERT ELEVATION = ~_~~~~°~a: (ft) pIAMETER = k~:::~x ~ ``"~`~" WEIR COEFFICIENT = :'=° _„~!' 3.0 ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = ~,~~!' ~'~'~~ 0,6 OUTLET ORIFIGE #7: (VERTICAL- BARREL) ei'-'~~=:i '~`~~~ # PIPES ~. r ~ INVERT ELEVATION = ~ u '~`~ " ¢..,.-. (fi:) DIAMETER = ~!!r~;:; :. ft WEIR COEFFICIENT = „ -~~r; ~.:~_ -~_~;;~ C ~ L 3A ORIFICE COEFFICIENT = r~: ~~K=~; ~,_.. 0.6 II~ ~~-1~="`I-fy DCOX PLACE !i ~ ;i (, l i i ' --___ ~_.___. _..J'I.I ~.I~ `I `11'I 3~~!'~I Y ~ (5 Q~3 " 2666-6sti (sis). • '~'N 'aav~ DN 'HJI~'IV2I ® ~ sxa~NloNa oNlzznsNOO ~tR® SQOOM NO.LONIY~i2IF~,3 ~~~= 'f/'d SdI~~IHd ~8 ~H31a Ya ~~~ 9 n~ CV . ~ ~ nn ~/ Q 3~ I ~ U ~ (~y[~ Y i Z ~ 11 ~ ~~ z _ ,,` ~ ~..~ i I w In ~ o K ~ Oo w ~ ~ _ ,' -_.a I ~~~~ ~N ogo Z v I I %i~ i I aw~1 K ~I l I a w c7 ws°'w VI z~rva W o ~ u Z o I I ~ I ! jl it i i i F O '~ 11 ~~~ z o~gRrz ~r. ~\ ~• ~`\ 1 __ 11 I - _II\ ;;~ ~; t II.,; ,.;~;; h Y'll' I ~ il~j I ~ IIII I N I I.; I ~il ~i 1, V7 ,I i; r'~j U i ; ~~ ! I ` Z i %I .IM-,r~. I ~~i~ i;i O I! 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