HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020598 Ver 2_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20090710Clear Creek Monitoring Report Year 5 of 5 (2008) Henderson County, North Carolina USGS HUC: 06010105 Project ID No. 92 Prepared for: NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 ?r+cd C) 9 May 2009 Executive Summary The Clear Creek Stream Restoration project falls within USGS hydrologic unit 06010105. The project lies within a rural setting that includes pasture, farmland, and low density residential areas. Prior to restoration work, the project stream had been destabilized though channelization and hoof-shear. EcoLogic Associates designed the restoration plans and restoration was completed in 2002. Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA) performed stream and riparian monitoring during 2008 for this year 5 monitoring report. During the late growing season, KHA assessed four (4) vegetation quads. Combined stem count density for all the quads equaled approximately 400 stems per acre for planted stems: exceeding year 5 success criteria. A small area of Kudzu remains near the downstream section of the stream. This area has not expanded since 2006. Isolated areas of invasive species such as Russian Olive are also present. The stream assessment that included a visual assessment and geomorphic survey indicated that the project reach was performing mostly within established success criteria ranges. Most of the project reach continues to be stable. The geomorphic measurements are within the ranges of the design parameters. Clear Creek (92) May 2009 -Year 5 of 5 '! arA MmdaM, ine. Table of Contents 1.0 Project Background .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Location and Setting ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives ........................................ 1 1.3 Project History and Background ...................................................................................... 3 1.4 Monitoring Plan View ...................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Project Conditions and Monitoring Results ......................................................................... 5 2.1 Vegetation Assessment .................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Stream Assessment ........................................................................................................... 6 3.0 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 6 Figures Figure 1: Project Setting ................................................... Figure 2: Current Conditions Plan View .......................... Project Tables .................................................... 2 .................................................... 4 Table I: Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Table Table 11: Project Activity and Reporting History Table III: Project Contact Table Table IV: Project Background Table Table V: Verification of Bankfull Events Table VI: Categorical Stream Features Visual Stability Assessment Table VII: Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Table VIII: Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Appendices Appendix A: Vegetation Monitoring Data Appendix B: Stream Monitoring Data Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 ii ??? 1.0 Project Background 1.1 Location and Setting The Clear Creek stream restoration project is located between I-26 and Clear Creek Road in Henderson County, NC. The site, a fourth order tributary to Mud Creek in the French Broad River Basin, is located in a relatively low slope mountain valley. Figure 1 shows the project vicinity and mitigation features. 1.2 Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives Prior to restoration, a majority of the reach's stream banks were nearly vertical and exposed, with minimal vegetative cover. As a result, the banks were actively eroding, subsequently slumping and promoting lateral channel migration and meander creation. The degraded channel was classified as an "F" type channel under the Rosgen Stream Classification System. Some sections of channel were incised and had limited access to their historic flood plain during large flood flows, but not during bankfull events that typically occur as a result of the 1.5 to 2 year storm event. The project included 1,300 linear feet of stream restoration. Project Table I shows a summary of the project structure and objectives. ClearCreek (92) May 2009 -Year 5 of 5 1 oR n ? aM Ataodatin, fnc.. 1.3 Project History and Background Construction of the Clear Creek Stream Restoration began in early 2002 with construction ending in the fall of 2002. The As-built survey was completed in early 2003. 2008 served as Year 5 of monitoring. Project Table II provides additional details regarding the timeline of the project. The project was designed by EcoLogic Associates. The construction contractor is unknown. KHA performed monitoring work for Year 5. Project Table III provides additional information regarding contractors. The project is located within Henderson County, portions of which are located within the Blue Ridge Belt of the Mountains of North Carolina. The site is located within a moderately rural area. Project Table IV provides additional information regarding the stream. 1.4 Monitoring Plan View The monitoring plan assesses the project stream's geomorphology using a set of three (3) cross sections located throughout the project reach. The longitudinal profile and pattern assessment covered the entire reach. Twenty-nine (29) permanent photo points had been used to provide for a visual comparison of key site features through time. During 2007, KHA modified the number and location of the photo points to reduce redundancies and streamline comparison points. The monitoring plan uses four (4) randomly placed vegetation quads to assess riparian buffer restoration. KHA performed channel material sampling at each cross section. Figure 2 shows the locations of the monitoring features. Clear Creek (92) May 2009 -Year 5 of 5 3 ???. i and Axaciales,6m. s 0 ¦ J? is ?N OL 2.0 Project Conditions and Monitoring Results 2.1 Vegetation Assessment The Clear Creek site consists of two vegetative zones: riparian buffer and stream banks. The riparian buffer zone begins at the top of the bank and continues out perpendicular from the stream. The planted stream bank begins at the normal base flow elevation and extends to the top of bank or interface with the flood plain. Success criteria require 260 live stems per acre within the restoration area during year 5 of a 5-year monitoring period. The kudzu (Pueraria montana) population reported during the MY2 2005 monitoring report remains on site. The population falls within an isolated area near Clear Creek Road and does not appear be spreading. A small riparian area upstream of the kudzu population along the right bank does not appear to be thriving. Vegetation growth in this area is more scattered and less vigorous than the rest of the site. Russian olive (Elaegnus pungens) grows in isolated populations (3-4 specimens) throughout the site. The larger populations are shown on Figure 2. Appendix A provides representative photos of problem areas and sampling areas. Figure 2 shows the problem areas. KHA conducted a vegetation assessment during the early fall of 2008. Appendix A summarizes the results of the vegetation sample. Three (3) of the four (4) plots met success criteria for planted stem counts. Plot 3 contains less planted stems than required, but total stems including volunteers exceed success criteria. The plot summary also shows that in the plots on the left side of the stream, river birch (Betula nigra) is rapidly colonizing. 2.2 Stream Assessment Events in 2004 and 2005 generated several isolated instances of bank scour, which have advanced little over the monitoring period. The percentage of bank exhibiting scour has maintained levels between 8% and 10% since that time, with little advancement. In between the large storms related to the remnant hurricanes of 2004, the bank was hardened near the old channel plug at the top of the project. The flow vectors coming into the project under the I-26 bridge led to concerns after the first event that the forecasted, second event might re-enter or avulse into the abandoned channel on stream left. This hardening is observable in photos PSI. As per EEP, it was always intended to re-grade and replant that area once additional observation provided confidence that the vectors and conditions would not lead to an avulsion. This was carried out in winter of 2008/2009 and while equipment was already on site, another area between station 9+00 and 10+00 on stream right was repaired as well. This area did not seem to completely arrest its advancement as with the other areas of bank scour. This included resloping, root wrap installation, and plantings. Three structures designed to provide bank protection exhibited some loss of structural integrity or did not provide complete bank protection as intended. These conditions did not noticeably advance after their initial onset. EEP installed a crest gage near permanent cross section XS-2. During the October field visit, the gage indicated that bankfull events had occurred since the last reading. A listing of bankfull events based on the estimated bankfull discharge from a proximate USGS gauge and on-site crest gauge is provided in Project Table V. Project Table VI provides a categorical view of the stream visual stability assessment. The visual assessment shows maintenance of stability related to bank condition. Riffles, thalweg, meanders have maintained or improved function compared to the previous year. The initial stresses and functional losses experienced by a few structures did not change in any significant way over the monitoring period. Meander instability relates to floodplain relief and point bar slope. The meanders do not exhibit classic, well developed point bars of C channels. The project's dimension represents an E/C channel and exhibits steep inner meanders, which can represent pressure on the outer meander. Some meanders have exhibited modest, slow, lateral migration, but this appears to be at a sustainable rate such that the inner meander builds at a complementary modest rate. The area between station 900 and 1000 appears to have been the most pronounced and was addressed as part of the aforementioned remediation. The thalweg appears to be actively shifting and mobile. In opposition to 2007, the alignment of the thalweg appeared to be more appropriate. In some locations multiple thalweg lines were present within a section of channel. The riffles appeared to be short and this may be related to the shifting thalweg. Table B2 in Appendix B provides a breakdown of the visual assessment. Project Tables VII and VIII summarize the sites geomorphic assessment. The longitudinal profile utilizes bankfull measurements based on observations in the field. Bankfull indicators for cross sections align with the previous years' data to allow direct comparison. In the past, the field investigators had difficulty identifying and/or isolating cross section benchmarks in the field; therefore, some of the cross sections had a slightly different alignment than the previous years' cross sections. The difference in alignment negates a very fine comparison between years for a cross section but does allow for the identification of significant changes in cross section. The cross sections did not show a significant change in the shape compared to last year. Appendix B provides photographs and graphing for geomorphic data. 3.0 Methodology Monitoring methods for 2008 were similar to those used during the 2007 effort. PROJECT TABLES Table I. Project Restoration Components Clear Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #92) Project Segment Stationing Comment or Reach ID Main 1,300 R PI 1,300 if 1:1 1,300 0+00.0 - 13+00.0 Mitigation Unit Summaries Stream (If) Riparian Non-Riparian Total Wetland Buffer (Ac.) Comment Wetland Wetland Ac. Ac. 1,300 0.0 5 0.0 R = Restoration P1 = Priority I EI = Enhancement P2 = Priority II Ell = Enhancement P3 =Priority III S = Stabilization SS = Stream Bank stabilization Clear Creek (92) May 2009 Year 5 of 5? Klmley-Horn i and Associates, Inc. Table H. Project Activity and Reporting History Clear Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #92) Scheduled Data Actual Activity or Report Collection Completion Comments Completion Complete or Deliver Restoration Plan December-01 March-02 Final Design - 90% Construction Fall 2002 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire roiect area Permanent seed mix applied Containerized and B&B plantings for reach/se ments 1&2 Mitigation Plan / As- built (Year 0 October-02 Monitorin - Year 1 Monitoring December-04 Year 2 Monitoring December-05 November-05 December-05 Performed by Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA Year 3 Monitoring December-06 November-06 January-07 Per orm by Kimley - Horn and Associates, Inc. Year 4 Monitoring December-07 Novermber-07 February-08 Performed by Kimley - Horn and Associates, Inc. Year 5 Monitoring December-08 October-08 Performed by Kimley - Horn and Associates, Inc. Clear Creek (92) May 2009 Year 5 of 5 Kimfey-Hom '? IF I _ and Associates, Inc. Table III. Project Contact Table Clear Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #92) Designer EcoLogic Associates Greensboro, NC Primary Designer POC Construction Contractor Primary Contractor POC Planting Contractor Planting contractor POC Seeding Contractor Planting contractor POC Seed Mix Sources Nursery Stock Suppliers Monitoring Performers PO Box 33068 Raleigh, NC Stream Monitoring POC Daren Pait, P.E. (919) 678-4155 Vegetation Monitoring POC Daren Pait, P.E. (919) 678-4155 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 Year 5 of 5 KlmleyHom and Associates, Inc. Table IV. Project Background Table Clear Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #92) Project County Henderson Drainage Area 44 mi' Drainage impervious cover estimate (%) 20% Stream Order 4m Physiographic Region Mountains Ecoregion Blue Ridge Belt Rosgen Classification of As-built C4 Cowardin Classification N/A Dominant soil types Codorus Reference site ID N/A USGS HUC for Project and Reference 06010105 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 04-03-02 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A of project easement fenced 0% Clear Creek (92) May 2009 Year 5 of 5 C:-FJ Kmiey-Horn ® and Associates, Inc. Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events Clear Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #92) Date of Data Date of Occurrence Method Photo # 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 Proximal USGS Gauge (ID#03446000) 9/8/2004 9/8/2004 Proximal USGS Gauge (ID#03446000) 10/13/2008 10/13/2008 Crest Gauge Clear Creek (92) May 2009 Year 5 of 5 C:-Fj Klmley-Hom r and Associates, Inc. Table VI. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Clear Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #92) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles -- - 90% 80% 80% 80% B. Pools - -- 100% 100% 100% 75% C. Thalweg -- -- 100% 50% 50% 71% 5. Meanders -- -- 100% 75% 75% 94% E. Bed General -- -- 100% 100% 100% 100% F. Bank Condition -- -- 98% 93% 90% 90% G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. -- -- 85% 75% 75% 66% H. Wads and Boulders -- -- 63% 65% 65% 85% Clear Creek (92) May 2009 Year 5 of 5 IM KlmieyHom ® and Associates, Inc. oE *? Y can I C3 c w E V = J5 E? ?C co APPENDIX A VEGETATION MONITORING DATA ci c N O O U a) a ?- CU v c Cl) a> co o ? ?co a? Q Y cz U C _U L -? a> Q _C Y Cz C 11 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 Cmn Clear Creek (92) May 2009 -Year 5 of 5 Con Ko"? wd AssomalK krG Clew Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 Con KI*Am p Clew Creek (92) May 2009 -Year 5 of 5 C=n ruld, Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Yew 5 of 5 Con .iaaeooNn,?w y?d? ?`. 1 ? ? } 1 ?r I A iy ??-. {, 34 3 l 11 S.F '. r .3 .:.5 s1-, ,.?FjSt ? < „? v-K3 mac,}1?,?s?r:" rr ? },. rl ?,. ? .-?1?}Si$',?1?' VQ3: Vegetation Quad 3 Taken: 10/ 11/2007 .,ice M 1 4 IA ' f ? 1 VQ3: Vegetation Quad 3 Taken: 10/13/2008 Clear Creek(92)May2009-Year5of5 G_n Awlye ?. r?? >. V +? 7 9 , wi, ??.'? ?` ".•J?, J Y K? ?? t i dt?6 a1 ``,.5? -:\ ?T? ti ? ? 4F ?', .nr. •w {_? t I { 1{? iy? ?j" -4 ?! Lr T Fba r 1 p -* e? .v'{ ?1 t VQ4: Vegetation Quad 4 Taken: 2005 N? -197 i ?. VQ4: Vegetation Quad 4 Taken: 10/05/2006 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 -Year 5 of 5 r: m / , .iatiieoaua,?c Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 ?yK^? 4 .1 f ?n,t VP1: Stand of Russian Olive. Typical of stands scattered through site. Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 Con ft APPENDIX B STREAM MONITORING DATA Table I. Stream Problem Areas Clear Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project 692) Feature Issue Reach Station .umbers Description Suspected Cause Photo number 2008 AggradadoNBar Formation 600 - 690 Bank Slumpi Bank Scour Excessive shear stress SP I Bank scour 715 - 780 Bank Scour Back eddy from upstream in-stresm stabilization SP2 w)0-I,()0O Bank Scour Excessive shear stress SP3 545 Sruci c collapse Excessive shear stress Engineered structures 690 Excessive Am Scour Back eddy due to improper gwnwty -backs--scour 990 Structure Collapse Excessive shear stress Etc 600 - 650 Routwad Scour Excessive shear stress 940 - 980 Rootwud Scour Excessive shear stress 2007 AggradationfBar Formation 100- 150 Bank Scour Excessive shear stress 200 - 240 Bald: Scour Excessive shear stress 410 - 430 Bank Scour Excessive shear stress Bank scour 710. 750 Bank Slump/ Bank Scour Back eddy from upstream in-stream stabilization 780- 810 Bank Scour Excessive shear stress 940 - 980 Bank Scour Excessive shear stress 1,020 - 1,050 Bank Scour Excessive shear stress 100-150 Partial Strucutre Collapse F-,ive shear stress d t E i 545 Srucnre Collapse Excessive shear stress neere ructures ng s - backor arm scour 690 Excessive Ann Scour Back eddy due to improper geometry Etc. 810 Missing header rock Excessive shear stress 600 - 650 Ranwad Scour Excessive shear stress 940- 980 Ruutwad Scour Excessive shear stress 2006 Aggradabon/Bar Formation 100- 150 Bank Scour Eccesivc shear stress 200- 240 Bank Scour Excessive shear stress Bank scour 710. 750 Bank Slump/ Bank Scour Back eddy from upstream in-stream stabilization 780 - 810 Bank Scour Excessive shear it., 1,020 - 1,050 Bank Scour Excessive shear stress 100- 150 Partial Strucure Collapse Excessive shear ,stress 545 Structure Collapse Excessive shear stress Engineered structures 690 Excessive Ann Scour Back eddy due to improper geomerty, - back or m scour Eter 810 Musing header rock Excessive shear sues 600 - 650 Root wad Scour Excessive shear stress 940 - 980 Rootwad Scour Excessive shear stress 2005 121 - 166 Scour at am of erossvane Bank Scour 212 -229 Scour at arm of...... - 975 - 1,007 Root wad, on outside bend, c-.secssive .in Stressed or Failing 1,068 - 1,092 Root wads on outside bend (near crossvanc). excessive Structures 975 - 1,007 Root wads on outside hend excessive 1,068 - 10)2 Root warl on outside bend (near crs-o<)5 excessive scour Clear Creek (92) May 2009 Year 5 of 5 ®FJ KimieyHorn and Associates, Inc. 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" i?. t fhb •? i 7 f, ?.. ++Aa z "• 'ham ,.- ?•.-liC--??\_` ?a .' 40 SP2: Eroding bank with undercut rootwads Taken 10/13/2008 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 o rd /,YOC/lp, YR Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 ol5 CMn wWApocy^W T?tllI 4 a4 w? ? re ? rr 6: ?' t ?r w t ? l r r V r r1?r t -r ft? °E 3 xt x?i>? j I N I I '.ait3 ?r?' ?t q y, s.????it ?' , 'Ri) rA yr r 1? )1? j<? t d[h t"r r? ( ?6 t ?rti? ei. x L r +) tai !..I it ,:.r a?{w Ax f 3 p `?l?, i.4Y9ft r4ti r. t?i \? t'x ?' 1.,,`; 1?? t itt c' 1Akr ?i s I ? i` , .c it 1 ( h 4? r qq A ?1?r,?d yrlwr?,. !? ? ?' ie t 1•??c ?r 3?5 ?S 4 °3 ??ts$ std ?? k 1 a i xis I A! r? ??` i ;r'>?1 ? 1??y? ,rv ? tj?'ii??'?\?? ? "??? is ` ''1 ?•;? ? ?u '; i'?4?? . u ?'? ??;;?`? '? '?:'?!??i Permanent Photo PS09 Taken: 2007 ?- 777 TIM, ? rr. - Permanent Photo PS09 Taken: 10/13/2008 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 C. ad IoMWW, Ye ?? '.• t!' t? { ?t?iy 7tk ?. ar'4k• 7°., ?t `j°b,'yrq'C' 3.. ?. '$ 4 ' leg- Permanent Photo PS09 Taken: 2005 Permanent Photo PS09 Taken: 2006 Clear Cmk (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 G=^ t A ,. Ja' F A` r ? t r i{ ' y !c. s Il? tt 2?-1 at' ? .. Permanent Photo PS08 Taken: 2007 k041 r Y .? u?.Ssi`Y.f ? Permanent Photo PS08 Taken: 10/13/2008 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 u stl Meoordp, YR, Clem Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 Em n h110d?1µ, YIC, 14, ,z t• a - Permanent Photo PS06 Taken: 2007 Y I ,a ?o 1 ? b'M,a, f4? ? v ,L ! 'yy t 7?•? ? :IA. ?a ,gyp 1 ?. S ?"?,. ? ?a f 4 ' `ice ?tL{i • l? ?' ql ? ? 4 ,,yyy? ` f • x t AL ' E '•' iF- ?. Permanent Photo PS06 Taken: 10/13/2008 Clew Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 u ed Afeowta.YC. h r F - 1. Y4?. ? ? lX7?d?i . N Permanent Photo PS05 Taken: 10/13/2008 ClearCreek(92)May2009-Yeu5of5 Con Kml,? and Ama K ft Permanent Photo PS04 Taken: 2007 3 ? - ._ .. +.... -AM III Permanent Photo PS04 Taken: 10/13/2008 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 C_/ \ !M?Y+lomA110d?W, ? kiG. Clew Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 Con MAM"Olsft Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 Con s*W"Am*Ho-molKkx Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 G=^ Y AV. f: ; c' • ' •,?/ rr ??r 1Y.5, i l ,- t ".1 'V?? Y? 1'` r ? 1, Permanent Photo PS02 Taken: 2005 Permanent Photo PS02 Taken: 2006 Clear Creek (92) May 2009 -Year 5 of 5 m and Awalp, YC. Clear Creek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 CoI1 andAMOWW,YiC. 'Alp s d. k r ? -1 Y tiR 1 `f ,+' ` •. 4 J 1 F/.?:'_yTa , i._." ??` h,"rT, y.° 71 Permanent Photo PSO1 Taken: 2005 -Ar Permanent Photo PSO1 Taken: 2006 Clear Cseek (92) May 2009 - Year 5 of 5 Cam/ , 8rd/?107?W,tiC