HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020409 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 4_20090521• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6??6 q0 9 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Stream Restoration Monitoring Report EEP Project # 205 Monitoring Year - 04 2008 Submitted to: 0 stem -,If,, I I'll) I I(I'l t PROGRAM NC EEP. 165? f?9aII Scl\'1CC ('cntci, Ralchdi. N('276Q9- 1652 March 2009 MAY 9 ' 200 U Monitoring Firm KCI ASSOCIATES OF NC Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Project Contact: Adam Spiller Email: aspiller(a?kci.com Design Firm Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ..........................................................................................1 1.1 Project Objectives .........................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach ......................................................1 1.3 Location and Setting .....................................................................................................1 1.4 Project History and Background ...................................................................................1 1.5 Monitoring Plan View ...................................................................................................5 2.0 PROJECT CONDITIONS AND MONITORING RESULTS ....................................6 2.1 Vegetation Assessment .................................................................................................6 2.2. Stream Assessment .......................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Bankfull Event and Stability Assessment .............................................................7 2.2.2 Stability Assessment Table ...................................................................................8 2.2.3 Quantitative Measures Summary Tables ..............................................................9 3.0 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................14 4.0 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................14 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Project Restoration Components ..........................................................................1 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History ...............................................................3 Table 3. Project Contact Table ...........................................................................................3 Table 4. Project Background Table ....................................................................................4 Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events ...........................................................................7 Table 6. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates .................................................................7 Table 7. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment ....................................8 Table 8. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary ..................................................9 Table 9. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ..............................................11 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................2 Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View ..........................................................................................5 APPENDIX A - VEGETATION DATA Al. Vegetation Data Tables ....................................................................................................16 A2. Representative Vegetation Problem Area Photos ............................................................18 A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos .................................................................................21 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) EEP Project # 205 KCI Associates of North Carolina Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final APPENDIX B - GEOMORPHOLOGIC DATA 131. Representative Stream Problem Area Photos ..................................................................25 132. Stream Photo Stations ......................................................................................................28 133. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Table ................................................................34 B4. Cross-Section Plots ..........................................................................................................35 135. Longitudinal Plots ............................................................................................................40 136. Pebble Count Plots ...........................................................................................................42 APPENDIX C - CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW C1. Current Conditions Plan View .........................................................................................48 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KC! Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final - • • • • • • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i The North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program identified Bushy Branch in Kentwood Park as • a restoration project in 2000. The watershed of approximately 1.4 square miles is located within the USGS 14-digit HUC 03020201090010 and the NCDWQ Sub-basin 03-04-02 of the Neuse • River Basin. The project restored approximately 1,400 linear feet of channel, 1,070 feet on Bushy • Branch and 350 feet on an unnamed tributary to Bushy Branch (UT to Bushy Branch). The restoration was designed to correct various problems with the existing stream corridor including • unstable channel configuration, poor water quality, minimal bed features, exotic and invasive i vegetation, and poor stream and riparian habitat. The restoration plan was completed in 2002 and • called for correcting these problems by stabilizing stream banks, installing in-stream structures, adjusting stream planform, and replanting the riparian areas with native vegetation. Project • construction occurred in 2002. This report describes the findings of the fourth year of monitoring • that took place in 2008. • The restoration plan called for the removal of all existing problem vegetation along the stream • banks and within the riparian buffer. The as-built survey found the original planting of native vegetation to be unsuccessful. To correct the initial failure, a remedial vegetation plan was • designed and implemented in 2004. Remedial vegetation was planted at a density of 4,840 stems • per acre in the streamside community and 680 stems per acre in the bottomland hardwood community. The vegetation monitoring plots were established during the as-built survey. Three • plots were surveyed and the corners marked with metal conduit for future monitoring. The fourth • year of monitoring calculated an average of 1,840 planted stems per acre in the streamside community based on plots 1 and 2 and 1,240 stems per acre in the bottomland hardwood • community based on plot 3. The use of the park's disc golf course continues to have a detrimental • effect on the vegetation of UT to Bushy Branch and on the west bank of the upper 250 feet of Bushy Branch. The damage to the vegetation primarily consists of bare banks and plants being • trampled due to foot traffic from disc golf players retrieving discs from the stream area. Some • damage is due to direct impact of the flying discs on the planted vegetation. Microstegium (Microstegium vimineum) and kudzu (Pueraria montana) are prominent invasive plants that are • present throughout the site. The kudzu has spread throughout the lower end of the stream and • should be controlled as soon as possible. The fourth year monitoring found the vegetation component of the project, excluding these invasive populations, to be on track to meeting success • criteria. • The stream assessment completed during the fourth year of monitoring found Bushy Branch to be • functioning as designed. Channel dimensions based on repeat cross-sections have not changed • significantly over the monitoring period. There was some localized bank erosion at one point or another during the monitoring period totaling 8% of the projects bank footage, but the majority of • these localized, independent instances of bank erosion did not demonstrate advancement over the • monitoring period. UT to Bushy Branch shows areas of bed degradation with the most significant problem being the fallen header stone near Station 02+20 that has begun to headcut further • upstream, stressing the upstream rock sill. There has also been an increase in pedestrian - footpaths along UT to Bushy Branch, creating more surface area devoid of vegetation and increasing rill erosion along these paths. Many of the in-stream structures are functioning across i the project site, though several are experiencing stress evidenced by localized erosion on cross • vane arms. • • • • Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KC[ Associates of North Carolina • EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final • • 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Project Objectives • Installation of in-stream structures to define additional bed features. • Relocate a section of the stream in order to restore stream pattern. • Grade severely eroding banks and excavate new bankfull benches. • Install root wads to promote bank stability. • Revegetate the adjacent banks to promote the establishment of native plant communities. 1.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach A previously incised channel, Bushy Branch, and an unnamed tributary were restored using channel dimension, pattern, and profile modifications and the establishment of a vegetated riparian zone adjacent to the stream. Channel profile is maintained through the use of rock cross vanes. A new channel pattern was constructed through the use of single vanes, root wads, and vegetation along the channel banks. Due to heavy site use and low planting success, a corrective vegetation and stream maintenance plan was implemented since initial project completion. 1.3 Location and Setting Bushy Branch and its unnamed tributary are located in Kentwood Recreational Park within the city limits of Raleigh, North Carolina. The 1.4-square mile watershed has a park setting surrounded by urban residential development with little potential for future development. 1.4 Project History and Background Table 1. Project Restoration Components Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) pp FT I U ? ? y ?' °? sue, Se ment /Reach ID , , W ,a E Q Stationing Comment Bush Branch N/A R Pl/2/3 1,070 10+00 - 20+70 UT to Bush Branch N/A EII P3 350 00+00 - 03+50 - _-??•?_? _?_ r 1/1-/J - k.uuiomaoon or rnonry i, z, ana s Ell = Enhancement II P3 = Priority 3 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 1 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final DIRECTIONS TO KENTWOOD PARK SITE: From Interstate 440 take exit 2A to Western Boulevard. From Western Boulevard, turn right (south) onto Kent Street. At a traffic light at the end of Kent Street, turn right (west) onto Kaplan Drive. Kentwood Park parking will be on the left (south) side of Kaplan Drive. 0 Western Blvd. Project Location Figure I. Site Vicinity Map Kentwood Park Wake Count EEP Project # 205 c? N •_••_ L c t1 em 0.25 0.125 0.25 0.5 11, E ,Ffp M,les + S K C I ASSOCIATES OF IBC • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Data Collection Actual Completion Activity or Report Complete or Deliver Restoration Plan A r-00 Mar-02 Final Design - 90% Construction 2002 Stream Maintenance Plan Feb-04 Stream Repair and Maintenance Seeding 2004 As-Built Report Feb-05 Year 1 Monitoring Jul-05 Jan-06 Year 2 Monitoring Jun-06 Jan-07 Year 3 Monitoring Nov-07 Jan-08 Year 4 Monitoring Oct-08 Jan-09 Table 3. Project Contact Table Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Design Firm Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. 2301 Rexwoods Dr., Suite 102 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Contact: Mr. William Scott Hunt, III Phone: (919) 782-5511 Fax: 919 782-5905 Construction Contractor Shamrock Environmental Group 6106 Corporate Park Dr. Brown Summit, North Carolina 27214 Contact: Mr. Bill Wright Phone: (336) 375-1989 Fax: 336 375-1801 Vegetation Design Firm EcoScience Corporation (2004 Vegetation and Stream 1101 Haynes St., Suite 101 Maintenance Plan) Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Contact: Mr. Jens Geratz Phone: (919) 828-3433 Fax: 919 828-3518 Supplemental Vegetation and Seal Brothers Structure Repair Contractor P.O. Box 86 Dobson, North Carolina 27017 Contact: Mr. Brian Seal Phone: 336 710-3560 Monitoring Performer KCI Associates of NC MY-01, 02, 03, 04 Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: 919 783-9266 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 3 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Table 4. Project Background Table Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Project County Wake County Draina e Area 1.4 s q. mi. (Bush Branch) g 0.06 s q. mi. (UT to Bush Branch) Drainage Impervious Cover Estimate 45% Stream Order Second Order (Bushy Branch) First Order (UT to Bushy Branch) Ph sio a hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Northern Outer Piedmont Rosgen Classification of As-built C4B4 Dominant S il T Wehadkee and Bibb Soils (Bushy Branch) o ypes Wehadkee and Bibb Soils ( UT to Bush Branch) R f r Sit ID UT to Lake Wheeler e e ence e UT to Mine Creek 03020201090010(Bushy Branch) USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03020201110010 (UT to Lake Wheeler) 03020201080020 (UT to Mine Creek) 03-04-02 (Bush Branch) NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-04-02 (UT to Lake Wheeler) 03-04-02 (UT to Mine Creek) C - NSW (Bush Branch NCDWQ Classification for Project and Reference N/A (UT to Lake Wheeler) N/A (UT to Mine Creek) Any portion of the project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of the project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? N/A Reasons for 303d Listing or Stressor N/A % of Project Easement Fenced 0% Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 4 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final SNOISIA38 ' a?aurr aara xaisun3a •wis ?? `?' ?' 6091Z VNI108VO H1HON HO131VH OVOH SMHOd xlslo9v LLIaj SYI tiOAW - 50Z b39vm m z S1SI1N310S S83NNtlld S833N10N3 103robd d33 ' Q ? z ., A JO S31VOOSSV VNIlObdO H1bON A1NnOO 3AVM w ~ g ? I?x (HONVbS AHsna) NbVd QOOM1N3>1 a w (7-N 00 - - Z m O 00 t- N woo OO O? <WW 00 -? W V V 00 0 Lo N IT 0)(3) Lc) - U) L0 Co V. M 000 ? L 01-TOM NN-M OITMW co CM co Il- IT 0 M 0 fl- f- 0 ? M(000? co NU) ON 00 NOON (000000 O?mM 0000000 a--N -- MMMCM IT vv14, U) O00 0 00Lo 2 LLI U) W Z }? ZOO Of- 0Lo (OO Nt0 0000 o f(O NMo00 U) a' m q q O(O ?N ((J? 00? ?MOO(O ?h1?00 ODOOMIq WD F-000 000 ,-M OM - ?- V M N 0M CD 0- N F-(A WNO 00 V- NN 0- moon -N m -0 Zz Zvv ov vv vv vv Cvvv vVO'vv vOVvv d' iR F- 0 0 Z W m W m W m W m W m w co 22 X Q" # 4t U Cl) H N Z Z Z Z Z O O O O O a a Z' W W W W W O O O V) U) U) C0 U) Q Q a U) m m co (1) O O O O O W W w C7 (7 (!) U U U U U > > > _0 U) O U L l z \ cr) Z O U O U) W m a o U) z U) o a: 11 W Q U F- F O O ! i• N U 2 Z U ' ••••• i '•. Z .• O i' .• U ? c+si 1 • Z Y ? I / O O Q = a \ .: U i O -' • i. J • f i. 0 O * ?- 2 0 • a + r .• o ox .. OOxF ?: (V ! z U) V) W O U) w W O Z Z U W U :l m (n .•. F- Cl) z is O V) O y O U V U w O J a N O F- 0 V) <z " U! N O J oo= \ 2 WpWN(0 O ~ J_ a J U) R' W N W 4 OU U U U a ?. 3.. 'n Z w U O> J W ?+ ... a y z m it U y z U O y > W w U y oo ' 0 U) m 0 tr O c4 W a z LL U O ?'•. 0 O 0 w J 0 Z O w j O Z U) a O0 a U _ a of Q a w °w F- 0 z LL CL = j a O Z (n 0 !n O O W U U Q W U) U) 0 O Z X U cn W U It) z O a U O 0 O 2 EL oo+ Y 1Q 2 Y ? O O 2 J J_ N Y U O x W Z U N O U •f W J Z O U w 0 N o c') j z a w c z it i wz O U •-•y OU+OL j (7 Z O . Q U U O Y O O ~ 2 O 2 IL Cl) H O J a z O N W n Q m m W ? LL Z w a u m N Y O O 2 i Z w Ur J Y Z o z 0 m 0 p a z H•: -1 C) CD Q m LL O J z co w O W O H O0 U J_ J_ CL U w W O H J 5 J_ :5 _J S (b a a w U w > z a ch (b (b Q M = Q D0 ?0 C/)0 J J Z 5- m? J QQ (n Z W - QLD U0 z ? O ZO? zr r&I rrray ? rrr? !•••••••••••••••••••••••••i••••••••••••••i• 2.0 PROJECT CONDITIONS AND MONITORING RESULTS - 2.1 Vegetation Assessment - After the supplemental planting that took place in 2004, three vegetation monitoring plots were set up. Plots 1 and 2 were set up directly adjacent to the stream to monitor the plants in the streamside vegetative community. In monitoring year 04, a density of 1,840 stems/acre was calculated from these plots. Plot 3 was set up to monitor the bottomland hardwood vegetative community and calculated a density of 1,240 stems/acre in monitoring year 04. Overall, the planted vegetation has exhibited good survivability. Most of the vegetative problem areas - associated with this site are caused by the project's park setting. With a disc golf course adjacent to the top half of the project, there is heavy foot traffic along the right bank of Bushy Branch from 10+00 to 12+75 and on both sides of UT to Bushy Branch. This foot traffic and the highly - compacted soils have prevented vegetation from growing on the right bank of Bushy Branch from the beginning of the project until the confluence with the tributary. Along UT to Bushy Branch there are many foot paths crossing the easement and there is little vegetation on the terrace - surrounding the stream. These areas appear to also have been mowed along with the rest of the park. Towards the end of this summer, a few signs demarcating the easement boundary were installed, which should prevent these areas from being mowed in the future. - There are many invasive exotic species present throughout the Kentwood Park conservation easement. The most prevalent species include English ivy (Hedera helix), microstegium - (Microstegium vimineum), mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), kudzu (Pueraria montana), Japanese • hops (Humulus japonicus) and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). In addition to these species, Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), and elaeagnus - (Elaeagnus pungens) have also been observed in the riparian buffer. Due to the urban location of - the park, there are many sources of invasive species close to the project and complete eradication of these plants is unlikely. Controlling the invasive species and removing larger individuals - could help reduce the closest seed sources and decrease competition with the planted native - species. It is especially important to control the kudzu population, which has already begun to cover a large portion of the easement and will continue to do so unless treated. • See vegetation data and photos in Appendix A and Current Conditions Plan View in Appendix C. The taxonomic standard being used for vegetation identifications is "Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas by Alan S. Weakley. 2.2. Stream Assessment The restored reach of Bushy Branch is predominately stable. This site is vertically controlled by - bedrock and does not have any areas that are experiencing bed degradation or incision. There are - portions of lateral instability throughout the project, though. In most of the cases the toe of the streambanks has washed out and many banks are experiencing slight undercut erosion. In a few of - these cases, the bank vegetation is stabilizing these banks, but there are isolated areas that are - suffering uncontrolled erosion. The in-stream structures are stable for the most part, but a few of the cross-vanes have suffered from significant back arm scour. One of the structures has fallen - apart. The two sets of root wads that were installed have most of the root wad above the stream's baseflow. This has caused these root wads to begin to rot and they are also suffering from erosion behind the root wads. On UT to Bushy Creek, a scour hole downstream of a cross vane at Station 02+20 has caused the header boulder of the cross vane to fall into the hole. This headcut has - begun to move upstream, stressing the structure just upstream of the affected cross vane. There are two other areas of note on the tributary: one is the small patch of concrete that was poured on - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KC1 Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 6 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final the bank and bed near Station 01+15 and the other is the outlet from a black drain pipe that has been put into the bank near Station 01+00. These issues are most likely related to the adjacent playground equipment that was replaced earlier this summer. A repair assessment is recommended to investigate stabilizing and rebuilding the structure that has been affected by the headcut on UT to Bushy Creek. If left unstabilized, this vertical instability could continue to migrate upstream, affecting additional structures. Additional repair assessment is also recommended at the cross vane that has failed at Station 12+60. There is a pipe protected by concrete immediately upstream of this structure, which will control vertical instability, but further bank erosion could continue to take place in this location. See additional stream assessment and photos in Appendix B and the Current Conditions Plan View in Appendix C. 2.2.1 Bankfull Event and Stability Assessment 2.2.1.a Verification of Bankfull Events Table Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Date of Data Date of Method Photo Number Collection Occurrence Site visit to evaluate stage 06/15/06 06/14/06 N/A indicators after storm event 07/11/07 06/03/07 Crest Gauge N/A 11/12/07 07/17/07 Crest Gauge N/A 10/28/2008 09/07/08 Crest Gauge N/A 2.2.1.b BEHI and Sediment Export Table Table 6. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) N/A Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 7 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final 2.2.2 Stability Assessment Table Table 7a. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Se ment/Reach: Bush Branch 1 070 ft. Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY - 03 M- 04 MY - 05 A. Riffles 100% 98% 75% 75% % B. Pools 100% 92% 94% 94% % C. Thalwe 100% 75% 75% 75% % D. Meanders 100% 75% 72% 81% % 1 E. Bed General 100% 93% 94% 100% 0% F. Banks 100% 78% 77% 83% % G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. 100% 83% 82% 82% % H. Wads and Boulders 100% 80% 50% 50% 0 % 5 Table 7b. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Se ment/Reach: UT B ush Branch 350 ft.) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY - OS MY-04 A. Riffles 100% 92% 85% 85% 85% B. Pools 100% 90% 90% 90% 90% C. Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% D. Bed General 100% 80% 80% 97% 93% E. Banks 100% 95% 950% 91% 91% F. Vanes / J Hooks etc. 100% 90% 90% 90% 90% Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) EEP Project # 205 8 KC] Associates of North Carolina Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final O ? ? N N 00 ? M N ?E N Q U y d M p N N C. k O O O M O en Oo C) N y / ^ N m m N W) N fn N M W U ? N N N m cq 't O 00 O N cd M 00 ,t N 00 ? N N N ?p O O O W a? i • ?' M_ O • 0 O D, oo 0 M ,--? N ?n ^l7 ?"' M N N N M N 0 C O bq k O oo C, r a oo O N N O W C-4 m r4 m k W 0 1:1 r- In DD oo ?y N O? O M O 00 0 ?p N N ? 0 O i. to Q O Cd p E t Cd U O 00 kr; Oo W' N ? ?i Q t i M /• M M Ln N Vl aS y a N 7' ? O G7 ? CE a'i W w N 4"- ci. 4+ w 4}-4=, 4=, 4"-i 4"-? 4"-i 4'•'-i „+ E 4}'-i w !? 4=. ci. C N ? y Y 0. CC L? N Y v `? 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C w z u on . to o a w^ m v 3 g o `' ?' v to d a b U U DO o a 6 £ 3 z x L V o? ?a o? v? a° ° 0 N a M a m m o y N Q ? 4 ? v 0 0 ? 4 3.0 METHODOLOGY The EEP 2004 Stem Counting Protocol was used to collect vegetation data from Kentwood Park this year, the fourth year of monitoring. 4.0 REFERENCES Weakley, Alan S. 2006. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas. (http://www.lierbariLlin.uilc.edu/FloraArciiives/WeakleyF]ora Mora 2006-Jan.pdf) Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) EEP Project # 205 14 KCI Associates of North Carolina Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Appendix A Vegetation Data Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 15 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Al - Vegetation Data Tables Table Al. Stem counts for each species arranged by Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (B plot ushy Branch) Species Shrubs flex verticillata Plot Initial Totals 1 2 3 1 6 16 Year 1 Totals 10 Year 2 Totals 7 Year 3 Totals 7 Year 4 Totals 7 Survival % 44% uonymus americana 1 6 3 4 3 1 17% indera benzoin 2 4 4 4 3 2 50% Sambucus canadensis 7 3 1 0 0 0% Cornus amomum 17 2 34 24 20 19 19 56% Inus serrulata Trees Quercus michauxii 6 1 14 8 12 23 11 22 7 ? 20 7 ME 20 7 20 50% 87% Quercus phellos 5 4 5 5 5 5 125% Quercus alba 2 2 2 2 2 2 100% raxinus pennsylvanica 10 10 11 10 10 10 100% yssa sylvatica 13 13 13 14 14 13 100% Oxydendrum arboreum 3 8 4 3 3 3 38% etula nigra 8 12 18 16 21 20 20 111% Cornus jlorida 1 1 1 1 1 1 100% latanus occidentalis 3 8 4 3 3 3 38% iriodendron tulipifera 4 6 4 4 4 4 67% cer negundo 3 4 4 3 3 3 75% Ulmus americana 2 2 2 2 2 2 100% amamelis vir iniana 2 3 1 3 3 2 67% Explanation of Probable Causes of Vegetation Mortality • The Euonymus americana mortality can be attributed to the high foot traffic from the disc golf course in Vegetation Plot 1. Many paths cross through plot 1 and many plants (planted and unplanted) have been trampled. • The decrease in Lindera benzoin in Plot 1 during Monitoring Year 04 could also be attributed the heavy foot traffic through the plot. • There is over 100% survival for Quercus phellos in Plot 3. This is due to a miscount during the as-built stem count. • There is also over 100% survival for Betula nigra in plots 1 and 2. This is due to either a miscount during the as-built and first year monitoring stem count or resprouts from the original plantings that were presumed dead. Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) EEP Project # 205 16 KCIAssociates of North Carolina Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final (olov/saoll) fI?sua rn N o 0 cl? N (z -o k) IE10 v m nunauau?v snu?ln N M UIIg uroul o N 0. opun8au aao n " M cd •? ioplg xo ngln snaia ° a o N ?' U ?[EO a1? o ? o nrafidiln1 uoipuapou: F juldod d?In u x -a o a solloyd snaian v, ? o Vo Moll? cn vlvlruaas snug JaPld & sllvyuapaao snuvlnl M urnwowv sntuoj ? N pooMOoQ ?JI?S sisuapvuva snangwv f,uogJapl npuolfsnuaoD pooMiioQ 5ullaMOI ,-- od2.iu vlnla ? N goJ?g Jan? uiozuaq mapui gsng oo?dS N L 0. vuvauawv snwduon 5u?jsnq-E-suEa ulnaiogiv wrupuspefx L M A, pooMJnoS c vuvtutl?atn stIawvwv O IazEH qa1? N C vallvnlr S nssrC M mnD ImI o a vaiuvaldsuuadsnulxroe pp qsd ua1J o Z nxnvt{aiu? snaaan C ? ? N A ee IEp ;nulsago dUIEM p 00 n?v11.'a?lean xal kuoqnjuim •i ? L _p ?-+ N M FaAU °" r ? N ? •o Py o U v O O y N o ? U o ? y Q' C7 S v 0 CO a m o N Q ? o i 4. • A2 - Representative Vegetation Problem Area Photos VP 1 - English ivy (Hedera helix) on stream bank. Photo taken near Station 10+25. 10/27/08 - MY 04 v r2 - Kudzu (1-ueraria montana) along stream bank. Photo taken near Station 19+50. 10/27/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch,) 18 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - AIY04 - Final r ? J7r VP3 - Bare terrace that is devoid of herbaceous vegetation. Photo taken near Station 12+80. 10/27/08 - MY 04 VP4 - Easement area mowed and worn by pedestrian traffic. Photo taken near Station 02+50. 10/27/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 19 KCI Associates o/ North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final VP5 - Erosion from path worn into stream bank from pedestrian access to the stream. Photo taken near Station 01+00. 10/27/08 -MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) EEP Project # 205 20 KCI Associates of North Carolina Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final A4 - Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 Photo - Taken looking south from the north corner. 8/5/08 - MY 04 Vegetation Plot 1 Supplemental Photo - Taken looking upstream toward the center of the plot from established photo station #3. 8/5/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 21 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Vegetal ion Plot 2 Photo - Taken looking south from the north corner. 8/5/08 - MY 04 Vegetation Plot 2 Supplemental Photo - Taken looking at center of plot from the top of the right bank across the stream from the vegetation plot. 8/5/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 22 KC! Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final low Vegetation Plot 3 Photo - Taken looking east from the west corner. 8/5/08 - MY 04 Kenm,ood Park (Bush_y Branch) 23 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Appendix B Geomorphologic Data Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 24 KCI Associates ofNorth Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final a B1- Representative Stream Problem Area Photos • SP 1 - Bank erosion. Photo taken near Station 17+80 on left bank. 10/28/08 - MY 04 SP2 - Back arm scour on arm of cross vane. Photo taken near Station 12+60. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) EEP Project # 205 25 KC/Associates of North Carolina Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final SP3 - Failed cross vane in main stem. Photo taken near Station 12+60. 10/28/08 - MY 04 SP4 - Scour behind failed root wads. Photo taken near Station 16+00. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 26 KCI Associates ol"North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - W04 - Final SP5 - Header stones of cross vane that have fallen into the pool; the stream is headcutting up from this point. Photo taken near Station 02+20. 10/28/08 - MY 04 SP6 - Cement discarded on bank and bed of tributary. Photo taken near Station 01+15. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 27 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Photo Point 1 - Taken looking downstream from bridge on Kaplan Drive. 10/28/08 - MY 04 ,sN T --' w ? x, Y Photo Point 1, supplemental - Taken looking downstream from streambed in front of bridge on Kaplan Drive. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kenthvood Park (Bushy Branch) 28 KCI Associates q/ North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final B2 -Stream Photo Stations Photo Point 2 - Taken looking upstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Photo Point 3 - Taken looking upstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 29 KCI Associates a/North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - A4Y04 - Final Photo Point 3 - Taken looking downstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Photo Point 4 - Taken looking upstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kenhvood Park (Bushy Branch) 30 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Photo Point 4 - Taken looking downstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Photo Point 5 - Taken looking upstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 31 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Photo Point 5 - Taken looking downstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Photo Point 6 - Taken looking upstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 32 KC] Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final Photo Point 6 - Taken looking downstream. 10/28/08 - MY 04 Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 33 KC'/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Finul B3 -Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Table Table B2. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Project Number and Name: 205 - Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) Segment/Reach: Bushy Branch (1,070 ft.) Feature Category etric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number per As-built * Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform. in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 9 12 N/A 75% 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 9 12 N/A 75% 3. Facet grade appears stable? 9 12 N/A 75% 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 9 12 N/A 75% 5. Length appropriate? 9 12 N/A 75% 75% B. Pools 1. Present? (e.g. no severe aggradation) 11 12 N/A 92% 2. Sufficiently deep (Dmax pool:Mean Bkf> 1.6?) 11 12 N/A 92% 3. Length appropriate? 10 12 N/A 83% 89% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend centering? 6 8 N/A 75% 2. Downstream of meander centering? 6 8 N/A 75% 75% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 6 8 N/A 75% 2. Of those eroding, # w/ concomitant point bar formation? 2 2 N/A 100% 3. Apparent Re within spec? 8 8 N/A 100% 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 5 8 N/A 63% 81% E. Bed General L General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) N/A N/A 0/0 100% 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down cutting or head cutting? N/A N/A 0/0 100% 100% F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or slumping bank N/A N/A 8/180 92% 92% G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 10 17 N/A 59% 2. Height appropriate? 15 17 N/A 88% 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 15 17 N/A 88% 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 16 17 N/A 94% 82% H. Wads / 1. Free of scour? 1 2 N/A 50% Boulders 2. Footing stable? 1 2 N/A 50% 50% * Total number of features per as-built estimated from as-built profile and planview sheets. Kentwood Park (Bushy Branch) 34 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 205 Summer 2008 - MY04 - Final 0 A, 0 ... a? 1 U 1 N 0 V 00 ?O oc ?'t C p ?? ?O - O - oo z M ?i O 9 0 ro ' '? j r / ¢ O O O O I ? C '- O O rn N --..:.i . :« ? O X •p C? 1? vl r r 0 0 0 0 y ra 1 , t' I 1 ? CL pf: , o v._ r N f ?,o 3 ? ` 1 1 ? T v „Y E j T V t ' ?( C 1 1 . ?M ? 1 , v y L y . ?•', t?-?•? ?'y.. Wyl I , pr W 1 ?y ? 1 1 ( d y , ? \ ` • • 0 1 1 d ?. : . ? .$r . F ? ' O II ? _ F.+ O I ? 1 1 ? a 1 1 , I .? 1 1 1 C O 1 1 ?d WW 1 1 1 C • VJ 1 rl R1 1 1 1 1 L y 1 p I L U ? L 5 h U f z 1 1 1 I V , 1 I O r ? 1 I F s 1 1 ? X F 1 I ? U G w ? 1 1 1 1 O o Q? y C O L N r n N O oo ?O V O O, D\ O, z Y '/, (?aa/) uopvna[•? .??i ?,_' Y T - OQ V V OG C ?+ l? O` OC ?G rL M .^? OC ? O ? `? ?O V N V'1 O D\ C O? D` O N V ? r"1 N 7 N Vl ? Ld > w ,- oc t? t` G c vi vi rn ?G L ?O ?L 1- W 0\ O O d c •a L d 3 PC ? G ?0 V C , ? c o v ?c a? ?`i v vi v, ?c ?c - r r oc a? ri v ?c x -- N N N N N M ? y ? ? a3? os 0, V ? ? 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