HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061203 Ver 2_Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary (5-31-07)_20070531tJ n-nor Corps of Digneers Meeting Summary To: Western Wake Project Delivery Team Prepared By: CDM Date: May 31, 2007 Subject: Western Wake Regional Wastewater Management Facilities Project Delivery Team Meeting No. 1 - May 31, 2007 A Project Delivery Team (PDT) Meeting was held on Thursday, May 31, 2007 at the Apex Town Hall to discuss the Western Wake Regional Wastewater Management Facilities (WWMF) project. The following were in attendance: Henry Wicker, USACE Kevin Whiteheart, Chatham County Justin McCorcle, USACE Bill Sommers, Chatham County Michael Hosey, USACE John Roberson, Wake County Jean Manuele, USACE Mayor Keith Weatherly, Town of Apex Jamie Shern, USACE Mike Deaton, Town of Apex Dan Blaisdell, NCDENR DWQ CG&L Tim Donnelly, Town of Apex Jennifer Haynie, NCDENR DWQ CG&L Mayor Ernie McAlister, Town of Cary Melba McGee, NCDENR Tim Bailey, Town of Cary Michael Douglas, NCDENR DEH PWSS RRO Mike Bajorek, Town of Cary Cyndi Karoly, NCDENR DWQ 401 Unit Steve Brown, Town of Cary Emily Parisher, NC State Parks Resource Mgmt. Leila Goodwin, Town of Cary Fred Tarver, NCDENR DWR Jamie Revels, Town of Cary Shari Bryant, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Mayor Jan Faulkner, Town of Morrisville Sarah McRae, NCDENR Natural Heritage Prog. Tim Gauss, Town of Morrisville Reuben Blakely, NCDOT Glenn Dunn, Poyner and Spruill Justin Bullock, NCDOT Tim Sullivan, Poyner and Spruill Becky Fox, USEPA (by conference call) Bill Kreutzberger, CH2M HILL Paul Barth, New Hill Community Association Ruth Swanek, CH2M HILL Sheila Morrison, New Hill resident Chris Belk, Hazen and Sawyer Buzz Bryson, Progress Energy Bob Berndt, Hazen and Sawyer Commissioner Patrick Barnes, Chatham County Kelly Boone, CDM Commissioner George Lucier, Chatham County Tommy Esqueda, CDM US Al my Corp, of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 2 The following briefly summarizes the meeting and is organized per the meeting agenda (attached). 1) Introductions All meeting attendees introduced themselves and stated the organization, agency, or group with which they are affiliated. The mayors from the Towns of Apex, Cary, and Morrisville made opening comments. 2) National Environmental Policy Act a) Clean Water Act Requirements Mr. Wicker provided an overview of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA was enacted in 1969 to require the Federal government to address impacts projects requiring Federal government action have on the environment. All Federal actions are subject to NEPA. b) Jurisdiction of United States Army Corps of Engineers Because the Western Wake Regional Wastewater Management Facilities (WWMF) project will impact wetlands and streams, a Section 404 permit will be needed from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The Section 404 permit is a Federal action; therefore, the project is subject to NEPA. Mr. Wicker stated that the USACE began the NEPA process for the Western Wake Regional WWMF project by conducting a Scoping Meeting on April 19, 2007 to receive public input on issues that should be addressed in the NEPA EIS document. Mr. Wicker described the differences between the NEPA process and the Section 404 permit process: NEPA Process. The NEPA process involves identifying a reasonable range of alternatives to the project. The NEPA document must consider public interest factors, including conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral resources, considerations of property ownership and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. The USACE will also try to address concerns identified during the Scoping process. ¦ Section 404 Permit Process. The Section 404 permit process has similar requirements for alternatives as the NEPA process except that the selected alternative must be the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. US Al my Corp, of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 3 Wetland and stream impacts must be avoided and minimized as much as possible. c) Environmental Impact Statement i) Purpose Mr. Wicker stated that the purpose of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is to allow for full disclosure of all comments and concerns about the proposed project. The USACE will seek to obtain PDT members' buy-in at each step of the process. ii) Preparation process The NEPA document (EIS) will contain a table of contents, a description of the purpose of and need for the project, an evaluation of alternatives to the proposed project, a description of the affected environment, and an analysis of the environmental impacts of the project. 3) Project Delivery Team a) Participants Mr. Wicker discussed the role of the PDT. He stated that if several people from one organization or group attend the PDT meetings, they should select one person to represent the group. He stated that the PDT meetings are the time to voice concerns and deal with issues, but he requested that participants in voicing their concerns be civil and keep emotional issues out of the process. b) Roles and Responsibilities Mr. Wicker stated that the purpose of the PDT meetings is to provide a way to address all issues during the NEPA process. The PDT will identify and try to resolve issues, and members should focus on the issues rather than trying to derail or advocate for the project. c) Decision-Making Process Mr. Wicker stated that at the end of each meeting, he will give PDT members "homework" involving review of documents and responding with comments by a specified date. He will give the comments to the Project Partners for their response, and will meet with them to address the comments. PDT members must respond and participate in reviews of the documents in order for their input to be considered. Mr. Barth questioned whether the USACE can accept emailed documents. Mr. McCorcle confirmed that the USACE can accept documents via email (Word and PDF formats). Mr. Wicker asked whether all PDT members were able to receive US Al my Corp, of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 4 documents and submit comments via email. No objections were raised. Mr. Wicker proposed that documents and comments be transmitted by email so that the USACE will have time to get revised documents to the PDT in advance of future meetings. The USACE will allow time for review based on the length of the document. Mr. Blaisdell asked whether it would be too late to submit comments on a document if the USACE-stated deadline for comments has passed. Mr. McCorcle and Mr. Wicker stated that once comments are received, they will be incorporated into a revised document, which will be discussed during a future meeting prior to taking a consensus vote. Therefore, additional comments will be considered if they are submitted in time for response by the Partners or could be made during discussion of the revised document. However, the USACE intends to not revisit an issue if the PDT has made a decision and moved on past that issue. Mr. Wicker stated that comments can also be submitted during the formal public comment periods or public hearing for the project. It was suggested that PDT members send comments via email to the USACE, who would then forward them to the Partners and the consultant. Mr. Wicker distributed business cards with his contact information and email address. Mr. Wicker stated that the next PDT meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2007 beginning at 10:00 AM. 4) Project History and Background Mr. Esqueda presented an overview of the history and background of the project. a) Project Participants The Project Partners are the Towns of Apex, Cary, Holly Springs, and Morrisville. b) Project Drivers The purpose of the project is based on the following factors: Interbasin Transfer (IBT) Certificate Conditions - The NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) issued an IBT Certificate allowing Cary, Apex, Morrisville and Wake County (RTP South) to withdraw water from the Cape Fear River basin. The Certificate limited the maximum day IBT to 24 mgd and required the municipalities to return wastewater to the Cape Fear River by January 1, 2011. ¦ Nutrient Impairment at Harris Lake - At the same time the IBT Certificate was issued, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) requested that the Town of Holly Springs remove its US Al my Corp, of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 5 discharge from Harris Lake as soon as practicable, with the main stem of the Cape Fear River being the preferred location for the discharge. ¦ Planned Growth and Development The Project Partners decided to collaborate on a regional project based on NCDENR's encouragement for regional planning, consistency with previously completed regional water and sewer studies, the Partners' favorable experience with regional cooperation, reduced environmental impacts, and reduced costs (capital and O&M) versus independent approaches. In November 2002, the Project Partners initiated a regional wastewater study. c) Regional Wastewater Study i) Alternative Wastewater Management Options In September 2003, the Partners identified four wastewater management alternatives for final study: ¦ Option 1- Each local government constructs an independent treatment facility (three treatment facilities) ¦ Option 5 - Two new treatment facilities constructed, serving - Apex and Holly Springs, and - Cary (portion), Morrisville and RTP South ¦ Option 9 - Two new treatment facilities constructed, serving - Apex (portion) and Holly Springs, and - Apex (portion), Cary (portion), Morrisville and RTP South ¦ Option 10D - One new treatment facility constructed, serving - Apex, Cary (portion), Morrisville and RTP South and separate treatment, including - Holly Springs (portion) to Harnett County through Fuquay-Varina, and - Holly Springs (portion) to SCWRF In January 2004, the Partners initiated three concurrent studies: ¦ Selection of a preferred wastewater management option ¦ Identification of a preferred wastewater discharge location Selection of a preferred water reclamation (wastewater treatment) facility site US Al my Cor{)s of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 6 ii) Alternative Wastewater Discharge Location Options The Partners considered several alternative wastewater discharge locations: ¦ New Hope Arm of Jordan Lake - above US 64 ¦ New Hope Arm of Jordan Lake - below US 64 ¦ Haw River Arm of Jordan Lake ¦ Harris Lake o Direct discharge to main body of lake o Cooling tower reservoir for Harris Nuclear Plant ¦ Main stem of Cape Fear River - upstream of Buckhorn Dam ¦ Main stem of Cape Fear River - downstream of Buckhorn Dam The Partners' preferred discharge locations were to Jordan Lake. In April 2004, NCDENR identified the preferred discharge location, which was the main stem of the Cape Fear River downstream of Buckhorn Dam. iii) Alternative WRF Site Options The Partners identified 30 possible sites for the water reclamation facility (WRF). Thirty sites were identified so that all four of the final wastewater management options could be accommodated. Sites north of US 64 were identified to accommodate the Cary service area. Sites in the middle of the group were identified to accommodate the Apex area, and sites toward the southern end of the group were identified to accommodate flows from the Apex and Holly Springs service areas. Final sites were selected for further evaluations once the final discharge location was identified by the State and the wastewater management option was selected by the Partners. d) Selection of Preferred Alternative In July 2004, the Partners selected their preferred wastewater management option, Option 10D, which includes construction of a single WRF to serve Apex, Cary, Morrisville, and RTP South with an outfall to the Cape Fear River. In addition, this option includes Holly Springs expanding its Utley Creek WWTP, with the effluent discharged with the WRF effluent through a regional outfall system to the Cape Fear River. In October 2004, the Partners identified a preferred WRF Site (Site 14) based on the final discharge location identified by the State and the wastewater management option selected by the Partners. Also in October 2004, the Partners initiated the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) EIS process with NCDENR. US Al my Cor{)s of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 7 The proposed project includes the following components: ¦ West Cary Pump Station (PS) ¦ West Cary Force Main (FM) - West Cary PS to Reedy Branch Gravity Sewer ¦ Reedy Branch Gravity Sewer - West Cary FM to Beaver Creek PS ¦ Beaver Creek PS ¦ Beaver Creek Force Main - Beaver Creek PS to Western Wake WRF ¦ Western Wake WRF ¦ Effluent PS, Pipeline, and Outfall to the Cape Fear River The project includes two major raw wastewater pump stations, 8.5 miles of raw wastewater pipelines, an 18-mgd (expandable to 30 mgd) WRF, an effluent pump station, and 13.4 miles of effluent pipeline. Permits required for the project include a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the NPDES Unit of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), a Section 404 Permit from the USACE, a 401 Water Quality Certification from DWQ's 401 Unit, Authorizations to Construct from DWQ's Construction Grants and Loans (CG&L) Section, a Sediment and Erosion Control permit from the Land Quality Section of the NC Division of Land Resources (NCDLR), and a site development permit from the Town of Apex. e) Environmental Documentation Process The Partners submitted editions of the SEPA EIS to NCDENR in July 2005, August 2005, January 2006, and April 2006. A public hearing for the SEPA EIS was held in June 2006. In April 2007, NCDENR and the USACE agreed to cooperate on a joint SEPA/NEPA EIS document. A Scoping Meeting for the joint document was held on April 19, 2007. This meeting is the first PDT Meeting, and the second PDT Meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2007. Several meeting attendees asked questions about the history and background of the project. 1. Mr. Barth asked what were the top five WRF sites that were selected. Mr. Esqueda responded that all 30 sites were scored without regard to the selected wastewater management option or discharge point, and he stated that no US Al my Cor{)s of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 8 selection was made until after these decisions had been made. Mr. Wicker clarified that the NEPA EIS process will go through the site selection process again. Mr. Wicker asked the Partners to present criteria for site selection, and stated that there will be opportunity to comment on the site selection criteria during the process. 2. Chatham County Commissioner Barnes stated that in February 2007, Chatham County was told by NCDENR that it would not be able to obtain a discharge to the Cape Fear River and that the entire discharge allocation for the river (38 mgd) had been given to the Western Wake Partners. He stated that Chatham County wants to build a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), because the available capacity for Pittsboro and Siler City has been reached, and Goldston also has no capacity. He noted that Cary wants to run a discharge line through Chatham County, and that this would be blocked by Chatham County. He stated that the County is willing to be a test case in court to fight any condemnation. He further stated that no one had ever discussed this with Chatham County. Mr. Wicker stated that the purpose of the PDT meeting is to get all comments, and he thanked Commissioner Barnes for attending the meeting to provide his input. Mr. Wicker asked Commissioner Barnes whether he saw a resolution to this issue. Commissioner Barnes stated that he spoke with the full support of all five Chatham County Commissioners and requested that the County be given half of the Partners' 38-mgd discharge capacity in the Cape Fear River. The County would then agree to discuss the line across Chatham County. He stated that the Commissioners want the County to grow, and they need a WWTP. Mr. Wicker stated that he has Chatham County's comments and will discuss these with the Partners. 4. Mr. Whiteheart, the attorney for Chatham County, expressed concern that the County was not involved in the planning process for the Western Wake project. He stated that it appears that Chatham County is the critical path for the project since it crosses into the County. He stated that the County needs to be in partnership with the Western Wake Partners; otherwise, the County will take an adverse path. He requested that the County be involved in every meeting and email regarding the project. Mayor McAlister and Mayor Weatherly spoke about earlier invitations to Chatham County to participate in the Western Wake Project. Mayor Weatherly stated that the Partners originally wanted the project to be a true regional partnership and hoped that Chatham County would be a partner. He stated that Chatham County declined to participate after these invitations. The Towns of Sanford and Fuquay-Varina were also involved in these early invitations to participate in the partnership. Mr. Wicker stated that the purpose of the PDT meetings is to offer full participation in the project and full disclosure of comments. He stated that there US Al my Corp, of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 9 is a long history for this project, but now the USACE is beginning the NEPA process and will be moving forward to get input. He stated that he will discuss the comments with the Partners and will meet with the Partners and Chatham County to further discuss these issues. 7. Mr. Sommers stated that no permission has been asked of Chatham County to construct the pipeline through the County. He stated that the County already is part of Cary's wastewater treatment program, because Cary has contracts for 600 acres of land in Chatham County for biosolids application. Mr. McCorcle provided a summary of the NEPA process and the USACE's role in the project. The USACE normally gets involved in projects at the beginning, but for this project they are getting involved in the middle of the project. From the USACE's perspective, this is the start of the project, and no decisions have been made, even though the Partners have identified a preferred alternative. Although the NEPA process is at the beginning, USACE is starting with fairly good information that will help the process move forward. He stated that the USACE will give no property rights or permits other than the Section 404 permit. However, the document should also serve as a basis for the State's permits. He clarified that obtaining consensus on aspects of the project during the review process does not mean that unanimity of opinions will be achieved. The process allows for concerns to be identified and worked on, but the process will then move forward, even if agreement from all parties is not achieved. Mr. McCorcle also noted that the role of the project consultants is changing. They will now be working for and at the direction of the USACE rather than the Project Partners. They will be helping the USACE to collect and evaluate information so the USACE can make a decision on the project. Mr. McCorcle summarized the timeline for the NEPA process. The USACE has received comments from the Scoping process and will receive additional comments during the PDT meetings. A Purpose and Need statement has been developed. The PDT meetings will review various aspects of the project. The PDT will consider how resources are impacted, including secondary and cumulative impacts, etc. The USACE will issue a permit for the main project and perhaps one or two of its connecting branches, but future impacts will also be disclosed in the document. The Consultants will develop a Draft EIS for USACE review, and the PDT will be able to review this document. A Draft EIS will then be released to the public, and a public notice period will follow. A public hearing will be held during the Draft or Final EIS stage. A Final EIS will incorporate changes, and the final document will again be issued for public comment. The Record of Decision (ROD) will be issued after the comment period for the Final EIS. The State SEPA process will occur concurrently. Permits will be issued after the ROD is issued. There will be many opportunities for input during the process. US Amy Corp, of ?cElC;!ee+-s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 10 5) Review and Discuss Notice-of-Intent Publication a) Project Purpose and Need The PDT reviewed and discussed the draft Purpose and Need statement. This statement should answer the following: why do the project, why do it now, and why do it this way. Mr. Wicker stated that defining the purpose and need for the project is the role of the applicant. The USACE's responsibility is to make certain that the purpose and need is appropriate (i.e., not too broad and not too narrow). No Action must also be considered as an alternative. Mr. Wicker stated that PDT members should submit comments on the draft Purpose and Need statement to him by email by Friday, June 8, 2007. b) Proposed Scope of Analysis The PDT reviewed and discussed the draft Scope of Analysis statement. Mr. Wicker noted that this document should be renamed the "Plan of Study" document. Mr. Wicker stated that PDT members should also provide comments to him on this document by Friday, June 8, 2007. Mr. Sommers asked Mr. Wicker what the USACE considers to be secondary impacts. He stated that Chatham County considers the larger allocation and removal of water from Jordan Lake to be a secondary impact to Chatham County. He stated that if this project causes NCDENR to consider increased use of Chatham County as a spray irrigation area for biosolids, this would also be a secondary impact to the County. If the Western Wake Project enables the Partners to annex into Chatham County, this would cause secondary impacts to Chatham County. Growth in the region is also a secondary impact. He requested that these aspects be evaluated in the Draft EIS. Mr. Wicker confirmed that they will be evaluated. Mr. McCorcle stated that the Purpose and Need and Scope of Analysis documents will be living documents and can change. He requested that PDT members point out any disagreements they have with the documents. Mr. Blasidell questioned whether these documents were part of the Notice of Intent (NOI). Mr. McCorcle confirmed that they were part of the NOI published in the Federal Register. Mr. Wicker stated that USACE normally refers to the Scope of Analysis for a definition of the "geographic" scope of the project. Because the outfall line is outside the WRF service area for this project, the Scope of Analysis includes the WRF service area plus the area surrounding the outfall line. Mr. Barth stated that the WRF service area is shown incorrectly on the map, because New Hill is not US Al my Corp, of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 11 within the WRF service area. Mr. Donnelly clarified that the Town of Apex has Master Plans to serve areas that may not currently have water/ sewer lines and may not currently be within the Town's extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) or water and sewer service area. It was suggested that the area shown as the WRF service area be called the "Planning Area" or "Long-Range Urban Services Area" to be more accurate. Mr. Sommers questioned whether the fact that the WRF service area does not extend into Chatham County (except for the portion in the north where Cary has already annexed land) provides an assurance that there will be no further encroachment into Chatham County. Ms. Goodwin stated that Cary has been asked not to plan for extension of its service area into Chatham County except for those areas which have already been annexed; therefore, the proposed service area for Cary ends at the County line. Mr. Donnelly stated that because Chatham County chose not to join the Western Wake Partnership, Apex also ended its Master Planning efforts at the County line. He stated that over the years, Chatham County has made several requests that Apex provide water and sewer service, and Apex will continue to consider those requests. However, these areas are not included in Apex's Master Planning. Commissioner Lucier stated that Charlie Horne, the Chatham County Manager, does not have any records of any meetings with the Project Partners. Mr. Wicker requested that participants provide him with comments on this matter. Mr. Tarver questioned whether the Scope of Analysis will end at the point of discharge or extend some distance downstream in the Cape Fear River. Mr. McCorcle stated that impacts downstream will be considered in the secondary impacts analysis. The USACE will look to the agencies for assistance in determining the stopping point for consideration of impacts. It was noted that Fayetteville is supportive of water being returned to the Cape Fear River. 6) Future PDT Meeting Dates The next PDT meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2007 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Apex Town Hall 3rd Floor Training Room. 7) Review Proposed Meeting Objectives for June 28, 2007 Meeting Mr. Wicker stated that at the June 28, 2007 meeting, the revised Purpose and Need and Plan of Study documents will be presented. The PDT will seek consensus on these documents. The PDT will also discuss the resources that need to be addressed for the US Al my Corp, of Enconee+s Western Wake PDT Meeting Summary May 31, 2007 Page 12 alternatives analysis, including any additional resources besides those that have been mentioned. Mr. Wicker requested that the Project Partners present a clear statement of what facilities are to be permitted as part of this project. The Project Partners should also present their proposed criteria for reducing the number of WRF sites to a workable number. Mr. Blaisdell asked whether the Partners' statement of the facilities to be permitted applied only to the Federal permits (e.g., Section 404 permit). Mr. Wicker stated that the Partners should specify which Federal and state permits the EIS will address. 8) Information and Data Requests from PDT Participants N/A 9) Other Business Mr. Blaisdell disclosed to the PDT that DWQ has allocated $60 million of funding to this project and will also be responsible for issuing many permits. He stated that DWQ will be involved more closely than as just a PDT member. He stated that DWQ intends that the NEPA document will meet the needs of a SEPA document. Mr. Wicker confirmed that he will involve DWQ's CG&L Section in meetings with the Partners. Mr. Barth stated that he wanted to confirm that the State will not just go along with the USACE's decisions, but that decisions will be joint decisions between the State and the USACE. He wanted to confirm that the State would still be making a recommendation on a preferred WRF site. Mr. Wicker confirmed that both the USACE and the State will make recommendations. Mr. McCorcle stated that in order to issue a Section 404 permit, the USACE must be able to agree that the preferred alternative is the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. Mr. Wicker stated that the USACE cannot issue a 404 permit without a State 401 Water Quality Certification. The next PDT meeting will be held on Thursday, June 28, 2007 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Apex Town Hall (3rd Floor Training Room) 73 Hunter Street Apex, NC 27502 Army Carps Engineers MEETING AGENDA Wilmirigtori District NEPA EIS Project Delivery Team Western Wake Regional Wastewater Management Facilities Project May 31, 2007 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Apex Town Hall, Apex North Carolina 73 Hunter Street, Apex, NC, 27502 1) Introductions 2) National Environmental Policy Act a) Clean Water Act Requirements b) Jurisdiction of United States Army Corps of Engineers c) Environmental Impact Statement i) Purpose ii) Preparation process 3) Project Delivery Team a) Participants b) Roles and Responsibilities c) Decision-Making Process 4) Project History and Background a) Project Participants b) Project Drivers i) Planned Growth and Development ii) Regulatory Requirements (1) InterbasinTransfer- EMC (2) Harris Lake Nutrient Enrichment- NC DENR (3) Regional Cooperation - NC DENR c) Regional Wastewater Study i) Alternative Wastewater Management Options ii) Alternative Wastewater Discharge Location Options iii) Alternative WRF Site Options d) Selection of Preferred Alternative e) Environmental Documentation Process MEETING AGENDA NEPA EIS Project Delivery Team Western Wake Regional Wastewater Management Facilities Project us a; May 31, 2007 f=, Page 2 of 2 i) SEPA EIS ii) NEPA EIS 5) Review and Discuss Notice-of-Intent Publication a) Project Purpose and Need b) Proposed Scope of Analysis 6) Future PDT Meeting Dates 7) Review Proposed Meeting Objectives for June 28, 2007 Meeting 8) Information and Data Requests from PDT Participants 9) Other Business 10) Adjourn NEXT MEETING June 28, 2007 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Apex Town Hall, Apex North Carolina 73 Hunter Street, Apex, NC, 27502