HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWA000022__00 Final Permit Submittal Checklist_20201001C-Ovr�c,igr4s �� Lvnlct4� k V I'C'P NC DEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources doaa STATE STORMWATER FAST TRACK PROCESS: FINAL PERMIT SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST The As -Built Package Submittal, including a permit application fee of $505.00, must be submitted by the permittee of the current ATC within 45 days of completion of the project and must include the following per 15A NCAC 02H.1044(3). Q 1. Completed Application Form SWU 101** w/ appropriate signatures that include the following information: a. Current and Previous Project Names b. Physical Location of Project c. ATC# and any other permit #'s associated with project (CAMA, NPDES, SECP, 401) d. Density of entire project and each drainage(s) area e. Written description of project and SCM(s) used on site. f. Applicant and owner name and contact information. Please ensure to provide documentation to demonstrate they are an authorized representative per 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1). Id 2. The appropriate supplement(s) ** a. Low Density Supplement NSA b. Supplement EZ Ef"'3. Operation and Maintenance (OW agreements)** (See also recorded documents below) 21"4. Signed, Sealed and Dated As -Built Calculations ❑ 5. Signed, Sealed and Dated Soil Report for SCM(s) that require SHWT evaluation or soil infiltration K/A rate (see 1044(3)(c) for specific soil report requirements). ❑ 6. Site plans signed, sealed, and dated that are a minimum size of 22" x 34" and shall include: ► j,j , a. A location map w/street names and State Route #s to nearest intersection; legend and north arrow. b. Project name, designer, and dates. c. Dimensioned project or project phase boundary with bearings and distances. d. Boundaries of all surface waters, wetlands, regulatory flood zones, protected vegetated setbacks and/or riparian buffers OR note on plans stating none exist. e. Site Layout that includes all items outlined in 1044(3)(e)(iv). 1q117. SCM and Planting As -Built Plans: a. SCM plans signed, sealed, and dated in both plan view and cross-section at scale of 1" equal to 30ft or larger (see iii below for exceptions to this scale. Other scales may be accepted IF legible when copied). The plans shall include: i. dimensions, side slopes & elevations w/benchmark for clean -out if appropriate ii. all conveyance system device and spec sheet/construction information on plans as outlined in 1044(3)(f)(ii) & (iii). b. SCM Planting plans signed, sealed, and dated for wetland and bio-retention cell (or typical) scale shall be 1" equals 20ft or larger. The planting plan shall include plant: i. Layout, total # and size of all plant species. ii. Species names & location iii. For wetlands, a delineation of planting zones c. Wet ponds shall include a planting plan that demonstrates the SCM meets the requirements of 15A NCAC 02H.1053(6) and (11). Fast Track Final Permit Submittal Checklist NC DEQ Feb 13, 2018 ❑ fl. Recorded Documents - The following documents must have been recorded with the appropriate county or local government office before submittal to DEQ for the final SW permit: a. The signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance Agreement(s). The O & M(s) must include the project name and any permit numbers associated with the project on the agreement(s). b. Deed Restrictions/ Protective Covenants and any amendments for the project which include any associated permit numbers and limit BUA per the permit requirements. c. Drainage Easements ❑ 9. As -Built Designer "General MDC" Certification" and all applicable ACM-specitic As -Built Certifications** signed and sealed by the licensed professional of record. This includes the SCMS, conveyance system, and drainage areas. Indicate which of the following certifications have been provided: General MDC Low Density Quantity I Locations _ Wk-XQIR 0 1 -- p' ❑ ❑ ❑ Infiltration System Bioretention Cell ------ Wet Pond -i- 2-" ❑-1 --- Stormwater Wetland ! wed Qbtl �.—� ace �Va�on Q� ❑ Permeable Pavement Sand Filter j—� — ❑J �❑ Rainwater Harvesting — _ - ❑ ----- Green Roof -------------------------- - --A� ❑ ' Level Spreader Filter Strip ----- ❑ Disconnected Impervious Surface ❑I - - Treatment Swale_-- _ ❑ ❑ Dry Pond StormFilter - ----- - - ❑ -- - — LSilvaCell i -- El 10. As-Bu , Permittee Certification"** signed by the permittee certifying that the permittee has met their permitting requirements. This includes recording the necessary documents and certifying the built -upon area has not been exceeded. ** SW application materials and templates are available at: Application Form SWU-101 and Low Density Supplement Form: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land-rules/stormwater program/post-construction Supplement EZ and O&M Forms: https://deg.nc.gov/sw-bmp-manual As -Built Certification Forms: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy- mineral-land-rules/stormwater-program/post-construction/fast-track Fast Track Final Permit Submittal Checklist NC DEQ Feb 13, 2018