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NCS000350_Historical Contact Changes_20200923
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCS PERMITS PERMIT NO. N C S C)C)D DOC TYPE ❑ FINAL PERMIT ❑ MONITORING REPORTS ❑ APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE IX OTHER CONTACT CHA W(nC—S DOC DATE ❑ 20 2©Oq 2.3 YYYY M M D D October 26, 2018 NC DEQ Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1627 Subject: Updated Person Legally Responsible for Permit for Edgecombe Genco, LLC State Stormwater Permit Number NCS000350 To Whom It May Concern: By this letter and attached state stormwater permit application update form, I hereby provide notice that I am now the new Responsible Corporate Officer and legally responsible for State Stormwater Permit No. NCS000350 issued to Edgecombe Genco, LLC. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me at 910-200-3082 or bennis@btusolutions.net. Sincerely, Brian Ennis Vice President Edgecombe Manager, LLC cc: David Herring, Compliance Manager RECEIVED NOV 0 6 2013 DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING Edgecombe eeombe Genet), LLC P.O. Rox 370 63;-+8 ClE€t Rattleboro Road BafCleboro, NC 27809 (252) 2--0708 Fax (252) 442-0990 Date Received ✓� Fee Paid _. Permit Number STATE STORMWATER: PERMIT INFORMATION UPDATE APPLICATION FORM There is NO FEE for updating project name or permittee information. This form is to only to be used by the current permittee to notify the Division of.- 1) changes to the Point of Contact (signing official) for the current permittee (LLC, Corporation, HOA or POA); 2) changes to the mailing address, phone number or email address of the current permittee; 3) changes to the name of the project; and 4) changes to the legal corporate name as documented by a Name Change or Merger filed with the NCSOS. A. NEW PERMIT INFORMATION State Stormwater Permit Number: NCS000350 Are you updating (check all that apply): If so please provide the updated information: �` ❑ Project name ❑ Corporation Name' ® Permit Contact Namez,3 Brian Ennis ® Permit Contact Title ❑ Mailing Address3 Vice President ❑ Phone number ❑ Email address Provide documentation such as a Name Change / Merger filed with the NCSOS. Provide supporting documentation such as NCSOS filing. The permit contact's position must be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .1040(1). If more than one point of contact or mailing address is being changed, please attach a separate sheet. B. CERTIFICATION OF PERMITTEE I, Brian Ennis , the current permittee, hereby notify DEMLR that I am making the changes as listed in Sec�o�A above. I further attest that this application for an update to the permit information currently on file is accurate an c jnnplete to -the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date: /0 14. f 9 I, �ve IDe. fn a Notary Public for the State of T (A S County of �)Oohioa4y-)do hereby certify that rl440 Enn i 5 personally appeared before me this the •3f15� day of _ dekb_o� 20_L6 , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, (NotarySeal a EVELYN D FEWON ) Notary ID #125353703 My Commission Expires October 28, 2022 Notary Signature LV.(.SJL\..J My commission expires DCf�h ' g oZo oL Storrwater Permit information Update Form Page 1 of 1 May 11, 2017 EDGECOMBE GENCO, LLC 6358 Old Battleboro Road Battleboro, North Carolina 27809 December 9, 2014 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL ARTICLE #7014 2120 0004 54801610 NCDENR — Stormwater Permitting Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 ATT: Director Subject: Statement of Delegation of Authority Edgecombe Genco, LLC NPDES Stormwater Permit No. NCS000350 Enclosed please find an updated Statement of Delegation of Authority for Edgecombe Genco, LLC. This document is being submitted to provide notification of a change in the alternate Responsible Official for this facility to Mel Murphy, Vice President of Projects Management. Please contact me at 704-815-8024 should you have any questions. Sincerely, LA)& - William Smith Projects General Manager Edgecombe Genco, LLC Enclosure: Statement of Delegation of Authority — Edgecombe Genco, LLC Cc: Mel Murphy - Vice President of Projects Management July Stinedurf — EHS Manager Bill Maiden — Plant Manager David Herring — EHS Manager 1.6 20114 DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMVVATER PERMITTING Statement of Delegation of Authority Authorized "Responsible Official, "Duly Authorized Representative" and "Designated Representative" for Edgecombe Genco, LLC 1, Warren MacGillivray, being President of Edgecombe Genco, LLC ("Edeecombe"), hereby delegate the authority of Responsible Official ("RO") and Duly Authorized Representative ("DAR") for all permitting and reporting activities and Designated Representative ("DR") for the Acid Rain, CAIR, CSAPR, and other EPA or state authorized allowance trading programs to William "Bill" Smith. Mr. Smith is a Projects General Manager at Power Plant Management Services, LLC ("PPMS") which manages the Edgecombe facility in accordance with the Project Management and Administrative Services Agreement between Edgecombe and PPMS dated July 19, 2010 and, as such, is responsible for the overall operation of the facility. I hereby authorize Melvin Murphy, Vice President of Project Management for PPMS, to serve as the alternate RO and alternate DAR and to sign on my behalf in the absence of Mr. Smith. I also hereby authorize Julie Stinedurf, EHS Manager for PPMS, to serve as the alternate DR as defined by 40 CFR 70.2. 1 hereby also authorize William Maiden, Plant Manager for the Edgecombe facility, to sign and submit the required discharge monitoring reports, North Carolina state regulatory required reports, and correspondence and to certify as to the truth, accuracy, and completeness of such reports on my behalf as authorized by 40 CFR Part 122.22 and by North Carolina state regulations. Authorized Signature 11-14-2014 Date President Title of Signatory