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NCS000175_Renewal Application_20131120
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCS PERMITS PERMIT NO. 1VCSbDD1�5 DOC TYPE ❑ FINAL PERMIT ❑ MONITORING REPORTS �J APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ 20 1311 1 ,F) YYYYMMDD VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS NORTH AMERICA November 18, 2013 Mr. Bradley Bennett, North Carolina Department of Environment & natural Resources Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 RE:NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal (NCS000175) Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C. 2176 Will Suitt Road Creedmoor NC 27522 Dear Mr. Bennett: NOV 2 0 2013 DENR-WK(ER QUALITY WULMIDS AND STORMWATER 5"11 Enclosed are the requested individual permit Renewal Application Forms, Supplemental Information, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Certification for Veolia ES, Creedmoor Facility Stormwater Permit (NCS000175). If there are any questions or more information needed for the renewal of permit (NCS000175) please call me at 919-529-3223 or e-mail at jay.beck@veoliaes.com. Sincerely, \ J Leonard Beck Facility Operations Manager Creedmoor NC Facility Veolia Environmental Services Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C. 2176 Will Suitt Road, Creedmoor, North Carolina 27522 +ol. non "Q r - +nll f'— 0_.. Q"_ 4_"....,.....0 iewkw+ c� l3Sw+a _ tt,�.lis r3+8 Permit Coverage Permit Number Renewal Application Form NCS000175 NCUENR National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Discharge Permit The following is the information currently in our database for your facility. Please review this information carefully and make all corrections/additions as necessary in the space provided to the right of the current information. Owner Affiliation Information *Reissued Permit will be mailed to the owner address Owner / Organization Name Owner Contact: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: Veolia Es Technical Solutions LLC 2176 Will Suit Rd Creedmoor, NC 27522 Facility/Permit Contact Information Facility Name: Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC Facility Physical Address Facility Contact: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: Discharge Information Receiving Stream Stream Class: Basin: Sub -Basin: Number of Outfalls: 2176 Will Suit Rd Creedmoor, NC 27522 WP ; ," � ' Little Ledge Creek 10'g(t"" WS-IV;NSW Neuse River Basin 03-04-01 Impaired Waters/TMDL Does this facility discharge to waters listed as impaired or waters with a finalized TMDL? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Don't Know ( for information on these waters refer to http://h2o.ennstate.nc.us/sulImpaired Waters TMDL/ ) CERTIFICATION 1 certify that 1 am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. Signature Date Print or type name of person signing above Title Please return this completed renewal application form Stormwater Permitting Program Individual Permit Renewal and other required supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION CERTIFICATION North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources - Stormwater Permitting Facility Name: Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC Permit Number: NCS000175 Location Address: 2176 Will Suit Rd Creedmoor, NC 27522 County: Granville " I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete." And "I certify that the SPPP has been developed; signed and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the stormwater discharge permit." And "I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Sign (according to permit signatory requirements) and return this Certification. DO NOT SEND STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN WITH THIS CERTIFICATION. Signature Print or type name of person signing above Date 3 cz� ('1-K. A 0, N Title SPPP Certification 10/13 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR RENEWAL OF INDIVIDUAL NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application to be considered complete: Initials (Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas, process areas and loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall, building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted. 2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data. H 3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters surveyed, observations, and date monitoring conducted. 4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility. Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned, please include information on these BMP's. 5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility. 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the permitted facility (Sign and return attached form). If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed prior to filing the renewal submittal, then the last years monitoring results should be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. /i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal waiting on lab results) STORMWATER OUTFALL SAMPLING RESULTS FROM 2009 -2013 Date Outfalls Total Nitrogen PH Phosphorus Total Suspended Soilds Oil and Grease Rain Event 9/17/2009 West 0.20E 7 <0.050 1.6 <3.00 0.25" Middle 0.13B 6 9 e0 050 <1.0 6.00 East 0.34B 5.4 <0.050 11 <3.00 12/9/2009 West 1.031 7 0.072.1 12 <3.49 0.25" Middle 0.646.1 7.1 0.051.1 14 <3.00 East 1.442J 5.3 0.0451 14 <3.60 5/17/2010 West 0.5 7.1 0.069.1 1.9 <3.00 1" Middle 0.79 7.1 0.0541 9.8 <3.00 East 0.74 7 0.0521 14 <3.00 12/4/2010 West 0.19 7.6 0.0251 16 <3.00 0.75" Middle 0.59 8.1 0.032.1 3.3 <3.00 East 0.89 7.3 0.0431 18 <3.00 7/6/2011 West 1.9 6.5 0.19 110 <3.00 0.20" Middle 1.01 6.5 0.0211 21 <3.00 East 1.81 5.7 0.13 130 <3.00 12/21/2011 West 0.81 6.8 0.0851 12 <3.00 0.80" Middle 0.65 7 0.080J 22 3.37 East 0.89 6.6 0.0871 21 <3.00 7/11/2012 West 0.34 6.9 0.037.1 4.8 <3.00 0.85" Middle 0.33 6.9 0.11 2.2 <3.00 East 0.73 6.3 0.0821 6.8 <3.00 10/15/2012 West 0.77E 7.2 0.067.1 61 10 0.50" Middle 0.62 7.4 <0.024 4.4 5.43 East 1.7B 7 0.14 36 8.79 2/13/2013 west 0.14 7.7 0.0411 4.8 <3.2 0.32" Middle 0.22 7.4 0.1 114.731 East 0.18 7.4 0.081.1 40 8.7 8/19/2013 West 0.54 5.1 <0.025 13 <2.60 0.6" Middle 0.33 7.4 <0.025 8 <2.60 East 0.47 7.2 <0.025 22 <2.60 9/17/2009 West 10.20B 7 <0.050 1.6 <3.00 * ALL SAMPLING DONE BY AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Am STIRRI IP ('RFFK npix/F CI IITF 9M Ill IQWANA Kir )-mn) STORMWATER OUTFALL SAMPLING RESULTS FROM 2009 -2013 Middle 0.13E 6.9!<0.050 <1.1<3.00 East 0.34E 5.4 <0.050 11 <3.00 12/9/2009 West 1.03.1 7 0.072.1 12 <3.49 0.25" Middle 0.646J 7.1 0.051.1 14 <3.00 East 1.442.1 5.3 0.045.1 14 <3.60 5/17/2010 West 0.5 7.1 0.069.1 1.9 <3.00 1" Middle 0.79 7.1 0.054.1 9.8 <3.00 East 0.74 7 0.052J 14 <3.00 12/4/2010 West 0.19 7.6 0.025J 16 <3.00 0.75" Middle 0.59 8.1 0.032.1 3.3 <3.00 East 0.89 7.3 0.0431 18 <3.00 7/6/2011 West 1.9 6.5 0.19 110 <3.00 0.20" Middle 1.01 6.5 0.021J 21 <3.00 East 1.81 5.7 0.13 130 <3.00 12/21/2011 West 0.81 6.8 0.085.1 12 <3.00 0.80' Middle 0.65 7 0.080.1 22 3.37 East 0.89 6.6 0.087.1 21 <3.00 7/11/2012 West 0.34 6.9 0.037J 4.8 <3.00 0.85" Middle 0.33 6.9 0.11 22 <3.00 East 0.73 6.3 0.082.1 6.8 <3.00 10/15/2012 West 0.7713 7.2 0.067J 61 10 0.50" Middle 0.62 7.4 <0.024 4.4 5.43 East 1.76 7 0.14 36 8.79 2/13/2013 West 0.14 7.7 0.0411 4.8 <3.0 0.32" Middle 0.221 7.41 0.11 114.73J East 0.18 7.4 0.081J 1401 8.7 * ALL SAMPLING DONE BY AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. a a m ~ o a N � � Z o a 0Lu 0 Lu Za C7 � � w a = U z (n w M m Ln ~ Lu r} 2 N U a Z = w } °C F- J U a LL O z v z w w LJJ z V i. w Ln w w L" w `n Z LLJ Ln w w w' w z w > Ln zzzz w W W w , I I U') U') -LI Z Ln Z Ln Lu w w w w!wlwIwIww I!w!wEww w w w w w w w Iw w w!w1w!wPw#wiwlws Z Z Z Z'Z+z?z:Z;'Z'Z'Z'Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z`Z'Z:Z''Z Z:Z O O O O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O CD O co zz z z z z Z'z Z z z z z z z z zzzz z z z Z'z z z z z Z', w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w w-w V Z Z w- Z w Z w Z w Z! --- -. 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W Ql r1 VISUAL SUMMARY OF STORMWATER SAMPLING REUSLTS 2009 THROUGH 2O13 VEOLIA FACILITY HAS A TOTAL OF (3) OUTFALL AREAS WEST MIDDLE EAST DATE SAMPLER OUTFALL PROBLEM/CONDITION MAINTENANCE RAIN EVENT 7/17/2009 MACTEC ALL Trace organic floating None 0.25 inch 12/9/2009 MACTEC ALL Trace organic floating None 0.25 inch 5/17/2010 MACTEC ALL None None 1 inch 10/4/2010 MACTEC ALL None None % inch 7/6/2011 MACTEC ALL Trace organic floating/suspend None 0.2 inch 12/21/2011 AM EC ALL Trace organic floating/suspend None 0.8 inch 7/11/2012 AMEC West/East Trace organic floating/suspend None 0.85 inch Middle None None 11/15/2012 AM EC ALL None None 0.50 inch 2/13/2013 AMEC ALL Color light brown None 0.32 inch 8/19/2013 AMEC West/Middle None None 0.6 inch East Slight oil sheen None SUMMARY OF BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Veolia Environmental Services employs many Best Management Practices (BMP's) as a part of daily operations. They are listed below with a brief description of the activities: 1. Remove and cover potential sources — Hazardous waste is stored in enclosed trailers which are staged within secondary containment under a roof. The trash dumpster is covered and also placed under the roofline. Vehicle maintenance activities are generally conducted off -site. 2. Good housekeeping- All materials are stored neatly and orderly in designated storage areas. Leaks and spills are isolated and cleaned up properly upon detection. All material inventories are kept up-to-date. 3. Preventative maintenance- Containers and container storage areas are inspected daily. If a container is found to be leaking, bulging, or of poor integrity, it will be remediated immediately. The facility maintains an extensive inventory of emergency response equipment and supplies, which are readily available. The secondary containment system is maintained in a good state, free of cracks or damage. 4. Visual inspections —The facility is inspected daily by facility personnel to ensure that there are no leaking containers and that containers are in good condition. The containment system is also inspected daily. Facility personnel are trained to recognized pollution sources and to report them immediately. 5. Other considerations — Safety and environmental audits are conducted routinely. These audits include a review of the facility for good housekeeping practices. Facility personnel are trained annually on emergency response and the contingency plan. ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES Responsible Parties • Bob Rath- General Manager Mid -Atlantic Region. Responsibilities: Ensures Mid -Atlantic operations are conducted in accordance with all internal procedures as well as applicable environmental regulations. • John Dyer- Environmental Health & Safety Manager. Responsibilities: Ensure facility operations are conducted in accordance with all internal procedures as well as applicable environmental regulations. Designated as a Emergency Coordinator in the facility Contingency Plan. • Anthony Hudson- Operations Manager Carolinas & Virginia. Responsibilities: Ensures operations in The Carolinas & Virginia Offices are conducted in accordance with all internal procedures as well as applicable environmental regulations. • Jay Beck- Facility Operations Manager. Responsibilities: Manages the facility's day to day operations. Ensures operations are conducted in accordance withal internal procedures as well as applicable environmental regulations. Designated as Emergency Coordinator in Contingency Plan. • Ray Fletcher- Facility Supervisor. Responsibilities: Supervises daily activities in the Shipping / Receiving area. Designated as Emergency Coordinator in Contingency Plan and conducts inspections of storm water discharges from trenches. • Alan Jenkins- Technical Solutions Lead Repack. Responsibilities: Manages the facility's Repackage program. Designated as Emergency Coordinator in Contingency Plan. • Doug Ross- Operations Project Manager. Responsibilities: Manages the day to day Field Operations Division. Designated as Emergency Coordinator in Contingency Plan. SUMMARY OF SWPPP REVISIONS AND / OR SIGNIFICANT CHANGES • July ft, 2006: ONYX Environmental Services changed its name to Veolia ES Technical Solutions. • February 6th, 2007: Veolia ES Technical Solutions requested the services of MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, INC. oversee the project of one soil boring monitoring well in the South -South -East portion of the 2176 Will Suitt Road property. • January 2010: Veolia ES Technical Solutions, 2176 Will Suitt Road, Creedmoor, NC site became a part of the Veolia ES Mid -Atlantic Branch. • August 2012: Veolia ES Technical Solutions requested the services of CentiMark to replace rubber membrane on 10,000 sqft warehouse. This project was done as a part of (BMP) for the issues of old rock on the warehouse that had showed signs of decaying of pine needles, leaves and significant algae build up on membrane surface. • August 24th, 2012: Veolia ES Technical Solutions, 2176 will Suitt Road, Creedmoor, NC Facility received the renewal of the Part B permit from the State of North Carolina Division of Waste Management. • January 2013, Veolia ES Technical Solutions, completed the containment area located on the East side of the Shipping and Receiving Dock. This area will allow for the Temporary Storage and Containment of (3) trailers, max at one time. Pad used for the completed outbound load awaiting Transportation. - °\°^1?<«2� <© > : Location y >} v: .l5,�t`\\\ Map r,,,%: � f`:!f. . + ButIle1' "J Lyons Illy %/� ' •�. �, _- �f'' f,�� �.i ' �f "y • • l - _.1 ifs � �, �-'Ca>mitrd � �.. J �! ) A '� ,( • �t , ��. _�`) '`� � `� it if �h � . - (I �� SL t(1 e �i•/ fir rS ! Cem1107), 85 r ell f f Y� `'x� �-\..-, 4 � by /5 p • -, r i� E "' _ .ice! - 4 ' 7 (ti01 l' a r 4 A Gua d; C /f :ri t illll Gem STEM, N. C. CREEMMOOR, N. C. NORTH SW-4 CREEDMOOR 15` QUADRANGLE �"'�'�' cREEDM�R 15• QUADRANGLE 36078-B6-TF-024 36078-A6-TF-024 PHOFOINSPECTED, 1990 fj� 197 .4 "�_ 1934 t'P1oroFtEVIs£°o 1987 PHC),rQ iEVISF=D 1987 DMA 5256 It SW -SERIES V842 DMA 5255 11 MW SERIES V842 CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET ameO NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 AMEC ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. 1000 0 1I100 'ZWO 4021 STIRRUP CREEK DRIVE, SUITE 100 ---. --- DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27703 DRAWN: R.R. DATE: FEBRUARY 2013 DRAWING TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP ENG CHECK: SCALE: 1 : 24000 VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS CREEDMOOR, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVAL: JOB: 6470-12-1039 004 w -.- 379-- - / . �: ✓'i 00 3 .,11i3 :---durd fn Center/ BM 86 •<, / ,Stet Hospitapi M / !C yons 56 • \- '� " i� ✓/%- �1 ..ram 4002 Ch— I • •� � �. � � ^� \ice •\ u4� ( 1 ----Al• r 9000 NW�On' f FEET —Pm o-ve Ch �L /o Gem 1E07 _ / Side 85 40 7 °45' 7031 DU,RHAM 13 MI. '04 12 080 000 FEET '05 '( Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey Control by USCS, NOSINOA.A, USCE,and North Carolina Geodetic Survey �oTopography by photo rammetric methods from aerial photographs n� tauten 1974. Field checked 1974 � ...i Projection and 10,00 -feaot grid ticks: North Carolina coordinate 7• �, I Attachment L-40 w g. N o. Sl' t e I m 0 r I n D mm m M 0 2 Z Z Ci � r = Ln 0 >c: m--� 00 rz z cn D" r r n Zo M y Z tt o -0nn D o A CD � m m c a0 08 0 o N C� I � W � o �y ar, H 0 O CD z 0 ca U) W 0 o 0 o � D m m 0 D Z D AS 9L0' L L - Z oad £ 'ON TM10 2131vmdM W2lQLS • • °155�9r- 2asaina- i .. dwn ' Ad8.3a02i01S 3S i9L'i£ - £ -N a ch HON3 o I n .goo&, 30N3J 31V9 ' m m c m PREPARED BY/DATE TG 2/3/2006 CHECKED BY/DATE SSK 2/3/2006 Z 'ON Tid31n0 8RVM WM01S 0 I 0 0 N . ° T1V31l10 0 H31dM W801S CO Pl dK"fd . ` . o O ° O ° is 199'9Z = L D" �k44O 0 3501" VaM \ \ , `" -- 31d0 " 1 0 oc0 Z O O m Q' a Z;0 O D O = D Y � G N m O D D �o , m Z 7 O p Z c O c I _ c Z y m D O co " D m Z D -H O m O 0 D O adoa Luns TIIM 90" A 0 �- ��« �A 5 / k m m e|zl§ k � A� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM Director October 18, 2013 Wayne Bulsiewicz Veolia Es Technical Solutions LLC 2176 Will Suit Rd Creedmoor, NC 27522 Pat McCrory, Governor John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC Permit Number NCS000175 Granville County Dear Perrnittee: Your facility is currently covered for stormwater discharge under NPDES Permit NCS000175. This permit expires on 1/31/2014. To assure consideration for continued coverage under your individual permit, you must apply to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) for renewal of your permit. Enclosed you will find an individual permit Renewal Application Form, Supplemental Information request, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Certification for your facility. You can also find this information on our website at the following link: http:/ /aortal.ncdenr.org/web/lrZstormwater Filing the application form along with the requested supplemental information will constitute your application for renewal of this permit. Until your permit renewal is completed and you receive a new permit, please continue to comply with all conditions and monitoring requirements in your expired NPDES stormwater permit. Please complete and return the application and supplemental information to DEMLR by December 2. 2013. Failure to request renewal within this time period may result in delay of your permit renewal. Discharge of stormwater from your facility without coverage under a valid stormwater NPDES permit would constitute a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assessments of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have any questions regarding permit renewal procedures please contact Bradley Bennett of the Stormwater Permitting Unit at (919)-807-6378 or bradley.bennett@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely,, - — Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater Permitting Program Cc: SPU Files 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 - Telephone 919-707-9220 / FAX: 919-733-2876 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: i,;i 11 orp tai.ncdenr.org/v,eb/lr/iand-quality An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper