HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC204386_NOI Signed Certification_20201002NCG01 Notice of Intent (NOI) Certification Form Directions: Print this form, complete, scan and upload to the electronic N01. Then, mail the original form to the NC DENril_P, Stormwater Program (u, Ah $100 check if pmying by check) at: Division of Energy, Mineral & Land resources Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street, 61 Floor (Office 64.0K) 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699- Y-1 ) DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM OR PAYMENT UNTIL YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED AS COMPLETE er NC General Statute 143-215.6E (i), ony person vvhc knowingly min kes any folse statement, representation, or cert1dodon & orgy application, record, report, plop, or oti72r documer7i filed or reouii ed to be mointuir,ed under this Article or a rule implementing this Article ... shod he guilty of o Class 2 misdemennor i,lhich n;oy inciude e fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.). Under penaky if 1,w, ! ceriffy that (check all boxes to indicate `y'o`!r agreeilleio): I ai -i hi pewon responsible for the construct on activities of this project, for satisfying the re,drements of this permit, and for any Ail or KnWal peneWes irci_irrecdl d',le to violations of this jlcl-rnit. The infornnation SUbmitted in this NO! is, to Be best of my kwujedge and belief, True, accurate, and ccf;;pieie iLzseLd on my Inquiry of the person or persons whc MS=ge the SYMM, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the informaton. j 01 aide by A conditions or the NCG010000 General Permit and the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. II ile ai pi,cwed Erc'sion and Sedimcis Cori= Pin is not COili iiai1 1+vitil Part li (SlornlVvater Pollui:iol) Pmvention Puri) of the NCG010000 General Permit, I uvill nonetheless ensure 'that all conditions of Part Il of the permit are met on the project at al[ times. I hereby request coverage under the NCG010000 General Permit and understand that coverage under -[his perirnl 1'•llll conStitlrte the permit r equiremEnt5 for the and is enforceable in the some n•ianner as an 5XIdua] perm4t. Nan-ie of Project_: {{ ` Legally R.,-sponsible Organizational Entity. � V� `C !-.egally 3?esponsibie Person; I d(7,1') the of Legally Responsible'' --Perrson: LYA?.X)t T "Sisnaturc: Vl�-fie'. Date: BI1a LvZO Fits Name and We of Signed 6f AuMorked 1: ii'r)r"il Fell?I:ZLCt°. _.- .t., ,, C--L'_ s,gr;ed by 5 ivy 1JC',-" 44 tt--.j.---i.c 5;._4 i-IC.; c7','✓;i5cr oi:er4 es Me ij(t`lrl;;" u M&A !'m ii%. se fs'"iTan T) iiT'i��Y,,�����.�,,:�vi_rii1.5 rri7i�. 17win ori%leyNl� mem, see :✓-. 1 -- !� _L. r; of vie N C L;V_00hj0 pe nlit.