HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransylvania Co. - Cascade Hydroelectric ProjectUnited States artment of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street ri Asheville, North Carolina 28801 l� October 11, 2001 Mr. David P. Boergers, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE. Washington, DC 20426 Subject: Additional COMMENTS on Notice of Surrender for the Cascade Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. P-2541) Dear Mr. Boergers: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) remains concerned about the manner in which the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) is conducting the process for terminating its jurisdiction at the Cascade Hydroelectric Project (Project No. 2541). On September 25, 2001, the Service responded to Commission staff s April 17, 2001, Notice of Surrender of License for the Cascade Hydroelectric Project.' These additional comments outline our continuing concerns resulting from the Notice of Surrender; letters dated September 18, 2001, from Mr. Mark K. Seifert to Mr. Edward Abrams; and issues raised at a site visit on October 3, 2001. As stated in our September 25, 2001, correspondence to the Commission, this proceeding triggers numerous statutory obligations for the Service. The Service urges the Commission to proceed in a manner that allows for full public input and allows the Service to fulfill its statutory obligations under provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661-667e); section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (ESA); the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 803(a) and 0)), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 1536, 1538); the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) (NEPA); the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.); and the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 (100 Stat. 1243). 'Cascade Power Company (Cascade) filed an application for surrender of minor project license on April 2, 2001. The United States Department of the Interior (Department) -filed a. motion to intervene in this matter on May 16, 2001. We also filed cormnents with the CommissioA on �AugusYt,30, 2001;, and September 25, 2001. IV 28 2001_ NOV 1 9 2001 1111TE.1d pOALEIYSECi N' ' E4tE�f�?i�b INA r i`p ni ivi rry Based on the October.3, 2001, site visit involving the Service and representatives of Cascade, we are still quite concerned about the lack of detailed information currently before the Commission regarding the safety and environmental issues triggered by Cascade's surrender. This is especially true regarding endangered species in the project area. Given the resource concerns at the project, continuing to make decisions on such a fast track could result in the abdication of responsibility by both the Commission and the Department under the Commission's regulations and the above -mentioned statutes. This surrender process warrants thorough 'investigation and analysis regarding, among other environmental considerations, the endangered Appalachian elktoe, its occurrence in the project area, and potential effects of the proposed license surrender on the species, its fish host, and its habitat (Federal Register 59:60324-60340; 66:9540-9555). Also, the Service is concerned that adequate information is still outstanding regarding future maintenance of the project facilities. Again, this requires appropriate scoping of all issues pursuant to NEPA as well as adequate public notification. As an illustration of what the Service considers a meaningful surrender process, the Service directs your attention to prior proceedings where the Commission required licensees to submit detailed plans before the Commission would grant surrender and project retirement. See Wisconsin Electric Power Co., 94 FERC ¶ 61,038 (January 12, 2001); see also Edwards Mfg. Co., 81 FERC 161,225 (November 25, 1997). Granted, this proceeding does not involve retirement; nevertheless, the detailed plans the Commission ordered are applicable here. For example, the Commission has required the licensee to meet with interested parties to identify any necessary studies the licensee may need to conduct (see Wisconsin Electric Power Co.). It also routinely requires the licensee to convene a technical conference to identify resource and safety issues. Commission staff then issues a written summary of the conference describing all matters raised at the technical conference. See Id.; also Condit Hydroelectric Project roject No. 2342) Technical Conference Summary Report (July 3, 2001); Childs Irving Hydroelectric Project (Project No. 2069)Summary of Technical Conference (February 8, 2001). Such a technical conference with Commission staff, Cascade, State and Federal resource agencies, and other interested parties is appropriate here. Such a meeting would ensure, for all parties, that the Commission had fully disclosed and addressed all relevant issues of concern prior to the cessation of its jurisdiction at the project site and the assumption of management responsibility by the State of North Carolina. Site Visit At the October 3, 2001, site visit, Service staff and representatives of Cascade toured the project area. Discussions during the visit revealed that there may not yet be a Commission -approved plan for maintaining run -of -river operation, nor does there appear to be a plan for monitoring and remedying any events that lead to an interruption of flows. The Service reiterates its request that Commission staff conduct a site visit to determine and evaluate, among other things, how run -of -river operations currently occur and how any maintenance procedures will occur in future. We would like to visit the site with Commission staff, the licensee, and State personnel to assist in identifying resources and issues not readily understood without such a site visit. 2 Once the Commission conducts a site visit, it will then be better prepared to comply with Part 6 of its regulations --Surrender or Termination of License. See 18 C.F.R. § § 6.1 - 6.5. For example, a site visit will facilitate compliance with Rule 6.2; i.e., surrender may only occur upon the licensee's fulfillment of any obligations prescribed by the Commission in response to the surrender application (18 C.F.R. § 6.2). The Service fails to see how the Commission can adequately prescribe necessary safety and environmental mitigation without visiting the project with State and Federal resource agencies. Such a visit would trigger dialogue between the licensee and agencies for establishing mitigative measures acceptable to all entities. Run -of -river Operations The Service reiterates its concern about the potential downstream effects of the change in operation, especially as they affect endangered species. We recommend additional study of this question to establish procedures and objectives for maintaining adequate river flow during maintenance and subsequent refilling of the reservoir. We expect that dam maintenance and reservoir refill could affect the endangered Appalachian elktoe downstream of the project. At a minimum, the State will need to address run -of -river operation, maintenance, monitoring, as well as dam safety prior to its acceptance of responsibility for this project. The Commission needs to establish an open process for ensuring that these responsibilities are properly transferred to the State. Endangered Species Appalachian elktoe. The Service recommends that the Commission initiate section 7 consultation for this species immediately. Consultation is necessary to adequately understand the direct and indirect effects of the proposed license surrender to this species. To begin with, a survey for the Appalachian elktoe is needed to determine where the species occurs relative to the operation. During the October 3, 2001, site visit, we discussed potential habitat within the project boundaries and the immediate downstream reach of the Little River. Proper surveys for this species are necessary so that the Commission can make a determination as to how the proposed license surrender will affect this species. Also relevant is the fact that the project facilities block upstream movements of the mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi), the fish host for the Appalachian elktoe, from reaching suitable habitat upstream. The Service needs information about whether the continued limitation of access to upstream habitat affects the Appalachian elktoe and its fish host. If the species is negatively impacted by this lack of access, the Service may request proper mitigation pursuant to section 18 of the Federal Power Act or section 7 of the ESA. Small whorled pogonia. We recommend surveys for small whorled pogonia'(Isotria medaloides) within the project boundary. Even though this diminutive species blooms during May, we expect you could make a determination of effect based on a survey for potential habitat prior to that time without creating undue delay. 3 We again direct your attention to section 7(d) of the ESA, which prohibits a Federal agency and/or the permit or a permit or license applicant from making any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources during the consultation period that, in effect, would deny the formulation or implementation of reasonable and prudent alternatives regarding their actions on any listed endangered or threatened species. We do not believe it is prudent ,to allow activities within the project area that would preclude the discharge of your responsibilities under the ESA prior to completion of consultation with this office. NEPA Seoping The Department remains concerned about the Commission's NEPA process for this surrender proceeding; accordingly, we request information on the range of alternatives. that might be included in the draft environmental assessment. Mr. Seifert's letters raise issues that appear to contradict information in the application for surrender and therefore trigger the need for additional public comment. According to information in the surrender application, a notice was published in a local newspaper that only notified the readers that Cascade would cease production and wholesale of hydroelectric power. Other information in the surrender application notifies the Commission that Cascade simply did not desire to operate the facility for the purpose of generating power. In Cascade's surrender application, Mr. Seifert stated that "Cascade is owned entirely by descendants of the person who originally constructed and operated the facility" and that "Cascades's owners intend to leave the dam intact" and "to preserve the other important values listed above, Cascade wishes to leave in place the dam and reservoir." However, subsequent correspondence with the Commission indicates that Cascade expects significant changes, including the sale and development of the project works and boundary as well as cessation of public access for recreation. For example, Mr. Seifert'sAugust 8, 2001, letter stated "Cascade hopes to sell the dam, powerhouse, recreational facilities, and surrounding property to a new owner as soon as possible." In his September 18, 2001, letter, Mr. Seifert contends that "the [proposed] surrender is not a `major Federal activity affecting the quality of the human environment' only a minor one, of actual importance only to the project owners and is very unlikely to produce adverse consequences of any kind." We disagree with this contention and believe it could only be made following adequate public scoping. Summary Based on discussions with representatives of Cascade, the Service recommends additional survey work for the Appalachian elktoe within the project boundary at the two main areas of inflow to the reservoir, at the bypass reach, and at the reach of the Little River immediately downstream of the project. These surveys can be performed as part of section 7 consultation. In addition, it is reasonable for Commission staff to consider how run -of -river flows will be maintained before it makes a determination of effect to the Appalachian elktoe and certainly prior to any decision in the application for surrender. We recommend a survey for potential habitat within the project boundary for the threatened small whorled pogonia. In this regard, the Service recommends that the Commission arrange for a technical conference -type meeting involving Commission staff, the 4 te, Federal resource agencies, and other parties to explore the manner in which the State may Lime responsibility for the project under the terms of a license surrender. Finally, the nmission should consider a full range of alternatives in the application for surrender of this license. We welcome the opportunity to visit the site with the Commission's staff, consult on endangered species issues, assist in the development of a run -of -river maintenance and monitoring plan, review a draft environmental assessment for the proposed license surrender, and otherwise work with them to resolve the issues discussed above. If you have any questions about these comments, please contact Mr. Mark Cantrell of our staff at 828/258-3939, Ext. 227. Si rely, nan P. Cole State Supervisor 5 Certificate of Service rtify that the foregoing was mailed to the persons and entities set forth on the official FERC service list, this 11th day of October, 2001. C� Brian P. Cole State Supervisor O �r N H CE C'3 rV W CE: H Q FECE"Al- ENERGY fiEGULATORY COMMISSrON WASF"Narom. fl G. ods OFPOE OF ENERGY PMEMS Project No, 2541-035-NC 2Cascade Hydroelectric Project JUL � Cascade Power Company Ms. Mark K. Seifert, Attomey 107 Saint Brides Court Cary, NC 27511 Dear Mr. Seifert: This concerns our review of the application you filed on Airil 2, 2001, to surrender the license for the existing Cascade Hydroelectric Project, located on the Little River new the town of Brevard in Transylvania County, North Carolina. Your application requires the Commission to prepare an environmental assessment of the proposed action. Review of the subject application indicates that it does not include information that staff needs to complete its environmental analysis. Consequently, you are requested to file the following additional information within 45 days from the date of this letter_ 1) The, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, by letter dated May is, 2Uo 1, has questioned whether recently installed recreational facilities at the Cascade reservoir would remain open to the general public afler the Commission approves the proposed surrender of license. Your application for license surrender filed on April 2. 2001, does not discuss your plans for these facilities. Therefore, please provide information concenring what entity, if any,.vould be responsible for operating and maintaining each ofthe existing public mi=atiorial access facililies at the reservoir. 2) Your application's description of the Cascade Project leads us to believe that the existing project works may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. While we have no particular interest in listing the project, completion of the National Register of Historic Places nomination form (NPS Form I MOO) would aid us in determining the tbTe and exteat of Foitigationihal would be appropriate for a surrender of the license and for any consequent adverse effect that may result to a National Register eligible property. Therefore, please do the following. (A) Consult with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and provide us with a completed nomination form that both: indicates whether the existing project works are -National Register eligible and supports the conclusion reached as to eligibility. A determination of eligibility should include all project features that contdb'bte to the projeci's eligibility, i . (B) In addition to tie completedfortn, provide us with photographs of the project features described id the completed form. (C) Finally, include wilh your filing the SHPUS written comments on the prajeds National Register eligibility and the sufficiency of the completed form and photographs for supporting an eligibility determination. An original and eight copies of your AIR response should be filed with: The Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Mail Code: BL-20 1389 First Street, NE- Wasbinglon, DC 20426 In addition, several of thcConunisslorfs environmental specialists involve3 with the proposed license surrender viould like to conduct a site visit 10 the Cascade Project sometime in early October, 2001. Mr. Jim Haimes of my staff will contact you shortly to make arrangements. If you'haveany questions, please contact him at (202) 214.2780. Sincerely, err qftw Edward A. Abrams, Leader Hydro East Group 2 K Y STE RL INGO Diagnostic Imaging cc: Ms. Kerry Becker Water Quality Section, NCDENR Asheville Regional Office December 11,1998 MR. DAVID GOODRICH — HEAD, NPDES GROUP NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION P. O. Box 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 CASCADE LAKE MONITORING NPDES PERMIT No. 0000337 Dear Mr. Goodrich: We are requesting that our NPDES permit section A(2) be modified to eliminate monitoring at lake locations 3, 4, and 5. We have completed two years of monitoring in Cascade Lake, and attached are the 1997 and 1998 data summaries. We did not have any significant adverse impact and the conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and pH are normal for these months and river flow. We do plan to continue instream monitoring in Little River at monitoring locations A(2) 1 and 2. In our 1996 permit renewal meetings and your 7/25/96 letter to C. L. Meinzer, the monitoring requirements were discussed and you agreed that they could be eliminated after two years if there were no adverse effects to Cascade Lake. Since the lake is about two miles downstream of the plant, and there are three waterfalls (High, Triple and Hooker Mill Falls) downstream between the plant and the lake, these falls have a major effect on the rivendissolved oxygen and temperature. Also attached are the river flow and silver data downstream of our discharge point. If there are any questions, please call me at (828)885-5671. Sincerely, EDWARD K. HALLOWELL ENVIRON',MNTAL CHEMIST bps Attachments Sterling Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. Staton Road • P.O. Box 267 I Brevard, NC 28712.0267 A.(2). INSTREAM MONITORING": Permit No. NC0000337 Parameter Frequency Method/Sample Type Location DO 3/week, Jun - Sep; 1/week, Oct - May Grab 1 2 2/mo, June - Sep Vertical - Top, middle, bottom 3, 4,5 Temperature 3/week, Jun - Sep; 1/week, Oct - May Grab 1. 2 2/mo, June - Sep Vertical - Top, middle, bottom 3, 4, 5 Conductivity 3/week, Jun - Sep; 1/week, Oct - May Grab 1, 2 2/mo, June - Sep Vertical - Top, middle, bottom 3, 4, 5 Silver 1 /week Grab 2 pH 2/mo, June - Sep Vertical - Top, middle, bottom 3, 4, 5 Monitoring Locations: 1.) Upstream above outtall 2.) Downstream at Buck Forest Road 3.DDownstream at the widest portion of Cascade Lake W Downstream at Cascade Lake Dam 5. Downsteam above Cox Branch ' See Part III, Condition FI. Cascade Lake -1997 June 13 - Sept. 26 CONDUCTIVITY Cox Branch Area - Conductivity 40.0 35.0 ( I f 30.0 0 25.0 -+-Top E 20.0 i ! I i f-Middle i 15.0 ' I �1r- Bottom I 10.0 I ; 5.0 0.0 I i 12'3 4�6 7 8 onthly Sample �-✓ j IN a Section - Conductivity 40.0 35.0 30.0 H 25.0 0 E 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Near Dam - Conductivity 40.0 35.0 30.0 f w 25.0 I j 0 t 20.0 E f 15.0 I 10.0 f 5.0 ; 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g Bi-Monthly Sample -♦-Top -�--Middle t� - A -Bottom- i i I i 0 Top -I--Middle —A-- Bottom Cascade Lake -1997 June 13 - Sept. 26 DISSOLVED OXYGEN Cox Branch Area - Dissolved Oxygen 9.0 8.0 7A 6.0 E 5.0 a 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample 8.0 s.o 8.0 7.0 6.0 E 5.0 a a 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1 i 9.0 8.0 �- 7.0 i 6.0 E 5.0 a 4.0 3.0 i 2.0 I 1.0 0.0 1 2 Wide Section - Dissolved Oxygen 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Near Dam - Dissolved Oxygen 3 4 5 6 7 /8 Monthly Sample �/; -�--Top --IF-Middle Bottom - 6 Top -it-Middle * Bottom -0 Top -i■-Middle - A Bottom Cascade Lake - 1997 June 13 - Sept. 26 TEMPERATURE Cox Branch Area - Temperature 30.0 � 25.0 f i i f v 20.0 j CD —Top OP I a, I 10.0 I--F-Middle Bottom 0.0 f I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 Bi-Monthly Sample i Wide Section - Temperature 30.0 25.0 v 20.0 H m 15.0 m 10.0 5.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g Bi-Monthly Sample Near Dam - Temperature 30.0 25.0 U 20.0 V1 d 15.0 a 10.0 5.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample 0 Top —W- Middle A Bottom s.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 y 7.00 j 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 1 s.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 1 s.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 N 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 1 Cascade Lake -1997 June 13 - Sept. 26 pH Cox Branch Area - pH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Near Dam - pH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Wide Section - pH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample —�-Top (-F-Middle Bottom I —� --Top --1♦--Middle i --- Bottom . --Top —i—Middle --*—Bottom Cascade Lake - 1998 June 3 - Sept. 25 CONDUCTIVITY Cox Branch Area - Conductivity 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 ::Tap 0 25.0 E --*-Middle 20.0 Bottom 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Wide Section - Conductivity 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 0 Top 0 E 25.0 -11-Middle 20.0 Bottom 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Near Dam - Conductivity 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 E 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample 0 Top -0-Middle . - Bottom Cascade Lake - 1998 June 3 - Sept. 25 DISSOLVED OXYGEN Cox Branch Area - Dissolved Oxygen IV. U 8.0 7.0 6.0 E 5.0 cLCL 4.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample 9.0 8.0 7.0 6,0 E 5.0 CL CL 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 E 5-0 CL 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 I Wide Section - Dissolved Oxygen 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Near Dam - Dissolved Oxygen 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample —Top —1111—Middle A Bottom Top --E-Middle —Ar-- Bottom $ Top —0—Middle Bottom Cascade Lake - 1998 June 3 - Sept. 25 TEMPERATURE Cox Branch Area - Temperature 30.0 I 25.0 i v 20.0 y f Top 15.0 I i —F Middle 10.0 Bottom 5.0 I i j i 0.0 f I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i g Bi-Monthly Sample 3 Wide Section - Temperature 0.0 25.0 v 20.0 fA 15.0 m m 0 10.0 5.0 0.0 30.0 25.0 v 20.0 y 15.0 m C, 10.0 5.0 0.0 —+—Top --11—Middle —Bottom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g Bi-Monthly Sample Near Dam - Temperature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g Bi-Monthly Sample —Top --*—Middle — Bottom 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 H 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample - 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 N 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 s.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 N 'E 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 1 Cascade Lake -1998 June 3 - Sept. 25 pH Cox Branch Area - pH Near Dam - pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample Wide Section - pH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bi-Monthly Sample -- -Top -*-Middle -A- Bottom - 0 Top -E-- Middle -A Bottom :4 Top -11--Middle -, - Bottom DATE Ag Conc. River Flow MGD Jan-97 <.0125 65 Feb-97 <.0125 94 Mar-97 <.0125 117 Apr-97 <.0125 107 May-97 <.0125 70 Jun-97 <.0125 76 Jul-97 <.0125 55 Aug-97 <.0125 22 Sep-97 <.0125 26 Oct-97 <.0125 28 Nov-97 <.0125 37 Dec-97 <.0125 59 Jan-98 <.0125 94 Feb-98 <.0125 332 Mar-98 <.0125 113 Apr-98 <.0125 92 May-98 <.0125 65 Jun-98 <.0125 39 Jul-98 <.0125 22 Aug-98 <.0125 18 Sep-98 <.0125 14 STERLING DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING LITTLE RIVER STREAM DATA AVE AG CONC AND AVE RIVER FLOW MGD 345 295 245 195 f 3 River Flow MGD 145 —�Ag Conc. 95 a. 45 -5a.,L: � rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn co � co f0 N 7 a > C >. a in `° z° U) r:. L� n FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSIO ATLANTA REGIONAL OFFICE ridge 85 North Building idential Parkway - Suite 300 °0 �� � .111 ( aanta, Georgia 30340 rn �- f,�1s-kt.. (770) 452-2360 lye V JUN 23 19 In reply refer to: P-2601 NATDAM No. NCO0790 P-2603 NATDAM No. NCO0140 PN-2619 NATDAM No. NCO0348 Mr. Thomas D. Smitherman Vice President Production, Transmission arid`,�'Di;stribution Nantahala Power and Light Company Post Office Box 260 Franklin, North Carolina 28734 Dear Mr. Smitherman: The annual operation inspections of the EE'. sonl Project No. 2601, tF'rankl nj Project No. 2603, and@M sio a Project No. 2619 are scheduled for July 13 and 14, 1998. Mr. William H. Duke, Atlanta Regional Office staff engineer, will meet your representatives) at your Franklin Central Operations Center at 1 p.m. on Monday, July 13, 1998. An itinerary for the inspections will be arranged at that time. Please have the following project information available for review for the report period: A copy of the most current in-house inspection report, current and historical instrumentation data/graphs, scheduled and unscheduled unit outages, dates of annual maintenance, date and maxi«urn flow, emergency action plan test date and training date, and any other significant events that occurred during the report period. You were furnished a letter dated March 2, 1994, stating each project owner is responsible to ensure the project is in compliance with 18 CFR, Section 12.43, requiring any power or communication line or gas pipeline that is located over, under, or in project waters not to obstruct navigation for recreational or commercial purposes or otherwise endanger public safety. Minimum clearances of power and communication lines should be in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code. Mr. Duke will discuss the assessment during the inspections and indicate any followup actions JUN 2 6 1998 VVh1 I LN ULJAU I SF�`Tlna� Smitherman -2- ing the inspections, you may be requested to operate any or zne sp.Lllway gates using standby emergency power. Copies of- this letter are being furnished to appropriate Federal and State agencies. If agency representatives are interested in accompanying Mr. Duke during the inspections, they are requested to contact this office at (770) 452-2363, extension 26. This contact will be the basis for notifying agencies of a.last minute change in the inspection schedule. Sincerely, Jerrold W. Gotzmer, Director Smitherman -3- 11%:5. %,y111.11.La Sohn U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service 1875 Century Boulevard, Suite 324 Atlanta, GA 30345 Mr. John M. Hefner U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Andreas Mager, Jr. National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Regional,Office 9721 Executive Center Drive N St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2432 Regional Administrator Region IV Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth St. Atlanta, GA 30303 Attn: Mr. Heinz Mueller State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Environmental Management and Recreation Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. Steven E. Reed Division of Water Resources NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Mr. Frank McBride NC Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Boating and Inland Fisheries 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Attn: Habitat Conservation Program s D. Smitherman -4- James K. Leumas, P.E. State Dam Safety Engineer Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Land Quality Section Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ATLANTA REGIONAL OFFICE Parkridge 85 North Building 3125 Presidential Parkway - Su a 0 Atlanta, Georgia 30340 s (770) 452-2360 � t � MAY 2 I WO MAY 121998 Mr. C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. President Cascade Power Company Post Office Box 1137 Brevard, North Carolina 28712 Dear Mr. Pickelsimer: In reply refer to: P-2541 NATDAM No: NCO0340 Mr. Terry West of the Atlanta Regional Office will conduct an operation inspection of the Cascade Project No. 2541 on Thursday, June 4, 1998.., He will meet you or your representatives) at Cascade Power Company's (CPC) office at 10 a.m. to begin the inspection. An itinerary for the inspection will be arranged at that time. All project structures will be inspected, and records for this project will be examined. An exit meeting will be held at the end of the inspection to discuss findings and necessary followup actions. A copy of the Project Compliance Summary from the Hydropower License Compliance Tracking System accompanied our May 15, 1997, letter. This summary describes the status of actions to be taken by CPC to comply with the requirements of the project exemption and Commission rules and regulations. Following the inspection, the current status of required actions will be reviewed with CPC staff, and any questions they may have will be answered. CPC was furnished a letter dated March 2, 1994, stating each project owner is responsible to ensure the project is in compliance with Section 12.43 of the Commission's regulations requiring any power or communication line or gas pipeline that is located over, under, or in project waters not to obstruct navigation for recreational or commercial purposes or otherwise endanger public safety. Minimum clearances of power and communication lines should be in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code. Our records indicate that compliance with this requirement is presently satisfactory; however, CPC should be alert for any changes in powerline locations or heights. r. C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. -2- Copies of this letter are being furnished to appropriate Federal and State agencies. If agency representatives are interested in accompanying Mr. West during the inspection, they are requested to contact this office at (770) 452-2363, extension 32. This contact will be the basis for notifying agencies of a last minute change in the inspection schedule. Sincerely, // // /y J `�/e/rLrold W. Gotzmer, P.E. Director r. C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. -3- s. Cherry Green U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service 1875 Century Boulevard, Suite 324 Atlanta, GA 30345 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Andreas Mager, Jr. National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office 9721 Executive Center Drive N St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2432 Regional Director Region IV Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, GA 303.08 Attn: Mr. Heinz Mueller State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Environmental Management and Recreation Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. Steven E. Reed Division of Water Resources NC Department of Environment,. Health, and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Mr. Frank McBride NC Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Boating and Inland Fisheries 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Attn: Habitat Conservation Program dr. C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. -4- dr. James K. Leumas, P.E. State Dam Safety Engineer )ept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Land Quality Section Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 June 4, 1998 MAILING ADD,; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Ms. Kerry Becker N. C. Department of Natural Resources s ;� 59 Woodf i n Place Asheville, NC 28801 JUN Dear Ms. Becker.` This letter is to clarify a situation that arose on June 3, 1998, concerning an observer's report to Mr. Bill Andersiiii of your office, that the level of Cascade Lake was dropping rapidly. On Monday, June 1, 1998, an on -site inspection by one of our employees indicated Cascade Lake was in danger of losing its flume line gate due to a rotting timber. If this gate had indeed been lost, it would have been necessary to drop the level of the lake more than twenty feet to install a new gate. Our representative, Mr. W. 0. Parker, quickly made a notification to. the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Atlanta, Georgia. He then called our consultants., Fish & Wildlife Associates in Whittier, North Carolina, advised them of the situation, and requested help with further notifications to any agencies required. We then slowly dropped the level to 2' 8" below the normal gage levels. By Wednesday morning, June 4, 1998, the repairs had been completed and the lake has filled to within normal levels this morning. We apologize that your office was not notified immediately, but quick action was required to save the gate and prevent a much worse condition. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours,, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. AA C6. CASCADE POWE - COMPANY � BREVARD, N. C. 28712 MAILING/DD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 September 23, 1993 L. of �. c Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section -5-9 W_o_o_cLf i_n- P 1_a-c-e A s h e v i l -1 a- N C 2'8-8-0-1 Dear Mr. Davis: As required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Cascade Power Company, at the beginning of 1993, had three major maintenance projects to complete on its dam in Little River: 1. Repair a cavity in the dam face. 2 .. Inspect the f.l ume 1 i ne and the wood and metal penstocks . 3. Lower the lake to the riverbed to inspect, repair or replace the main flood gate. The first two projects were completed without incident. On August 2, 1993, we notified representatives of the North Carolina Wildlife Inland Fisheries Department,.-FERC, and the Division of Environmental Management in Asheville, N. C., of our intention to totally empty the lake in_o.rder__�o complete the third project. During the early morning of August 4, 1993, with only 12' of water remaining in the pool at the dam, we received extremely heavy rains in and around the riverbed, washing silt from the banks into the remaining pool. This combination of mud and silt killed a number of fish remaining in th.e pool. We were left with the dilemma of either fully opening the gate, allowing the -silt and dead fish into the water below., .or closing the gate, leaving the fish trapped in the silt -filled pool awaiting enough fresh water for their survival. We chose to reduce the outflow and into the pool. - await fresh water coming INC �Mr� 027W i_ n FRoy M. Davis tember 23, 1993 Page 2 Pursuant to our conference, we propose to postpone until the fall of 1994, and weather conditions permitting, the attempt to completely drain the lake for the inspection, repair, or replacement of the flood gate as required by the FERC. Before this work is attempted, we will consult with the Department of Wildlife Inland Fisheries, the FERC, and the Division of Environmental Management in Asheville so that everyone is fully aware and we can obtain the best input as to how this job may be completed with minimal environmental impact. In the near f-uture, we wi-11 co_nt-a.c.t Mr. Jim Borawa of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to determine the necessary fish replacement after the lake is drained and the repairs are completed in 1994. I appreciate very much our conference on this matter and I sincerely hope my report and proposed actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 6&00� 00 7 M,�O� C. W. Pickels mer, Jr. cc: W. 0. Parker Cascade Power Company Terry West Federal Energy Regulatory Commission lKSt. VA 22205-2722 Paul V. Nolan, Esq. December 28, 1995 Ms. Lois A. Cashell Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 825 North Capitol Street, N.E. Room 3100 Washington, D.C. 20426 DIV OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGT DIRECTOR'S OFFICE ' qP one: 703-534-5509 Fax: 703-538-5257 Lv ' ..lJ • �� L n- - Z mm C3 �Ci ra J RE. Cascade Power Company ",, �z Cascade Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 2541 License Articles: 403 Impoundment Surface Level Sensor -- Additional Information %-3!3 Dear Ms. Cashell: U `V' 9aW� ;_\1 5 By a filing dated November 28, 1995, Cascade Power Company, the reCV1ien o a subsequent license on August 15, 1994, withdrew various license article submissions and requested additional time for their resubmission subsequent to pending Commission action upon Cascade's rehearing request of the order issuing the subsequent license and a request for re-evaluation of the Project's economics. One of the article's affected by Cascade's November 28th filing is article 403, which requires the submission of a plan and a schedule for implementation of an impoundment monitoring/recorder device for assessing compliance with the Project's Run -of -River requirement under Article 401. By this letter Cascade provides information concerning its interim plan for monitoring impoundment levels. Cascade's implementation schedule was tied to the Project's automation plan, which had been filed with the Commission in mid-1995 and amended with additional information on August 15, 1995. In order to ensure in the interim period that Cascade's compliance with impoundment fluctuations (no more than six inches below the dam's spillway -- see article 401) can be monitored independently by resource agencies, etc., Cascade intends to install 1 i Plfay 15, 1996, a staff gage or. a painted band that will delineate the six inch zone for the impoundment level. Fr Cascade also respectfully requests at this time that the August 14, 1995 order approving Cascade's Run -of -River Operation Plan be changed to reflect Cascade's understanding with Staff, which resulted in the withdrawal of a rehearing request of that order, concerning the operation of the Project's sluice gate. Contrary to the August 14th order, Cascade has not proposed that the sluice gate will be operated automatically by the impoundment sensor device. Manual operation of the gate is important because minimum flows are being passed through the gate, and Cascade has not included in its automation plan any costs for adding electrical motors, controls etc. Moreover, operation of the gate is limited by the need to maintain minimum flows, avoid sediment releases and the avoidance of unnecessary wear on the gate structure. Please call me should you have any questions with regard to this submission. Sincerely, V/ TauFIVANolan, Esq. Counsel To Cascade Power Company 5515 North 17th Street Arlington, VA 22205 703-534-5509 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ' I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon each person designated on the official service list compiled by the Secretary in the above -captioned proceeding pursuant to § 385.2010 of the Commission's regulations. Dated this 28th day of December, 1995. 6� Paul V. Nolan, Esq. Counsel to Cascade Power Company 5515 North 17th Street Arlington, VA 22205 (703) 534-5509 cc: Robert W. Crisp, P.E. Regional Director Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Atlanta Region Parkridge 85 North Building, Suite 300 3125 Presidential Parkway Atlanta, GA 30340 " 3 ;03 Cascade Power Company P.O. Box 1137 Brevard, NC 28712 Mr. John Boaze Fish and Wildlife Associates P.O. Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 Ms. Linda Gantt Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. George T. Everett Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attn.: Mr. Steve Reed Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Mr. Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188 4 Elizabeth R. Mosely, Esq. Spec. Dep. Attny. Gen. NC Dept. of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Richard Whisnant, Esq., General Counsel. NC Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Paul V. Nolan, Esq. 5515 North 17th Street Arlington, VA 22205 tL~ C` 5.� \I Y PAUL V. NOLAN, Esq. Work: (703) 534-5509 Fax: (703) 538-5257 January 26, 1995 Ms- his A. Cashell Sectary Fed Energy Regulatory Commission 825 Mrth Capitol Street, N.E. Rom 3100 Wasbington, D.C. 20426. RE: Cascade, Power Company Cascade Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 2541`=�' License Articles: Submission Of -- 403 Water Surface Sensor Plan, 405 Streamflow Gaging Plan, and Documentation Of Agency Consultation Dears. Cashell:y Transmitted herewith are Licensee's plans for Articles 403 and 405. Agency responses and comments, received as of today's date, are also included along with additional doementation of Licensee's consultation efforts. Documentation of Licensee's initial conation efforts was also submitted with two previous filings concerning a requested extmfwn of time for these two license articles. The submitted plans were accepted by the commenting agencies without the need for modiation; hence, there are no unresolved agency recommendations presented by this I c" zion. Please contact me should you have any questions concerning this filing. Sincerely, Paul V. Nolan, Esq. Counsel To Cascade Power Company CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1"hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon each person designated on the official service lists compiled by the Secretary in these proceedings pursuant to §385.2010 of the Commission's regulations and in accordance with Ordering Paragaph H of the issued license. Dated this 26th day of January, 1995. Paul V. Nolan, Esq. Counsel To Cascade Power Company 6219 North 19th Street Arlington, VA 22205 703-534-5509 2 DISTRIBUTION / SERVICE LIST -- PROJECT NO.2541 filing List for Articles 403 and 405., Mr. Charles W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Cascade Power Company P.O. Box 1137 Brevard, NC 28712 Mr. John Boaze Fish and Wildlife Associates P.O. Box 241 Whittur, NC 28789 Ms. Linda Gantt Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. George T. Everett Department of Environment, Health, and Natural. Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina, 27604 Attn.: Mr. Steve Reed Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Mr. Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188 3 Elizabeth R. Mosely, Esq. Spec. Dep. Attny. Gen. NC Dept. of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Richard Whisnant, Esq. General Counsel NC Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Paul V. Nolan, Esq. 6219 North 19th Street Arlington, VA 22205 ADE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT,' PROJECT NO. 2541 Article 403 Proposed plan for. Impoundment Level Sensor Cascade Power Company (Licensee) proposes to install a lake level recorder on the west abutment of the dam (Figure 1). An Endress and Hauser Model Prosonic FMU 861 ultrasonic sensor will transmit lake levels to a Rustrac D.C. Signal Recorder Model' 288 located in a contrd box near the sensor, or in the powerhouse. The west abutment was chosen to protect the sensor and recorder from high flows. Impoundment levels will be recorded 4 times a day during the period of April 1 through December 31 of each year. Lake level records will be available to resource agencies upon request. The proposed equipment will be ordered within 4 weeks of receipt of an order approving the plan. Delivery of the equipment will take approximately 6 weeks. The installation is expected to talc from 2 to 3 weeks. The target date for operation of the recorder is June 15, 1995. Article 405 Proposed plan for streamflow gage within bypass reach The ration for a stream gage within the bypass reach at Cascade Power was selected by Roger Bryan of Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc., Steve Reed of the NC Division of Water Resources, and Stephanie Goudreau of the NC Wildlife Resources Commission on December 1, 1994. The gage will be.located at the area denoted as transect 5 for purpose of the instream flow evaluation. A standard metal stream gage will be installed at the selected location. Since calibration of the stream gage requires low flows, installation is scheduled for June/July 1995 depending on inflow to the reservoir. The gage will be calibrated by measuring three flows within the bypass reach, as recommended by the NC Division of Water Resources. Flow will be measured adjacent to the gage location with a Marsh McBirney Model 2000 using guidelines provided by USGS for flow measurement. The three measured flows will include flows Power and higher than the minimum flow of 10 cfs. Gage reading will be recorded for each flow and plotted in tabular and graphical form. A copy of the calibration data and results will be provided to the consulted agencies within 30 days of calibration. The stream gage will be calibrated every two years thereafter. Lake Level Recorder CASCADE DAM Figuu~ 1. Proposed location of lake level recorder for Cascade Power Company. Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, N.C. 28789 (704) 497-6505 December 9, 1994 Mr. George. T. Everett Dept of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Divis m of Environmental Management . 512 North: Salisbury. Street, Raleil% NC 27604 RE: Cascade Power Company, FERC No. 2541 Proposed plans for Article 403 and 405 Dear IIr. Everett: Please review the enclosed plans for a lake level recorder for the impoundment (Article 403) and astream gage within the bypass reach (Article 405) for the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Written;comments and recommendations on the plans should be forwarded to Fish and Wildlife Assoc kes, Inc. within 30 days of the above date. If your agency has no comments on the plans, please send a reply stating this position. If you have any questions, please contact John Boaze or Roger Bryan at (704) 497-6505. Sinc=1y, John L. Boaze Fish mad Wildlife Biologist. cc: Cascade Power Company Paul V. Nolan ' Quality service at a reasonable price* State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Dliision of Environmental Management Jos B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jorathan B. Howes, Secretary A.eston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director I& Paul V. Nolan, Esq., 55N.17th Street A1gton, Virginia 22205 A 4 �1* 9 �EHNF1 December 13,1994 SILT: Review of the Cascade Power Company Cascade Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 2541 Preliminary Consultation Package Dmr Mr. Nolan: The staff of the Technical Support Branch has reviewed the preliminary cmsuitation package submitted by the subject facility on the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Pimarily, we have no additional comments on the report. Our primary concerns were expressed in an April,1993 memorandum pertaining to thcmaintenance of the 7Q10 flow downstream of the Cascade Project. These issues appear tobave been addressed with plans to ensure a run -of -river operation of the project and inv llation of streamflow gages. In addition, the issues that were raised by staff of the Aville Regional Office (August, 1993 memo from Roy Davis, Regional Supervisor) concerning excessive sediment releases and notification of State officials prior to iundment drawdown have been included in this package. The Asheville Regional Oce has received a copy of the consultation package for their review and additional comments may be forthcoming. Thank you for the opportunity to review this package. If there are any additional gttions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact Ruth Swanek or Jackie Nowell of -my staff at (919)-733-5083. Assistant Chief for Te Water Quality Section DISC. cc: Roy Davis Monica Swihart` French Broad File P.O. BoxZ535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 .AnEqual Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, N.C. 28789 (704) 497-6505 December 9, 1994 Mr. Steve Reed Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Divis m of Water Resources 512 Ndffi Salisbury Street Raley$, NC 27611 RE: Cascade Power Company, FERC No. 2541 Proposed plans for Article 403 and 405 Dear. it. Reed: Please: review the enclosed plans for a Iake level recorder for the impoundment (Article 403) andrstream gage within the bypass reach (Article 405) for the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Writm comments and recommendations on the plans should be forwarded to Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. within 30 days of the above date. If your agency has no comments on the plarm please send a reply stating this position. If ym. have any questions, please contact John Boaze or Roger Bryan at (704) 497-6505. Sincarely; Jolm L. Boaze Fish. an& Wildlife Biologist cc: Cascade Power Company Paul V. Nolan *Quality service at a reasonable price* Safe of North Carolina Department of Environment, IF Filth and Natural Resources A141- Dh ion of Water Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jaothan B. Howes, Secretary p E'-----' N Join N. Morris, Director Janaury 5, 1995 Mr. John L. Boaze Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O- Box 241 Whittier, NC 28789 RE: Cascade Power Company, FERC No. 2541 Proposed Plans for Article 403 and 405 Dear Mr. Boaze: The Division of Water Resources (DWR) has reviewed the proposed plans for the installation and operation of a reservoir level recorder (Article 403) and a staff gage in the bypassed reach (Article 405) .. The proposed plans attached to your December 9, 1994 letter are acceptable to DWR. We appreciate this opportunity to provide comments. Sincerely, (5 Qx� Steven E. Reed Environmental Supervisor cc: Mr. John Sutherland, DWR Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, WRC Mr.. Micky Clemmons, WRC Ms_ L.R. Gantt, USFWS P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4064 An Equoi Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, N.C. 28789 (704) 497-6505 December 9, 1994 Mr. Charles- R. Fullwood Exe€aEve Director Nord: Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 North Salisbury Street Raley; NC- 27604-1188 RE: Cascade Power Company, FERC No. 2541 Proposed plans for Article 403 and 405 Dear. Mr. Fullwood: Plem review the enclosed plans for a lake level recorder for the impoundment (Article 403) and a stream gage within the bypass reach (Article 405) for the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Wr€= comments and recommendations on the plans should be forwarded to Fish and Wildlife AssDeiates;. Inc. within 30 days of the above date. If your agency has no comments on the plans, please send a reply stating this position. If you have any questions, please contact John Boaze or Roger Bryan at (704) 497-6505. Sincerely, 'AZ /I Joba L. Boaze Fish: and Wildlife Biologist cc: Cascade Power Company Paul V. Nolan 0 Quality service at a reasonable price' ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director January. 3 , 1995 Mr. John L. Boaze Fish and�Wildlife Associates, Inc. P. O.. Box 241 Whitt$er, NC 28789 SUBJECT: Proposed plans for lake level recorder (Article 403) and stream gauge (Article 405) at Cascade Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2541. Dear. B1r. Boaze: This correspondence is in response to a request by you dated 9 December 1994 to Mr. Charles Fullwood, Executive Director of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), for our review and comments regarding plans to install a lake level recorder at the impoundment and a stream gauge in the bypassed reach at Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Biological staff of the NCWRC have no objection to the plans as described in your letter. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on these issues. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. Sincerely, Stephanie E. Goudreau Mountain Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program cc: Mr. Steve Reed, DWR Ms. L. K. Gantt, USFWS Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, N.C. 28789 (704) 497-6505 December 9, 1994 Ms. Linda Gantt Fieid'S6pervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.0- Box 33726 Raleigk..NC 27636-37266 RE: Cascade Power Company, FERC No. 2541 Proposed plans for Article 403 and 405 Dear I& Gantt Pleasereview the enclosed plans for a Iake level recorder for the impoundment (Article 403) andas#ream. gage within the bypass reach (Article 405) for the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Wrhez comments and recommendations on the plans should be forwarded to Fish and Wildlife Associates; Inc. within 30 days of the above date. If your agency has no comments on the plans,. please send a reply stating this position. If yuu have any questions, please contact John Boaze or Roger Bryan at (704) 497-6505. Silt', Johm L. Boaze Fist, and Wildlife Biologist - cc: Cascade Power Company Paul V. Nolan • Quality service a[ a reasonable price" Fish & Wildlife Assoc. 7044976505 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SER`'IGE Ecological Services Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 January 20, 1994 Mr. John Boaze. Fish and Wildlife Associates P.O. Box 241 Whittierr N.C. 28729'' Dear Mr. Bonze: P.02 ?AppKE�� lI AlNE�IGA� '1111111111111111 i The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed the plans for license article>a 402, 403, 405, 407, 421, and 412 for the Cascade hydroelectric Project, Ffift No. 2541, Macon County, North Carolina as proposed in your correspondence dated December 9, 1994 and January 9, 1995. The following comments are submitted in accozdance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 661 - 667d). The following. proposed plans address methods to comply with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's required license articles for this project: Article 402 - Plan to ensure run -of -river flows; Article 403 - Proposed plan for installation and calibration of a reservoir level recorder; Article 405 - Installation and calibration of a streamf low gage within the bypass reach; Article 407 - Sediment Control Plan; Article 411 - Visual Resources Plan; and, Article 412 - Recreation Plan. The ServLce finds that the proposed plane are acceptable to protect the fish and wildliferesources within the project's area of influence. If you have any questiaw regarding this letter, please contact Peter Campbell at (919)-856-4520 ext . 17.. (Sincerely, V I,. "Lk�antt Supervisor Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, N.C. 28789 (704) 497-6505 January 20, 1995 Mr. Taul V. Nolan, Esq. 5515 R'. 17th Street. Arlington, VA 22205 Dear Paul:.. Encl ed�are copies of plans for License Articles 403 and 405, and agency: correspondence and comments. Please file these documents with: the FERC and send copies to each person on the Distmi,bution/Service List as required for Certificate of Service. All ,agencies that returned comments agreed with both proposed plans,, therefore all concerns were addressed on Article 403 and 405. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call. Sincerely,. /'�rz Dc ' John, L. Boaze Fish and Wildlife Biologist • Quality service at a reasonable price* State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources A • • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary E H N A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director December 13, 1994 Mr. Paul V. Nolan, Esq. �' t� 5515 N. 17th Street Arlington, Virginia 22205 SUBJECT: Review of the Cascade Power Company < <<� Cascade Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 254.1`,` Preliminary Consultation Package Dear Mr. Nolan: The staff of the Technical Support Branch has reviewed the preliminary consultation package submitted by the subject facility on the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Primarily, we have no additional comments on the report. Our primary concerns were expressed in an April, 1993 memorandum pertaining to the maintenance of the 7Q10 flow downstream of the Cascade Project. These issues appear to have been addressed with plans .to ensure a run -of -river operation of the project and installation of streamflow gages. In addition, the issues that were raised by staff of the Asheville Regional Office (August, 1993 memo from Roy Davis, Regional Supervisor) concerning excessive sediment releases and notification of State officials prior to impoundment drawdown have been included in this package. The Asheville Regional Office has received a copy of the consultation package for their review and additional comments may be forthcoming. Thank you for the opportunity to review this package. If there are any additional questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact Ruth Swanek or Jackie Nowell of my staff at (919)-733-5083. Sin rely, ald L. Safnt, Assistant Chief for Tec ical S po Water Quality Section DLS/JMN cc: "Roy_ -Davis Monica Swihart French Broad File P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT November 18, 1994 TO. Monica Swihart THRU: Ruth Swanek �,��� Z IQ4(i ; Carla Sanderson FROM: Jacquelyn M. Nowell �A SUBJECT: Review of the Cascade Power Company Cascade Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 2541 The Technical Support Branch has reviewed the preliminary consultation package submitted by the subject facility on the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Primarily, we have no additional comments on the report Our primary concerns were expressed in an April, 1993 memorandum pertaining to the maintenance of the 7Q10 flow downstream of the Cascade Project. These issues appear to have been addressed with plans to ensure a run -of -river operation of the project and installation of streamflow gages. In addition, the issues that were raised by staff of the Asheville Regional Office (August, 1993 memo from Roy Davis) of excessive sediment releases and notification of State officials prior to impoundment drawdown have been included in this package. (Comments may be forthcoming from ARO). Thank you for the opportunity to review this package. cc: -Roy Davis' cc: Forrest Westall WLA File :44 CITIZENS TELEPHONE CO. FAX N0, 17048849595 P101 CASCADE Powr=R COMPANY 13REVARd, N. C. 28712 C, W. PICKELSIMER, JR_ PRESIDENT June '3, 1994 Ms, Kerry Becker N. C. Department of Natural Resources 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Dear Ms. Becker: MAILING APO,: ebk IM (764) 684-9011 After employing Nall Contracting Company to observe the condition of the gate and bottom of the lake at Cascade Power Project, we have concluded all repairs can be made with divers. Our plans at present are to have the divers'in the water on June 15, 1994. Would you please distribute this information to all offices in your department that are involved. Thank you for your help. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, r. 15 CITIZENS TELEPHONE CO, FAX NO. 17048849595 CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 May 16, 1994 C. W. PICKSLSIMBR, JR. PPS6IBaNT Mr. Robert Kerry N. C. Department of Wildlife Inland Fisheries & Boating 215 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Dear Mr. Kerry: P. 01 MAILING ADD.! BOX I197 (704) 884•9011 Post -It' brand fax rans ' al memo 7671 1 #of pages ► 1 r h ',o Front o. o. Dept. hone # Fax # Fax # Pursuant to telephone conversations between Mr. W. D. Parker of Cascade Power Company and Mr. Frank McBride in your office, we are planning a repair of the main flood gate and stem which requires lowering Cascade Lake. Our consulting engineering firm, B. P. Barber & Associates, of Spartanburg, South Carolina, will assist in this repair. It is our intention to lower the lake to the creek bed. We will, accomplish this by taking the first 15 feet of water down through the flume lines and the turbines. At that poi.nt, we will need to increase the opening of the flood gate to facilitate the complete lowering of the lake. Along with our engineers, we will monitor the lake during daylight hours to control any silt from going downstream and limit the flow after dark. If we detect a silt bar at any time; we will be able to remove it with desilting equipment. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY ANIO ♦40 410� /V/07'" C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. cc: Mr. Terry West F.E.R.C.-Atlanta Regional Ofc. Ms. Kerry Becker/Mr: Roy Davis N.C. Dept. of Natural Resources 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. May 19, 1994 PRESIDENT Mr. Robert Curry N. C. Department of Wildlife Inland Fisheries & Boating 215 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Dear Mr. Curry: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 We have been requested by the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Water Quality Section, to stop the lowering of Cascade Lake to make repairs on the main flood gate and stem until officials from our company attend a meeting with their personnel in Asheville, North Carolina. Therefore, we have stopped the drawdown of the lake and are holding at 5' below crest. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY A000* A '74" C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. cc: Mr. Terry West F.E.R.C.-Atlanta Regional Ofc. Ms. Kerry Becker/Mr. Roy Davis N.C. Dept. of Natural Resources 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 �V xs/"'. .ICKIZLSIMER, JR. PrIESID RNT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. 14. C. 28712 May 1.6, 1994 dr. Robert Curry H. C. Department of Wildlife Inland Fisheries & Boating 215 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Dear Mr. Curry: MAILING ADD.. BOX it37 (704) 084-90t1 Pursuant to telephone conversations between Mr. W. 0® Parker of Cascade Power Company and Fir. Frank McBride in your office, tie are planning a repair of the main flood gate and stem which requires lowering Cascade Lake. Our consulting engineering firm, B. P. Barber & Associates, of Spartanburg, South Carolina, will assist in this repair. It is our intention to lower the lake to the creek bed. He will accomplish this by taking the first 15 feet of hater down through the flume lines and the turbines. At that point, we will need to increase the opening of the flood gate to facilitate the complete lowering of the lake. Along with our engineers, vie will monitor the lake during daylight hours to control any silt from going downstream and limit the flow after dare. If tie detect a silt bar at any time, vie will be able to remove it with desilting equipment. If you have any questions, please let me knot. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY � : ry C. W. Pidkelsimer, Jr. cc: fir. Terry West F.E.R.C.--Atlanta Regional Oft. Ms. Kerry Becker/Mr. Roy Davis N.C. Dept. of Natural Resources 59 Hoodfin Place Asheville, HC 28801 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ATLANTA REGIONAL OFFICE Parkridge 85 North Building 3125 Presidential Parkway - Suite 300 Atlanta, Georgia 30340 MAY 2 71994 Project No. 2541 - NC Mr..C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. President Cascade Power Company Post Office Box 1137 Brevard, North Carolina 28712 Dear Mr. Pickelsimer: Mr. Terry W. West of the Atlanta Regional Office will conduct an operation inspection of the Cascade Project No. 2541 on Tuesday, June 14, 1994. He will meet you or your representative at the powerhouse at 12:30 p.m. to.--begin—the—inspection. All project structures will be inspected, and records for this project will be examined. Please have a boat available to facilitate the inspection of the upstream portions of the dam. An exit meeting will be held at the end of the inspection to discuss.findings and necessary followup action. A copy of the Project Compliance Summary from the Hydropower License Compliance Tracking System accompanied our December 30, 1993, letter. This summary lists information describing the status of actions to be taken by Cascade Power Company (Cascade Power) to comply with the requirements of the project license and Commission Rules and Regulations. Following the inspection, the current status of required actions will be reviewed with Cascade Power staff and any questions they may have will be answered. Cascade Power was furnished a letter dated March 2, 1994, stating each project owner is responsible to ensure the project is in compliance with Section 12.43 of the Commission's Regulations requiring any power or communication line or gas pipeline that is located over, under, or in project waters not to obstruct navigation for recreational or commercial purposes or otherwise endanger public safety. Minimum clearances should be in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code. Please have available for review during the inspection your inventory and appraisal of compliance of all utility lines at the project. Mr. West will discuss the assessment during the inspection and indicate followup action required. p �U93uv�l�� FJUNf — 3 Igon U Mr. C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. -2- Copies of this letter are being furnished to appropriate Federal and State agencies. If agency representatives are interested in accompanying Mr. West during the inspection, they are requested to contact this office at (404) 452-2360. This contact will be the basis of notification should the inspection schedule require a last minute change. Very truly yours, - I -Robert W. Crisp, P.E. Director FMr-'rC . W. Pickelsimer, Jr. -3- North Carolina Federal and State Agencies Ms. Cherry Green U. S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service 1875 Century Boulevard, Suite 324 Atlanta, GA 30345 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Andreas Mager, Jr. Acting Assistant Regional Director Habitat Conservation Division National Marine Fisheries Service 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Director Southeast Office National Park Service 75 Spring Street, S. W. Atlanta, GA 30303 Regional Director Region IV Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, GA 30308 Attn: Mr. Heinz Mueller State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Environmental Management and Recreation Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. John D. Wray, P.E. Deputy Director Division of Water Resources NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Mr. James Simons Assistant Chief Land Quality Section Dept. of Environment, Health, and Nat. Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Div. of Boating and Inland Fisheries 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Attn: Habitat Conservation Program C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 June 3, 1994 Ms. Kerry Becker N. C. Department of Natural Resources 59 Woodfi n Place Asheville, NC 28801 Dear Ms. Becker: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 After employing Hall Contracting Company to observe the condition of the gate and bottom of the lake at Cascade Power Project, we have concluded all repairs can be made with divers. Our plans at present are to have the divers in the water on June 15, 1994. Would you please distribute this information to all offices in your department that are involved. Thank you for your help. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, r. t .Ali — JM y °; F2 QUALITY SECTION tiff, . ��ranetai nt:�rr A_ 5*Pr✓v.__c�-5 aLL 1�% r Z0r �K��`I 'f ' I �1 �I o 4-5 ' �� �6 Cl Q Gt ti Gyu. VV�.vt� Fi 1- f �—� '� / iuQ C E' S $ o AG — �-j<4 kr�Gt,r�. Cc�-ct.6�4��15� Ktl L r� D U ,+QU.t►i}-in,�l-t.0 U a l'Da o Aq -f e 'fly 116-2.4) Lot U -nor) �1��- i �� ,� �� 1� l -- ----� a i � —- — -- iL --- j - i --- -- -- -- �� I' ------------ --- I i —;--- --- — -- --- -- -- --- — -- — a ai i� ------------- — --- —------------ — � I— --- —— -- — — �; - -- -- — —-- -- --- - --I- �� � ,_ ---,�^�—�1 —�i� --- — — -- ---- -- � -- — -- = —�-�-- '���c i I ------- --------- �; _ _ __ _.. _��_ � i-1 /_�__ ._ _ __ _ _______._.___ _-- �V II !' I� i� ----- -------'- - - -��� ----- -------%-�-- - -- - -- - i - - - - - - -I-'--- -- -- j ,- I--- - - --- S� - 5 �0 P. 02 DATE: TO: FAX #: FROM: FAX 0; AUTOMATIC COVER SHEET MAY-19-94 THU 15:5 17042516452 CITIZENS TELEPHONE CO, 17048849595 02 PAGES WERE SENT (INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE) U 15:52 CITIZENS TELEPHONE CO, FAX NO, 17048849595 CASCAt)E POWER COMPANY BeEVARo, N. C. 28712 May 16, 1994 C, W. PICKEt9IMER, JR, PRESIDiNT Mr. Robert Curry N: C. Department of Wildlife Inland Fisheries & Boating 215 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Dear Mr, Curry: P. 01 MAtWN4 ADD.: 66k 1137 (704) 6OA-9011 We have been requested by the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Water Quality Section, to stop the lowering of Cascade Lake to make repairs on the main flood gate and stem until officials from our company attend a meeting with their personnel in Asheville, North Carolina, Therefore, we have stopped the drawdown of the lake and are holding at 5' below crest. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY &00000 C. W, Pickelsim ;;Jr. cc: Mr. Terry West h,E.R.C,-Atlanta Regional Ofc. Ms. Kerry Becker/Mr. Roy Davis N.C. Dept, of Natural Resources 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 '"' brand fax t, nsrrlittal memo 7671 arorpayes k f i �� ___ ___� C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 September 22, 1993 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Pursuant to our conversation Thursday, September 16, 1993, if you need to contact personnel regarding the operation of Cascade Dam, please feel free to call me at 704/884-7453. If I am unavailable, please call Sandra Brinkley at 704/884-9011. My mai 1 i ng address at Cascade Power Company i s P. 0. Box 1137, Brevard, NC 28712. If you need further information, please call me. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 1 W. 0. Parker . po� o !? S& 2 3 IM C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT ADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 September 23, 1993 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING/ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 As required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Cascade Power Company, at the beginning of 1993, had three major maintenance projects to complete on its dam in Little River: 1. Repair a cavity in the dam face. 2. Inspect the flume line and the wood and metal penstocks. 3. Lower the lake to the riverbed to inspect, repair or replace the main flood gate. The first two projects were completed without incident. On August 2, 1993, we notified representatives of the North Carolina Wildlife Inland Fisheries Department,-FERC, and the Division of Environmental Management in Asheville, N. C., of our intention to totally empty the lake i n- order_ -_to complete the third projort. During the early morning of August 4, 1993, with only 12' of water remaining in the pool at the dam, we received extremely heavy rains in and around the riverbed, washing silt from the banks into the remaining pool. This combination of mud and silt killed a number of fish remaining in the pool. We were left with the dilemma of either fully opening the gate, allowing the silt and dead fish into the water below, or closing the gate., leaving the fish trapped in the silt -filled pool awaiting enough fresh water for their survival. We chose to reduce the outflow and await fresh water coming into the pool. -- - 27 03 Mr. Roy M. Davis September 23, 1993 Page 2 Pursuant to our conference, we propose to postpone until the fall of 1994, and weather conditions permitting, the attempt to completely drain the lake for the inspection, repair, or replacement of the flood gate as required by the FERC. Before this work is attempted, we will consult with the Department of Wildlife Inland Fisheries, the FERC, and the Division of Environmental Management in Asheville so that everyone is fully aware and we can obtain the best input as to how this job may be completed with minimal environmental impact. In the near future, we will contact Mr. Jim Borawa of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to determine the necessary fish replacement after the lake is drained and the repairs are completed in 1994. I appreciate very much our conference on this matter and I sincerely hope my report and proposed actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickels mer, Jr. cc: W. 0. Parker Cascade Power Company Terry West Federal Energy Regulatory Commission J Y L I ject )..rent hursday, !a, at a i F� !ed for neat in lake this azier- F,2,W Enclosure: ?agenda , cc. Kr. Jahn Eoaze Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 NC 28789 Post -It- brand fax transmittal memo 7671 "f gages ► To RoY Ails Pram C AEC Co. e- ��``e Co. D vO k Dept. ` 9 Yv Qhane 144 - ] - 40G4� Fax ft +� / `L�7 lrJ�. }7g31 Fax Q � ! 11 355 0 Agenda Cascade Hydroelectric Project FBRC No. 2541-004 January 13, 1994 site 4'ialt (6300 aa) 1. Drive access roads and camping resort roads --atop and access fishing sites and parking areas recommended in Environmental Assess}ent, 2. observe dam, spillway, and,intake 3. Hike down from dam to bypass reach and hike entire length of bypass reach. 4. Observe and measure flows (If possible, controlled releases of flows will be made so that flaw conditions at riffle and pool section of the bypass reach can be observed.) 5. visit powerhouse --observe layout of powerhouse and immediate area 6. Hiketailrace area and assess recreational opportunity. Xeating (29G0 pm) I. Review site visit observations. 2. Review EA and agency recommendations. • Proposed minimum flows • Run -of -river operation • Impoundeent controls/operation parameters • Recreation facilities 3. Discussion of annual license requirements C.W. Pickelsiter, Jr. President Cascade Power company P.O. Box 1137 Brevard, NC 28712 Nailing List r .. .. 4- �� Est. `•:;T' .���:� d „ �.} ir. Hid I � , Jy*-T Z'. µN •. .5 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 17, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee Division of Planning and Assessment FROM: Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor SUBJECT: Cascade Hydroelectric Fr_oject- Little River Application for Relicen.s.i.ng Federal Energy Regulation Commission Project Number 2541-004 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Project Number 93-0773 Transylvania County Cascade Power Company owns and operates C'asrade Lake which impounds a portion of Little River in Transylvania County. When several Divisions of this Department conducted a State ClPar-inghouse review of the subject project earlier this year most comments for.(ised upon maintenance of some minimum flow in the bypassed segment of T,itt.le River between the Cascade Lake Dam and powerhouse. During the week of August 2, 1993, a f i. sli 1� i t l occurred in Little River below Cascade Dam which inspires me t=.o su.clg-st that additional language appear in the FERC license. The fish kill wis reportedly the result of the release of sediment when the watp.r ���;�1_ behind the dam was dramatically lowered. It is the of the staff that a similar fish kill occurred in the early 1.9'ROs. It is my recommendation the the State of North Carolina amend its comments to the FERC on the proposed relirensing to include the request that the following language appear in the FFTC .license: Intcrt:hanRc Building, 59 Wood(in Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 • Tcicphone 704-251-6-208 An Erlual Opmrtunity Affirmative Action Ernployer Cascade Power Company shall release no materials tor -. take any action which wi.1_l. result in the death of fish or wildlife in Cascade L,a.ke or in the State's surface waters downstream from Cascade Lake. The Asheville Regional- Office of the Division of Environmental Management of the North Carolina Department of Environment., Health, and Natural Resources shall be n.ot:ifiPd at least three working days in advance of atly drainage or maintenance drawdown of Cascade i_.I*Ike. State Water Quality Regulations and Statist-(-ms relating to the killing of fish already allow the assessment of penalties and recovery of cost. The proposed language. would-be a helpful addit-ional tool in encouraging Cascade Power Company to operate its' h.ydr-)electric facility without killing fish. xc: DebraFrazier-Stutely - FERC Steve Reed - DWR Forrest Westall - DEM' Don Safrit - DEM C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH,: AND NATURAL RESOURCES ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION FAX#: A00a'- o'1(�-col as FROM: RO Y �AAvi 5 FAX #: 704/251-6452 DATE: 6- - 17 - � 3 # OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER: 3 MESSAGE: _If questions, please call 704/251-6208. �� i it i � lf' Atli is 1 I I� •� 1111 I r lr �� i fJr 11UIc �I f:r �';r ,i 11c r •�; I)vi,-(?I111)nf)iciI r,/l(lr)rlr7r'rnrinI I n 11r 'S ii i I! 1r11 .Ir . rl( )f Ic�nnih )r1 E3 I lov,,Ps. SnCrninry n!ri I P (= . I )irr % inr DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 17, 1-993 MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee Division of Planning and Assessment FROM: Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor SUBJECT: Cascade Hydroelectric Project Little River. Application for Relicen.s.ng Federal Energy Regulatiotl Commission Project Number 2541-004 North Carolina Department. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Project Number 93-0773 Transylvania County Cascade Power Company owns and operates (",) ,r-:ade Lake which impounds a portion of Little River in Transylvarl:ia County. When several Divisions of this Department conducted a State C19,ii i-i-ighouse review of the subject project earlier this year most commet-its fociised upon maintenance of some minimum flow in the bypassed segment of T,itt.l.e River between the Cascade Lake Dam and powerhouse. During the week of August 2, 1993, a fi-slh 1,i 1 l occurred in Little River below Cascade Dam which inspires me 1-:o su.nq-rt that additional language appear in the FERC license. The fish 1011 .,is reportedly the result of the release of sediment when the wager- 1-vel behind the dam was dramatically lowered. It is the recol1orl-ion of the staff that a similar fish kill occurred in the early 1.�1ca�Os- It is my recommendation the the State of North Carolina amend its comments to the FERC on the proposed relic -:easing to include the request that the following language appear in the FERC license: InterchanRc Building, 59 Woodfin Race, Asheville, N.C. 28801 • Telephone 704-251-6208 An Fquil C)PPornmiry Affirmative Action F.rnhl,ry'cr VorMcGee andum August 17, 1993• Page Two . Cascade Power Company shall release ,no materials nor take any action which will result in the death of fish or wildlife in Cascade Lake or in the States surface waters downstream from Cascade Lake. The Asheville Regional Office of the Division of Environmental Management of the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources shall be notifiP, at least three ,working days in advance of any drainage, or maintenance drawdown of Cascade i..ake. State Water Quality Regulations and Statiitras relating to the killing of fish already allow the assessment of penalt-.i.es and recovery of cost. The proposed language would be a helpful. addit-ional tool in encouraging Cascade Power Company to operate its h.ydr-?l.ectric facility without killing-fi-sh. kc: DebraFrazier,-Stutely - .FERC Steve Reed - DWR Forrest Westall - DEM Don Safrit - DEM _G9 WATER RESOURCES 87042516452 a-4-� P6--� (f-e� CAROLI NA. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources DIVISION .TER RESOURCES TIME: 9: /0 Art Ds� i ' E H N 2 Yeo Total Number of Pages Seat Including This Cover Sheet: f • not receive all pagesor • is not please call 919-7,33-4064 ►1,.#.,#'ii�!'#Sri'#�i�**r#�f�t�Ir#:i:1�ITIT+�#�*�iT#�1�#�"�:1 AI�7#.+t1:1.#�+� �#"# �'C♦'1'�1:"yw��r Division of Water Resources, DEHNR P. 0. Box 27687 (919) 733- 4064 Raleigh; N.C. 27611-7687 ' Fax: (919) 733-3558 COMMENTS.- cX a-,1xAe/ (01--wk L .ark` ^ - � rr.AA--� rye. A-.-� -FROM DEHNR WATER RESOURCES TO 87042516452 P.02 * � r�'k 4 _ � Y�r,N n „n vwi State Of North Carolina Department of Environment,, Health, 'and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Covernor DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES April 20, 1993 RECQW4END,ATI ON S MEMORANDUM ,TO. Melba McGee Division of Planning and Assessment FROM: Steven E. Reea�C���h SUBJECT! Cascade Hydroelectric Project Little River, Transylvania County Application for Subsequent License FERC Project No. 2541-004 ERNR Project No. 93-0773 The Division of Water Resources (DWR) has Subsequent License Application, Correction of Addendum, and'Additional information Addendum Hydroelectric Project. We recommend that the for this project contain license articles that. '.oJ,J.ow.i,ng: 1. Run -cif -River operating Mode Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary reviewed the Deficiencies for the Cascade Subsequent License address the The project should be operated in a run -of —river mode,with outflow at the confluence of the tail- race and bypassed reach being within 20 percent of inflow to the projeot reservoir during low flow conditions - this being defined as flows less than 30 percent average annual flow (less than 46 cfs) . At flows greater than 46 cfs, the combined flow of the tailrace and bypassed reach should be within 10 percent of inflow. 2_ Minimum Release to Bypassed Reach An instantaneous minimum release of 15.6 cfs should be provided at the base.of the dam to maintain aquatic habitat in the bypassed reach. When inflows to the P.O. BoK 27657, PZICI�h, North Caroline 27611-7687 Telephone 919a33-49s4 fax N 919,733-0513 An Equal C?ppommily Affirmative_ Ar_tion Employer- FROM DEHNR WATER RESOURCES TO 87042516452 P.03 Ms. Melba McGee Page Two April 20, 1993 project reservoir are less than 15.6 cfs, then the minimum release should equal inflow.. - Our minimum release recommendation is based on our revievr and analysis of the Wetted Perimeter Study conducted in the bypass. A copy -of our July 16, 1992 letter to Mr. John Boaze which describes the details of the analysis is attached. - The applicant's minimum flow recommendation of 2.0 cfs is not based on the results of a habitat based instream flow study. This extremely low flow is less than 10 percent of the 7Q10 flow and only 16 percent of the lowest daily flow of record for the. site. We also ran an Incremental Wetted surface Area Analysis on the wetted perimeter data. That analysis showed that compared to a minimum release of 15 cfs, the proposed 2.0 cfs minimum release would result in a loss of 26 percent of the total wetted area in the bypass and a 46 percent loss of wetted riffle area. 3. Compliance Monitoring a. Reservoir Level Recorder A reservoir level recorder should be installed and maintained to provide a continuous record of project impoundment levelsto document compliance with run -of - river mode of operation. Records from this device will be maintained in the powerhouse. b. access to Power Production and other Records The licensee, upon request, should provide the DWR with project operating records to document compliance with run -of -river and minimum flow conditions of the license. These will include reservoir level recorder data and unit power production data from the purchasing utility. DwR will only, request these records if there is evidence that -indicates that the project may have been out of compliance. C. Staff Gage in Bypass - A calibrated staff gage indicating the water elevation corresponding to the. recommended minimum flow should be installed and maintained in an easily viewed location FROM DEHNR WATER RESOURCES TO 87042516452 P.04 Ms, Melba McGee Page Three April 20, 1993 in the bypassed reach. installation should follow U.S. Geological Survey procedures to assux7e an accurate measurement of stage versus discharge. This -gage should be installed and calibrated within 60 days of license issuance. its calibration should be verified at least every two years thereafter. All initial calibration and re -calibration measurements including field data, should be -provided to D14R within 30 days of data collection. d. Access for State Agencies -� The license should explicitly grant State agency, personnel access to project facilities for routine compliance monitoring., This access will include unannounced (excluding access to the powerhouse interior) as well as pre -notified site visit.gs. We appreciate this opportunity to comment and will be glad to discuss our recommendations with you, the FERC, or the applicant. Attachment cc: John Sutherland, DWR Dennis Stewart, WRC Stephanie Goudreau, WRC Micky Clemmons, WRC Ruth Swanek, DEM L.K. Gantt, USFWS John Doane, FWA Dean L. Shumway, FERC Lois D. Cashell, FERC .2516452 F.05 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. 0 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Ctirolina 27611, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Melba McGee, Planning and Assessment Dept. of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Stephanie ]E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation program DINE: April 131 1993"�'' } - SUBJECT: State Clearinghouse Project No. 93=0773, review of application for subsequent license for Cascade Hydroelectric Project, Little River, Transylvania County (FERC 02541-004) This correspondence responds to a request by you for our review and comments on the application for subsequent license submitted by the Cascade Power Company for the Cascade Hydroelectric Project on the Little River in Transylvania County. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is authorized to comment and make recoxnmendatioDs which relate to the impacts of this project on fish and wildlife through the Federal License of Water Resource Project Act (Federal Power ,Act- 16 U.S.C. 791a et seg.), and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-66.7d). The NCWRC has the fallowing comments regarding the application: 1) Name cl-arif ication es iv a d v - The applicant incorrectly refers to the 'INC DWR" (N.C. Division of water Resources) rather than the 'INC WRC" two times in this section. This should be corrected. 2) Impingement/Entrainmput page v - The NCWRC recommends criteria of a maximum of 1.5 feet per second (fps) velocity at the intake and a maximum of 2.5 inches horizontal bar spacing for most hydroelectric projects in the State. Criteria may be more stringent when certain fish species are present having a life stage vulnerable to entrainment, such as striped bass. The applicant reports that the intake velocity at the project is 0.7 fps and bar spacing is one inch. These measurements fall within our recommended 3) FROM DEHNR WATER RESOURCES TO 87042516452 P.06 ; therefore, the NCWRC is satisfied that impingement ainment are not significant at the project. Njgw_Pperating__Procedure.. pacLe 4 - The NCWRC is pleased that the project will be operated run of river so that the instantaneous inflow will equal the instantaneous outflow .(within a variation of no more than 10 percent). 4) ahorel.ine__Ma.intenance, page 5 - The NCWRC recommends that stumps from trees that are cut along the shoreline be left so that their root systems will continue to stabilize the bank and reduce the potential for erosion and sedimentation. 5) Resery_oir Recrea_tiQn, page 5 - The NCWRC is pleased that the applicant is upgrading the existing boat ramp and parking area and allowing free access to the ramp. Will access to the ramp be allowed throughout the entire year? How will anglers wanting to use the free ramp enter the campground when the gate is locked? These issues should be addressed. 6 ) PowerhouggLTa i_lwater Access,, pace 7 - The NCWRC does not agree with the applicant that allowing access to the bypassed reach would be dangerous. The switchyard is fenced, and the river in this area is no more dangerous than other mountain streams fished by anglers. Access to this area should not be denied. 7) A;s;s Flows, page 8 - The NCWRC does not agree that a minimum flow of 2 cubic feet per second (cfs) is adequate to maintain aquatic habitat in the bypassed reach. We recommend that a minimum flow of 15.6 cfs be provided in the bypassed reach, which is based on the N.C. Division of Water Resource's review and analysis of the wetted perimeter study. When inflow to. the lake is less than 15.5 cfs, then the minimum release.should equal inflow. The 7Q10 in this area i.s 22 cfs; 10 cfs is the minimum flow under the current license. 8) Bank Jpbing, Rage 1 of Addendum, lt-O-Vb - The applicant mentions that improving access for bank fishermen may increase fishing pressure on the lake. Does this indicate that the applicant proposes to improve bank fishing areas? This should be clarified. The NCWRC has requested throughout the relicensing period that bank fishing areas be improved at the lake, but we are still unsure as to whether the applicant proposes such improvements. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Micky Clemmons, District 9 Fisheries Biologist Mr. Steve steed, DWR Ms. L. K. Gantt, USFWs FROM DEHNR WATER RESOURCES TO 87042516452 P.67 I)zv=szoN of sNvz RONMENTAL MLNAGEMENT SEP 26 X99� September 18, 1991 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TO: Melba McGee Division of Planning and Assessment FROM: Jacquelyn M. Nowel'40 t/ THRiU_ Trevor clements Ruth Swanek sS �. Carla 8andersonQ�^ ` SL33,ECT; Cascade Power Company Project FERC 2541, <.' Project Number 92-0071 Transxlvani County They Technical Support8ranc>z has reviewed the application for .the re] icens- ing of the subject project'and has the'.1011owing comment.. The minimum instream flow requirement,. of 2-0 c£s below the dam appears to be very low_. The previous license application (December 1989),Stated that "the ,'..s., existing license requires the discharge:, •.into the Little River of •;a: minimum flaw ot•10. '6fs_ The new application states.that instream Clow tudies.during low flow,• mow ,support the 2.4 c£a..requS.remen:; ,. Technics] Support reoamznends that the -:' . 7(�3.0 be 'maintained below 'the .tai3race.'•' ;HBwever,' other downstream •uses may . regi,Yre, that, ,a higher flow, . be-maintAined.. ` ;° 1f;4yoik• have an °' questions 'concerning ,•this response;: pleas;:.;C�i1 me at (919) y... r . 4�i_ :,•,[1Lan•r,W�� x 'Y ,r ,.,:4 �'• r u�� ,/s . 1;�+':., . ''x7.J•.. Foi res;: �Stal�'. "' l.'• i. V: S•..-•'F�Is:::.:: r 1• tk C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 January 17, 1994 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Encl osed i s a transmittal 1 etter and report to Mr. Terry West, Engineer in the Atlanta Regional Office of the F.E.R.C., regarding a problem encountered in maneuvering the gate at Cascade Power Company. We realize your office requires notification whenever the discharge of silt into the stream is possible, but it was our intention not to discharge more than 15 cfs to conduct our testing when the problem with the stem guide arose. We would appreciate any comments on this matter. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY -6"�e �o OF ;r;o C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. cc: Terry West, Engineer Federal Energy Regulatory Commission .... 1 A .- N_° r C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 January 14, 1994 Mr. Terry West Engineer Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Atlanta Regional Office 3125 Presidential Parkway, Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30340 Dear Mr. West: MAILING ADD.. BOX 1137 (704) BS4.9011 Encl osed i s a report from W. 0. Parker on probl ems encountered in maneuvering the gate at Cascade Power Company on January 10, 1994, and plans for repairs. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 64000 �1011r;0-4-070F �r C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Enclosure cc: W. 0. Parker Perry Davis B. P. Barber & Assoc. Roy ,M'... Davi s Division of Environmental Management 2�' JAN 1 91994 n4" I� -NA T E1, PECTION I A1.0F F IccE � l REPORT ON FLOOD GATE PROBLEM January 10, 1994 Submitted By: W. 0. Parker, In the afternoon of Monday, January 10, 1994, a crew attempted to maneuver the main flood gate at Cascade Power Company Project in order to show different flows at the bypass for a site visit from F.E.R.C. and other interested parties on Thursday, January 13, 1994. During the operation, a metal guide holding the gate stem close to the dam came loose and fell into Cascade Lake. The guide is located approximately 12-14 ft. from the crest of the dam. This guide allows direct downward pressure to be applied to the gate to facilitate closing. Without the guide we are unable to apply direct pressure and close the gate. The gate is in an open position at this time at approximately 10". Our engineering firm, B. P. Barber & Associates have been notified of the problem and will oversee repairs to the guide as soon as water levels permit. Repairs to the main gate are still scheduled to be finished before August 1, 1994. 1U JAN 191994 - CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT BREVARD. N. C. 28712 January 27, 1994 Mr. Terry West Engineer Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Atlanta Regional Office 3125 Presidential Parkway, Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30340 Dear Mr. West: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 On January 26, 1994, a repair crew was able to further close the 10" opening in the main flood gate to allow only a 10 cfs flow into the bypass reach. The problem with the metal guide and stem holding the main gate still remains and repairs will be made as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Enclosure cc: W. 0. Parker Perry Davis B. P. Barber & Assoc. Roy M. Davis N. C. Div. of Environmental Mgmt. f.' ? JAN 281994 G ; dlr,`1TEc; QLU1 , SE1,11t?Pd •[� aw,�yyy', State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North. Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary December 7, 1992 Acting Director Mr. John L. Boaze Fi C}1 and Wi i n_' i i fe I ss—i nTec, inc. L. Box �liii i. i.ier, L\ V. 2V fil.i Subject: Project No. 2541-North Carolina Cascade Hydroelectric Project Results of Monitoring Study Dear Mr. Boaze: The Technical Support Branch has reviewed the data from the temperature and dissolved oxygen study for the subject project. The data covered all areas of the bypass reach area and appears to be satisfactory. The primary concern of dissolved oxygen levels below the standard of 5 mg/1 did not appear to be a problem in the bypass. Please contact me if there are any additional questions. JTC/JMN Sin rely, Trevor Clements, Asst. Chief Iter Quality Section DEC 9IM Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 9191395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution' Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 i An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 15:49 FROM -DEH [,,JATER OULILITY 'SECTION TO ARO P. 01/02 vr(",t" y V� 3 (Z Nor-h CLgro-UM-1 Depa-ft ment of Env.iro-nm(,-:r,.,l-', linhh, and Natural oT AT Ji C. INIO07-PIPACEES.. "ONO I j J.) TN COVE F', ElEET CC) 15:49 FROM DEM IAIRTER ill IALITY SECTION TO Fish and Wildlife 'Associates, Inc. P.O. Bc,-,x 241 Whittier, N.C. 28789 ('J-04) 497-6505 May 23, 1992 ARO P. 02/02 if Mr. r"revor J. Clements" supervisor REC E I V Technical Support Unit 1.LJ NC DEM, Water Quality Section P. OBox 27687 JUN 0 4 199,1 Raleigh, NC 2761-1-7687 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 6RAN1(,H Ref Cascade Power Co. ProjeCt 254_7--No:rth Carcd-ina_` Dear Mr, ClemenLs: I would like to meet- wit-h. all interested parties on June 17, 199"11 in order to develop the necessary sl.-.udy plans 'Lor the follcn-ai_n4: 1. Water quality monitoring below the Cascade dun, 2. Fish population sampling in Littlle River belaTo; Als-a, we need tc whir all i n t e r t ci d t- i e F-_ methodology -used for t1he ins-tream -low Stild-y that as , -orjdoct-,�-d in. the by-pass reach of Little River. I would like for everyone t.o mest at.- the 7 1 1.l inL_ L _j 64 and 276 at Pisgah Forest, MC at 1 PM. We will -- -Jeer prc-.­,;�.s?d to the project area and inspect bboth the tailrace and lb y -p s and tho lake- Fc->llotving th.e our we will d�p�relop 2le plans to reply itc, the FERC. Sincerely, A.J-,rtl f-- John Fish and Wildlife Biologisin Quality S141"VICC, at A reasonanle -orit-0, TOTAL P.02 Vildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, N.C. 28789 (704) 497-6505 January 12, 1993 Mr. Michael A. Parkin, Environmental Engineer Division of Environmental Mgmt. Air Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Dear Mr. Parkin: Attached are comments received from the NC Division of Water Resources in which they state that the increase in emissions (4,850 pounds of Sox and 1,865 pounds of NOx annually) due to lost power resulting from a minimum release of 15 cfs is insignificant. I would appreciate receiving the position of the Division of Environmental Management, Air Quality Section for this analysis. In addition, please provide us with the criteria by which your Division separates increases in air borne pollutants as significant or insignificant. Sincerely,'4_ z /. John L. Boaze Fish & Wildlife Biologist I Ste} ham.. JAN 1-3 Ait; QUALITY OSHEV14E OFFICE ° Quality service at a reasonable price* State of North Carolina Department of. Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary January 6, 1993 Mr. John L. Boaze Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 241 Whittier, North Carolina 28789 RE: Cascade Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2541-004 Dear Mr. Boaze: John N. Moms Director The Division of Water Resources has reviewed the revised analysis of the wetted perimeter study conducted on the reach of the Little River bypassed by the Cascade Hydroelectric Project. Our comments on the initial wetted perimeter analysis were sent to you in our letter of July 16, 1992, copy attached. Our specific comments on the revised analysis are as follows: Page 15. It is stated that "it was determined that approximately 2 cfs would protect the pools ... and provide a certain degree of protection for other areas." What methodology or calculations were utilized to develop the 2 cfs recommendation? When compared to a minimum release of 15 cfs, the proposed 2 cfs minimum release would result in a loss of 26% of the total wetted area in the bypass and a 4.6% loss of wetted riffle area. Page 17. The increase in emissions due to lost power resulting from a minimum release of 15 cfs appears to be insignificant. The Duke Power coal fired generating plant referenced in the November 24, 1992 letter to Mr. Bryan from Mr. Parkin has total annual emissions of 22 million pounds of SOx and 8.7 million pounds of NOx. A minimum release of 15 cfs would result in an increase of 0.02% in emissions of Sox and NOx if all the lost power was generated at this one coal fired plant. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4064 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Emolover e Deeoeeeeeeeee o 0 Jill memo o000 0 � eoe000�00000e ., ov000 mom �g0000�0000°��°�C� o�0000 ,�■aveoo �� �oo�000 eooe � o� o�� ■oe oeo������°��eeeceo o°���aoo �o ■���aooeggoo ��o p�o�og000��� ��a ■ oo o ee o�00000 .. o - a Nemec MORI o�000����eoeo o�o�o��i ■ � ����o o0 o�o�e�e000v oe�oo . 000egoo�oo�000���o�000000����� ■ o00 � �� ���o o�oo�coeo � v ■� oo o� o000 �000v��oeo°��o�a ■0 �0 Ilia., I i sqQ4111IMP7, 0 CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT June 1, 1992 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of May 1992. As shown,.we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal outages, repairs, or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 00 A ®► ® /� C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. RECEii ED Water Qutlft SltctiOn JUN 3 - 1992 Asheville Regional Of6ikl Asshevilie, North Carali �7S - ©000�o©©©o®ems©��©o�000v©�®�� eoo©©oo©o©oe©v�000©oo�v��®�® ©o©000vo©eoo©000000�oo©�� �� - . oo©©o©v©r�o©©oo©o©©0000vom �� o©oe©o��©e©voao©v©ooeeo� �� �o©©©moo©©eo©oeo©o©ovv© F • CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT May 1, 19 9 2 (704) 884-8011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of April 1992. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages, repairs, or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 0 ter C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. 3 A#sbevll a eAsheville, North Ca;olir., r Ar P r k -- t 1 �- cj-® ,sao� -7 9 /o i/ /,2 PATE NIP NIGH7 6 A.M. NOON 6 P 0. tO j 4 l;;r Sr Y Q g Q Q g g Q s y 6y L 7 Y t ,, G 7 r I G g G g d S?, g 6 69 4 fmc 7' Y7�a v 4 ? Y 91 1 9 q T T Q y V 7 7/K .14. 72-2 f k w g k 7� u N K y 4 H K k 44 '-� '-t' 1-f H_ _ `1` �a 741 1 70 7 4/ 7/- f Y H { Ll wy 14►� V K i 77.2. 77-#�- 7'17 117;?6 s( u g 9' 4s 4 �' Q' 7 Q 7 7 f7 7 f f( 7 17 V 7 �Z,7 zz fA/ fr s 4 g Y Q y Y y �' �� ���f �/�� 9 �,t g o N u N H 14 At I 9/a i gry�y��� g y y 4 11 19 il 9 oz 7 Y Sr Y y 8 G O,Z 677 �A H `l H k H �( •.t � K w Y { � G m® a b �o �� q ° �- /-- b G'°� :J 7 -FTFT rl e. y 41 g1 9?I e fr y k 8 Y%9'f g K 4 Y 7 f �/ sr y ri y vi s/�3�/g y Sq y i rl ATE tw/ON/GH7 6 A.M. 11VOON = (o A M. !t V jr 4 TTT 6r3/-� a3 bg3 a�� o� 02� SI y r r� �y z .2 y7 1 zJ'2 7-f7 't z Z 6 T .2 72 71 )- k j 2 84� .2 Z 9 G -741 306 Y// 31 331 � 3 dYAO �� �� 33-4 31/Ir 3p� O b Yo s- y/,$ �/ yZ3 ftq Sr dUCNAMAN - !R[VO_ w_.e �r M /T Y� eh �y if ��- �'��� / g /l, dst� y dy f �y y Sr �9 9 9' Sr y sr 4 ,Z b 4{ 2 J-1430 z.� yes ,z o a 3- o S' 77T, T ,ro 6 .r.2 s' x 96el 5' 9 ?� �',�G� g� 7 / 7-7-y CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT March 2, 1992 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of February 1992. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shwon when we were down due to mechanical outages, repairs, or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPzo�70'40w' 00000 C. W. Pickel imer, Jr. R EC ➢V D Water Nulity Sitction MR;_ ,.Asheville Pegioosl Off Asheville, North Carolim / 2 3 +-- -5. 617 R 9 1 /o i/ /z / 02 �z I 'r 6 7 8 9 /a I i/ ze PATE AYI/ON/GHT G A,M, NOON 6 f M. 41 k6�y 6L � H y � � u u � � � y ti � �.� � w �;, �,t ,.! �✓ a �� �� � � � 7 / 9 � ? � �� � I�Z 7 ,Z 7 73 6 1.5- �7 ­5 7 7 7,1 7 ? 3 7 3 f. ,< ;; a 'v %r y d i 6 3 7)/6 ZJ d � 7 �7 ) S 7 7 7� 4 7 o� i' 6 9,( o � 1T � /�� fJ� /5� /7J '7J / (�/ /�/ b P g slq jd !! -Z7 �l vwRo. H. C. � .� � V CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. February 3, 1992 PRESIDENT Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re:- Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of January 1992. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages, repairs, or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY WON 0A C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. EC IVED Water Quality Sactiom FEB L� - 1992 Asbeville Reg'!`A31 O'ff Ao_evige, North Carolir CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 PRESIDENT January 2, 1992 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of'Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of December 1991. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechnical outages, repairs, or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY ® ®► ® i* C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. PE--CFI`VFD �Na}er ;'.- ,iiv Sactim A J N 3 - ia9I Ashevilie Regional 0 _?�staevillea North Carol!" g s ON 1 0 S � ��' o mMEN on on 0 it, Q e s DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 31, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: is 1 Ken Eagleson FROM: Jacquelyn M. Nowell 60 THRU: Ruth Swanek PC-) Carla Sanderson SUBJECT: Cascade Power Company; Cascade Dam; Little River FERC # 2541 Transylvania County Attached for your information and review are EPA comments on the subject hydropower project. Also, you will find the dissolved oxygen data referenced on page 2 and the tables of benthic macroinvertebrate data referenced on page 4. me. If there are any questions concerning this information, please contact RECF �V D Water Qutl'rcy S^tiiigll JAN 6 - 2-00 ,Asheville Regional 0,-b ,Asheville, Holih Carolins UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION:, AGENCY REGION IV 345 COURTLAND STREET. N.E. ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30365 E' November 8, 1991 Mr. C.W. Pickelsimer, Jr. President Cascade Power Company Box 1137 Brevard, NC 28712 RE: FERC Number 2541; Cascade River; Cascade Reservoir; Relicensing of the Cascade .County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Pickelsimer: � J F= R;;,. ON 1 3 1991 i BRANCH Power Company; Cascade Dam; Little Draft FERC Permit Application; Power Company Project; Transylvania Pursuant to S309 of the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the Cascade Power Company draft application for a proposed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing for the the above -referenced hydroelectric project. We note from the draft application that'the facility was constructed in 1909, qualifies as a "minor" hydroelectric facility with a rated generating capacity of less than 5 MW, is essentially a run -of -the -river facility with little storage capacity, has a reservoir capacity of approximately 64 surface acres at full pond, and includes approximately five acres of reservoir shoreline wetlands. We offer the following comments on the"proposed relicensing: o Wetlands - We note that the resource agencies involved in the first stage of consultation recommended that the wetlands of Cascade Reservoir be described. Accordingly, wetlands are discussed in Appendix E. Approximately five acres of wetlands exist along the reservoir shoreline, two acres along the headwaters of the Little River embayment and three acres along the headwaters of Laurel Creek embayment. Several wetland plant species identified by the North Carolina Wildlife Commission are also listed in Table 11. The final application to FERC should include comments on the wetland type (presumably lacustrine wetlands: "lacustrine" if along reservoir and "riverine" if along river) and quality of the wetlands (e.g., pristine; good; disturbed, poor). Based on their shoreline location, these wetlands would serve a water -quality function for the reservoir. We also note from Appendix E that some adverse effect on the wetlands is possible due to the "...higher average water levels expected to result from changing the pattern of water releases Printed on Recycled Paper -2- h the generators.,, EPA recommends that the need to elevate _ servoir be re-examined so that potential wetland losses can be avoided. If unavoidable, the final application should estimate the acreage of the permanent or temporary wetland losses due to the average rise in reservoir water level (i.e., wetland .submergence) as well as the potential for natural generation of new wetlands along the new (displaced) shoreline due to the rise in elevation. The probability of successful natural wetland re-creation should also be discussed in the final application. This discussion should include a description of the shoreline area to where the wetlands might be displaced (slope steepness, existing vegetation [marsh vs. forested], existingeolo vs. soils]). Because the potential wetland losses ouldn of beka S404 (Clean Water Act) wetland fill issue, EPA recommends that FERC, as the licensing agency, ensure that no permanent wetland losses would occur due to proposed reservoir elevations. If reservoir elevations are found necessary (e.q., for boater safety) and natural wetlands re-creation is not successful, then artificial creation of constructed wetlands, enhancement of any remaining wetlands and/or restoration of former wetlands along the shoreline should be considered, particularly in surface water runoff areas. If any hydroelectric facility improvements that may be associated with the relicensing procedures would involve unavoidable wetland losses due to construction filling, the U.S. Arm Cos Engineers (COE), Wilmington District, should be contactedf regarding any wetland permitting requirements. o Water Oualitv - Table lb of the draft application indicates that dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements taken at Cascade Lake during August and September 1990 are generally over 5 mg/l for summertime temperatures at profiled depths. The DO levels near the surface are supersaturated, probably due to algal more accurately present the DO levels within Cascade Lake and To upstream, DO levels should be measured and reported in the final application for times within the entire 24-hour period, i.e., a diurnal monitoring. Diurnal measurements are advised since the ions during the same source causing the supersaturated condit daytime may also cause depressed DO levels during nighttime conditions when DO is consumed during algal respiration. The turbine intake and outfall DO levels reported in Table lb appear good for summertime temperatures. However, if the source of turbine intake water is also supersaturated surface water, diurnal DO monitoring should also be conducted at the turbine intake and outfall. . Bottom and near -bottom lake DO data presented in Table lb showed low DO levels between 3.0 and 5.0 Mg/1. Of concern in the sense that the draft application indicates ine v -3- roject Management Plan" section that "...the required yxio6-L-yam flow in the river between the powerhouse and the dam come from the depths of the reservoir." This procedure should be re-examined and perhaps modified, i.e., minimum flows should perhaps be taken at higher reservoir elevations or the current .source water perhaps aerated to State of North Carolina DO standards. Alternatively, the tailrace and downstream waters should be monitored for DO (depth profile) to determine if the overall (mixed) DO levels are at or above State standards regardless of the low -DO, minimum -flow releases. The final application should address this issue and also provide a discussion comparing DO data against State standards. Such a comparison against State water quality standards should also be included for the iron and manganese data reported in Table 4. In regard to potential reservoir siltation problems at the damsite, the document indicates that no active silt control program or plan presently exists. It was also suggested that a siltation problem was not expected in the near future and that development of a sediment management plan and/or sediment removal plan would be coordinated with appropriate resource agencies if and when needed. Considering the typically long license term of an FERC license for a hydroelectric facility, EPA recommends that tleastba preliminary "sediment management and removal plan" already prepared as part of the final application to FERC or that development of such a plan by a.given date be a condition of the license. More importantly, we encourage'the prevention of sedimentation problems through implementation of non -point source controls in the reservoir area by the appropriate State agency (if necessary) and that, as indicated above,,.the FERC not allow the permanent loss of shoreline wetlands due to proposed elevation of the average reservoir water level or by other means. Fisheries - EPA concurs with the resource agencies that requested the in -stream studies. Appendix II of the draft application recommends a minimum flow of 2.0 cfs. EPA will defer to the expertise of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the State of North Carolina regarding the adequacy of such a continuous minimum flow for the local fisheries habitat. We note that the proposed flow rate is less than the"flow rate currently required and is less than the reported (Table la) "instantaneous low flow" of 7.0 cfs and the "lowest daily flow" of 8.1 cfs. In general, a continuous minimum flow rate should be adequate to maintain the downstream pool habitat and cover spawning areas for local fisheries such as largemouth bass and other sunfish. If the 2.0 cfs flow rate is not found to be adequate by FWS and State resource agencies, consideration should be given to increasing the flow. Given the above -discussed adverse wetland effects related to the proposed rise in average reservoir water level, an increased continuous minimum flow may also reduce such potential wetland losses since it could be used to decrease lake water levels, i.e., maintain current levels. -4- Lc Macroinvertebrates - Benthic maroinvertebrate data are presented in Tables 2 and 3. We note that only a few specimens of Plecoptera (stoneflies) were sampled. Plecopterans usually are indicative of clean water quality. The final application should include a discussion as to the ecological significance of the macroinvertebrate sampling results. o Endangered Species - Coordination with the FWS may be advisable regarding endangered species since suitable habitat for protected species ranging in the area (Table 9) may well exist in natural Project areas. However, unless construction is planned, the on -site presence or absence of endangered species may not be significant. o Herbicides/Pesticides - EPA recommends that mechanical/manual controls be used in lieu of herbicides/pesticides whenever Possible. Any use of herbicides/pesticides should be minimized, only EPA -registered products appropriate for near -water environments should be considered, and application should only be according to label instructions. EPA and the FWS could be consulted as appropriate. o Electromagnetic Fields - The environmental effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) are still unclear at this time. However, the location of EMF sources such as transmission lines and the insulation/shielding of hydroelectric and other power facilities may become a power company consideration relative to EMF and protection of the human environment. The State of Florida presently already has state standards regarding the minimum width of transmission line rights -of -way relative to EMF. o License Term - We recommend to the FERC that the term of the proposed relicensing be relatively short to allow for updates of license conditions and for evaluation of any changes to the environment attributable to the facility. o Shoreline Maintenance - The proposed removal of floating woody vegetation from the reservoir would have advantages to boater safety and to the hydroelectric facility itself (less trash rack material). However, EPA would not encourage the removal of fixed emergent structures in shallow water (unless also considered unsafe to boaters) since they provide cover for fish and enhance the reservoir fisheries potential. o Compliance - The hydroelectric facility should be in full compliance with all federal, state and local regulations as a prerequisite to relicensing. o Editorial Comments - Although it is understood that the document is a draft application, we suggest that it be edited for quality before submittal to the FERC. For your information, examples include an apparent omission of Table 7 and the start of Table 8, -5- dix IV isuntitledI binding/left margin problems, and a page entitled "Results of the Wetted Parameter Study Little River Transylvania County, North Carolina" appears in the text but is not followed by such results (they are included in Appendix II). Should you have questions regarding these comments, feel free to call Chris Hoberg of my staff at FTS 257-3776 (FTS 257-7292) or 404/347-3776 (404/347-7292). We recommend your continued coordination with the FERC and appropriate other federal and State of North Carolina resource agencies. Sincerely, Heinz J. Mueller, Chief Environmental Policy Section Federal Activities Branch cc: Ms. Lois D. Cashell Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 825 North Capitol Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 V�ir. Trevor J. Clements Supervisor Technical Support Unit Water Quality Section North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Mr. Brian Cole Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Services 100 Otis Street, Room 224 Asheville, NC 28801 lb. Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature of Cascade Lake August 30, 1990 and September 12, 1990. Auguat Depth Temp. � 1990 September i� 1990 P• D.O. Temp. D.O. (ft.) (Oc) (mg/1) (0c) (mg/1) Surface 24.0 9.3 25.0 8.9 1 24.0 9.1 2 23.5 9.0 3 22.5 9.0 4 22.0. 8.3 5 6 21.5 7.8 25.0 8.9 21.0 6.9 7 21.0 6.6 8 20.5 6.3 9 20.0 6.2 10 11 20.0 6.1 23.0 8.5 20.0 6.0 12 20.0 6.0 13 20.0 5.9 14 20.0 5.9 15 16 20.0 5.8 21.0 6.3 19.5 5.7 17 19.5 5.6 18 19.0 5.6 19 19.0 5.6 20 21 19.0 5.3 20.0 3.5 19.0 5.2 22 19.0 5.0 23 19.0 3.6 24 (bottom) ---------------------- 19.0 19.5 3.0 Turbine intake 20.5 7.3 24.5 8.0 Turbine outfall 20.5 7.6 22.5 8.1 Table 2. Macroinvertebrates collected from the Little River, Transylvania County, October 31, 1990. ABOVE LAKE ABOVE PLANT BELOW PLANT Species ------------------------------------------------ Sur Kick Total Sur --------------- Kick Total Sur --------------- Kick Total PLATYHELMINTHES Planariidae Cura foremanii 3 3 ANNELIDA Oligochaeta Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus sp. 1 1 Naididae 1 1 Tubificidae 5 5 2 2 ARTHROPODA Insecta Odonata Gomphidae 1 1 Aeshnidae Boyeria vinosa 3 3 Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae Baetis sp. 3 3 Pseudocloeon sp. 1 1 Stenacron sp. 2 2 1 1 Stenonema terminatum 11 10 21 13 3 16 Plecoptera Camniidae Allocapnia sp. 1 1 2 Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx sp. 3 3 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche sp. 23 1 24 Glossosmatidae Glossosoma sp. 2 2 1 1 Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche sp. 2 2 Table 2. (continued) Species ABOVE LAKE Sur Kick Total ------------------- Polycentropodidae Polycentropus sp. Limnephilidae Goera sp. 5 5 Coleoltera Elmidae Optioservus sp. 2 2 Diptera Chironomidae 3 3 Ablabesmyi mallachi Cricotopus bicinctus 1 1 Cricotopus tremulus sp. gp. 1 1 Eukiefferiella sp. Microtendipes sp. 1 1 Phaenopsecta sp. Polypedilum illinoense 3 1 Rheotanytarsus sp. Stenochironomus sp. Tanytarsus sp. 3 1 4 Thienemaniella sp. 1 1 Tribelos sp. 4 4 Tventenia.discolori-pes sp. gp. 2- 2 Simuliidae Simulium sp. Tipulidae Tipula sp. ------------------------ Total No. Total No. of Species ----------- 17 15 32 7 8 14 ABOVE PLANT Sur--Kick-Total 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 3 2 6 2 2 1 2 1 7 3 2 8 2 36 29 65 11 9 •16 BELOW PLANT Sur--Kick-Total 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 � 1 28 5 33 2 2 ---------------- 1 1 82 17 99 14 8 18 Table 3. Macroinvertebrates collected from the Little River, Transylvania County, April 9, 1991. ABOVE LAKE ABOVE PLANT -------------------------------------- Sur Kick Total Sur Kick Total ANNELIDA ------- --------------- Oligochaeta Tubificidae 1 ARTHROPODA 1 1 1 Crustacea Amphipoda Gammaridae Gammarus fasciatus 1 1 Decapoda 3 3 Cambaridae Cambarus sp. Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetiscidae Baetisca carolina 1 Baetidae 1 Baetis sp. 1 1 Ephemerellidae Drunella sp. 2 2 Ephemerella sp. 1 8 9 Eurylophella sp. 1 1 Serratella sp. 1 1 1 1 Heptageniidae Epeorus sp. 2 2 Stenonema sp. 2 Stenonema femoratum 1 2 Odonata 1 Gomphidae Gomphus sp. 1 1 Gomphaeschna turcillata Plecoptera Perlodidae Isoperla sp. 1 1 BELOW PLANT Sur Kick Total --------------- 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 2 2 Table 3. (continued) ABOVE LAKE Sur Kick Total -----------------------------------------.-------- Trichoptera Brachycentidae Brachycentrus sp. 1 1 Glossosomatidae Aqapetus sp. Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche sp. 1 7 8 Hydropsyche sp. Symphitopsyche sp. 1 14 15 Diptera Ceratopogonidae Bezzia sp. Chironomidae 2 2 Bryophaenocladius sp. Cricotopus tremulis sp. gp. 2 2 Cryptochironomus fulvus 4 4 Microtendipes sp. 6 2 8 Nilotanypus sp. Parametriocnemus sp. 1 1 Phaenopsectra sp. Polypedilum illinoense Rheotanytarsus sp. 5 5 Synorthocladius semivirens Tanytarsus-sp. _ 4- 2- --6 Thienemanniella sp. 2 2 Tvetenia bavarica sp. gp. 1 1 Empididae Hemerodromia sp. Simuliidae 1 1 Simulium sp. Tipulidae Antocha sp. Arachnida 1 1 Hydrachidae Hydrachna sp. ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 2 Total No. of Organisms 32 51 83 Total No. of Species 18 16 28 ABOVE PLANT I BELOW PLANT Sur Kick Total Sur Kick Total ------------------------------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 _-- - 31 ==-1- 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ------------------------------ 11 2 13 55 11 66 8 2 10 14 7 19 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE DOWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 December 2, 1991 Mr..Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr..Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of November 1991. As you can see, we were down most of the month for repairs to the dam or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY Al C. W. Picke simer, Jr. Asheville Regianal Off' :- ,AsheviGe, North Carotirm MUM mum®®�o�oo©©®®o®�maw�®©®© C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. November 1, 1991 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT (704) BB4-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of October 1991. As you can see, we were down most of the month for repairs to the dam. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. E'.'C"FI E ,Ashevifle Rr',z'�rion31 Off; a Asheviile, RN h Carollav DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT September 18, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee Division of Planning and Assessment FROM: Jacquelyn M. Nowell,{ THRU: Trevor Clements �\ Ruth SwanekZ5 �J Carla Sandersonl( �- SUBJECT: Cascade Power Company Project FERC # 2541 Project Number 92-0071 Transylvania County The Technical Support Branch has reviewed the application for the relicens- ing of the subject project and has the following comment. The minimum instream flow requirement of 2.0 cfs below the dam appears to be very low. The previous license application (December 1989) stated that "the existing license requires the discharge into the Little River of a minimum flow of 10 cfs." The new application states that instream flow studies during low flow now support the 2.0 cfs requirement. Technical Support recommends that the 7Q10 be maintained below the tailrace. However, other downstream uses may require that a higher flow be maintained. If you have any questions concerning this response, please call me at (919) 733-5083 ext. 512. cc: Alan Clark o r7r-e s� �1 WLA File Water QuMity Sv imi SEP 0 1i0 J.i Asheville Regional Otiie: ,Asheville, North Carotirm t of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Planning and Assessment Project Review Form Project Number: I County: Oav6LC�_' This project is being reviewed as indicated below: Date: r7— ❑ Project located in 7th floor library Date Response Due (firm deadline): 9 - / 6 - 9 / Regional Office/Phone Regional Office Area In -House Review ❑ Asheville ❑ All R/O Areas ❑ Soil and Water ❑ Marine Fisheries ❑ Fayetteville ❑ Air ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Water Planning ❑ Mooresville ❑ Water ❑ Water Resources /' ] Environmental Health lWildlifee Groundwater ❑ Solid Waste Management ❑ Raleigh ❑ Land Quality Engineer ❑ Forest Resources ❑ Radiation Protection ❑ Washington ❑ Recreational Consultant ❑ Land Resources 0 David Foster El Wilmington ❑ Coastal Management Consultant'"-' arks and Recreation q-Other (specify) 1 _ F ❑ Ot ergs r . L.; � �,c I� Environmental Management 1a1 ` �� J ` - ElWinston-Salem"' L. S�W�-• �9,/ 7...`..._ AUG f 1991 Manager Sign-Off/Region: P` SLCTION Date: In -House Reviewer/Agency: Response (check all applicable) Regional Office response to be compiled and completed by Regional Manager ❑ No objection to project as proposed ❑ No Comment r ❑ Insufficient information to complete review ❑ Approve ❑ Permit(s) needed (permit files have been checked) ❑ Recommended for further development with recommendations for strengthening (comments attached) ❑ Recommended for further development if specific & substantive changes incorporated by funding agency (comments attached/authority(ies) cited) RETURN TO: Melba McGee In -House Reviewer complete individual response. ❑ Not recommended for further development for reasons stated in attached comments (authority(ies) cited) ❑ Applicant has been contacted ❑ Applicant has not been contacted ❑ Project Controversial (comments attached) ❑ Consistency Statement needed (comments attached) ❑ Consistency Statement not needed ❑ Full EIS must be required under the provisions of NEPA and SEPA ❑ Other (specify and attach comments) , Division of Planning and Assessment by Due Date shown. , PS-104 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 September 3, 1991 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodf i n Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of August 1991. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we'were down due to mechan- ical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POW OMP NY 0 �®� C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. RECEIVED Water Quality Ssc:tim SEP 5 - 1991 ,Asheville Regional Otiige Asheville, North Carolina r-. -- -- -- . 41 y /�, (� � (�f� b(, /�, %f d �j q lPa (�.�/ � d � G� ?J -v d O /' ky A gO J4� Y w �� Y�} /D II u w �u/- (D� b 4 �Lf T Gi v r�, 2' u � � 3 ;4 (g X/� 7f c.1 �/� i yc � /' Y c' �d/ J r�/ D �( /� 2r �r (�lyL 3 7S f,2 }I y .s' d y A.M. NOON f? s"e 6 F ? ' S' q S7 i -- 2 y T f "' l" (l. /yf - ✓ r/ J S' �L 1 7� 1 s7 s- I,J" Y � � G / 3 G z 5-1 T3 CNwNAN - SREVARD. g y N. C. Y g Sr t o y FT J�- 9 Z25 � 9'l 7 �� 7; 7 z 77 71 7� . eYl za eTo g L - 0 V r � State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary August 16, 1991 Director Mr. Ben Jaco 5004 Malibu Drive Knoxville, Tennessee 37918 Dear Mr. Jaco: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Renewal of License for Cascade Power Company Transylvania County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2620- issued to Cascade Power Company dated August 16, 1991. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, George T. Everett Attachments cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Regional Office." %shevilgke DEMV,t g ,nail Offer c:EI Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker Central Files R: - REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 0 ROLINA ania County CERTIFICATION 1 THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to Cascade Power Company pursuant to an application filed on the 17th day of May, 1991 to renew the license of the Cascade Dam Hydroelectric Facility located on the Little River in Transylvania County. The Application provides adequate assurance that the renewal of this license will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of -North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase in turbidity in the Little River due to the discharge of sediments or other substances from this facility (increases such that the turbidity in the Little River is 25 NTU's or less above ambient levels are not considered significant). Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal Permit. This the 16th day of August, 1991. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT George T. Everett, Director WQC# 2620 CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT August 1, 1991 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of July 1991. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechan- ical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, 4C.;W. DE POW COMPA Y Pickel imer, Jr. ECE,IVED 'Ya!er Que'lity Sectin AUG - 5 1991 Asheville Regional offtw Mbeville, 1`10(th G3roIins �• �p Stty� r °� � � -C �' � � .� �C .� �,- � 'r .� c ._.;; � ?' � � �, � � j��� ,/�� ]� � o oD d C` a m Al, wwww1-4�W �Q> aQ o 1-3 wwww��� C , 1 uJ Q G l I --6 0 n C. W. PICKELBIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 July 1, 1991 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of June 1991. As shown, we were on line each 'day during the month except for days shown when we were down'due to mechanical out- ages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER ANY ® /000 400 C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. R15CEIVED Water Quslity SKtion JUL 2-- 1991 Asheville Regional Offis Asheville. 14orth Carolina 9 /a i/ /z / 02 S 6 7 8 9 /o i/ t,2 pATE M/ON/GY;r G AM NoDN 6 P, M. Jf q �a Y `� `� �' .� yG 'y -- J7-1- 7 7 G 3 7 G S 7 67 7�- 77 d 7-2 6 7,2 y117Ye 7.3 J- �� / �r7 �Gzi7�� 7/° Jl ti ti ti y w w �Z 7 7-F 77-�T— 7/ � N k �t '� �-� �' / G( A� 6 713 3 7 k /6 9 6 6 H ti �l i= �l g T k / 7 �/� 3 ° �/ � g`,7 k 'g;, k� S`2-2 kZ7 �31 %Ag,`� f �' �' g old ? ado / u y H u w b y ! T �-7v' �'7k 7 e T T T- f / l 51 Y,2 !, y -.7 n^ Sr U g o/z e/ 6 6z1 0� �� l�`' `�� �� �� ,3'0 031 e-����'� a s .CN�N.1N BHEVARD. N. C. 7 U/ lye / `/ i // / C _ / 0 \ 0 ®"l) 1 J 0 �.0 RATE f RECEIVED Water Quality Section JUL 1-1991 State of North Carolina Asheville Regional Offim Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resour eseviile, P4orth Carolina Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary _3une 26, 1991 Director Th- 'i-=ansylvania Times Post Office Box 32 Brevard, North Carolina 28712 ATTN: Legal Ad Department Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Public Notice Please publish the attached Public Notice one time in the section set aside for Legal Advertisements in your newspaper. The publication should run on or before July 3, 1991. Please send the invoice for publication and three copies of the affidavit of publication to the address given below. Payment cannot be processed without the affidavit of publication. N.C. Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Post Office 29535' Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Attn: John Dorney If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call me at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, John Dorney 401 Certifications JRD/kls PubNot.ltr/401/D-5 cc: John Dorney Forrest Westall, ARO REGIONAL OFFICES John Morris, Water Resources Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Cascade Power Company, near Brevard, North Carolina, has applied to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management for a Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act and Environmental Management Commission rules in 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0109. The activity for which the certification is sought to relicense an existing hydroelectric facility on the Little River at Waterville Lake in Transylvania County. The public is invited to comment on the above mentioned application to the Division of Environmental Management. Comments shall be in writing and shall be received by the Division no later than July 22, 1991. Comments should be sent tc N.C. Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Planning, Post Office Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535y-z,ttention: John Dorney. A copy of the gpplication is on file ,the Division office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, North Car/ '-8801 (Asheville Regional Office,,704/251-6208) during/ -*less hours and may be inspected by the public. \rge T. Everett, Director i / Carolina Division of mental Management CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. June 3, 1991 PRESIDENT . MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-8011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of May 1991. As.shown, we were on line each day.during the month and continued to release water downstream as we are required. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWE OMPANY V C. W. Picke;f, r,Jr. rzo EIVED water Quality Sectian jIjC,j 1; - 1991 Regional OfflO ASS eville t#orth Carol'"' 0 • C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 May 1, 1991 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of April 1991. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical out- ages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY iop L ® C. W. Pickel imer, Jr. RECEIVED Water Quality Section MAY 2 - 1991 :U`reville I;egional Oil -Asheville, North Carolina oo�ovoo��00000v©vo�oovoo© oo �ooUoo man o�o��o©©ov0000noBOA EHNEN m®o 000©000©��© mono©oemm®, ©©�©©000® 00 - - ®� - ®� o©vv0000�oov Nunn O�� amME : vo�cvo WE 000voQ�v oo®®v©o©m00000�©©ovoo©oar o�©0000v®00000000©000©oom o�vvoo©v�oo©a®vvv®ovovoo� Gov©©©©gym®©vim©�or�©©©v�� ��aooOEM MEN MENvov®0Mvl�'! v©000 �® �v . � . , WE No MEMO ME�����■��Om CASCADE POWER COMPANY Cr BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT April 1, 1991 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of March 1991. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mech- anical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. "s 4 . , . . �r v C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 March 1, 1991 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of February 1991. As shown, we were on line each day during the month and continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POW OMPA C. W. Pickel imer, Jr. G RECEIVF—D '8ater Quality Section MAR 4 - im Asheville Regional offim Asheirill6, North Carolift l-- E©©o©o©DDmm®ooe©© no nun o®©®©©v®o®vane®©nne©©©o© ■�©©®®moo®®©�! ov©©©e�mm©mm©�©c�©©rye©©©©■�■ �n®e®emo r�©un ao©©©0MUM nun n©n a noun ©onn®©mammon Baum ©®®©©©e©e®©Dana©®®m©©©®©BMW e ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Ii oMEN e a©©®Nuno no ©©®©©©e®e no Rum Nunn UUMENUENUENEM mommanna ■MMUR UNUMEEN an e© MUNUME Nunn ®®�!�!�'1��0�'l�L,� no W■E©NE ono®a©o®0000anU Na©mann man o - ©E ; ©a®©a©BE ©®®©a©o®U®®®■s R Hoov©©e®©e©v� oan ®©®0®®©®�a®■■ an ON an ®UUMMUNooa BEEN Nunn ® o©e®e®veM� unman ©a©©© unmanno 0o©© UNe©MMU ©©©E©ice ®een©rem neon©■■ 00lua�� FIEM�� a©= MM Emu e�®, ®■ BE ®� ®■ O M- ® M-- - - � _ &�I ®® - ' �C �® ®ate ®� HIMME �® �® ■■■■■■■MEMO■■■■■■EE■■■■■� �� BUCHA NAN - B q EV Aq O. H. C. CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT February 1, 1991 (704) ee4-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of January 1991. As shown, we were on line each during the month and continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POW COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. FREGEIVE Water ouaidty Section F E Q -- 4 '1901 Asheville Regional ()fflu 'Asheville, Korth 0arolista lom Ilia a MaNE Mo a- M M M MEN EM 0 ME am MOMOM M M 0 0 ME ME I MMEMBNEECOMEN IBM Rewoommums some MM won in MEN memo CERROOMMOOMMORM eoeeao ow ���c�� o�■�e��m��o��a�0� o���oe�a CASCADE POWER COMPANY (#I BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT January 2, 1991 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-8011 Enclosed is our generation record for the mo.nth of December 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. ,Asheville �Se�;i Jnu! Oflce Asheville, North Carolina . / / I / 1 22 1 -- /l / 3.. . ... VH�f19 f7l s -Z-- off` fv a �1 ! % s r Io . fS fs lS /9p� a y, Ise h ,5 n e5 n O k � S 22' h ,5 '� fi h �� H h ,, # 2S i/ ,5 41 H h 2 x z 4 4 2 fi �a 6 9� h �1 h % M 17 K f1 1y N/ �t �� �"� ��� h r, }► 1' �! �i. 7'1 /h. !7 7� .,5 ��� 11,9 1-1 Z L 4 Z M a 1 4� J ? h y 'n , G L 1� L C 27 L L `)f L L L,/�� G h h h h h Z/ �O 2� �.a�}, �k�M fi Ja % k,�x¢r-f-' fi O }r }f 0 }' Z e ,4 i q �. L 1 n h h �� h ,, o /l }r J,l H ti h H N Z-C L W. 'V' INOW lN'b i 1149/NO10 P/1 6 I8 ,c 9 JP 7� £ 2' I .1 CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. December 3, 1990 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT (704) 884.9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of November 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mecahnical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as.we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY e C. W. Pickels er, Jr. C,'ET1 1E DEG ,Asbeville Regi"31 Oifice ,Asheville, North Carolina 2 3 S 6 7 9 /o Ci /z 6 7 8 9 /a i/ Iz p�4TE �I/DM/GNT G A,M. NOON 6 P, M. u `1 `( k q �1 �( ' f �a, H ct Hr �r �� t( �{ t1 If y 217 9 1 1?i q1 f4 ya i{ N c r w / �� 7 �l ✓�" l ` �' 1 Z G / z c l c(w N k �, �t �!(� roc u ��/ ��I` ��r' /3�' l .� { H �{ h' <-{ t"l e{ !� za (( 1'i d( ��`� 1 j {{ b I N Yl H li �� t{ Z!5 �f K �� �y i u 3� H �� rr-� ,-c ti •c �� �{ r y u u G upq y q u l ,x 1 2 l ,q 2 7 c� �t k H k .7 7 7 7 7 %7 7 7 7 02 �,. f� �'47 6i )y 14 ( k fr jro )—71 �-M 2 7 7 BUCHANAN - BREVARU. N. C. L ✓ l CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 November 6, 1990 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodf i n Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of October 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water.level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY A it • 1V AV d;;r1W C. W. Picke simer, Jr. E V M!a'ter Quality Sct;ticn N 0 V f' --1090 ,Asheville pegional Office Asheville, Norlh Carolina Zt kb Q4 q a l m � o Cn M � � mot• c-� � � Co � '� � �,, � J� .?^ � Cr � � � � � � � � � Ca � � a \ �l q—b nl ('A, C-b E' 1 On V� V� �'� �� \f �ff �•�p 'W W �n Jo V� C'A zz:P k ASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT October 2, 1990 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of September 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 00 Gt.0e45000R5'-' �� rof ;7 C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. ECEIVE Water Quality Section OCT 3 -1990 Asheville Regional Office Asheville, North Carolina % i 7` 71 c q /it ,> q J'1 s r z' /-7 r-7 p, �l 1y1 III• /� �/ � � % � � r✓ ,,� � � _r Z l�! � }-- � L/ o � J 7 h I, H I y l� ,� M NI �I J`1 h k 1-r J� h f� h � J� {-� h r-+ if M 5 h h ]VI ?-, 1-7 N jh - �h �? -� Z 'Z. Z � I. • 7' 2t I / h h 6�, H M h '7 �, N h )-1 H, y -lr fry M M. • 1�l !N d 9 y yy TOPyV'y % 1H9/NO/GU z �- Ar IVI, 0 7 4-1 CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT September 4, 1990 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of:Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of August 1990. As shown, we were down most of the month for repairs. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C0000 C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. RECEIVED &tP.r (duality sec$iail SEP 7 - 1990 Asheville Regional! Office ,Asheville, North Carolina C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 August 1, 1990 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-8011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of July 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COM ANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. RECEIVED Water Qualify Section A U G 2 - 1990 ,Asheville Regional Office Asheville, North Carolina ®©o©o©oommmoee©©eooem�® ��1•[Tri[�171�1f�13�7�1�/altl��7����������� tTE Old IV/GHT G A.M. NoaN 6 FRI a u �-j k �, �. �� � ti 114y l y, err r g G G b © 6 6 D e ��� b 6 C e.(- ti► / k N1-4 19 W L j d c it h ti + b K u 4 u y H k' c h -471 -Ly �4u 14 WW /Pbu y N 4 )-4 14 7' q-2 3L/) 32 73�- /f r I � >i H 1 )-� H�/ y, ti w u N Y ig 7 3 7 Y� 6" w u IN 14 )-4 � ll u 14 k � q � q J4 � � � � � � z3 4 �4 ti 1-1 yI z �/- 0 0 -�i N 1� q N N 17 ,q ;-1 a ,-1 W jl q j 1-1 q1--/ `f .,z.5J t7 0 D l I dl J il u ti W iq u q H 1,4 w ly�l u z� C! 2 14 IH 1W Z7 ° a d�� PY 039 J� 14 y G �f �'` �/� �l �( Ff �.y 8' t G -Z1, d 7 b y 6 I I 14 � ' J i � 41 W I1 � WI N �, 0' Sri o 'l 6 v m d k 114 , if' 0 "( t-( k ,� BUCNA NAN - BREV ARO. N. C. ` - CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. July 3, 1990 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of June 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure ffl Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. V zF t :+R JUL 9 - 1990 :Asheville Regionakoffice ,Asheville, North Carolina C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 June 1', 1990 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-8011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of May 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, If you have any quest.ions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY OC! Picke simer, Jr. R E C -AP=IVE d443ier 'nualif`{ Ce :ril:ell JUN 1; -1990 .Asheville Regional ..Office ,Asheville, North Carolina h-.- / X - 1; o r1J A- A/ ;, ,:, -r-.d 0 ,-f / X1514 f 6 7 If 9 1 1Z DWre NZON161-17 G AU NOON (o A, M. 17, y 5" Y 9 3172- J? 1? 3 - G 51 y Y S, YGe- s V Wo -v lq-2 .7 .3 5, 4e by T6 �z As, 7 .53 C7 TTV 6" 9 1 9 �'f 7 r-6 VI 07I 7// F 7 67 7 —Ck Jf 76,� 17 7/ 7) g 7 Z 9 72 73 13Y 8-ANAN - EREVARD. N. C. If /Y I/ C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 May 2, 1990 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of April 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER OMPANY s ®t Aeo ems'' C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. 7�` f: Water QUai:; �ecti MA' ` 00 Asheville Regio�1zi Gtfice ,Asheville, North Carol;" z b k 7. r '2Z x, /-r Z" j-q 17, '7 Af /-7, -013 /1 17 -7 Z/ 27T 77 /7/ 0. 5 5 1 '16 L7 a 7 l 1 d si b 62 91 41 "5 A I ft s ly� I I 115 /Y.f T—F T 7- aA I 'vl 9 NOOVI N'V 9 ZH9 IN ea 2,/ -P /4 �� Gs � V�late, Q�afiiy Sect�c;� �� FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION 1 4�IV, -� �p!I`' LR C1 REGIONAL OFFICE 730 PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30308 �c 1¢'L'i, ;(,= ! : 'iu April 6, 1990, Project No. 2541 - NC Mr. C. W. Picke s 1 imer, Jr. President AN 1 0 1990 Cascade Power Company Post Office Box 1137 _ Brevard, North Carolina 28712 l' �`Y9 w! ;;=is- c � ; Dear Mr. Pickelsimer: The annual operation inspection of the Cascade Project No. 2541 is scheduled for April 2'7, 1990. Mr. Terry West, Atlanta Regional Office staff engineer assigned to perform the inspection, will meet your representatives at the Citizen Telephone Company service center at 9 a.m. on Friday, April 27. An itinerary for the inspection will be arranged at that time. Enclosed for your review is a copy of the Action Status Report from our computer -based Hydropower License Compliance Tracking System (HLCTS) for this project. This report lists information describing the status of actions to be taken to comply with the requirements of your license. A licensee is expected to timely comply with the terms and conditions of its license by the required dates, unless a request for extension of time is filed and approved by the Commission. Failure to comply with a requirement may result in the Commission's taking enforcement action. Following the current operation inspection, Mr. West will review the report with you or your representatives and discuss any items with which you are not in compliance. You are reminded to review requirements of Commission Order on P-233-008, -013, and -014, dated July 17, 1987 (copy previously furnished), concerning consultation and proof of service with other entities. Copies of this letter are being furnished to Federal and State agencies in the event they are interested in accompanying Mr. West during the inspection. If you have any questions, please contact this office at 404-347-4134. y trul s, Robert W. Crisp, P. E. Director Atlanta Regional Office Enclosure C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 April 2, 1990 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of March 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWE OMPAN e� ✓���r C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. R'r VV3?"'r vl;a"I;+}' ,S,ectic+il `R 90 ,Asheville Regional Office ..AsIleviHe, North Carolina 6 7 8 9 1Z ,744E M/DN/GHT G A.M, NoDN 6 P, M. y z i G - G 1 Z L, Ll 1{ Y 4 Y b' Y si Lib y ii 4 S 5' �' ►' �' S' �' ,� �! G- ; 2- c Y 5' j c� y Y S' U S- �� y' �' �' 6' Y bf �' .; ;� 2 3 3 3 3 I S Y $' 7 3 2 3 '7 ? 7 2 3 7 7 ��_ lf�k��' 7 4 IT. T ff a r Y Y y sS /6 �r� .5 5V s. -f-o V /S h -7 3 L 7 t .2- 7 7 % V l T �� 7 7 S 4' 4� y 7 r i 1==� Jro 7 C i �r b 4 Y c 7 �........ . RREV B CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT January 2, 1990 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of December 1989. As shown, we were'on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER CO ANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. W.m,`er Qus lihl Seemiion ,Asheville Regional Office Asheville, North Carolina �' `' �' `� � ltv vc 1 `. � n` C� v cam. � � `� `�' �+ 9r 'v C?�. �� � �� � .� � L•�. C'\ � f •1 k z-- '`3" \^v1 � `b •� vi 1� ; [�. [�. tom. �O oc\:�•' �'4, �, G` '� "��- � `c, �i `c' f, �• --' NVI \�V V Y(.�v`1 y�� � •'v � � � � "mil •,`,��.n �. � �. � � i� � � � � `' `� \F `�' ` lira � �". .� � � � � `.�.. .may � � �. ;� � ,� �- :r � � �- � � .� �•e. � � � � .�, .�, �= r, ti , : � �- � 3 � '�F :n. � � � � � r_. � Je `�, � u. �^ �° 'J" � ',^ J'= }• it � � ^ C` 1— ^ �' 1� � Zip zi ,o c t— r ' J, `�` '� Jo v. J< OF, � � � h .7 1 � � �%" �., � 7•^ Jo ,�„ � .� � p _;� �; � :"r :�, � a— lam- 'r- �- ' e-- v DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 6, 1990 MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee Division of Planning & Assessment From: Trevor Clements, Asst. Chief DEM Water Quality Section Subject: Cascade Power Company Project Transylvania County DEHNR Project No. 90-0506 MAR ,Asheville�Renianr:i Off ice Asheville, North Carolina Per your request, I have reviewed the FERC License Renewal Application exhibits for the subject hydropower project. The document provides very little summary of the water quality impacts associated with the project. While I recognize that the facility has been licensed for almost 30 years, I think it is safe to presume that our knowledge of water quality and its relationship to human activities has increased substantially since the original application was approved. Accordingly, I think it would be appropriate for the applicant to put forth a greater effort in summarizing the environmental impacts of the project. For one thing, I would like to know the basis of the minimum release figure of 10 cfs. Is this value associated with a 7Q10 for the stream? Also, how is this flow maintained: is it provided to the main stem of the river or does it enter the diversion canal? If the latter situation applies, then I assume an impact to aquatic life and habitat occurs in the portion of the stream immediately below the dam. Secondly, I would like to know where the minimum release is obtained from the reservoir. Is water drawn off the bottom of the reservoir? If so, does the reservoir stratify and is low dissolved oxygen a potential issue? In general, I believe that this information should be provided and the potential impacts addressed. However, I will state that in correspondence with our Asheville Regional Field Office that little impact is expected to be associated with the project. TCiam CC* G a+ y Tw- e-ems CASCADE POWER COMPANY (�r BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT October 2, 1989 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional*Supervisor Division.of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884.9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of September 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month. If.you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY e0op r/ C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. �8'1 Water Quality Secticm OCT Asheville P,egional Office ,Asheville, North Carolina �" �., fir. ' '� � E` D �' �, '�• cy � '' a t� � � �, � � r� cam( �1 � � � .s Qr w o-A o. Q11- m A MEMO. 4�p DATE: TO: SUBJECT: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 March 1, 1990 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of February 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. r1�_,� ,- : '... Wa«r ,Asha%iile, i, rill Carolina CQI CF;� c C 4�,, s LC J� c . -r • o.(� „�, cS -� �� ,,C ..�, o` °C aC' � '^ 4C "S. dC .,c � "C �. `—, �C � � � °O[��' t��y�i� t) 4 (7 �l ll cy C1 vi U �L� pis — ^�v \V " tea' � � `s c n r o-+ tl Cl' Cj 4, cv p C: � 4 ? W `-h ^0• fv IN C4 Il\j h � �' '� "� v� -^- •� �a � N � '� � f�v � 'mot r... t,,�, •tee, � o ` , � �, o . C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 February 1, 1990 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of January 1990. As shown, we were on line each day during the month. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMP NY +`V a C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Y13"er Quali?v sectic-1 FED 2 — ic'00 ,Asheville Re Tonal Office ,Asheville, North Carolina Q ; � � . -� �' �" � Q � �, ,p p •`a ti � � .�,� :n tom, � Q � °� �1�, � �� ,� � v � _ 1 aM. C'a M •�1, � �, � _ R,( H � � � �' � �. �i' '`y S' `la n � �^� ��-(�� tr �`�_ -9 Z Z ri � � •�• .r "z � �. �• �. � .,, -�. � � �. � � � a ,` � �, tom; � �, r> �, � �' � C Q Q\ •\)'- .�o � � �A a •./" .\ � � W �J^ J" `J, � �• �7c J`•�. �5° V, �y, 'v. �, v�a .�, .�., ,+j� �.,yl. \�q \Vo_ � J" � �° � .� � `�` � � :.P Jp •Jo �' V� � �+ `�' :J• � � Jc � Jo �n may, �- �.. �)-. � �y `� �0 �O �'x � �A J� J^ `-k �1 � .� �• •� �'y' � V' \ice' � � � •� � �'.� J-�. � .:i v" 30 ��„ J �° �. 5. DIZ rs: C. W. PICRELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 December 1, 1989 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of November, 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickels1mer, r. RECEIly= Water Q:;--{iiy ('e tic^ .Asheville Regis-:- ;' Gfice ,Asheville, I0,L;*;a; C.,.r..': a I V °c vz,� ol, � 71 �• dam, `� r .1 "� '� .� t c ✓.� WM` O(�� -I,-; o `" `� 1 `� \ `4 c,l �-64 N C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 November 1, 1989 Mr.. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of October, 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. ly t E — F:-: 1 'v F' 1 tNater NOV Athetvi!lz- ;pess� _! 0-(e;�e Asbe"iiHe' �SOee[d IiGG©fi ; ( i' V L / / // /. n I 7 1 �� •� N 'OtlY A3tlB • •NVN VN�l1H �L C SIA 4 009 61 c 1, E "� r �S x - S A 3 ,5 n ,5 �L �l h +5 5 h au h �5 n Q� 571 JZ k - 71h i5� ,r,? .� o 2 S' R v!l J 'V' 1N 9 N0ON lN'd 9 1H9/NNO -7l6'O a /i v/ .., �....tELSIMER, . PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 September 1, 1989 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental. Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re:. Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of August 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal.outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Picke simer, Jr. ECG; vv'ateT Quality SOd'011 s P 1989 ,Asheville Regional Office ,Asheville, North Carolina •n. •� 'N('/OtlV/•3tlB N..... ` C' c7 %' fi 11 �S / 1 ) 11 G Onp / h/.� //J .�Q 1 {7� T /a} [ `�) .. �✓ V v h li �'✓ �' '/ �� J "/ s Y/ h /! '/ • AI r Si\ L •X ILI 1,4fz` R h h h s `t-/ G i, � � Z � /1 Z � �J ° � � �✓ h h � ,� h . � h % � F O,�j , �5 � /`J h � �5 h �, i h k I�t l� l� k 14 12 H 1-1 �f(, i�{� MQ OR �i /rJ/,,`yy✓�.yn Q1% 7p�%-JfiK'/ -/ /l-G,, 'Jq �p /r'! !7 /� /,� !/ %%77/ �l JJ r.��E. <� /I /r• /! /7 /; ^^o �'j/ �5 Z� N h 15 h h h h z .� Js h �� h h R I? h IL oil b 1 5 7N d 9 NOON N'd i 11RD/N0/0 9-/d0 /WPIIKELS[Mrr.R. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 August 1, 1989 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Re:. Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of July 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. ^� ` " I .�,. _ d " Water t;ui!;t, Se; i c ,Asheville Rcirrj;_.j rr({ice ,Asheville, N"Orth Carolina i ��� 00000���eo�e�ov�vov�000�o��. roe ooeoomo�m�mv000soo0o�00000�■ e��e�o�me��0v0o��mv0000vv�o��- ■ ooeo�oo�0��oo�a�oo�oovo���o�o°��■ meo��ove Bo�oae0�an o-oovoa mm�� �e�m��msoe��o� ��vMM M�mal�o�am NounovanBeffimemmmulo���� �°��� ��� aovv���ov� ��a�� v - goR � OMMOOM gE monsoon i C. W. P,a�C� p�e&JOIN, CASCADE owE 6aevA oR C0ME'ANY N. C. Re7f2 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 July 3, 1989 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of June 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as, we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours., CASCADE POWER COMP NY a C. W. Picke simer, Jr. W'Iter Quality ect.icll JUL 1 0 1009 ,Asheville Regicunt,i Office Asheville, North Carolina \1 -CN --d-c- rocz- JZ al-d z CP x sz- IZ J-N 'XC � AQ C9 N o Ilk Ilk 4:� qS A-z 6, Az IWN oC to � 6w ZAJ c)"—% CIO N�4 � r-� � -3 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE..POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 June 1, 1989 Mr. Roy M. .Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Mangement N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 984-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of May 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal outages or the water level. However, we continued to releas-e water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE Pg= COMP NY a.";0 c �' C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Water Quafity SarticA JUN 5 - 1989 ,Asheville Regional Office .Asheville, North Careiina kz-�1 to O V A Ci\� �' - �p U Z�,- r -17- iZIZ ZrI a .x --s- s s a J EFFLUENT NPD PERMIT 3 DISCHARGE r) MOt TH: S� -YEAR: FACILITY NAME:-, CLASS:.-LCOUNTY: OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CH RGE �(ORC�:r't'Uu GRADE: CERTIFIED LABORATORY:(,( A-L- h" . PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES : � ' At CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail original and one copy to: I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT ATT: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO Division of Environmental Management N C Department of NRCD THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, 'Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X / //l G'L -� ly(,��L� �/�✓ Signature of operator in responsible charge 50050 00010 00401 00545 150060 00310 1 00340 1 00610 1 00500 109530 1 31616 00300 FLOW ' ENTER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE o g EFF ❑ W W t- INF ❑ o a m J W NQD C H W Q Z N!M OCV mN 4 6 1 8 "9 10 >I3 12 €43 14 ' 16 18 lg' 20 21 231 24 �5 26 z 28 30 �'• fl�.'i�Cl� n O `0 S �`= E 3--� d Vp i LWi E.7 G O VIM% itC'.t;IQ'i DEM Form MR-1 (11/84 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) 'All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions - being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) certify that this Report is accurate and omp e e to the best of my knowledge: Signature of Permittee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 "total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092- ' Zinc 50047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 - Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037' Total Cobalt 31504- Totel,Coliform 50060- Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614= ' Fecal =, Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616, Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 33730 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545- Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal col iform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. y CASCADE POWER COMPANY ®REVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT May 1, 1989 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of - April 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we con- tinued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE PO )MPAN el C. W. Pickets mer, Jr. Enclosure EC E-IV c 'D Water Quali`1 MAY 31 — 1980 ,Asheville Regional Office Asheville, North Carolina /,Z DA s- 7 7.7-77.7-7 G 7 7 4' / P sr S 9 Y 10, 777 V v i 9 V 6-1 q 4-1 q q t,? Ivi Yl g V. T v v :E &11,ON/GHT AN. NOON A M. /6 4 q0r7�7� A� < 'Z q� cy / / y TT` 7% 2y% 6 67 3l z 3).7 3 i Jz0 T T 7� �{7 14 �•1 14 Lf J4 6-v .` 1 H � c � � ( v2o �1 7 J-3 tip? 6"3 Y14 5"-r ��Wrl1f■r■I�Y��i�ii�iii�r"i��ifi�ri����iii'i�'� rye®m©e®moo®m©more®©�®�®o©m NEFS,/©UM©©MMEN MEMEMEMEMMEM 49lZ �T 7J 1 ZV z, TT ? ! ,�. C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 April 3, 1989 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of March 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month and continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY d.ikro* C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. 011 Water Quality Section Asheville Reg+oRal Gftice ,AsbV411e, ljorth carolina 2 /,2 ATE FYI/ON/GHT 6 A.M, N0011( (.. P, M! Y �' 6 , y Y Y Yj y G a 7 17 -f 7� 7° If 31 7 6 6 7 7 V 3 7 7 q 7 �' . w v q �� 7 9� boo � �• _�-' 13 Z 7 � y j y —1 7 7 Y,k z f 7 e, l �. 7, C C b �� Z' I k 7 G P ? l lL T n =� BUCHANAN - EREVARO. N. CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT March 1, 1989 (704) eaa-sort Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of February 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we con- tinued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COM ANY s tel , e7'0" ✓mlp0,0, at C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. r. 1""e, 1u :1ity Section E � '� s . "C � �\ � \ � T cs• r T T P v� n � r i .-L' �" n � � n• A -,r_ °0 � � � � -s �� mac• r � � �, x .� � .� �. � � ,� � �. �_ fi. � s o W .,` ,,� �• � `� o+ •+ 'a .ram � ..` - � , ;. � .t -Y � 0` � � 4j .f�. �/-, ,,,5 s� � cal •�• `�' iJ�, Z- � �, d� c;- r � � r � `T r N�� ,.f� d`. d� c 1� `"\ `�`. O. of� t J1 `�` c3 T `C =' - .r. •� t` `�' �I (u N y —44 '� \ �� W �\ �f, '•\ J V.� ,•. dam "D, 44 CrICKELSIMEI. JR. CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 February 1, 1989 Mr. Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0..Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of January 1989. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER MPANY / eIr 0� C.-W. Pickel imer, Jr. R E C i'n I V 17 Water FEB ? - 1989 Asheville Regional Office Asheville, North Carolina � v `� � �y r2 � C, =�' `�' �•<� \� tom, � ^� � � � 'a � �.. � , - � ��„ \9 op v 7 Dp Nil �. 1 �9 ao Q v \ O :F ; fit° i� o `�o `" �D ...Z, :� `v �!' y 3 �^ �• IL J Ga zr- S OfI7 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 January 3, 1989 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of December 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMP NY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. PECE! V ED bVater QLial;;ty Section '1��.89 .. Hai l '• — 9 Ashf,ville Re son@! Office ,Asheville, North Carolina a 4�1 C�s s C 2 r i G-Z, r `� � � z � .t .� � r .� x � � r s T � r i z � � JC •C � uc w .yam v v °C'• tv �. v ,V 51'�" C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 December 1, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-8011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of November 1988. As shown;we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY woo C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. g (? YQuality sectioll -J Z - 1908 l��he�'N! e Reoiorai Office North Carolina ME�m��O�HO v •°- = ®���eeoeeem®®®eeoeoem ;©memo ®ram ® ®©©©©ea©©©©o©©©ear© r��eeemee®e�©e®©®©c�ee®eeom� ®©©�©BE Em©©©Ill©�©©�f©��ir7�i7�r7 ©ee©©©®® ®® © ®rya ®©©©©m©©©©©©e©©� �a ®�®©m®®®®®®®©m®�mmm000eers ©® ONw mmmmmm�mmmmmON �mmmememm� �� Qa�I�mmmmmm�ememm�mmme■eee� �a��em�mee�memmmom mm�meemIN MEeeeNeee�e���� ���ememem�mmmm emMEN mm�meem� � �I�mememm�emse ■��i��mm�� � �l��sememmeemmeemeomemmmemE m�a��mememm�ememeeeee1�mmmom � memm�emeeememmemmme� a��������������EMEM11 ���� ;� � ©mi�mememm�emememememmmmm� No MEN INmom ��t��i NEI Non������tm�� ®®�oOEmma III Eee®meem���mm MEMOm — ousua©o C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 November 1, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884.9011 �a gs Enclosed is our generation record for the month of October 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY zu�/ialo_ C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Enclosure 62 T Qc.u� �. 766- d'd¢ axA 4 d--c�p q- I/ 1 0 (/ " , O-PU-4'- r 4- ��� GVtwLC (r/lNq N/Zc.� (b((((d� C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 October 3, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of September 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pick simer, Enclosure ors©o®©©®©®e©®e®®0®®©©©tea ors ■�oa�®ev©e©®©®©e©e©©eeeov© �a� �®®©®are©©©©®©©©ems■ ®® ©®©©©® ©®®■o©v■e®®v©vie©©©©©®®©�� ■■■i■■■�■■e©■rye■■■■■■■■■■■� - . , _�. ovo■vov©®©©©©m©©emm©®®©�� vcr� ©■■ova■©�®��©®m®©se©®©©o� .. v® _ ovovv©v©e©ve©©©©©®©©©©©o®- ©r�s • ■■��■■■m©■©©ram ■■■■■■■■■■®� �■� �a©�®®©©�©e■©©®©®ass©©©©�� ■�� ®ovoo�vsee©®®®®®®®®®®©©��■ ■v■rs� LBUCNAMAN - OREV ARO, N. C. 7 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION REGIONAL OFFICE 730 PEACHTREE STREET. N.E. ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30308 September 15, 1988 Project No. 2541 - NCv,,K 4 Mr. C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. �•�: President SEP 19 IRY Cascade Power Company 1988 Post Office Box 1137 Brevard, North Carolina 28712 " CRMITS Dear Mr. Pickelsimer: t w C,EI 1ED VVa'er Tali; tion SEl I ,Ashevil;e Regional office" Asheville-, Nortli Garoiina The annual operation inspection of the Cascade Project No. 2541 is scheduled for September 21, 1988. Mr. Steve Collins, Atlanta Regional Office staff engineer assigned to perform the inspection, will meet your representatives at the Citizen Telephone Company service center at 12 noon. An itin- erary for the inspection will be arranged at that time. Enclosed for your review is a copy of the Action Status Report from our computer -based Hydro License Compliance Tracking System (HLCTS) for this project. This report lists information describing the status of actions to be taken to comply with the requirements of your license. A licensee is expected to timely comply with the terms and conditions of its license by the required dates, unless a request for extension -of time is filed and approved by the Commission. Failure to comply with a requirement may result in the Commission's taking enforcement action. Following the current operation inspection, Mr. Collins will review the report with you or your representatives and discuss any items with which you are not in compliance. The Commission's order on P-233-008, -013, and -014, dated July 17, 1987 (copy enclosed), requires the licensee to serve copies of any Commission filing- `required by the license on an entity specified in the license order to be consulted on matters related to that filing. This procedure applies to all existing and future licenses/exemptions issued by the Commission where consultation with other entities is required. When send- ing a copy of your filing to these entities, please state in the cover letter that you are providing this copy in accordance with procedures outlined in the order referenced above. Proof of service on these entities must be provided to the Commission along with the filing. \" Pickelsimer, Jr. -2- s of this letter are being furnished to appropriate Federal agencies in the event they are interested in k'-----e..,.ing in the inspection of the project facilities. Enclosures Very truly yours, RO$EP'T �. CIS Robert W. Crisp, P.E. Regional Director r, ?ickelsimer,` Jr. :or Fish and Wildlife ,� �Y Cing Street, S. W. Atlanta, GA 30303 -3- Service Mr. Jim Kirkwood U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Richard B. Russell Federal Building 75 Spring Street, S. W., Suite 1276 Atlanta, GA 30303 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt Field Supervisor U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, NC 27611-5039 Director Southeast Region National Marine Fisheries Service 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Director Southeast Office National Park Service 75 Spring Street, S. W. Atlanta, GA 30303 U. S. Forest Service 1720 Peachtree Road, N. W. Atlanta, GA 30309 Regional Administrator Region IV Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, GA 30308 Attn: Mr. Heinz Mueller State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Environmental Management and Recreation Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 w/o enclosures Mr. John D. Wray, Deputy Director Division of Water Resources NC Department of'Natural Resources ,and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 State of North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Archdale Building 512_North.Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27611 CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 PRESIDENT September 1, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of August 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechan- ical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure: Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. ECEIVY D ater SEP 2 - 1,988 Asheville 'Peric^=.' 0" ice Asheville, No;th ��c!ina , n // if 1� N Y ]tlY NVNYM�nfi __ : , o ; ■fie©�©©©©©®©©r�r�®©e� o■ ©oo■o® - �� ®e®©oe©oeee©eeeeeoeoosooe o� t rye©©©©o©e©a©e000eee0000©o t �e ®�©©©©eee©ev■©©©r�©o■000ee UA■o■ ®e©©®©©©©©r�©■©ooze■e00000 �e moo©©r�©■ - o■e ; ■ee©©��■■■■■a .■e � - - - wee©oeo©oo©o■e■©■ ■�aeo©■e ■�©oo©©©©o©o©o©©o■■eooeeeo ; ■e®©®o©eee�ee®ee■ee � oe®©©; ®mom �■ee®oo®©®©■oo©©©�©©®m©©m© �� ©©©©�■©oo■doe©©■■e■o®o®■o �■ ®moo ; r�ao©o®©ov■■©■©■0000®o - - -f �■ - 9 �eeeeeeee©ee©ee©e�©■ooaooa .. �� ©e�©o©oo■eo©o©000■oeeeeeea spa o©©©®■©r�©r�■■m■e■■■■■■■■r■■ , C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 August 1, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of July 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechan- ical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPAN 604.4' C. W.-Pickels/er, Jr. PECK I Fri VJiter Quality Section AUG 2 — 1c 88 Asheville Regional CI`iice Asheville, North Carolina J . n j- �®or�oao��©©©�©©����e©©®�� ■■■�©■©�■■�■■■■■�■■■■..� V ovooavoo��0000©vov�©©e©©� �® ovo�oov�®oor�vvovooe�®m©©� - Sao • - 0000vvv©r�©®©e®©©MEN ov©�©��o� ®® mmmm� BUCNAHAN - OR[V ARD, H. C. _,. _ .� .._.. _ . - .. __ .. ____ _.—_.._ \ •_ CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 July 1, 1988 (704) 884_9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of June 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechan- ical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY � e C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. RECEIVED Water Quality Section JUL 6 e 1988 Asheville Regional Office Asheville, North Carolina vooeevo® -000■�■e®�©me©©�■e■ �� ■e0ee000■voo■�0000■000■�� - ®: -. , ao■©o®ov■o■r�osonosoo©r�or�© ®® o©®■o®©ems©c� ©om■®o®©©©t■�� � - - ' wo■e c ov®ooe0000vavoc■���■ - o®eoe©ee®oeoo®oeov©oovc�ov� o� o®©■©vv©®©eee©®emem■©©®vim � _ ©©©©©©ee®®©©■e©©©©®©®©©rim ®� - ®000®®©©■©©®■©©0©e©ee©©vim - v� .■oo©evv®■o■®■®■■ene©©©©om ®© o®©000v®®m®®©©®©©®eee©�©�■ - o® ` 3UCHANAN - RREVARD. H. C. -7- G/ 1 \` 4�: / � J T ( / y Y C,57 0G ' CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. June 1, 1988 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT (JO (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of May 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month except for days shown when we were down due to mechan- ical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. VeE EtVED, Water Quality Section JUG! 3 - 1988 Asheville Reg.;ona l Office Asheville, North Carolina / 1213 s 6 7 9 /o // /z / z I 3r 1 1,5- 6^ 8 _q I /a /,2 ATE XZOjyN/GHT G A.M, NOON 6 R M. II'71 L d 5 0 o b 6l y, a a M �� �� u K �{ c-I Eo' 7. Z 7 L v 2 0 o 4 �c� y ,y y fI ,► y �► �, �, �( ,� �i 7 7 0 2�,v 1 '' Z Z 1- 1 ) 2 2• 2 .� 261 Z. a 1 1 z z - z -4 6r. 2 9 3 1 Z i a �2 2 z � �- .2- 1- � 4 12-/Il 14 /1 7-1 4 4 H y La q � � hl H i-I f Z k 7 2 9 6l a. I (" Z- i K z 3 l 3 H it ,r y 3 3)- 3 3 �- z z� = �- 2 2 ti- 7- 1 x z 2, is '� ' �7 r 3qG'� 3 S� 2 Z Zf IY� I�t ( 1i 1► l�1 �r Gi r-i L. �, y► L/ /� ✓�� 1 7 �� �✓ !� : 7 3/ Z 41 Z 2 Z Z i 7, a l Z D Ild 3 you z z l z 2 u 4 3 3 .3 6 c� c� �� 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44 L� Z 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2- f 3 3 3 i i ► 1 t'r Z Z z Z- ¢ p L` u 9u CNANAN - BR"ARU. N. C. ( Ltd C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 May 2, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of April 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechan- ical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required, If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE ;PjOWjR COMP NY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. MAY 3 - 1988 ,Asheville Regional Office Asheville, P'lorth Carolina 2 3 s 6 7 8 9 /o �i /z ,� s 6 7 8 -9 /a i/ le DATE OZONIGH7 G A,M, NOON 6 P, M. I k? 77"2 7 7�, u1.4q ti It N If o �� �s7� ��/7 0 G b b 6 g7 b 5` v` b b 0 Cn b 0 b / D O CO O O 7 b 6 G o G �7 Ll ,- K ti ,, ti r H/ f a 1700 l g q !;� (/ S' !�- 9 v f zz g7 71 S' S/ �.r �� 7 b v S' 6 `i �S' 9,00 d 0/0 IF -i T �� 0 26 o; , 030 IT /S, t oy 610 6 H g V /-r; '-61lei 7' ao/o VA( ll� bl rt AY b d° b G r W u �� k u Y ti y ti .�� d l�3 114 4/ 1,41 y 7 44�- C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C.-- 28712 April 4, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884.9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of March 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY � I C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. APR 5 -'988 ,Asheville Regional Cff;ce Asheville, North Carolina 8 7 8 9 /o i/ Ze 1 pff re NON/GHT G A. M. No 6 ,o N. x l (y �`I �! L� �, i{ H Ir,{ ^I %t �/ T-{ L{ f..r i-f Y/ "Z i-r Nl G1 / % 1 c C o e 5 b a e c c o 0 o c C� Jr 5 v v 6 e c' C Lf C C t,- t' e c" c e7 o O [ 6 0 0 y 6' 4' �/ w N� K � �c H " �r fi H lre zi H y u, �, y N y H b''T� o e cs {4 HI L! �1 G! !mil C• (' [ 0 l� �o V w 41 �-' �� � 4� u y, y � z •, �, N �, �, ti a, � �, y �, u L y N ti / 7 IY�,� �� �, �, y�'� �l �' �, 4 F �l ! a u 7 / Sl 57 z s� r7 63 7,0 7Z � Z 7Z 6 7Z 0 7-Y W H u N 4� u k y `r �, Y o b o 6 n 7 3 Z 73,q 23 a 01 L' I C' 011 1-' 1' e3 !s 7 p U o _ F if ,ply A8' Z% a o o o e D c Y y �' �' y Jro 17 BUCHANAN . BREVARD. N. C. ! v� v,,` �, / 7 'S 1 ` v` / �^ G� C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 March 1, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of February 1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMP4NY e ®� 51vow- C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. G^r'or`- �, S� r Qui tv section f,'IAR 3 - 988 Ashev';Ile Re^ion�l 0flice In Asheville, North Carolina I �� e�mram�0 ■f�@ Yee � � � 1� C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 February 1, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 894-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of January'1988. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWE OMPAN 44000 1* C. W. Pickelsifier, Jr. RECEIVED Water Quality Section FEB 2 - 1988 Asheville Regional Office .Asheville, North Carolina I l "J � � -i C 1� I� �• cif Jam. � � CP �O `� �o ^��., � v 0 ' � �, 4�\ �% � �' �' �' J V .O�� `J� fs �1 �o � T s ,5, J> �° .1' � S 1- J° 3 s �- 3 `J � �, \ter �O � � J•> �- �' w \�i a Z7 a. 4" 1Q. S v` c3 � � •.. S .p G � 50 � � \� c?o � eJo S �'" K •� �/ J l � 3— �i" F ( `Z v �1 ` _ .c S '� .k �7'• � \� .�p V+ , j. Z•' 1T a P-10, CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 � C./W. PACKEL,SIMER. JR. January 4, 1988 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of December 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Asheviile, Nolih Uu!Qiu7a I WC 1-1 7TT-7- Opp l or,Ar cz 4z ca W W w W 'W CT y W p� �, '� �? ,n r, i' s �7 f C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE FLOWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 December 1, 1987 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884.9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of November 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we contin- ued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. �.13ier QUahty DEC -- 10 7 Asheville, Hlc, ih Carol lea /6 C: 1/. 2 3 s G 7 8 9 /a !! I /z ! x 3 5 6 7 8 9 le I OR re VloN/GHT A. M, NoDN 6 P M. 3' 3 3 �,�i�/� l �l K �( r1 r( c y `f .y. q; !7 0 ,1q�/�f % k 1 71 4 4 `i q "l rl N N � ` l 7 � �' �l Z� l Z � I1 ti 47' L+ a 14 %/ rl Lr y (7 o 0 C 0 E c ( Ni c/ �1 ( �i a r ri ` ,� `f �,' /a �d �- k b /�l `I `! L U 0 G' c^ o LY o 2 AS c, C c C C- E C D N (r C O L' q qDr S' q, � v y � �' c 0 q q 1-1 y C; N ��`� �r J-4 by t , w w ti y 1 3 C 1 3 3 i 3 G l 3 JsT of -I �r U 6 o LI -r Z 0 Z h h� Gy �I �' �1 !( o z l 7 116 1. 7 LY ---AN - EREV ARO. N. C. •`'I j/ ��� - '�[ ¢�9 J/ r�� / r �� / 1' r u G- C C. W. P 1KELSIMER. JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 November 2, 1987 (704) 884.9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of October 1987.. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we con- tinued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWE COMPAN • ve, C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. \dater Quality cec`;(,n ��ee00000��ovooAoe�eeeoveov�ooaA ooao0ooe�oA�vo�vaouvoenaamov9ulv �000�oov�oa��omo0o�000e�ova�vovo ��000�vo�000000aooE00000�ommoovo �a00000voo�o��ovo�o�o��eao0a o�00000e�o�o�oo�v0aoo�eovma�ov�o voom v00000000oe�vo�a�o�o���v�m��vv�o a��vvO0�00990000�ov��IDA�OD90�0 �BB���ooB��BB8M0N men 8mm88dBMEMO oi����0000��00�0��a�v00�00009m��B 0��vvoocov���v0�odv�oAo���e�Q��a v�oov000�ovo��ovaQ��oaAvavv�aa�v ovvoevo�ooa�0o��a��0ovv�v��vvaov o�aooacoOeA�v���oa���ov�o�oveaov 0a0v��o00090000�0�A���9000ov99O0 �O�D�OCo0�0�000���00���009000��0 �1��00B�A�0�0080��0��00�0�00�0�9� ����DOOC���700oO0�000�09000�00.�A0 �0va00����0�0�@�1v�00��000v�v00�C'! 000��70C��0�0�00�0000�0�000�aO900 ��oc000�oe�000co�o��o���ovv�v��a Io000000o0vO�o0O�0�oo� ��������� CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 PRESIDENT October 1, 1987 (704) 884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of September 1987. As shown, we were on line only part of the time the latter part of the month due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as.we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 0 e4o- 4/4 C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Va4er Quai'ty )ectii n OCT 2 - 1987 Asheuiile- f`L'?�i?;1:7 Office ■■■�s����■s.■■per ran■■■■■i■■® �s ■■���i����■rrr■vim■�..`ri■■■■■i■■■e■ �� ©©©©©©®© ee�ee©e®©eee©©e _ - �■® - eeeeee©©■©e©©©©©©■0©ee��m - ®� eee©©©©©®©0e®©■em©©e©©©©� - ®® low. CASCADE POWER COMPANY v BREVARD, N. C. 28712 IER. JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 September 1, 1987 (704)884-9011 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of August 1987. As shown, we were on line only part of the time the first part of the month due to the water level and down completely the last part of the month for repairs. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE PO COMRAN 44�400 C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. �'�CiaiVED Vlater Quality Section -qSl Ashe+:ilie P,e Tonal OffiCg Asheville, North Carolina � / b b o©©©®�000mmmooe�®o©oemm®, . � . , �o©ovovoe�vovv©ovv �� ovvo�a �o ©©e�ovoe®ooe �= oe� -� -� � �- ova - © � �■� r �©ems©��e�©©e©o©©©©©©©©©©� �® ©©®®®�©©®©©�me©©©©©®©®©©©® � �� �®©©a®®®®©©®�©©�®©©®®©©®a � ��- ©©©©©�©®®®©®ooeoov©®a©v®© � ®o©o�o��®©©©©m©®�©®©®©© .. � � �. . �®®®®©©©ewe©©©©®©ems©®e©e��� � - �- - r� • ©wee©�r�©e®e ®®®©®©�©®®®�� - � �. s©©®©®oe�©e ®©e©®o©®�©�aci� - �e®©®©r�ee©�a©©tee®®m©®©e��� -- . �r� ©e®®®®®©e©©®®®ec�®©©©©©©© _, , ©eee©©e©tee©e©©©©®©®©©®©�� � �� ooe �-m��aer�®��������■����� ■�� ��mmm�mmm�■�■■m■mm���m�� : � �� ��eee�■ee�eee�e�e�e�ees�� �� �eeee�eee�ee��e���■■eeo�� �� ■�ee��eee��e��e■■e��ee��� ■�� �ee�e�eee�ee�oe�e�■■e��� _. r _s� �e�e�eee�eee�e�e�e�ee�� �� �eeoe�eee�ee��e�e�e�■e��m �� wee■o�eee�ee��e�e���ee��m �� �ee�e�eee■e���e�e�m�e��■ - �� ������������������������ _ �i ����������������■������■E� �� �N�o��e�ee��e��e�■®e��m ��_ 9UCNANAN - RR[VARO. N. G. T ` V U U � � / � y�` !/ / X � �C O � V. W. YII.RCLbIM CFi, JK. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 July 1, 1987 Mr. Roy M.-Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of June 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as .we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER � C%OMPA y C. W. Pick elsimer, Jr. FRFCEIV E D water Quality Section Jul_ 2 - 1987 Asheville Peg�iOnal Off;ce Asheville, North Cz"Oi:na 16 i tv �cw N -%* %%x cu 1 -� � � � � .!•1 -� � "�' -T a rr tw oi rk -14 IN vi all zi C. W. P K SIMER, JR. PRESID NT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 August 3, 1987 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.; BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of July 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. 1C, n;e i�. ,�cri;a C,�ina Y L4 O'-e ) , �l k �7 �J ' )y Iv 7 �1 %i 1 �tQy )'? ly 1Ll Z P p �i 9 'r f Z" ) 1. /- )7 L1 .Ci 9 Q .i t' J 74 r ;Gi /'i 1e /� ,�, �' h '✓ J r Y, �� N?v -S.zb Z17. 61 h ►� h ) h �) ) ) r . 1 y / h ,�� 7j If l f h I': /,�i h% � � 9 / �� M 7`7 . , V i�7 1, M }a �1 h M �l • � /7 h �-it-i?i I� �?' �f S/ )� 1-r) N .}v ►w h 1� t—� h iti y fj l �r �°i fj J� �✓ fj ZE -C g 8 15 e5 17 25 t l .O 5 41 z l2�� h �, �, 17 h W 'o' 9. NOW W d i lHJ/NOIX -7-1d 2/ ,� 9 s' � C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PR E T CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 June 1, 1987 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of May 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWE COMPANY �✓ , F� C. W. Pickelsimer, J . RECEi ED Water Quality Section ,-In, ? - 1987 Asheville Regiama; Office Asheville, Plcrth C krciina - . - ✓ /6d -- 2 3 516,1 7 :9 Ile ii /.2 I/I X 5 fz f- 6 7 8.9 is i/ Ze ATE XIDNIGNT G A.M, NOON 6 A 1 .. ry f b r� �, o o C� I7 ol Ole 6 o O a y 4r IF q I V q Ile (p q .. sr �s � 77 l 1 z l Z v H. { L-( L4 1•r ''Y '7( <'r y/ 17 ir W i r �r w 4/ 1-Y ti � � �1 d sl S� S� �' . a 9 oz o % 6 c 71QZz3 71 q 4/V q 4/ /4 4' M 4/ X w `t' �l S' .�3 7 7 5 ! 7 .1YJ 6 7 IF H 'q Sr .� 7 G 7 7 77 Z 7 g 84r / �`b"�' V. � p o � �� ��� � � z� ��� 7gD ifs" W14. 1;-ty R sr 4 /1 �( k Nr h, c a_ e 7 �� l Z i? 2 7 0 101 LO� K 9" � � H 1-Y L9 gA Ye o 3.2 ci7 .0 0 . Q l � k i ( Lt °t L-c .rO 3 0 6 G G d 5 b r� �( ,a j/ •{ A.{ u a( l Y .{ K w ' ( �I 'f .�� 1t 1� % BUCHANAN - SREVARD. H. C,_ / YI-r•t' y.., /-_ ��_ � .. .- /L•f 7. �.\ C. W. PICKELSIMER. JR. PRES ENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 May 1, 1987 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 (704) 884-8011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of April 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechani- cal outages or the water level. However, we continued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY Y C. W. Pickel imer, Jr. Enclosures - / -11 ;6, '1,- - - Xai 12 IX 5 1,� 1 0- 16 71 91.9 Id 1Z OW rf Af1,O NI 6Y7 G A. M. No 0 N 6 P, tws, /J 14 k •ac ly j4 ff N c r p At LL jo 7 W LC Gf H lk lk 1( A 14 A( .14 eqll 941 el.41 jL Lt efq If 6 6'( O(e z-( 7p N ly N W q 9 UA 7 7 5�116 w 1Y 1�b -6 a C3 J. -2- J-1 ZY J-f 117 1-4 c( q-, (3a7 -, q- 7g '3 �. o , j z F Tr 2 V � e .41 Al q I I --) Aj It c'A 1 'Ll Iz YO 1 4 ly Z3 q 'y jy 1/ U. 1( Rb 9 o b k �r tl ly tl 3 3 q14 If- OY� e jro 2 7 ii BUCHANAN - BREVARD. N. C z� CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD. N. C. 28712 C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 PRESIDENT April 1, 1987 (704) 884-9011 U/A Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of March 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to mechanical outages or the water level. However, we con- tinued to release water downstream as we are required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Enclosure Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY e e,✓Wve C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. 1'Ja er Qu2l;ty Section APR 2 -- -087 Oilice` Asheville, 11oith Carolina \13 4) "ZI Zk- KZ, c3 4 vh C3 S -,Z) Jr 74 1 V r K, W C. W. PICKELSIMER, JR. PRESIDENT CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 March 2, 1987 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: MAILING ADD, BOX 1137 (704) 884-9011 Enclosed is our generation record for the month of February 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except for days shown when we were down due to Duke Power Company outages. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY C. W.. Pickelsimer, Jr. Enclosure of t N 1. 7 ol bl n d 15 I)JAI A b 717 l -q 15 )E, 0 4 1-5 15 '15 (5� . r 1 % /� � 9.y � � � � %3 � � nos 77 f/;•� r? 1, � h �%� r'r� l � �� o/ � i� �5 i7 h /� ,5 � �5 6 � i5 ,fi i.� �� ��' /� h h � � .g � � 12 15 �'q �S �3 r� 1,5 y, �5 ;� �� vC �g a��l � 8� 5¢ ' / !s �.! �1 h L L- .� •L l✓ /� 1� �S ,/S �S f� !, ��� Q7 /7 '�c�I /� !l 11 /' �5 !N d 9 NOoN lN'd 9 1H9/N0/0 .71 e RY I/i o/ 6 8 £ CASCADE POWER COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. 28712 MAILING ADD.: BOX 1137 February 2, 1987 c704>884-90" Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 Re: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed is our generation record for the month of January 1987. As shown, we were on line each day during the month, except a few hours we were down for repairs required by Duke Power Company. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY �OZ*�7410710,100 C. W. Pickelsimer, Jr. Enclosure / 2 s 6 7 8 9 /a /i /z / X 5 1 If 61 7 8 9 /o 1Z ATE XlON/GNT G Am, NOON 6 P M. 7.3 77 7 7 f,2 7 9 7 g ell 6� 7® �T� �171 ���4 q 2 47 V V 33�.�5 0�3 05-2 �77 �� �� �� 4 �� S� y % /� !� • b 7 �// 1.9 u lei e u o�% c�(/ �/ �/ �l o �� c 7 �/ 3 /a� 25 D 1� a G° l Y l G I G �' '/ /�✓ 1( 14 !TF 7' l 4 Z 1-1.7 let �v s'�r�-,� �r'd��'� �sr�'��" �g� z/�Y 73l ? Z !/a 21 , 2 s' �7 Jro RCVARD. H. C/7/ C" 1 .J,J % �" o o ,` —.1—N] CASCADE POWER COMPANY' BnsVAno. N. C. 28712 MAILING xoo'BOX no, t,w0oa+yon January 2, ��O7 Mr. Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28803 R8: Monthly Generation Record Dear Mr, Davis: Enclosed is our g8DGrdtiOD record for the month of December 1986. As shown, we were OD line each day during the month. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CASCADE POWER COMPANY 'or Enclosure ID ' l V � Cal �ti K� � V V � � •(> V 7 � ``? �� V` '� y \yi , y S� `�l , (�� `� D i ��°��,��15�,`�`w�v.���w�.�a���wS.�S`� Jo��-moo• Fl a -'10:06 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.01/25 rof North Carolina ment of EnOronment, Health and Naturof Resources, Jcmes S, Hunt. Jr., GOvemOr ic)ncthcri L. How, es. SeQref0tY Steven J. Levilds, DePufY Secretary Division of., Environmental Management Water Quolity Section P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 FAX;(919) 733-9919 FAX TO: FAX NUMBER: FROM: V,-4eLf. PHONE: (919) 733-5083. NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS SHEET: y� Azae-., ep 3 An Equo! QpporiunnA*mQfive Acfion Employer LO:06 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.02f25 q4 5515 N. 19th Street Arlington, Virginia 22205 PAUL V.-NOLAN, sq.�J r" r Work: (703) 534-5509 OCT } 1� � L� Fax: (703) 538-5257 October 19,1994 Mr. George T. Everett Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Strcet Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 010r .4 1994 DIV OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGIfNf. DIRECTORS OFPCE ,,RE: Cascade Power Company Cascade Hydroelectric Project, Project No. 2541 Submission Of Preliminary Consultation Package -- Articles 401, 403 and 405 — And Request For Written Comments Dear Mr. Everett: By order dated August 15, 1994, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") issued to the Cascade Power Company ("Licensee") a subsequent license for the Cascade Project. Various license articles require the Licensee to consult with certain resource agencies ("consulting agencies") and to provide specified periods for comments and recommendations therefrom.. In addition, Licensee is to conduct a preliminary round of consultation with regard to some of the license articles with the consulting agencies. in this instance, Licensee is to conduct two rounds of consultation and afford the consulting agencies an opportunity to provide comments and recommendations as part of each consultation round. The license articles requiring consultation fall into three groups -- those requiring their submission in final form with FERC within three months of the license's issuance date; six months therefrom, and at various other times. These three groups of articles are reproduced as Appendix A. 10:06 FROM DEN WATER DUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.03/25 :liminary consultation package includes the two license articles requiring a final filing - months of the license's issuance date -- Articles 403 and 405, In addition., Article 401 has been included so that the consulting agencies may be informed of Licensee's compliance efforts to date with that article because it imposes a new mode of operation upon the project. Therefore, Licensee requests the consulting agencies, as appropriate, to provide written comments on the Preliminary Consultation Package for the above -referenced license articles by No_e 1a 1994. A copy of the package is reproduced as Appendix E. Site Visit. In order to facilitate consultation on these articles and others requiring agency consultation, Licensee intends to schedule a site visit and meeting with the consulting agencies on or about November 17, 1994. During this meeting the Licensee will also provide the consulting agencies with copies of its preliminary consultation package for the articles to be filed within six months of the license's issuance date and be prepared to discuss all remaining articles requiring consultation. Schedule and Intcrim Compliance Licensee has informed FERC of its concern regarding the schedule for compliance with Articles 403 and 405 as well as several other articles. Licensee has also informed FERC that it is complying with the license's requirements for minimum flow and run -of -river operation. However, as noted in the FERC order reproduced as Appendix C, License has petitioned FERC for relief from having to comply with specific operating requirements prior to FERC approval of the means for documenting compliance. Therefore, until FERC approves specific plans for monitoring and documenting performance, Licensee requests that the agencies include in their comments and recommendations any interim measures that they deem appropriate for Licensee to take that will address agency concerns with the project's anode of operation. Licensee has indicated to FERC that a revised schedule for compliance with several articles will be filed prior to the initial three month period from license issuance ending on November 15, 1994. The following schedule is anticipated: Articles Preliminary Comments Second Commets FERC Consultation $�gjyed Qnsultatlan $ ,ed on Three_Mos• 401 10/19 11/10 11/17 -11130 12117 -12/30 1110195 403 h R n R R R » 405 w RItR 1) h 402 11117 -11130 12117 -12/30 1/10195 2/10 2128 407 M X X R » » » 411 R X w » R R R 412 » » X X R » R 2 10:07 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO Preliminary Comments Second Comrnets QLuatmi2a Rmiied COnsultntim Received 301 A n/a 401' n/a n/a 4012 n/a n/a ARO FERC EMU 8115195 2/15/96 8115/96 P.O4/25 Apency Liaison D_esigynatign Licensee respectfully requests that each agency appoint a liaison offerer to whom all future communications and correspondence from Licensee shall be addressed. Licensee's DCftijafion Please address all correspondence and communications to the undersign at the address, phone and fax numbers indicated on the first page of this transmittal. Please call me should you have any questions with regard to this submission. Sincerely, Paul V. Nolan, Esq. encl.: Appendix A License Articles requiring agency consultation Appendix B Licensee's Preliminary Consultation Package Appendix C FERC order addressing license article compliance • documentation of mode of operations. cc: Mr_ Charles W. Pickelsimer, Jr. -- Cascade Power Company Mr. John Boaze -- Fish and Wildlife Associates 1 Determination of iicensce's ability to control impoundment levels. 2 Licensee to convert to instantaneous run -of river operation. 3 0:07 FROM DEM WATER DUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.05f25 Appendix A License Articles Requiring Agency Consultation 0:07 FROM DEM (WATER DUALITY SECTION TO ARE P.06i25 CASCADE POWER COMPANY FERC PROJECT NO. 2541 The following license articles require agency consultation -- Within 30 days: Artide40 . Within 30 days from the licensing date of this license, the licensee shall operate the project in a run -of -river mode for the protection of aquatic resources in the Little River. Upon conversion to run -of -river operation, the licensee shall undertake a study, to be completed within 18 months from the date of issuance of this license, to determine how closely the impoundment water level fluctuation can be controlled. Within 2 years from the date of issuance of this license, the licensee shall convert to instantaneous run -of -river operation from the interim run -of --river operation where outflow approximates inflow unless directed otherwise by the Commission based on results of the study. During the interim the licensee shall maintain the impoundment level within 6 inches of the dam spillway crest. The Licensee shall, at all times, act to minimize the fluctuation of the reservoir surface elevation by maintaining a discharge from the project so that, at any paint in time, flows, as measured immediately downstream from the project tailrace, approximate the sum of inflows to the project reservoir. Run -of -river operation may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the licensee, and for short periods upon mutual agreement among the licensee, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. If the flow is so modified, the licensee shall notify the Commission as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days after each such incident. Within 3 months: Article 403. Within 3 months from the issuance date of this license, the licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval, a plan for providing a water surface sensor (lake level recorder) and hard copy recorder necessary to record water surface elevation in the project impoundment, necessary to determine the run -of -river operation required by Article 401. The plan shall include, but not be, limited to, the fallowing: (1) detailed specifications of equipment to be provided; (2) a drawing showing the location of the equipment relative to project facilities; and (3) a schedule for implementing the plan. The licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the TJ.S_ Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and the Department of Environmental Management. The licensee shall include with 1 LO.08 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.07/25 wmentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations on the cornpitacu plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the plan with the Commission. If the licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall include the licensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require charges to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. Within 3 months: Article .4.05. Within 3 months from the issuance date of this license, the licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval, a plan to install, operate, and maintain a streamflow gage located in the bypass reach of the Little River below the Cascade Dam, to monitor compliance with the minimum flow releases required in Article 404. The plan shall include: (1) the location, design, and calibration of the streamflow gages; (2) a schedule for the 'installation of the streamflow gage; (3) a method of collecting flow data; and (4) a provision for providing the flow data to the consulted agencies. The licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to determine that the gage is: a) placed in an appropriate location, and b) calibrated prior to operation, after any repair, and annually thereafter. The licensee shall include with the plan documentation of consultation and copies of continents and recommendations on the completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the plan with the Commission. If the licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall include the licensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. The Commission reserves the right to require additional gaging if determined necessary in the future. 2 0:06 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.08i25 ionths: Article 402. Within 6 months from the issuance date of this license, the licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval, a plan for ensuring run -of -river flow continuation in the event the project goes off-line. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) methods and operational plans for ensuring continuation of run -or -river operation; (2) a description of any modifications to project facilities needed to implement the plan; and (3) a schedule for implementing the plan. The licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Management. The licensee shall include with the plan documentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations on the completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the plan with the Commission. If the licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall include the licensee's reasons, based on project specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval the licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. Within 6 months: ArticlC 407. Within 6 months from the issuance date of this license, the licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval, a plan to prevent future large-scale sediment releases into the bypass reach during periodic impoundment drawdown for maintenance or other related activities. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: (1) identifying methods for drawing down the impoundment without flushing sediment into the bypass reach; (2) identifying alternative ways of removing accumulated sediment; (3) identifying contingency plans and mitigative measures to protect aquatic resources in the event of an unavoidable sediment release. The licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and the Department of Environmental Management. The licensee shall include with the plan documentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations on the completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the 0:09 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.09i25 D. Commission, If the licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall ..._....,_ .___ _icensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission, Any future removal and disposal of accumulated sediment from the reservoir that may become necessary during the license term shall be carried out in accordance with the plan_ Within 6 months: Article 411. Within 6 months form the issuance date of this license, the licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval, a revised plan for maintaining visual resources at the shoreline of the Cascade Project. The plan shall include, at a minimum, the following: (1) maintenance of minimum -width, no tree -cutting zones around the impoundment; (2) careful planning of any timber clearing activities adjacent to the impoundment; (3) minimizing openings in shoreline vegetation where future recreational development is planned; (4) specific measures to revegetate, and protect from soil erosion and sedimentation, areas that may be impacted form future recreational development; (5) measures to screen adverse visual features such as storage buildings, parking areas, etc. that are or would be visible form the shoreline or impoundment; (6) periodic shoreline inspections and trash removal; and (7) an implementation schedule. The licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the U_S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. The licensee shall include with the plan documentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations on the completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the plan with the Commission. If the licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall include the licensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. 4 10:09 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.10/25 witnin o months: Article 412. Within 6 months from the issuance date of this license, the licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval a revised recreation plan for the Cascade Project. The plan shall include, at a minimum, the following: (1) a conceptual plan with drawings of a concrete surface ramp and six car parking areas at the existing Little River Camping Resort and boat launch, and provisions for keeping the launch open year round; (2) a conceptual plan for a picnic, 24-hour bank fishing and Gar top boat access area at the existing bank fishing area on the west side of the project impoundment; (3) an implementation schedule not to exceed one year form the date the plan is approved; (4) a discussion of who will operate and maintain the facilities; and (5) measures to ensure that public access to the project tailrace is not discouraged. The licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources_ The licensee shall include with the plan documentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations on the completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the plan with the Commission. If the licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall include the licensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The, Comrnission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. Within one year: Article 301. The licensee, within 1 year from the date of issuance of this license, shall prepare and submit to the Director, Office of Hydropower Licensing, a feasibility analysis of automating the project, taking into account the economic and environmental benefits of the automation on developmental and environmental resources. If the study shows automation to be economically feasible, the licensee shall simultaneously submit a plan and schedule for amending its license to automate the project. Q 0:09 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.11f25 ...�,......, months; Article 44.l. Within 30 days from the licensing data of this license, the licensee shall operate the project in a run -of -river mode for the protection of aquatic resources in the Little River. Upon conversion to run -of -river operation, the licensee shall undertake a study, to be completed within IS months from the date of issuance of this license, to determine how closely the impoundment water level fluctuation can be controlled. Within 2 years from the date of issuance of this license, the licensee shall convert to instantaneous run -of -river operation from the interim run -of -river operation where outflow approximates inflow unless directed otherwise by the Commission based on results of the study. During the interim, the licensee shall maintain the impoundment level within 6 inches of the dam spillway crest. The Licensee shall, at all times, act to minimize the fluctuation of the reservoir surface elevation by maintaining a discharge from the project so that, at any point in time, flows, as measured immediately downstream from the project tailrace, approximate the sum of inflows to the project reservoir. Run -of -river operation may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the licensee, and for short periods upon mutual agreement among the licensee, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. If the flow is so modified, the licensee shall notify the Commission as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days after each such incident. Within 2 years: Article 401. Within 30 days from the licensing data of this license, the licensee shall operate the project in a run -of -river mode for the protection of aquatic resources in the Little River. Upon conversion to run -of -river operation, the Iicensee shall undertake a study, to be completed within 18 months from the date of issuance of this license, to determine how closely the impoundment water level fluctuation can be controlled. Within 2 years from the date of issuance of this license, the licensee shall convert to instantaneous run -of -river operation from the interim run -of -aver operation where outflow approximates inflow unless directed otherwise by the Commission based on results of the study. During the interim, the licensee shall maintain the impoundment level within 6 inches of the dam spillway crest. The Licensee shall, at all times, act to minimize the fluctuation of the reservoir surface elevation by maintaining a discharge from the project so that, at any point in time, flows, as measured immediately downstream from the project tailrace, approximate the sum of inflows to the project reservoir. Run -of -river operation may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the licensee, and for short periods upon mutual agreement among the C. :10 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.12/25 North Carolina Division of Water Resources, and the North Carolina Wildlife ommission. If the flow is so modified, the licensee shall notify the Commission as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days after each such incident_ Within 4 years: Article 08, Within 4 years from the issuance date of this license, the licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval, a plan for monitoring the fishery resource in the project reservoir and bypass reach, the downstream of the project tailrace, to assess the effectiveness of the run -of -river operation and minimum flow release required in Articles 401 and 404. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: (1) an assessment of the fishery in Cascade Lake, the project bypass reach, and below the project tailrace; (2) an assessment of the aquatic habitat in the bypass reach; (3) provisions for recommending any changes in project operation and minimum flow release, if needed, to further protect aquatic resources; and (4) a schedule for beginning the study within 5 years from the issuance of this license and a schedule for completing and filing the study with the Commission. The licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and the Department of Environmental Management. The licensee shall include with the plan documentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations on the completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan_ The licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the plan with the Commission. If the licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall include the licensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. W .0:10 FROM DEM WATER QUALIT`r SECTION TO ARO P.13/25 Appendix B Licensee's Preliminary Consultation Package 10:10 FROM DEM WATER, QUALI1! '3EOTION TO CASCADE POWER COMPANY FERC PROJECT �qO. 2541 PRO P.14/25 Agency Consultation Summary. For each of the license articles discussed herein, the Following agencies are to be consulted by Licnsee: Articled(, North Carolina Division of Water Resources, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Article 403 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and the Department of Environmental Management Article 405. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina 'Division of Water Resources, and the North, Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission The following are the Licensee's actions and proposed plans to comply with license articles 401, 403, and 405. Run -of -River Operation Articie ol. Within 30 days from the licensing data of this license, the Licensee shall operate the project in a run -of -river mode for the protection of aquatic resources in the Little River. Upon conversion to run -of -river operation, the Licensee shall undertake a study, to be completed within 18 months from the slate of issuance of this license, to determine how closely the impoundment water level fluctuation can be controlled. Within 2 years from the date of issuance of this license, the Licensee shall convert to instantaneous run -of -river operation from the interim nun -of -river operation where outflow approximates inflow unless directed otherwise by the Commission based on results of the study. During the interim, the Licensee shall maintain the impoundment level within 6 inches of the dam spillway crest. 0:11 FROM DEM WATER QUALII, .D-ECTION TO ARO P.15/25 ,mentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations ,,,, µye completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The Licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to continent and to male recommendations prior to filing the plan with the Commission. if the Licensee does not adopt a recommendation.. the filing shall include the Licensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the Licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. Licensee's Act The Licensee proposes to install a sensor over, in, or on the reservoir to sense the reservoir level. This sensor will be connected to a recording device that will record the electrical signal from the sensor. The Licensee is developing technical specifications to install new controls in order to be able to comply with the new license article's requirements for monitoring and documentation of compliance. Ultimately, the water surface recorder must be integrated into this system in order for the controls to properly operate the turbines and generators. Pending completion of this work, the Licensee has identified four separate systems that may be used to sense the water level. These are presented in the Technical Specifications listed below. The recording device will be a paper chart recorder pending further control design work. If further design work on the control system indicates that installation of other equipment is warranted, the Licensee will notify the Commission and request approval of the alternate equipment. 1, Technical Specifications: I. Four separate types of systems have been identified that can be used to sense the water level. They arc: a. Ultrasonic sensor and transmitter. Fndress + Hauser Model Prosonic FMU 861. 3 0:11 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO ARO P.16/25 RF capacitance sensor and transmitter, Endress + Hauser Model LTC 1210. C. Water Pressure Transducer. GP:50 Model 311-D-PL-2-GM/CZ. d. Cable extension position transducer. Celesco Model PT9420. II. The initial "hard copy recorder" is expected to be a paper chart recorder that will record the 4 to 20 ma signal from the transducer/transmitter. For example, a R.ustrac D.C. Signal Recorder Model- 28$. '�, Following further work on the control system design, another recorder, likely a digital recorder, will be selected that can provide level data on a disk in an ASCII format. 2. Drawing of Equipment Location: Enclosed is a drawing of the approximate equipment location The sensor will be installed on the reservoir side of the dam near the northwest side. This is the side of the dam nearest the road. The recorder will be located in a control box neat' the sensor or, if possible, in the power house. 3. Implementation Schedule: The equipment will be ordered within 4 weeks of receipt of an order approving the plan. Delivery of the equipment will take approximately 6 weeks. The installation is expected to take from 2 to 3 weeks. Consequently, the recorder should be installed and operational within 12 to 13 weeks of approval of this plan. If the Commission makes changes to this plan without prior consultation with the Licensee, it may take longer than this time depending upon the changes. Streamflow Gaging Article 405, Within 3 months from the issuance date of this license, the Licensee shall file with the Commission, for approval, a plan to install, operate, and maintain a streamflow gage located in the bypass reach of the Little River below the Cascade Darn, to monitor compliance with the minimum flow releases required in Article 404. \ The plan shall include: (1) the location, design, and calibration of the ' streamflow gages; (2) a schedule for the installation of the streamflow gage; (3) a method of collecting flow data; and. (4) a provision for providing the flow data to the consulted agencies. 4 LO:12 FROM DEM WATER QUALIT`i' SECTION TO ARO P.17/25 The Licensee shall prepare the plan after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to determine that the gage is: a) placed in an appropriate location, and b) calibrated prior to operation, after any repair, and annually thereafter. The Licensee shall include with the plan documentation of consultation and copies of comments and recommendations on the completed plan after it has been prepared and provided to the agencies, and specific descriptions of how the agencies' comments are accommodated by the plan. The Licensee shall allow a minimum of 30 days for the agencies to comment and to make recommendations prior to filing the plats with the Commission. ff the Licensee does not adopt a recommendation, the filing shall include the Licensee's reasons, based on project -specific information. The Commission reserves the right to require changes to the plan. Upon Commission approval, the Licensee shall implement the plan, including any changes required by the Commission. The Commission reserves the right to require additional gaging if determined necessary in the future. Licensee's Agtig ss The Licensee has previously engaged Mr. John Boaze of Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc., to examine the bypass reach to locate a stream ,gaging station. Mr. Boaze has informed Licensee of his previous determination that there is no suitable location between the dam and the tailrace where a stream gage can be located with any assurance that the gage will render accurate readings. Mr. Boaze has also informed Licensee that a similar conclusion was tentatively reached by Mr. Steve Reed of the NCDHNR, Water Resources Division. However, Mr. Boaze has -indicated that there is a possibility that gaging could be accomplished near the dam's foot, but a further site visit would be necessary. Due to the apparent difficulty of locating a suitable gaging site that is accessable to Licensee and fishery resources staff, and which is not subject to constant adjustment due to accom.odate changes in the transect, Licensee intends to request that this article be deleted (or modified as appropriate to accomodate specific anodes for minimum flow releases — discussed below). Specifically, Licensee believes that the goal of this article, verification of niinitnum flow compliance, can be accomplished with the need to gage the bypass reach. 5 0:12 FROM DEN WATER OUALIi', :SECTION TO ARO P.16/25 noted, the purpose of this article is to "to monitor compliance with the minimum ses required in Article 404". The license proposes to show that the minimum release required by article 404, 10 cfs, is always in the bypass reach by devising a system of release that will ensure that the minimum flow is also made, even when a "default" condition occurs. The Licensee has developed five possible alternatives. They are; 1) releases through the sluice gate at the base of the dam; 2) releases through a wye off the penstock as it exits the dam; 3) a separate pipe from the reservoir around or over (e.g. siphon) the dam; 4) releases through a fixed weir in the spillway crest; and 5) releases through a movable weir in the spillway crest which would be electronically/mechanically controlled based upon the reservoir elevation. Alternative 4, releasing the minimum flow via a fixed weir in the spillway crest, is not favored by the Licensee because of the inability to limit the release when the reservoir is above the minimum allowable impoundment level. With present equipment, the project could not maintain the minimum release to just 10.0 cfs unless the reservoir's level could be controlled to very narrow tolerances (e.g. 0.05 feet). Since it is not possible to control the reservoir elevation to the narrow tolerances required to maintain 10.0 to 10.5 cfs, much more than 10 cfs would typically be released.I Alternative 5, releasing the minimum flow via a movable weir which would be electronically controlled based upon the reservoir elevation, is also not favored by the Licensee because of the associated costs for purchases and installation and continuing i/ For example, since the minimum release must be met at all times, it must be met when the reservoir is at the lowest allowable elevation, i.e. 6 inches below the spillway. However, when the reservoir is at the crest of the spillway there is an additional 6 inches of head over the weir. This additional head typically would result in a release of 18 cfs: Consequently, the average release through the weir would be approximately 1.5 times the required release_ The power from this additional £low is 5 cfs x 100 feet x 75% efficiency + 11.83 or 31.7 kw. Over 40% of the year, the normal time of the year the project will not be spilling, this is I 11,000 kilowatt-hours annually. At 50/kWu this is worth $ 5,600 per year. This then would be, the annual lost revenue in the early years from a system of releasing the minimum now from a fixed weir system. 6 0 : 13 FROM DEM I.0ATER QUAL i , _,ECT I ON TO ice cost of the weir and control system required to implement it. ARO P.19/25 The Licensee found the other three alternatives technically feasible with lower cost. These alternatives avoid the release of additional minimum flow, and the consequent environmental losses' and the loss of revenue. In addition, these alternatives are effectively insensitive to the normal variation in reservoir levels. All of them can also be calibrated to assure 10 cfs and avoid the need for a stream gage in the bypass reach. The computation of the minimum flow through a low level outlet is rased upon the equation Q=CA(✓2gH) where Q is the flow in cfs, C is the discharge coefficient, A is the area of the outlet in square feet, g is 32.2, and H is the head at the outlet in, feet. The following discussion presents the flow computations for a release from the Penstock alternative 2. It also presents a sensitivity analysis of the increase in flows from the reservoir level changes due to normal operation. The spillway invert with flash boards is set at elevation 2223.$ feet. The penstock invert is 2198.0 feet. Thus the gross head is 25.8 feet. According to article 401 the maximum allowable draw down is 0.5 feet. Consequently, the minimum head on the minimum release wye with 0.5 feet head, loss between the reservoir and wye is 24.8 feet. With a circular outlet diameter of 7.48 inches, a discharge coefficient of 0.82, and a head of 24.8 feet the discharge is 10.0 cfs. The following table presents the flow releases from the wye as a function of head. E MIN. FLOW CFS10.3 10.2 25.3 10.1 z/ The environmental losses would include incrcases in oxides of sulfur and nitrogen by about 0.72 to 1. I5 tons and 0.32 to 0.52 tons, respectively, based upon 8 nliniMum flow of 15.6 cfs as presented in the Cascade EA (see page 26). 7 0:13 FROM DEM DATER QUALi- :SECTION TO ARO P.20/25 head with the reservoir at the spillway is 25.3 feet. This elevation results in a iiiu1111JU LL flow. 1Q.1 Lo . All reservoir levels above the spillway wi11 have more than the minimum flow via release from the minimum release wye and water over the spillway. Consequently, as long as the reservoir is at or above elevation 2223.3 feet, MSL as required by article 401, the minimum flow is released. This can be documented by the "hard copy recorder" of the reservoir elevation required by article 403, which should result in some savings with regard to purchases and future O&M costs associated with recording equipment and compliance related documentation. The major advantage of releasing the minimum flow at a level well below the reservoir elevation is that as the head decreases to the lowest allowable level the minimum release is met. As reservoir elevation increases, the increase in minimum flow is small, thus conserving the available water for power generation. Releases through a fined weir at the spillway crest have the marked disadvantage that, to maintain the minimum flow at the lower level of the allowable reservoir elevation, substantial addition releases occur when the reservoir is at the normal elevation. Consequently, the necessity to release the minimum flow at the lower elevation causes much larger releases that are not properly available for power generation. The Licensee proposes to further investigate which of the three alternatives is the most practical and cost effective following receipt of comments on this proposal from the consulted regulatory agencies. This arrangement means that the bypass stream gage required in article 405 is not necessary. Consequently, the Licensee intends to request that this article be deleted or modified. The Licensee proposes to install the selected alternative in the spring or early summer of 1995 once the flow recedes from the spillway and the plant can be shut down as need for installation.' 3/ The facility spills flow over the spillway approximately 60 percent of the year. During normal winters and springs, flow is passed over the spillway nearly 100 percent of the time. Not until the spring flows recede below the capacity of the plant can some of the work necessary for this installation be F. Paul V. Nolan,., Esq. 28 DES 6219 N. 19th Street Arlington, VA 22205 �R9� Mr. George T. Everett Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental:. -Management 512 North Salisbury Street. - Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION 3125 PRESIDENTIAL PARKWAY - SUITE 300- . ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30340 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE 5300 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Environmental Management and Recreation Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 err ^ L` MALTY U.S.pQS AGI - - JUN 3' IVATE JSE 5300 i —ry 3h1 ETeR ^ •`•� L t��c III III ffllif ftI it till